Data Trawler - Projects

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IdNamePrincipal Investigator(s)SpanDescriptionShort Name
2233 [view] "Cook" hydrological survey 1959 1959
19 [view] "Courageous" fish surveys, 1978-1979 1978 to 1979 Courageous fish surveys, Australia late 1970s
18 [view] "Courageous" jack mackerel surveys, 1975-1978 1975 to 1978 Courageous jack mackerel surveys, Australia late 1970s
2232 [view] "Derwent Hunter" oceanographic studies, south-east Australian waters 1961-1962 1961 to 1962 FRV Derwent Hunter was engaged in longlining and trolling for Tuna in south-east Australian waters between latitudes 30 - 44 deg S. Samples to 100m were taken for temperature, salinity and oxygen at fishing stations, and surface samples taken between these stations, and on passage to and from these fishing areas. Taken from 1961-2 Annual Report, CSIRO. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography, Cronulla.
14 [view] David Rochford "Derwent Hunter" oceanographic surveys 1955-1957 1955 to 1957 Oceanographic surveys, Australian region late 1950s - Derwent Hunter
11 [view] "Derwent Hunter" shark tagging and deep-sea fishing, Tasmania, 1950-1955 1950 to 1955 Derwent Hunter fishery surveys, Tasmania 1950s
24 [view] "Derwent Hunter", "Queenborough" and "Quickmatch" oceanographic studies, Coral and Tasman Seas, 1956-1959 1956 to 1959 Oceanographic surveys, E Australian region late 1950s - Derwent Hunter, Queenborough, Quickmatch
30 [view] "Diamantina" and "Gascoyne" oceanographic surveys, Indian Ocean/Western Australia/GAB, 1959-1965 (+1979) 1959 to 1979 Oceanographic surveys, W Australia late 1950s-60s
28 [view] "Diamantina" western rock lobster research cruises, Western Australia, 1963-1973 1963 to 1973 Western Rock Lobster research cruises, WA 1960s-70s
2235 [view] "Flinders" surveys, Western Australia, 1969-1970 1969 to 1970 Hydrological sampling and western crayfish research in the Dongara - Jurien Bay area off Western Australia.
10 [view] "Gahleru" pearl shell surveys, Thursday Island, 1951-1962 1951 to 1962 Pearl shell surveys, Thursday Island 1950s-60s
31 [view] "Gascoyne" oceanographic surveys, Eastern Australia/Tasman Sea/Pacific Ocean, 1960-1965 1960 to 1965 Oceanographic surveys, E Australian region 1960
23 [view] "H.C. Dannevig" trawl fish survey & oceanographic studies, NSW coast, 1948 1948 to 1948 H.C. Dannevig fishery surveys, NSW late 1940s
17 [view] "Islander VI" Gulf of Carpentaria oceanographic survey, 1970-1971 1970 to 1971 Gulf of Carpentaria oceanographic survey early 1970s
22 [view] "Isobel" fisheries surveys, Western Australia, 1945-1948 1945 to 1948 Fishery surveys, Western Australia late 1940s
5 [view] Maurice Blackburn "Liawenee"and "Derwent Hunter" fishery surveys, SE Australia 1948-1955 1948 to 1955 Liawenee & Derwent Hunter fishery surveys, SE Australia, late 40s-50s
6 [view] Jack Thompson "Marelda" coastal/estuarine fishery surveys, Dunwich (Moreton Bay), late 1940s-early 50s 1949 Marelda fishery surveys, Moreton Bay 1940s-50s
35 [view] "Soela" fish surveys, 1980s 1980
13 [view] Graham Chittleborough, T. J. Golding, G. R. Cresswell "Sprightly" Ocean circulation and Western Rock Lobster larva 1973 - 1976 1973 to 1976 A multidisciplinary programme off the west coast of Australia designed to study the biology of the western rock lobster larvae Panulirus Longipes cygnus and monitor the environment in which they are found. The environmental studies concentrated on a small area of the shelf and near-shelf waters between Perth and Geraldton. Ocean circulation and Western Rock Lobster research cruises, WA early 1970s
26 [view] "Stanley Fowler", "Derwent Hunter", "Marelda" tuna surveys, Australian East coast, 1950-1960s 1950 to 1965 Tuna surveys, E Australia early 1950s-60s - Stanley Fowler
7 [view] "Warreen" and "Stanley Fowler" pelagic fish surveys, Western and Northern Australia, late 1940s-early 50s 1946 to 1951 Warreen & Stanley Fowler pelagic fish surveys, W and N Australia, late 1940s-50s
4 [view] Dominic Serventy, Maurice Blackburn "Warreen" pelagic fish surveys, 1938-1942 1938 to 1942 Warreen pelagic fish surveys, late 30s-early 40s
2166 [view] Rodrigo Bustamante (2004/05 Southern Surveyor Voyage) Trawling, Benthic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Indicators: Towards a Spatial Management System 2004 to 2005 This research project is in the national interest. It will develop ecosystem approaches to understand ecosystem functioning and the productivity of the Northern Prawn Fishery. The approach will also be used to contribute to the develop of a whole-ecosystem management and conservation approach for the NPF. The knowledge will be of direct benefit to managers of the fishery (Australian Fish Management Authority), the National Ocean Office and the Department of Environment and Heritage. The information will also have implications for managers of other input controlled fisheries in Australia. 04/05 SS Voyage: Trawling, Benthic Biodiv & Ecosys Indicators
1297 [view] Bronte Tilbrook 14C Extraction Line 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 14C Extraction Line
1805 [view] Roland Pitcher 2003 Relative Abundance Survey and Assessment of the Torres Strait Lobster 2003 to 2004 2003 Relative Abundance Survey TS Lobste
2360 [view] Rudy Kloser 2006 Eastern Zone orange roughy acoustic survey 2006 to 2008
1731 [view] Geoff Tuck A Comprehensive study of the ecological impacts of the worldwide pelagic longline industry 2001 to 2004 Ecological impacts pelagic longline
1629 [view] John Gunn A Pilot study to examine the potential for using pop-up satellite transmitting archival tags (PAT's) to examine the migrations and behaviour of adult Southern Bluefin Tuna 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Pop-up satellite transmitting archival tags (PAT's) for SBT behaviour and migration studies
1808 [view] David Griffin A Relocatable nowcast/forecast system using ROMS & Assimilation in East Australian waters 2003 to 2004 Relocatable nowcast/forecast sys ROMS -
557 [view] Ron Thresher A comparison of otolith microchemistry and genetic techniques for evaluation of the stock structure of the jackass morwong (FIRDC project no. 91/32) 1991-1992 1991 to 1992 Stock structure of jackass morwong studies
547 [view] William Dall A comparison of techniques for the induction of maturation, viable spawning and cryopreservation of eggs and larvae of Australian penaeid prawn species with aquaculture potential (FIRDC project no. 89/50) 1989-1992 1989 to 1992 Peneid prawn egg & larval studies
2480 [view] Lynnath Beckley A coupled bio-physical, ecosystem-scale, examination of Australia’s International Indian Ocean Expedition line 2019 This multi-disciplinary voyage will study the coupling of physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes in the pelagic ecosystem of the SE Indian Ocean along the 110oE line at stations originally occupied by Australia during the first International Indian Ocean Expedition in 1962/63. This voyage is part of Australia’s contribution to the second International Indian Ocean Expedition (2015-2020). The objectives of this voyage are: 1) Quantification of multi-decadal, ecosystem-scale change from the 1960s benchmark in the physical, chemical and biological properties of the water column along 110oE; 2) Characterization of the physical and biological sources of nitrogen to the region and their impacts on regional biogeochemistry and ecology; 3) Determination of trophic relationships between nitrogen-fuelled primary production and zooplankton, including the larvae of mesopelagic fishes; 4) Relating field information on phytoplankton community composition, primary production and carbon export to bio-optical quantities derivable from satellite ocean colour radiometry.
571 [view] A desktop evaluation of the application of towed-body LIDAR to biomass assessment of demersal fish stocks (FRDC project no. 93/?) 1993-1995 1993 to 1995 LIDAR assessment
509 [view] J.G.H. Maxwell A field guide to trawl fish from the temperate waters of Australia (FIRTA project no. 81/13) 1981-1983 1981 to 1983 Trawl Fishes Guide - Australian temperate waters
1853 [view] Alistair Hobday A habitat model and monitoring - based system to support decisions on SBT restricted access areas 2003 to 2003 A habitat model and monitoring SBT
548 [view] Peter Last A modification of the current species coding system for Australian fisheries data (FIRDC project no. 90/105) 1990-1992 1990 to 1992 Species coding of Australian fishes
582 [view] Bob Ward A preliminary assessment of the genetic population structure of Asterias amurensis in Tasmania (FRDC project no. 93/246) 1993-1994 1993 to 1994 Genetic population structure of Asterias amurensis in Tasmania
2102 [view] Shane Griffiths A preliminary investigation of food web linkages and biology of pelagic fishes in northern Australia: Phase 2 2004 to 2005 Food web linkages & Queenfish - GRI247
1261 [view] John Stevens A review of Australia's pelagic shark resources (FRDC project no. 98/107) 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Australian pelagic shark resources
1753 [view] Tim Davis A review of Indonesia's Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries 2002 to 2003 Indonesia's Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries
1885 [view] Yimin Ye A scoping study of the development of a new catch sharing model between Australia and PNG for the Torres Strait rock lobster fishery 2003 to 2004 Catch Sharing Model for TS Rock Lobs
1192 [view] Barry Bruce A synthesis of existing data on the early life history of southern Australian finfish 1998 to 2003 A synthesis of existing data-early life
531 [view] John Reid A system for the computer display of real time ocean wave conditions off the West coast of Tasmania (FIRTA project no. 86/85) 1986-1989 1986 to 1989 Computer display of real time ocean wave conditions, W. coast of Tasmania
1926 [view] John Volkman A whole-of-ecosystem assessment of environmental issues for salmonid aquaculture 2004 to 2008 Whole-of-ecosystem assess of enviro issues
2267 [view] Tony Hirst ACCSP - AGO WfO Model Simulation & Analysis Tasman Sea Warming - O'Farrell milestone 2.24 CSIRO MK3.5 model simulations (Hirst) Milestone 2.31 2005 to 2006
2258 [view] Bronte Tilbrook ACCSP - Air-Sea Carbon Exchange (1.6) 2005 to 2006
2353 [view] Richard Matear ACCSP - Assessing the Risk of Australian Waters to Ocean Acidification (1.4) 2007 to 2008
2259 [view] Bernadette Sloyan ACCSP - Climate Scenario Development (1.25) 2005 to 2006
2305 [view] Bernadette Sloyan ACCSP - Climate Scenario Development (4.4) 2006 to 2007
2309 [view] Trevor McDougall ACCSP - Eddy Transport Parameterisation (2.1c) - ACCESS 2006 to 2007
2300 [view] Susan Wijffels ACCSP - Indo-Pacific & Argo Floats (1.1 & 1.2) 2006 to 2007
2255 [view] Susan Wijffels ACCSP - Indo-Pacific and Argo Floats (1.2 & 1.3) 2005 to 2006
2308 [view] Trevor McDougall ACCSP - Inferring Diapycnal Mixing Distribution (1.3b) 2006 to 2007
2280 [view] Tony Hirst ACCSP - Model Simulation (2.6a) 2006 to 2007
2261 [view] Richard Matear ACCSP - Ocean Biogeochemical Model (2.12) 2005 to 2006
2303 [view] Richard Matear ACCSP - Ocean Biogeochemical Model (2.5) 2006 to 2007
2362 [view] Bronte Tilbrook ACCSP - Ocean Carbon Cycles 2007 to 2008
2301 [view] Bronte Tilbrook ACCSP - Ocean Carbon Cycles (1.4) 2006 to 2007
2257 [view] Bronte Tilbrook ACCSP - Ocean Carbon Cycles (1.5) 2005 to 2006
2354 [view] Susan Wijffels ACCSP - Regional Ocean Processes and Change: Bringing new observations to model validation (1.3) 2007 to 2008
2260 [view] John Church ACCSP - Sea Level Projections 2005 to 2006
2302 [view] John Church ACCSP - Sea Level Projections (1.6) 2006 to 2007
2306 [view] Steve Rintoul ACCSP - Southern Ocean Climate Processes (1.3a) 2006 to 2007
2256 [view] Steve Rintoul ACCSP - Southern Ocean Climate Processes (1.4) 2005 to 2006
2262 [view] Trevor McDougall ACCSP - Southern Ocean Models (2.13) 2005 to 2006
2307 [view] Wenju Cai ACCSP - Using models, including IPCC simulations, to improve understanding of, and confidence in, simulation of climate mean state and variability, especially in the Indian-Pacific region, and in key modelled features of climate change in the Australian region. (1.15) 2006 to 2007
2288 [view] Tony Hirst ACCSP - WfO Ocean/Sea Ice/Coupling (2.1a) - ACCESS 2006 to 2007
2268 [view] Wenju Cai ACCSP WfO Simulated Impact Indo Pacific - Milestone 2.2 2005 to 2006
1026 [view] Kevin Williams ACIAR Grouper 1999 to 2003
1493 [view] Neil Loneragan ACIAR Mangrove 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 ACIAR Mangrove
1843 [view] Steve Rintoul ACVC Climate Project (short term) 2003 to 2004 ACVC Climate Project
1416 [view] Wade Whitelaw AFZ observer program 1992-1998 1992 to 1998 AFZ observer program
2146 [view] Michael Raupach AGO Contract to generation of a MODIS 250m NDVI times-series of Australia from the EOC-CLW/BRS/CRCGA MODIS Cluster 2004 to 2004 CONTRACT YET TO BE SIGNED CONTRACT AMOUNT $101966.00 DO NOT ENTER VALUE UNTIL SIGNED AS WE DO NOT WANT TO OVERSTATE WIP AGO MODIS 250M NDVI Times Series of Australia
2050 [view] Yingping Wang AGO Lo-Flo Upgrade 2003 to 2004
2061 [view] Penny Whetton AGO Miscellaneous Impacts Projects Combined at activity level : AGO Water, AGO reveg and AGO Adaptation 2003 to 2005 AGO Impacts Projects
2227 [view] Paul Holper AGO NGRP 2004 to 2005
1980 [view] Paul Holper AGO NGRP 2002 to 2005
2145 [view] Paul Holper AGO Support for Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2004 to 2007 AGO IPCC Travel Support
2062 [view] Penny Whetton AGO regional climate change projections and extremes 2003 to 2005 was gb90A AGO - Projection and Extremes
2038 [view] Roger Jones AGO-Assessment Of Economic Impacts Of Climate Change 2003 to 2005
2034 [view] Tony Hirst AGSP - C&W Modelling 2003 to 2005 Only Activities C,E & F are WfO Flagship theme1.
2106 [view] Hal Gordon AGSP - WfO Model Dev & Evaluation 2003 to 2005
2501 [view] Robyn Schofield AIR-BOX integration and calibration 2019 The integration and calibration of the AIR-BOX (a containerised laboratory which houses aerosol atmospheric monitoring instruments), guest instruments in the aerosol laboratory and air chemistry laboratories, as well as optical instruments located on deck 5, will occur during this voyage. This is in preparation for the upcoming voyage IN2019_V06, during which the AIR-BOX will be utilised in conjunction with RV Investigator’s aerosol laboratory and air chemistry laboratory to continuously collect comprehensive atmospheric chemistry and aerosol measurements. PI Schofield will coordinate with the AIR-BOX consortium to conduct atmospheric biogenic air measurements, aerosol composition, aerosol profile and oxidative capacity measurements to understand the emissions and processing of sulphur and halocarbons from the ocean in this region. Trace-gas and aerosol observations near the Great Barrier Reef will be made continuously throughout this transit voyage. Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) sampling will also occur in conjunction with the AIR-BOX measurements. The CPR will be deployed during the longer legs of the transit (i.e. between CPR deployments and mapping surveys). CPR deployments will also be scheduled around the deployments of other towed equipment (e.g. SVPs). One cassette can be used to sample plankton on tows of up to 450 nm. Where the cassette is towed for <450 nm (i.e. the vessel is required to stop for a CTD deployment or to conduct survey mapping work), the CPR will be retrieved and potentially redeployed, following suitable protocols to indicate the start and end of each deployment. The CPR sampling will occur in conjunction with measurements of atmospheric halocarbons and DMS. Establishing the plankton community composition will be advantageous to understanding what plankton species are associated with high atmospheric concentrations.
2089 [view] Peter Nichols AMIRA P768 Improving Heap Leaching: Phase 2 2004 to 2006
1333 [view] George Cresswell AMSAT Consultancy 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 AMSAT Consultancy
1833 [view] David Griffin ANMDG Pilot Project - A Decade of SST Satellite Data 2002 to 2004 Decade of SST Satellite Data
1056 [view] Dick Martin AQIS - Ability to Target Organisms to survive in Ballast Water 1998-2001 1998 to 2001 Ability to Target Organisms to survive in Ballast Water
1076 [view] Chad Hewitt AQIS - Ballast Water Risk Assessment - 1997 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 AQIS - Ballast Water Risk Assessment
1077 [view] Dick Martin AQIS - Ballast Water Sampling & Testing 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 AQIS - Ballast Water Sampling & Testing
2109 [view] Russ Babcock ARC Discovery Project 2004 to 2005 The ARC project that has funded Vanderklift's postdoctoral fellowship at Edith Cowan Uni. is a highly complimentary fit with core SRFME goals (understanding of ecological interactions and trophic linkages) and is already underway in two areas that have also been chosen as key SRFME field sites (Jurien Bay and Marmion Lagoon). The project will provide inputs to overall understanding of ecosystem function, including quantitative estimates of key parameters for input to models. This relatively seamless fit of the project into SRFME has the net result of broadening the scope of SRFME as well as adding depth to the existing trophic studies component. This benefit has been subsidised to the tune of around 1 yrs salary by the ARC postdoc that Vanderklift brings with him.
1936 [view] Susan Wijffels ARC Network - The ARC Earth System Science Network 2004 to 2007 ARC Network
1951 [view] Alan Butler ARC Network: Discovering the past and present to shape the future 2004 to 2007 ARC Network
2425 [view] Denise Hardesty, Kathy Townsend ARC-Marine debris and turtles linkage grant Identifying the risks and assessing the impacts of marine debris on sea turtles in Australian waters HAR
2424 [view] Denise Hardesty ARC-Marine debris and turtles linkage grant Identifying the risks and assessing the impacts of marine debris on sea turtles in Australian waters HAR
2394 [view] Susan Wijffels ARGO Australia 1999 CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research is the operator for Argo Australia. This firstly involves purchase, pre-deployment preparation and deployment of the floats, by engineers and technicians. Once floats have been deployed, the data transmissions are decoded and quality controlled in near real-time and the data sent to Global Data Centres (GDACs) within 24 hours. Final "delayed mode" quality control is carried out some months later, under the direction of the lead scientist, to provide the highest possible quality data to the community.
2623 [view] Gabriela Semolini Pilo ARGO float deployment 2023 to 2023 The Array for Real-Time Geostrophic Oceanography (ARGO) program is a collaboration of scientific institutions around the world, and includes an Australian contribution led by the CSIRO. Given the lifespan of ~3-5 years for each deployed float, the objective on this voyage is to deploy additional floats in strategic areas of the Southern Ocean to maintain geographic coverage of the data array. ARGO floats will be deployed on an opportunistic basis, when weather and other voyage activities are not impacted. Estimated drop coordinates are:

Float #1: 43.5oS, 142.3oE

Float #2: 42.6oS, 143.5oE

Or at these longitudes, along the ship’s track. The MNF has agreed to deploy 2 standard ARGO float(s) at predetermined waypoints.

2634 [view] Christina Schallenberg ARGO ‘SOCCOM’ Floats 2024 Proposed Work: Deploy up to 3x ‘SOCCOM’ style ARGO floats during the transit between Fremantle and Hobart if time is available onboard.
1169 [view] Trevor Ward ASIC Biodiversity 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 ASIC Biodiversity
1712 [view] AUROREX - investigation of Australian shelf and oceanic boundary currents. 1982 to 1982 Circumnavigate Australia to gather baseline hydrographic data for the investigation of boundary currents of the shelf and oceanic boundaries, east and west. AUROREX
1005 [view] Nick Elliott Abalone 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Abalone
533 [view] Tony Koslow Abundance, distribution, movements and population dynamics of orange roughy in southeast Australian waters (FIRTA project no. 87/129) 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 orange roughy in southeast Australian waters
1586 [view] Barry Bruce Acoustic Listening MIE 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Acoustic Listening
2361 [view] Tim Ryan Acoustic Survey Blue Grenadier 2008 2008 to 2009 CMR is developing strategies and methods towards ecosystem based methods of fisheries management. This involves development of both modelling and observation tools including development of scientific acoustic observation methods for fisheries that are being transfered to fishing vessels. In 2002 industry funded a pilot study to assess the potential for applying acoustic methods to the blue grenadier fishery. This was followed by a three year FRDC funded project "Blue grenadier acoustic observation system based on industry vessels". This project proposes to apply the methods developed during the FRDC project to collect and analyse the industry based survey data. Our involvement is part of a transition process where the uptake of our methods will enable the blue grenadier industry to take responsibility for the organisation and execution of regular low-cost monitoring of their stocks as part of the ongoing sustainable management of the fishery.
1314 [view] Andrew Forbes Acoustic Thermometry 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Acoustic Thermometry
1199 [view] Rudy Kloser Acoustic assessment of abundance of orange roughy in the Chatham Rise 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Acoustic survey of orange roughy in the Chatham Rise
2512 [view] Rudy Kloser Acoustic estimates of zooplankton and fish distribution 2017 The voyage objective is to map the top 1000m of the water column for micronekton organisms (small fish, crustaceans, gelatinous and squids of ~2-20 cm in length) at the SOTS site using the PLAOS acoustic optical system. Commonly nets, optic and acoustic samplers are used to determine the taxonomy, size, biomass, trophic linkage and energetics of zooplankton and micronekton. Each of these sampling methods have bias and uncertainty that need to be quantified prior to attributing changes within and between regions. In particular for the gelatinous community that covers a wide range of taxonomic and energetic groups that are difficult to sample with nets. To improve vessel mounted acoustic and net sampling methods of macro-zooplankton and micronekton a new profiling multi-frequency acoustic optical system has been developed with the ultimate aim of it being used as a remote sampling tool. On this voyage we will be testing the next phase of a profiling lagrangian acoustic and optical probe (PLAOS) to sample these organisms to depths of 1000 m. These tests will involve detailed sampling of the repeatability of the measurements when varying lighting, using new broadband acoustic sensors and a new buoyancy engine to enable the system to do repeat profiles. Development of this methodology and technology will significantly advance our knowledge of micronekton biomass and distribution and provide the necessary structure and function understanding for the development of carbon and ecosystem models of the open ocean linking to the ACE CRC carbon program as well as the MESOPP ecosystem program.
2638 [view] Ben Scoulding Acoustic survey of basket eel on Patience seamount in Huon AMP and ecological and carbon sequestration role of zooplankton in the Southern Ocean 2024 We seek to carry a planned camera and acoustic survey of Patience Seamount within the ‘Huon’ Marine Park (Huon MP) south of Tasmania, lead remotely by scientists not onboard. The Huon MP has been identified as the only known location of a spawning aggregation of the basketwork eel, Diastobranchus capensis – a globally distributed and ecologically important deep-sea species. In the austral autumn, the spawning aggregation is large and likely the regional-scale spatial anchor for the species. As such it represents a key natural value in Australia – one with a hypothesised trajectory of ‘improving status’ following decades long impact from bottom trawling before the Huon MP was established. The spatial concentration of eels in the aggregation (~2-3 km2) and their high acoustic reflectivity are highly attractive characteristics that will enable the aggregation to be measured quantitatively with a hydroacoustic sensor (echosounder) and with very little further extractive sampling. As stated by Williams et al., (2021) “Monitoring the aggregation’s status, and validating seasonal spawning, provide important opportunities to examine conservation-led recovery in the deep sea as part of Australia’s new national strategy of Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Improvement (MERI) for conservation values within marine parks.”.
2506 [view] Rudy Kloser Acoustic zooplankton and fish 2018 1. With vessel stationary, deploy PLAOS acoustic-optical profiling device to 1000m depth, 2 times per night for up to 5 nights. Each cast takes ~1.5 hours. Protocols have been developed for the PLAOS operations on previous trials and operational voyages. The deployments need to commence at night at least 1 hour after sunset and finish at least 1 hours before sunrise. Deploy the PLAOS during the day for 1 -2 casts to characterise the vertical flux of organisms to assist with zooplankton grazing experiments. 2.Operate the ships underway bio-acoustic sensors during the voyage to characterise the epipelagic and mesopelagic scattering (IMOS bioacoustics). Trials of broadband acoustics from the vessels transducers and CTD casts to 1000 m will also be done on an opportunistic basis. Test the reduction in noise on the acoustic systems from previous voyage recommendations. 3.Capture key zooplankton/micronekton organisms using a single wire ISAAC Kid (or RMT25) trawl towed obliquely to 600 m depth and a 1 m surface net for species identification, isotope and acoustic reflectance studies. Three to five night time tows and two day time tows are envisaged (~3 hrs per operation).
2340 [view] Scott Condie Adaptive coastal governance for resilient inshore ecosystems (CERF Significant Projects Proposals) 2007 to 2010
2176 [view] Jeffrey Dambacher Adaptive frameworks for Australian fishery observer programs: effort allocation and tools for decision support 2005 to 2008 This project fits within the guidelines stated for the Sustainable Fisheries priority research area. The collection and analysis of observer data plays an integral role in the provision of data to fisheries research and improved scientific advice to fisheries stakeholders and managers. The project focuses on tuna & billfish fisheries and will be directed at the Australian domestic fishery (ETBF) and to a key client AFMA. P - Adaptive frameworks for fishery observer programs
2625 [view] Katherina Petrou Adding the Sub-Antarctic to an oceanic latitudinal study of diatom silica production rates 2023 The primary goal of this project is to obtain species-specific estimates of silica production within mixed natural phytoplankton communities from distinct latitudinal regions of the ocean to better understand rates of silica production as a function of community composition and temperature. By obtaining upper and lower rates for communities and individual species within the community, we can start to gain a clearer and more precise picture of the ecological and biogeochemical role of diatoms in Australian waters. Therefore, there are two specific aims of this project: 1) To determine bulk rates of silicification in phytoplankton communities from latitudinally distinct bioregions (from tropics to sub-polar). 2) To evaluate species-specific silicification to identify the heavy weights in the community. To date, data has been collected from the all four east coast NRS sites (Yongala, North Stradbroke Island, Port Hacking, and Maria Island. By including the SOTS site in our study, we can extend our latitudinal gradient to 47°S and thus temperature range from 6-30°C to include the Sub-Antarctic, which would provide invaluable information to the data set, as diatoms are a key component of cold-water communities and ocean warming will likely start to impact these cooler regions more rapidly. With this information, we can start to build a more complete picture of silicon cycling in regionally distinct oceanographic waters of Australia.
1093 [view] Alan Butler Adelaide Coastal Waters Study 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Adelaide Coastal Waters Study
53 [view] Adult Prawn Diets 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Adult Prawn Diets
173 [view] Burke Hill Adult Prawn Ecology Project 1983-1990 1983 to 1990 Adult Prawn Ecology
2007 [view] Paul Fraser Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment -AGAGE Massachusetts Institute of Technology Subaward Agreement no-5710001511 Feb 1 2003--Dec 31 2007 2003 to 2007 MIT/AGAGE-Subaward
1558 [view] Kevin Williams Advancing the hatchery propagation of rock lobsters 2000 to 2003 Advancing the hatchery propagation of ro
504 [view] Garth Murphy Aerial survey/biological study of south-eastern pelagic resources (FIRTA project no. 74/??) 1974-1978 1974 to 1978 Aerial survey & biological study of south-eastern pelagic resources
1596 [view] Tim Davis Age and growth of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, from the eastern and western AFZ 2000/100 2000 to 2004 Age and growth of bigeye tuna
1724 [view] Jock Young Age and growth of broadbill swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from Australian waters 2001 to 2005 Age and growth of broadbill swordfish
545 [view] Ron Thresher Age determination and assessment of variation in length-at-age of large southern bluefin tuna by means of analysis of otolith and vertebral chemical composition (FIRDC project no. 89/30) 1989-1991 1989 to 1991 Age determination of large southern bluefin tuna
1417 [view] John Gunn Age distribution of mature southern bluefin tuna on the NE Indian Ocean 1991-1998 1991 to 1998 Age distribution of mature southern bluefin tuna on the NE Indian Ocean
2013 [view] Bill Physick Air Quality Modelling & Dispersion Management 2003 to 2010 PHYSICK-MANAGEMENT
1972 [view] Bill Physick Air Quality and Health 2002 to 2005
2003 [view] Peter Manins Air Quality monitoring , modelling, forecasting consultancy projects 2003 to 2005 Assessing impacts arising from Worsleys refinery air emissions increased contract by $10040.40 in reference to consultancy as per inv. 314528-004 Deputy Chief-Research (Consultancies)
1298 [view] Richard Matear Air Sea Isotopic & Biochemical Modelling 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Air Sea Isotopic & Biochemical Modelling
2085 [view] Bill Physick Air quality impacts of distributed energy generation 2004 to 2005 Fit: The environmental impact of energy use continues to be the subject of intense government, indutry and community debate in most western countries. While in past years this cofus has been on the pollutants SO2, Nox and fine aprticles as well a the regional impact of acid deposition and ozone formation, during the past decade attention has focussed increasingly on greenhouse gas emissions..... impact: To improve and maintain local and regional air quality from the potential increase in DE, it is crucial to assess the impact of emissions for various implementation scenarios. This project will significantly remove uncertainty over the global, regional and local air quality impacts of distributed generation. ....
1986 [view] Fred Prata Airborn Hazards DetectionTechnolgies 2002 to 2017 AHDT
2045 [view] Jennifer Powell Alfred Hospital 2003 to 2005
2024 [view] Susan Blackburn Algal Collection Management - 2003-04 to 2005-06 2003 to 2006 Algal Collection Management
190 [view] Shirley Jeffrey Algal Physiology Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Algal Physiology
2009 [view] Ross Mitchell An assessment of the impact of smoke and cloud from biomass burning on the atmospheric energy budget and regional convection in the top end of Australia. 2003 to 2005 Darwin ARCS
562 [view] Ron Thresher An ichthyoplankton based analysis of the spawning distribution and stock structure of temperate Australian finfish species (FRDC project no. 92/019) 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 Ichthyoplankton project
1369 [view] Tom Polacheck An integrated analysis of growth rates of southern bluefin tuna for use in estimating the catch at age matrix in the stock assessment (FRDC project no. 1999/104) 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Growth rates of southern bluefin tuna
2103 [view] Yimin Ye An integrated monitoring program for the NPF: assessing the design and developing techniques to incorporate survey results into fishery assessment 2004-05 2004 to 2005 Integrated monitoring NPF 04-05 - YE 005
529 [view] Peter Jernakoff An investigation of the habitat requirements of the post-puerulus stocks of the western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus (FIRTA project no. 86/83) 1986-1989 1986 to 1989 Habitat Requirements of post-puerulus western rock lobster
1370 [view] Robert Campbell Analysis fine scale longline Yellowfin Tuna catch & effort Data 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Analysis of fine scale longline Yellowfin Tuna catch & effort Data
1566 [view] David Griffin Analysis of Catch Rates in the SE Fishery 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Analysis of Catch Rates in the SE Fishery
1372 [view] Robert Campbell Analysis of Historical Game-Fishing Data - R98/0099 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Analysis of Historical Game-Fishing Data - R98/0099
1006 [view] Bob Ward Analysis of Performance of Rainbow Trout Lines in Relationship to Microsatellite Markers 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Rainbow Trout Lines and Microsatellite Markers
536 [view] John Stevens Analysis of Taiwanese gill-net data (FIRTA project no. 87/19) 1987-1989 1987 to 1989 Analysis of Taiwanese gill-net data
1371 [view] Tom Polacheck Analysis of fine scale SBT longline catch & effort data (1996) 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Analysis of fine scale southern bluefin tuna longline catch & effort data (1996)
1168 [view] Ron Thresher Analysis of stock structure of Orange Roughy 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Stock structure of Orange Roughy
1373 [view] Robert Campbell Analysis of the Catch and Effort Data Pertaining to the Japanese Tuna Fleets Operating within the Western and Central Pacific 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Analysis of the Catch and Effort Data from Japanese Tuna Fleets
2129 [view] Brian Taylor Anecdotal information collection about NPF bycatch, habitat and environment, and commercial trawling 2004 to 2005 The ides for this project was originally discussed at the by-catch monitoring project forum where anecdotal information about by-catch was being collected from commercial operators. It was acknowledged that industry holds a vast knowledge base extending far beyond by-catch issues and that we should explore the possibility of diversifying the process of documenting this knowledge. Discussions with several other CSIRO project staff then took place and a decision was made to apply for funding to allow this anecdotal information to be collected and documented. The collection and documentation of historical and current anecdotal information (observation and interpretation) from commercial NPF operators will not only provide an insight into the fishery from a different perspective, but will also provide a description of some aspects of the NPF which would be expensive to collect through normal research projects. Some of the information collected will provide CSIRO with ideas and knowledge to help plan new projects and to supplement other research data collection. It will provide an indocation of whether results are universal or localised and will assist our understanding of the effect of some of the management measures implemented over the life of the fishery, including those instigated from CSIRO research. Anecdotal information collection - NPF
1455 [view] Roland Pitcher Annual lobster survey [tropical rock lobster] 1996-2001 1996 to 2001 Annual lobster survey
1592 [view] Roland Pitcher Annual lobster survey year 2000 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Annual lobster survey year 2000
2577 [view] Alix Post Antarctic Bottom Water production in the past: Records from marine sediments, Cape Darnley, East Antarctica 2023 CANYONS
998 [view] Antarctic CRC Projects - N. Bindoff, B. Tilbrook 1992 . Antarctic CRC Projects
1812 [view] Steve Rintoul Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre ACE CRC 2003 to 2010 Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC
1113 [view] Andy Revill Antarctic Tip Remediation 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Antarctic Tip Remediation
1293 [view] Ros Watson Antares 4 - Ammonium Measurements 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Antares 4 - Ammonium Measurements
1095 [view] Alan Butler Apache Energy Ltd - GIS 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Apache Energy Ltd - GIS
2063 [view] Michael Borgas Application of Meteorology and CSS in Pest Management 2003 to 2005 Pest Mgmt with Plume Modelling
1553 [view] Nigel Preston Application of foam fractionation in Prawn Aquaculture 2001-2001 2001 to 2001 Foam fractionation in Prawn Aquaculture
1012 [view] Nick Elliott Application of molecular genetics to the Australian abalone fisheries: Forensic protocols for species identification and blacklip stock structure 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Species identification and blacklip abalone stock structure
511 [view] Applications of satellite real-time sea surface temperature data to the tuna, salmon and pilchard fisheries (FIRTA project no. 81/56) 1981-1985 1981 to 1985 SST data application to tuna, salmon and pilchard fisheries
186 [view] Chris Crossland Applied Environmental Studies Project 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 This project included two subprojects, Seagrass Restoration and creation, and Consulting Group on Environmental Issues. Activities of the latter included a survey of heavy metals in Bass Strait, near Burnie in Tasmania, and provision of environmental advice to external clients. Applied Environmental Studies
1981 [view] Carl Meyer Appropriation Regional Sources & Sinks 2002 to 2005 Urban Inventory Experiment
199 [view] Ian McLeod Aquaculture GIS 1993-2000 1993 to 2000 Aquaculture GIS
1688 [view] Ian McLeod Aquaculture GIS 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Aquaculture GIS
1907 [view] David Smith Aquaculture Nutrition subprogram: Development of value-added plant protein products for the aquaculture feeds sector 2004 to 2006 Aquaculture Nutrition subprogram
1027 [view] David Smith Aquaculture diet development- Nutrient requirements 1996 to 2003 Aquaculture diet development- Nutrients
2163 [view] Nigel Preston Aquaculture site selection - Newtedco 2004 to 2004
2206 [view] Nigel Preston Aquaculture site selection planning in Eastern Indonesia 2005 to 2005 The objective of this project is to provide scientific information necessary for the sustainable and profitable development of aquaculture industries in Indonesia. This objective is consitent with the broad aims of CMR's aquaculture research. The consultancy will also provide an opportunity to explore the potential for other areas of aquaculture R & D of mutual interest to CMR, CSIRO and the Indonesian Government. Aquaculture site selection - Eastern Indonesia
1049 [view] Nigel Preston Aquasmart 1999 to 2002
1418 [view] Naomi Clear Archival Hard Part Collection, A Basis for Routine Ageing of Tuna and Billfish 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Archival Hard Part Collection - Tuna and Billfish
1809 [view] Clive Stanley Archival Hard Parts: A Basis for Routine Ageing of Tuna and Billfish 2003-04 2003 to 2004 Archival Hard Part Collection - 2003-04
1862 [view] Clive Stanley Archival Hard Parts: A Basis for Routine Ageing of Tuna and Billfish 2004-05 2004 to 2005 Archival Hard Part Collection - 2004-05
1691 [view] Clive Stanley Archival hard part collection, a basis for routine ageing of tuna and billfish - 2000-01 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Archival hard part collection - tuna and billfish - 2000-01
1751 [view] Clive Stanley Archival hard parts A basis for routine ageing of tuna and billfish - 2002-03 2002 to 2003 Archival Hard Part Collection - 2002-03
2545 [view] Rebecca Cowley Argo Float deployment 2020 Nine Argo floats are to be deployed during the voyage Argo floats 2020
2533 [view] Ann Thresher, Craig Hanstein Argo float deployments 2016 ARGO floats to be deployed during transit. ARGO Floats
1573 [view] Steve Blaber Artisanal Shark and Ray fisheries in East Indonesia: Their socio economic and fishery characteristics and relationship to Australian resources 2001 to 2004 Artisanal Shark and Ray in Eastern Indon
1861 [view] Steve Blaber Artisanal shark & ray fisheries in Indonesia: their socioecomic and fishery characteristics and relationship to Australian resources - Phase 2. 2003 to 2005 Artisanal shark & ray fisheries
1906 [view] David Milton Assessing the impact of fishing mortality on sea snakes in Australia's northern prawn fisheries - Northern Prawn Fishery and Queensland east coast 2004 to 2007 Impact of Fishing Mortality on Sea Snakes
1881 [view] Geoff Tuck Assessing the potential impacts of fishing on the Lord Howe Island population of flesh-footed shearwaters 2004 to 2005 Assessing Impacts of Fishing on Lord Howe Island
1522 [view] Tony Smith Assessment and Management of the Southeast Trawl Fishery 1988-1990 1988 to 1990 Assessment and Management of the Southeast Trawl Fishery
1619 [view] David Brewer Assessment and improvements of BRDs and 2000 to 2004 Assessment and improvements of BRDs and
1422 [view] Rudy Kloser Assessment of acoustics as a research tool to determine distribution biomass & behaviour of southern bluefin tuna 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Acoustics as a research tool for southern bluefin tuna
1744 [view] John Stevens Assessment of blue shark population status in the western South Pacific 2002 to 2003 Assessment of blue shark population
2509 [view] Monika Bryce Assessment of marine biodiversity as part of determining long-term recovery of trawled communities on the NWS 2017 The WA Museum and Museum of Victoria will assist our project by helping to sort and identify sponges, soft corals and echinoderms and they will take voucher samples of biota for the museum collections which will provide a legacy benefit of this work.
2619 [view] Leonie Suter Assessment of marine biodiversity in the Southern Ocean using environmental DNA 2023
1078 [view] Dick Martin Assessment of the Spread of the Introduced Green Macroalga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides on Australian Shores 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Spread of the Introduced Green Macroalga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides
590 [view] Assessment of the impact of environmental factors and new technology on the northern prawn fishery (FRDC project no. 94/128) 1994-1996 1994 to 1996 Impact of environmental factors and new technology on the northern prawn fishery
1699 [view] Robert Campbell Assessment of the tuna and billfish resources within the Western AFZ and support for the development of an operating model for the tuna and billfish fisheries within the AFZ 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Tuna and billfish resources within the Western AFZ
1918 [view] Nic Bax Asterias Control Plan 2004 to 2005
2382 [view] David Etheridge Atmospheric Composition from Ice Cores CMAR Ice Core Collection and related datasets Ice Cores
2218 [view] Peter Fearns Atmospheric Correction of Hyperspectral Data 2005 to 2008 There is increasing interest from State agencies in remotely sensing and monitoring marine and coastal regions. This project will deliver atmsopheric correction applicable to High resolution satellite and aircraft data over coastal zones. These data are important for monitoring and managing marine parks and reserves.
2633 [view] Alain Protat, Ruhi Humphries, Mallet Marc Atmospheric Sampling & BoM Equipment
2532 [view] Melita Keywood Atmospheric underway measurements 2016 The scientific objective of this work is to investigate the chemical composition,size distribution, optical properties and cloud nucleating properties of marine aerosol over the southern hemisphere with the aim of quantifying regional contributions of aerosols to radiative forcing. There is currently very large uncertainty associated with the direct, semi-direct and indirect effect of aerosols on radiative forcing. A key feature in this regard is the influence on cloud properties of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), the very small atmospheric aerosol particles necessary for the nucleation of every single cloud droplet. A recent analysis of the 35-year CCN concentration record at Cape challenges the current accepted wisdom of the role of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) on CCN formation over the Southern Ocean. In particular, it appears that DMS oxidation is only significant during the summer months at Cape Grim, and in fact other sources and processes dominate throughout the rest of the year (Gras pers com). That other sources and processes may be significant in CCN production and modulation has also recently been suggested in a review of the CLAW hypothesis. The identity of these sources remains an open question.
2521 [view] Melita Keywood Atmospheric underway measurements 2016 The scientific objective of this work is to investigate the chemical composition, size distribution, optical properties and cloud nucleating properties of marine aerosol over the southern hemisphere with the aim of quantifying regional contributions of aerosols to radiative forcing. There is currently very large uncertainty associated with the direct, semi-direct and indirect effect of aerosols on radiative forcing. A key feature in this regard is the influence on cloud properties of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), the very small atmospheric aerosol particles necessary for the nucleation of every single cloud droplet. A recent analysis of the 35-year CCN concentration record at Cape Grim challenges the current accepted wisdom of the role of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) on CCN formation over the Southern Ocean. In particular, it appears that DMS oxidation is only significant during the summer months at Cape Grim, and in fact other sources and processes dominate throughout the rest of the year (Gras pers com). That other sources and processes may be significant in CCN production and modulation has also recently been suggested in a review of the CLAW hypothesis. The identity of these sources remains an open question. The work proposed here will be a positive step in addressing this question. Instrumentation will run continuously in the Aerosol and Air Chemistry Labs whilst underway with no special requirements with regards to the vessel’s course or speed. On board work will involve the daily checking of instruments within the two labs and the storing of filter samples in the walk-in freezer. In addition measurements will be taken at sea using hand held instruments outside on deck during good weather conditions.
2526 [view] Tom Trull Aus-India Bio-Argo Float deployments 2016 Two bio-optical floats will be deployed along the early portion of the transit in the vicinity of the Subtropical front. In conjunction with a CTD/LADCP to 2000 m, a bio-optical sensor cast, and a TRIAXUS tow.
2615 [view] Stuart Edwards, Kim Picard AusSeabed - data products from MNF and other CSIRO voyages 2018 to 2030 - ongoing AusSeabed is a collaborative national seabed mapping initiative that is central to the Australian seabed information ecosystem. It was established in 2018 and focuses on delivering freely accessible seabed mapping data and coordinating efforts to map the gaps across the Australian maritime region of responsibility. This project is the contribution of L2 and L3 data products from the CSIRO NCMI Geophysical, Survey and Mapping (GSM) group using data from RV Investigator, RV Southern Surveyor and shallow water surveys.
1149 [view] Stephen Walker Ausprobe deployment and data analysis 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Ausprobe deployment and data analysis
2162 [view] Michael Raupach Aust aerosol characteristics (ARC+UNSW) 2004 to 2005 Unallocated budget - Aust aerosol characteristics (ARC+UNSW)
1332 [view] Gary Meyers Australia - France Collaboration TOGA/WOCE 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Australia - France Collaboration TOGA/WOCE
2187 [view] Michael Raupach Australia Water Availability Project: estimating soil moisture and water balance by model-data synthesis and direct interpretation of remotely sensed data 2004 to 2006 Australian Water Availability Project
1299 [view] Bronte Tilbrook Australia-France Collaboration 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Australia-France Collaboration
1300 [view] Richard Matear Australia-France Scientific Collaboration. Modelling Silicon & Nitrogen 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Australia-France Scientific Collaboration. Modelling Silicon & Nitrogen
999 [view] Australian Antarctic Division Research - various 1990 .
2617 [view] Steve Rintoul, Esmee van Wijk Australian Antarctic Program Partnership (AAPP) Ice Floats 2023 AAPP floats
1096 [view] Alan Butler Australian Coastal Habitat Mapping Project 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Australian Coastal Habitat Mapping Project
2064 [view] Ian Galbally Australian Greenhoiuse Emmissions Information System - Quantitative Estimates of Uncertainty 2004 to 2005 AGEIS Uncertainty Analysis
1939 [view] Susan Wijffels Australian Greenhouse Science Program - AGSP - Indo-Pacific and Argo Float Analysis 2004 to 2006 AGSP - Indo-Pacific & Argo Float
2124 [view] Bronte Tilbrook Australian Greenhouse Science Program - Carbon Dynamics of the Tasman and Coral Seas - TIL027 2004 to 2006 AGSP -Carbon Dynamics T&C Seas -TIL027
1942 [view] Steve Rintoul Australian Greenhouse Science Program - Climate Scenarios Development 2004 to 2006 AGSP - Climate Scenarios Dev
1940 [view] Richard Matear Australian Greenhouse Science Program - Ocean Biogeochemical Model 2004 to 2006 AGSP - Ocean Biogeochemical Model
1944 [view] Bronte Tilbrook Australian Greenhouse Science Program - Ocean Carbon Cycle & Feedback 2004 to 2006 AGSP - Ocean Carbon Cycle
1945 [view] John Church Australian Greenhouse Science Program - Sea Level Projections 2004 to 2006 AGSP - Sea Level Projections
1943 [view] Steve Rintoul Australian Greenhouse Science Program - Southern Ocean 2004 to 2006 AGSP - Southern Ocean
1941 [view] Trevor McDougall Australian Greenhouse Science Program - Southern Ocean in Models 2004 to 2006 AGSP - Southern Ocean in Models
1835 [view] Steve Rintoul Australian Greenhouse Science Program 2003/04 2003 to 2004 Aust Greenhouse Program 2003/04 (AGO)
2529 [view] AHO Australian Hydrographic Office 2016 A 24 hour hydrographic survey east of Flinders Island of an area around an unconfirmed sounding named “Minnie Carmichael rock” will be conducted for the Australian Hydrographic Service.
2483 [view] Jodie Vandekamp Australian Microbiome Initiative sampling and filtration 2019 The Australian Microbiome (AM) Initiative is a continental-scale, collaborative project aspiring to characterise the diversity and ecosystem service provision of the microorganisms inhabiting natural Australian ecosystems. The mission of the AM Initiative is to develop a comprehensive, publicly-accessible database of microbial diversity across a geographically expansive and diverse range of Australian terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In terms of pelagic ecosystems, the Project aims to make these observations at long-term temporal scales (IMOS NRS; repeated voyage transects) and large spatial scales (voyages). The data provide a crucial spatial and temporal scaffold for understanding Australian marine microbiology which in turn underpins long term observations on the status and trends of oceanic health, biogeochemistry and primary productivity. Details on the AM Initiative can be found here: scientific objectives of the AM Initiative are to expand our existing spatial coverage of voyage samples for genomics analysis from the oceans surrounding Australia. For IN2019_V07, the primary objective was to trial/demonstrate the ability to incorporate this type of water filtering for genomics samples on a more routine basis utilising the existing capability on board the Investigator.
