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Project details
Title: | Abundance, distribution, movements and population dynamics of orange roughy in southeast Australian waters (FIRTA project no. 87/129) 1987-1990 |
Id: | 533 |
Acronym: | orange roughy in southeast Australian waters |
Investigator(s): | Tony Koslow
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart [details] |
Description: | |
Years: | 1987 to 1990 |
- CSIRO, Abundance and distribution of orange roughy in southeast Australian waters 1987-1979 [IPT: csiro_orange_roughy_1987_1990] - at OBIS
- Hoplostethus atlanticus (Orange Roughy) length weight data, Australian waters (1987-2012) [IPT: csiro_orange_roughy_length_weight] - at OBIS
List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.
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Survey | Investigator | Description |
SO 3/89 [details] |
N. Elliott, C. Stanley & F.B. Griffiths (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 3/89 was undertaken to conduct a depth stratified trawl and acoustic survey for orange roughy between the 800 and 1100 m depth contours on the east coast of Tasmania in the St. Patricks Head area. Cruise aims were to determine if small orange roughy occur in the Flinders Island area and if orange roughy occur on various shallow water features that may be in deeper water off the south and southwest coasts of Tasmania. Also to conduct acoustic towed body trials, hydrographic observations and CTD transects at Cape Lodi, Maria Island, Tasman Island, Storm Bay, and Cape Bruny with up to 9 stations per transect. |
SO 2/89 [details] |
C. Stanley (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 2/89 was undertaken to conduct a depth stratified random trawl and acoustic survey for orange roughy in southeastern Australian waters between Portland, Victoria and Low rocky Point, Tasmania. Cruise aims included to trawl for orange roughy between the 800 and 1200 m depth contours; to locate roughy aggregations by acoustic survey; to investigate the depth distribution of the roughy between 800 m and 1200 m with the Engel high rise net and a beam trawl; to carry out a replicate haul experiment to determine the extent of the variation in catch rates (not achieved); to investigate roughy escarpment from the Engel high rise net and to investigate the height packing density and dimesions of roughy aggreation with the 38 kHz sounder, the stereo camera, and the beam trawl. Other aims included to collect orange roughy for morphometric analysis; sediment sampling; photography of the random stations and to collect specimens for the SA Museum, the Department of Primary Industry, Queensland Government and the CSIRO taxonomic fish collection. |
SO 1/89 [details] |
C. Stanley (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 1/89 was undertaken to conduct an orange roughy random trawl and acoustic survey between the 800 and 1200 m depth contours in waters off the east coast of Tasmania, and waters between Kangaroo Island, South Australia and Portland, Victoria. Cruise aims include to acoustically locate orange roughy aggregations and to investigate the height, packing density and dimensions of the aggregations with the 38 kHz sounder, camera, Engel high rise net and the beam trawl. To ascertain if juvenile or larval roughy are present in any area. To investigate the depth distribution of orange roughy from 800 m to 1400 m with the engel high rise net and beam trawl. To conduct CTD sampling and acoustic towed body trials including calibrations with equipment, catch rates, and camera records. Conduct bird observations. |
SO 4/88 [details] |
N. Elliott (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 4/88 was undertaken to carry out equipment trials and an orange roughy survey in waters off the east coast of Tasmania. Cruise aims included to carry out preliminary trials with the trawl mounted camera system; to trial a new trawl monitoring system; to conduct echo integration trials; to conduct echosounder calibration tests; to collect biological information on the orange roughy caught and to collect samples of lantern fish and krill for the EZ Company in relation to their jarosite dumping program (this was not achieved due to time constraints). |
SO 3/88 [details] |
N. Elliott & L. Clementson (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 3/88 was undertaken to carry out the third, and final, stage of the depth-stratified random trawl survey for orange roughy in the eastern Bass Strait, waters off the NSW coast, and in waters off the east, west and south coasts of Tasmania. Leg 1 cruise aims included to conduct the trawl survey for orange roughy between the 700 and 1200 m depth contours; to conduct a number of random trawls within the 1200 to 1400 m depths as an adjunct to the shallower survey; to collect biological information on the orange roughy caught; to obtain temperature, salinity and oxygen profiles (5 CTD casts were completed) in conjunction with the trawl survey; to delineate trawlable ground within the survey area and to carry out preliminary trials with a trawl mounted camera system. Leg 2 cruise aims included to deploy and moor 6 current meters (4 on the west and 2 on the east coasts of Tasmania); to moor a pressure gauge off Cape Sorell; to carry out a CTD transect of each of the following areas; Maria Island, St Helens, Sandy Cape, Pt. Hibbs, South West Cape and Tasman Head and to also collect water samples for culture collection. |