1840 [view] Peter Last Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC) - 2003-04 to 2005-06 2003 to 2006 Australian National Fish Collection
2376 [view] Tom Trull, Anya Waite Australian National Network in Marine Science (ANNMS): T.Trull (UTAS) The Australian National Network in Marine Science is collaboration between James Cook University, The University of Tasmania and The University of Western Australia. Student training in ship-based marine science was performed on the MNF. ANNMS : T. Trull (UTAS)
1159 [view] Peter Craig Australian North West Shelf Ocean Bottom boundary layer project 1996-2001 1996 to 2001 Australian North West Shelf Ocean Bottom boundary layer project
1890 [view] Gary Meyers Australian Seasonal Rainfall Prediction from the POAMA Coupled Model 2004 to 2007 Rainfall Prediction POAMA Model
569 [view] Denis Abbott Australian fisheries research publications database (FRDC project no. 92/090) 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 Australian fisheries publications database
2572 [view] Joanne Whittaker Australia’s Southern Tectonic Margin: Understanding how Australia and Antarctica broke up 2021
2489 [view] Tom Trull, Peter Strutton BGC Argo floats 2019 to 2022 Biogeochemical-Argo is the extension of the Argo array of profiling floats to include floats that are equipped with biogeochemical sensors for pH, oxygen, nitrate, chlorophyll, suspended particles, and downwelling irradiance.. Newly developed sensors now allow profiling floats to also observe biogeochemical properties with sufficient accuracy for climate studies. This extension of Argo will enable an observing system that can determine the seasonal to decadal-scale variability in biological productivity, the supply of essential plant nutrients from deepwaters to the sunlit surface layer, ocean acidification, hypoxia, and ocean uptake of CO2. Biogeochemical-Argo will drive a transformative shift in our ability to observe and predict the effects of climate change on ocean metabolism, carbon uptake, and living marine resource management. The Australian contribution to global Biogeochemical-Argo is coordinated through the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) Indian Ocean Bio-Argo project and the IMOS Argo-Australia facility. BGC Argo
2587 [view] Tom Trull, Steve Rintoul BGC and Standard Argo float deployments 2021 BCG (Tom Trull) and Standard (Steve Rintoul) Argo float deployments Argo floats
1171 [view] Alan Butler BIORAP Application - GBRMPA 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 BIORAP Application - GBRMPA
1127 [view] John Parslow BR & MBWMS ERP Review (ph 1) and RWQM modelling review 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 BR & MBWMS ERP Review (ph 1) and RWQM modelling review
1128 [view] John Parslow BR & MBWMS Water Quality module 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 BR & MBWMS Water Quality module
528 [view] Shirley Jeffrey Bacteria-free (axenic) microalgae for improved production of larval and juvenile bivalves (FIRTA project no. 86/81) 1986-1989 1986 to 1989 Microalgae for Bivalve Production
1922 [view] Keith Hayes Ballast Water DSS Service Level Agreement - Part II 2004 to 2006
1908 [view] Peter Rothlisberg Banana prawn variation at Weipa: a comprehensive regional study 2004 to 2005 Banana Prawn Variation at Weipa
1479 [view] Steve Blaber Bangladesh- Hilsa Fishery 1995-2000 1995 to 2000 Bangladesh - Hilsa Fishery
2269 [view] Bob Ward Barcoding Australia's Fishes 2006 to 2009
42 [view] Peter Nichols Bass Strait Interdisciplinary Study 1991 1991 to 1991
43 [view] John Middleton Bass Strait LF Circulation Study (UNSW) 1991 1991 to 1991
44 [view] John Middleton Bass Strait LF Circulation Study (UNSW) 1991 1991 to 1991
1711 [view] Barry Scott Bass Strait Study 1980 1980 to 1980 To survey seasonal physical, chemical and Biological properties in Bass Strait
1125 [view] John Hunter Basslink Development across Bass Strait 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Basslink Development across Bass Strait
2583 [view] Cath Samson Bathymetric and seafloor survey of the Huon Australian Marine Park, Southern Tasmania 2020 The shelf and upper shelf slope of the Huon Australian Marine Park of south-east Tasmania is listed as a national priority area for seabed survey by the Parks Australia. AusSeabed has a compilation of seabed mapping priorities by Government entities as well as an agreed set of overall government priorities. Priority is given to areas where: -more bathymetric data are required for safe navigation -there is a known pressure and baseline data are required to provide information to support an environmental assessment and monitoring -there is resource competition, and baseline environmental data are required to support better understanding of surrounding issues -data are urgently required to support policy and government decisions. Agencies ranked their priority areas 1, 2 and 3 based on urgency of the need for the data and the impact of the data. Parks Australia has ranked the shelf area of the Huon AMP as Priority 1.
1153 [view] Chris Sherwood Battelle Contract 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Battelle Contract
1735 [view] Roland Pitcher Benchmark Abundance Survey and Assessment of the Torres Strait lobster stock 2001 to 2004 Benchmark Abundance Survey and Assessmen
1457 [view] Roland Pitcher Benthic Ecology, Biodiversity and Dynamics 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Benthic Ecology, Biodiversity and Dynamics
1992 [view] Russ Babcock Benthic Respirometer (Coastal Ecosystems Project) 2002 to 2005 Benthic Respirometer
1750 [view] Keith Sainsbury Best Practice Reference Points for Fisheries 2001 to 2004 Best Practice Reference Points for Fishe
1559 [view] Peter Nichols Betatene - Seasonal study of samples for oil content (and % lipids); %non- polar vrs polar lipid; fatty acid profile etc. 2001-2001 2001 to 2001 Betatene - Seasonal study
1883 [view] Peter McIntosh Better long-lead seasonal and crop forecasts for Southern Australia 2003 to 2006 Long-Lead Seasonal & Crop Forecasts
2517 [view] Nick Hardman-Mountford Bio Argo float deployment in the Great Australian Bight 2017 Our objective is to deploy two (2) Bio-Argo profiling floats and two (2) Argo floats to provide autonomous measurements of bio-optical and biogeochemical properties of the GAB for improving satellite remote sensing estimates of productivity and characterising the biogeochemistry of the region.
1673 [view] David McDonald Bio Economics 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Bio Economics
1170 [view] Trevor Ward Bio-indicators ANZECC Water Quality Guidelines Review 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 ANZECC Water Quality Guidelines Review
2448 [view] Nick Hardman-Mountford Bio-optical properties of the Coral Sea from robotic profiling floats (Nick Hardman-Mountford) 2016 Our objective is to characterize bio-optical and associated biogeochemical properties along the transect from optical sensors profiled at CTD stations, and deployed on autonomous profiling floats (biogeochemical Argo). Sensors will measure: fluorometry, absorption, backscattering, attenuation, radiometry, oxygen, pH, temperature, salinity, nutrients. These sensor measurements will be supported by samples taken from water bottles on CTD casts (pigments, CDOM, phytoplankton absorption, suspended particles, nutrients, oxygen, carbon, salinity) to be used for context, validation and/or calibration.
2504 [view] Rudy Kloser Bioacoustic experiments 2018 Acquire bioacoustics data on orange roughy aggregations from seamounts that will be surveyed with camera tows, and sound absorption experiments at 38 kHz using a suspended glass spheres whilst the vessel is stationary.
1003 [view] Susan Blackburn Bioactive Molecular Initiative (CEO special project) 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Bioactive Molecular Initiative
1542 [view] Alan Butler Biodiversity and Conservation 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 . Biodiversity and Conservation
2574 [view] Tim O'Hara Biodiversity assessment of Australia’s Indian Ocean Territories 2021
2053 [view] Tom Beer Biofuels Investigations- $80K allocated to division from Energy Futures Theme. Tom Beer 2003 to 2005 Low emission electricity and transport futures
2519 [view] Karen Wild-Allen Biogeochemical and optical properties of the Coral Sea and Queensland shelf 2016 Objectives 1.To collect high resolution biogeochemical observations for validation of the 4km and 1km near real time eReefs models ( 2.To get modellers in the field to better understand methods and issues associated with modernmethods of data collection 3.To collect in situ optical data for the NASA CORAL project which is operating a very high resolution airborne hyperspectral sensor along selected transects in the GBR.
1294 [view] John Parslow Biogeochemistry - CCRP 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Biogeochemistry - CCRP
1295 [view] Denis Mackey Biogeochemistry 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Biogeochemistry
1660 [view] Denis Mackey Biogeochemistry 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Biogeochemistry
1109 [view] John Volkman Biogeochemistry of Coastal Environments 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Biogeochemistry of Coastal Environments
1661 [view] John Volkman Biogeochemistry of Coastal Environments 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Biogeochemistry of Coastal Environments
2193 [view] Peter Last Biogeography, Taxonomy and Database of Australasian Fishes 2004 to 2007 This proposal is a continuation of strategic research/work by the taxonomy group and includes the following tasks. It also focuses on developing tools to improve baseline data quality for other Divisional research projects. " Managing and updating of fish component of the CAAB database. Without attention this database will become outdated creating problems for users within and outside the Division. " Seeding funding to develop a tool facilitating species identification and faunal delineation. A prototype will be developed that can be used to secure funds from FRDC for further development and population of the databases around which the tools are developed. " Naming new species discovered during the production of Sharks and Rays of Australia. Eliminating plagiarism by the unscrupulous and making these names available for a variety of user groups. Conservation, and fishery research and management, is being hampered without this information. " Completion of manuscripts on the taxonomy of Australasian fishes discovered during CMR research. Drafts have already been prepared but these need to be completed and submitted. " Addressing serious staff shortages in early 2005 due to long-term leave. Biogeography, Taxonomy & Database of Australasian Fishes
1085 [view] Carolyn Goggin Biological Control 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Biological Control
189 [view] Graham Harris, John Parslow Biological Oceanography - Climate Change 1987-1990 1987 Climate Change
1912 [view] Ian Barton Biological Oceanography - Remote Sensing 2003 to 2005
188 [view] Graham Harris Biological Oceanography - Remote Sensing (Fisheries Applications) (1985-1990) 1985 to 1989 Remote Sensing (Fisheries Applications)
187 [view] Graham Harris Biological Oceanography - Tasmanian Waters 1985-1990 1985 to 1989 Biological Oceanography - Tasmanian Waters
1614 [view] Roland Pitcher Biological reference points for the Torres Strait Lobster stock 2000 to 2003 Biological reference points Torres Strai
1794 [view] Neil Loneragan Biology and Status of the Prawn Stocks and Fishery in the Gulf of Papua 2003 to 2006 Biology Status Prawn Stocks and fishery
2169 [view] Barry Bruce Biology of oceanic fish and sharks 2004 to 2005 The species biology and ecosystem characterisation meta-project of the Pelagic Fisheries and Ecosystems Research Group (PFE) serves as an umbrella for a suite of studies into the population biology and ecology of pelagic fishes and sharks and the communities and ecosystems in which they play roles as higher order and apex predators. The activities of the meta-project cover a wide range of activities that are vital to the overall PFE science plan and integrate biological and physical inputs into the assessment of stock and ecosystem health allowing for the evaluation of management strategies and provision of advice to various external and internal clients. This project, through a series of specific outputs serves to maintain and develop scientific expertise with the meta-project and develop proposals aligned with the PFE science plan. Biology of oceanic fish & sharks
2191 [view] David Milton Biology, dynamics and management strategy evaluation for byproduct species in the NPF 2005 to 2007 This proposal fits within both the sustainable fisheries and sustainable marine ecosystems focus areas as its intention is to predict the impacts of a fishery on the components of the pelagic ecosystem. P - Biology, dynamics & MSE for byproduct species
1480 [view] Steve Blaber Biology, fishery assesment and management of shared snapper fisheries in N Australia and E Indonesia 1999 to 2004 ACIAR Red Snapper shared fishery
1770 [view] Roland Pitcher Biology, larval transport modelling and commercial log book data analysis to support management of the North East Queensland rock lobster Panulirus ornatus fishery 2002 to 2004 Lobster log book data
1111 [view] John Volkman Biomarker and Isotope Studies of Morton Bay Sediment 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Biomarker and Isotope Studies of Morton Bay Sediment
1110 [view] John Volkman Biomarker and isotope studies of Gippsland Lakes sediment 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Biomarker and isotope studies of Gippsland Lakes sediment
2194 [view] Tim Ryan Biomass estimation of Eastern Zone and Cascade Plateau orange roughy based on winter 2004 industry acoustic surveys 2004 to 2005 Industry has successfully organised and conducted acoustic surveys in the winter of 2004 on the Cascade and Eastern zone spawning orange roughy. The surveys mark an uptake by industry of methods developed by CSIRO over the last 14 years. The acoustic and biological data from these surveys will need to be analysed and a written report of the biomass at each ground determined. This snapshot biomass will be then used in the VPA model of both fisheries to determine the status of the stock at both grounds. While in future years this analysis could conceivably be left to industry to organise, CSIRO is currently the only entity with sufficient expertise to take on this type of analysis. WITHOUT THIS ANALYSIS NO UPDATE OF THE STATUS OF THE STOCK ON THE TWO GROUNDS WILL BE POSSIBLE. Biomass Estimation of Orange Roughy
1732 [view] Tony Koslow Biophysical Oceanography- SRFME 2000 to 2006 Biophysical Oceanography-SRFME
2140 [view] Peter Crocos Biosecurity development for penaeid broodstock 2004 to 2005 The application of modern genetic technology to improve aquaculture production is a key focus for CMR aquaculture and our involvement within the Food Futures Flagship. prawns are a key species for ISA and Flagship investment (Stream 2B Engineering Aquaculture Breeds Project 2B1). This project is focussed on further development of biosecure production systems for broodstock to underpin CSIRO involvement in an industry-based selective breeding program, and to assist the development and maintenanance of high-health lines for the breeding program. This project will undertake initial strategic research into both system development and the virology required for screening, health management and development of high-health lines of animals. Food Futures Flagship 2B1 - Biosecurity development for penaeid broodstock
1961 [view] Helen Cleugh Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchanges of Energy, Water & Carbon 1993 to 2005 To develop physically based models of energy, water, CO2, and momentum exchanges, accounting for land surface heterogeneity and vegetation responses to climate for implementation into a GCM. To provide a realistic high spatial and temporal resolution budgets of energy, water and carbon for the Australian continent. Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchanges
1623 [view] Andre Punt Blue Warehou Stock Assessment 00-01 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Blue Warhou Stock Assessment 00-01
1717 [view] Rudy Kloser Blue grenadier acoustic observation system based on industry vessels. 2003/044 2003 to 2006 Industry Acoustic Blue Grenadier
195 [view] Susan Blackburn, Peter Jernakoff, Peter Thompson Blue-Green Algal Program (CSIRO Multi-Divisional Project) 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 CSIRO's Multi-Divisional Blue-Green Algal Research Program was conceived in 1991 in response to the problem of severe algal blooms in many states' waterways. It comprised six principal research projects, of which Division of Fisheries staff were involved with three, namely Remote monitoring and remote sensing of algal blooms, Effects of micro-nutirents on blooms in estuaries, and Genetic regularion of biosynthesis and identification of novel toxins. The main outcomes of the program were published by CSIRO in 1997. Blue-Green Algal Program
2282 [view] David Griffin Bluelink II 2006 to 2010
2622 [view] Craig Davey Blythe Star Shipwreck Survey + Opportunistic Seafloor Mapping 2023 to 2023 At the end of voyage IN2023_V02 if time and weather permits the CSIRO NCMI E&T GSM team will map the suspected shipwreck location of the Blythe Star that sank in 1973 in ~140m of water. 4-6 lines of multi-beam survey are earmarked at 6kts. Additionally, it’s planned that RVI will hold station and use the Drop Camera to get seafloor confirmation of the shipwreck location and condition. If confirmed, the shipwreck would later be reported via an existing MNF communication plan.

Further opportunistic mapping along our voyage track will be conducted in collaboration with the Voyage Manager, Chief Scientist and GSM teams onboard. This opportunity will only be realised if/when there is an opening in our schedule that does not impact voyage priorities.

2055 [view] Paul Fraser BoM-AGAGE 2003 to 2005
2056 [view] Paul Steele BoM-C02 2003 to 2005
1126 [view] Stephen Walker Boags Rock Impact Assessment 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Boags Rock Impact Assessment
2621 [view] Phil De Boer Bongo net system trials 2021 Bongo net system trials will be conducted in shallow protected waters and deeper Southern Ocean waters. These will be carried out with deployment over the stern Via the A-frame attached to the towed body wire. The towed body wire and Bongo net system will be ready to go on departure of pw4, with the Bongo net as first deployment then the towed body wire could be disconnected and then reconnected onto TRIAXUS whilst other tests are carried out. Bongo trials
1962 [view] Tony Koslow Bongos (Nets, Frame, Pressure Housing, etc) (Biophysical Oceanography Project) 2001 to 2006 Bongos (Nets, Frame, Pressure Housing et
1060 [view] Chad Hewitt Botany Bay Port Survey 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Botany Bay Port Survey
1975 [view] Ian Galbally Breath Analysis for Neonatal Babies 2002 to 2005
1605 [view] Rhys Leeming Bremer River 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Bremer River
1895 [view] Cathy Dichmont Bringing economic analysis & stock assessment together in the NPF: a framework for a biological and economically sustainable fishery 2003 to 2007 Economic analysis & stock assess together in the NPF
1306 [view] Neil White Brisbane River & Moreton Bay Wastewater Management Scheme 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Brisbane River & Moreton Bay Wastewater Management Scheme
2363 [view] Bernadette Sloyan Broad Scale Ocean Dynamics 3 2008
1615 [view] Kevin Williams Building aquafeeds R & D capacity for intensive aquaculture in Vietnam 2000 to 2003 Building aquafeeds in Vietnam
1830 [view] Susan Wijffels Bureau of Meteorology Contribution to the Joint Australia ARGO Program on behalf of the Australian GCOS/GOOS Effort 2003 to 2003 BoM Argo Program Contribution
2613 [view] Kate Cranney Bush Blitz 2022 Outreach program to Australian schools. A unique multi-million dollar partnership between the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Parks Australia, BHP and Earthwatch Australia to document plants and animals across Australia.
2152 [view] John Gras Bushfire smoke and the relationship between human and landscape health 2004 to 2006 NTU Smoke
1376 [view] Robert Campbell Bycatch by longliners- Coral sea survey 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Bycatch by longliners- Coral sea survey
1481 [view] Steve Blaber Bycatch reduction techniques 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Bycatch reduction techniques
2441 [view] Alain Protat CAPRICORN: Clouds, Aerosols, Precipitation, Radiation, and Atmospheric Composition over the Southern Ocean 2016 CAPRICORN Project. Scientific Objectives: Cloud-aerosol-precipitation processes over the Southern Ocean (SO) are one of the largest sources of uncertainties in future climate projections. The CAPRICORN proposal aims to advance our knowledge of the SO cloud systems, aerosol properties, surface energy budget, upper ocean biological aerosol production, and atmospheric composition, in order to improve the characterization of their physical properties from satellite platforms and global models. The cloud morphological, microphysical and thermodynamical properties and boundary layer structure are very poorly observed over the SO. Climate and numerical weather prediction models also poorly represent the cloud and precipitation fields over the Southern Ocean and, as a consequence, appear to poorly predict the energy balance. The objectives of this proposal are to (i) characterize the cloud, aerosol, and precipitation properties, boundary layer structure, biological production and cycling of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the upper ocean, atmospheric composition, and surface energy budget, as well as their latitudinal variability; (ii) evaluate and improve satellite estimations of these properties, and (iii) evaluate and improve the representation of these properties in the Australian ACCESS regional and global model. CAPRICORN Project
2098 [view] Jawahar Patil CARP Sex Determination 2004 to 2006 The Murray-Darling Basin Commitee is supporting the Pest Animal Control Cooperative Research Centre and its research partner CSIRO Marine Research to undertake the $3m daughterless carp project. The project falls within the Commission's ambitious Native fish strategy, designed to increase the levels of native fish in the Basin's waterways from a current low of 10% of the estimated level at European settlement to 60% over a 50-year period. Initially, the 'daughterless carp' project concentrates of proving the concept that a population can be reduced by introduction of exclusively male-bearing fish. The research is at very early stage and is using a model species, Gambusia (mosquito fish) in the first instance. The proposed Ph.D. program involves baseline research on the sexual development of carp, which will provide important inputs to the next phase of the project. Expected to investigate aspects of: - Morphological development of gonods in carp - Effect of temperature on sex ratios - Expression profile of candidate genes and their potential role in sex differentiation / determination - Isolation and charaterisation of primodial gonad stem cells
1834 [view] John Gunn CCSBT Scientific Research Program Pop-Up Tagging 2003 to 2004 CCSBT Scientific Prog Pop-Up Tagging
1855 [view] Clive Stanley CCSBT Tagging 2003-04 2003 to 2004
2179 [view] Clive Stanley CCSBT Tagging 2004-05 2004 to 2005 The data produced from this grant is used as an essential tool that will be used by many researchers to investigate the sustainable management of both the national and international fisheries for Southern Bluefin Tuna. In particular the data, which is based on a tagging program, is a key source of information relating to the estimation of key population parameters. Tuna fisheries are included in the proposed focus area for sustainable fisheries. Our relationship with CCSBT is both as a CSIRO client and as a science alliance. As a client the data will be made available to the CCSBT signatory nations, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan and Korea. CMR also has an alliance with CCSBT and many members are active members of various CCSBT committees. CCSBT Tagging 2004-05 - STA120
2385 [view] Ron Thresher CMAR Marine Corals Collection of corals which have been collected and or analysed and are stored at CMAR Hobart, Tasmania.
2384 [view] CMAR Marine Plankton CMAR Marine Plankton Collections includes samples dating back to the 1940s to the present time.
2386 [view] CMAR Otolith Collections This project includes Otolith collections housed at CMAR in Hobart and Dutton Park. The collection includes the Tuna and Billfish hard parts collection, Australian and New Zealand marine fish otolith collection and Deep Sea and Midwater fish otolith collections.
2445 [view] Paul Tildesley CMAR and O&A Data Rescue of work performed by CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography 2009 BIO_DATA Initial work includes a collection of Biological Field Data Sheets held in the CMAR Bio-Data compactus No. 1 in the Hobart Marine Laboratories Block 1 Store. The compactus has six bays, and holds research vessel log sheets collected in: 1950s - Vessel Logs including biological observations + Pearl shell measurements. 1960s - Vessel Logs including biological observations + commercial Tuna and Northern Prawn. 1970s, 1980s and 1990s - Vessel Logs including biological observations. There are a few papers relating to data collected as early as 1938. Stevie Davenport reviewed and collated the data creating folders of field data sheets withe a TRIM record created. Scanned PDFs were created. These scan were linked to the records. The final aim of the project is to have a Marlin record for each data set, and as the need arises, have individual CMAR projects transcribe the data, and then add these data to the CMAR Data Warehouse. Additional work was done in 2011 and 2012. Preliminary 2009 data is archived in internal dc-project_data. Data is archived c/o Datacentre /process/data_files/BioData. Data rescue work continues in receiving any archival data. Information has been archived c/o Datacentre /Data_Rescue folder. CMAR, O&A Data Rescue
2640 [view] Ruhi Humphries COAST‐k – Clean Ocean Air Sampling upwind of Tasmania ‐ kennaook 2025 COAST-k
1323 [view] Susan Wijffels COOE - Floats Project (Chief Executive Special Project) 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 COOE - Floats Project
1325 [view] Alex Papij COOE - MT&I Support (Chief Executive Special Project) 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 COOE - MT&I Support
1326 [view] John Parslow COOE - VOS Project (Chief Executive Special Project) 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 COOE - VOS Project
1327 [view] Stephen Walker COOE - www Project (Chief Executive Special Project) 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 COOE - www Project
2238 [view] Edward King CP - Satellite environmental time series 2006 to 2007
1028 [view] David Smith CRC - Prawn nutrition requirements 1994-1998 1994 to 1998 Prawn nutrition requirements
2039 [view] Ian Galbally CRC Greenhouse Accounting Project 1 Environmental and Management Drivers of Non-C02 Greenhouse Gases in Agro-Systems Activity B originally intended for LAIG Group 2003 to 2006 CRC GREENHOUSE ACCOUNTING PROJECT 1
2366 [view] Ken Ridgway CSIRO Atlas of Regional Seas (CARS) 2000 to 2009 CARS is a digital atlas of seasonal ocean water properties. CARS
41 [view] CSIRO Bass Strait Study 1981-1984 1981 to 1984 CSIRO Bass Strait Study 1984
2493 [view] MNF Office CSIRO Educator on Board 2019 CSIRO Educator on Board is a professional development program for Australian STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) school teachers which aims to support teacher professional development and provide students with a window on the real word application of STEM. Educator on Board puts teachers on voyages to assist with scientific operations and share their on-board experience with students across Australia through live ship-to-shore video broadcasts. Teachers will also develop curriculum-linked resources based on the ship and underway science to create a pool of lessons to share in schools across Australia. Educator on board
2025 [view] Susan Blackburn CSIRO Microalgae Supply Service - 2003-04 to 2005-06 2003 to 2006 CSIRO Microalgae Supply Service
2277 [view] Stefan Anatol Hajkowicz CSIRO PhD - Josie Carwardine - Making Optimal Management Decisions to Address Multiple Conservation Objectives 2006 to 2009
2150 [view] Debbie Abbs CSS - Wave Modelling 2004 to 2005
2042 [view] Tony Hirst CSS Energy 2003 to 2005
2538 [view] Rebecca Cowley CTD-XBT Side-by-side comparisons 2015
1335 [view] George Cresswell CZ Environmental & Resource Management Project - Vietnam 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Coastal Zone Environmental & Resource Management Project - Vietnam
1978 [view] Stuart Young Calipso Lidar Algorithm Development 2002 to 2005 running project covering several contracts C/1011- current 2004/05 - $193,000
2209 [view] Craig Proctor Capacity development to monitor, analyse and report on Indonesian tuna fisheries 2005 to 2008 Capacity development for Indonesian tuna fisheries
2054 [view] John Gras Cape Grim Aerosols & MAC 2003 to 2005
2383 [view] Paul Fraser Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station (CGBAPS) 1976 The CSIRO archive of Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station - Hourly Atmospheric Meteorology datasets are collected. The Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station facility, located at the North/West tip of Tasmania (40° 41'S, 144° 41'E), is funded and managed by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, with the scientific program being jointly supervised with CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. In addition 1000 litre air samples contained in stainless steel flasks are collected at approximately 3 monthly intervals since 1978. The archive is housed at the Aspendale laboratory of CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Cape Grim Air Station
2046 [view] Ian Galbally Cape Grim Ozone, Nox & VOCS 2003 to 2005 Cape Grim Ozone,NOx & VOCS
1989 [view] Yingping Wang Carbon Cycle Modelling and Spatially explicit inventories 2002 to 2007 Carbon Cycle Modelling
2596 [view] Craig Neill Carbon Sampling 2021 The project will acquire surface sea water samples for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) through the Coral Sea between Brisbane and Cape York. The samples will be used as an inter-comparison with a sampling program for another vessel, the Japanese car carrier Trans Future 5, that is run by O&A.
  • The proposed work is to collect DIC and TA samples from the ship’s underway sea water line every 6 hours from offshore of Brisbane to the continental shelf approaching Cape York.
  • 250 ml glass bottles will be filled from the sampling tap in the underway sea water lab according to instructions provided by the Ocean Carbon Observations team.
  • The samples will be preserved with mercuric chloride, which will be provided by the carbon team together with appropriate training and SWI.
  • Samples will be sent by air freight from Darwin together with BGC Argo samples.
  • 1579 [view] Andy Revill Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in the Fitzroy River (FH1) 2000 to 2004 Fitzroy River
    2576 [view] Martin Jutzeler Catastrophic December 2018 flank collapse, eruption and tsunami of Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia 2021
    1500 [view] David Die Catch & effort analysis for the Northern Prawn Fishery 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Catch & effort analysis for the Northern Prawn Fishery
    1465 [view] Roland Pitcher Catch & effort island based sector- Torres Strait rock lobster 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Catch & effort island based sector - Torres Strait rock lobster
    1424 [view] Tim Davis Catch Monitoring of Southern Bluefin Tuna off Indonesia 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Catch Monitoring of Southern Bluefin Tuna off Indonesia
    1423 [view] John Gunn Catch age at first spawning historical changes in growth and natural mortality of SBT 1997 to 2003 Hist changes in growth/mortality SBT
    1262 [view] John Stevens Catch analysis and productivity of the deep water dogfish resource in southern Australia (FRDC project no. 98/108) 1998-2001 1998 to 2001 Catch analysis and productivity of the deep water dogfish
    2069 [view] Helen Cleugh Catchment Planner Software - Coordinating urban catchment and waterway management by modelling 2003 to 2005 Catchment Planner Software
    544 [view] Burke Hill Causes of declines in stocks of commercially important prawns in the northern prawn fishery (FIRDC project no. 89/13) 1989-1992 1989 to 1992 Causes of decline in commercially important prawns in the northern prawn fishery
    1194 [view] Rudy Kloser Cetacean Acoustic Monitoring in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Cetacean Acoustic Monitoring in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary
    1050 [view] Nigel Preston Characterisation and diagnostic probe development for yellow head-like viruses infecting Australian cultured prawns 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Yellow head-like viruses infecting Australian cultured prawns
    2076 [view] Alan Williams Characterising ecosystems of the deep continental shelf and slope seabed using optimised mapping techniques (Survey Only) 2004 to 2004 Characterising ecosystems of the deep continental shelf
    2631 [view] Peter Strutton Characterization of data quality from a 6000m CTD: the RBRargo³|deep6k in the Great Australian Bight 2024
    1530 [view] Graham Harris Chemical Structure and Nutrients Project 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Chemical Structure and Nutrients
    1969 [view] Martin Cope Chemical Transport Modelling 2002 to 2005
    2245 [view] Chris Yeates Cheshire Seamount 2007 to 2007 Investigation of volcanotectonic setting and hydrothermal activity at Cheshire Seamount, Western Woodlark Basin.
    507 [view] Circulation in the Gulf of Carpentaria and its relation to banana prawn dispersion (FIRTA project no. 78/36) 1978 to 1980 As part of this project to examine the circulation in the Gulf of Carpentaria and its relation to banana prawn dispersion, six voyages, each of one week duration were conducted by the fishing vessel Judy B in south-eastern Gulf of Carpentaria during September and November 1978. During these voyages, pairs of current meters were deployed at three locations, planktonic and benthic sampling of penaeid prawn larvae and post larvae and near shore and river sampling. Circulation in the Gulf of Carpentaria
    1334 [view] Alan Pearce Classification of Images in Ocean Circulation 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Classification of Images in Ocean Circulation
    1747 [view] Barry Bruce Climate Applications 2002 to 2004 Protected areas for Grey Nurse Sharks
    1974 [view] Debbie Abbs Climate Applications - Appropriation 2002 to 2005
    1533 [view] Stuart Godfrey Climate Change 1989-1997 1989 to 1997 Climate Change
    1315 [view] Trevor McDougall Climate Change 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Climate Change
    1636 [view] Trevor McDougall Climate Change 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Climate Change
    59 [view] John Parslow Climate Change Processes 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Climate Change Processes
    2100 [view] Kathleen McInnes Climate Change Projections for Eastern Victoria 2004 to 2005 Gippsland coastal climate change
    1982 [view] Penny Whetton Climate Impacts and Adaptation research for Victoria (NOTE : 100k PREVIOUSLY RECEIPTED AGAINST DS80A IN ERROR IN JUNE 2002. CANNOT CORRECT, PAST PERIOD, DS80A CLOSED) 2002 to 2005 Impacts & Adaptation Research for Vic
    1839 [view] Peter McIntosh Climate Investigations for Hydro Tasmania (sub-contract with University of Tasmania) 2003 to 2004 Climate Investigations for Hydro Tas
    1547 [view] John Church Climate Program 1998-91 1989 to 1991
    1320 [view] Susan Wijffels Climate Variability 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Climate Variability
    1532 [view] Gary Meyers Climate Variability 1989-1997 1989 to 1997 Climate Variability
    1651 [view] Susan Wijffels Climate Variability 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Climate Variability
    1201 [view] Tony Koslow Climate and fisheries on the south east Australian continental shelf and slope (FRDC project no. 96/149) 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Climate and fisheries on the south east Australian continental shelf and slope
    2221 [view] Kevin Hennessy Climate change impact on fire-weather in south-east Australia 2004 to 2005 Assessment of projected changes in fire-weather at 23 sites in south-east Australia for the years 2030 and 2070 Fire and climate change
    2001 [view] Roger Jones Climate change modelling in the Namoi and Macquarie Catchments. 2003 to 2005 See trim file c0821 AGO - Namoi and Macquarie Catchments
    1914 [view] Susan Blackburn Cloning Omega 3 synthesis genes 2003 to 2004
    2123 [view] Susan Blackburn Cloning Omega Genes (Advanced Canola Genetics) Food Futures Flagship Stream 1B1 2004 to 2005 The goal of Food Futures Stream 1B is to develop and commercialise two new quality classes of canola incorporating high levels of É3 LC-PUFAs. The two quality types envisaged are an early product containing high levels of SDA, and a subsequent product having significant levels of EPA & DHA. These products will greatly expand the dietary sources of nutritionally important É3 LC-PUFA fatty acids currently obtainable only from marine sources. To achieve this requires the assembly in plants of a complete metabolic pathway for synthesis of É3 LC-PUFAs (such as SDA, EPA & DHA) that plants do not currently make. Project 1B1 aims to clone all the genes involved in the biosynthetic pathway that will convert linolenic acid sequentially into SDA, EPA and DHA, and to incorporate high levels of these É3 LC-PUFAs on storage triglycerides in oilseeds. Food Futures Flagship 1B1 - Cloning Omega Genes (Adv Canola Genetics)
    2125 [view] Peter Nichols Cloning Omega Genes into Plants (Advanced Canola Genetics) Food Futures Flagship Stream 1B2 2004 to 2005 The goal of Food Futures Stream 1B is to develop and commercialise two new quality classes of canola incorporating high levels of É3 LC-PUFAs. The two quality types envisaged are an early product containing high levels of SDA, and a subsequent product having significant levels of EPA & DHA. These products will greatly expand the dietary sources of nutritionally important É3 LC-PUFA fatty acids currently obtainable only from marine sources. To achieve this requires the assembly in plants of a complete metabolic pathway for synthesis of É3 LC-PUFAs (such as SDA, EPA & DHA) that plants do not currently make. Project 1B2 aims to clone all the genes involved in the biosynthetic pathway that will convert linolenic acid sequentially into SDA, EPA and DHA, and to incorporate high levels of these É3 LC-PUFAs on storage triglycerides in oilseeds. Food Futures Flagship 1B2 - Cloning Omega Genes into Plants
    1725 [view] Malcolm Brown Closing the life cycle of striped trumpeter 2001 to 2005 Closing life cycle striped trumpeter
    2586 [view] Alain Protat Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Radiation Interactions eXperiment (CAPRIX) 2020 to 2022 Cloud microphysical properties produced from the competition between supercooled liquid and ice particles for water vapour in subfreezing cumulus clouds over the Southern Ocean and off the coast of Antarctica have been directly linked to errors in absorbed solar radiation at the sea surface, which have been further linked to uncertainty in predicting global climate sensitivity under CO2 warming and sea surface temperature biases in climate models. CAPRIX
    1024 [view] Peter Nichols Clover Tuna Oil 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Clover Tuna Oil
    1296 [view] Denis Mackey Co-operation in the JGOFS Program 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 JGOFS Program Cooperation
    1789 [view] John Parslow Coastal CRC - CMR's Contribution to the Centre 2002 to 2006 Coastal CRC
    1562 [view] Neil Loneragan Coastal CRC - FH3 2000 to 2004
    1561 [view] Neil Loneragan Coastal CRC - FH4 2000 to 2003
    1563 [view] Francis Pantus Coastal CRC - MR1.06 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Coastal CRC - MR1.06
    2092 [view] David Milton Coastal CRC Environmental Flows for Estuaries 2004 to 2006
    1097 [view] Alan Butler Coastal Ecology 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Coastal Ecology
    1733 [view] Peter Thompson Coastal Ecosystems- SRFME 2000 to 2003 Coastal Ecosystems-Appropriation SRFM
    1343 [view] Edward Butler Coastal Environment 1993-1997 1993 to 1997 Coastal Environment
    61 [view] Hugh Kirkman Coastal Eutrophication 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Coastal Eutrophication
    60 [view] Charles Jacoby Coastal Impacts Assessment 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Coastal Impacts Assessment
    1758 [view] John Parslow Coastal Modelling - CM1 2002 to 2003
    201 [view] David Rochford, plus successors Coastal Monitoring Programme 1942- 1942 The CSIRO coastal monitoring program established a network of sampling stations from the 1940s and 1950s onwards, for the purpose of collecting long time-series of coastal temperature, salinity and nutrient data from south-eastern and south-western Australian coastal waters. Sampling at most of these stations involved collection of regular water samples from a 50m water column at intervals of between one and approximately 6 weeks, at 10m depth intervals between the surface (0m) and 50m (or 100m+ in a few cases). Sampling ceased at many of the coastal stations in the 1950s-1960s but some new stations were sampled in the 1970s. Four stations were still operational Port Hacking 50m, Port Hacking 100m (NSW), Rottnest Island (WA) and Maria Island (Tas) when the sampling was taken over by IMOS in April 2009, giving a continuous record of around 60 years' oceanographic data from these sites. Coastal Monitoring Programme
    200 [view] Sjaak Lemmens Coastal Zone Program - Filter Feeder Project 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 Filter Feeder Project
    2460 [view] April Abbott, Jochen Kaempf Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Network (CAPSTAN) 2017 CAPSTAN is a post-graduate training program. The Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Alliance Network is a post-graduate at sea training initiative on the RV Investigator. Governed by a network of leading industry and university partners from within marine science and geoscience, CAPSTAN is a first of its kind programme which will transform the way marine science education is delivered. A truly national education initiative, CAPSTAN offers a national approach to teaching and learning in the marine sciences whilst providing a platform for institutional, industrial and generational knowledge transfer and collaboration. Our aims have arisen out of a national desire to: • Develop an effective, efficient form of vessel-based tertiary education by involving stakeholders and post-graduate students, and by pooling national tertiary teaching expertise and personnel resources; • Develop a national curriculum to standardise teaching protocols/methods and learning outcomes in this area in conjunction with the new data collection equipment and facilities of the Marine National Facility RV Investigator, the Integrated Marine Observatory System and external stakeholders, and; • Provide and test a multi-disciplinary research-based teaching module for marine science postgraduates with opportunities for student mobility and national network development.
    1928 [view] David McDonald Collation and Analysis of Oceanographic Datasets for National Marine Bioregionalisation 2004 to 2004 Collation & Analysis of Oceanographic Datasets
    2492 [view] Jeremy Horowitz Collection of dead Invertebrates dredged with geological samples 2019 PhD student Jeremy Horowitz will be opportunistically collecting and preserving dead coral skeleton and tissue retrieved as by-catch during the dredging process within the Australian EEZ. Specimens will be photographed and preserved with sub-samples collected for DNA and polyp preservations.
    2581 [view] Collection of marine invertebrates, particularly sponges and a survey of their fluorescent properties correlated to depth and chlorophyll content 2017
    1270 [view] Vicki Wadley Commercial cephalopods 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Commercial cephalopods
    1501 [view] Brian Taylor Commercialisation of bycatch reduction strategies in northern prawn trawl fisheries (FRDC project no. 96/254) 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Commercialisation of bycatch reduction strategies in northern prawn trawl fisheries
    1957 [view] Wayne Rochester Community Dynamics 2004 to 2005
    1088 [view] Dick Martin Community Monitoring for Marine Pests 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Community Monitoring for Marine Pests
    1572 [view] Steve Blaber Community based management and Conservation of Terubok fishery in Riau Indonesia 2001-2003 2001 to 2003 Management and Conservation of Terubok fishery, Riau (Indonesia)
    1872 [view] Rodrigo Bustamante Community dynamics 2003 to 2004
    1377 [view] Robert Campbell Comparative survey of longline fishing methods in the Coral Sea 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Longline fishing methods in the Coral Sea
    2096 [view] Cathy Trudinger Comparison of optimisation methods for model data fusion in biogeochemistry 2004 to 2005 Optimisation Intercomparisons (Opt-IC)
    606 [view] Ron Thresher Completion of an analysis of stock structure of orange roughy, based on otolith chemical composition (FRDC project no. 96/111) 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Analysis of stock structure of orange roughy from otolith chemical composition
    2000 [view] Michael Borgas Complex Air Borne Chemical Signals - Insect Agents in Plumes 2003 to 2005 Demonstrate viability and utility of agent-based models of insect behaviour in environmental pheromone plumes for tracking to source investigations. CSS Insect Agents in Plumes
    1819 [view] David McDonald Complex Systems Science - Interactions, information sharing and simulated reasoning of fishers in an agent-based, Bayesian network model of fishing behaviour 2003 to 2005 CSS - Bayesian network model
    1782 [view] John Church Complex Systems Science - Stability of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation 2003 to 2005 CSS - Stability of the Southern Ocean
    2540 [view] Philip Heraud Composition of phytoplankton 2015 The scientific objectives are to characterize phytoplankton elemental and molecular compositions to understand their variability, links to environmental conditions, and roles in biogeochemical cycles. The voyage objectiveis to obtain samples by filtering the ship’s underway seawater supply and Niskin bottle samples collected with the CTD-Rosette system.
    2158 [view] Alan Butler Conservation Assessment Methodology 2004 to 2006
    1769 [view] David McDonald Conservation Assessment Methodology 2002 to 2005
    1768 [view] Alan Butler Conservation Assessments of 11 Marine Areas - Stage 2 - Remaining 9 Areas 2002 to 2005 Conservation Assess - (9 Areas) - EA
    1172 [view] Alan Butler Conservation and Reserves 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Conservation and Reserves
    2160 [view] John Stevens Conservation assessment of sawfish and Glyphis species 2004 to 2005 Shark research is an integral part of the science plan for the Northern Fisheries and Ecosystems group. Research following on from the current FRDC project: Northern Australian Sharks and Rays: the sustainability of target and bycatch species, phase 2 (FRDC 2002/064), will focus primarily on sawfish and Glyphis due to their conservation significance and fishery mitigation measures that will be required by the ESD initiatives of Commonwealth and State fisheries. Undertaking this desktop study/field research will provide new biological data and will ensure that CSIRO is well positioned for future FRDC funding opportunities in this regard. The project also has close links with the FRDC NPF bycatch projects and with the ACIAR sharks and rays project. It falls within the NFE focus area in the GOC and is core business. Conservation assessment of Glyphis
    2466 [view] Michael Ellwood, April Abbott Constraining external iron inputs and cycling in the southern extension of the East Australian Current 2018 Scientific objectives The East Australian Current (EAC) is a major western boundary current that moves southward along the eastern margin of Australia. This current is climatically and biologically important as it exercises control over heat and nutrient distribution. The EAC is nutrient depleted to the north, but as it travels south, it entrains iron from a variety of sources – including riverine, sediment resuspension, eddies, lateral exchange of shelf waters, frontal jets and atmospheric dust inputs thereby elevating the concentration of dissolved iron. When the EAC reaches its southern extent, it breaks up to form eddy-like structures that become incorporated into the Subtropical Front (STF). The STF forms the boundary between warmer nutrient-depleted subtropical water and cool nutrient-rich Southern Ocean water. The waters southwest of Tasmania are nutrient-rich but depleted in dissolved iron, which is a typical characteristic of High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) regions within the Southern Ocean. In springtime, large phytoplankton blooms can be seen associated with a mingling of nutrient-depleted EAC waters with nutrient-rich, but iron depleted Southern Ocean waters in the vicinity of the STF east of Tasmania. Therefore, changes to the EAC caused by climatic shifts will have implications on elemental cycling, production, and local climate. We will assess the relationships between production and nutrient supply in the modern ocean while simultaneously improving our interpretations of past ocean records from the region. The aims of this voyage are to: • Assess the sources of external iron to the southern extension of the EAC • Compare and contrast the biogeochemistry of EAC waters with HNLC waters located southwest of Tasmania; • Determine the role of ‘new’ (externally sourced iron) versus ‘recycled’ iron in regulating springtime productivity across the STF; • Test the sensitivity of neodymium and thorium isotope sedimentary records to local sedimentary processes.
    1877 [view] Geoff Tuck Continued Stock Assessment and Management Strategy Evaluation for Australian sub-Antarctic Fisheries: 2004-06 2004 to 2006 04-06 MSE Sub-Antarctic Fisheries
    2447 [view] Maria Seton Continuity of Australian terranes into Zealandia: towards a geological map of the east Gondwana margin. 2016 The main aim is to improve matches in the continental geology of eastern Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. Specifically to test competing models for the continuity of east Gondwana Mesozoic igneous belts and terranes between eastern Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia, contribute to the regional framework of petroleum basins on the Lord Howe Rise and establish the geological origin of the phantom “Sandy Island”.
    1055 [view] Peter Rothlisberg Control of Biofouling 1994-2000 1994 to 2000 Control of Biofouling
    1799 [view] Tim Skewes Conversion ratios for commercially exploited beche-de-mer in Torres Strait 2003 to 2004 Conversion ratios beche-de-mer TS - SKE0
    1710 [view] Barry Scott Coral Sea Oceanography and the east Australian Current. 1980 to 1981 To study the effect of Western Coral Sea circulation the Great Barrier Reef, and the East Australian Current. Coral Sea Oceanography
    40 [view] John Church Coral Sea Studies and Numerical Modelling 1978-81 1978 to 1981 Coral Sea Studies and Numerical Modelling
    2488 [view] Peter Oke, Beatriz Pena-Molino Core Argo floats 2019 The international Argo program is the largest coordinated effort to monitor the subsurface oceans ( Argo is a highly regarded, international program that measures the changing ocean temperature (heat content) and salinity with profiling floats distributed throughout the ocean. Since its inception Australia has been one of the leading partners in the program, deploying and maintaining about 10% of the global array. Argo Australia is a joint project between CSIRO’s Oceans and Atmosphere, the Bureau of Meteorology, the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership (AAPP), Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) and the Royal Australian Navy. CSIRO manages procurement, deployment and data processing and distribution of all Australian floats in collaboration with our domestic and international partners.
    2585 [view] Grahame Rosolen Cosmic ray measurements 2020 to 2021 The objective of the project is to collect cosmic ray data at variable locations and look for correlations with space weather events and cosmic ray measurements with a similar detector located in Sydney. The wide range of latitudes covered by the voyage is particularly useful for this research. The data gathered can be used to investigate the susceptibility of sensitive electronic systems to cosmic radiation. The results of the analysis provide useful information for designing robust electronic systems for critical applications.
    2049 [view] Roger Jones Cost & Benefits of Climate Change Collaborative project with CSE 2003 to 2005 Cost & Benefits of Climate Change
    2075 [view] Angela Palmer Coulometer Carbon Mode plus components 2004 to 2020 Coulometer Carbon Mode
    2222 [view] Marcus Thatcher Creative Access Tool for Weather and Climate Data (Operational version) 2005 to 2006 The Creative Access Tool is a web based interface designed for the intelligent retrieval of weather forecast data products. Use of the Creative Access Tool is intended to streamline requests for forecasts data. Such requests include those originating from external customers or internal validation requests (i.e., for improving forecasting models). A pilot study has been underway (2003-2004) to establish the 'proof-of-concept' for the Creative Access Tool. However, the operational version (this proposal) aims to significantly extend the pilot study in the following ways: - Access to 'live' forecast data - Creation of images, netCDF and text files extracted 'on-demand' from the database - Comparison of different datasets (e.g., compare forecasts against observations). - Compatibility with the division's metadata conventions The Creative Access Tool should be viewed as a important component of the Climate Modeling and Applications group, since it facilitates the delivery of weather forecast data products to customers. Creative Access Tool
    2079 [view] Carl Meyer Cross-cutting Issues chapter of 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2004 to 2006 Budget effort to be transferred from hn45 20 Days of Mike Meyer Travel will be covered by AGO funding 2006 IPCC Guidelines
    1971 [view] David Etheridge Cryogenic Studies of Atmospheric Trends of strator and radiative gases 2002 to 2005 CRYOSTAT
    1041 [view] Kevin Williams Cultivation of the tropical abalone: Development of a new mariculture industry for tropical Australia 1998-2001 1998 to 2001 Cultivation of tropical abalone
    1098 [view] Charles Jacoby Cumulative Impact monitoring 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Cumulative Impact monitoring
    558 [view] Ian Poiner Cyclones and seagrass communities - recolonisation rates and the effects on penaeid prawn stocks (FIRDC project no. 91/45) 1991-1992 1991 to 1992 Cyclones and seagrass communities
    2411 [view] Alan Williams, Jason Tanner, Andy Ross DEPRECATED: CMAR Research Charter - Great Australian Bight (GAB) CMAR Charter GAB
    1173 [view] Alan Butler DEST-SOE Indicators - Coordination 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 DEST-SOE Indicators - Coordination
    1357 [view] Mervyn Thomas DIBM - Design and implementation of Baseline Monitoring costing 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 DIBM - Design and implementation of Baseline Monitoring
    1205 [view] Tony Koslow DITAC Collaborative fisheries assessment 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 DITAC Collaborative fisheries assessment
    1008 [view] Nick Elliott DNA Microsatellite variation in Atlantic Salmon - extention to DFLG 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 DNA Microsatellite variation in Atlantic Salmon
    2298 [view] Bob Ward DNA barcoding Australia's marine invertebrates 2006 to 2008
    602 [view] DNA microsatellite variation in Atlantic salmon (FRDC project no. 95/080) 1995-1996 1995 to 1996 DNA microsatellite variation in Atlantic salmon
    1061 [view] Chad Hewitt Darwin Introduced Species Survey 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Darwin Introduced Species Survey
    2549 [view] Stephanie Zieldt Data Acquisition and Processing 2015 - ongoing The Data Acquisition and Processing (DAP) team manages the servers, network and communications infrastructure on the RV Investigator. They are also responsible for running the ADCP, assist with CTD deployments and process ADCP, CTD and Triaxus data post-voyage. DAP will also actively backup and archive data from both MNF supplied instruments and user-supplied. DAP
    1754 [view] Keith Sainsbury Data Management and Spatial Analytical Services for National Oceans Office 2002 to 2003 Data Management and Spatial Analytical S
    513 [view] Brian Taylor Data and information service to the Northern Prawn Fishery (FIRTA project no. 82/12) 1982-1987 1982 to 1987 Northern Prawn Fishery Data and Information Service
    1226 [view] Tony Smith Data compilation to support the Gemfish stock assessment 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Data compilation to support the Gemfish stock assessment
    1202 [view] Rudy Kloser Database & analysis software 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Database & analysis software
    1379 [view] Tom Polacheck Database network for assesment- Southern Bluefin Tuna 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery database network for assesment
    2008 [view] Ron Thresher Daughterless Carp - FES Paul Collodi Visiting Fellowship 2003 to 2005 Daughterless Carp -P Collodi F/ship
    1793 [view] Ron Thresher Daughterless Carp MDBC 2003 to 2005
    2095 [view] John Finnigan David Newth - Research Scientist New PNO created to change hb57 as an output project from support project. 2003 to 2005 David Newth - Research Scientist No:2
    2537 [view] Susan Wijffels Deep CTD sensor Test 2015
    2616 [view] Steve Rintoul Deep NINJA Floats (ARGO) 2023 NINJA floats
    2603 [view] Andy Carroll Deep Ocean Camera - Australian Antarctic Division 2022
    1541 [view] Susan Wijffels Deep Ocean Measurements 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Deep Ocean Measurements
    2364 [view] Bernadette Sloyan Deep Ocean Time Series Section (DOTSS) 2009 DOTSS
    2534 [view] Rudy Kloser Deep Water Calibration Facility Experiments (DECAF) 2016 Calibration of the Deep Water Calibration Facility (DECAF).
    2496 [view] Robin Beaman Deep seascapes of the Great Barrier Reef: Uncovering submarine canyons and landslides 2019 Our overall aim is to better understand the deep (>100 m) underwater landscapes (or seascapes) of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) by determining the spatial extent, character and timing of the primary erosive features that have sculpted the GBR margin: the submarine canyons and landslides. We will achieve this by combining geophysical data collected from this voyage, with previously collected bathymetric and sub-bottom profile data and sediment cores to: (A) Improve the bathymetric datasets available for the GBR continental slope and construct a comprehensive new inventory of the key landslides and canyons and their detailed geomorphic traits. (B) Provide information at the regional-scale regarding the sedimentary processes and evolution of the margin, as a crucial first step towards understanding landslide susceptibility, tsunami hazard and improved risk assessments. (C) Characterise the canyon systems on the far northern GBR to allow comparisons with the better-studied canyons on the central GBR, with respect to their geomorphic variability, gradients and relationship to shelf-edge reefs. (D) Provide new data to construct and validate numerical, basin-scale, stratigraphic forward models used to test sedimentary source-to-sink processes in this mixed siliciclastic-carbonate setting. (E) Provide the site survey data for a future International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Ancillary Project Letter (APL) proposal, to core the canyon deposits and recover coarse-grained, shallow-water carbonate sediments shed from the shelf, to better constrain the timing of the onset of the GBR.
    518 [view] Deep water survey of crustacean resources off the North-West Shelf (FIRTA project no. 83/62) 1983-1985 1983 to 1985 Deep water crustacean resources survey, Australian NW Shelf
    1578 [view] Rudy Kloser Deep water video system Mk II and integrated data system - MIE 2001-2003 2001 to 2003 Deep water video system Mk II and integrated data system
    1882 [view] Rudy Kloser Deepwater Assessment Group 2004 to 2005 Deepwater Assessment Group
    182 [view] Sebastian Rainer Deepwater Fisheries Resources Project 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 Deepwater Fisheries Resources
    70 [view] Deepwater Invertebrate Studies 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Deepwater Invertebrate Studies
    1227 [view] Andre Punt Defining robust harvest strategies, performance indicators and monitoring strategies for the SEF (FRDC project no. 98/?) 1998-2001 1998 to 2001 Harvest strategies, performance indicators and monitoring strategies for the SEF
    194 [view] Tony Koslow Demersal Fish Resources of the Continental Slope Project 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 Demersal Fish Resources of the Continental Slope
    2188 [view] Jock Young Deployment of Longline Monitoring Gear in ETBF 2004 to 2005 This project will coordinate and oversee the deployment of longline gear monitors by AFMA observers in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF). Temperature-depth recorders will collect data on the depths and water temperatures fished by hooks while hook-timers will collect data on the time-of-the-day that fish are hooked. This information will be used to calibrate longline effort to determine the effective effort targeted at individual species. It is anticipated that this project will be continued as part of an FRDC project beginning in July 2005. Deployment of Longline Monitoring Gear in ETBF
    1114 [view] Andy Revill Derwent Estuary Research Project 1994-1998 1994 to 1998 Derwent Estuary Research Project
    197 [view] John Hunter Derwent Estuary Study 1992-1994 1992 to 1994 Derwent Estuary Study
    1886 [view] John Parslow Derwent Estuary WQIP Project 2003 to 2004 Derwent Estuary Project
    1774 [view] Neil Loneragan Design trial & implementation of long term by catch monitoring program 2002 to 2006 Design, trial & implementation by catch
    1856 [view] Yimin Ye Designing implementing and assessing an integrated monitoring program for the NPF: developing an application to stock assessment. 2003 to 2004 Designing implementing & assessing for the NPF
    1767 [view] Cathy Dichmont Designing implementing and assessing an integrated prawn monitoring program in NPF 2002 to 2004 Designing implementing prawn monitoring
    2461 [view] Steve Rintoul Detecting Southern Ocean change from repeat hydrography, deep Argo and trace element biogeochemistry & CAPRICORN 2018 1. To quantify changes in Antarctic Bottom Water in the Australian Antarctic Basin. 2. To quantify the evolving inventory of heat, freshwater, oxygen, CFCs, and carbon dioxide in the upper 2000 m and to infer changes in the ventilation rate of intermediate waters and ocean acidification. 3. To determine the distributions of trace metals and isotopes, their change with time, and the physical, chemical and biological processes controlling those evolving distributions. 4. To quantify cloud-aerosol-precipitation-radiation processes and interactions over the Southern Ocean and their variability as a function of latitude and large-scale context (CAPRICORN). 5. To evaluate satellite cloud, aerosol, precipitation, and surface flux products over the Southern Ocean at different latitudes (CAPRICORN). 6. To evaluate and improve the representation of these Southern Ocean cloud and precipitation properties and processes in the regional and global Australian ACCESS model (CAPRICORN).
    1051 [view] Nick Elliott Detection and abundance of Paramoeba species in the environment (FRDC project no. 98/209) 1998-2001 1998 to 2001 Paramoeba species in the environment
    2060 [view] Ray Leuning Determination of canopy biochemical properties using hyperspectral radiometery and flux measurements 2003 to 2005 EOC Partnership Project
    2070 [view] Ray Leuning Determination of canopy biochemical properties using hyperspectral radiometry and flux measurements 2003 to 2005 Part funded from EOC Partnership Funds Hyperspectral Radiometry and Tumbarumba Fluxes
    556 [view] Steve Blaber Determination of the biological parameters required for the rational management and exploitation of the fishes of the Gulf of Carpentaria (FIRDC project no. 91/29)1991-1992 1991 to 1992 Population biology - fishes of the Gulf of Carpentaria
    534 [view] Ron Thresher Determination of the migration patterns of juvenile southern bluefin tuna and jackass morwong (FIRTA project no. 87/15) 1987-1989 1987 to 1989 migration patterns of southern bluefin tuna and jackass morwong
    1425 [view] Wade Whitelaw Determine operational regimes & efficiency of WA longline operations 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Operational regimes & efficiency of WA longline operations
    1863 [view] Jock Young Determining ecological effects of longline fishing in the eastern tuna and billfish fishery 2003 to 2007 Ecological effect longline fish
    2182 [view] Robert Campbell Determining effective longline effort in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery 2005 to 2007 This project fits within the Sustainable Fisheries priority research area. It has a mix of field and laboratory (computer) studies directed towards developing an alternative method of standardising the catch per unit effort of the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery. Standardising CPUE is an important component of assessing the sustainability of pelagic fisheries. The project relates to two focus areas - the Southeast and Tuna & Billfish fisheries. It will be directed at the Australian domestic fishery (ETBF) and to key clients FRDC and AFMA. P - Determining longline effort in the ETBF
    1013 [view] Peter Grewe Determining genetic stock structure of bigeye tuna in the Indian Ocean using mitochondrial DNA and DNA microsatellites (FRDC project no. 97/112) 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Stock structure of bigeye tuna in the Indian Ocean
    2190 [view] Alan Williams Determining the ecological basis for spatial management of deep water fishes with a focus on pink ling, gulper sharks and ribaldo 2005 to 2008 Core business for the SFG in the areas of Sustainable Fisheries and Sustainable Ecosystems is the need to provide information to enable sustainable management of fishery ecosystems, including their users. This project will provide biological synopses of key species, identify critical habitats of key species in the South East Fishery, and add vital information on habitat vulnerability to an existing database of habitats distributions that together will underpin a program of spatial management planned for the fishery by AFMA through fishery legislation and EA through a system of MPAs. The outputs from this project will also contribute to directly to other CMR projects in SESME and NESD to map and manage the habitats of offshore benthic fishery ecosystems for the development of Regional Management Planning under Oceans Policy. P - Determining the ecological basis for spatial management
    1723 [view] John Gunn Determining the feasibility of using Pop-up Satellite archival tags to determine the movement and habitat preferences of adult Southern Bluefin Tuna 2000 to 2004 Feasibility of using pop-up satellite ta
    1694 [view] John Gunn Determining the nature and extent of swordfish movement and migration in the eastern and western AFZ through an industry-based tagging program 2000 to 2005 Swordfish movement and migration
    1257 [view] Scott Condie Develop & Supply - derived oceanic geostrophic current data 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Derived oceanic geostrophic current data
    1203 [view] Rudy Kloser Develop software - biomass assessments 1993-1999 1993 to 1999 Biomass assessments software development
    1851 [view] Chris Jackson Developing Australian technology for sustainable , profitable, high intensive pond based prawn culture 2003 to 2004 Technology for pond based prawn culture
    1228 [view] Tony Smith Developing Fishery-independent Techniques for Indexing Abundance & Recruitment in the South East Fishery 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Fishery-independent indices for Abundance & Recruitment in the South East Fishery
    2192 [view] Jessica Farley Developing age-length keys for the Australian SBT surface fishery based on direct age estimations using otoliths 2005 to 2005 CSIRO has developed techniques to accurately estimate the age of SBT using otoliths (Gunn et al., in prep). The key object of the current proposal is to use these techniques to estimate the age of a subsample of SBT caught in the Australian surface fishery in the Great Australian Bight, and to construct an age-length key for the fishery to meet our CCSBT comitment. Although the CCSBT's immediate request is estimate the age of SBT sampled from the 2001-2 season, the ultimate goal is to estimate the age of SBT from the Australian catch annually. Since the number of otoliths collected during 2001-2 was relatively low (n=188) and very few small or large fish were sampled, the proposal also aims to include samples from the 2002-3 and 2003-4 seasons. This would allow a more robust analysis and construction of age-length keys for the fishery. We propose to determine the age of approximately 360 SBT under this project (120 from each of three seasons), and develop age-length keys for each of the three fishing seasons. Note that the CCSBT request for this type of information is ongoing, so that otoliths for the more recent season (2003-4) woul d have to be analysed in any case. At the CCSBT SC meeting in 2003, Morton and Bravington (2003) reported that between 100-200 otoliths from the furface fishery would be sufficient to provide accceptable precision (CVs under 20%). Otolith reading techniques developed by CSIRO were transfered to the Central Ageing Facility (CAF) in Victoria, as part of the CCSBTs Age Estimation Workshop (Anon, 2002), and SBT sampled from the Indonesian longline fishery are already routinely aged by the CAF under a separate AFMA funding source. We propose to that CSIRO would select and extract SBT otoliths from the CSIRO hardparts archives that were collected from the Australian surface fishery, and arrange for them to be sent to the CAF for age estimation. The analysis of the direct age data will include consideration of the approach developed Developing age-length keys for Aust SBT
    1263 [view] John Stevens Developing an Australian Government Policy on managing shark resources in Australian waters 1998-1998 1998 to 1998 Policy development - managing Australian shark resources
    2113 [view] David McDonald Developing integrated performance measures for marine systems 2004 to 2008 This project aims to develop a method to assess the performance of management marine systems, and in particular the use by management of Marine Protected Areas and one of the tools to achieve objectives. It uses a whole of system approach in one of the selected focus ecosystems, the results will be relocatable, it will develop and test observational models, and it will evaluate management strategies that address multiple objectives. As such the project very closely matches all of the science elements of the SFG, as well as the being conducted in a selected Focus region. Developing integrated performance measures
    1778 [view] Cathy Dichmont Developing new method evaluating catch rates of spatially mobile and aggregating prawn resources 2002 to 2006 Developing new method evaluating catch r
    1613 [view] Neil Loneragan Developing surrogates for ecosystems 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Developing surrogates for ecosystems
    1495 [view] Neil Loneragan Developing techniques for enhancing the Brown Tiger Prawn fishery in Exmouth Gulf 1999 to 2004 Exmouth Enhancement
    1427 [view] John Gunn Developing techniques to estimate the age of bigeye tuna and broadbill swordfish off eastern Australia - a pilot project (FRDC project no. 98/113) 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Ageing of bigeye tuna and broadbill swordfish off eastern Australia
    1307 [view] Gary Meyers Development and Testing of Climate Models for seasonal prediction for Australia 1995-2000 1995 to 2000 Climate Models for seasonal prediction for Australia
    68 [view] Rudy Kloser Development and Use of Acoustics in Deepwater Stock Assessment 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Acoustics Methods for Deepwater Stock Assessment
    1195 [view] Rudy Kloser Development and application of a combined industry/scientific acoustic survey of orange roughy in the Eastern Zone (FRDC project no. 1999/111) 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Acoustic survey of orange roughy in the Eastern Zone
    1700 [view] Rudy Kloser Development and application of a combined industry/scientific acoustic survey of orange roughy in the Eastern Zone 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Acoustic survey of orange roughy in the Eastern Zone
    2057 [view] Yingping Wang Development and application regional inversion techniques 2003 to 2005 Pending approval from Peter Mannins. Project proposal & budget available Regional inversion
    549 [view] Tony Koslow Development and use of acoustic techniques for the assessment of deepwater commercial fish stocks (FIRDC project no. 90/25) 1990-1993 1990 to 1993 Acoustics fish survey development
    551 [view] Tony Koslow Development and use of the egg production method to assess the biomass of orange roughy off eastern Tasmania (FIRDC project no. 90/9) 1990-1993 1990 to 1993 Assessment of Tasmanian orange roughy stocks (egg survey)
    1911 [view] David McDonald Development of Estuarine Management Support Tools for Data and Model Access and Visualisation 2004 to 2004 Development of Estuarine Mngmt Support Tools
    1574 [view] John Volkman Development of Novel Methods of the Assessment of Sediment Condition and Determination of Management Protocols for Sustainable Finfish Cage Aquaculture Operations 2000 to 2004 Development Novel Methods Finfish Cage
    1174 [view] Alan Butler Development of Pilot Performance Indicators for Conservation Areas in the South pacific - A Consultancy 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Performance Indicators for Conservation Areas in the South Pacific
    1970 [view] Jack Katzfey Development of Weather Forecast Products 2002 to 2005
    2472 [view] Mike Coffin Development of William’s Ridge, Kerguelen Plateau: tectonics, hotspot magmatism, microcontinents, and Australia’s Extended Continental Shelf 2020 The voyage has two principal scientific objectives: 1. To gain important new knowledge of the rifting, breakup, and initial separation of tectonic plates. The project constitutes the first-ever case study of conjugate oceanic plateau end-members – the formerly contiguous and subaerial, but now separated and submarine Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge in the southern Indian Ocean – to investigate these phenomena. 2. To acquire, analyse, and interpret data and samples necessary for Australia to make a new or revised submission to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS). The purpose is to extend our marine jurisdiction to include William’s Ridge, an extension of the Central Kerguelen Plateau, under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
    1378 [view] Tom Polacheck Development of a database network for use in assessment of the Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery (FRDC project no. 94/150) 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Project objectives: To develop a database system that integrates and allows for the efficient access to the diverse sets of data necessary for the assessment of the southern bluefin tuna fishery. This has been achieved through the establishment of an extensive Oracle database, holding fishery and research data from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and Indonesia among others. Key stock indicators can now be easily extracted from these diverse datasets for incorporation into the stock assessment of southern bluefin tuna. Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery database network
    1380 [view] Dennis Heinemann Development of a fisheries observer program to monitor seabird by-catch rates in domestic longline fisheries 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Seabird bycatch observer program
    1381 [view] Ann Cowling Development of a fishery-independent index of abundance for juvenile southern bluefin tuna (FRDC project nos. 94/149, 96/118) 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Fishery-independent survey for juvenile southern bluefin tuna
    2204 [view] John Gunn Development of a multi-agency task force to assess impacts of Tsunami on reefs and reef ecosystems of the Maldives. 2005 to 2005 Maldives Task Force
    1271 [view] Nic Bax Development of a rapid-assessment technique to determine biological interactions between fish and their environment, and their role in ecosystem functioning (FRDC project no. 96/275) 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 A rapid-assessment technique to determine biological interactions between fish and their environment
    1802 [view] Marinelle Basson Development of a robust suite of Stock Status Indicators for the Southern and Western and the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fisheries 2003 to 2006 Dev Stock Status Indicators Tuna and Bil
    1766 [view] Nick Elliott Development of a vaccine for amoebic gill disease: Genomic and cDNA library screening for antigen discovery 2002 to 2004 Vaccine for AGD
    2072 [view] Nick Elliott Development of a vaccine for amoebic gill disease: genomic and cDNA library screening for antigen discovery. Phase II. 2004 to 2007 Food Futures Flagship 2B5 - Vaccine for AGD: Phase II
    1204 [view] Tony Koslow Development of acoustic methods to survey orange roughy in the eastern and southern zones (FRDC project no. 95/031) 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Acoustic survey methods for orange roughy in the eastern and southern zones
    1476 [view] Roland Pitcher Development of an acoustic system for remote sensing of benthic fisheries habitat for mapping, monitoring and impact assessment (FRDC project no. 93/058) 1993-2000 1993 to 2000 Acoustic system development for remote sensing of benthic fisheries habitat
    1382 [view] Robert Campbell Development of an operating model for evaluation of harvest strategies for the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery 1999 to 2003 FRDC - Model for evaluation of harvest s
    1702 [view] Robert Campbell Development of an operating model for evaluation of harvest strategies for the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Harvest strategies for the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery
    1229 [view] Tony Smith Development of bioeconomic risk assessment model 1992-1998 1992 to 1998 Bioeconomic risk assessment model
    1007 [view] Nigel Preston Development of biological tagging techniques for penaeid prawns (FRDC project nos. 92/037, 93/093) 1993-? 1993 to 2000 The objective of this project was to develop novel biological tags for penaeid prawns. The impetus for this research was the growing interest in Australia in the potential for stock-enhancement of penaeid fisheries with hatchery reared juveniles. In any stock- enhancement program some means of differentiating between introduced and wild prawns is needed to monitor the effectiveness of the program. Many different types of tags have been used in fisheries, but none are suitable for penaeid reseeding. For prawns, the tags would ideally be: able to mark individuals at all life history stages; unique to the local population; inexpensive and quick to apply and detect; either transmissible or non-transmissible to subsequent generations; and harmless to both the prawn and consumer (Rothlisberg and Preston 1992). This project examined whether novel chemical and genetic tags could meet these criteria and hence provide a means of monitoring the success of prawn stock-enhancement programs. Biological tagging techniques for penaeid prawns
    2214 [view] Nic Bax Development of gene probes for introduced marine pests 2005 to 2006 This project fits well with CMR's Statement of Strategic Intent and further provides a vehicle to initiate the development of microarray techniques in the division. This is a necessary component of developing a broader capacity in the CMR to use gene probes to distinguish multi-species communities and their functional attributes. P - Development of Gene Probes for Marine Pests
    1846 [view] Nick Elliott Development of genetic projects to assist Tasmanian salmon industry 2003 to 2004 Salmonid genetics
    1029 [view] Kevin Williams Development of grow-out feed for giant tiger prawns 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Development of grow-out feed for giant tiger prawns
    1597 [view] Tony Smith Development of harvest strategies for selected SEF species 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Development of harvest strategies for selected SEF species
    1099 [view] Charles Jacoby Development of high membrane efficiency water-based drilling fluids 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 High membrane efficiency water-based drilling fluids
    559 [view] Richard Mcloughlin Development of improved and environmentally sensitive scallop harvesting gear (FIRDC project no. 91/49) 1991-1993 1991 to 1993 Development of improved scallop harvesting gear
    2161 [view] John Stevens Development of indicators for pelagic shark-catch sustainability using blue shark as the model 2005 to 2007 P - Developmt of indicators for pelagic shark-catch
    538 [view] Keith Sainsbury Development of more efficient traps for the north west shelf fishery (FIRTA project no. 87/75) 1987-1989 1987 to 1989 more efficient traps for the north west shelf fishery
    1859 [view] Marinelle Basson Development of skills in and methods for the analysis of archival tag data using hidden Markov models 2003 to 2004 Hidden Markov Models
    580 [view] Tony Koslow Development of software for use in multi-frequency acoustic biomass assessments and ecological studies (FRDC project no. 93/237) 1993-1996 1993 to 1996 The primary objective of the research is the development of multi-frequency-based methods of analysis for an expanding and diverse range of applications in Australia's fisheries and their associated ecosystems. This will be achieved by: 1. The development of software that will use multi-variate and image analysis analytical methods to analyse calibrated multi-frequency acoustic data for biomass assessment, species composition and bottom type studies. 2. Testing and validating these methods with field data on orange roughy and ecology/biomass studies in the SBT, SEF and Gulf of Carpentaria. Software for multi-frequency acoustic biomass assessments
    1052 [view] Nigel Preston Development of the aquaculture capability of the brown tiger prawn (Penaeus esculentus) (FRDC project no. 96/302) 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Development of the aquaculture capability of the brown tiger prawn
    1207 [view] Tony Koslow Development of the egg production method to assess the blue grenadier stock in the south east fishery (FRDC project no. 95/035) 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Blue grenadier in the south east fishery - egg production survey
    1218 [view] Vincent Lyne Development, application and evaluation of the use of remotely sensed data by Australian fisheries (FRDC project no. 94/045) 1994-2000 1994 to 2000 Use of remotely sensed data for Australian fisheries
    1062 [view] Chad Hewitt Devonport, Bunbury, Albury, Port Lincoln and Eden Port Surveys 1996-2001 1996 to 2001 Devonport, Bunbury, Albury, Port Lincoln and Eden Port Surveys
    1030 [view] David Smith Diet Validation & Feeding Strategies 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Diet Validation & Feeding Strategies
    2595 [view] Matt Gordon Dinoflagellates & broader planktonic assemblage observation 2021 Dinoflagellates are a ubiquitous and ecologically important component of marine phytoplankton communities, with particularly notable species including those associated with harmful algal blooms (HABs) and those that bioluminesce. High-throughput sequencing offers a novel approach compared to traditional microscopy for determining species assemblages and distributions of dinoflagellates, which are poorly known especially in Australian waters.
    The major aims for data collection activities during this voyage are:
  • 1. collect water samples at night for taxonomic and molecular identification of dinoflagellate species;
  • 2. record and compare environmental and physical characteristics (water quality parameters, sea state, wind, moonlight) against observed species composition / abundance; and
  • 3. record and compare environmental and physical characteristics (water quality parameters, sea state, wind, moonlight) against observed bioluminescence activity
  • 520 [view] Direct otolith ageing of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii (Catlenau)) exploited by the Australian fishery (FIRTA project no. 84/71) 1984-1986 1984 to 1986 Southern Bluefin Tuna Ageing
    541 [view] Ron Thresher Distribution, seasonal abundance and dispersal patterns of larvae of commercially important fin fish species from southern Australian continental shelf and slope waters (FIRDC project no. 88/71) 1989-1991 1989 to 1991 Ichthyoplankton project
    2284 [view] John Stevens Diversity, Abundance and Habitat Utilisation of Sharks and Rays with Reference to the NMP Management Zones 2006 to 2009
    1161 [view] Tony Rees Divisional Data Centre 1997- 1997 Divisional Data Centre
    1868 [view] Rob Kenyon Documenting the history of, and provide protocols and criteria for changing or establishing, existing and new closures in the NPF 2003 to 2004 Closures in the NPF
    1587 [view] Nigel Preston Domestication of Penaeus Monodon (Seafarm) 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Domestication of penaeus Monodon (Seafarm)
    1009 [view] Nigel Preston Domestication of Penaeus monodon (Seafarm) 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Domestication of Penaeus monodon
    1599 [view] Alan Butler Duke Energy Pipeline Survey 2000-2000 2000 to 2000 Duke Energy Pipeline Survey
    1466 [view] Roland Pitcher Dynamics of large sessile seabed fauna important for structural fisheries habitat 1997 to 2003 Megabenthos
    2487 [view] Iain Suthers Dynamics of larval fish diversity for ocean observing off North Stradbroke Island 2019 We will undertake biological and oceanographic sampling, using CTDs, Triaxus tows, bongo nets, SADCP, to characterise the shelf waters off the Stradbroke NRS, and to sample dynamic, ephemeral frontal eddies flowing down from Fraser Island and shelf – boundary exchanges. These observations will enable us to discover the spatial and temporal variability of shelf water and plankton around the Stradbroke Island National Reference Station (NRS) mooring.
    2266 [view] Andreas Schiller Dynamics of ocean circulation variability in the Asian-Australian Region (QMS - WfO Postdoc) 2006 to 2011
    2041 [view] John Gunn ECTBFAG (Fishery Management and Broader Research) - 2004-05 2004 to 2005 ECTBFAG (Fishery Management) - 2004-05
    2201 [view] Ian Barton EOC Partnership Funds: EOC Data Archive 2004 to 2007 The work within this project will enhance our capability for marine environment prediction by ensuring on-line access to MODIS and AATSR satellite data sets. These data sets will be used in bith physical and biogeochemical models of the Australian EEZ.
    2139 [view] John Parslow ESA - Sustainable Marine Ecosystems Framework 2004 to 2007 The Goal is to establish robust tools for multiple-use management of marine resources. Marine ecosystems and their healthy functioning are the basis of marine industries and a multitude of human services and uses. These uses and services affect the marine ecosystem, as well as providing the human benefits sought. Achieving sustainable benefits relies on getting the balance of use and impacts right. In the past, each use and impact has been assessed and managed more or less in isolation, and this misses a crucial point - that the human socioeconomic system and the ecosystem supporting them are interacting systems and ultimately they must be treated holistically. Conserving Australia's unique natural marine heritage in the face of mounting multiple-use pressures requires a sound scientific underpinning. Especially important is a sophisticated understanding of the processes that link current and prospective human-induced pressures with economic response. This is not a new lesson - on land Australiahas learned this the hard way and is now confronted with repairing fractured ecosystems and loss of productive land at huge cost. CMR is an acknowledged world-leader in multiple use management of marine ecosystems (as recognised by Dr Keith Sainsbury's Japan Prize). The science will provide: risk assessments, incorporate uncertainties, and test the ability of proposed management strategies to deliver desired outcomes for management of Australia's most sensitive and valuable marine regions; consolidate and improve the scientific methods to measure, predict and evaluate strategies for multiple-use management at the national level; and, develop international collaboration and case studies to enhance Australia's capacity and capability, and to build international application opportunities for Australian science.
    2594 [view] Rebecca Cowley EXpendable Bathythermographs (XBTs) 2021 xbt data collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator. XBT
    1548 [view] EZ Company miscellaneous consulting - 1980s 1988 to 1988 EZ Company misc. consulting - 1980s
    12 [view] Bruce Hamon East Australian Current and eddy studies ("Courageous", "Sprightly"), 1978-1984 1978 to 1984 East Australian Current studies late 1970s-80s
    3 [view] East Australian Current studies ("Derwent Hunter", "Gascoyne"), 1957-60 1957 to 1960 East Australian Current studies late 1950s-early 60s
    38 [view] Bruce Hamon East Australian Current studies ("Kimbla" and "Diamantina"), late 1960s 1966 East Australian Current studies, late 1960s
    20 [view] East Coast Prawn Project, Moreton Bay,1966-1973 (includes "Marelda", "Kalinda" cruises) 1966 to 1973 East Coast Prawn Project hydrological surveys late 1960s-70s
    2449 [view] Joanne Whittaker East Tasman Plateau – key to unravelling the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current 2016
    2535 [view] Joanne Whittaker East Tasman Plateau –key to unravelling the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current 2016 Scientific objectives 1)Dredge volcanic and sedimentary rocks to obtain new, rigorous age and paleo-depth constraints for the Cascade Seamount. Underway bathymetric data will be used to refine dredge targets. 2)Collect sediment cores across a depth transect to enable work investigating paleo-oceanographic conditions using proxies. Preferably at least a multicore proximal to IODP site 1172, and piston cores at the mid- and shallow-depth sites. 3)Collect high resolution swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profile data to see how far recent sediment flows extend from the Cascade Seamount towards IODP site 1172, to test the hypothesis that downslope transport resulted in the observed sediment patterns in core 1172. Existing coverage and resolution of bathymetry across the East Tasman Plateau is insufficient to resolve this question. 4)CTD to complement the sediment core data if possible. Alternative is for clean underway surface supply samples to be taken where CTD not possible.
    1745 [view] Roland Pitcher East Torres Strait Bech-der-mer 2001 to 2004
    1428 [view] Wade Whitelaw Eastcoast and Tuna Billfish 1994-? 1994 to 2000 Eastcoast and Tuna Billfish
    2119 [view] John Gunn Eastern Tuna and Billfish (Resource Assessment Group) 2004-05 (Meetings) 2004 to 2005 ECTBFAG (Resource Assessment Group) - 2004-05
    1571 [view] Chad Hewitt Ecological Risk Analysis Methodology for GMO's 2001-2002 2001 to 2002 Ecological Risk Analysis Methodology for GMO's
    2165 [view] Alistair Hobday Ecological Risk Assessment for Commonwealth Fisheries: Stage 2 2004 to 2006 In October 2001, AFMA initiated a process to develop ecological risk assessments for its managed fisheries. The project, entitled Ecological Risk Assessment for Commonwealth Fisheries (ERACF) completed its first phase in July 2004. Stage 1 of the project involved the development of a method for undertaking ecological risk assessment for the effects of fishing (ERAEF), and its application to 14 of AFMA's fisheries (although full assessment has not been completed for all 14 fisheries). ERAEF is a hierarchical approach, moving from a broad but qualitative Level 1 analysis, known as SICA, through a semi-quantitative Level 2 (PSA), to a fully quantitative Level 3 analysis. At each level, lower risk activities and ecological components and units are screened out, while higher risks are either dealt with through a risk mitigation management response, or are evaluated at the next level. Moving to a higher level of analysis reduces the uncertainty, but is more demanding in terms of data, time and costs of analysis. Stage 1 of the project developed and applied the Level 1 and Level 2 analyses, but did not apply the Level 3 analyses to any fisheries. Further, the Level 2 analyses that were conducted for 20 sub-fisheries did not incorporate additional fishery specific data (such as catch data or spatial analysis of effort). The current Level 2 is based on general attributes of species and habitats often derived from Fish Base or from the literature. In addition, external review of the method identified improvements that could be made to the Level 2 analyses that would help further reduce the uncertainties associated with risk estimates. Although management actions can be taken on the basis of the current Level 1 and 2 analyses, AFMA has asked for further analyses at Level 2 before requesting MACs to advise on risk mitigation measures and responses. Stage 2 of the ERACF project is intended to address these issues by continuing the development of the ERAEF method and its appli Ecological Risk Assessment Stage 2
    2559 [view] Ecological and carbon sequestration role of mesopelagic organisms
    2560 [view] Ecological and carbon sequestration role of mesopelagic organisms
    2561 [view] Ben Scoulding, Rudy Kloser Ecological and carbon sequestration role of mesopelagic organisms in the Southern Ocean 2020 The small crustaceans, squids, fishes and gelatinous organisms that make up micronekton are a key biological component of the worlds’ oceans many making nightly migrations from mesopelagic 200-1000 m depths to the surface epipelagic 0-200m depths. Understanding their diversity, distribution, biomass and energetic needs are key to further understanding the carbon cycle and linking primary production to top predators. Commonly nets, optic and acoustic samplers are used to determine the taxonomy, size, biomass, trophic linkage and energetics of zooplankton and micronekton. Each of these sampling methods have bias and uncertainty that need to be quantified prior to attributing changes within and between regions. In particular for the gelatinous community that covers a wide range of taxonomic and energetic groups that are difficult to sample with nets. To improve vessel mounted acoustic and net sampling methods of macro-zooplankton and micronekton a new profiling multi-frequency acoustic optical system has been developed with the ultimate aim of it being used as a remote sampling tool. On this voyage we will be testing the next phase of a profiling lagrangian acoustic and optical probe (PLAOS) to sample these organisms to depths of 1000 m. These tests will involve detailed sampling of the repeatability of the measurements when varying lighting, using new broadband acoustic sensors and a new buoyancy engine to enable the system to do repeat profiles. A RMT8 single wire net will be used to capture micronekton for species identification and isotope studies. Development of this methodology and technology will significantly advance our knowledge of micronekton biomass and distribution and provide the necessary structure and function understanding for the development of carbon and ecosystem models of the open ocean linking to the ACE CRC carbon program as well as the MESOPP ecosystem program. It is envisaged that the majority of the sampling will be done at night for both the PLAOS and net sampling working around the other projects as needed. We envisage ~10-12 PLAOS deployments and ~5 net deployments during the voyage.
    2599 [view] Ben Scoulding Ecological and carbon sequestration role of mesopelagic organisms in the Southern Ocean 2022
    1610 [view] Tony Smith Ecological indicators for fishery management 2000 to 2004 Ecological indicators for fishery manage
    1739 [view] Alistair Hobday Ecological risk assessment for Commonwealth fisheries 2001 to 2004 Ecological risk assessment
    2219 [view] Phillip England Ecological significance of dispersal for rare species of subtidal macroalgae along the southwestern coast of Australia 2006 to 2008 This project will contribute knowledge, understanding and prediction of marine ecosystems on the southern WA coast as the basis for ecologically sustainable possible future development or exploitation: one of five priority research areas of CMR. The combination of ecological, genetic, oceanographic and computer modelling methods represents an integrated, whole-of-system approach, in keeping with the statement of strategic intent. P - Ecological significance of dispersal
    612 [view] Steve Blaber Ecological sustainability of bycatch and biodiversity in prawn trawl fisheries (FRDC project no. 96/257) 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Bycatch and biodiversity in prawn trawl fisheries
    1384 [view] Dennis Heinemann Ecologically Related Species 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Ecologically Related Species
    1206 [view] Xi He Ecologically sustainable development of the fishery for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) around Macquarie Island: population parameters, population assessment and ecological interactions (FRDC project no. 97/122) 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Macquarie Island Patagonian toothfish studies
    2273 [view] Scott Condie Ecologically sustainable development of the regional marine and estuarine resources of NSW 2005 to 2007
    81 [view] Stephen Brandt Ecology of Ocean Fronts 1979-8? 1979 to 198 Ecology of Ocean Fronts
    505 [view] Ecology of coastal reefs, the nurseries of juvenile western rock lobsters (FIRTA project no. 76/20) 1976 to 1978 Ecology of coastal reefs
    1219 [view] David McDonald Econometrics 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Econometrics
    1870 [view] Vincent Lyne Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Fisheries 2003 to 2003
    2276 [view] Anthony David Miln Smith Ecosystem Based Management - Framework 2006 to 2007
    1468 [view] Roland Pitcher Ecosystem Effects of Fishing 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Ecosystem Effects of Fishing
    1854 [view] Rodrigo Bustamante Ecosystem knowledge in GOC 2003 to 2004
    2137 [view] Peter Rothlisberg Ecosystem process in tropical rivers: conceptual models and future R&D 2004 to 2004 As part of the NFE Science Plan we intend to develop a component of research dealing with land-water interactions. Catchment hydrology and nutrient dynamics and how they affect estuaries, the coastal zone and fisheries therein is the major focus. The proposed consortium from Qld, NT and WA will compare and contrast rivers in the Gulf of Carpentaria with the Daly River in NT and the Ord-Bonaparte system in WA. This enhances the work of NFE within CMR by linking to this research network and broadening potential funding sources (e.g. ARC, L&WA and FRDC). Ecosystem process in tropical rivers
    2442 [view] Peter Strutton Eddy: Linking eddy physics and biogeochemistry in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current south of Tasmania 2016 Our ultimate goal is to understand how eddy circulation impacts elemental cycling, and how this scales up to the eddy field of the Southern Ocean. We will conduct a process study of two contrasting eddies, one cyclonic and one anti-cyclonic, during the MNF voyage and expand our results to the Southern Ocean more broadly through data analysis and modelling efforts. Eddy Project
    1079 [view] Dick Martin Effectiveness of Heating Ballast Water to Kill Marine Pests 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Heating Ballast Water to Kill Marine Pests
    1469 [view] Roland Pitcher Effects of Fishing Monitoring (1996-2000) 1996 to 2004 Effects of Fishing Monitoring (1996-2000
    1358 [view] Francis Pantus Effects of Line Fishing (GBR) 1998 to 2004
    1622 [view] Rich Little Effects of Line Fishing on the Great Barrier Reef - CRC Reef - Task B4.2 2000 to 2006 Effects of Line Fishing - Task B4.2
    1470 [view] Charis Burridge Effects of Trawling (GBRMPA) 1992-2000 1992 to 2000 Effects of Trawling - Great Barrier Reef
    1966 [view] Wenju Cai Effects of climate change on Queensland, with particular emphasis on water resource issues 2002 to 2005 Climate Change in Queensland Under Enhanced Greenhouse Conditions
    1230 [view] Rich Little Effects of line fishing GBR and evaluation of management strategies 1997 to 2003 GBR Management Strat
    1385 [view] Geoff Tuck Effects of longlining on seabird populations 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Effects of longlining on seabird populations
    1386 [view] Dennis Heinemann Effects of longlining on seabird populations 97/98 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Effects of longlining on seabird populations 97/98
    1336 [view] Alan Pearce Effects of seasonal and inter-annual variability of the ocean environment on recruitment to the fisheries of WA (FRDC project no. 94/032) 1994-2000 1994 to 2000 Project objectives: 1.Establish a monthly climatology of sea-surface temperatures (and derived ocean current patterns) around Western Australia from 1982 to 1997 using NOAA-AVHRR satellite data. 2.Develop appropriate monthly indices of ocean variability and create a historical database of oceanic variables at selected sites, including coastal sea level, sea-surface temperature, salinity and wind. 3.Study relationships between oceanic processes and seasonal/interannual fluctuations in recruitment to the rock lobster, scallop, Australian salmon, pilchard and shark fisheries of Western Australia. Effects of variability of the ocean environment on recruitment to WA fisheries
    1765 [view] Rhys Leeming Effluent Management incorporating "Wet Weather Sewage Overflow Abatement Program, Lota Creek Pilot" (EM) 2001 to 2003 Sewage Overflow Abatement Program - Lota
    1857 [view] Yimin Ye Effort trade-offs in the NPF 2003 to 2004
    67 [view] Tony Koslow Egg Production Methods and Biomass Assessment 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Egg Production Methods and Biomass Assessment
    2207 [view] Bronwyn Dunse Emissions of CFC-12 and HFC-134a from the Melbourne road transport fleet as measured in the Domain Tunnel Traffic density and vehicular composition data in the domain Tunnel are likely to be confidential 2004 to 2005 CFC-12 and HFC-134a emissions from Melbourne traffic
    1924 [view] Keith Hayes Empirical Validation of small vessel hazard analysis for Asterias and Undaria - II 2004 to 2005 Empirical Validation of small vessel hazard analysis
    1824 [view] Keith Hayes Empirical Validation: Small Vessel Translocation of Key Threatening Species 2003 to 2004 NHT - Empirical Validation
    2043 [view] Jack Katzfey Energy Transformed - Jack Katzfey 2003 to 2005 Distributed generation in the national electricity market
    1893 [view] Peter Oke Enhanced Ocean Prediction using Ensemble Kalman Filter Techniques 2004 to 2006 Enhanced Ocean Prediction
    2077 [view] Peter Oke Enhanced Regional Ocean Prediction 2004 to 2007
    1997 [view] Jorgen Frederiksen Ensemble Prediction of Atmospheric and Ocean-Atmosphere Regime Transitions 2003 to 2005 CSS Ensemble Prediction
    2086 [view] Paul Steele Environmental Consequences of Future Hydrogen Emissions 2004 to 2004 Envion.Consequences of Fut Hyd Emissions
    1115 [view] Andy Revill Environmental Contaminants 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Environmental Contaminants
    1637 [view] Andy Revill Environmental Contaminants 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Environmental Contaminants
    1122 [view] Edward Butler Environmental Effects of Aquaculture 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Environmental Effects of Aquaculture
    1649 [view] Edward Butler Environmental Effects of Aquaculture 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Environmental Effects of Aquaculture
    2149 [view] Bill Physick Environmental Health (P-h Flagship) 2004 to 2005
    1582 [view] Francis Pantus Environmental Health Monitoring Program 2000 to 2004
    1538 [view] John Hunter Environmental Studies in Coastal and Estuarine Waters 1989-1993 1989 to 1993 Environmental Studies in Coastal and Estuarine Waters
    2499 [view] Rachel Przeslawski Environmental baselines for Wessel Marine Park, northern Australia 2019 This project aims to collect and analyse valuable environmental baseline information in a data-poor marine park. Specifically, we will use a combination of multibeam sonar and towed imagery to map the seafloor and characterise seafloor habitats in a northern area in the Wessel Marine Park region. Collected data will be combined with the limited data available from previous surveys, as well as museum records, to test assumptions about the Wessel Marine Park drawn from the 2018 management plan. These assumptions are: (A) Includes some of the most diverse environments in the North Marine Region. (B) Includes some of the most species-rich environments in the North Marine Region. (C) Supports a number of endemic species. (D) Acts as a transition point for sessile invertebrate and fish species. In addition, we will test the hypothesis that the raised seabed features (banks, shoals) in the park are relict reefs that formed at lower sea levels in the early Holocene period (ca. 12,000 to 7,000 years before present). Results from this study will inform detailed implementation plans to be developed by the Department of Environment and Energy over the next 10 years. In particular, this study will expand the currently limited species inventory from the region, contribute to an assessment of the significance of raised geomorphic features in the park, and identify geomorphic features, habitats, or communities of interest.
    1123 [view] Edward Butler Environmental research for sustainable development of fish farming 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Environmental research for sustainable development of fish farming
    1601 [view] Nic Bax Eradicating European Carp from Tasmania and implications for national European carp eradication 2000 to 2003 Carp Eradication
    540 [view] John Volkman Essential fatty acid content of feedstocks used in aquaculture (FIRDC project no. 88/69) 1989-1990 1989 to 1990 Fatty acid content of feedstocks used in aquaculture
    1264 [view] Barry Bruce Establishing the basis for conservation management of white sharks in Australian waters 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Conservation management of Australian white sharks
    1892 [view] Nic Bax Establishing the risk and reducing the threat of invasive species to the South-east ecosystem - BAX037. 2003 to 2004 Threat of invasive species to the SE SME
    9 [view] Stan Hynd Estelle Star bluefin tuna surveys, Western Australia 1960s 1961 to 1967
    2588 [view] Katherina Petrou Estimates of silica production within mixed phytoplankton communities along a latitudinal gradient of Eastern Australia. 2021 The primary goal of this project is to obtain community and species-specific estimates of silica production within mixed natural phytoplankton communities along a latitudinal gradient of Eastern Australia. Therefore, there are two specific aims of this project: 1) To determine bulk rates of silicification in phytoplankton communities from latitudinally distinct bioregions (SOTS providing a southern-most site). 2) To evaluate species-specific silicification to identify the heavy weights within the community. With this information in hand we can start to build a more complete picture of silicon cycling in regionally distinct oceanographic waters of Australia. Water sampling: We will collect 10L seawater from chl max and 10L from surface from one of the CTD casts at each of the two SOTS sites. If a DCM (deep chl max) is detected, we would like to also to sample 10L from that depth. CTD sampling will be done via silicon tubing into a carboy. Sampling can be done after hydrochemistry sampling is completed.
    1869 [view] John Gunn Estimating and monitoring of emerging non-member catch of SBT - Characterisation of unreported and unregulated global catch of SBT as a basis for understanding the challenges facing international management 2003 to 2004 Monitoring non-member catch of SBT
    1795 [view] Neil Loneragan Estimating extents of coastal habitats (mangroves saltflat sandbanks and floodplains) under different flow conditions in the Fitzroy River 2002 to 2004 Estimating extents of coastal habitats -
    1764 [view] Tom Polacheck Estimation of mortality rates from tagging data for pelagic fisheries: analysis and experimental design 2002 to 2005 Mortality rates from tagging data
    1359 [view] You-Gan Wang Estimation of population parameters for Australian prawn fisheries (FRDC project no. 95/015) 1995-1999 1995 to 1999 Population parameter estimation for Australian prawn fisheries
    1129 [view] John Parslow Estuarine Eutrophication Model 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Estuarine Eutrophication Model
    1429 [view] Ann Cowling Evaluate a surface abundance index based on commercial spotting data for juvenile SBT in the GAB 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Abundance index based on commercial spotting data for juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna in the Bight
    1231 [view] Tony Smith Evaluate harvest strategies 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Harvest strategy evaluation
    2438 [view] Camilla Novaglio Evaluating baseline conditions, resulting changes in demersal fish communities
    1815 [view] Keith Hayes Evaluating relative ecosystem impacts of Australian marine pests 2003 to 2003 Evaluating Impacts of Aus. Marine Pests
    1272 [view] Nic Bax Evaluating selectivity in the South-East fishery 1996/140 1996 to 2003 Evaluating selectivity in the SEF
    2199 [view] Nick Elliott Evaluating the Commercial Benefits of Research and Development to the Aquaculture industries using oyster breeding as a case study 2005 to 2006 Production improvement of aquaculture species through selective breeding programs and associated technologies is a major focus of the ISA, CMR and Flagship aquaculture portfolios. Pacific oysters (the fifth largest Australian aquacultue industry) have been a major focus species for CMR for the past five or more years. CMR was the lead agency in the establishment of the oyster breeding company ASI, through a FRDC project.CMR continues to be the preferred genetic R&D provider for ASI and this one year project will be the lead in to longer term contracts with ASI and possibly other funding mechanisms such as FRDC and Aus Industry. P - Commercial benefits of R&D to Aquaculture industries
    1220 [view] David McDonald Evaluating the costs and benefits of research on stock structure for management of the orange roughy fishery (FRDC project no. 96/109) 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Costs and benefits of research on stock structure for management of the orange roughy fishery
    2573 [view] Mark Meekhan Evaluating the impact of seismic surveys on the zooplankton communities of the North West Shelf 2021
    1965 [view] David Jupp Evaluation and validation of canopy laser radar for Native and plantation forest inventory 2002 to 2005 Information provided for this project will allow decision making about current timer assets as well as future harvesting costs, estimated yield at harvest and tooling up for saw milling and pulping. Canopy Laser Radar
    1804 [view] Tony Smith Evaluation of Strategic Options for Management of Commonwealth Fisheries in Southeastern Australia 2003 to 2006 Strategic Options Comm Fisheries
    1080 [view] Dick Martin Evaluation of Techniques for Detecting Toxicogenic Vibrio Cholora 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Techniques for Detecting Toxicogenic Vibrio Cholora
    1720 [view] Dale Kolody Evaluation of complex population models used for the assessment and management of migratory fish stocks 2001 to 2004 Complex Population Models (FRRF)
    570 [view] Evaluation of harvesting strategies for Australian fisheries at different levels of risk from economic collapse (FRDC project no. 93/?) 1993-1995 1993 to 1995 Australian fisheries harvesting stratey evaluation
    609 [view] Nic Bax Evaluation of selectivity in the south east fishery to determine its sustainable aggregate yield (FRDC project no. 96/140) 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Selectivity in the south east fishery
    1740 [view] Nigel Preston Evaluation of spawning and larval breeding - Reef Organics 2001 to 2003 Evaluation of spawning and larval rearin
    1905 [view] Chris Jackson Evaluation of the benefits and cost of an Integrated Farm Support System (IFSS) for tuna aquaculture 2004 to 2005 Integrated Farm Support System
    2626 [view] Phil Vandenbossche Evolution of the Seafloor of the Australian-Antarctic Southern Ocean 2023 The seafloor in the Southern Ocean records a 100+ million-year history of plate tectonic motions between Australia and Antarctica. Most of what we know about these plate tectonic motions and the formation of the seafloor, comes from satellite gravity data and ship-track magnetic data. However, in the past decade, progressively more multibeam (‘swath’) bathymetry data has been collected across vast swathes of the Australian Southern Ocean, particularly offshore southwestern Tasmania (in the SOTS – Southern Ocean Time Series region) and to the southwest of Perth (from the search for missing Malaysia Airliner, MH370). These datasets provide detailed high-resolution information of the seafloor morphology across two areas of a similar age on the Australian plate but formed at opposite ends of the tectonic spreading system. This presents a unique opportunity to study and compare the seafloor at these locations, which will yield valuable new information as to how the seafloor has accreted and been influenced by processes such as plate tectonic motions, settings and reorganisations, mantle plumes, long-wavelength mantle flow as well as mantle geochemistry and temperature. This project therefore aims to provide new research insights into the evolution of the seafloor of the Australian-Antarctic Southern Ocean and East Gondwana region. There are two primary objectives that will augment existing data in support of this research: 1. Acquire towed magnetometer data between the Tasman Fracture Zone and SOTS site (in an NNE-SSW orientation), as part of the transit to/from SOTS. No physical rock dating is known to exist in the study area and therefore magnetic data will provide valuable indicative ages of the seafloor crust across the region. 2. Acquire multibeam bathymetry data in areas previously unmapped. Areas to target lie to the west and south of the SOTS site. This will extend the seafloor mapping coverage in the region, thereby providing valuable new bathymetry data that will be used to analyse the seafloor morphology and tectonic fabric (and contribute to the International Seabed 2030 project).