SO 2/88 [details] |
C. Bulman (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 2/88 was undertaken to carry out the second stage of the depth-stratified random trawl survey for orange roughy in southeast Australian waters east of Portland, Victoria (141 degrees 30'E), and the west, south and east coasts of Tasmania. Cruise aims included to conduct the trawl survey for orange roughy between the 700 and 1200 m depth contours; to conduct additional tows in depths greater than 1200 m; to collect biological information on and various samples of the fish caught including demersal sharks; to obtain temperature, salinity and oxygen profiles of the water column (14 CTD casts were completed) in conjunction with the trawl survey; to delineate trawlable ground within the survey area and to collect small specimens of Jackass morwong on the shelf off southern and eastern Tasmania for ageing. |
SO 1/88 [details] |
N. Elliott (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 1/88 was undertaken to carry out the first stage of depth-stratified random trawl survey for orange roughy in southeast Australian waters between Kangaroo Island, South Australia (137 degrees E), and Portland, Victoria (141 degrees 30'E). Cruise aims included to conduct the trawl survey for orange roughy between the 700 and 1200 m depth contours; to conduct a number of random trawls within the 1200 to 1400 m depths as an adjunct to the shallower survey; to collect biological information on the orange roughy caught; to conduct temperature and salinity profiles in conjunction with the trawl survey (15 CTD sataions completed) and to determine trawlable ground within the survey area. |
SO 6/87 [details] |
J. Gunn (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 6/87 was undertaken to carry out an acoustic, larval fish, and demersal fish trawl survey for blue grenadier and orange roughy in waters off eastern and western Tasmania. Also to make hydrographic observations as opportunities arise. |
SO 5/87 [details] |
N. Elliott (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 5/87 was undertaken to carry out an acoustic and demersal trawl survey for orange roughy in waters off eastern and western Tasmania, with particular reference to the St Patrick's Head and Sandy Cape orange roughy grounds. Cruise aims included to estimate, by acoustic survey, the volume of orange roughy schools found on the fishing grounds (no acoustic "marks" which could be positively attributed to orange roughy were detected on either ground); to determine, by target trawling, the density of orange roughy biomass in those schools (target trawling failed to verify the presence of fish associated with the "marks"); to investigate by pelagic trawling, the distribution of juvenile orange roughy and their relationship to adult schools (no juveniles were caught); to collect biological information on the roughy caught; to sample for orange roughy eggs and larvae if adults caught are in spawning or spent condition (adult roughy off St Patrick's head were nearing spawning condition but not close enough to attempt any sampling for eggs or larvae); to collect environmental data when appropriate, particularly salinity samples between Storm Bay and Sandy Cape; to collect bathymetric data to improve existing charts (no improvements were made to existing charts) and to sample for blue grenadier larvae. |
SO 4/87 [details] |
F. Harden Jones (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 4/87 was undertaken to carry out an acoustic and demersal trawl survey for orange roughy in waters off eastern and western Tasmania, with particular reference to the St Patrick's Head and Sandy Cape orange roughy grounds. Cruise aims included to collect bathymetric data; estimate roughy biomass on the fishing grounds; to collect biological information on the roughy caught and to collect environmental data when appropriate. |
SO 3/87 [details] |
T. Kenchington (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 3/87 was undertaken for an acoustic, demersal and pelagic trawl survey of orange roughy in continental slope waters off Sandy Cape and St Patrick's Head, Tasmania. Cruise aims were to estimate the volume of orange roughy schools and to determine the density of roughy biomass in those schools. To collect bathymetric data for improving charts on the roughy grounds. To collect biological data on orange roughy and environmental data on the areas occupied by the orange roughy, with particular emphasis on the distribution between juvenile and adult schools off St Patrick's Head. To carry out sediment sampling, holding/tagging trials and larval studies of orange roughy. To collect biological samples for other research groups and universities. |
SO 2/87 [details] |
F. Harden Jones (CSIRO) | Soela cruise SO 2/87 was undertaken for an orange roughy survey in the west and northeast Tasmanian waters, with particular reference to the Sandy Cape orange roughy gound centred on the position 41 degrees 13'S, 144 degrees E. Cruise aims were to locate and estimate the weight of orange roughy (using echo surveys and demersal trawl hauls) and to carry out a bathymetric survey of the Sandy Cape grounds. To collect biological information on the orange roughy caught and to carry out tagging trials with the trawl caught roughy. Also to collect environmental data when appropriate. |