    2094 [view] John Gunn Examining the movement and residency of adult SBT in the Tasman Sea and on their spawning grounds south of Indonesia using pop-up archival tags 2004 to 2007 This proposal (and a sister project run under the CCSBT SRP using conventional tags on fish released by the Australian domestic longline fishery) seeks to address key questions regarding the movements and residency patterns of adult SBT in the Tasman Sea: 1. How long do adult SBT spend in the Tasman Sea each winter? 2. How do they move away from the Tasman Sea  via New Zealand, or south past the Tasmanian east coast? 3. Do individuals return to the Tasman Sea each winter? 4. Do all adult SBT make a migration to the spawning grounds each year? 5. Are there discrete areas in the NE Indian Ocean where SBT spawn (that could be closed to fishing as a method of controlling the take of SBT in the Indonesian fishery)? 6. How long do individuals spend on the spawning grounds? The proposal will use methods and tags tested and successfully used overseas on Atlantic Bluefin by researchers at Stanford University, USA and in Australia on black marlin, SBT and Bigeye tuna by CSIRO scientists (Gunn and Block 2002, Gunn et al. 2003). The project is designed to run for three years, releasing 25 tags in the first year, and a total of 35 over the following two years. Analyses will be reported annually to the CCSBT Stock Assessment Group and Scientific Committee, and the final report will be presented to the CCSBT and submitted for international peer review. The project results (ie. habitat preference and movement data collected by the PATs) will also feed directly into adaptive management models currently being developed as a collaboration between AFMA and CSIRO to assist the delineation of restricted access areas within the East Coast Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ET&BF) at times SBT are migrating up the Australian east coast. Movement of adult SBT using pop-up archival tags
    1212 [view] Tony Koslow Exchange and analysis of historical Soviet fishery data from the waters around Australia (FRDC project no. 93/239) 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Project objectives : 1.Computerize all fishery data from Soviet research cruises in Australian waters, 1963-1975: species composition by trawl, length frequency, maturity stage, and stomach content data 2.Validate and update species identifications for species in instances where the identification is in doubt, based on cruise material 3.Archive the data in the AFZIS database 4.Analyze the data for patterns of distribution and relative abundance for major species Exchange and analysis of historical Soviet fishery data from Australian waters
    1045 [view] Nigel Preston Exmouth Reseeding (A&B) 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Exmouth Reseeding
    1917 [view] Edward Butler Experimental & Observational Biogeochemistry 2003 to 2005
    2372 [view] Ian Poiner Experimental Efects of Prawn Trawling in the Far Northern GBR 1991-1997 1991 to 1997 The project was a five year study into the effects of trawling on seabed communities in the inter-shoal and inter-reef areas in the Far Northern Section of the Great Barrier Reef. EOT - Far Northern GBR
    1433 [view] John Gunn Experimental analyses of the effects of ration and feeding frequency on the thermodynamics, energetics, growth and condition of farmed southern bluefin tuna (FRDC project no. 97/363) 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Feeding dynamics of farmed southern bluefin tuna
    1520 [view] Roy Harden Jones Exploratory Fishing Project ("Soela" cruises) 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Exploratory Fishing
    524 [view] Roy Harden Jones Exploratory and experimental surveys for fish and crustacea in Australian continental shelf waters (FIRTA project no. 85/?) 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Exploratory Fishing
    2516 [view] Katherine Walters Exploring different science communication strategies for engaging the public in marine science 2017 Science communication traditionally uses the "knowledge deficit" model, which assumes that if people simply understand the science, they'll care about its implications. However, there's a great deal of recent research (particularly regarding climate change) to suggest this is NOT the case, and that changing people's attitudes and behaviours may require different strategies such as moral framing, narrative, or even the use of marketing tools. All of this has to be attempted in the changing media landscape which includes social and new media, making the science communicator's job rather challenging! I would like to test some of the above strategies by following the journeys of the scientists – or if this is not possible, following the journey of the science which is undertaken on board IN2017-T01, and sharing these journeys with the public by use of a variety of written and visual styles (for example: blog posts, short videos, infographics, curated image / twitter stories, etc.).
    2598 [view] Exploring the genomics of convergent snout elongations in deep-sea fishes 2021 Fresh muscle samples from spikefishes (Triacanthodids) and sharks and rays (Chondrichthyes) will placed into a dry shipper for rapid freezing. These samples will be used for several genomic projects that the Australian National Fish Collection is working on with US colleagues (University of Oklahoma and Florida Museum of Natural History). Representative samples for these projects will be frozen rapidly with LN so that chromosomal and transcriptomic data can be obtained.
    1308 [view] Gary Meyers Extended Seasonal Climate Predictions using a Dynamic Climate Model - COR5 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Extended Seasonal Climate Predictions
    1933 [view] Francis Pantus Extension and Application of Ecosystem Health Index 2004 to 2005
    997 [view] External users - CSIRO Division of Meteorological Physics (1950s) 1956 . CSIRO Division of Meteorological Physics (1950s)
    2320 [view] Keith Sainsbury FCF - Murdoch University - Ningaloo Cluster - Reef use, biodiversity and socio economics for integrated management strategy evaluation of Ningaloo. 2006 to 2010
    2215 [view] Jeffrey Dambacher Facilitating comparative research and modelling ... in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans 2005 to 2006 This work will facilitate and improve coordination of studies on tuna and billfishes between French and Australian research groups working across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Each group has data and expertise that, if exchanged and combined, could provide a global perspective on the biology and ecology of a number of species that are commercially important to both countries. P - Facilitating comparative research and modelling
    568 [view] Factors affecting reproductive performance of captive and wild broodstock prawns (FRDC project no. 92/051) 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 Reproductive performance of captive and wild broodstock prawns
    1826 [view] Ron Thresher Feasibility Study for Genetic Control of Caulerpa in SA and NSW 2003 to 2004 NHT - Genetic Control of Caulerpa
    1039 [view] Kevin Williams Feed development for rock lobster aquaculture (FRDC project no. 98/303) 1998-2001 1998 to 2001 Feed development for rock lobster aquaculture
    2552 [view] Phil De Boer Field Operations on RV Investigator 2014 - ongoing
    1822 [view] Sharon Appleyard Fine scale investigation into Patagonian toothfish population structure within the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean 2003 to 2003 Patagonian toothfish population struct
    2497 [view] Dirk Erler First measurements of nitrate isotopic composition in the Coral Sea 2019 Upwelling is known to be an important source of nitrate to the outer reef ecosystems of the GBR. However, the frequency and duration of upwelling events, as well as the penetration of nitrate rich water into the GBR lagoon is poorly understood because of a lack of long-term records. It is now possible to reconstruct spatial and temporal patterns of upwelling at the century-scale using a new coral skeleton isotopic technique. However, this technique is fundamentally reliant on knowing the nitrogen isotopic content of deep ocean nitrate in the Coral Sea. To date, no such data exists for the Coral Sea adjacent to the GBR. This project aims to measure the nitrogen isotopic content of nitrate in the Coral Sea.
    1659 [view] Peter Last Fish Biogeography 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Fish Biogeography
    1483 [view] Steve Blaber Fish Conservation Biology 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Fish Conservation Biology
    1689 [view] Steve Blaber Fish Conservation Biology 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Fish Conservation Biology
    1644 [view] Andre Punt Fish Population Modelling 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Fish Population Modelling
    2097 [view] Russ Babcock Fish Tape Analysis 2004 to 2004 This is a minor piece of work which would fit into the category of "client development". The project is looking toward the future of SRFME and the possiblility that the next incarnation will be required to have a larger "tactical" component. Building confidence in state agenciessuch as WA Dept of CALM that we have an active interest in working with them is likely to be increasingly important.
    1516 [view] Peter Last Fish Taxonomy Research 1985- 1985 Fish Taxonomy Research
    1452 [view] Ian Poiner Fisheries & Resource Management- PNG 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Fisheries & Resource Management - PNG
    1431 [view] Jock Young Fisheries Oceanography 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Fisheries Oceanography
    1656 [view] Jock Young Fisheries Oceanography 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Fisheries Oceanography
    174 [view] Ian Poiner Fisheries and Environmental Interactions Project : Effects of prawn trawling in Northeastern Australia 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Effects of prawn trawling, NE Australia
    169 [view] Ian Poiner Fisheries and Environmental Interactions: Tropical seagrass systems 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Tropical seagrass systems
    542 [view] Bruce Phillips Fisheries biology of deep-water crustacea in the continental slope of Western Australia (FIRDC project no. 88/74) 1989-1991 1989 to 1991 Fisheries biology of continental slope deep-water crustacea, Western Australia
    522 [view] Bruce Phillips Fisheries biology of scampi (Metanephrops spp.) (FIRTA project no. 85/82) 1985-1988 1985 to 1988 Fisheries biology of scampi
    1458 [view] Roland Pitcher Fisheries resources management of Rock Lobster in PNG 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Fisheries resources management of Rock Lobster in PNG
    8 [view] Ian Munro Fishes of New Guinea project ("Fairwind" surveys) 1948-1950 1948 to 1950 Fishes of New Guinea project
    1031 [view] David Smith Fishmeal replacement (Nut/Pond/QDPI) 1993-1999 1993 to 1999 Fishmeal replacement
    577 [view] Kevin Williams Fishmeal replacement in aquaculture feeds for prawns (FRDC project no. 93/120.02) 1993-? 1993 Fishmeal replacement in aquaculture feeds for prawns
    2344 [view] Andreas Klocker Flagship Collaboration Fund - Post Grads - Andreas Klocker 2007 to 2008
    2329 [view] Irina Vsevolodovna Sakova Flagship Collaboration Fund - Post Grads - Irina Sakova - ju62F 2006 to 2008
    2405 [view] Bruce Barker Flinders NERP Survey 2012 2012 The project will design, implement and test ways to integrate new and existing survey and monitoring methods at three locations: the shelf of the Flinders CMR in the Southeast IMCRA transition bioregion, the coral/kelp KEF to the east of the Houtman-Abrolhos islands and the east-coast shelf KEF adjacent to the Solitary Islands marine reserve. The project will access existing CMR (and other MPA) monitoring datasets from the partners for the Southeast Marine Bioregion (i.e. Freycinet, Huon, Tasman Fracture and Zeehan CMRs and Maria Island MPA) and thereby attempt to extend the spatial coverage of survey and monitoring methods to include all depths and habitat-types contained in the Commonwealth Southeast Marine Reserve Network (excepting the abyssal plain) - taken from
    2601 [view] Allison McInnes Flow cytometric classification of the phytoplankton community 2022
    2597 [view] Allison McInnes Flow cytometric classification of the phytoplankton community across Australia’s top end 2021 Phytoplankton are a diverse group of autotrophic organisms that range in size, shape, activity, and role in marine ecosystems. Understanding the composition of the phytoplankton community offers insight into the functioning of these systems. Phytoplankton Class can be determined by pigment composition, analysis of which offers compositional understanding of these important ecosystem engineers; hence much development has been done in analysis of pigments. Current methods require large volumes of water and are amalgamations of the total community pigments. The proposed research will utilise the spectral signature capability of the Cytek Aurora to classify phytoplankton using their pigment composition at the single cell level using small volumes.
  • Due to COVID-19 participant restrictions, the Cytek Aurora is not able to be installed onboard
  • A modified sampling program has been included to try and facilitate this work, with samples collected to be freighted back to Brisbane upon arrival in Darwin.
  • 1608 [view] Nigel Preston Food into Asia 2000 to 2003
    2205 [view] Peter Hurley Forecasting for Anglesea Power Station 2004 to 2005 APS Forecasting
    1849 [view] Kevin Williams Formulated feeds - ACIAR link tropical rock lobster 2003 to 2004 Formulated feeds - Rock lobster
    1848 [view] Kevin Williams Formulated feeds - terestial feeds 2003 to 2004 Terestial feeds
    1042 [view] Graeme Dunstan Formulated feeds for newly settled juvenile abalone based on natural feeds (diatoms and crustose coralline algae) (FRDC project no. 96/386) 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Formulated feeds for newly settled juvenile abalone
    1543 [view] Franklin National Facility - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc. 1986 to 2002 Franklin National Facility - vessel operations
    1317 [view] Andrew Forbes French/Australian Studies 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 French/Australian Studies
    1309 [view] Peter McIntosh From Oceans to Farms: Integrated Management of Climate Variability 1998-2001 1998 to 2001 Integrated Management of Climate Variability
    2198 [view] Marinelle Basson Further development of skills in and methods for the analysis of archival tag data using hidden Markov models 2004 to 2005 - Deployment and tagging of electronic tags (archival and satellite) is a difficult and costly process. This project aims to develop methods for the analysis of electronic tag data to maximise the scientific investment in the technology. Currently few researchers in the field have considered robust statistical methods to analyse the behavioural information gathered by the tags. We will publish our methods and develop prototype software. - During development, methods will be applied to the data already held by the Pelagic Research Group. Analysis of tag data using hidden Markov models
    1985 [view] Fred Prata G-bIRD 2002 to 2005 In 03/04 this is transferred to Business Development from Greenhouse Gases. Budgets in Business Development gg25.
    2151 [view] Fred Prata G-bIRD: Phase 3 AVO Deployment 2004 to 2005 In 03/04 this is transferred to Business Development from Greenhouse Gases. Budgets in Business Development gg25.
    2074 [view] Brian Ryan GCCC-Extreme Events 2004 to 2005
    1642 [view] Nic Bax GMO Risk Assessment 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 GMO Risk Assessment
    58 [view] Gene Transfer 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Gene Transfer
    1786 [view] Bob Ward Genetic Identification of Seafood Species 2002 to 2004 Genetic Identification of Seafood Specie
    2132 [view] Sharon Appleyard Genetic Identification of Seafood Species & Products 2004 to 2006 Genetic Identification of Seafood Species
    2135 [view] Nick Elliott Genetic Improvement - Abalone 2004 to 2005 The application of modern genetic technology to improve aquaculture production is a key focus for CMR aquaculture and our involvement within the Food Futures Flagship. Abalone is a key species for ISA and Flagship investment (Stream 2B Engineering Aquaculture Breeds Project 2B4). This project is focussed on further development of relations and business models with the current industry partner and with new key industry players, and undertaking strategic research to better place CSIRO to interact with the key players and attract future funding. It is anticipated that new contracts will have been negotiated with the relevant industry bodies. Food Futures Flagship 2B4 - Genetic Improvement Abalone
    2136 [view] Nick Elliott Genetic Improvement - Fish 2004 to 2005 The application of modern genetic technology to improve aquaculture production is a key focus for CMR aquaculture and our involvement within the Food Futures Flagship. Atlantic salmon is a key species for ISA and Flagship investment (Stream 2B Engineering Aquaculture Breeds Project 2B5). This project is focussed on further development of relations and business model with the key industry players to facilitate CSIRO involvement in the selective breeding program, and undertaking initial strategic research for the program and its design. It is anticipated that before the end of the project a long-term contract will have been negotiated with the relevant industry body for continued CSIRO involvement in Atlantic salmon selective breeding. Food Futures Flagship 2B5 - Genetic Improvement Fish
    1727 [view] Nick Elliott Genetic Improvement Program - Phase 1: establishing a selective breeding program and assessment of triploids 2001 to 2003 Genetic Improvement Program - triploids
    2065 [view] Nick Elliott Genetic Improvement Program - phase II: continuation of the development of a selective breeding program, assessment of cryopreservation technology & triploids & investigation of sterility options 2003 to 2005 Food Futures Flagship 2B4 - Genetic Improvement Phase 2
    1825 [view] Jawahar Patil Genetic Marker for Determining New Zealand Screwshell distribution 2003 to 2004 NHT - Genetic Marker for Screwshell dist
    1666 [view] Chad Hewitt Genetic Rapid Assessment 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Genetic Rapid Assessment
    1014 [view] Bob Ward Genetic analysis of Bigeye tuna samples 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Genetic analysis of bigeye tuna
    564 [view] Genetic analysis of the spatial structure within the SBT population (FRDC project no. 92/031) 1992-1994 1992 to 1994 Genetic studies of southern bluefin tuna
    1910 [view] Bob Ward Genetic identification of pelagic eggs in the South East Region 2004 to 2007 Genetic Identification of Pelagic Eggs
    1847 [view] Peter Crocos Genetic improvement of crustaceans 2003 to 2004
    1852 [view] Bob Ward Genetic improvement of mollusc 2003 to 2004
    1679 [view] Nigel Preston Genetics and Reproduction - Cleveland 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Genetics and Reproduction - Cleveland
    1670 [view] Bob Ward Genetics and Reproduction - Hobart 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Genetics and Reproduction - Hobart
    1360 [view] Mervyn Thomas Geographic Information Management 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Geographic Information Management
    2548 [view] Stuart Edwards Geophysical Survey and Mapping 2015 - ongoing The Geophysical Survey and Mapping (GSM) group undertakes hydrographic survey, geophysics, bathymetric mapping and visualisation. It provides geophysical and acoustic specialists who participate in voyages on the Marine National Facility's RV Investigator, and provides advice and assistance to the scientific community on bathymetric mapping. It manages the multibeam data collected on historic RV Franklin and RV Southern Surveyor voyages. The team also manages the Shallow Swath Facility, which contributes to coastal mapping initiatives. GSM
    2578 [view] Martin Jutzeler Gigantic submarine landslide offshore western Tasmania: risk mitigation for shelf-derived tsunami in Australia 2023
    1131 [view] John Parslow Gippsland Lakes Modelling 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Gippsland Lakes Modelling
    2429 [view] Beth Fulton Gladstone Harbour Model 2014 to 2015 To develop a model of Gladstone Harbour to support the Gladstone Healthy Harbour Report Card.
    1063 [view] Chad Hewitt Gladstone Port Survey 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Gladstone Port Survey
    2628 [view] Ruhi Humphries Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (GAW) - Regional station RV Investigator 2018 - ongoing

    The Global Atmosphere Watch Programme ( monitors and studies the variability and trends in the composition of the global atmosphere and the related physical parameters and assesses their consequences. The foremost challenges for the Global Atmosphere Watch include gaining understanding of:

  • stratospheric ozone depletion and the increase of ultraviolet (UV) radiation;
  • the changes in the weather and climate due to the impact of human activities on atmospheric composition, especially on greenhouse gas, ozone and aerosol levels, and
  • the risks of air pollution on human health and other issues related to atmospheric deposition and the long-range transport of air pollution, and how to reduce these.

    Investigator details are at GAWSiS -

  • GAW
    1540 [view] Denis Mackey Global Carbon Cycle 1989-1993 1989 to 1993 Global Carbon Cycle
    2217 [view] Catia Domingues Global estimation of Diapycnical mixing rates 2006 to 2008 The science vision of the Climate Research Group of the Division of Marine Research is to reduce the uncertainty in climate predictions by advancing the knowledge of ocean physics and ocean biogeochemical cycling through observations and models. An important gap in ocean climate models is our relative ignorance of the amount of diapycnal mixing in the ocean. The present study aims to provide both new tools to determine diapycnal mixing and a better quantitative description of diapycnal mixing. P - Global estimation of Diapycnical mixing rates
    1575 [view] Francis Pantus Gold Coast Aquaculture Assessmant 2000 to 2003 Gold Coast Aquaculture Assessment
    1150 [view] Stephen Walker Gorgon-Chrysor Study 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Gorgon-Chrysor Study
    1337 [view] George Cresswell Government Sector Linkages Program - Eastern Indonesia 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Government Sector Linkages Program - Eastern Indonesia
    2437 [view] Rudy Kloser Great Australian Bight Research Program 2015 GAB deep-water pelagic and benthic ecosystem study. RV Investigator Charter in2015_c02 RV Investigator Charter - GAB Research Program
    15 [view] Dudley Kurth Great Australian Bight trawl-fish survey ("Southern Endeavour" ) 1960-1961 1960 to 1961 Great Australian Bight trawl-fish survey early 1960s
    537 [view] Peter Last Guide to sharks and rays of Australia (FIRTA project no. 87/20) 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 sharks and rays of Australia
    1362 [view] Mervyn Thomas Gulf of Carpentaria Data Census 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Gulf of Carpentaria Data Census
    16 [view] Ian Munro Gulf of Carpentaria Prawn Survey ("Rama" and other vessels) 1963-1965 1963 to 1965 Gulf of Carpentaria Prawn Survey early 1960s
    21 [view] Gulf of Carpentaria tiger prawn studies, 1983-1989 ("Maxim" cruises) 1983 to 1989 Gulf of Carpentaria tiger prawn surveys mid 1980s
    2389 [view] Alan Williams Gulper shark line selectivity project 2011
    2475 [view] Jody Webster HALO - Halimeda bioherm Origins, function and fate in the northern Great Barrier Reef 2020
    2439 [view] Mike Coffin HEOBI Heard Earth-Ocean-Biosphere Interactions 2016 HEOBI Heard Earth-Ocean-Biosphere Interactions RV Investigator voyage IN2016_v01. Science Objectives: Iron supply limits oceanic primary production in the Southern Ocean as well as elsewhere in the global ocean. We aim to test the hypothesis that hydrothermal activity driven by active submarine magmatism fertilises surface waters with iron thereby enhancing biological productivity. Heard and McDonald Islands on the Kerguelen Plateau are among the world’s most active hotspot volcanoes, and are type examples sourced from a particular geochemical component in the Earth’s mantle (enriched mantle 1, or EM1). Existing data indicate that fields of submarine volcanoes extend for several hundred kilometres away from the islands. We will produce three-dimensional, high-resolution bathymetric, backscatter, and sub-seafloor maps of the seafloor surrounding the islands in near-real time. From this mapping and data from geotagged seals indicating locations of anomalously warm bottom water, together with deep tow camera imaging and TRIAXUS sensor data, we will identify candidate active submarine volcanoes and hydrothermal systems, and sample these volcanoes and their surrounding shallow sediments. In the water column over and downstream of these active volcanoes/hydrothermal systems, we will measure temperatures and obtain water samples for geochemical and biogeochemical analyses that will indicate the presence or absence of associated hydrothermalism and iron and other elemental enrichment. We will also sample the deep boundary current that impinges on the eastern flank of the Plateau, to investigate the generation of internal waves that enhance mixing of surface and subsurface waters, providing a mechanism to deliver iron enriched waters to the surface downstream of the volcanoes. If hydrothermally derived iron and other micro-nutrients are ascending to surface waters, we will compare our data to contemporaneous shipboard and satellitederived estimates of phytoplankton productivity and biomass to test for positive temporal and spatial correlations. Should it be proven that hydrothermally derived iron exerts controls on the dynamics of plankton blooms, this will be the first demonstration of linkages between dynamic solid Earth processes (magmatism) and major biological processes (oceanic primary production). Plankton blooms, in turn, affect the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, silicon, and sulphur, and ultimately influence the Earth’s climate system. Our results could therefore open significant new avenues of research in the solid Earth-Earth’s biosphere domain, including investigations of both past (e.g., oceanic anoxic events) and future (e.g., high atmospheric CO2) extreme Earth environments. This is an extract from the in2016_v01 Voyage plan. HEOBI
    1810 [view] Barry Bruce Habitat Use and Movement Patterns of Grey Nurse Shark 2003 to 2003 Habitat Use Move Patterns Grey Nurse Shark
    204 [view] Nic Bax Habitat and fisheries production in the south east fishery ecosystem (FRDC project no. 94/040) 1994-1997 1994 to 1997 South-East Fishery Ecosystem Study
    1719 [view] Alan Williams Habitat and population assessment of giant crabs 2003 to 2005 This project comprises a series of 5 surveys of giant crab (Pseudocarcinas gigas) habitats around Tasmania in waters of 150-350m depths, using video, multi-beam acoustic swath mapping, and sediment sampling, as a contribution to the joint TAFI/CMR project 'Understanding Shelf-break Habitat for Sustainable Management of Fisheries with Spatial Overlap'. Project aims include to define and map giant crab habitats, to describe the distribution of giant crabs in relation to habitat features, and to evaluate ecosystem links, the vulnerability of the habitat to damage by fishing, and the usefulness of video systems to obtain fishery independent information on giant crab abundance, sex ration, condition, and size.
    502 [view] Ian Munro Handbook of Australian Fishes (FIRTA project no. 73/??) 1973-1975 1973 to 1975 Handbook of Australian Fishes
    1187 [view] Peter Last Handbook of Australian seafood - a guide to whole fish and fillets (extension) 1998 to 2003 Handbook of Australian Seafood -Extensio
    2465 [view] Gustaaf Hallegraeff Harmful Algal Blooms and their long term sediment record in East Coast Tasmanian waters 2018 Unprecedented toxic dinoflagellate blooms occurred off east coast Tasmania in 2012 and 2015, 2016 and 2017. These events led to a global shellfish product recall (AUD23M loss), lengthy (4 months) closures of mussel, oyster, scallop, and rock lobster fisheries, and 4 human hospitalisations (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning). While the causative Alexandrium dinoflagellate had been previously detected, genetic evidence suggests that blooms represent a cryptic genotype newly stimulated by climate driven increased water column stratification. We seek to characterize expected recurrent blooms in relation to Maria Island NRS hydrological conditions, and compare this with the long time (1000+ yr) ancient DNA sediment record.
    1064 [view] Chad Hewitt Hay Point Port Survey 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Hay Point Port Survey
    1065 [view] Keith Hayes Hazard Analysis 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Hazard Analysis
    1836 [view] Peter McIntosh Healthy Country FlagshiClimate 2003 to 2004 HC: C2 - Climate
    2030 [view] Brian Ryan Healthy Country Flagship project 2003 to 2005 Healthy Country
    2440 [view] Dominique O'Brien Herbert River Water Quality Monitoring Program 2011 to 2014
    2455 [view] Richard Cullen Hogan group, Bass Strait hydrographic survey 2017 Scientific objectives: to gain an understanding of the nature of the marine environment in the survey area and to collect meteorological and oceanographic data in the area to contribute to current modelling systems. Additionally, this information will benefit the management of the Commonwealth Marine Reserve at Hogan Island.
    2088 [view] Simon Torok Hot Topics in Climate Change Science 2004 to 2005
    2470 [view] Joanne Whittaker Hotspot dynamics in the Coral Sea: connections between the Australian plate and deep Earth 2019 In a handful of locations on Earth, hot material rises from deep within the Earth to create lines of volcanoes such as the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain. We aim to test if the Tasmantid and Lord Howe Seamount chains, hidden in the seas off eastern Australia, should be included in this rare group and if the Louisiade Plateau to the north could have formed from the massive flood of basaltic lava triggered when a rising plume reaches the surface.
    2468 [view] Nathan Bindoff, Steve Rintoul, Helen Phillips How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current? 2018
    2087 [view] John Volkman Human impacts on continental shelf-break trophic webs (biogeochemistry) 2005 to 2007 P - Human impacts on continental shelf-break trophic webs
    1556 [view] John Parslow Huon Aquaculture Co. Assessing Impact of Production Increases at the Clients Salmon Farm Sites Near Mouth Huon Estuary 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Huon Aquaculture Salmon Farm Impact Assessment
    198 [view] Edward Butler Huon estuary study: environmental research for integrated catchment management and aquaculture (FRDC project no. 96/284) 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 This project is a three-year survey of the Huon Estuary system in SE Tasmania, which is the site of a growing aquaculture industry. It will provide the scientific basis to improve the management of the Estuary and is part of a more general Huon Catchment - Healthy Rivers Project. Primary outcomes of the project will be: (i) a physical description of the estuary that includes simulations via a computer model; (ii) the effects of nutrients released from fish farms and other human activities compared with natural sources, and their relation with algal blooms; (iii) better scientific knowledge for aquaculturalists in managing their leases; and (iv) cost-effective monitoring strategies for industry and environmental managers. Huon Estuary Study
    1633 [view] David Terhell Hydrochemistry 2000 to 2004
    2627 [view] Cassie Schwanger Hydrochemistry 2015 - ongoing The hydrochemistry team perform analyses of seawater samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients (nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, silicate, nitrite, and ammonium) and provide high quality data to the science party. These measurements underpin biogeochemical observations, and are used to calibrate onboard sensors. Hydrochem
    1353 [view] David Terhell Hydrochemistry 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Hydrochemistry
    1346 [view] Peter Craig Hydrodynamic & Sediment Modelling 1993-1997 1993 to 1997 Hydrodynamic & Sediment Modelling
    2283 [view] Graham Symonds Hydrodynamic Circulation and Mixing in the NMP 2006 to 2008
    183 [view] Alan Pearce Hydrography & Ocean Circulation off Western Australia Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Ocean Circulation off Western Australia
    2202 [view] Alex Held Hyper -X Satellite Feasibility Project 2004 to 2005 Hyper -X Feasibility Project
    1987 [view] David Jupp Hyperspectral 2002 to 2005
    1186 [view] Alastair Graham I.S.R. Munro Ichthyological Collection
    1301 [view] Richard Matear IEA - Greenhouse Gas R & D Programme 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 IEA - Greenhouse Gas R & D Programme
    2174 [view] Jack Katzfey IIF - Innovative Data Delivery Systems for Weather & Climate information (Katzfey) 2004 to 2005 IIF - Innovative Data Delivery Systems for W&C info
    2122 [view] Melita Keywood IIF Development of Low Cost Air Quality Measurement Instruments 2004 to 2005 IIF Low Cost Instrument Development
    2173 [view] Jack Katzfey IIF funded project - Creative Access Tool for Weather & Climate data (Katzfey) 2004 to 2005 IIF - Creative Access Tool for W&C data
    2430 [view] Anthony Richardson IMOS Australian Continuous Plankton Recorder (AusCPR) survey 2008 - ongoing The Australian Continuous Plankton Recorder (AusCPR) survey is part of the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) - IMOS is a national collaborative research infrastructure, supported by the Australian Government. The aims of the AusCPR survey are to: map plankton biodiversity and distribution, develop the first long-term plankton baseline for Australian waters, document plankton changes in response to climate change, provide indices for fisheries management, detect harmful algal blooms, validate satellite remote sensing and initialise and test ecosystem models. IMOS - AusCPR survey
    2629 [view] Tim Ryan IMOS - SOOP Bio-Acoustic Measurements on RV Investigator 2015 - ongoing The IMOS Bio-Acoustic Ship Of Opportunity (BA-SOOP) sub-facility is part of a major international effort that aims to determine the distribution and abundance of mid-trophic level organisms (meso-zooplanktonic and micro-nektonic) preyed by top predators (sharks, tuna) by using commercial fishing vessels (SOOP), research vessels, automated oceanic moorings, acoustic recorders, drifters and gliders. BA-SOOP commenced on the 1st of July 2010 to collect underway acoustic data from commercial fishing and research vessels. The earliest data acquired on the RV Investigator is from voyage IN2015_E01. BA-SOOP
    2624 [view] Bronte Tilbrock IMOS - SOOP Underway CO2 Measurements on RV Investigator 2015 - ongoing The IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurements group is a research and data collection project working within the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Multi-Disciplinary Underway Network sub-facility. The CO2 group sample critical regions of the Southern Ocean and the Australian shelf waters have a major impact on CO2 uptake by the ocean. These are regions where biogeochemical cycling is predicted to be particularly sensitive to a changing climate. The pCO2 Underway System measures the fugacity of carbon dioxide (fCO2) along with other variables such as sea surface salinity (SSS) and sea surface temperature (SST) using an automated system. The data represented by this record are presented in delayed mode.
    2418 [view] Tim Lynch IMOS Biogeochemical Sampling 2008 Water quality samples are collected monthly at 9 sampling stations around Australia. The stations are the National Reference Stations which are part of the Australian National Mooring Network.
    2400 [view] Bernadette Sloyan IMOS Sustained observations of the Timor Passage and Ombai Strait components of the Indonesian Throughflow 2011 Given the importance of the Indonesian Throughflow to the Australian climate IMOS supported the long-term monitoring of the two major pathways of the throughflow - namely the Timor Passage and Ombai Strait. The first 18-month deployment of the moorings array was completed in June 2011. This voyage will recover and redeploy these moorings for a further 18 month period. IMOS: Observations of the Timor Passage and Ombai Strait.
    2416 [view] Bronte Tilbrook IMOS Underway CO2 Southern Surveyor 2008 to 2013 Underway CO2 data are collected as part of the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) Ship of Opportunity (SOOP) Underway CO2 project. The CSIRO CO2 system used for this research is mounted on the Research Vessel Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) of the Australian Marine National Facility and managed by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR).
    2032 [view] Brian Ryan IOCI stage 2 2003 to 2005 IOCI Stage 2
    1784 [view] Susan Wijffels IOTA - Indian Ocean Thermal Archive 2002 to 2004
    2131 [view] Nick Elliott ISA Science Development & Training 2004 to 2005 This project fits within the CMR intent for high quailty R&D and communications in the theme of Sustainable Aquaculture Production. The project is providing a mechanism for communication of project results (conference and scientific papers) and training of staff.
    2044 [view] Martin Cope ITS Market & Policy - Strategic - Bill Physick ET Flagship 2003 to 2005 Intelligent transport market & policy portfolio
    2208 [view] Tom Polacheck IWC population modelling / participation 2005 to 2005 This small project comprises two aspects: (1) development and application of a catch at age population model for minke whales and (2) participation in the annual meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee Meeting (including presentation of the resutls). The modelling work is a collaborative project with Andre Pund (who is being funded through U. of Washington). The projects fits into CMR's strategic focus on assessment and management of sustainable fisheries. The population modelling/assessment represents innovative approaches for dealing with multiple/overlapping stocks. handling of errors in length and age. As such, it provides an opportuntity to remain at the forefront of population/assessment modelling. In addition, the IWC is at the forefront of the development of management strategies for marine populations. Participation in its SC meeting allows for CMR to gain from the experience of IWC in the MSE area in its development and application to Australian fisheries.
    1387 [view] Robert Campbell Identification and evaluation of appropriate performance indicators for the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Performance indicators for the Eastern Tuna and Billfishe fisheries
    1015 [view] Bob Ward Identification of Marlin Species in Australian Waters 1995-2000 1995 to 2000 Identification of Australian Marlin Species
    616 [view] Nick Elliott Identification of a Y-chromosome marker in Atlantic salmon (extension to FRDC 95/80) (FRDC project no. 96/347) 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 A Y-chromosome marker in Atlantic salmon
    1564 [view] Alan Butler Identification of areas of potential interest for the development of marine protected areas on the high seas in waters surrounding Australia 2001-2001 2001 to 2001 Potential high seas marine protected areas
    1817 [view] Alan Butler Identification of broad areas of interest for a CAR MPA system in the SE Marine Region - Stage Two 2003 to 2003 Ident broad areas CAR MPA (2)
    1484 [view] Ilona Stobutzki Impact of Fishing on Sharks and Rays of Australia 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Impact of Fishing on Australian Sharks and Rays
    1083 [view] Ron Thresher Impacts & Demographics 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Impacts & Demographics
    1634 [view] Tony Koslow Impacts - Climate Change & Variability 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Impacts - Climate Change & Variability
    1685 [view] Ron Thresher Impacts and Demographics 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Impacts and Demographics
    1580 [view] Andy Revill Impacts of sediments and contaminants on estuarine biota 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Impacts of sediments and contaminants on estuarine biota
    2349 [view] Donna Hayes Implementing the South-West Ecosystem Model 2007 to 2008
    2002 [view] Penny Whetton Implications of possible future climate change for the management of the Melbourne water system. 2003 to 2005 CAR subcontracting to CMIT CMIT to manage contract Climate change impacts for Melb Water
    1948 [view] Peter McIntosh Improved Seasonal Forecasts 2004 to 2007
    1701 [view] Alistair Hobday Improved fishery independent estimates of Southern Bluefin Tuna recruitment through integration of environmental and archival tag data from aerial surveys 1999 to 2003 Improved fishery independent estimates o
    644 [view] Ann Cowling Improved fishery independent estimates of southern bluefin tuna recruitment through integration of environmental, archival tag and aerial survey data (FRDC project no. 1999/105) 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Integration of environmental, archival tag and aerial survey data for southern bluefin tuna
    2313 [view] Andy Revill Improving the Environmental Modelling Suite 2006 to 2007
    1032 [view] Kevin Williams Improving the efficacy of Lupins as fishmeal replacements in aquaculture diets for prawns 1999 to 2003 GRDC Lupins
    2304 [view] Rachel Law Improving the perameterisation of the Ocean biogeochemical model (BGC),using atmospheric composition and other measurements (Flagship) 2006 to 2007
    2114 [view] Yingping Wang Improving the perameterisation of the Ocean biogeochemical model (BGC),using atmospheric composition and other measurements (Flagship) 2004 to 2007 Understanding Ocean Processes (BGC)
    2351 [view] Steve Rintoul In Hot Water: Preparing for climate change in Australia's coastal and marine ecosystems 2007 to 2008
    1043 [view] Malcolm Brown Increased production of juvenile Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) through supplementary feeding (FRDC project no. 94/083) 1994-1997 1994 to 1997 Increased production of juvenile Pacific oysters
    1947 [view] Gary Meyers Indian Ocean influence on Australian Climate 2004 to 2005
    1502 [view] David Die Indices of recruitment and effective spawning for tiger prawn stocks in the northern prawn fishery (FRDC project no. 95/014) 1995-1999 1995 to 1999 Indices of recruitment and effective spawning for tiger prawns in the northern prawn fishery
    1779 [view] Rudy Kloser Industry acoustic observations of Blue Grenadier 2002 to 2003 Industry acoustic observations of Blue G
    2450 [view] Martina Doblin, Mark Brown Influence of temperature and nutrient supply on the biogeochemical function and diversity of ocean microbes 2016 RV Investigator research voyage in2016_v04, titled “Influence of temperature and nutrient supply on the biogeochemical function and diversity of ocean microbes.” The goal is to resolve how changes in seawater temperature and nutrient concentrations, linked to shifting oceanographic circulation in eastern Australia, influences the diversity of microbial communities and the key biogeochemical transformations (C, N, P, Si, Fe and S) they mediate. The broader ecosystem implications for zooplankton, larval fish and marine megafauna will also be addressed. Findings will be used to improve current biogeochemical and ecosystem models to increase their accuracy in forecasting changes in ocean productivity and biogeochemical fluxes in eastern Australia. Scientific Objectives: 1. Characterise the diversity and function of microbial communities in the relatively warm EAC, against the relatively cool water of the Tasman Sea and adjacent shelf waters. 2. Conduct perturbation experiments to experimentally test the role of temperature and nutrients (particularly N and Fe) in microbially mediated biogeochemical transformations. 3. Assess the links between microbial biomass, size structure and carbon production with higher trophic levels zooplankton, micronekton and cetaceansseabirds) in a frontal eddy(ies) relative to adjacent shelf and EAC waters. 4. Sample sediments to examine water-sediment geochemical processes and historical record of plankton. For more details see the Voyage Plan.
    1837 [view] Tony Rees Information Management 2003 to 2006
    2356 [view] Paul Tildesley Information Management 2005-2008 2005 to 2008
    2522 [view] Anya Waite Inorganic Nitrogen uptake 2016 The scientific objective of this work is to map, for the first time, the genomic characteristic of marine bacteria and phytoplankton along 170°W, as part of a larger set of surveys being carried out around Australia. While we are getting better insights in the microbial community and their taxonomy, uptake and rate measurements of N and C are still very sparse throughout the wold oceans and are a high priority to accurately quantify C, N cycles and the associated primary productivity. Especially as we have to keep in mind that numerically outnumbered microbes can play a significant role in the N and C cycles of their ecosystem. Previous studies have shown that the least abundant species (in this case the anaerobic, phototropic bacteria Chromatium okenii representing ~0.3% of the total cell numbers), can contribute more than 40% of the total NH4+assimilation and up to 70% of the total C fixation. We will investigate the role of microbes in the N uptake. While we may be able to get presence absence using techniques such as quantitative polymerase chain reactions (qPCR), metagenomics or high through put sequencing, isotopes (stable isotopes) are necessary to measure rates of nutrient utilization/remineralization. We will take water from the level 02 flow through system near the Isotope Lad (Radvan). No special requirements with regards to the vessel’s course or speed are required. All sampling will be aligned with the CTD stations.
    1686 [view] Tom Polacheck Integrated Biophysical Modelling 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Integrated Biophysical Modelling
    2474 [view] Tom Trull Integrated Marine Observing System Southern Ocean Time Series climate and carbon cycle moorings (multi-year) 2020
    2463 [view] Bernadette Sloyan, Chris Chapman Integrated Marine Observing System: monitoring of East Australian Current property transports at 27 degrees South (multi-year) 2018 to 2018 The East Australian Current (EAC) is a complex and highly energetic western boundary system of the South Pacific Ocean off eastern Australia. It closes the South Pacific subtropical gyre, transporting heat, salt and other nutrients southward and onto the continental shelf. Off Brisbane (27o S) the EAC, is north of the high eddy variability region, approaches its maximum strength and is relatively uniform and coherent. The mooring array is located near the existing long-term XBT transect and satellite altimetry ground tracks. The aim of this observing system is to capture the mean and time-varying flow of the EAC. This EAC mooring array is a component of IMOS. These observations will provide an intensive reference set of measurements of the EAC over a sustained period for improved understanding of the relationship of EAC with the basin-scale South Pacific gyre, its impact of the coastal marine ecosystem, and validation and interpretation of the current system in numerous climate and ocean models.
    1734 [view] Peter Craig Integrated Modelling - SRFME 2000 to 2006 The aims of this project are: (1) to identify and simulate key physical factors that have significant impacts on ecological processes on shelf and coastal areas of southwestern Western Australia (WA); and (2) to develop physical, ecological, and risk assessment models that can be used to assess impacts of multiple human use on coastal and shelf environments. Integrated Modelling
    1132 [view] Stephen Walker Integrated Modelling 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Integrated Modelling
    1681 [view] John Parslow Integrated Modelling 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Integrated Modelling
    1389 [view] Robert Campbell Integrated Modelling and Assessment of the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (1999-00) 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery Modelling and Assessment (1999-00)
    1390 [view] Robert Campbell Integrated Modelling and Assessment of the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery - (R98/0100) 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery Modelling and Assessment (R98/0100)
    2295 [view] Beth Fulton Integrated Software for Multiple Use Management Strategy Evaluation 2006 to 2009
    2015 [view] Nigel Preston Integrated Sustainable Aquaculture Research Group Support - PRE095 2003 to 2006 Aquaculture Research Group Support
    2020 [view] Nigel Preston Integrated Sustainable Aqualculture Refundable Travel - PRE095 2003 to 2006 Aquaculture Refundable Travel
    1752 [view] Robert Campbell Integrated analysis and assessment of the ET&BF 2002-03; 03-04 and 04-05 2002 to 2005 Integrated analysis of ET&BF 02-05
    1388 [view] Tom Polacheck Integrated biophysical modelling 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Integrated biophysical modelling
    1116 [view] Rhys Leeming Integrated catchment management (ICM) Baron River 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Integrated catchment management - Baron River
    1625 [view] Alan Williams Integrating fishing industry knowledge of fishing grounds with scientific data on seabed habitats for informed spatial management and ESD evaluation in the SEF 2000 to 2004 Integrating fishing industry knowledge
    2180 [view] Chris Jackson Intensive culture of farmed prawns 2004 to 2005 According to the SSI "The priority national need is for high intensity and low waste aquaculture systems that will improve production and minimise environmental impacts of the aquaculture industry". The project directly addresses this need by developing a new, high intensity and low waste Australian production systems for prawns.
    1600 [view] John Volkman Interaction between carbon & sulphur cycles in Antarctic stratified fjords & lakes 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Carbon & sulphur cycles in Antarctic stratified fjords & lakes
    2454 [view] Leanne Armand Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles. 2017 This study will gather data to examine the physical interaction between the Totten Glacier and Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles by: 1. Mapping sediment deposited on the continental shelf and slope by the Totten Glacier and using this to understand sediment deposition processes 2. Sampling long sediment cores from the continental shelf and slope, and using the deposition model to interpret their formation processes 3. Directly measuring a suite of ocean water and surface sediment properties, including microorganisms, trace elements and isotopes, to allow for accurate interpretation of sediments 4. Mapping benthic habitats in the area, including studies of seafloor biota and geomorphological characteristics, using underwater video and still imagery.
    1310 [view] Andreas Schiller Intercomparison of Models used for Climate Variability 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Intercomparison of Models used for Climate Variability
    2514 [view] Ryan Beemer Interdisciplinary characterisation of the macro-mechanical behaviour of offshore sediments from Northern Australia 2017 The behaviour of offshore sediments under load is very important to understand from an engineering prospective. It will dictate whether a submarine slope will fail and result in a tsunami. It will also determine the size of anchors needed to secure a renewable energy infrastructure. In spite of this importance very little public data on the mechanical properties of offshore Northern Australian soil is available to researchers. This project aims to collect and study the geotechnical behaviour of offshore soils in Northern Australia and make it available to the public. It will provide valuable data for researchers trying to understand and predict submarine landslides and for engineers researching anchoring systems for renewable energy systems. We propose collecting three box cores, with the Octopus box corer (Currently on board), at three different locations along the transit route. Our goal is to collect samples with high quantities of benthic or planktonic foraminifera with the specific goal of understand how the variation in the soils bio geology impacts their mechanical properties. This should be easily achieved across the majority of Northern and North West Australia.
    600 [view] Ron Thresher Interim monitoring of the 1995 eastern gemfish spawning run (FRDC project no. 95/039) 1995-1997 1995 to 1997 Monitoring of the 1995 eastern gemfish spawning run
    1285 [view] John Church International Climate Program 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 International Climate Program
    34 [view] International Indian Ocean Expedition cruises, 1962-1963 ("Diamantina" cruises) 1962 to 1963 International Indian Ocean Expedition early 1960s
    1785 [view] Susan Wijffels International Nusantara Stratification and Transport program 2002 to 2007 Throughflow International - INSTANT
    2510 [view] Mark Rayner International Nutrient Intercalibration Exercise 2017 This project will centre on the investigation of seawater nutrient analysis, specifically looking at the differences in results obtained by a series of international groups. The analysis of seawater nutrients is completed all over the world, conducted with many different instruments and methodologies. This voyage will assist in the furthering of knowledge on the analysis as well as allowing different groups to highlight differences between attained results. With close collaboration between potentially 5 scientific parties, the science of seawater nutrient analysis can be improved or refined upon. Many aspects of this analysis will be studied, spanning from the collection of water to the final data processing. This international collaboration is beneficial for all involved, allowing all teams to advance their analysis techniques. The impact of this voyage will be the improved knowledge of nutrient analysis techniques, potentially meaning future data will be of higher accuracy and precision, lowering the uncertainty associated with analysis of samples.
    2579 [view] Andreas Marouchos International nutrient inter-comparison study in the Southern Ocean: quantifying and identifying the causes of differences in dissolved inorganic nutrient datasets between global seagoing laboratories - Phase 2 2023
    1976 [view] Ian Enting Interpreting Greenhouse Gases 2002 to 2004
    1057 [view] Chad Hewitt Invasion Research 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Invasion Research
    1664 [view] Chad Hewitt Invasion Research 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Invasion Research
    1841 [view] Karen Gowlett-Holmes Invertebrate Collection - 2003-04 to 2005-06 2003 to 2006 Invertebrate Collection
    1567 [view] Peter Last Invertebrate Collection Management 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Invertebrate Collection Management
    184 [view] Sebastian Rainer Invertebrate Ecology Project (Westen Australia) 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Invertebrate Ecology
    1089 [view] Ron Thresher Investigate using parasitic barnacle for biological control of crabs 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Using parasitic barnacle for biological control of crabs
    2564 [view] Thomas Hubble Investigation and Sampling of East Australia’s Continental Margin Submarine Landslides and their deposits. 2020
    1266 [view] John Stevens Investigation of school and gummy shark nursery areas in south eastern Australia (FIRDC project no. 91/23, 93/061) 1991-1999 1991 to 1999 School and gummy shark nursery areas in south eastern Australia
    514 [view] William Dall Investigation of the biology of tiger prawns in the Gulf of Carpentaria (FIRTA project no. 82/13) 1982-1986 1982 to 1986 Tiger Prawns Biology, Gulf of Carpentaria
    523 [view] Peter Young Investigation of the commercial scallop in Bass Strait (FIRTA project no. 85/83) 1985-1988 1985 to 1988 Bass Strait Scallop Project
    2457 [view] Investigator - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc. 2014 - ongoing Investigator National Facility - vessel operations
    2502 [view] MNF Office Investigator National Facility - transit voyage 2015 The voyage's main objective is to deliver the ship to its next voyage departure port. Investigator National Facility - transit
    1117 [view] Andy Revill Iron Baron Oil Spill 1995-1999 1995 to 1999 Iron Baron Oil Spill
    2558 [view] Michael Elwood Iron Biogeochemical Cycling at the Southern Ocean Time Series Site 2020 The subantarctic water mass forms a circumpolar ring which comprises half of the open waters of the Southern Ocean. Complex environmental forcing controls its productivity, ecology and biogeochemistry both in the present day and in the geological past. An improved mechanistic understanding of these controls on the marine biota is needed and will provide the context to better interpret observations being obtained at unparalleled resolution by the SOTS moorings. Our study will forge strong links with SOTS by determining how environmental forcing manifests itself in biological and biogeochemical signatures across a range of scales. A better understanding of this relationship will aid the development of a state-of-the-art coupled iron and carbon biogeochemical model which will be validated using future multi-property time-series observations. Our main aim is to enhance our understanding of the interlinked biogeochemical cycles of iron and carbon in the Southern Ocean to better understand how intra-seasonal, seasonal and interannual variability in iron supply and recycling influences the productivity and export of carbon into the ocean’s interior in the subantarctic circumpolar ring. Additional aims include: • Elucidation of the relative roles of iron supply versus biological and photochemical recycling in driving subantarctic primary productivity and export fluxes. • Resolution of the interplay of multiple environmental controls – irradiance, mixed layer depth, trace element supply (zinc, copper etc.), silicate supply, iron availability – across a range of temporal and spatial scales – to better predict changes in rates of primary productivity. • Enhancement of knowledge on the interplay of mesoscale and submesoscale physics and biogeochemistry in the vicinity of the SOTS site to better understand the degree of coupling and integration of surface ocean processes with those in the subsurface ocean (such as the sensors and particle traps on the SOTS mooring). • Quantification of the aeolian flux of micronutrients to the sea surface, using direct sampling of aerosols, rain, water column measurements of dissolved and particulate (from large volume ISP pumps) 232Th and 230Th concentrations, and beryllium-7 water sampling from the CTD.
    1118 [view] Andy Revill Isotope ratio mass spectrometer 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Isotope ratio mass spectrometer
    1175 [view] Trevor Ward Issues in the conservation of Australia's marine biological diversity 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Conservation Issues - Australia's marine biological diversity
    1927 [view] Ian Barton JAXA-GLI 2004 to 2004
    2091 [view] Ian Barton JAXA-GLI Continuation 2004 to 2005 During this contract period we will undertake further analysis of the GLI data collected during our 2003 validation cruise in the Gulf of Carpentaria and a full analysis of the data collected on the following cruise in Lord Bonaparte Gulf. We will analyse the GLI data using both pre-launch and post-launch algorithms. The GLI SST products will be compared against those derived from other satellite instruments as well as a full comparison with ship measurements. Following the supply of GLI data for the region covering our Fremantle-Rottnest Island ferry transect we will compare the GLI estimates of SST with those measured by our instrumentation installed on the Rottnest Island ferry. All these results will be reported to the appropriate JAXA workshop on request. The results will also be included in the final deliverable which is a Calibration and Validation Study required by JAXA before March 10, 2005. ** JAXA-GLI Continuation
    45 [view] John Hunter Jarosite dumpsite studies 1991-1994 1991 to 1994
    39 [view] Brian Newell Jarosite dumpsite studies, early 1970s 1973
    2 [view] Trevor Ward Jervis Bay Project 1988-1994 1988 to 1994 The Jervis Bay Project was set up to undertake baseline studies of the key habitats and species in Jervis Bay on the New South Wales coast, and to develop a monitoring program to assist with long-term management of the bay. It was funded by the Department of Defence who at that time planned to relocate the fleet base of the Royal Australian Navy to Jervis Bay, and although this plan was abandoned mid-way through the study, the study was completed and the final report published in 1994. Jervis Bay Project
    2026 [view] John Gras John Gras-Management Project -Air Pollutants:Sources and Exposure 2003 to 2010 GRAS-MANAGEMENT
    1176 [view] Ron Thresher Joint Australian-New Zealand research on straddling orange roughy stocks: South Tasman Rise 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Straddling orange roughy stocks - South Tasman Rise
    51 [view] Malcolm Brown Juvenile Oyster Diets 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Juvenile Oyster Diets
    175 [view] David Vance Juvenile Prawn Ecology Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Juvenile Prawn Ecology
    1391 [view] Tom Polacheck Juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna Tagging 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna Tagging
    2528 [view] Andrew Constable Kerguelen Axis Ecology (K-axis) 2016 One zonal transect in the Heard Island region would involve oceanographic, chemical, and biological sampling, including net deployments. The purpose would be to assess habitats, productivity, and food webs on the axis of the Kerguelen Plateau.
    1887 [view] Rodrigo Bustamante Key Endangered & Threatened Species in the Northern Region 2003 to 2004 Key Endangered & Threatened Species in Northern Region
    2028 [view] Paul Fraser LOFLO Mark II Development & Production 2003 to 2005
    2148 [view] Roger Jones LWA (aligned with WHC) 2004 to 2005 LWA
    579 [view] Barry Bruce Laboratory and field studies of the larval distribution and duration of the introduced seastar Asterias amurensis with updated and improved prediction of the species spread based on a larval dispersal model (FRDC project no. 93/235) 1993-1995 1993 to 1995 Larval studies of the introduced seastar Asterias amurensis
    1066 [view] Chad Hewitt Lady Baron Port Survey 1998-1998 1998 to 1998 Lady Baron Port Survey
    2012 [view] Peter Coppin Lake George Area Wind Monitoring Towers 2002 to 2004 Lake George Area Wind Monitoring Towers Purchase Order: SC46161 Stanwell Monitoring
    1133 [view] John Parslow Land & Water Audit 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Land & Water Audit
    1993 [view] John Finnigan Land Atmosphere Turbulent Exchange 2002 to 2006
    2226 [view] Yingping Wang Land surface Carbon development (04/05) 2002 to 2005
    1977 [view] Yingping Wang Land surface carbon development 2002 to 2005
    1526 [view] Stuart Godfrey Large-scale Ocean Dynamics and Climate 1985-1989 1985 to 1989 Large-scale Ocean Dynamics and Climate
    1193 [view] Barry Bruce Larval Ecology 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Larval Ecology
    1639 [view] Barry Bruce Larval Ecology 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Larval Ecology
    52 [view] Larval Prawn Diets 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Larval Prawn Diets
    1762 [view] Barry Bruce Larval transport and recruitment processes of southern rock lobster 2002 to 2005 Larval transport & recruit rock lobster
    1950 [view] Peter McIntosh Learning to us GCMs and hybrid methods for seasonal forecasts 2005 to 2007 Learning to use GCMs & hybrid methods
    1163 [view] Denis Abbott Library 1997 to 2004
    2047 [view] Tom Beer Life Cycle Analysis-Maize 2003 to 2005
    2567 [view] Rebecca Carey Life after death: understanding the recovery of a submarine hydrothermal system and seafloor ecosystems post volcanic eruption
    1973 [view] Tom Beer Lifecycle Analysis 2002 to 2005
    2051 [view] Paul Fraser Light Metals (Flagship) 2003 to 2005 Aluminium. PFC in Global Air
    1485 [view] Steve Blaber Lihir Consultancy 1999 to 2004
    2185 [view] Steve Blaber Lihir Mines Phase 2 2005 to 2005 This work fits within the core areas of sustainable fisheries and sustainable marine ecosystems. The research involves both continuing the fisheries assessment work and beginning ecosystem research that seeks to integrate benthic and pelagic processes, particularly with regard to food chain transfers. Such integration is planned in the future for Gulf of Carpentaria work and the present project provides an ideal opportunity for developing the skills and techniques necessary in a much more contained and smaller place - while at the same time carrying out first class, publishable science. Lihir Mines Phase 2
    1392 [view] Tom Polacheck Line transect simulation work 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Line transect simulations
    2610 [view] Bernadette Sloyan Linking East Australian Current dynamics and submarine canyon geomorphology to marine ecosystem hotspots 2024
    2563 [view] Viena Puigcorbe Linking the Biological Carbon Pump flux to microbial colonisation of sinking particles in the Coral Sea 2020 to 2021 Scientific and voyage objectives: to conduct a research program in the oligotrophic waters of the Coral Sea to: 1: Evaluate carbon export fluxes and the carbon export efficiency 2: Assess the changes of the microbial community structure in particles from surface to mesopelagic ocean 3. Link the rates of carbon export and remineralisation (Aim 1) to the microbial community changes (Aim 2) through experiments under controlled conditions. The oceanographic characteristics of the previously sampled areas are dramatically different to the Coral Sea, however, the oligotrophic areas of the ocean, as the Coral Sea, are expected to expand with the prediction of a future warmer ocean. Additionally, these oceanic regions have been disregarded when referring to carbon export, but recent research has shown that subtropical regions with picoplankton-dominated food webs are characterised by enhanced export efficiencies. The results from this project will deepen our understanding of carbon export and the impact of the microbial community in the carbon export efficiency in oligotrophic waters, which will help constrain the marine carbon cycle and should benefit future climate models.
    2004 [view] Michael Raupach Links between resilience and information in complex adaptive systems. 2003 to 2005 Complex Adaptive Systems
    2419 [view] Hiski Kippo Linnaeus Underway 2014 During Linnaeus charters the underway systems will be operated. Data collected will be processed, archived and published by CSIRO O&A Linnaeus Underway
    1112 [view] John Volkman Lipid Biomarker and Isotope Studies 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Lipid Biomarker and Isotope Studies
    1471 [view] Roland Pitcher Lobster assesment & modelling 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Lobster assesment & modelling
    1472 [view] Roland Pitcher Lobster catch & effort 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Lobster catch & effort
    2285 [view] John Stevens Local and Regional Migratory Patterns of Whale Sharks at Ningaloo Reef, WA 2006 to 2008
    1937 [view] Susan Wijffels Long Period Modulation of Ocean Density in the Timor Sea and Potential Impacts on the Internal Wave Climate 2004 to 2007 Ocean Density in the Timor Sea
    2459 [view] John Keesing, Roland Pitcher, Keith Sainsbury Long-term recovery of trawled marine communities 25 years after the world’s largest adaptive management experiment. 2017 By contrasting the diversity, abundance, biomass and size/age composition of the demersal fish community and epibenthic, habitat forming invertebrates across these gradients of historical and recent fishing effort, and by comparing these data with that collected in the 1980s using the same methods, we aim to make firm conclusions about the rates of recovery of trawled communities and the sustainability of trawling. We will test the prediction that areas where trawling effort has ceased or has been dramatically reduced will be characterised by re-establishment of benthic habitats with greater coverage, biomass and complexity of larger habitat-forming filter-feeder communities, and of higher production of key demersal fish species (families: Lethrinidae, Lutjanidae) since comparative surveys in the 1980s. The study will also take into account other environmental gradients (i.e. depth, substrate/habitat type, hydrodynamic forcing at the seabed, pelagic productivity which may influence both the distribution of benthic and demersal community assemblages and their rates of recovery.
    2231 [view] Janet Bishop Looking for gold in the data mines 2006 to 2006 Data recovery project, which targets high value historical prawn datasets.
    1913 [view] Susan Blackburn Low glycaemic index wheat 2003 to 2004
    1554 [view] John Church Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Lowered ADCP
    2433 [view] Vittorio Brando Lucinda Jetty Coastal Observatory 2009 The Lucinda Jetty Coastal Observatory (LJCO) forms part of an Environmental Earth Observation Network which integrates satellite and ground based monitoring in order to develop computer models, tools, information systems and algorithms at wide spatial scales across terrestrial and aquatic environments. The tools enable the management and preservation of water, soil and ecosystem resource bases and help solve Australia's environmental issues.
    1844 [view] John Parslow MEVP Interim Strategic Research Project 2003 to 2004
    1036 [view] Kevin Williams MLA Dipasena 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 MLA Dipasena
    1037 [view] Kevin Williams MLA Survey on Nutrients in Meatmeal 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 MLA Survey on Nutrients in Meatmeal
    1698 [view] Rudy Kloser MUFTI - Deep-towed acoustic system 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 MUFTI - Deep-towed acoustic system
    1067 [view] Chad Hewitt Mackay Habour Port Survey 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Mackay Habour Port Survey
    2515 [view] David Steinberg Macumba Wreck 2017 The search for the Macumba will be based on a grid search area defined by the interpretation of historic marks and discounting areas previously searched. The size of the search area and the methodology used will, in part, be informed by the tools available and also the amount of time committed to the task. It is hoped that 6-12 hours searching and recording can be committed to the task although if successful early, less overall time will be required. If the voyage can only commit to passing through the search area once, or a far limited number of times, this is still a worthwhile exercise. In a multi beam or side scan sonar survey the lanes will be defined by the sonar coverage, taking into account the need for overlap to accommodate the gap beneath the sonar fish itself. As the sea bed terrain in the general area is flat it’s surmised that there will be little topography to create shadows and complicate interpreting the signal. We appreciate that multi beam is provided and the Heritage Branch can supply a side scan sonar if need be. Other than the side scan and multi-beam another commonly used tool is a magnetometer. Magnetometers are particularly good in search for the search of iron and steel wrecks. A search pattern within the search area using a magnetometer will be similar, with a fish towed following predetermined lanes. The magnetometer signal will be significant as this is a 2,500 ton steel ship in a relatively shallow seabed, although the device will need to be adjusted to accommodate the high ambient noise of the areas ferrous geology. A basic calculation taking into account the magnetometer, the size of the vessel and the depth of the water will determine the search lanes. Once the wreck is located the multi beam and/or side scan sonar will be used to take multiple impressions of the wreck. Adjusting the run of the ship will provide multiple perspectives of this complex archaeological site. ROV cameras are not listed on the ship equipment list, but other partners may be sourced to provide this. Remote video has been used on marine life surveys of wrecks in the Northern Territory previously. The ship’s bottom profilers will be used to determine heights of the seabed and wreckage to provide a profile of the wreck and guide future dive operations. Once the wreck is located and a series of side scan runs over the wreck completed any further research on the marine survey of the wreck can be supported. Biological surveys may focus on the biodiversity of surface life, water column and wreck dwelling species. Side scan sonar can capture the scale and location of a ‘bait ball’ for example. ROV can be used to record wreck dwelling species and benthic life. Remote wreck surveys provide unique challenges for both maritime archaeologists and marine biologists, and the Macumba project will provide an opportunity to develop synergies and shape strategies to record these complex sites.
    65 [view] Tony Smith Management Strategy Design and Evaluation 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Management Strategy Design and Evaluation
    1663 [view] Tony Smith Management Strategy Evaluation 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Management Strategy Evaluation
    1486 [view] Steve Blaber Management and Conservation of Terubok fishery- Sumatra 2000-2000 2000 to 2000 Management and Conservation of Terubok fishery - Sumatra
    1363 [view] Francis Pantus Management modelling of impacts of trawling in the GBRMPA area 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Management modelling of impacts of trawling in the GBRMPA area
    1618 [view] Roland Pitcher Management of Bech-de-mer in Gulf of Carpentaria 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Management of Bech-de-mer in Gulf of Carpentaria
    1584 [view] Tim Skewes Management of Coral Sea Collector Fishery 2000 to 2003 Management of Coral Sea Collector Fisher
    1503 [view] David Die Management of common banana prawn stocks of the Gulf of Carpentaria 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Management of common banana prawns of the Gulf of Carpentaria
    1818 [view] Roland Pitcher Mapping bycatch & seabed benthos assemblages in the GBR region for environmental risk assessment and sustainable management of the Queensland East Coast Trawl Fishery 2003 to 2006 Mapping bycatch & seabed benthos in GBR
    1177 [view] Trevor Ward Mapping of large-scale marine domains 1998-1998 1998 to 1998 Mapping of large-scale marine domains
    2481 [view] Neville Barrett Mapping of the Beagle Commonwealth Marine Park 2019 Two 5 x 5 km2areas of seabed were proposed to be surveyed by multibeam sonar within the Beagle Marine Park. This survey component was intended to compliment a recent survey of this marine park by the NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub that uses a spatially-balanced sub-sampling design to understand the nature and extent of seabed habitats within the park. Prior to these surveys, very little was known around the extent of seabed habitats within the park. As it would take several months to fully map the park, a sub-sampling approach was taken instead, to be able to infer the overall extent and distribution of habitats based on a spatially-balanced sampling design, without the need and expense of fully mapping the park. The 2018 Hub survey completed approximately 14 of these 5 x 5 km sample sites, out of an optimal target of 20.Remaining sites were prioritised for completion during the IN2019_V07 voyage, if time allowed.
    1459 [view] Roland Pitcher Mapping the EEZ 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Mapping the EEZ
    1640 [view] Roland Pitcher Mapping the EEZ 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Mapping the EEZ
    1345 [view] John Volkman Mariculture Biotechnology & Nutrition 1993-1997 1993 to 1997 Mariculture Biotechnology & Nutrition
    1197 [view] Rudy Kloser Marine Acoustics 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Marine Acoustics
    1682 [view] Rudy Kloser Marine Acoustics 1998-2003 1998 to 2003 Marine Acoustics
    2381 [view] Rudy Kloser Marine Acoustics and IMOS bio-acoustics sampling program. 2011
    2274 [view] Susan Blackburn Marine Adhesives Project 2005 to 2006
    1178 [view] Rudy Kloser Marine Biological Diversity Survey - South-East 2000 to 2004 Marine Biological Diversity Survey - Sou
    170 [view] Vincent Lyne Marine Bioregionalisation Project (OR2000) 1994-1997 1994 to 1997 The Bioregionalisation Project was funded by Ocean Rescue 2000 and a consortium of organisations was commissioned to produce a scientifically credible regionalisation of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), to be used as a basis fro establishing a system of marine protected areas in the future. The project as implemented at CSIRO Divisions of Fisheries and Oceanography aimed to provide a province level bioregionalisation based on fish distributions, and an oceanographic regionalisation based on available core physical oceanographic datasets. The results of the project were published as a report version 1.01 in 1996. Bioregionalisation Project
    1302 [view] Bronte Tilbrook Marine Carbon Cycles 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Marine Carbon Cycles
    1684 [view] Bronte Tilbrook Marine Carbon Cycles 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Marine Carbon Cycles
    2021 [view] John Parslow Marine Environmental Variability & Prediction Refundable Travel - PAR275 2003 to 2006 MEVP Refundable Travel
    2016 [view] John Parslow Marine Environmental Variability & Prediction Research Group Support - PAR275 2003 to 2006 MEVP Research Group Support
    1529 [view] Denis Mackey Marine Inorganic Chemistry 1985-1989 1985 to 1989 Marine Inorganic Chemistry
    1164 [view] Alex Papij Marine Instrumentation 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Marine Instrumentation
    2557 [view] Rachel Rice, Natasha Pastor Marine Mammal Observations 2020 Purpose: To conduct Marine Mammal Observations for the duration of the voyage. Description of proposed work: As marine mammal observers, Rice and Pastor (College of the Atlantic, USA) will monitor, record, and report sightings of marine mammals within visual range of RV Investigator during times of operation. During scheduled shifts, they will record sightings and include supporting data such as time, distance, location, species, and animal behavior. These data will be provided to the Chief Scientist, the MNF, and the Australian Antarctic Division in addition to a final report at the conclusion of the voyage summarizing the sighting data. Monitoring for marine mammals will provide real time information regarding location and behavior of marine mammals that enter the work area of the vessel. To date, sixteen cetacean species have been recorded near Macquarie Island: killer whale (Orcinus orca), long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas), sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), southern right whale (Eubalaena australis), humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), minke whale (Balaenoptera sp.), Arnoux’s beaked whale (Berardius arnuxii), strap-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardii), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalis), sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis), Andrew’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon bowdoini), Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris), Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris), southern right-whale dolphin (Lissodelphis peronii), spectacled porpoise (Phocoena dioptrica), hourglass dolphin (Lagenorhynchus cruciger). Also, five species of seals have been recorded in the area: Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella), sub-Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis), New Zealand fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri), southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), and Hooker’s sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri). Few observations have been conducted in the vicinity of Macquarie Island in the autumnal late March-mid-April timeframe, as most previous observations have been typically undertaken in summer. Hence significant new data will be acquired.
    2312 [view] Rudy Kloser Marine Observation technologies and sensor networks for MUMSE 2006 to 2007
    1537 [view] John Volkman Marine Oils and Biomarkers 1989-1993 1989 to 1993 Marine Oils and Biomarkers
    1531 [view] John Volkman Marine Organic Chemistry 1985-1989 1985 to 1989 Marine Organic Chemistry
    1344 [view] Peter Nichols Marine Products 1993-1997 1993 to 1997 Marine Products
    1676 [view] Bill Venables Marine Statistics Management 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Marine Statistics Management
    1165 [view] Alex Papij Marine Technology and services 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Marine Technology and services
    1322 [view] Rick Bailey Marine and Ocean Observing Systems 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Marine and Ocean Observing Systems
    2402 [view] Chris Wilcox Marine debris distribution in the Eastern Indian Ocean and Timor Sea. 2012 We plan to address the following questions: 1. What is the density of marine debris in the oceanic regions around Australia? 2. What is the composition of marine debris in the regions sampled? 3. What fraction is anthropogenic in origin? Marine debris distribution
    2164 [view] Mark Green Marine habitat rehabilitation and threatened fish investigation 2004 to 2005 1. CMR will implement a transplantation program of marine algae, Caulerpa sp, as a method of rehabilitating the critical habitat of the endangered spotted handfish, Branchionichthys hirsutus. 2. Quantitative surveys will be undertaken to estimate the density and population stucture of spotted handfish at three previously sampled sites. 3. Quantitative surveys will be undertaken at two additional regions to investigate the density, distribution and population structure of spotted handfish over a broader area. 4. The density of Asterias amurensis and critical habitat will be investigated at all survey sites. 5. An experiment to test a mathematical model of diver efficiency versus search zone will be run. 6. CMR will provide DPIWE with report detailing work, analysis and results. Marine habitat rehabilitation
    2530 [view] Martina Doblin Marine microbes 2016 The objective of this piggyback project is to examine the temperature tolerance, diversity and activity of upper ocean microbial communities from Lautoka to Hobart. This involves collecting surface seawater along the ship’s path, coordinated with morning CTDs, and conducting a series of microbial community characterisation assays using instrumentation contained within the UTS MicroCSI that is normally only available in a land-based laboratory.
    1100 [view] Alan Butler Marine monitoring - marine/terrestrial integrated management 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Marine monitoring - marine/terrestrial integrated management
    1022 [view] Peter Nichols Marine oils from Australian fish: characterisation and value added products (FRDC project no. 94/115) 1994-1998 1994 to 1998 Project objectives: 1.To assist Australian industry develop new marine oil based, value-added products from existing or new fisheries including the by-catch and waste generated by the fishing and related industries, through: Evaluation of new deep-sea and other shark species for squalene content and oil composition. Determination of the composition of marine oils from underexploited pelagic and other species, with particular reference to: 1. identifying optimum sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and other specialty oils (e.g. diacylglycerol ethers from deep-sea and other sharks), and 2. assisting industry to develop products from these oils and specific oil fractions. Examination and optimization of methods for further refining squalene-containing and omega-3 containing marine oils, thereby increasing product value. The techniques developed will be broad-based and transferable between fish species and the developing field of single cell oils (SCO) derived from microorganisms. This aspect of the project will include evaluation and possible use of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and fractionation techniques. Marine oils from Australian fish
    2367 [view] Jock Young Marine pelagic ecosystems 2009
    1617 [view] Francis Pantus Marine turtle nesting sites in Torres Strait 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Marine turtle nesting sites in Torres Strait
    2471 [view] Alain Protat Maritime Continent observations of atmospheric convection, biogenic emissions, ocean vertical mixing, and the Indonesian Throughflow 2019 Accurate predictions of Australia’s regional weather and climate require accurate representations of atmospheric and oceanic processes in our prediction models over the entire globe, and not just over Australia. However, some global locations are more important than others, and one is the region known as the ‘Maritime Continent’, comprising the islands and seas of Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, and surrounds. This voyage will form part of a larger international effort to tackle the problems of the Maritime Continent in our models by making detailed observations of the daily cycles of convective storms and the mixing of heat in the atmosphere and ocean.
    2482 [view] Emily Jateff Maritime Heritage Surveys 2019 Objective: to undertake mapping of historic shipwreck sites, in partnership with Heritage Victoria and the Australian National Maritime Museum.
    1090 [view] Dick Martin Maritime Industry Awareness [CRIMP] 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Maritime Industry Awareness
    1134 [view] John Parslow Mathematical Modelling of the Upper Derwent - Fletcher Challenge 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Mathematical Modelling of the Upper Derwent - Fletcher Challenge
    1274 [view] Greg Lyden Maximising yield and reducing discards in the South East Trawl Fishery through gear development and evaluation - MAFRI 1998-2002 1998 to 2002 Maximising yield and reducing discards in the South East Trawl Fishery
    1453 [view] Ian Poiner McArthur River mining 1993-1998 1993 to 1998 McArthur River mining
    515 [view] Peter Jernakoff Measuring the feeding range of western rock lobsters and the effective fishing area of a baited pot (FIRTA project no. 83/47) 1983-1985 1983 to 1985 Western Rock Lobster Feeding Range Study
    2565 [view] Measuring the world’s cleanest air – validating atmospheric measurements above the Southern Ocean
    2566 [view] Ruhi Humphries Measuring the world’s cleanest air – validating atmospheric measurements above the Southern Ocean 2020
    1034 [view] David Smith Meatmeal in aquaculture diets - Prawns 1995-2000 1995 to 2000 Meatmeal in aquaculture diets
    1565 [view] Neil Klaer Mechanisims to explain changes in the structure of demersal fish communities of the shelf and slope in the south east region of australia throughout the exploitation history by trawling from 1915 to recent times 2001-2002 2001 to 2002 Changes in SE Australian fish communities, 1915 onwards
    1884 [view] Neil Klaer Mechanisms to explain changes in the structure of demersal fish communities of the shelf and slope in the south east region of Australia throughout the exploitation history by trawling from 1915 to recent times - extension 2003 to 2004 Demersal fish communities - extn
    2554 [view] Medical Support on remote voyages (RV Investigator) 2014 - ongoing
    1524 [view] John Church Mesoscale and Continental Shelf Oceanography 1981-1989 1981 to 1989 Mesoscale and Continental Shelf Oceanography
    1338 [view] David Griffin Mesoscale oceanographic data analysis and data-assimilative modelling with application to Western Australian fisheries (FRDC project no. 97/139) 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Oceanographic data analysis and modelling with application to WA fisheries
    2211 [view] Tennille Irvine Metabolic Consequences of Coral Reproduction 2005 to 2007 The purpose of this research is to quantify metabolic consequences of reproduction in zooxanthellate scleractinian corals at Ningaloo Reef and assess their vulnerability to stress during the reproductive period. These particular corals form a symbiosis with a diverse and dynamic population of autotrophic dinoflagellate algae known as zooxanthellae. Literature indicates that metabolic responses of isolated zooxanthellae are significantly different to that of the intact association (Gardella and Edmunds, 1999); however the greater part of research examines the former. This research aims to better understand the metabolic responses of the intact coral-algae association. Metabolic Consequences of Coral Reproduction
    2143 [view] Mark Hibberd Meteorological & Dispersion Modelling using TAPM for Wagerup: Phase 3 2004 to 2005 Run the refined TAPM (from Phase 1) for four scenarios of emissions (Current-Average, Current Peak, Expanded Average and Expanded-Peak) and agreed sources and produce selected concentration statistics for 27 pollutants at 13 receptor points for input into the Health Risk Assessment and the Public Environmental Review Document. Provide an explanatory document of the current best practice methods, and their conservative application to derive shorter time period (3 and 10 minutes) maximum concentrations from the Wagerup hourly TAPM concentration fields. Wagerup Modelling Phase 3
    1001 [view] Susan Blackburn Microalgae Research and Development - Broome Pearls Pty Ltd 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Microalgae Research and Development - Broome Pearls
    1850 [view] Susan Blackburn Microalgae for aquaculture 2003/04 2003 to 2006 Microalgae for aquaculture
    550 [view] Shirley Jeffrey Microalgae for mariculture (FIRDC project no. 90/63) 1990-1993 1990 to 1993 Microalgae for mariculture
    50 [view] Malcolm Brown Microalgal Nutrition Analyses 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Microalgal Nutrition Analyses
    172 [view] David Moriarty Microbial Food Chains Project 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Microbial Food Chains
    2503 [view] Sophie Leterme Microplastics in the food chain: impact on the microbial and planktonic organisms 2019 to 2021 Microplastics consist of pieces of plastic smaller than 5 mm, such as the microbeads found in domestic and personal care products. Plastic pollution of oceanic ecosystems can be observed anywhere on the planet, but microplastics create a global biological and chemical hazard due to their propensity to be ingested by marine life that is later consumed by humans. Small plastics can also adhere onto the surface of micro-organisms that are preyed upon by higher levels of the oceanic food chain such as fish. The aims of the project are (i) to assess the amount of plastics (micro through to pico in size) present in blue waters around Australia and (ii) to identify their impact on microorganisms at the base of the oceanic food chain.
    1434 [view] John Gunn Migration and habitat preference of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, on the east coast of Australia 1999 to 2004 Migration and habitat preference of bige
    2632 [view] Eric Raes, Marcelle Ayad Minderoo eDNA ‘OceanOmics’ Sample Collections and Methods Comparison 2024
    1968 [view] Bill Physick Model Development and Verification 2002 to 2005 This project underpins the meteorological and air pollution modelling capability of the team. The development and application of TAPM is well aligned with the other strategic projects in the team and provides a modelling capability that can be developed and built-upon in research projects, exploited in consultancy projects, and provide technology transfer in the TAPM licensing and advice project.
    1312 [view] Stuart Godfrey Modelling Climate Variability & Change 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Modelling Climate Variability & Change
    1646 [view] Stuart Godfrey Modelling Climate Variability and Change 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Modelling Climate Variability and Change
    2147 [view] Wenju Cai Modelling Indo-Pacific variability and its potential for change 2004 to 2005 Simulated Impact - Indo-Pacific
    1728 [view] Rich Little Modelling Multi-Species Fishery Dynamics - CRC Reef - Task B4.4 2001 to 2005 Modelling Multi-Species - Task B4.4
    1395 [view] Tom Polacheck Modelling Strategies 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Modelling Strategies
    1652 [view] Tom Polacheck Modelling Strategies 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Modelling Strategies
    1233 [view] Tony Smith Modelling and evaluation of management strategies 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Management strategy evaluation
    1148 [view] Stephen Walker Modelling of ANM Discharge 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Modelling of ANM Discharge
    1675 [view] Ann Preece Modelling of Pelagic Resources 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Modelling of Pelagic Resources
    1393 [view] Neil Klaer Modelling of Temperate Pelagic Resources 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Modelling of Temperate Pelagic Resources
    1394 [view] Robert Campbell Modelling of Tropical Pelagic Resources 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Modelling of Tropical Pelagic Resources
    1648 [view] Robert Campbell Modelling of Tropical Pelagic Resources 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Modelling of Tropical Pelagic Resources
    1773 [view] John Parslow Modelling of the Fitzroy-Port Curtis Region - CM2 2002 to 2003 Coastal Modelling - CM2
    1135 [view] Sandy Murray Modelling the Pilchard fish kill in southern Australian waters 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Modelling the Pilchard fish kill in southern Australian waters
    1899 [view] Rich Little Modelling the bio-economic impacts of individual transferable catch quotas in the Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery of the Great Barrier Reef 2004 to 2007 Modelling bio-economic impacts of catch quotas
    1275 [view] Xi He Modelling the population dynamics of high priority South East fishery species (FRDC project no. 97/115) 1997-2002 1997 to 2002 Modelling population dynamics of high priority South East fishery species
    1136 [view] John Parslow Models of Nitrogen Load Scenarios for Port Phillip Bay 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Models of Nitrogen Load Scenarios for Port Phillip Bay
    2071 [view] Nick Elliott Molecular assessment of AGD resistance in Atlantic salmon 2004 to 2007 Food Futures Flagship 2B5 - Molecular Assessment of AGD Resistance
    1611 [view] Nick Elliott Molecular genetic tools for the Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon Industry - development and application. 2000 to 2004 Molecular genetic tools - Atlantic Salmo
    1628 [view] John Gunn Monitoring Chinese Taipei fishing activities and catches of southern bluefin tuna in the Indian Ocean during 1999 - a basis for an improved understanding of Chinese Taipei's approach to Indian Ocean fisheries and their impact on the SBT stock. 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Chinese Taipei activities and SBT catches, Indian Ocean 1999
    2443 [view] Bernadette Sloyan, Susan Wijffels Monitoring Ocean Change and Variability along 170W from the ice edge to the equator 2016 Monitoring Ocean Change and Variability along 170W from the ice edge to the equator. Principle Investigators also include: Bronte Tilbrook, Lev Bodrossy, Bec Cowley(CSIRO O&A)and Mark Warner, John Bullister (U. Washington, Seattle, WA USA). Scientific objectives: The full suite of key ocean parameters and the deep ocean heat and carbon reservoirs remain poorly measured. This proposal will complete full-depth, high-precision hydrographic, carbon, and tracer measurements, along 170oW from the sea-ice edge to the equator, to monitor and detect ocean variability and change including changes in the carbonate chemistry associated with acidification. These data, together with other observational data and numerical models, will allow for the detection and attribution of ocean change and variability and to assess the impact of the ocean on climate variability. This hydrographic section will monitor ocean change and variability by: 1. Directly measuring the full suite of ocean water properties (temperature, salinity, velocity, nutrients, tracers and ocean mixing) at high vertical and spatial resolution throughout the entire water column and in the deep boundary currents, contributing to the international GO-SHIP program 2. Providing high precision biogeochemical measurements to monitor changes in ocean carbon storage and oxygen concentrations, contributing to the IOCCP international program to monitor the global carbon budget. 3. Directly measure ocean mixing to improve our knowledge of the ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation. 4. Provide high precision baseline data to calibrate the Argo array, XBT program, and other autonomous observations (ocean gliders, moorings and satellites) in the vicinity of the section. 5. Deploy Argo floats for the core mission and contributions to the international SOCCOM project. 6. Obtain side-by-side CTD/XBT data for the assessment of bias errors in XBT measurements. This is an extract from the in2016_v01 voyage plan. This project is affiliated with previous projects "Deep Ocean measurements 2000-2001" and Deep Ocean Time Series Section (DOTSS). These two projects were associated with MNF voyages FR 05/2001 and SS200901 respectively.
    2099 [view] Tim Davis Monitoring SBT longline catch in Indonesia 2004 to 2005
    1873 [view] Tim Davis Monitoring SBT longline catch in Indonesia - 2003/04 2003 to 2004 Monitoring SBT longline catch in Indonesia
    1091 [view] Dick Martin Monitoring [CRIMP] 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Monitoring
    1101 [view] Charles Jacoby Monitoring at HMAS Sterling 1998-1998 1998 to 1998 Monitoring at HMAS Sterling
    2059 [view] Rob Gillett Monitoring of Ambient Concentrations of Air Pollutants 2004 to 2005 Analytical job to be done internally by Chem Lab collector account and $72K salary effort may be used for this project. Budgetted revenue significantly varies with original budget. New Rev&cost to be shown in estimate later. Burrup Peninsula Petroglyph Study
    503 [view] David Rochford Monitoring program of sea surface properties (FIRTA project no. 73/19) 1973-? 1973 Monitoring of sea surface properties
    1630 [view] Tim Davis Monitoring the longline catch of Southern Bluefin Tuna landed in Indonesia - 2000-01 2000 to 2002
    1755 [view] Tim Davis Monitoring the longline catch of Southern Bluefin Tuna landed in Indonesia - 2002-03 2002 to 2003 Monitoring longline catch of SBT - 02-03
    1436 [view] Tim Davis Monitoring the longline of Southern Bluefin Tuna landed in Indonesia - 1997/98 1997 to 1999 Indonesian longline catch monitoring of Southern Bluefin Tuna
    1437 [view] Tim Davis Monitoring the longline of Southern Bluefin Tuna landed in Indonesia - 1998/99 1998 to 2000 Indonesian longline catch monitoring of Southern Bluefin Tuna - 1998/99
    1396 [view] Tom Polacheck Monitoring/Recruitment Southern Bluefin Tuna (1995) 1994-2000 1994 to 2000 Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1995)
    1397 [view] Tom Polacheck Monitoring/recruitment Southern Bluefin Tuna 1996 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1996)
    1398 [view] Tom Polacheck Monitoring/recruitment Southern Bluefin Tuna 1997 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1997)
    2181 [view] Peter Crocos Monodon reproduction 2004 to 2005 Food Futures Flagship 2B1 - Monodon Reproduction
    1930 [view] Tim Skewes Moreton Bay Sandfish Survey 2003 2003 to 2004
    1919 [view] Rob Kenyon Moreton Bay waterways and catchments partnership 2004 to 2004 Moreton Bay Waterways
    1265 [view] John Stevens Movement & behavioural patterns of whale sharks 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Movement & behavioural patterns of whale sharks
    1858 [view] John Stevens Movement dynamics and fisheries interactions of blue sharks - pilot 2003 to 2004 Movement dynamics - blue sharks
    2170 [view] Barry Bruce Movement patterns of key apex predators in open ocean ecosystems 2004 to 2005 The open ocean ecosystems off eastern Australia support major fisheries. The region is a focus for the PFE research, with a range of current co-investment projects operating in the area. Describing the nature and dynamics of these ecosystems is a primary goal of the PFE science plan. Despite considerable effort directed at some commercial species, we still lack sufficient details of the spatial dynamics of certain target and non-target species in the region to effectively populate ecosystem models. There remain significant opportunities to establish co-investment projects in this work, however, the success of such proposals would be greatly enhanced by demonstrating what is possible and using this opportunity to refine our techniques in tagging, data analysis and storage. This project will provide initial data on the movement patterns, residency and habitat preferences of key pelagic predators in the Coral and Tasman Seas. It will use smart tag technology procured under the successful MIE bid to PFE and work collaboratively with the co-investment (CMR-FRDC) project  Determining the ecological effects of long-line fishing (hn79a) and provide major input (data) to the proposed Smart tagging and data handling appropriation project (Bradford). Movement patterns of key apex predators
    2101 [view] Grant West Movements of southern bluefin tuna and swordfish off the east coast of Australia- a collaborative CSIRO-Mfish project 2004 to 2005 SBT - CSIRO-Mfish Tags - WES090
    2520 [view] Robin Beaman Multibeam bathymetry mapping of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea 2016 The scientific and voyage objectives of Project 3DGBR are: 1.To acquire high-resolution multibeam bathymetry, backscatter and water column data along the voyage track for the duration of the voyage. The new bathymetry data will be used to improve the accuracy of the 100 m-resolution DEM for the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea, called the ‘gbr100’ grid: 2.On an opportunity basis and subject to workload, acquire sub-bottom profile data using the SBP120 profiler during the voyage. The sub-bottom profiler data will be used in conjunction with the multibeam data for ongoing marine geoscience projects in the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Other names: Project 3D-GBR & underway scientific mapping
    2609 [view] Steve Rintoul Multidisciplinary Investigations of the Southern Ocean (MISO): linking physics, biogeochemistry, plankton, aerosols, clouds, and climate 2024
    1276 [view] Keith Sainsbury Multiple Use Management in the Marine Environment 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Multiple Use Management in the Marine Environment
    1143 [view] John Parslow NASDA Ocean Colour Global Research Network System Project l 1994-1999 1994 to 1999 NASDA Ocean Colour Global Research Network System Project l
    2128 [view] Jennifer Powell NATA accreditation of Air Pollution Laboratories 2004 to 2005
    2048 [view] Carl Meyer NGGI Non C02 Gases-Biosphere 2003 to 2005
    1070 [view] Chad Hewitt NHT - Development of a Detection Kit for Community Based Monitoring 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Detection Kit for Community Based Monitoring
    1081 [view] Keith Hayes NHT - Generic List & Risk Assessment 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 NHT - Generic List & Risk Assessment
    1058 [view] Dick Martin NHT - Information Systems 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 NHT - Information Systems
    1741 [view] Nic Bax NHT - Minimising the impacts of the Northern Pacific Seastar in Australia 2002 to 2004 NHT - Minimising the impacts of NP Seast
    1092 [view] Nic Bax NHT - Rapid Response Options 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 NHT - Rapid Response Options
    1790 [view] Nic Bax NHT Asteria's genetic probe work 2002 to 2003
    1705 [view] NODC Data Products
    2157 [view] Nigel Preston NPC Selective Breeding 2004 to 2004 NPC Selective Breeding
    1874 [view] Cathy Dichmont NPF Stock assessment group 200304 and beyond 2003 to 2004 NPF Stock Assessment Group 200304 & beyond
    2066 [view] Beth Fulton NSW Fisheries Ecosystem Model Comparison 2004 to 2005 NSW Fisheries Ecosystem Model Comparison
    2390 [view] Ken Graham NSW Kapala Survey Data (1975-2008) 1975 to 2008 NSW Fisheries Data
    1624 [view] Keith Sainsbury National ESD Proposal 2000-2004 2000 to 2004 National ESD Proposal
    2022 [view] David McDonald National Ecologically Sustainable Development Refundable Travel - MCD222 2003 to 2006 NESD Refundable Travel - MCD222
    2431 [view] National Environmental Research Programme (NERP) - Northern Hub 2011 to 2014 NERP Northern Hub
    2415 [view] Brad Duncan National Facility External Users: B. Duncan (Office of Env and Heritage NSW) 2013 National Facility User: Duncan, B
    2379 [view] Andrew Bowie National Facility External Users: A. Bowie (ACE CRC) Australasian GEOTRACES 2011 National Facility External Users: Bowie, A.
    2230 [view] Andrew Heap National Facility External Users: A. Heap (Geoscience Australia) 2005 National Facility Users: Heap. A
    101 [view] Alexandra Isearn National Facility External Users: A. Isearn (University of Sydney) 1999 National Facility user: Isearn, A.
    2387 [view] A Jones National Facility External Users: A. Jones (Geoscience Australia ) 2011
    2240 [view] Anne Muller National Facility External Users: A. Muller (UNSW) 2006 National Facility Users: Muller. A
    102 [view] Anthony White National Facility External Users: A. White (Flinders University) 1998 Franklin user: White, A.
    1714 [view] Anya Waite National Facility External Users: A.Waite (University of W.A.) 2003 National Facility user: Waite, A.
    2408 [view] Benjamin Cohen National Facility External Users: B. Cohen (University of Queensland) 2012 National Facility user: Cohen B.
    104 [view] Brent McInnes National Facility External Users: B. McInnes (CSIRO Exploration & Mining) 2000 National Facility user: McInnes, B.
    105 [view] Bradley Opdyke National Facility External Users: B. Opdyke (ANU Geology Dept.) 1996 National Facility user: Opdyke, B.
    106 [view] Brian Sanderson National Facility External Users: B. Sanderson (Bureau of Meteorology) 1995 National Facility user: Sanderson, B.
    2229 [view] Cameron Buchannan National Facility External Users: C. Buchannan (Geoscience Australia) 2005 National Facility External Users: C. Buchannan
    2371 [view] Christel Hassler National Facility External Users: C. Hassler (UTS) 2010 National Facility user: Hassler, C
    107 [view] Chris Jenkins National Facility External Users: C. Jenkins (University of Sydney) 1991 National Facility user: Jenkins, C.
    2241 [view] Cameron Mitchell National Facility External Users: C. Mitchell (Geoscience Australia) National Facility user: Mitchell, C.
    1510 [view] Charitha Pattiaratchi National Facility External Users: C. Pattiaratchi (University of WA) 2000- 2000 National Facility user: Pattiaratchi, C.
    109 [view] Colin Woodroffe National Facility External Users: C. Woodroffe (University of Wollongong) 1998 National Facility user: Woodroffe, C.
    108 [view] Chris von der Borch National Facility External Users: C. von der Borch (Flinders University) 1989 National Facility user: von der Borch, C.
    110 [view] Derek Burrage National Facility External Users: D. Burrage (AIMS) 1990 National Facility user: Burrage, D.
    2246 [view] David Currie National Facility External Users: D. Currie (SARDI) 2008 National Facility user: Currie, D.
    2248 [view] Damir Lenc National Facility External Users: D. Lenc (Bureau of Meteorology) 2008 National Facility Users: Lenc. D
    2414 [view] Eric Schulz National Facility External Users: E. Schulz (BOM) 2013 National Facility user: Schulz, E.
    112 [view] Francisco Neira National Facility External Users: F. Neira (Victorian Fisheries Res. Inst.) 1997 National Facility user: Neira, F.
    113 [view] Gregg Brunskill National Facility External Users: G. Brunskill (AIMS) 1993 National Facility user: Brunskill, G.
    111 [view] Graham Heinson National Facility External Users: G. Heinson (Adelaide University) 1999 National Facility user: Heinson, G.
    2228 [view] Graham Logan National Facility External Users: G. Logan (Geoscience Australia) 2005 National Facility External Users: Logan G.
    114 [view] Gary Poore National Facility External Users: G. Poore (Museum of Victoria) 1986 National Facility user: Poore, G.
    2404 [view] Helen Phillips, Nathan Bindoff National Facility External Users: H. Phillips (IMAS-UTas) 2012
    115 [view] I. McDougall National Facility External Users: I. McDougall (ANU) 1988 National Facility user: MacDougall, I.
    116 [view] Iain Suthers National Facility External Users: I. Suthers (University of NSW) 1994 National Facility user: Suthers, I.
    117 [view] John Bye National Facility External Users: J. Bye (Flinders University) 1998 National Facility user: Bye, J.
    1549 [view] John Hunter National Facility External Users: J. Hunter (Curtin Univ) 1989 to 1989 National Facility user: Hunter, J.
    118 [view] Jock Keene National Facility External Users: J. Keene (University of Sydney) 1986 National Facility user: Keene, J.
    2234 [view] John Kennard National Facility External Users: J. Kennard (Geoscience Australia) 2006 National Facility External Users: J. Kennard
    119 [view] Jim Lowry National Facility External Users: J. Lowry (Australian Museum) 1989 National Facility user: Lowry, J.
    120 [view] Jason Middleton National Facility External Users: J. Middleton (University of NSW) 1990 National Facility user: Middleton, J.
    2406 [view] Julia Reisser National Facility External Users: J. Reisser (CMAR & UWA) 2012 National Facility Users: J. Reisser
    2247 [view] Jody Webster National Facility External Users: J. Webster (JCU) 2007 National Facility User: Webster. J
    2239 [view] Kriton Glenn National Facility External Users: K. Glenn (Geoscience Australia) 2006
    121 [view] Ken Woolfe National Facility External Users: K. Woolfe (James Cook University) 1997 National Facility user: Woolfe, K.
    122 [view] Lindsay Collins National Facility External Users: L. Collins (Curtin University) 1996 National Facility user: Collins, L.
    1935 [view] Leonid Danyushevsky National Facility External Users: L. Danyushevsky (University of Tasmania) 2004 National Facility user: Danyushevsky L
    2375 [view] Martina Doblin National Facility External Users: M Doblin (UTS) 2010
    123 [view] Miles Furnas National Facility External Users: M. Furnas (AIMS) 1985 National Facility user: Furnas, M.
    132 [view] Michel Pichon National Facility External Users: M. Pichon (AIMS) 1986 National Facility user: Pichon, M.
    2401 [view] Maria Seton National Facility External Users: M. Seton (University of Sydney) 2012 National Facility user: Seton M.
    2373 [view] Matt Taylor National Facility External Users: M. Taylor (UNSW) 2010 National Facility External User: M. Taylor (UNSW)
    124 [view] Matt Tomczak National Facility External Users: M. Tomczak (Flinders University) 1986 National Facility user: Tomczak, M.
    2399 [view] Nathan Bindoff, Helen Phillips National Facility External Users: N. Bindoff (IMAS, UTas) 2012 National Facility External Users: N. Bindoff
    142 [view] Neville Exon National Facility External Users: N. Exon (Geoscience Australia - [ AGSO pre 2001]) 1994 National Facility user: Exon, N.
    125 [view] Patrick De Deckker National Facility External Users: P. De Deckker (ANU) 1994 National Facility user: De Deckker, P.
    126 [view] Pat Dixon National Facility External Users: P. Dixon (University of NSW) 1989 National Facility user: Dixon, P.
    127 [view] Peter Harris National Facility External Users: P. Harris (Geoscience Australia - [ AGSO pre 2001] ex OSI, Syd Uni) 1993 National Facility user: Harris, P.
    128 [view] Peter Holloway National Facility External Users: P. Holloway (ADFA) 1995 National Facility user: Holloway, P.
    129 [view] Pat Hutchings National Facility External Users: P. Hutchings (Australian Museum) 1988 National Facility user: Hutchings, P.
    130 [view] Piers Larcombe National Facility External Users: P. Larcombe (James Cook University) 1992 National Facility user: Larcombe, P.
    131 [view] Peter Petrusevics National Facility External Users: P. Petrusevics (Flinders University) 1994 National Facility user: Petrusevics, P.
    2242 [view] Rick Bailey National Facility External Users: R. Bailey (Bureau of Meteorology) 2007 National Facility Users: Bailey. R
    2392 [view] Robin Beaman, Jody Webster National Facility External Users: R. Beaman (JCU) 2012 National Facility User: Beaman, R
    133 [view] Ray Binns National Facility External Users: R. Binns (CSIRO Exploration & Mining) 1986 National Facility user: Binns, R.
    134 [view] Ron Boyd National Facility External Users: R. Boyd (University of Newcastle) 1998 National Facility user: Boyd, R.
    103 [view] Robert Carter National Facility External Users: R. Carter (James Cook University) 1990 National Facility user: Carter, R.
    135 [view] Rick Fletcher National Facility External Users: R. Fletcher (WA Fisheries) 1996 National Facility user: Fletcher, R.
    1707 [view] Richard Arculus National Facility External Users: R. J. Arculus (ANU) 2003 National Facility user: Arculus R.
    1718 [view] Robert McCauley National Facility External Users: R. McCauley (Curtin University) 2004 National Facility user: McCauley, R.
    136 [view] Robert Morris National Facility External Users: R. Morris (Inst. of Oceanogr. Sci. - UK) 1987 National Facility user: Morris, R.
    137 [view] Richard Nunes Vaz National Facility External Users: R. Nunes Vaz (ADFA & University of NSW) 1989 National Facility user: Nunes Vaz, R.
    138 [view] Ron Szymczak National Facility External Users: R. Szymczak (ANSTO) 1997 National Facility user: Szymczak, R.
    2359 [view] Ross Hill National Facility External Users: Ross Hill (UTS) 2008 National Facility External Users: Hill, R.
    2369 [view] Sebastian Holmes National Facility External Users: S. Holmes (University of Sydney) 2009 National Facility Users: Holmes. S
    2388 [view] Simon Williams National Facility External Users: S. Williams (University of Sydney) 2011 National Facility User: Williams, S
    1706 [view] Tony Crawford National Facility External Users: T. Crawford (University of Tasmania) 2003 National Facility user: Crawford, T.
    2409 [view] Tom Hubble National Facility External Users: T. Hubble (USYD) 2013 National Facility User: Hubble, T
    139 [view] Ted Lilley National Facility External Users: T. Lilley (ANU) 1997 National Facility user: Lilley, T.
    1704 [view] Timothy McConachy National Facility External Users: T. McConachy (ANU) 2001 National Facility user: McConachy, T.
    140 [view] Winston Ponder National Facility External Users: W. Ponder (Australian Museum) 1986 National Facility user: Ponder, W.
    141 [view] Yvonne Bone National Facility External Users: Y. Bone (University of Adelaide) 1994 National Facility user: Bone, Y.
    2410 [view] Zanna Chase National Facility External Users: Z. Chase (UTAS, IMAS) 2013 National Facility user: Chase Zanna
    2374 [view] National Facility Next Wave 2008 The Next Wave program provides a unique opportunity for up to ten early career researchers and students of marine science to experience the working environment of a blue-water research vessel equipped with modern laboratory facilities and deep-water research technology.
    1647 [view] Peter Last National Fish Collection 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 National Fish Collection
    2115 [view] Vincent Lyne National Marine Bioregionalisation Integration 2004 to 2005 National Marine Bioregionalisation
    1102 [view] Alan Butler National Mesocosm 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 National Mesocosm
    1828 [view] Scott Condie National Oceanographic Description and Information Review for National Bioregionalisation 2003 to 2004 NOO Oceanographic Description & Infor
    1920 [view] Keith Hayes National Port Survey 2004 to 2005
    1921 [view] Richard Matear National Scale, Biogeochemical Modelling 2003 to 2005 National Scale, Biogeochemical Modelling
    1075 [view] Marnie Campbell National survey Port Phillip Bay 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 National survey Port Phillip Bay
    2451 [view] Andrew Bowie Natural iron fertilisation of oceans around Australia: Linking terrestrial dust and bushfires to marine biogeochemistry 2016 to 2022 The main aim for this supplementary project is to sample aerosols to study natural iron fertilisation of oceans around Australia: linking terrestrial dust and bushfires to marine biogeochemistry See main project in2016_v04_doblin for more details.
    1339 [view] George Cresswell New South Wales National Parks & Wildlife Service - Sea Surface Temperature Maps 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service - Sea Surface Temperature Maps
    2212 [view] Scott Condie New south west marine region futures report 2005 to 2005 WFO - A south west marine regions report
    1069 [view] Chad Hewitt Newcastle Port Survey 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Newcastle Port Survey
    2249 [view] Elizabeth Fulton Ningaloo Project 2006 to 2010 Regional Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) for Ningaloo Park and Exmouth as part of the broader WAMSII cluster efforts.
    2272 [view] Russ Babcock Ningaloo Project 2005-06 2006 to 2007
    2292 [view] Geoffrey Syme Ningaloo Research Project Client Outreach 2006 to 2010
    1816 [view] Alan Williams Norfolk Ridge / Lord Howe Rise Biodiversity Discovery Survey (NORFANZ) 2003 to 2003 NORFANZ
    1925 [view] Alan Williams Norfolk Seamounts CVA 2003 to 2004
    1399 [view] Tom Polacheck North Atlantic Minke whale abundance 1995-1999 1995 to 1999 North Atlantic Minke whale abundance
    1708 [view] Keith Sainsbury North West Shelf - Joint Environmental Management Study - 02-03 2002 to 2004 NWSJEMS was a A$7.7m marine environmental study of the North West Shelf, jointly funded by CSIRO and the Western Australian Government. The overarching objective was to develop and demonstrate practical science-based methods that could support integrated regional planning and multiple-use management of the North West Shelf marine ecosystems. The first major component of the study was compiling, extending and integrating information and understanding of the ecosystems and human activities of the North West Shelf. This included reviews of existing information, collation of existing data, filling key gaps through collection of new data, and development of new data products such as maps and habitat classifications. The second component was the development of a range of ecological models that combined data products with process understanding to generate new insights into the dynamics of the North West Shelf system and provide a predictive capability. The models included ocean currents and connectivity, sediment transport, nutrient cycling and primary production, food web interactions, and habitat dynamics. The third component was the development of a new modelling framework for evaluating the effectiveness of strategies for managing major sectors operating on the North West Shelf. This required representation of the ecosystem, the human sectors, and a simulated monitoring and management decision process. The framework was used to evaluate management strategies under various scenarios, taking into account known uncertainties, so as to identify strategies that could robustly meet management objectives. The fourth component was integral to the success of the study. It was the development of tools that allowed both study participants and a broader user group to access, explore and retrieve study results, including data products and model outputs. Where feasible, these were developed as online interactive tools or distributed on DVD. NWS - JEMS - 02-03
    1242 [view] Kim Finney North West Shelf - Project 1 - Data Management 2000-2004 2000 to 2004 North West Shelf - Project 1 - Data Management
    1245 [view] Scott Condie North West Shelf - Project 2 - Ecological Modelling 2000-2004 2000 to 2004 North West Shelf - Project 2 - Ecological Modelling
    1248 [view] Chris Fandry North West Shelf - Project 3 - Sources, Impacts and Environmental Quality Indicators 2000-2004 2000 to 2004 North West Shelf - Project 3 - Sources, Impacts and Environmental Quality Indicators
    1253 [view] Alan Butler North West Shelf - Project 4 - Ecosystem Characterisation and Habitat Mapping 2000-2004 2000 to 2004 North West Shelf - Project 4 - Ecosystem Characterisation and Habitat Mapping
    1254 [view] Tony Smith North West Shelf - Project 5 - Management Strategy Evaluation and Risk Assessment 2000-2004 2000 to 2004 North West Shelf - Project 5 - Management Strategy Evaluation and Risk Assessment
    171 [view] Keith Sainsbury North West Shelf Demersal Marine Resources Study (1982-1992) 1982 to 1992 The North West Shelf study was set up to examine the population dynamics and biology of demersal marine resources of the North West Shelf of Australia, in relation to their physical, chemical and biological environment. The first phase of the study comprised 10 cruises by the vessel Soela between 1982 and 1984 to investigate aspects of the ecosystem, followed by an experimental management phase from 1985 to 1992 during which parts of the fishery were closed and the resulting changes monitored. Data gathered during the study included the distribution, reproduction, diet, growth and mortality of the shelf ecosystem biota as well as information about the water column, sediments, and bottom environment. Over 1000 different fish species were recorded during the course of the study. Return cruises to the North West Shelf were made annually from 1986 to 1991 and also in 1995 and 1997. North West Shelf Study, 1980s-90s
    1234 [view] Vincent Lyne North West Shelf Habitat Mapping 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 North West Shelf Habitat Mapping
    1771 [view] Steve Blaber Northern Australian sharks and rays: The sustainablilty of target and bycatch species, phase 2 2002 to 2005 Nth Aust sharks and rays, phase 2
    2117 [view] Cathy Dichmont Northern Prawn Fishery (Fishery Management Research) 2004-05 (Assessments) 2004 to 2005 NPF Fishery Management Research 2004-05
    2116 [view] Cathy Dichmont Northern Prawn Fishery Resource Assessment Group 2004-05 (Meetings) 2004 to 2005 NPF Resource Assessment Group 2004-05
    1504 [view] David Die Northern Prawn Fishery Stock assessment group 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Northern Prawn Fishery Stock assessment group
    501 [view] William Dall Northern Prawn Project (includes FIRTA project no. 71/??) 1969-1973 1969 to 1973 Northern Prawn Project
    517 [view] John Stevens Northern pelagic fish stock research (FIRTA project no. 83/49) 1983-1985 1983 to 1985 The northern pelagic fish stock research project, funded by FIRTA, had the objectives of obtaining information on the size, geographical distribution, mortality, recruitment and yield potential of the stocks of shark, tuna and mackerel in northern Australia, including the region of operation of the Taiwanese gillnet fishery in the Arafura Sea. The project chartered a gillnet vessel ("Rachel") for tagging and exploratory fishing in areas closed to the Taiwanese. 12 surveys were conducted between 1984 and 1985. Northern pelagic fish stock research
    532 [view] John Stevens Northern shark tagging study (FIRTA project no. 86/87) 1986-1990 1986 to 1990 Northern shark tagging study
    1002 [view] Susan Blackburn Novartis - Microalgae 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Novartis - Microalgae
    2126 [view] Peter Nichols Novel Fatty Acid Lipase Genes Food Futures Flagship Stream 1B3 2004 to 2005 The regiospecific location of fatty acids on dietary lipid molecules (e.g. on the TAG or phospholipid) is known to affect their uptake into animals. Optimising the positional location of LC-É3-PUFA (e.g. SDA, EPA & DHA) on dietary lipids molecules is therefore important for maximising their human nutritional value. Particular positional locations of É3-PUFA acids will also impact the functionality of the oils during food processing. It is also important for ensuring maximal transfer of these fatty acids into animal products when É3 oil sources are incorporated in livestock feeds. This project aims to use novel insect lipases to obtain optimal distribution of É3 fatty acids on TAG and phospholipids to ensure the maximum nutritional value of É3 fatty acids delivered through transgenic plants, livestock, including aquaculture, feeding regimes, or by processing through interesterification. Food Futures Flagship 1B3 - Novel Fatty Acid Lipase Genes
    1915 [view] Susan Blackburn Novel fatty acid lipase genes 2003 to 2004
    1158 [view] Daniel McGoldrick Novel technologies for feral animal control - Oyster Developmental Genetics and Molecular Biology 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Novel technologies for feral animal control - oysters
    1157 [view] Peter Grewe Novel technologies for feral animal control - Zebrafish Developmental Genetics and Genetic Modification 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Novel technologies for feral animal control - zebrafish
    1497 [view] Neil Loneragan Nursery Areas and Raceway systems for tiger prawns in Exmouth Gulf 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Nursery Areas and Raceway systems for tiger prawns in Exmouth Gulf
    1103 [view] Alan Butler Nutrient Effects Monitoring 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Nutrient Effects Monitoring
    618 [view] Kevin Williams Nutrient requirements of aquaculture species (FRDC project no. 96/392) 1996-? 1996 Nutrient requirements of aquaculture species
    1020 [view] Peter Nichols Nutritional value of Australian fishes: oil, fatty acid and cholesterol composition of edible species (FRDC project no. 95/122) 1995-1999 1995 to 1999 The project objectives were : 1.To provide a comprehensive data base on the nutritional (oil) composition of principal Australian seafoods. 2.To publish the results in a suitable format, concurrently with the planned "Handbook of Australian Seafood - A guide to whole fish and fillets" to be produced by CSIRO Marine Research. The results would then be available for strategic marketing of Australian species as well as for use by various medical and consumer groups. Nutritional value of Australian fishes
    1021 [view] Peter Nichols Nutritional value of Australian seafood II: Factors affecting oil composition of edible species 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Nutritional value of Australian seafood II
    1772 [view] John Parslow OBP 3.4B/4.1B/4.2B: The Response to the Lower Ord River & Estuary to Management of Catchment Flows & Sediment & Nutrient Loads 2002 to 2003 OBP 3.4B/4.1B/4.2B: The Lower Ord River
    1552 [view] John Parslow OBP 3.4a/4.2a: 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 OBP 3.4a/4.2a:
    1555 [view] John Volkman OBP 4.1A:Scoping Study to Establish Baseline for Physical, Biological, Cultural, Institutional and Economic Values of the Estuarine, Coastal and Marine Resources in the Ord/Bonaparte 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Baseline Values in the Ord/Bonaparte
    1487 [view] Steve Blaber OK Tedi consultancy 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 OK Tedi consultancy
    2498 [view] Alain Protat ORCA: Using the Investigator radar as a moving reference for the Australian operational radar network 2019 The aim of the Optimizing Radar Calibration and Attenuation corrections (ORCA) project is to use the Investigator C-band Doppler dual-polarization weather radar (SEAPOL) and OceanRAIN ODM470 disdrometer as moving references to: (A) Evaluate (and if needed improve) the calibration of selected coastal radars from the BOM operational weather radar network and investigate some aspects of these calibration techniques further. (B) Characterise the regional variability of the so-called self-consistency dual-polarization calibration relationship using disdrometer observations for use in future operational calibration techniques. Our second main aim is to develop C-band attenuation corrections for SEAPOL using unattenuated collocated S-band ground-based radar measurements from the operational radar network collected during the transit voyages.
    2630 [view] Karen Wild-Allen Observation of plankton bioluminescence 2023 The primary objectives for this Trials Voyage application are to i) install a Glowtracka bioluminescence sensor in the underway laboratory, ii) to test various system configurations to establish its capability, and iii) to quantify bioluminescence natural variability and patchiness along the route of the voyage. These observations will be used to validate model predictions of bioluminescence potential for the CSIRO DFAT project ROAM-Biovis. Depending on the outcome of the trial, the sensor system could be transitioned to routine operation on all future voyages.
    1979 [view] Ross Mitchell Observing Aerosol Tropical Sites 2002 to 2005 Tropical Aerosol
    530 [view] Gustaaf Hallegraeff Occurrence of toxic dinoflagellates in southern Tasmanian waters and possible implications for shellfish farming (FIRTA project no. 86/84) 1986-1988 1986 to 1988 Toxic Dinoflagellates in S. Tasmanian waters
    1144 [view] John Parslow Ocean Colour 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Ocean Colour
    1657 [view] John Parslow Ocean Colour 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Ocean Colour
    1867 [view] Lesley Clementson Ocean Colour Validation in the souther Hemisphere using the Magellan Cruise 2003 to 2004 Ocean Colour Validation - Magellan Cruise
    1304 [view] Richard Matear Ocean Disposal of CO2 as a Greenhouse Gas Reductions Measure 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Ocean Disposal of CO2 as a Greenhouse Gas Reductions Measure
    1776 [view] Andreas Schiller Ocean Model Prediction System (OMPS) - incorporating the 2002/2003 Ocean Modelling System (OMS). 2002 to 2007 Ocean Model Prediction System (OMPS)
    1341 [view] Stuart Godfrey Ocean Modelling 1993-1997 1993 to 1997 Ocean Modelling
    1654 [view] Rick Bailey Ocean Observing Systems 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Ocean Observing Systems
    1528 [view] Carl Nilsson Ocean Remote Sensing Project 1981-1997 1981 to 1997 Ocean Remote Sensing
    2357 [view] David Griffin Ocean Renewable Energy Atlas for the Australian region 2008 to 2008 Oceanographic layers for Ocean Renewable Energy Atlas for the Australian region
    1258 [view] Scott Condie Ocean Rescue 2000 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Ocean Rescue 2000
    1692 [view] Bronte Tilbrook Oceanic Carbon (NGRP) 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Oceanic Carbon (NGRP)
    1693 [view] Trevor McDougall Oceanic Processes (NGRP) 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Oceanic Processes (NGRP)
    1527 [view] Chris Fandry Oceanographic Applications 1985-1987/Ocean Modelling 1987-1989 1985 to 1989 Oceanographic Applications
    1777 [view] Andreas Schiller Oceanographic Digital Libraries & scaled grid based coupled ocean-atmodhere & ice-sheet models for the Australian research community 2002 to 2003 Oceanographic Digital Libraries-TPAC
    1286 [view] John Church Oceanographic and Climate research using Satellite Altimeters 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Satellite Altimeters Project
    2236 [view] R Greig Oceanographic and Tuna studies off NSW coast (Marelda), 1961 - 1964 1965 to 1965 Oceanographic and tuna research off the New South Wales coast, including surface and subsurface hydrology, sighting and sampling of tuna species.
    2237 [view] R Greig Oceanographic and Tuna studies off Tasmania east coast (Marelda), 1965 1950 to 1965 Oceanographic and tuna research off the New South Wales coast, including surface and subsurface hydrology, sighting and sampling of tuna species.
    1593 [view] George Cresswell Oceanography of North East Cuba 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Oceanography of North East Cuba
    2591 [view] Craig Neill Oceans & Atmosphere tests and upgrades 2021 1) Install a NOAA-built ASV-CO2 system in a flow through housing for comparison with the ship's underway system. ASV-CO2 is basically the next generation MApCO2, but built to fit saildrones as well as buoys. We have a new agreement with NOAA/PMEL where they will share their firmware and build plans, as well as a couple of instruments, and we will evaluate them, provide feedback and start the process of upgrading our MApCO2 fleet to ASV-CO2 internals. 2) Major software upgrade for the ship's underway pCO2 system. 3) Further testing of the new LI-7815 detector, mainly using atmospheric air. 4) Preparing the UW lab and pCO2 system for integration of an LI-7815 (mounting, plumbing, cabling) that has been requested through MNF capex.
    1259 [view] Scott Condie Oceans EEZ 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Oceans EEZ
    1687 [view] Scott Condie Oceans EEZ 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Oceans EEZ
    1342 [view] John Wilkin Oceans EEZ Analysis System 1993-1997 1993 to 1997 Oceans EEZ Analysis System
    1891 [view] Peter McIntosh Oceans to Grains: a new approach to targeted seasonal forecasts 2004 to 2007 Oceans to Grains: Seasonal Forecasts
    1151 [view] Stephen Walker Offshore Industries and Coastal Modelling 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Offshore Industries and Coastal Modelling
    1916 [view] Susan Blackburn Omega 3 fatty acid take up 2003 to 2004
    2127 [view] Peter Nichols Omega Regiospecificity Food Futures Flagship Stream 1B4 2004 to 2005 The regiospecific location of fatty acids on dietary lipid molecules (e.g. on the TAG or phospholipid) is known to affect their uptake into animals. Optimising the positional location of LC-É3-PUFA (e.g. SDA, EPA & DHA) on dietary lipids molecules is therefore important for maximising their human nutritional value. Particular positional locations of É3-PUFA acids will also impact the functionality of the oils during food processing. It is also important for ensuring maximal transfer of these fatty acids into animal products when É3 oil sources are incorporated in livestock feeds. This project aims to define the optimal distribution of É3 fatty acids on TAG and phospholipids to ensure the maximum nutritional value of É3 fatty acids delivered through transgenic plants, livestock, including aquaculture, feeding regimes, or by processing through interesterification. (see also attached project plan document). Food Futures Flagship 1B4 - Omega Regiospecificity
    2635 [view] Martin Jutzeler Opportunistic Mapping 2024 Proposed Work: Waypoints of voyage track have been optimised to collect underway bathymetry en route to Hobart in South-West Tasmania.
    1984 [view] Ross Mitchell Optical properties of Australian aerosol 2002 to 2005
    1044 [view] Graeme Dunstan Optimisation of essential lipids in artificial feeds for Australian abalone (FRDC project no. 94/085) 1994-2000 1994 to 2000 Lipids in artificial feeds for Australian abalone
    1277 [view] Rudy Kloser Orange Roughy Assessment 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Orange Roughy Assessment
    1806 [view] Rudy Kloser Orange Roughy Assessment 2003-2004 2003 to 2004 Orange Roughy Assessment 03-04
    1279 [view] Nic Bax Orange Roughy Stock Assessment 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Orange Roughy Stock Assessment (98-99)
    1627 [view] Nic Bax Orange Roughy Stock Assessment 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Orange Roughy Stock Assessment 00-01
    1760 [view] Nic Bax Orange Roughy Stock Assessment 2002-2003 2002 to 2004 Orange Roughy Stock Ass 02-03
    561 [view] Peter Nichols Orange roughy and other marine oils: Characterisation and commercial applications (FIRDC project no. 91/77) 1991-1993 1991 to 1993 Orange roughy and other marine oils
    1210 [view] Rudy Kloser Orange roughy consultancy (Namibia Govt) 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Orange roughy consultancy (Namibia Govt)
    1726 [view] Peter Craig Ord Bonaparte Program Management Account - CSIRO's contribution to the OBP 2000 to 2005 Ord Bonaparte Program Management
    1621 [view] Rudy Kloser Oreo target strength - Historical analysis 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Oreo target strength - Historical analysis
    2618 [view] Holly Winton, Ruhi Humphries Organic aerosol characterisation in the Southern Ocean 2023
    2183 [view] Melita Keywood Organic composition of Malaysian aerosols 2004 to 2005 Continued sampling of PM2.5 aerosol at Petaling Jaya with the aim of understanding the organic aerosol composition and establishing CARs capabilities in this evolving area of aerosol research Malaysian Organic Aerosols
    1010 [view] Bob Ward Oyster Genetics 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Oyster Genetics
    55 [view] Malcolm Brown Oyster Nursery Monitoring 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Oyster Nursery Monitoring
    1439 [view] John Gunn Pacific broadbill swordfish migration patterns 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Pacific broadbill swordfish migration patterns
    2225 [view] Helen Cleugh Padthaway water use 2003 to 2006 The project will deliver to the client the data needed to provide constrained and better predictions of recharge and groundwater salinity. Padthaway water use 0405
    2121 [view] Helen Cleugh Particle and Trace Gas Fluxes between the Forest and Atmosphere in Northern & Southern Hemispheres 2004 to 2006 Forest Atmosphere Particle and Trace Gas Fluxes
    1606 [view] Rhys Leeming Pathogen Monitoring Project 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Pathogen Monitoring Project
    1460 [view] Roland Pitcher Peak Point Consultancy 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Peak Point Consultancy
    1999 [view] Ian Galbally Personal Monitoring of select VOCs The Contribution of Woodsmoke to Exposure 2003 to 2005 Personal Monitoring of select VOCs
    1104 [view] Alan Butler Perth Coastal Waters Management and Consultative Process 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Perth Coastal Waters Management
    1086 [view] Nic Bax Pest Management 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Pest Management
    1645 [view] Nic Bax Pest Management 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Pest Management
    1589 [view] Rhys Leeming Phosphorus Biomarkers 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Phosphorus Biomarkers
    1831 [view] Susan Blackburn Photobioreactors - AFT5 2003 to 2003
    1889 [view] Malcolm Brown Photobioreactors for mass producing microalgae as food for oyster aquaculture 2004 to 2006 Photobioreactors for mass producing microalgae
    1087 [view] Britta Schaffelke Phycology 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Phycology
    1653 [view] Britta Schaffelke Phycology 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Phycology
    1313 [view] Stuart Godfrey Physical Oceanographic modelling- WOCE 1995-1999 1995 to 1999 Physical Oceanographic modelling- WOCE
    1923 [view] Ian Barton Physical Oceanography - Remote Sensing 2003 to 2005
    2263 [view] Ian Barton Physical Oceanography - Remote Sensing Stage II 2005 to 2007
    2462 [view] Zanna Chase Physical and biogeochemical gradients in the East Australian Current 2018 to 2018 The scientific objectives of the voyage focus around the contrasting physical, biological and chemical gradients associated with warm-core and cold-core eddies of the East Australian Current. These areas will be addressed by groups of 3-4 students working on projects with each of the PIs as follows: Phillips: Dynamics of eddies; Heat and salt budget of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies Virtue: Zooplankton communities /microplastic loads in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies Chase: Nutrient, oxygen and carbon budgets of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies Schallenberg: Contrasting the phytoplankton communities in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies in the East Australian Current (EAC).
    1588 [view] Peter Craig Phytoplankton & Global Warming Symposia 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Phytoplankton & Global Warming Symposia
    2370 [view] Thompson, Peter Phytoplankton Dynamics - CMAR 2010 Phytoplankton Dynamics - CMAR Southern Surveyor research voyage ss2010_v03. Physical forcing of productivity on the Kimberley Shelf. Voayage proposes to investigate the biogeochemical (BGC) cycling in the shallow seas of the Kimberley shelf.
    1515 [view] Gustaaf Hallegraeff Phytoplankton Ecology Project 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Phytoplankton Ecology
    191 [view] Gustaaf Hallegraeff Phytoplankton Ecology Project 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 Phytoplankton Ecology
    1105 [view] Alan Butler Phytoplankton ecology in the Swan and Canning River 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Phytoplankton ecology in the Swan and Canning River
    1004 [view] Susan Blackburn Phytoplankton- Nutrient control/effect 1996-2001 1996 to 2001 Phytoplankton- Nutrient control/effect
    1570 [view] John Parslow Pigment Analysis Work 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Pigment Analysis
    2417 [view] Russ Babcock Pilbara Marine Conservation Partnership 2013 to 2017 The Pilbara Marine Conservation Program (PMCP) will enhance the net conservation benefits of the globally-significant coral reef ecosystems of the Pilbara by providing an assessment of the condition and trajectory of key ecological values. The project will also strengthen the understanding of causal linkages between ecological Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the processes that affect them. These assessments will inform and complement existing governance and management arrangements. The PMCP program will provide ongoing advice and assessment for conservation efforts in the region, providing lasting benefits. PMCP
    1866 [view] Tom Polacheck Pilot Tagging Program for Tropical Tunas in Eastern Indian Ocean 2004 to 2005 Pilot Tagging for Tropical Tunas
    1018 [view] Peter Nichols Pilot investigation of northern shark liver oils (FRDC project no. 1999/369) 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Investigation of northern shark liver oils
    1820 [view] John Gunn Pilot tagging seeding experiment of SBT in farm cages. 2003 to 2004 Tagging seeding experiment of SBT
    82 [view] Brian Griffiths Plankton Ecology - Curatorial Studies 1972-73 1972 to 1973 Plankton Ecology - Curatorial Studies
    84 [view] Brian Griffiths Planktonic Food Chains 1981-84 1981 to 1984 Planktonic Food Chains
    168 [view] Chris Crossland Plant Trophodynamics Project (Westen Australia) 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Plant Trophodynamics Project, WA
    2513 [view] Ruhi Humphries Polar Cell Aerosol Nucleation (PCAN) 2017 Atmospheric aerosol populations in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean regions are key components of the global radiative balance and represent one of the few places on earth relatively untouched by anthropogenic influence. Recent investigations have shown that the region of the Polar Cell just north of the Antarctic continent is atmospherically distinct from those either north in the Southern Ocean, or on the continent itself. This region has only been measured a handful of times previously, and remains largely uncharacterised, yet the small number of observations showed unexpected properties uncharacteristic of the region. The objectives of this study are therefore to: • Increase the number and quality of atmospheric observations in a region that remains largely uncharacterised. • Characterise the chemical and physical properties of atmospheric aerosol populations in the northern region of the Antarctic Atmospheric Polar Cell • Understand the seasonal changes of the Polar Cell aerosol populations by comparing to springtime measurements at the same location taken in 2012 (AAD project #4032) • Observe the aerosol formation processes in the pristine atmosphere of the Antarctic polar cell. • Better understand the aerosol cloud interactions in the southern part of the Southern Ocean, which exhibits the largest biases in radiation. • Coordinate with measurements made as part of the Swiss-funded Antarctic Circumpolar Expedition (ACE) and NASA’s ATom mission to better understand the aerosol properties of the Southern Ocean in its entirety.
    1695 [view] Steve Rintoul Polar Waters (NGRP) 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Polar Waters (NGRP)
    1287 [view] John Church Polar Waters 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Polar Waters
    1674 [view] John Church Polar Waters 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Polar Waters
    1400 [view] Tom Polacheck Policy development- Conservation of SBT 97/98 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Policy development- Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
    560 [view] John Volkman Polyunsaturated fatty acid content and nutritional quality of aquaculture feedstocks (FIRDC project no. 91/59) 1991-1994 1991 to 1994 Nutritional quality of aquaculture feedstocks
    1053 [view] Nigel Preston Pond & Effluent management 1994-2000 1994 to 2000 Pond & Effluent management
    1690 [view] John Gunn Population Biology and Ecosystem Dynamics 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Population Biology and Ecosystem Dynamics
    1440 [view] John Gunn Population Biology and Ecosystem dynamics 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Population Biology and Ecosystem dynamics
    1864 [view] Barry Bruce Population Biology of Oceanic Fish and Sharks 2003 to 2004 Biology Oceanic Fish & Sharks
    1514 [view] Geoff Kirkwood Population Dynamics Research & Development Project 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Population Dynamics Research & Development
    192 [view] Ron Thresher Population Ecology of Marine Fishes Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Population Ecology of Marine Fishes
    508 [view] Population dynamics of exploited tiger prawn stocks off Groote Eylandt, Gulf of Carpentaria (FIRTA project no. 80/40) 1980 to 1981 Population dynamics of tiger prawn stocks off Groote Eylandt
    1239 [view] Andre Punt Population modelling and harvest strategy evaluation for school and gummy shark (FRDC project no. 1999/102) 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Population modelling for school and gummy shark
    1016 [view] Bob Ward Population structure of the Australian swordfish, Xiphias gladius 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Population structure of the Australian swordfish
    1612 [view] Bob Ward Population structure of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Australian waters 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Population structure of the Patagonian toothfish in Australian waters
    553 [view] Bob Ward Population structure of the blue-eye deep-sea trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica) (FIRDC project no. 91/19) 1991-1992 1991 to 1992 Population structure of blue-eye trevalla
    1071 [view] Chad Hewitt Port Hedland Introduced Species Survey 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Port Hedland Introduced Species Survey
    1072 [view] Chad Hewitt Port Kembla Port Survey 2000 2000 to 2000 Port Kembla Port Survey
    2243 [view] Graham Harris Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study (1992 - 1996) 1992 to 1996 In 1991, CSIRO was approached to design and manage an environmental study of the Bay to seek answers to questions concerning the sustainable use and management of the Bay. The Study began in October 1992 and finished in June 1996. The Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study was managed by CSIRO and supervised by a Management Committee chaired by the (then) Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Also represented on the committee were the EPA, Melbourne Water, Melbourne Parks and Waterways and the former Port of Melbourne Authority. The Study was totally funded by Melbourne Water and Melbourne Parks and Waterways. In all, some 47 research tasks were conducted, ranging from scientific literature reviews to fullscale field surveys. All were contracted out. Of the 30 contractors, six were Victorian State agencies, three Commonwealth agencies, nine universities and 12 consultants. Nineteen contractors were Victorian based, seven from interstate and four from overseas. The research programs covered the fields of physical oceanography, toxicants, algal nutrients, marine ecology and ecological modelling. (Taken from "PORT PHILLIP BAY ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY FINAL REPORT" : Harris, G., G. Batley, D. Fox, D. Hall, P. Jernakoff, R. Molloy, A. Murray, B. Newell, J. Parslow, G. Skyring and S. Walker. (1996). Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study Final Report. CSIRO, Canberra, Australia. Published on CD ROM by CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, 1999.) 47 technical reports were produced.
    1138 [view] John Parslow Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study - Integrated Model 1992-1998 1992 to 1998 Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study - Integrated Model
    1139 [view] John Parslow Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study - Tech Group l 1992-1998 1992 to 1998 Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study - Tech Group l
    1106 [view] Peter Jernakoff Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study - Technical Group 1992-1998 1992 to 1998 In 1991, CSIRO was approached to design and manage an environmental study of the Bay to seek answers to questions concerning the sustainable use and management of the Bay. The Study began in October 1992 and finished in June 1996. The Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study was managed by CSIRO and supervised by a Management Committee chaired by the (then) Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Also represented on the committee were the EPA, Melbourne Water, Melbourne Parks and Waterways and the former Port of Melbourne Authority. The Study was totally funded by Melbourne Water and Melbourne Parks and Waterways. In all, some 47 research tasks were conducted, ranging from scientific literature reviews to fullscale field surveys. All were contracted out. Of the 30 contractors, six were Victorian State agencies, three Commonwealth agencies, nine universities and 12 consultants. Nineteen contractors were Victorian based, seven from interstate and four from overseas. The research programs covered the fields of physical oceanography, toxicants, algal nutrients, marine ecology and ecological modelling. (taken from "PORT PHILLIP BAY ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY FINAL REPORT" Published/Created: Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, 1999.) Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study - Technical Group
    1137 [view] John Parslow Port Phillip Bay Nitrogen Reduction Baseline 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Port Phillip Bay Nitrogen Reduction Baseline
    196 [view] Stephen Walker Port Phillip Bay Project 1992-1998 1992 to 1998 The Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study was commissioned by Melbourne Water in 1991 to investigate the ecology, physical processes, nutrient, and toxicological levels in the Bay, which is an almost landlocked marine area immediately adjacent to the City of Melbourne. Several CSIRO Divisions contributed to the $12m study, which involved over 40 separate research tasks aimed at determining the best strategies for managing inputs to the Bay in the light of the fate of inputs from land activities such as sewage plants, industry, agriculture, and urban sources, and their subsequent distribution into sediments and the ocean. The final report from the study was published in 1996. Port Phillip Bay Project
    1074 [view] Chad Hewitt Port Surveys 1997-1999 1997 to 1999
    1073 [view] Chad Hewitt Port of Fremantle Survey of Introduced Species 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Port of Fremantle Survey of Introduced Species
    1742 [view] Jawahar Patil Port of Hasting National Demonstration Project Ballast Water Decision Support System (DSS) Development 2002 to 2003 Port of Hasting Demo Project
    2178 [view] Rodrigo Bustamante Portable Drop Cameras 2004 to 2005
    2138 [view] Russ Babcock Post-dredging recovery of seagrass in the Geraldton region - BAB019 2004 to 2007 GPA Recovery of Seagrass - BAB019
    1319 [view] Trevor McDougall Potential Impact on Climate Change in Relation to Coastal Upwelling 1995-1999 1995 to 1999 Potential Impact on Climate Change in Relation to Coastal Upwelling
    1441 [view] Jock Young Potential for Whale-Fisheries Interactions in the South Pacific 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Whale-Fisheries Interactions in the South Pacific
    1616 [view] Cathy Dichmont Power analysis 2000 to 2003
    177 [view] Burke Hill Prawn Behaviour Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Prawn Behaviour
    1498 [view] Neil Loneragan Prawn Ecology 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Prawn Ecology
    1650 [view] Neil Loneragan Prawn Ecology 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Prawn Ecology
    178 [view] Peter Rothlisberg Prawn Larval Ecology Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Prawn Larval Ecology
    57 [view] Prawn Maturation Diets 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Prawn Maturation Diets
    56 [view] Prawn Maturation Trials 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Prawn Maturation Trials
    179 [view] Bill Dall Prawn Nutritional Physiology Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Prawn Nutritional Physiology
    54 [view] Prawn Pond Management 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Prawn Pond Management
    1046 [view] Nigel Preston Prawn farm effluent - Origin, composition and treatment 1995-2000 1995 to 2000 Prawn farm effluent
    37 [view] I. Kirkegaard Prawn larvae surveys, Queensland FRI, late 60s 1969
    1845 [view] Peter Rothlisberg Prawn recruitment variability 2003 to 2004
    73 [view] Predation by Fish on Penaeid Prawns 1991-1992 1991 to 1992 Predation by Fish on Penaeid Prawns
    1535 [view] Chris Fandry Prediction of Tides and Currents for Offshore Resources 1989-1993 1989 to 1993 Prediction of Tides and Currents for Offshore Resources
    510 [view] J.G.H. Maxwell Preliminary study and feasibility survey of tiger prawns in the Gulf of Carpentaria (FIRTA project no. 81/14) 1981-1983 1981 to 1983 Tiger Prawns Survey, Gulf of Carpentaria
    1595 [view] John Stevens Preparation of a field guide to sharks and rays caught by Australian fisheries Project Number 2000/105 2000 to 2003 Preparation of a field guide to sharks a
    2177 [view] Tom Beer Primary Energy Biofuels Refinery LCA 2004 to 2005
    2435 [view] Mat Vanderklift Primary producer response to dredging related pressures 2013 to 2016 This project meets the needs of the State Government and industry to improve their understanding of how key primary producers are affected by dredging-related pressures. There is almost no knowledge of how primary producers in the NW of Australia will respond to the environmental changes produced by dredging. Consequently, it is difficult to predict and then manage the impacts of dredging on these critical habitats with an acceptable level of certainty. This project will improve our understanding of how seagrasses are affected by dredging activities, and will apply that understanding to better prediction of impacts and management of dredging. A combination of laboratory and field experiments and field surveys will determine the levels of dredging-related pressures (or ‘thresholds’) that produce the earliest observable effects, sub-lethal effects and lethal effects on two species of seagrasses considered most ecologically important in the NW. The research will also determine the capacity of those seagrasses to recover from dredging-related stress. The research will focus on two of the most significant stresses produced by dredging: the reduction in light availability to plants; and the smothering of seagrass and algae as suspended sediments settle. The responses of seagrasses to dredging-related pressures will be characterised in order to identify plant or meadow features that can indicate the duration and the intensity of dredging-related stress that seagrasses have suffered. These indicators can be applied in monitoring programmes to identify stress and trigger management responses. The research will enhance the capacity of government and industry to predict the impacts on dredging on key benthic primary producer ecosystems and, in so doing, improve the certainty and timeliness of key approvals and regulatory processes. It will also improve the capacity to manage the impacts of dredging through improved design of monitoring and management frameworks. WAMSI Dredging Science Node Theme 5
    36 [view] Primary productivity studies, 1950s-60s 1955
    1827 [view] Keith Hayes Priority Existing Introduced Marine Pests 2003 to 2004 NHT - Existing Introduced Marine Pests
    2473 [view] Mike Coffin Probing the Australian-Pacific plate boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D 2020
    1988 [view] Edward King Product Presentation, Quality & Standards RS ENVIRO TS 2002 to 2005 Product Presentation, Quality & Standard
    176 [view] David Moriarty Productivity of tiger prawn nursery areas (FIRTA project no. 86/78) 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 Productivity of tiger prawn nursery areas
    1551 [view] Rick Bailey Profiling Float Quality Control and Real-Time Data Distribution System 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Profiling Float Data Distribution System
    2080 [view] Debbie Abbs Projections of extreme rainfall & cyclones 2004 to 2005 AGO Extremes
    2541 [view] Alain Protat Properties of Southern Ocean Clouds and Aerosol 2015 The scientific objectives are to characterize cloud and aerosol properties using physical and chemical sensor measurements and sample collections.
    1598 [view] Susan Blackburn Providing extracts and growth biomass information of 6 microalgae strains grown to 10 litres 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Extracts and growth biomass information of 6 microalgae strains
    1560 [view] Chad Hewitt Provision of Data to underpin the Australian Ballast Water Decision Support System 2001-2001 2001 to 2001 Data for Ballast Water Decision Support System
    1838 [view] Peter Craig Provision of Relocatable Ocean Modelling System to Department of Defence 2003 to 2006 Relocatable Model (Navy)
    2081 [view] Francis Pantus Provision of Scientific Management Services, Scientific Advisory Group - Scientific Expert Panel membership (Moreton Bay Waterways & Catchment Partnership) 2003-04 2004 to 2005 Scientific Expert Panel membership 2003-04
    1364 [view] Mervyn Thomas QDE/DEST Conservation planning 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 QDE/DEST Conservation planning
    1488 [view] Steve Blaber QFJA Management Assessment and Monitoring of the developmental fishery of Red Snapper 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Management Assessment and Monitoring of Red Snapper
    1365 [view] Francis Pantus QFMA Logbook data 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 QFMA Logbook data
    2311 [view] Jeffrey Mark Dambacher Qualitative modelling of sustainable tourism development in Ningaloo 2006 to 2010
    2600 [view] Zanna Chase, Andy Bowie, Scott Meyerink Quantification of dust deposition to the ocean using thorium isotopes in seawater and aerosol sampling. 2022
    2589 [view] Zanna Chase Quantification of dust deposition to the ocean using thorium isotopes in seawater and aerosol sampling. 2021 Quantification of dust deposition to the ocean using thorium isotopes in seawater and aerosol sampling. This piggyback project is part of an ARC Discovery Project (CIs Zanna Chase, Andrew Bowie and Peter Strutton, UTAS) entitled ‘Dust to the ocean: does it really increase productivity?” The purpose of the larger project and of this piggyback is to quantify dust deposition to the ocean and its chemical and ecological impact by using new geochemical techniques. The SOTS site is unique in the Southern Hemisphere because we can compare a number of different methods to estimate dust deposition and can also look at interannual variability in dust deposition. In terms of national benefit, mineral dust is an important, yet difficult to quantify source of nutrients to the ocean. This project will deliver more accurate estimates of dust deposition to the ocean around Australia, a region where dust models perform poorly. The expected benefit of the project includes better dust models used to predict future changes in dust deposition to the ocean. Accurate dust predictions are critical for predicting future ocean fish production and carbon uptake. Priority 1 is to collect filtered seawater samples (10L) from a depth profile at the SOTS site. Ideally the full water column depth, but if time is limited the upper 1,500m. These samples will be analysed for 230Th and 232Th concentrations at UTAS. We would also retain sample aliquots for possible future analysis of rare earth elements and Nd isotope composition, pending further funding. For this we would need the CTD-rosette (36 bottle ideally), a laminar flow bench and milli-Q water, all MNF-supplied. We would supply jerry-cans for sampling, storage boxes for the jerry-cans, cartridge filters, and HCl for acidification. Priority 2 is to collect rainwater and aerosol samples using the ship’s aerosol sampling apparatus. These samples would be analysed for labile and total bioactive trace metals, as well as 232Th, at UTAS. For this we would need the MNF aerosol sampling lab. We would supply filters and storage containers for filters. Priority 3 is to collect seawater particulates using in-situ pumps. These samples would be analysed for 230Th and 232Th concentrations at UTAS as well as particulate organic carbon, inorganic carbon and opal. For this we would need the MNF and UTAS ISPs. We would supply filters, batteries and storage containers for filters. The three sample types provide three independent measures of dust flux.
    1800 [view] Burke Hill Quantifying the effects of trawling on the seabed biota of the NPF 2002 to 2005 Quantifying the effects of trawling
    1217 [view] Vincent Lyne Quantitative interpretation of fine-scale southern bluefin tuna catch per unit effort for south-east Australa (FRDC project no. 93/077) 1993-1999 1993 to 1999 Project objectives: to conduct quantitative exploratory analyses of how catch rates of Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) are affected by environmental factors, such as temperature patterns and water depth, for the region south of Tasmania up to the southern half of New South Wales. The selection of environmental factors is to be guided by analysing the collection of Observer Reports, from Australian observers placed aboard Japanese fishing vessels, to determine the environmental indicators and their importance in targeting operations and catch rates. Variations of catch rates and size of SBT with time are to be assessed in relation to indices such as the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) for regional changes in water masses, and in relation to local variations in the patterns of water mass distribution. Fine-scale southern bluefin tuna catch per unit effort for south-east Australa
    2464 [view] Hydrographer of Australia, Richard Cullen, Nigel Townsend RAN Hydrographic Survey 2017 in2017_c02: 1. Conduct a bathymetric survey to improve navigational safety between Wilson’s Promontory and the Hogan Group. Survey to be conducted in accordance with International Hydrographic Organisation standards S44 Order 1a. 2. Improve the charting standard of charts AUSENC 439146, 439147, 440146, 440147 and AUS 148, 357, 487, 802 3. Assess current Hydrographic surveying skill sets for nautical charting activities. 4. Assess equipment capabilities for geospatial data collection. 5. Assess the vessel capabilities for conducting geospatial data collection activities in remote and varying environmental conditions. in2018_c01: To gain an understanding of the nature of the marine environment in the survey area and to collect meteorological and oceanographic data in the area to contribute to current modelling systems. Additionally, this information will benefit the management of the Commonwealth Marine Reserve at Hogan Island.
    2479 [view] Emily Jateff RAN Hydrographic and Maritime Heritage Surveys 2019 Scientific objectives: 1) Conduct a modern survey in the primary shipping route through Bass Strait for the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO). This survey will facilitate safe navigation for international and coastal shipping and improve confidence for subsurface navigation in Bass Strait. 2) Undertake mapping of historic shipwreck sites, in partnership with Heritage Victoria and the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM). The primary activity of the GSM investigation of historic shipwreck sites is to conduct surveys of the purported site of SS Federal, to provide positive identification of the site and ensure its protection in future. This will be supplemented by opportunistic deployments of the drop camera (supported by SIT) in the event that the shipwreck is located. The location of shipwreck SS Federal was reported to Heritage Victoria by sport divers in 2012. Unfortunately, the provided coordinates were insufficient to narrow down the location. Subsequent attempts to communicate with the finders have been unsuccessful. Accurate location of SS Federal is a priority for Heritage Victoria in order to ensure adequate preservation and protection of this historic site into the future, in accordance with relevant heritage shipwreck protective legislation. Activities may also include opportunistic survey of three ‘unidentified targets’ located between the AHO mapping area and the search area for SS Federal. Aims are to positively identify these sites as cultural heritage targets (shipwrecks) via GSM and drop camera investigation, if time allows. 3) Training of Marine National Facility Operations and Support Team personnel in several routine and new underway and deployed systems, including: - Multibeam patch test calibrations and backscatter calibration lines. - Commissioning and trialling of new Brenke sled, Seaspy magnetometer (ahead of IN2019_V04) and RapidCAST SVP. - Triaxus, CTD casts, multicorer, Smith Mac grab. 4) Seabird and marine mammal observations (Dr Eric Woehler, University of Tasmania): This project will collect data to quantify the variability in the distribution and abundance of seabirds in the marine environment around Australia. The project will examine the relationships between physical oceanographic features and their use as seabird feeding areas. The study also seeks to identify species assemblages, or associations, in the species of seabirds observed that are persistent over time. The project will collect new data for seabirds around Australia, for which there are very few (and in many cases, nil) data. The project will use standard survey methods to ensure compatibility with existing data sets for the same species in other areas. Observations of marine mammals will also be shared with researchers to facilitate greater understanding of the role of oceanographic processes in the spatial and temporal distribution of marine mammals at sea around Australia. The project will also provide a context to current research efforts tracking seabirds and marine mammals, which are often constrained to a relatively low number of instrumented individuals relative to the population as a whole.
    2486 [view] MNF Office RBR Argo CTD testing 2019 RBR Canada will supply 2 new CTDs that will undergo evaluation for use in the global Argo project (no ship time required).
    2436 [view] Andrew Ross RV Investigator Charter - Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program 2015 to 2017 Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program. RV Investigator Charter - in2015_c01. RV Investigator Charter - GAB Deepwater Marine Program
    2584 [view] Karen Wild-Allen RV Investigator Storm Bay Sampling for the FRDC Project ‘Storm Bay Modelling & Information System’ 2020 to 2020 A targeted sampling program to characterise the deep water south of Storm Bay and in particular its nutrient concentration which is currently uncertain. Water samples and sensor data will assist in resolving whether deep water intrusions into Storm Bay have the potential to modify water quality.
    2524 [view] Robert Keys Radio Carbon isotopes 2016 Measure deltaC13 and deltaC14 isotopic ratios to help map the age and thus ventilation of ocean waters. On board sampling will require nothing further than additional water samples from the CTD rosette as agreed and will be conducted by the Carbon Analysis teams.
    1716 [view] Ian Barton Radiometer and Satellite observations (1987-1989) 1987 to 1989 Radiometer and Satellite data studies Radiometer and Satellite obs (1987 - 1989)
    2582 [view] Scott Chambers Radon measurements on RV Investigator 2015 - ongoing
    1983 [view] John Finnigan Ranger Uranium 2002 to 2005 Move this project to new landair (Helen Cleugh) once it is setup.
    1576 [view] Alistair Hobday Rapid Assessment of Australian MPA's using Satellite Remote Sensing 2001-2001 2001 to 2001 Rapid Assessment of Australian MPA's using Satellite Remote Sensing
    1780 [view] John Stevens Rapid assessment of sustainability for ecological risk of shark & other chondrichthyan bycatch species taken in the SSF, SENTF, SETF and GABTF 2002 to 2005 Ecological risk of shark
    1442 [view] Tom Polacheck Real time monitoring program 1994-2001 1994 to 2001 Real time monitoring program
    1568 [view] Peter Craig Receiving Water Quality Model Calibration, Application and Further Development (SEQRWQMS) (SM) 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Receiving Water Quality Model
    2252 [view] Ron Thresher Records of Past Climate (2004 - 2010) 2004 to 2010 Records of Past Climate
    2555 [view] Steve Rintoul Recovery of moorings deployed on IN2018_V05 to investigate Antarctic Circumpolar Current dynamics 2020 Scientific objective: to improve understanding of how Southern Ocean currents respond to changes in wind. Voyage objective: to recover mooring deployed at 56degS, 151degE.
    1641 [view] Tim Davis Recruitment Dynamics & Fisheries Oceanography 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Recruitment Dynamics & Fisheries Oceanography
    1443 [view] Tim Davis Recruitment Dynamics and Fisheries Oceanography 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Recruitment Dynamics and Fisheries Oceanography
    525 [view] William Dall Recruitment processes in commercially important prawn species (FIRTA project no. 85/85) 1985-1989 1985 to 1989 Prawn Recruitment processes
    1609 [view] Roland Pitcher Reef CRC 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Reef CRC
    2068 [view] Jennifer Skerratt Refinement of Marine Biogeochemical Models through improved representation of the microbial food web and associated processes 2004 to 2005 Refinement of Marine Biogeochemical Models
    2316 [view] David McDonald Regional Economic Impacts and Linkages for Ningaloo Marine Park Management 2006 to 2010
    2142 [view] Cathy Trudinger Regional Inversions from instrumented flux towers 2004 to 2007 NOTE: Contract Value is US$150,000.00 therefore subject to exchange rate fluctuation North American Flux Towers
    1635 [view] Xi He Regional Marine Ecosystems Management 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Regional Marine Ecosystems Management
    1523 [view] George Cresswell Regional Oceanographic Studies (+ successors) 1981-1997 1981 to 1997 Regional Oceanographic Studies
    1340 [view] George Cresswell Regional Oceanography 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Regional Oceanography
    1669 [view] George Cresswell Regional Oceanography 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Regional Oceanography
    1154 [view] Chris Sherwood Regional Stability Study Review Workshop 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Regional Stability Study Review Workshop
    1347 [view] Ian Barton Remote Sensing 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Remote Sensing
    1680 [view] Ian Barton Remote Sensing 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Remote Sensing
    2396 [view] Ian Barton, Arnold Dekker Remote Sensing 2004-2007 2004 to 2007 Remote Sensing
    2413 [view] Christel Hassler, Arnold Dekker Remote Sensing 2008-2011 2008 to 2011 Impact of the East Australian Current on water chemistry, bio-optical properties and coastal primary productivity in the NSW region
    1145 [view] John Parslow Remote sensing of ocean colour - JGFOS 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Remote sensing of ocean colour - JGFOS
    2507 [view] Farhan Rizwi, Annalise Person Remote-ROAM: mobile modelling sea trials 2018 The aim of this work was to operationally test the Bluelink mobile oceanographic modelling system (referred to as Remote-ROAM) that has been developed by CSIRO and BoM for use by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). The goal of this system is to provide enhanced situational awareness for surface (ships) and subsurface (submarines) platforms. This was the first time this system has been deployed at sea and the project will focus on testing the modelling system and associated data feeds, along with an assessment of the forecast skill against deployed XBT’s and the ships flow-through system.
    1401 [view] Tom Polacheck Report on analysis of behaviour of line transect estimates of abundance of cetaceans 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Line transect estimates of cetacean abundance
    2200 [view] Simon Torok Report on climate change impacts on Australia at specific levels of global warming and CO2 stablisation 2004 to 2005 Australian Impacts for specific warming and stabilisation
    1444 [view] Jock Young Reproductive dynamics of broadbill swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the domestic longline fishery off eastern Australia (FRDC project no. 1999/108) 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Reproductive dynamics of broadbill swordfish off E Australia
    1445 [view] Tim Davis Residence times ex rates migration patterns & behaviour of black marlin in NW Coral Sea 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Migration patterns & behaviour of black marlin in NW Coral Sea
    623 [view] Tim Davis Residence times, exchange rates, migration patterns and behaviour of black marlin in the north west Coral Sea: a pilot study to evaluate interaction between recreational and commercial fishing sectors in Area E (FRDC project no. 97/113) 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Biology of black marlin in the north west Coral Sea
    1189 [view] Peter Last Resolution of taxonomic problems and preparation of a user friendly identification guide to whole fish and fillets for SEF "quota species" (FRDC project no. 94/152) 1994-1997 1994 to 1997 Project objectives: 1.To determine the true species composition of SEF quota species groups, through a combination of classical and genetic taxonomic techniques. 2.To prepare a definitive identification guide to the SEF quota species and their close relatives. 3.To include in this guide a means of identifying fillets of these species based on their protein fingerprints. SEF species identification guide
    1240 [view] Andre Punt Resource Modelling 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Resource Modelling
    1505 [view] David Die Resource assesment & modelling 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Resource assesment & modelling
    1222 [view] Andre Punt Resources Modelling - Consultancies 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Resources Modelling - Consultancies
    1349 [view] Ian Barton Retrieval algorithm & related studies for the global imager on ADEOS II 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Global imager software for ADEOS II
    1603 [view] Ian Barton Retrieval algorithm & related studies for the global imager on ADEOS II 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Retrieval algorithm for the global imager on ADEOS II
    1996 [view] Ian Galbally Review and Verification of Air Quality Monitoring and Modelling at Wagerup Refinery 2002 to 2005 Air Quality Monitoring and Modelling
    1155 [view] Andy Revill Review of Current State of Knowledge of the North West Shelf 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Review of Current State of Knowledge of the North West Shelf
    1807 [view] Keith Hayes Review of Exotic Animal Risk Assessment Model 2002 to 2003 Review Exotic Animal Risk Assess Mod - H
    1146 [view] John Parslow Review of Oceans fronts program (NZ-FRST) 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Review of Oceans fronts program (NZ-FRST)
    1152 [view] Stephen Walker Review of modelling documents BR & MBWMS 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Review of modelling documents BR & MBWMS
    1038 [view] Kevin Williams Ridley (Tank & Cage experiment)- 99/00 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Tank & Cage experiment
    1082 [view] Chad Hewitt Risk Assessment Methodology 1998 - Contract 3/97 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Risk Assessment Methodology
    2189 [view] David Milton Risk Assessment and Mitigation of Sea Snakes in the Northern Prawn Fishery 2005 to 2007 This project fits within the Northern Fisheries and Ecosystems focus on the sustainability of fishereis in northern Australia. It follows on from exisiting FRDC-funded projects on Bycatch Monitoring in the NPF (FRDC 2002/035) in which sea snakes were specifically targeted for studies in bycatch exclusion. It fits into the impacts of human activities focus area. P - Risk Assessment & Mitigation of Sea Snakes
    1506 [view] David Die Risk analysis and sustainability indicators for prawn stocks in the northern prawn fishery (FRDC project no. 98/109) 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Risk analysis and sustainability indicators for northern prawn fishery prawn stocks
    2196 [view] John Volkman Risk and Response: Understanding the tuna farming environment 2005 to 2008 This project extends CMR's work on sustainable marine ecosystems in the south-east to the Port Lincoln and spencer Gulf regions of South Australia. It is a natural extension of research alaready underway as part of the Aquafin CRC and will build a strong collaboration with SARDI scientists. The project will also help meet some of the scientific aspiration's of the Division's contribution to the Wealth from Oceans Flagship. P - Understanding the tuna farming environment
    2197 [view] John Volkman Risk and Response: Understanding the tuna farming environment 2005 to 2008 This project extends CMR's work on sustainable marine ecosystems in the south-east to the Port Lincoln and spencer Gulf regions of South Australia. It is a natural extension of research alaready underway as part of the Aquafin CRC and will build a strong collaboration with SARDI scientists. The project will also help meet some of the scientific aspiration's of the Division's contribution to the Wealth from Oceans Flagship. P - Understanding the tuna farming environment
    185 [view] Bruce Phillips Rock Lobster Ecology Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Rock Lobster Ecology
    1040 [view] Kevin Williams Rock Lobster Propagation 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Rock Lobster Propagation
    2031 [view] Debbie Abbs Royal Australian Navy Project 2003 to 2007 Royal Australian Navy
    2494 [view] MNF Office Ryan Crossing - Coastal moorings and Biogeochemical Service Team, CSIRO 2019 If time permits, the MNF will conduct a short multi-beam trnsect over a site where two WA IMOS coastal moorings have failed to surface.
    1665 [view] Dale Kolody SBT Assessment Modelling 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 SBT Assessment Modelling
    1671 [view] Alistair Hobday SBT Integrated Analysis 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 SBT Integrated Analysis
    1631 [view] Tom Polacheck SBT Recruitment Monitoring 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 SBT Recruitment Monitoring 2000-01
    1791 [view] Tim Davis SBT Recruitment Monitoring 2002-2003 2002 to 2004 SBT Recruitment Monitoring 2002-03
    1871 [view] Alistair Hobday SBT Recruitment Monitoring 2003-2004 2003 to 2004 SBT Recruitment Monitoring 2003-04
    1632 [view] Tom Polacheck SBT Stock Assesment 00-01 (FAG Budget) 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 SBT Stock Assesment 00-01 (FAG Budget)
    1761 [view] Tom Polacheck SBT Stock Assessment 02-03 (FAG Budget) 2002 to 2003 SBT Stock Assessment 02-03 FAG Budget
    1998 [view] Peter Coppin SEDA - Wind Monitoring Agreement (Agreement dated 14 January 2003) 2003 to 2006 SEDA - Wind Monitoring Agreement (Agreement dated 14 January 2003) SEDA desires to purchase goods from time to time and CSIRO have agreed to sell goods upon the terms set out in the agreement. Supply of Wind Monitoring Equipment Set SEDA - Wind Monitoring Agreement
    2569 [view] Philip Boyd SOLACE - Southern Ocean Large Areal Carbon Export: quantifying carbon sequestration in subpolar and polar waters 2020
    1585 [view] Alex Papij SOOP XBT System 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 SOOP (Ship-of-opportunity Program) XBT System
    2365 [view] Elizabeth Shadwick, Eric Schulz SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania 2009 - ongoing The Southern Ocean has a predominant role in the movement of heat and carbon dioxide into the ocean interior moderating Earth’s average surface climate. SOTS uses a set of three automated moorings to measure these processes under extreme conditions, where they are most intense and have been least studied. The atmosphere-ocean exchanges occur on many timescales, from daily insolation cycles to ocean basin decadal oscillations and thus high frequency observations sustained over many years are required. The current context of anthropogenic forcing of rapid climate change adds urgency to the work. SOTS
    1643 [view] Francis Pantus SPAM 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 SPAM
    1366 [view] Mervyn Thomas SPAM [Spatial Analysis and Modelling] 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 SPAM [Spatial Analysis and Modelling]
    2083 [view] Russ Babcock SRFME - Coastal Ecosystems 2003 to 2006 The aim of the SRFME Coastal project is to characterize the coastal benthic ecosystems of southwestern WA.
    2084 [view] Peter Craig SRFME - Integrated Modelling 2003 to 2006
    2608 [view] Benoit Legressy SWOT-ACC: smaller scales of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in a meander south of Tasmania 2023
    2456 [view] Tim O'Hara Sampling the abyss: latitudinal biodiversity patterns along the base of Australia’s eastern continental margin 2017 to 2017 The primary objective of this voyage is to sample the biodiversity of lower bathyal (2500 m) and abyssal (4000 m) seafloor habitats off south-eastern Australia, and in particular deep-water ecosystems of seven Commonwealth marine reserves. We will also sample a few shallower stations at 300 m (to trial the Brenke sled) and at 1000m (to ensure a supply of live animals). The depth and sites listed below are indicative only, and may change slightly based on topography and weather. To meet these objectives we will deploy a variety of gear to sample different components of biodiversity. The gear will also vary depending on the nature of the substratum (soft sediments or rock). We will lodge media stories directly from the vessel, in conjunction with media teams at Museum Victoria, the NESP biodiversity Hub, and the MNF. We will have a live stream to schools from the vessel on World Oceans Day (June 8th), with a potential audience of 5,000 students across Australia (years 5-8), supplemented by video clips obtained aboard the vessel.
    1489 [view] Steve Blaber Sarawak Terubok (Malaysian govt) 1995 to 2004
    539 [view] George Cresswell Satellite drifters in NW Australian waters (FIRDC project no. 88/68) 1989-1991 1989 to 1991 Satellite drifters in NW Australian waters
    193 [view] Peter Young Scallops Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1990 Scallops Project
    1011 [view] Nick Elliott Scoping Study - Selective Breeding Program - TSGA 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Scoping Study - Selective Breeding Program
    2310 [view] Francis Pantus Scoping Study for the Development of Coastal MSE in SE Queensland 2006 to 2008
    2612 [view] Morgan Nicole Sea Surface Temperature Radiometer Comparisons/Calibrations 2022
    2620 [view] Joline Lalime Sea2SchoolAU Education Program 2023 Sea2SchoolAU is excited to highlight the real-world scientific investigations and careers on board the RV Investigator during the Canyons_Voyage_2022 during ship to shore WebEx "meetings". Highlights will include: - connections to the Australian Curriculum (e.g. Ecosystems; Oceanography; Climate Change; Paleogeography) - research on the day - tour of the vessel (dependent on safety e.g. weather) - interviews with scientists and/or crew - working conditions on the ship (e.g. specialised clothing; research laboratories) Photo Acknowledgement: Marine National Facility. Sea2School
    2398 [view] Lesley Clementson SeaWIFS HPLC Analysis Round-Robin Experiment (SeaHARRE-5) 2008 to 2010 Samples were collected from 12 stations and were used in the fifth NASA sponsored SeaWIFS HPLC Analysis Round-Robin Experiment (SeaHARRE-5). SeaHARRE-5
    1658 [view] Roland Pitcher Seabed Dynamics and Impacts 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Seabed Dynamics and Impacts
    1477 [view] Roland Pitcher Seabed Survey Technologies 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Seabed Survey Technologies
    1672 [view] Roland Pitcher Seabed Survey Technologies 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Seabed Survey Technologies
    2637 [view] Rich Little, Carlie Devine, Geoff Tuck Seabird Detector 2024 The expected outcome of this project is to bring together the hardware and software needed for an on-vessel seabird detector that will provide a running count of seabirds seen by a fixed camera over the course of a day on a sea-going vessel. Successful development of such a system will be the first step in providing more comprehensive and detailed baseline environmental data, at a fraction of the cost.
    1879 [view] Geoff Tuck Seabird bycatch initiative: assessing and mitigating the impact of seabird bycatch from longline fisheries 2003 to 2004 Seabird Bycatch Initiative
    2542 [view] Neil Cheschire Seabird observations in Australian and adjacent seas from voyages of the RV Franklin, RV Southern Surveyor, Southern Supporter and RV Aurora Australis (1988-2012) 1988 to 2012 Incidental observations of seabirds typically taken at 08:00, 12:00 and 16:00 local time when possible. In most cases, sea state and weather conditions are recorded.
    2543 [view] Neil Cheshire Seabird observations in Australian waters and the Southern Ocean from voyages of the fisheries patrol vessel Oceanic Viking (2005-2007) 2005 to 2007 Incidental observations of seabirds typically taken at 08:00, 12:00 and 16:00 local time when possible. In most cases, sea state and weather conditions are recorded.
    2551 [view] Ian McRoberts Seagoing Instrumentation Team 2014 - ongoing SIT
    1107 [view] Alan Butler Seagrass strategic review and development of an R & D plan (FRDC project no. 98/223) 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Seagrass strategic review
    1211 [view] Tony Koslow Seamounts & Deep Sea 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Seamounts & Deep Sea
    1156 [view] Chris Sherwood Sediment-Water Interactions 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Sediment-Water Interactions
    2568 [view] Martin Jutzeler, Steffen Kutterolf Sedimentation at its extreme: how powerful are submarine caldera-forming eruptions (Kermadec arc)? 2020 The aim of this project is to link the behaviour of deep submarine eruptions with the morphology of their deposits. Modelling calculations of sediment mass fluxes will permit the first-ever hazard mapping scheme for submarine volcanoes globally (tsunami and sediment flows) and provide new ore vectoring strategies for exploration in Australia. This expedition will collect new information on volcanoes responsible for the largest types of volcanic eruptions, focusing on those located along the submarine Kermadec volcanic arc, northeast of New Zealand, as shown in Error! Reference source not found. . The voyage will target three massive caldera volcanoes (Macauley, Havre and Healy), aiming to acquire their internal structure to infer eruption style and depositional processes.
    2130 [view] Bob Ward Selection index development for the Pacific Oyster 2004 to 2005 Genetic improvement of Australia's aquaculture species through conventional breeding programs is an important part of Integrated Sustainable Aquaculture. FRDC project 2000/206, es97a, "The Sustainable Genetic Imporvement of Pacific Oysters in Tasmania and South Australia", has been completed except for one outstanding objective. FRDC approval was given to extend the project to enable this objective - the development of a selection index - to be completed and a Final Report written. Selection index development Pacific Oyster
    1141 [view] John Parslow Sewerage overflows licencing project (Sydney Water) 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Sewerage overflows licencing project (Sydney Water)
    2421 [view] Tara Martin Shallow Swath Internal Facility 2014 The Shallow Swath Internal Facility provides bathymetric acquisition and processing support to non-MNF projects, using CSIRO's Kongsberg EM2040c multibeam echosounder and working on vessels of opportunity. Typically projects involve benthic habitat mapping.
    1517 [view] John Stevens Shark Biology Project 1985-1990 1985 to 1987 Shark Biology
    1267 [view] John Stevens Sharks & Rays 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Sharks & Rays
    1677 [view] John Stevens Sharks and Rays 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Sharks and Rays
    1280 [view] Xi He Shelf Ecosystem Processes 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Shelf Ecosystem Processes
    1949 [view] Peter Nichols Signature Lipids in Food Webs 2004 to 2007
    1119 [view] Rhys Leeming Signature lipids in support of WSAA project 1996-2001 1996 to 2001 Signature lipids in support of WSAA project
    1991 [view] Tony Koslow Simrad U/way Macrozoop/Micronekton Acoustic Survey System (Coastal Ecosystems Project) 2002 to 2004 Simrad U/way Macrozoop/Micronekton Acous
    1678 [view] Barry Bruce Site fidelity, residence times and home range patterns of white sharks around pinniped colonies 2000 to 2003 Site fidelity, residence - white shark
    1446 [view] Tim Davis Size at first maturity and recruitment into egg production of SBT 1999 to 2003 Size at first maturity and recruitment i
    2052 [view] Bill Physick Small Scale Modelling 2003 to 2005
    1525 [view] Trevor McDougall Small-scale Ocean Processes 1981-1989 1981 to 1989 Small-scale Ocean Processes
    2171 [view] Russ Bradford Smart Tagging 2004 to 2005 The Sustainable Pelagic Fisheries and Ecosystems research group has invested substantially in tag technology. The ability of the current database architecture and staff to cope with the expected high data loads will be tested this year with the release of ~50 PAT tags and numerous SAT/SPOT tags, in addition to our commitments with existing conventional and archival tags within our research projects. The current proposal will examine the processes in place with an aim to improving our storage, archiving, analysis and display of tag related data. In particular, we aim to: 1. improve the level of automation in the collection and entry of data; 2. develop additional systems to reduce the amount of time required by staff to populate tag databases; 3. examine means to streamline reward allocation and summary statistics from the databases; 4. develop a mechanism to facilitate visualization of data on various scales for internal use, clients/stakeholders, and the general public. This proposal is for appropriation support only. There are no direct external client contributions; however, this proposal relies heavily on the cooperation of many scientists within the Sustainable Pelagic Fisheries and Ecosystems research group for input. Smart Tagging
    2556 [view] Allison Bell Sounding Depth 2020 Purpose: To conduct research and recordings for the development of a voice-led music composition based on sounds of the ocean, and to collect, catalogue, and analyse the sounds of human and marine correspondence. Description of proposed work: This will involve making field recordings, both above- and below-deck; all the mechanical and human noise, the sounds of on-board living, and of scientific research being conducted, especially acoustics; but more so, the natural sounds of both the air and ocean surface, as well as – where possible – the underwater worlds: the wind, weather, and waves, the seabirds and marine life, the ocean floor, and beyond. Allison will catalogue recordings of all possible experienced sound, and then develop her own vocal interpretation of each of these sounds; a human voice’s subjective response to, and replication of, all these varied sounds. Some of these vocal responses will also be recorded on-board, together with a detailed written log of the whole process, gathering additional impressions and context. Whilst on-board Allison will maintain basic email correspondence with composer Prof Cat Hope, Head of Music at Monash University, about this sound world, and her vocal responses to it. This can, in turn, mean all sound Allison experiences then becomes something subjective again, within Cat’s imagination, through a correspondence akin to old fashioned “letter-writing”. Post-voyage, Allison will work with Cat to develop a voice-led music composition, based upon these acoustic experiences. Cat has a background in writing experimental compositions for low-frequency sounds, and both Allison and Cat have a particular interest in how sound travels faster through water than air, and the possibilities this holds for composition and performance. The resultant piece will be performed at The Old Mercury Building, Hobart, supported by Detached Cultural Organisation. This unique, post-industrial, art space contains four storeys analogous to the multi-levels of sound Allison will experience whilst on the voyage – from the ocean and air above-deck, to the human and mechanical below, and the ocean depths that surround. Different levels of the building will be used to perform simultaneous scores which respond to the multiple layers of sound experienced during the voyage.
    1120 [view] Rhys Leeming Sources of Faecal Pollution in Australian Inland & Coastal water - sterol biomarkers/microbial faecal 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Faecal Pollution in Australian Inland & Coastal waters
    32 [view] South Australian tuna fishing area hydrological studies, 1961-1966 ("Investigator", "Gascoyne", "Diamantina") 1962 to 1965 South Australian tuna fishing grounds studies 1960s
    2275 [view] Gary Meyers South East Australian Climate Initiative (SEACI) 2006 to 2007
    2118 [view] Tony Smith South East Scalefish & Shark FAG 2004-05 - SMI730 2004 to 2005
    1756 [view] John Church South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monitoring Project - Phase III 2001 to 2006 South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monito
    1288 [view] John Church South Pacific Sea level & Climate Monitoring Project Technical Advisory Group 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 South Pacific Sea level & Climate Monitoring Project Technical Advisory Group
    2017 [view] John Keesing South West Australian Region Marine Ecosystem Study - KEE083 2005 to 2006 SWARMES Superproject Support
    2244 [view] John Keesing South-west Australian Coastal Biogeochemistry 2006 to 2011 Data from Southern Surveyor voyage SS04-2007 10 May ¿ 6 June 2007 WAMSI code 1.1
    521 [view] John Stevens Southeastern Australian shark investigations (FIRTA project no. 85/104) 1985-1989 1985 to 1989 South-Eastern Australian shark project
    1513 [view] Jacek Majkowski Southern Bluefin Tuna Population Dynamics Project 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Southern Bluefin Tuna Population Dynamics
    1402 [view] Tom Polacheck Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1997/8) 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1997/8)
    1403 [view] Tom Polacheck Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1998-99) 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1998-99)
    1404 [view] Tom Polacheck Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1999-00) 1999-2002 1999 to 2002 Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring (1999-00)
    2186 [view] Alistair Hobday Southern Bluefin Tuna Recruitment Monitoring Program 2004-05 2004 to 2005 There are three proposed research activities for 2004-05 RMP: 1. Aerial survey indices of juvenile abundance in the GAB: re-establishing a full scientific aerial line-transect survey and continuing the SAPUE commercial spotting data collection. 2. Acoustic monitoring in WA: determine if SBT are migrating outside the Japanese acoustic survey region and continued studies of fish behaviour, habitat preferences, with tagging of age-1 SBT 3. Integrated analyis project. Synthesis of the acoustic, archival, and survey data into an integrated model of juvenile SBT behavior. CSIRO is seeking support for the first component (an aerial survey and commercial spotting data collection) from the SBTMAC RSC and DAFF. Much effort over the last 10 years has been directed at development of a relative index of juvenile SBT abundance based on a scientific aerial survey using dedicated tuna spotters and aircraft. Validation of survey assumptions has also been a major research focus, including archival tagging and acoustic tracking projects. In the year 2000 it seemed that the ability to detect changes in juvenile SBT abundance using the scientific aerial survey index was limited. A recommendation from an aerial survey workshop, held to address some of the concerns, was to suspend the survey for a year (2001) and complete analysis and synthesis of existing data. A decision to continue or end the scientific aerial survey could then be made on the merits of the data, in particular the ability to detect changes in abundance. A significant amount of effort has been directed at improving the index by incorporating information from the supporting projects, such as archival tag-derived surfacing behaviours with regard to environmental conditions. The analysis of the 1993-2000 aerial survey data has now been completed and concluded that the scientific aerial survey does provide a suitable indicator of SBT abundance in the GAB. It has also been recognized that the level of uncertainty is simil SBT Recruitment Monitoring 2004-05
    1405 [view] Tom Polacheck Southern Bluefin Tuna Scientific quota AFMA & ATBOA 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Southern Bluefin Tuna Scientific quota
    1407 [view] Tom Polacheck Southern Bluefin Tuna Stock Assesment 95/96 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Southern Bluefin Tuna Stock Assesment (95/96)
    1406 [view] Tom Polacheck Southern Bluefin Tuna Stock assesment (1997/8) 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Southern Bluefin Tuna Stock assesment (97/8)
    1410 [view] Tom Polacheck Southern Bluefin Tuna Stock assessment (96/97) 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Southern Bluefin Tuna Stock assessment (96/97)
    1411 [view] Tom Polacheck Southern Bluefin Tuna Tagging (Environment grant) to 2001 Southern Bluefin Tuna Tagging
    2525 [view] Lynne Talley Southern Ocean Carbon Cycling Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) Project 2016 The scientific objectives are to determine the interactions between changing Southern Ocean circulation and stratification and the physical and biological uptake of carbon dioxide and associated ecosystem impacts. The approach is to deploy autonomous profiling floats with new generation sensors in bio-optical sensors for microbial biomass, oxygen sensors to determine ocean ventilation, pH sensors to examine ocean acidification, and nitrate sensors to track biological productivity. (see SOCCOM
    1289 [view] Steve Rintoul Southern Ocean Processes (CCRP) 1988-2000 1988 to 2000 Southern Ocean Processes (CCRP)
    1534 [view] Steve Rintoul Southern Ocean Role in Climate 1991-1993 1991 to 1993 Southern Ocean Role in Climate
    2495 [view] AAD Southern Ocean continuous plankton recorder 2019 The SCAR Southern Ocean Continuous Plankton Recorder (SO-CPR) Survey was established in 1991 by the Australian Antarctic Division to map the spatial-temporal patterns of plankton biodiversity and use the sensitivity of plankton to environmental change as early warning indicators of the health of the Southern Ocean. It also contributes to or can serve as a reference for other observational/monitoring programmes such as the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), Southern Ocean Sentinel (SOS), CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (C-EMP), and the Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics (ICED) program.
    69 [view] John Stevens Southern Shark Fishery 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Southern Shark
    1544 [view] Southern Surveyor - DSTO Charter 1993 to 1998
    1545 [view] Southern Surveyor - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc. Southern Surveyor National Facility - vessel operations
    2378 [view] Southern Surveyor : BoM Charter
    1512 [view] Steve Blaber Southern Temperate Resources Project 1984-1987 1984 to 1987 Southern Temperate Resources
    66 [view] Southern Zone Stock Assessment 1992 1992 to 1992 Southern Zone Stock Assessment
    2120 [view] Marinelle Basson Southern and Western Tuna and Billfish Fishery Advisory Group 2004-05 - BAS071 2004 to 2005 SWTBF FAG 2004-05 - BAS071
    1638 [view] Francis Pantus Spatial Analysis Facility 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Spatial Analysis Facility
    2377 [view] Ross Daley, Alan Williams Spatial Closures (mapping distribution and movement of gulper sharks) 2005 to 2011 Mapping the distribution and movement of gulper sharks, and developing a non-extractive monitoring technique, to mitigate the risk to the species within a multi-sector fishery region off southern and eastern Australia. Objectives 1. In conjunction with SlopeRag, develop criteria and thresholds for monitoring viable populations, particularly in closed areas. 2. Design and implement non-lethal monitoring program (including BRUVS) to identify trends in relative abundance as part of the Conservation Strategies for Harrissons Dogfish and Southern Dogfish. 3. Refine estimates of capture survivoship and release survivorship, particularly for various line fishing methods. 4. Examine the potential of conventional tagging data to calculate biological properties, such as population size, to better inform the management strategy 5. Assess scales and rates of movements outside closed areas using conventional tagging data to better understand edge effects and the role of complimentary mitigation measures to be applied. 6. Establish a science industry partnership for ongoing cost-effective monitoring. Spatial Closures (gulper sharks)
    1865 [view] Alistair Hobday Spatial Dynamics of Oceanic Fish and Sharks 2003 to 2004 Spatial Oceanic Fish & Sharks
    1447 [view] John Gunn Spatial Dynamics, Stock Structure & Age Growth 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Spatial Dynamics, Stock Structure & Age Growth
    1667 [view] John Gunn Spatial Dynamics, Stock Structure and Age Growth 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Spatial Dynamics, Stock Structure and Age Growth
    1803 [view] Tom Polacheck Spatial Global Interactions Among Juvenile SBT: A Large Scale Archival Tag Experiment 2003 to 2010 Spatial Global Interactions SBT
    1683 [view] Vincent Lyne Spatial Systems 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Spatial Systems
    2467 [view] Eric Woehler Spatial and temporal variability in the distribution and abundance of seabirds and marine mammals 2015 to 2019 Scientific and voyage objectives: Collect data to describe the variability in the distribution and abundance of seabirds and animals in the oceans around Australia.
    1783 [view] Neil Loneragan Spatial arrangement of estuarine and coastal habitat 2002 to 2004 Spatial arrangement of habitat
    2358 [view] Alan Williams Spatial closures in SESSF 2008 to 2008 Spatial closures
    1801 [view] Barry Bruce Spatial dynamics and habitat use by white and grey nurse sharks 2003 to 2003 Spatial dynamics habitat nurse sharks -
    1736 [view] Cathy Dichmont Spatial models in Northern Prawn Fishery 2001 to 2004 Spatial models in NPF
    2220 [view] Nick Elliott Spatial scale of abalone fishery management 2005 to 2007 P - Spatial scale of abalone fishery management
    2319 [view] Mark Bravington Spatial statistical modelling 2006 to 2007
    1241 [view] Vincent Lyne Spatial systems 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Spatial systems
    1448 [view] Tim Davis Spawning strategy SBT catch monitoring off Indonesia 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Spawning strategy and SBT catch monitoring off Indonesia
    1775 [view] Bill Venables Species distribution and catch allocation data and methods for the NPF 2002 to 2005 Species distribution and methods in NPF
    47 [view] J. Bannister Sperm Whale studies 1965 1965 to 1965
    1180 [view] Barry Bruce Spotted Handfish Recovery 1998-2002 1998 to 2002 Spotted Handfish Recovery
    1183 [view] Barry Bruce Spotted Handfish Survey 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Spotted Handfish Survey
    80 [view] Stephen Brandt Squid Research 1981-8? 1981 Squid Research
    1281 [view] Vicki Wadley Squid Stocks in the South East Fishery 1994-1999 1994 to 1999 Squid Stocks in the South East Fishery
    1591 [view] Andy Revill Stable Isotope Ratios of Organisms and Organic Matter from a Mine Tailing Impacted Estuary 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Stable Isotope Ratios from a Mine Tailing Impacted Estuary
    2203 [view] Paul Krummel State of the Environment - atmospheric trace gases and ozone hole status 2004 to 2005 to replace gc78a State of the Environment
    1124 [view] Edward Butler State of the Environment 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 State of the Environment
    1059 [view] Chad Hewitt State of the Environment Pest Reporting 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 State of the Environment Pest Reporting
    1412 [view] Ann Cowling Statistical Inference for Population Parameters 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Statistical Inference for Population Parameters
    1662 [view] Ann Cowling Statistical Modelling of Population Parameters 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Statistical Modelling of Population Parameters
    2476 [view] Alan Williams Status and recovery of deep-sea coral communities on seamounts in iconic Australian marine reserves 2018 Our proposed work on Australian and New Zealand seamounts addresses international biodiversity management research priorities (e.g. CBD 2015-053) by providing data on recovery trajectories of deep-sea coral communities following direct human (trawling) impacts. The distributional extent, habitat associations, composition, biodiversity, and biological traits of deepsea coral communities off Tasmania, both inside and outside the Huon and Tasman Fracture reserves, will be determined and mapped for the first time. This information will contribute to a status report on coral communities and provide context for the recovery study. The status report and an understanding of changes in coral communities through time will inform future planning by the Australian and other management agencies to monitor and manage deep-sea coral reefs as conservation assets. Our results also have international relevance to understanding and managing fishing impact on comparable deepsea coral communities, including in High Sea areas beyond national jurisdictions. New data will be combined with previous surveys of the seamounts in the Huon and Tasman Fracture CMRs in 1997 and 2007, the St. Helens Seamount in 2008, and parallel New Zealand studies in 2001, 2006, 2009 and 2015, to address three broad objectives: 1. Determine the extent, ecological characteristics, and conservation status of deep-sea coral reefs on Tasmanian seamounts inside and outside of existing reserves. 2. Measure recovery trajectories and dynamics of deep-sea coral communities (multi-species and successional changes) following cessation of bottom trawling. 3. Provide the first set of empirical data on conservation status, resilience and recovery potential to enhance management and conservation of deep-sea coral habitats nationally.
    1746 [view] John Stevens Status of Freshwater and Estuarine Elasmobranchs in Northern Australia 2002 to 2003 Status of Elasmobranchs in Australia
    2141 [view] Peter Crocos Sterilisation technologies for penaeid prawns 2004 to 2005 The application of modern genetic technology to improve aquaculture production is a key focus for CMR aquaculture and our involvement within the Food Futures Flagship. prawns are a key species for ISA and Flagship investment (Stream 2B Engineering Aquaculture Breeds Project 2B1 & 2B3). Continuing advances in genetic improvement, together with the high health status of Australia's farmed crustaceans, will make seed-stock an increasingly attractive and valuable Australian export commodity. Currently there are no mechanisms for protecting these genetic resources. This project seeks to address this issue through the development of safe, cost-effective techniques for sterilising broodstock and seed-stock. Food Futures Flagship 2B3 - Sterilisation technologies penaeid prawns
    1223 [view] Andre Punt Stock Assessment & Harvest Strategy Evaluation for Gemfish 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Stock Assessment & Harvest Strategy Evaluation for Gemfish
    1224 [view] Andre Punt Stock Assessment and Harvest strategy evaluation for the eastern stock of gemfish for 1998 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Stock Assessment and Harvest strategy evaluation for the eastern stock of gemfish for 1998
    1626 [view] Geoff Tuck Stock Assessment and Management Strategy Evaluation for sub-Antarctic Fisheries 2000 to 2003 Management strategy evaluation sub-Antar
    1823 [view] Geoff Tuck Stock Assessment and Management Strategy Evaluation for sub-Antarctic Fisheries: 2002-04 2002 to 2004 02-04 MSE Sub-Antarctic Fisheries
    1655 [view] Cathy Dichmont Stock Assessment and Modelling 2000-2003 2000 to 2003 Stock Assessment and Modelling
    1283 [view] Craig Proctor Stock Relationships of black oreo and smooth oreo in New Zealand waters 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Stock Relationships of New Zealand black oreo and smooth oreo
    1368 [view] Mervyn Thomas Stock assesment & modelling 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Stock assesment & modelling
    1413 [view] Robert Campbell Stock assessment - Tuna & Billfish resources - Western AFZ 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Stock assessment - Tuna & Billfish, Western AFZ
    1414 [view] Robert Campbell Stock assessment Yellowfin Tuna (96/97) 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Stock assessment - Yellowfin Tuna (96/97)
    1225 [view] Andre Punt Stock assessment and harvest strategy evaluation for the eastern stock of gemfish for 1999 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Stock assessment and harvest strategy evaluation for the eastern stock of gemfish for 1999
    1557 [view] Tony Smith Stock assessment for orange roughy on the Northeast Chatham Rise 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Orange roughy stock assessment- NE Chatham Rise
    1729 [view] Tony Smith Stock assessment for south east and southern shark fishery 2001 to 2005 Stock Assessment - Shark Fishery
    1932 [view] Geoff Tuck Stock assessment for the South East Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2004-2005 2004 to 2005 Stock Assessment for South East Scalefish & Shark Fishery
    1190 [view] Peter Last, Robert Ward Stock delineation of the pink ling (Genypterus blacodes) in Australian waters using genetic and morphometric techniques (FRDC project no. 97/117) 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Stock delineation of pink ling
    516 [view] Stock identity of northern fish species (FIRTA project no. 83/48) 1983-1986 1983 to 1986 Stock identity of northern fish species
    574 [view] Stock structure and species identification of school and gummy sharks in Australasian waters (FRDC project no. 93/064) 1993-1995 1993 to 1995 Stock structure and species identification of Australian school and gummy sharks
    1017 [view] Bob Ward Stock structure, species identification and genetics of oreo dories in Australasian waters (FRDC project no. 92/024) 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 Stock structure, species identification and genetics of Australian oreo dories
    1184 [view] Ron Thresher Straddling demersal stocks: Lord Howe Rise orange roughy 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Straddling orange roughy stocks: Lord Howe Rise
    2636 [view] Amy Nau Strategic Partnership NOAA/GA/CSIRO 2024 Proposed Work: A berth for an experienced NOAA surveyor/technician to join RV Investigator and share knowledge with the GSM team and assist with mapping responsibilities.
    1290 [view] Steve Rintoul Sub Antarctic Front Dynamics Experiment (SAFDE) 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Sub Antarctic Front Dynamics Experiment
    1796 [view] Keith Sainsbury Sub-Antarctic Fisheries Assessment Group (FAG) 2003-2004 2003 to 2004 Sub-Antarctic FAG 2003-04
    1284 [view] Geoff Tuck Sub-Antarctic Fisheries Stock Assessment 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Sub-Antarctic Fisheries Stock Assessment 1998-1999
    1546 [view] Tom Trull Sub-Antarctic Zone (SAZ) Project (Antarctic CRC) 1997-2008 1997 to 1999 Sub-Antarctic Zone (SAZ) Project
    2605 [view] Helen Bostock Sub-bottom profiling of the South-East Queensland Bulge 2022 In this project, we will collect a series of Sub-bottom Profiles (SBP) over the south-east Queensland “bulge” area to identify possible future coring spots. The SBP mapping of the area would aim to clearly identify regions for future coring, with an aim to target a region with deep sediment layers.
    2478 [view] Philip Boyd Subantarctic Biogeochemistry of Carbon and Iron, Southern Ocean Time Series site 2019 The aim of this project is to enhance our understanding of the interlinked biogeochemical cycles of iron and carbon in the Southern Ocean to better understand how intra-seasonal, seasonal and interannual variability in iron supply and recycling influences the productivity and export of carbon into the ocean’s interior in the subantarctic circumpolar ring.
    2536 [view] Iain Suthers Submesoscale processes – billows and eddies – along the productive shelf by the East Australian Current 2015 scientific objectives: 1.Examine the entrainment shelf water and the amount of eddy uplift driven in relation to the strength of the adjacent EAC, coastal wind, the coastal counter-current, and slope canyons; and to quantify oceanographic behaviour of frontal eddies including their movement; 2.Compare the zooplankton size structure and the bioacoustic biomass between coastal waters, frontal eddies and the adjacent EAC or Tasman Sea; 3.Similarly compare the phytoplankton (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) biomass, diversity of pigments and other molecular markers and biogeochemical functions across coastal, EAC and frontal eddy water masses, 4.Similarly compare the zooplankton size structure and species diversity, the larval fish size distribution and the bioacoustic biomass; 5.The abundance, condition and genetic traits of other zooplankton (lobster phyllosoma).
    2250 [view] Alan Williams Survey and Monitoring for SE MPAs 2006 to 2008
    1462 [view] Roland Pitcher Survey of Holothuria scabra (sandfish) population on Warrior Reef, Torres Strait 2000 2000 to 2000 Holothuria scabra (sandfish) survey, Warrior Reef, Torres Strait
    2251 [view] Alan Williams Survey of the North West Slope for NRSMPA and Regional Marine Planning 2006 to 2008
    1730 [view] Peter Last Survey of the Sharks of Borneo & their Metazoan Parasites 2001 to 2004 Survey of the Sharks of Borneo & their M
    1738 [view] Roland Pitcher Surveying the distribution and abundance of Holothuria scabra in Moreton Bay 2001 to 2002 Holothuria scabra in Moreton Bay
    1959 [view] Yimin Ye Sustainability Assessment of the PNG Torres Strait Rock Lobster Fishery 2004 to 2005 Sustainability Assess of PNG TS Lobster Fishery
    1235 [view] Tony Smith Sustainability indicators/ecologically sustainable development (ESD) review (FRDC project no. 98/168) 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Sustainability indicators/ecologically sustainable development review
    1054 [view] Nigel Preston Sustainability of Rice/Shrimp farming - Vietnam 1997 to 2003 Rice/Shrimp Vietnam
    2168 [view] Rudy Kloser Sustainability of the Cascade Plateau orange roughy fishery 2005 to 2006 This project aims to further develop and apply the acoustic method to assist in the sustainable management of the deep water fisheries. Beyond the fisheries specific application is the further development of the acoustic method to obtain quantitative metrics of the dominant component of mesopelagic biota in the deep scattering layer at ocean basin scales.
    2018 [view] Barry Bruce Sustainable Pelagic Fisheries and Ecosystems - Research Group Support Account 2003 to 2006 Pelagic Research Group Support -
    2023 [view] Barry Bruce Sustainable Pelagic Fisheries and Ecosystems Refundable Travel 2003 to 2006 Pelagic Refundable Travel
    1454 [view] Ian Poiner Sustainable development of tropical Australia: R&D for management of land, water and marine resources (FRDC project no. 98/213) 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Sustainable development of tropical Australia
    1583 [view] Bob Ward Sustainable genetic improvement of Pacific Oysters in Tasmania and South Australia 2000 to 2005 Sustainable genetic improvement - Pacifi
    1931 [view] Kevin Williams Sustainable tropical rock lobster aquaculture 2004 to 2007 Sustainable tropical rock lobster aquaculture
    1737 [view] Roland Pitcher Sustainable use of Bech-der-mer resources in Milne Bay Province 2001 to 2003 Beche-de-mer in Milne Bay
    2395 [view] Ken Ridgway, Bernadette Sloyan Sustained Monitoring of the East Australian Current 2012 The East Australian Current (EAC) is a complex and highly energetic western boundary system in the south-western Pacific off eastern Australia. It provides both the western boundary of the South Pacific gyre and the linking element between the Pacific and Indian Ocean gyres. This voyage will deploy an array of full-depth current meter and property (CTD) moorings from the continental slope to the abyssal waters off Brisbane (26oS). At this location the EAC, north of the high eddy variability, the approaching its maximum strength and its flow is relatively uniform and coherent. The aim of this observing system is to capture the mean and time-varying flow of the EAC. This a component of IMOS, and will provide an intensive reference set of measurements of the EAC flow over sustained period for monitoring EAC transport, improved understanding of relationship of EAC and the South Pacific gyre and impact of the coastal marine ecosystem, and validation and interpretation of the current system in numerous climate and ocean models. The mooring array is located on the existing long-term XBT transects, satellite altimetry and glider tracks. The EAC deep mooring array will be complemented by a Queensland- IMOS operated inshore mooring array on the continental shelf region
    2453 [view] Bernadette Sloyan, Remo Cossu Sustained monitoring of the EAC: mass, heat and freshwater transports. The East Australian Current (EAC) is a complex and highly energetic western boundary system in the south-western Pacific off eastern Australia. It closes the South Pacific subtropical gyre, transporting heat, salt and other nutrients southward and onto the continental shelf. Off Brisbane (27o S) the EAC, is north of the high eddy variability region, approaches its maximum strength and is relatively uniform and coherent. The mooring array is located near the existing long-term XBT transect and satellite altimetry ground tracks. The aim of this observing system is to capture the mean and timevarying flow of the EAC. This EAC mooring array is a component of IMOS. These observation will provide an intensive reference set of measurements of the EAC over a sustained period for improved understanding of the relationship of EAC with the basin-scale South Pacific gyre, its impact of the coastal marine ecosystem, and validation and interpretation of the current system in numerous climate and ocean models.
    1743 [view] Robert Campbell Swordfish-environment-seamount-fishery interactions off eastern Australia 2002 to 2003 Swordfish-environment-seamount-fishery
    1594 [view] Chad Hewitt Sydney Hull Fouling Project 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Sydney Hull Fouling Project
    1142 [view] Stephen Walker Sydney Water long term monitoring review 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Sydney Water long term monitoring review
    1415 [view] Robert Campbell Synopsis on the Billfish stocks- Western AFZ 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Synopsis on the Billfish stocks - Western AFZ
    1269 [view] Barry Bruce Synthesis of existing data on larval rock lobster distribution in southern Australia (FRDC project no. 96/107) 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Larval rock lobster distribution in southern Australia
    1721 [view] John Volkman System-wide Environmental Issues for Sustainable Salmonid Aquaculture 2001 to 2005 System-wide Environmental Issues Project
    2570 [view] So Kawaguchi TEMPO: Trends in Euphausiids off Mawson, Predators, and Oceanography 2021 project TEMPO: Trends in Euphausiids off Mawson, Predators, and Oceanography TEMPO
    1350 [view] Ian Barton TERSS 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 TERSS
    1509 [view] Neil White TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter processing
    512 [view] Tagging of southern bluefin tuna off the coast of Australia (FIRTA project no. 82/11) 1982-1984 1982 to 1984 Southern Bluefin Tuna Tagging
    2216 [view] Martin Cope Tarong Photochemical Modelling project 2005 to 2005 Simulate the impact on Brisbane of emissions from Tarong power station Tarong
    2058 [view] John McGregor Tas Hydro - John McGregor 2004 to 2005 Signed Contract forms still pending from Tas-Hydro Tas Hydro
    1938 [view] Ken Ridgway Tasman Sea and East Australian Current Variability 2004 to 2005
    1329 [view] Rick Bailey Tasman-Coral Sea mass & heat transport/satellite altimeter verification 1998-2000 1998 to 2000 Tasman-Coral Sea mass & heat transport- verification
    1787 [view] Ian Barton Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite Station (TERSS) 2002 to 2003 TERSS Facility
    1191 [view] Peter Last Taxonomy and zoogeography 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Taxonomy and zoogeography
    1213 [view] Tony Koslow Taxonomy, ecology and conservation - Benthic seamount fauna 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Benthic seamount fauna
    2144 [view] Jack Katzfey Team Alinghi Consultancy 2004 to 2007 Provision of consultancy services for America's Cup racing for the Client from 12 June 2004 until 30 June 2007. The core consultancy consists of the minimum support needed to provide the essential weather modelling support for Team Alinghi. The various components include activities that build upon the successful support given for the last Americas Cup to Alinghi. Apart from the activities which are essentially the same as in 2003, a few new components which are most likely to provide the necessary additions needed for the new venues and to provide better advice. These activities are closely linked and therefore are grouped together into the base consultancy.
    1121 [view] Andy Revill Technical advice on sea dumping 1997-2001 1997 to 2001 Technical advice on sea dumping
    1963 [view] Tony Koslow Telemetry System (Biophysical Oceanography Project) 2001 to 2006 Telemetry System
    2469 [view] Joanne Whittaker The Balleny mantle plume: key role in Tasmania-Antarctic breakup? 2018
    2347 [view] Bob Ward The Barcode of Life: a DNA Web-base of Australia's Fisheries 2007 to 2010
    74 [view] The Biology of Commercial Fishes of the Gulf of Carpentaria 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Biology of Commercial Fishes of the Gulf of Carpentaria
    1958 [view] Roland Pitcher The Ecological Role of Sandfish, Holothuria scabra 2004 to 2005 Ecological Role of Sandfish
    2452 [view] Zoran Ristovski, Karen Wild-Allen The Great Barrier Reef as a significant source of climatically relevant aerosol particles 2016 Understanding the role of clouds in the warming and cooling of the planet, and how that role changes in a warming world is one of the biggest uncertainties climate change researchers face. A key feature in this regard is the influence on cloud properties of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), the very small atmospheric aerosol particles necessary for the nucleation of every single cloud droplet. The anthropogenic contribution to CCN is known to be large in some regions; however, the natural processes that regulate CCN over large parts of the globe are less well understood, and particularly in the Great Barrier Reef. The production of new aerosol particles from biogenic sources (forests, marine biota, etc.) is a frequent phenomenon capable of affecting aerosol concentrations, and therefore CCN, on both regional and global scales. The biogenic aerosol particles therefore have a major influence on cloud properties and hence climate and the hydrological cycle. Determining the magnitude and drivers of biogenic aerosol production in different ecosystems is therefore crucial for the future development of climate models. The fundamental questions that this study will address are: 1. What is the significance of this ecosystem as a natural source of aerosol particles? 2. How strong is this source at the regional level? 3. What is the mechanism of particle production over the GBR?
    72 [view] The Importance of Terrestrial and Marine-Based Food Chains to Juvenile Prawns in the Gulf of Carpentaria 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Food Chains of Juvenile Prawns in the Gulf of Carpentaria
    71 [view] The Provision of Stock Assessments for the Northern Prawn Fishery 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Northern Prawn Fishery Stock Assessments
    2172 [view] Andy Revill The Response of the Lower Ord River and Estuary to Catchment Flows and Loads (II) 2005 to 2006 This project is aimed at understanding which factors are important in sustaining the ecosystem of the Ord estuary . The project represents an opportunity to carry out strategic research on the role of microphytobenthos in estuarine primary production which is aligned with current coastal research within CMR. P - Response of the Lower Ord River & Estuary
    2407 [view] R Clarke, R Brook The Wangara Experiment - Boundary Layer Data 1967 to 1971 The Wangara Experiment was a joint project between CSIRO Division of Meteorological Physics and the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology. The experiment took place in Hay, NSW (34.5S, 144.93E) from the 15th July to the 27th August, 1967. The dataset includes hourly pilot balloon winds up to 2km. Radiosonde temperatures and mixing ratios.Micrometeorological measurements. Surface observations of pressure, dry and wet bulb temperature, "weather" cloud type and amount and surface wind direction. Geostrophic winds at the surface, thermal winds and estimates of total acceleration. Wangara Experiment
    2477 [view] Michael Double, Eleanor Bell, Stephen Nicol The availability of Antarctic krill to large predators and their role in biogeochemical recycling in the Southern Ocean. Alternate title: ENRICH (Euphausiids and Nutrient Recycling in Cetacean Hotspots) 2019 Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is the primary prey for many squid, fish, bird, and mammal species but the factors that influence the distribution, density, form and behaviour of krill are not well understood. Equally it is not known how the characteristics of krill swarms affect the availability of krill to foraging predators. To determine whether krill swarm characteristics influence predator distribution and behaviour this project will use the latest active acoustic multibeam technology to describe the density, distribution, and fine-scale 3D structure of krill swarms both within the vicinity of Antarctic blue whales and in control locations that are demonstrably distant from these specialist and extreme krill predators. Antarctic blue whales facilitate this study because their locations can be tracked in real-time from many hundreds of kilometres using passive acoustic technology explicitly developed to detect these whales’ loud, low frequency calls. Within whale aggregations the movement and foraging behaviour of blue whales will be described using tracking technologies. In addition, this project will facilitate the first field-based investigation of the controversial theory of ironfertilisation by whales. Through measurements of the abundance and speciation of whale faecal iron we will establish whether iron concentrations are higher within aggregations of feeding whales than within krill-only aggregations or than in adjacent areas. We will also determine whether whale faeces stimulates local production, alters phytoplankton community structure and growth, and its influence on nutrient cycling, nitrogen-fixation and biogenic climate gas production and the timescale of any effect. This project could not only profoundly influence our view of the role of whales in the Antarctic ecosystem but will describe the potential dependencies of predators on krill in a form that may be limited in space and time. This information will inform the development of management systems for expanding Antarctic krill fisheries.
    1214 [view] Tony Koslow The benthic fauna around Macquarie Island and the potential impact of the Patagonian toothfish trawl fishery 1998-2001 1998 to 2001 Benthic fauna and fishery impacts around Macquarie Island
    519 [view] Steve Blaber The biology and ecology of blue grenadier with particular reference to stock recruitment, stock identity and its role in a multi-species fishery (FIRTA project no. 84/63) 1984-1986 1984 to 1986 Blue Grenadier biology and Ecology
    1491 [view] Steve Blaber The biology, socioeconomics and management of the barramundi in the fly river and adjacent coast of PNG. 1999 to 2004 Barramundi in PNG
    1499 [view] David Vance The definition of effective spawning stocks of commercial tiger prawns in the NPF and king prawns in the eastern king prawn fishery: behaviour of post-larval prawns (FRDC project no. 97/108) 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Definition of spawning stocks of tiger prawns in the NPF and king prawns in eastern fishery
    566 [view] John Gunn The direct estimation of age and growth of SBT (FRDC project no. 92/042) 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 Age and growth of southern bluefin tuna
    555 [view] Tim Davis The discrimination of yellowfin tuna sub-populations exploited within Australia (FIRDC project no. 91/27) 1991-1992 1991 to 1992 Discrimination of yellowfin tuna sub-populations
    535 [view] Ian Poiner The effects of cyclones on the seagrass communities and penaeid prawn stocks of the Gulf of Carpentaria (FIRTA project no. 87/16) 1987-1989 1987 to 1989 seagrass communities and penaeid prawns, Gulf of Carpentaria: Effect of Cyclones
    1788 [view] David McDonald The effects of hierarchical interaction, scale and model structure on the emergent properties of ecosystem models 2002 to 2006 CSS - Effects of model structure
    1482 [view] Steve Blaber The effects of trawl design on bycatch and benthos in prawn and finfish fisheries (FRDC project no. 93/179)1993-1998 1993 to 1998 Effects of trawl design on bycatch and benthos
    2602 [view] Linda Armbrecht The evolution of marine life in Antarctica: a novel approach using ancient DNA 2022 Characterise past Antarctic marine communities over multiple glacial interglacial cycles using novel ancient DNA techniques. Investigate the evolution of key polar marine organisms through time.
    2508 [view] Helen Beggs, Minglun Yang The experiment on the study of sky radiance and surface roughness effect on ISAR SST measurements 2018 We spent ~5 hours following 4 Saildrones. This work was a piggyback project to check the performance of sensors (T,S, O2, pH) on the Saildrones that are also mounted on the RVI underway system and the Maria Island IMOS mooring.
    543 [view] Steve Blaber The fish resources of tropical north-eastern Australian waters (FIRDC project no. 88/77) 1989-1992 1989 to 1992 Fish resources of tropical NE Australia
    1496 [view] Neil Loneragan The growth, mortality, movements and nursery habitats of red-legged banana prawns (Penaeus indicus) in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf (FRDC project no. 97/105) 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Growth, mortality, movements and nursery habitats of red-legged banana prawns
    597 [view] Neil Loneragan The impact of changes in fishing patterns on red-legged banana prawns (Penaeus indicus) in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf (FRDC project no. 95/016) 1995-1998 1995 to 1998 Fishing impacts on red-legged banana prawns (Penaeus indicus) in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf
    1590 [view] Kevin Williams The nutrition of juvenile and adult lobsters to optimise survival, growth and condition 2000 to 2003 Nutrition of juvenile and adult lobsters
    1450 [view] John Gunn, Peter Grewe The origin of recruits to the east coast yellowfin tuna fishery and the delineation of the structure of yellowfin stocks in the western Pacific (FRDC project no. 94/022) 1994-1997 1994 to 1997 Stock delineation of western Pacific yellowfin tuna
    1696 [view] George Cresswell The physical oceanography of Astrolabe Bay, North East Papua New Guinea - Basmuk (NSR) 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Physical oceanography of Astrolabe Bay, NE Papua New Guinea
    1697 [view] George Cresswell The physical oceanography of western New Caledonia (NSR) 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 The physical oceanography of western New Caledonia
    567 [view] Neil Loneragan The role of coastal nursery habitats in determining the long-term productivity of prawn populations in the Northern Prawn Fishery 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 The role of coastal nursery habitats in determining the long-term productivity of prawn populations in the Northern Prawn Fishery - 1992-95. Coastal nursery habitats for prawns in the Northern Prawn Fishery
    1185 [view] Alan Butler The role of marine reserves as fisheries management tools 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Marine reserves as fisheries management tools
    203 [view] Tony Koslow The seamount fauna off southern Tasmania: impacts of trawling, conservation and role within the fishery ecosystem (FRDC project no. 95/058) 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 In September 1995, the deepwater trawl fishing industry agreed not to trawl in an area of 370 km on the continental slope south of Tasmania for three years, as stated in a Memorandum of Understanding between the former Australian Nature Conservation Agency (now Environment Australia) (EA) and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA). The purpose of the moratorium was to allow time for CSIRO to conduct scientific investigations and provide Government with sufficient information to assess future management options. The primary objectives of the research were to assess 1) the uniqueness of the benthic seamount fauna in the region, 2) the potential impacts of the deepwater trawl fishery upon it, and 3) the measures required to conserve it. Tasmanian Seamounts Study
    2580 [view] Thomas Hubble The tsunamigenic submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons of Australia’s Tasman Sea margin: Causes and Consequences 2022
    1268 [view] John Stevens The use of archival tags for studying the movement and swimming behaviour of school sharks (FRDC project no. 96/128) 1996-2000 1996 to 2000 Archival tags studies of school sharks
    1047 [view] Nigel Preston The use of oysters as natural filters of prawn farm effluent 1996-1999 1996 to 1999 Oysters as natural filters of prawn farm effluent
    2067 [view] John Parslow The use of remote sensing data in bio-chemical marine models 2004 to 2005 Remote Sensing Data in Bio-chemical Marine Models
    2458 [view] Iain Suthers The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems 2017 to 2017 The overall objective of the voyage is to determine, for a range of Tasman Sea watermasses, the size based ecosystem encompassing almost 6 orders of magnitude in size (from microns to ~30 cm).
    2422 [view] Geoff Tuck Threatened, Endangered and Protected Species (TEPS) 2012 to 2013 Original catch data is provided strictly in-confidence by various international agencies including AFMA (Australian Fisheries Management Authority) and IATTC (Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission). The source data consists primarily of longline effort data (year, monthly catch quantity, latitude, longitude) in csv or text format. Computer modelling written in R includes population modelling, assessing the impact of fishery by-catch on seabird ecology, overlap of fishery and seabird distribution. The models take the fishery effort data, population parameters from a specific seabird population and estimate the annual bycatch and subsequent population trajectory. Outputs are plots of numbers of breeding pairs, number fledged, juvenile survival, adults survival, bycatch by life-stage and by fishery. These data once published in journals are made public.
    1569 [view] John Parslow To Model the Response of an Area of Ocean North West of Darwin to Cyclone Forcing 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Modelling Response of Area NW of Darwin to Cyclone Forcing
    1797 [view] Roland Pitcher Torres Strait AFMA Research Report and Data Archive 2002 to 2004 Torres Strait AFMA Research Report
    1813 [view] Roland Pitcher Torres Strait CRC 2003 to 2006
    1955 [view] Scott Condie Torres Strait CRC - Biophysical processes in the Torres Strait Marine Ecosystem - Task 2.2 2003 to 2006 Torres Strait CRC Biophysical Processes TS ES Task 2.2
    1953 [view] Francis Pantus Torres Strait CRC - Integrated ecosystem modelling for evaluating multiple-use management strategies - Task 3.3 2003 to 2006 Torres Strait CRC Ecosystem Modelling Task 3.3
    1956 [view] Roland Pitcher Torres Strait CRC - Mapping and Characterisation of Key Biotic and Physical Attributes of the Torres Strait Ecosystem 2003 to 2006 Torres Strait CRC Mapping & Characterisation Task 2.1
    1954 [view] Yimen Ye Torres Strait CRC - Sustainability Assessment of the Torres Strait Rock Lobster Fishery - Task 1.3 2004 to 2006 Torres Strait CRC Sustain Ass Rock Lobster Task 1.3
    1952 [view] Tim Skewes Torres Strait CRC - Sustainability Assessment of the Torres Strait Sea Cucumber Fishery - Task 1.4 2003 to 2006 Torres Strait CRC Sea Cucumber Fishery Task 1.4
    205 [view] Tom Taranto Torres Strait GIS 1993-1998 1993 to 1998 Torres Strait GIS
    1464 [view] Roland Pitcher Torres Strait Geographic management & delivery 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Torres Strait Geographic management & delivery
    1518 [view] Bob Johannes Torres Strait Traditional Fisheries Project 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Torres Strait Traditional Fisheries
    1507 [view] David Die Torres Strait mackerel fishery assessment 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Torres Strait mackerel fishery assessment
    1811 [view] Roland Pitcher Torres Strait seabed data collation, bio-physical modelling and characterisation 2003 to 2004 Torres Strait seabed data collation
    1463 [view] Mervyn Thomas Torres strait Infill/Landfall survey 1997-1999 1997 to 1999 Torres strait Infill/Landfall survey
    1367 [view] Francis Pantus Tourism MDP 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Tourism MDP
    1607 [view] Francis Pantus Tourism MDP 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Tourism MDP
    546 [view] Gustaaf Hallegraeff Toxic dinoflagellate spores in ships' ballast water: a danger to aquaculture (FIRDC project no. 89/39) 1989-1991 1989 to 1991 Ballast water project
    2511 [view] Philip Boyd Trace Element Cycling 2017 The voyage objective is to measure profiles of trace element dissolved and particulate concentrations, and to examine the processes that produce and recycle them. This work was trialled successfully during IN2016_v02 SOTS/Eddy/Capricorn voyage and will be expanded in a dedicated project during IN2018_V02. The work during IN2017_v02 will in combination with those efforts deliver observations from 3 successive years and thus contribute to defining the stability versus interannual variability in trace element levels.
    1539 [view] Edward Butler Trace Elements and Organic Pollutants 1989-1993 1989 to 1993 Trace Elements and Organic Pollutants
    2604 [view] Chase Zanna, Taryn Noble Trace metal sampling for micronutrient distributions and paleo-proxy development 2022
    1763 [view] Barry Bruce Tracking the movement patterns of large white sharks in Australian waters 2002 to 2003 Tracking white sharks
    77 [view] Traditional Fisheries Monitoring 1990-1995 1990 to 1995 Traditional Fisheries Monitoring
    1473 [view] Roland Pitcher Traditional fisheries 1997 to 2003
    1474 [view] Roland Pitcher Traditional fisheries catch of Torres Strait islanders training & analysis 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Traditional fisheries catch of Torres Strait islanders training & analysis
    2484 [view] MNF Office Training and Equipment Trialling 2019 Training of personnel and testing of equipment.
    2491 [view] Robin Beaman Transit over likely wreck sites of the USS Lexington and USS Neosho 2019 Between proposed primary project dredge sites 11 and 12 the RV Investigator will detour around 41nm (4-5 hours) to the likely locations of the Lexington and Neosho wreck sites. While the locations have recently been discovered and an ROV got some images, neither of these wrecks have any swath bathymetry coverage. A slow transit over the sites (maximum 8 knots) would enable collection of this valuable, albeit low resolution data. The collection of the data is to aid in any future development of a management plan for the specific and greater areas. We also wish to hold a memorial service for those lost on these vessels. There is strong support from the Navy and community to hold a memorial service for those lost at sea, with wreaths to be provided for the ceremony. The survey has been endorsed by the following organisations: • The US Naval History and Heritage Command • Parks Australia • Acting Director of Historic Heritage Section, Department of Environment and Energy • Australian National Maritime Museum.
    1829 [view] Scott Condie Transport and recruitment of pearl oyster larvae on the North West Shelf 2003 to 2004 Transport & recruitment of pearl oysters
    1215 [view] Tony Koslow Transportable acoustic systems 1997-1998 1997 to 1998 Transportable acoustic systems
    1508 [view] David Die Trawl Resources of Guyana Brazil 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Trawl Resources of Guyana Brazil
    2167 [view] Rodrigo Bustamante Trawling, Benthic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Indicators: Towards a Spatial Management System 2005 to 2008 This research project is in the national interest. It will develop ecosystem approaches to understand ecosystem functioning and the productivity of the Northern Prawn Fishery. The approach will also be used to contribute to the develop of a whole-ecosystem management and conservation approach for the NPF. The knowledge will be of direct benefit to managers of the fishery (Australian Fish Management Authority), the National Ocean Office and the Department of Environment and Heritage. The information will also have implications for managers of other input controlled fisheries in Australia. P - Trawling, Benthic Biodiversity & Ecosystem Indicators
    2614 [view] Dahiana Arcila, White William Triacanthodidae Tissue Samples 2022
    2562 [view] Peter King Trial deployments of the Explorer AUV for advancing Australia’s deep-water survey capability 2020
    2500 [view] Matthew Hawker Trichodesmium sampling 2019 Trichodesmium is an important but poorly understood part of the marine environment. It is thought to be responsible for a significant majority of nitrogen fixation in the ocean; understanding its habitat and range is therefore an important part of understanding ocean primary productivity. Around Australia, Trichodesmium is most commonly seen along the northern Queensland coast. However, knowledge of Trichodesmium is relatively scarce as it is impossible to culture in laboratory studies and difficult to accurately observe in-situ. Basic questions such as the spatial patterns and seasonal cycles of Trichodesmium remain poorly understood. This project will contribute to the observational record of Trichodesmium by collecting and analysing seawater samples at locations adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef. Surface samples will be collected at existing planned CTD cast locations, so there will be no impact on the voyage track or scheduling. These observations will assist researchers to answer those questions outlined above. They will also aid in the verification of Trichodesmium remote sensing algorithms, as well as biogeochemical ocean forecast systems such as the eReefs.
    2523 [view] Stephanie Downes Tritium/Helium Measurements 2016 The scientific objective of this work is to obtain Tritium/Helium measurements in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Helium is an inert gas naturally released at hydrothermal vents, and (as a passive tracer) is commonly used to trace deep ocean circulation. Recently, hydrothermal vents and plumes have been identified along the Australian-Antarctic Ridge and Pacific-Antarctic Ridge using observations of temperature, helium and other tracers. Only one voyage to date has been undertaken with ocean surface to floor data south of the Pacific Antarctic Ridge along 170oW (67oS to the Equator; 1996). However, helium data was not collected during this voyage. The new helium dataset acquired on this voyage, will be used to fulfil the following main objectives are: •Provide new evidence of hydrothermal activity along the western end of the Pacific Ridge, including a possible description of plume dispersion along the ocean’s strongest current, Antarctic Circumpolar Current. •Assess interconnectivity of hydrothermal systems between the Australian-Antarctic Ridge and Pacific Antarctic Ridge. •Provide new descriptions of water mass pathways and exchange within and between the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the Ross Gyre.
    1749 [view] Cathy Bulman Trophic dynamics of the eastern shelf and slope of the South East Fishery: impacts of and on the fishery 2002 to 2005 Trophic dynamics of shelf & slope
    2195 [view] Russ Babcock Trophodynamic Modelling: An applied tool for ecosystem based fisheries management on the Central WA Coast 2005 to 2009 The project will build on the improved understanding of underlying ecosystem function in coastal habitats of the Central West Coast Region of Western Australia, provided through SRFME-funded field-based collaborative projects. These studies will provide information on the use of critical habitats, and habitat linkages through animal movements (ontogenetic habitat shifts, migration) and passive transport of organic matter. Diet, food sources, habitat dependencies of key trophic groups and key species will also be quantified. The modeling component of this work, which is the subject of this application, will provide a tool for integrating all these strands of information. There are three central objectives within the modeling project: 1. Develop ecosystem models that will enable us to make predictions of how the coastal ecosystem, including important species such as rock lobster and coastal finfish, may respond to variation in fishing 2. Develop ecosystem models that will enable us to make predictions of how the coastal ecosystem, including important species such as rock lobster and coastal finfish, may respond to variation in environmental factors (such as Leeuwin Current variations, changes in prevailing weather patterns that may be affected by climate changes). 3. Use the ecosystem model to compare and evaluate the relative merits of a range of potential Ecosystem Based Management Strategies, including both traditional fisheries management measures and spatial management measures including MPAs. Models will be calibrated and tested against observations of ecological trends in the various management zones of the Jurien Bay Marine Park. P - Trophodynamic Modelling
    202 [view] John Parslow Trophodynamics of the south-east trawl deep-water stock (FIRDC project no. 91/17) 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 FRDC project 91/17, entitled "Trophodynamics of the south-east trawl deep-water stock", was designed to improve understanding of the ecological basis of the deep water stocks fished in the south-east trawl (SET) on the continental slope in Tasmanian waters, in particular the food chain supporting the fishery for orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). 4 seasonal cruises were undertaken on FRV "Southern Surveyor" between July 1991 and April 1993 to measure physical, chemical and biological variables (including chlorophyll and primary productivity) along three sections oriented onshore to offshore. The results were compared with satellite imagery of sea surface temperature acquired over a longer and more detailed period to interpolate the in situ data and to study interannual variability. Additional sampling was undertaken using moored and free-loating sediment traps to study vertical fluxes in the water column. South-East Trawl Trophodynamics Study
    180 [view] Steve Blaber Tropical Fish Ecology Project: Gulf of Carpentaria studies (includes Albatross Bay and Embley Estuary studies) 1985-1990 1987 to 1990 The Tropical Fish Ecology project over this time period carried out work on fish as peneid prawn predators in Albatross Bay and the Embley Estuary, and as tiger prawn predators at Groote Eylandt; fish surveys of the Gulf of Carpentaria; and the biology of tuna baitfish in the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, and the Maldives (work commissioned by ACIAR). Gulf of Carpentaria studies
    1511 [view] Steve Blaber Tropical Fish Ecology Project: Tuna Baitfish Biology - Solomon Islands and and Maldives 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 The Tropical Fish Ecology project over this time period carried out work on the biology of tuna baitfish in the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, and the Maldives (work commissioned by ACIAR). Tuna Baitfish Biology - Solomon Islands and and Maldives
    78 [view] Tropical Management Research 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 Tropical Management Research
    79 [view] Tropical Prawn Ecology 1992-1995 1992 to 1995 Tropical Prawn Ecology
    1934 [view] P.C. Rothlisberg Tropical Prawn Research Project (1974 - 1978) 1974 to 1978 The Tropical Prawn Research Project (TPRP) officially started in June 1974, but it was mid 1975 before research commenced. It consisted of a re-structure of the Northern Prawn Project, and the remnants of the East Coast Prawn Project. Field investigations into prawn ecology and laboratory based research on experimental biology were conducted in the areas of Larval Ecology, Juvenile Ecology, Adult Ecology, Reproductive Biology, Food and Nutrition, Behaviour, Physiology and the Catchability of Banana Prawns. (abridged from Research Report 1974 - 77 Division of Fisheries and Oceanography CSIRO pages 52 - 54) TPRP
    2112 [view] Peter Last Tropical Reef Fishes: Delineation of Whole Fish and Fillets 2005 to 2006 P - Tropical Reef Fishes
    2078 [view] Kevin Williams Tropical Rock Lobster Ecology Workshop in Vietnam 2004 to 2004 Tropical Rock Lobster Ecology Workshop
    181 [view] Roland Pitcher Tropical Rock Lobster Project 1987-1990 1987 to 1990 Tropical Rock Lobsters
    76 [view] Tropical Rock Lobster Project 1990-1995 1990 to 1995 Tropical Rock Lobster Project
    1478 [view] Roland Pitcher Tropical continental shelf ecology management 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Tropical continental shelf ecology management
    2485 [view] Alain Protat Tropical observations of atmospheric convection, biogenic emissions, ocean mixing, and processes generating intraseasonal SST variability 2019 The objective of this proposal is to improve the parameterization of tropical moist convection in the atmosphere and vertical mixing driven by internal tides in the ocean, which are still major road blocks for producing accurate daily to seasonal weather forecasts and climate predictions. Our associated observational aims are to: * Over a period of >30 days, in order to sample different phases of the Madden-Julian and/or other monsoon oscillations, extensively characterize the 3D mesoscale atmospheric dynamics of a target coastal location in Northern Australia that has a large diurnal cycle of precipitation. * Characterize in detail the diurnal through monthly evolution of the upper ocean and near surface structure at the target site to advance our understanding of atmosphere – upper ocean coupling. * Construct detailed datasets of clouds, air-sea fluxes and atmospheric turbulence and make all datasets available to the international Years of Maritime Continent (YMC) science community, to expedite progress in improving parameterizations of convection, clouds, and the boundary layer.
    1475 [view] Roland Pitcher Tropical rock lobster assesment and modelling 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 Tropical rock lobster assesment and modelling
    1842 [view] Shane Griffiths Tropohodynamics & biology of pelagic fishes 2003 to 2004
    75 [view] Tuna Baitfish Biology - Kiribati and Fiji 1990-1995 1990 to 1995 Tuna Baitfish Biology - Kiribati and Fiji
    1521 [view] Tim Davis Tuna Larvae Project 1985-1987 1985 to 1987 Tuna Larvae
    62 [view] Tim Davis Tuna Population Biology and Ecology 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Tuna Population Biology and Ecology
    63 [view] Tom Polacheck Tuna Population Dynamics and Management 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Tuna Population Dynamics and Management
    64 [view] Vincent Lyne Tuna Spatial Dynamics 1991-1995 1991 to 1995 Tuna Tuna Spatial Dynamics
    1492 [view] Steve Blaber Tuna baitfish resources of eastern Indonesia 1995-2000 1995 to 2000 Tuna baitfish resources of eastern Indonesia
    2518 [view] Remo Cossu Turbulence scales and horizontal variability in the surface layer of the Ocean 2016 Objectives: To gain more insight into turbulence scales in the upper ocean (0 – 200 m depth) across the continental shelf using a TuboMAP turbulence probe and to measure horizontal variability of CTD data in the upper ocean using a Seabird 19+ CTD unit. The TurboMAP can record data with vertical profiling (upcast and downcast). Based on a temperature gradient and mean falling speed of the probe the levels of turbulence dissipation and mixing properties can be derived. The CTD (Seabird 19+) unit will collect data at a fixed depth (ca. 20 m) while the ship is drifting at a speed of 0.5 – 1 m/s.
    1167 [view] Andrew Forbes UNIDO - Site Survey for the Hydroacoustic Station at Cape Leeuwin 1998-1999 1998 to 1999 Site Survey for Hydroacoustic Station at Cape Leeuwin
    1084 [view] Ron Thresher Undaria 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Undaria
    1781 [view] Nigel Preston Understanding and removing the barriers to Penaeus Monodon domestication 2002 to 2005 Monodon domestication
    2607 [view] Roughan Understanding eddy interactions and their impacts in the East Australian Current System 2023
    1602 [view] Chad Hewitt Understanding patterns & effects of nonindigenous species invasions on multiple spatial scales: A quantitive & comparative approach 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Patterns & effects of nonindigenous species invasions
    1722 [view] John Gunn Understanding the nature of Southern Bluefin Tuna bycatch in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery and determining the extent of mortality in SBT released alive: an integrated research an monitoring program 2001 to 2004 Nature of SBT bycatch in ET&BF
    2490 [view] Vanessa Lucieer Understanding the spatial links between geomorphology and biodiversity in the Coral Sea Australian Marine Park. 2019 This project will reveal how deep-water benthic habitats are related to geomorphic features on the seafloor. Using advance marine sonar we will examine how different habitats are distributed across a variety of geomorphic structures within the Coral Sea Marine Park. The seafloor habitats in this marine park are poorly understood and given the recent release of the Australian Marine Park (AMP) rezoning it is particularly important to understand the variability of these habitats. We can use this data to compare to seamount habitats in temperate locations such as the Huon AMP.
    2639 [view] Brad Duncan Unidentified Shipwreck Survey – Heritage NSW 2024
    2527 [view] Irina Borissova United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Extended Continental Shelf 2016 Six rock dredges would be conducted on William’s Ridge between 52°-54°S, 77°-80°E. The purpose is to justify Australia’s claim to William’s Ridge as Extended Continental Shelf, which has not been accepted by the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. Dredges would be acquired during the transit back to Hobart from the Heard Island study area.
    500 [view] Unknown (no details available) Unknown
    2606 [view] Little Untangling the causes of change over 25 years in the southeast marine ecosystem 2023
    2380 [view] Elizabeth Fulton Update of NWSJEMS-InVitro 2010 to 2011 Updating of NWSJEMS ecosystem model to InVitro-V3 code set, including expanding the species included to a broader representation of the foodweb. Additionally updated industry and environmental time series.
    1792 [view] Peter Last Upgrade of national fisheries database to include images and common names of Australian fishes 2002 to 2007 Upgrade of national fisheries database
    1330 [view] Rick Bailey Upper Ocean Thermal Network Review 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 Upper Ocean Thermal Network Review
    2505 [view] Peter Strutton Upper ocean biogeochemistry in the Macquarie Meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current 2018 This supplementary project will assess the biogeochemical impact of thephysical braking of the ACC, which will likely manifest in vertical mixing of nutrientsandanimpact on surface productivity.The proposed work compliments IN2016_V02, which mapped the biogeochemical impact of two eddies in almost the same region of the Southern Ocean. The work therefore adds value to the previously-awarded MNF ship timeby surveying the biogeochemistry in a meander similar to where the IN2016_V02 eddy would have formed,as well as adding a biogeochemistry dimension to IN2018_V05.The results will deepen our understanding of nutrient delivery and consumption in the Southern Ocean, with benefits for future climate models.The aims of this supplementary work are to: 1.Characterise the nutrient field in the context of the physical structure of the meander(the nutrient measurements are included in the original voyage proposal). 2.Calculate rates of nutrient delivery to the surface.3.Contrast the relative importance of upwelling and mixing with previous nearby measurements.
    1946 [view] Ron Thresher Use of historical observations and proxy records to validate scenarios of marine climate change and variability 2004 to 2005 Records of Past Climate
    527 [view] Ron Thresher Use of satellite imagery to predict the occurrence of spawning aggregations of blue grenadier (FIRTA project no. 86/80) 1986-1987 1986 to 1987 Blue Grenadier Satellite Imagery Study
    2159 [view] Yingping Wang Using neural work to model systematic errors of CBM 2004 to 2005 Detailed objectives: Develop the arificial neural network (ANN) model Develop nonlinear optimisation algorithms for estimating parameters in ANN model Apply the ANN model to FLUXNET dataset Write the results for international journals Benefit to CAR An effective tool for removing systematic errors An improved error statistics for parameter estimation, regional inversion and model data fusion Error Modelling
    2544 [view] Jan Strugnell Using samples from the Kerguelen Plateau to date past West Antarctic ice sheet collapse 2020 This project aims to determine the timing of the most recent collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by examining the genomic signatures of benthic marine species with circumpolar distributions. Specifically, we aim to: a. Develop panels of genomic markers for investigating genetic variation within target species b. Establish demographic models of genetic connectivity through trans-west Antarctic seaways that may have existed during the warmer than present Last Interglacial (LIG), 125ka, based on the most probable Antarctic ice sheet reconstructions from models and geological data c. Distinguish between these demographic models by testing their fit to genomic data This proposal will enable discovery of when marine animals last migrated through historic seaways crossing the Antarctic continent, thereby indicating the most recent date of West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse. This proposal will take full advantage of rock dredging during voyage IN2020_V01, and will require no deviations off route or additional time. Benthic animals have been retrieved this way for previous rock sampling on IN2016_V01 to the Kerguelen Plateau (Coffin et al). Therefore we anticipate that benthic samples will be obtained using the sampling protocols of IN2020_V01, including dredges and possibly Smith-Mac grabs. Kerguelen samples to date ice sheet collapse
    2005 [view] Helen Cleugh VENFOR: Interactions between winds and forests from the scale of the tree to the landscape. 2003 to 2005 To provide wind tunnel studies of flow and turbulence over patchy forest. VENFOR
    1990 [view] Ian Galbally VOC Lab 2002 to 2005 VOC Lab
    1757 [view] Peter Last Validation of national demersal fish datasets for the regionalisation of the Australian continental slope and outer shelf. 2002 to 2004 National demersal fish datasets
    2575 [view] John Keesing Valuing Australia’s new Gascoyne Marine Park 2021
    2355 [view] Frederieke Kroon Valuing and marketing ecosystem services provided for fisheries from agricultural watercourses in the Clarence River 2007 to 2010
    1577 [view] Tony Koslow Vessel of opportunity Autonomous Plankton Samplers - MIE 2001-2002 2001 to 2002 Vessel of opportunity Autonomous Plankton Samplers
    2029 [view] Bob Cechet Vic Roads-Road Ice Detection Algorithms. 2003 to 2004 Vic Roads-Road Ice Detection
    1709 [view] R. Edwards Victorian Institue of Marine Sciences (VIMS) Bass Strait Study 1978 to 1985 The Victorian Institue of Marine Sciences (VIMS) Bass Strait Study began in 1978, with a view to gaining an integrated understanding of this body of water. It consisted of over 30 projects involving individuals from at least 14 institutions, including CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. VIMS Bass Strait study
    1216 [view] Alan Williams Video Survey of Muirfield Seamount 1999-2001 1999 to 2001 Video Survey of Muirfield Seamount
    1832 [view] Alan Butler Virtual Site for High-Seas Conservation - EA (International) 2003 to 2003 Virtual Site for High-Seas Conservation
    2110 [view] Nigel Preston Virus Resistant Shrimp 2004 to 2007 This project seeks to provide novel technology for protecting farmed prawns from viral disease. Disease is one of the most significant factors limiting the profitability of domestic and international prawn farming. This objective is closely aligned with CMR's Statement of Strategic Intent to focus on research underpinning sustainable aquaculture production P - Virus Resistant Shrimp
    1821 [view] Malcolm Brown Vitamin and pigment changes in developing larvae of pearl oysters 2003 to 2003 Vitamin & pigment change oyster
    1964 [view] Fred Prata Volcanic Ash and Aviation Research 2002 to 2005 To conduct research activities aimed at improving the detection and dispersion modelling of hazardous volcanic plumes to enhance avaiation safety. 30k OF THAT 90k should have been allocated to contract in relation to fq68 fq68 is closed and funds are in the right place
    2553 [view] Sam Hinton Voyage Management on RV Investigator 2014 - ongoing
    2420 [view] Andrew Revill WAMSI Kimberley Project 2.2.6 Terrestrial-Ocean Linkages 2013 to 2016 WAMSI Kimberley Project 2.2.6 Terrestrial-Ocean Linkages: the role of rivers and estuaries in sustaining marine productivity in the Kimberley. The land and coasts are linked by the rivers that flow between them and this is particularly true in the Kimberley where each year large amounts of freshwater enter the coasts. This water carries with it remnants of plants and soil and these can settle close to shore or be carried out to sea. This project aims to understand how dissolved and particulate material is transported by the tides and currents and whether these exports potentially play a role in coastal productivity. This information will be useful for the Dambimangari Saltwater Country Plan as it will provide information to help make informed management decisions. WAMSI Kimberley Project - Terrestrial-Ocean Linkages
    2289 [view] John Keesing WAMSI Node 1 Project 1: Southwest Australian Coastal Biogeochemistry 2006 to 2011 To characterise the South West Australian marine coastal and shelf ecosystem. WAMSI Project 1.1
    2291 [view] John Keesing WAMSI Node 1 Project 2: Coastal Ecosystem Characterisation 2006 to 2011 WAMSI Code 1.2
    2290 [view] Ming Feng WAMSI Node 2 Project 2: Dynamics and impacts of the Leeuwin Current on the marine environment off WA 2006 to 2011 WAMSI Code 2.2
    2287 [view] Russ Babcock WAMSI Node 3 Project 2: Ecosystem and Fisheries Effects of Zoning 2006 to 2011 Biodiversity assessment, ecosystem impacts of human usage and management strategy evaluation. WAMSI Code 3.2
    2428 [view] Fabio Boschetti WAMSI Project 2.2.8 Knowledge integration and Management Strategy Evaluation 2013 to 2015 The project explores the possible and desired futures of the Kimberly region, addressing specifically the cumulative effects of various human impacts and activities. At present, there is a high level of uncertainty about how the Kimberley system works and what future stressors it may encounter. The future of the Kimberley system will be determined by the interaction between many forces: the economy, ecological processes, social development, climate change, human population dynamics, resource extraction and many others. These processes influence one another, leading to highly complex systems. The project has two objectives: (1) The first objective is to develop two computer models (using ALCES and Ecopath with Ecosim EwE) to improve our understanding of the likely impacts of increasing human pressure and climate change at a regional scale and to integrate the knowledge and information generated by other projects, the model projected output to the year 2050. (2) The second objective is to employ the Management Strategy Evaluation framework to engage stakeholders and to communicate the modelling results to key decision makers. What futures we explore will be determined in consultation with stakeholders and interested parties. The success of this project depends crucially on addressing the main issues, questions and concerns about the future of the Kimberley region. The result of this study will support key state and local decision-makers. WAMSI Project 2.2.8
    2027 [view] Tony Hirst WCRP -Wenju Cai 2003 to 2005 WCRP
    1713 [view] WESTROPAC-82 - Circulation in the Western Tropical Pacific Ocean 1982 to 1982 A program of three voyages to study circulationin the Coral Sea, water masses in the Thermocline of the Western Tropical Pacific Ocean and Mass Transport between Tasman and Coral Seas in association with the IOC program WESTPAC. WESTROPAC-82
    1960 [view] Bob Ward WFO - Barcode of Life - Initial Year 2004 to 2005 The project will develop and deploy methods for DNA sequencing the cytochrome oxidase mitochondrial DNA gene of marine fish and invertebrates. This will facilitate species identification, allow the identification of all life stages, and accelerate the recognition of new species. Later, these sequences could be transferred to DNA chips and microarrays or to technologies not yet developed for very fast real-time use.
    2270 [view] Bob Ward WFO - Barcoding marine crustaceans 2005 to 2006
    2271 [view] Alan Williams WFO - Biodiversity of mid-slope submarine canyons adjacent to the Naturalist Plateau 2005 to 2006
    2213 [view] Alan Williams WFO - Characterisation and inventory of benthic ecosystems of the South Western Region using optimised mapping techniques 2005 to 2007 WFO - Characterisation benthic ecosystems
    2254 [view] Nic Bax WFO - Indicators of ecosystem health 2005 to 2006
    2286 [view] David McDonald WFO - Integration for Management of Ningaloo's Marine Environmental Resources 2006 to 2010
    2156 [view] David McDonald WFO - MSE for Regional Marine Planning 2004 to 2007 This project is motivated by the desirability of exploring opportunities for CMR to apply the NWSJEMS understanding and products in areas beyond WA. Many governments and regulators, within Australia and beyond, are actively seeking scientific support for integrated management of the human uses of marine ecosystems. Some of these developments are in existing WFO projects and others are under consideration. This project is essentially a bridging project  to allow CSIRO to consolidate the scientific benefits of the North West Shelf Joint Environmental Management Study and to explore options for applications beyond WA.
    2296 [view] Nic Bax WFO - Mathematical and Statistical Approaches for Multiple Use Marine Management (MUM) (CMIS) 2006 to 2007
    2154 [view] Scott Condie WFO - NSW Sustainable Regional Development 2004 to 2009 This project forms part of the Wealth from Oceans Flagship (Stream 3 of Theme 4). The objective of the project is to develop, demonstrate and support scientific tools for the ecosystem-based development of marine and aquatic industries in NSW. Detailed activities and deliverables will be developed and agreed by the CSIRO and the NSW DPI prior to their commencement. Issues likely to be addressed include impacts of climate variability on fisheries and other industries at shelf scale, and links between catchments, estuaries, and shelf waters. A base-level of funding from CMR, WfO and NSW has been agreed (see attached letter) to support preliminary model development, data collation, and further scoping. However, it is expected that external resourcing will increase substantially in subsequent years to support a broader range of activities.
    2155 [view] Keith Sainsbury WFO - National Framework for MSE 2004 to 2006 This project is motivated by three interlinked issues. (1) The importance of CMR consolidating and demonstrating in the scientific literature its capacity for scientific support for integrated multiple use management. Such scientific papers are ultimately the benchmark by which scientific quality is judged, for the organisation and its individuals, and which attracts quality co-investment in research projects. (2) The importance of maintaining strong and positive links with WA regulators of the marine environment and industries. These WA regulators are very keen to make ongoing use of the understanding and products developed through NWSJEMS, both on the NWS and elsewhere, but currently there is no sufficiently capable WA agency to transfer this knowledge to. Ultimately SRFME (probably through SRFME II) should meet this need, but in the short to medium term the scientific capability and existing priorities of SRFME will greatly limit what can be done. There is a risk that WA will be unable to use the NWSJEMS understanding and products on the NWS and Ningaloo Reef, which will undermine CMR credibility in WA. Through this proposed project CMR will maintain a mechanism from which to build and deliver externally funded or co-investment application projects in WA. This should also help in the negotiation of SRFME II. (3) The desirability of exploring opportunities for CMR to apply the NWSJEMS understanding and products in area beyond WA. Many governments and regulators, within Australia and beyond, are actively seeking scientific support for integrated management of the human uses of marine ecosystems. Some of these developments are in existing WFO projects and others are under development. So this project is essentially a bridging project  to allow CSIRO to consolidate the scientific benefits of the study after completion of NWSJEMS, to allow applications transfer of capability to CMR in WA, and to explore options for applications beyond WA.
    2297 [view] Phillip England WFO - Options for Development and Use of Marine Genomics in Observation Programs for Multiple Use Management 2006 to 2007
    2294 [view] David McDonald WFO - Regional economic and socio economic impacts of Ningaloo Marine Park Management 2006 to 2010
    2293 [view] Scott Condie WFO - Support Tools for Regional Marine Planning July 06 - June 09 2006 to 2007
    2315 [view] Beth Fulton WFO - Visualisation software for Multiple Use Management Strategy Evaluation 2006 to 2007
    2153 [view] David McDonald WFO - Western Port - Scoping Study 2004 to 2005 There is a common theme in past and current practice of information failure: information about impacts and interactions in both biophysical and socioeconomic systems has either been absent, or has not been available to decision makers and stakeholders in industry and natural resource management. Rapidly improving scientific observation, understanding and predictive capability have improved knowledge of biophysical and socioeconomic systems, but progress in linking science to management has been comparatively slow. However, recent independent advances in renewable resource management, and in economic theory, promise solutions to the information bottleneck between science and management. This study will combine, for the first time, the management strategy evaluation techniques developed for fisheries science, with novel instruments developed to address environmental information gaps in economic decisions. By linking smart technologies and new theories from multiple disciplines, these new tools can provide a coordinated approach to policy development and natural resource management, and support the integrated management of multiple uses in an explicit and transparent manner. The aim of the current project is to develop and demonstrate such tools and methods using Western Port and its Catchment as a case study This scoping work will lay the foundations for a much larger study capable of transforming the management of Western Port from a multitude of sectoral based plans to multiple-use management based on comprehensive management strategy evaluations. This would represent the first attempt at such an approach in a coastal bay with the impacts associated with a high surrounding population.
    2299 [view] Susan Blackburn WFO Flagship Marine Adhesives Project 2006 to 2007
    2278 [view] Wayne Rochester WFO Review of approaches, experience and skills of CSIRO in providing scientific advice for multiple use management of local and regional ecosystems 2006 to 2007
    2253 [view] Scott Condie WFO T4 S2 - MSE for Southwest Regional Marine Planning 2005 to 2006
    2348 [view] Scott Condie WFO T4S2 - Support Tools for Regional Marine Planning - Approp component of ks11A 2006 to 2007
    2093 [view] Brian Ryan WHC Flagship project, formerly HK68c 2003 to 2005 Murray Darling Basin Commission
    2397 [view] Steve Rintoul WOCE SR3 transect 1991 Repeat oceanographic surveys of the WOCE SR3 transect from Hobart to Mertz WOCE SR3
    1292 [view] John Church WOCE Tasman Sea & Southern Ocean Circ. 1996-1998 1996 to 1998 WOCE Tasman Sea & Southern Ocean Circulation
    2006 [view] Edward King WWW-based delivery and use of CSIRO AVHRR time series (CATS) Where AVHRR is the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer RS DELIVERY 2003 to 2005 AVHRR Time Series (Web-Cats)
    1604 [view] Rhys Leeming Wallis Lakes 2000-2002 2000 to 2002 Wallis Lakes
    83 [view] Matt Tomczak Water Masses and Mixing 1980- 1980 Water Masses and Mixing
    1703 [view] Wave Rider Buoys Wave Rider Bouys
    2134 [view] Peter Crocos Wealth from Oceans - Blue GDP: Marine proteins and oils scoping study 2004 to 2004 This project fits within the CMR intent for R&D in the theme of Sustainable Aquaculture Production. The project was developed as scoping study only within the Wealth From Oceans Flagship. Marine proteins & oils scoping study
    2133 [view] Nick Elliott Wealth from Oceans - Blue GDP: Offshore aquaculture scoping study 2004 to 2004 This project fits within the CMR intent for R&D in the theme of Sustainable Aquaculture Production. The project was developed as scoping study only within the Wealth From Oceans Flagship. Offshore Aquaculture scoping study
    2040 [view] Brian Ryan Weather Modification 2003 to 2005
    1748 [view] Cathy Dichmont Western trawl fisheries assessment group 2001 to 2003 WESTFAG
    2184 [view] Alistair Hobday WfO - Climate Impacts on Pelagic & Tropical Ecosystems 2004 to 2007 WfO - Climate Impacts Pelagic & Tropical Ecosystems
    2318 [view] Wenju Cai WfO - Using models, including IPCC simulations, to improve understanding of, and confidence in, simulation of climate mean state and variability, especially in the Indian-Pacific region, and in key modelled features of climate change in the Australian region. (1.15) 2006 to 2007
    2033 [view] Kathleen McInnes WfO Regional scenarios for sea surface rise and temperature 2003 to 2005 WfO Regional Scenarios
    1550 [view] John Stevens Whale Shark & Krill off Ningaloo Reef 2001-2001 2001 to 2001 Whale Shark & Krill, Ningaloo Reef
    2539 [view] Joshua Reinke Whale Survey 2015
    1860 [view] Barry Bruce White Shark research program development 2003 to 2004 White Shark research program
    2036 [view] Peter Coppin Wind Forecasting (PAC) 2003 to 2005
    2035 [view] Robert Davy Wind Statistics (RD) 2003 to 2005
    2037 [view] Dale Hughes Wind Tunnel/Calibrations 2003 to 2005
    2011 [view] Peter Coppin Wind monitoring and miscellaneous work on the APW network 2002 to 2004 Wind monitoring and miscellaneous work on the APW network at various sites Monitoring Network - APW
    1581 [view] Angela Palmer Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Seasoar Stabiliser 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Seasoar Stabiliser
    2444 [view] Alex Forrest Working from the other side: facing the challenges of under-ice for autonomous navigation in Antarctica (Supplementary Project) 2016 to 2016 Working from the other side: facing the challenges of under-ice for autonomous navigation in Antarctica (Supplementary Project). MNF RV Investigator voyage: IN2016_V02. UTAS - Australian Maritime College. Working from the other side: facing the challenges of under-ice for autonomous navigation in Antarctica
    2090 [view] Sunhee Lee Workshop on emmission, transport and impacts of wind blown dust from soil erosion: measurements and modelling 2004 to 2005 Dust Workshop
    2175 [view] Bill Physick Worsley Refinery 4.4 Mtpa Efficiency and Growth Expansion: Air Pollution Modelling 2004 to 2005 Carry out simulations to verify the model TAPM for SO2 and NOx at 3 monitoring sites. Simulations will also be carried out for SO2 using emissions from an expansion scenario of the Worsley refinery, and for the exisiting and two expansion emissions scenarios for NO2 and O3 Worsley Refinery Modelling
    1331 [view] Rick Bailey XBT Contributions 1995-1999 1995 to 1999 XBT Contributions
    2426 [view] XBT Franklin 1985 to 2002 XBT data collected on the Marine National Facility RV Franklin.
    2412 [view] XBT Southern Surveyor 2002 to 2013 XBT data collected on the Marine National Facility RV Southern Surveyor.
    2593 [view] XBT deployments from RV Investigator 2014 - ongoing
    2391 [view] Rebecca Cowley XBT fall rate experiments and CTD intercomparisons 2012 2012 to 2012 XBT experiments 2012
    1620 [view] Roland Pitcher Year 2000 lobster survey 2000-2001 2000 to 2001 Year 2000 lobster survey
    1025 [view] Malcolm Brown Yeast & Microalgae 1997-2000 1997 to 2000 Yeast & Microalgae
    46 [view] J. Hynd Yellowfin tuna survey, Queensland 1965 1965 to 1965
    1519 [view] Andrew Heron Zooplankton Biology and Ecology Project 1981-1987 1981 to 1987 Zooplankton Biology and Ecology
    2432 [view] eReefs 2012 to 2017
    1305 [view] Bronte Tilbrook pC02 Monitoring Equipment for Installation Onboard Merchant Vessels 1999-2000 1999 to 2000 pC02 Monitoring Equipment for Installation Onboard Merchant Vessels
    2531 [view] Bonnie Laverock “Investigation into the microbial contribution to C, N and S cycling in the Coral Sea”and “Spatial scale patterns in photo-physiology and primary productivity” 2016 The aims of thispiggyback project fall into four categories: 1.DMS/P production by phytoplankton and bacteria related to Coral Sea light conditions 2.Method development (DMS measurements in seawater –gas chromatography vs. chemiluminescence detection) 3.Nitrogen cycling supporting primary production in the Coral Sea4.Spatial scale patterns in photo-physiology and primary productivity
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