Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Bass Strait LF Circulation Study (UNSW) 1991
Id: 43
Investigator(s): John Middleton
University of New South Wales - School of Mathematics [details]

Years: 1991


List of surveys that this project was on.

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Survey InvestigatorDescription
Bass Strait Moorings - UNSW (1991)

J. (John) Middleton (University of NSW) As part of the 1991 University of NSW study "Low Frequency Circulation at the Western End of Bass Strait", five moorings were deployed across the western end of Bass Strait, including current meters and 3 tide gauges, between January and May 1991. The moorings were deployed during Franklin voyage FR 01/91 and recovered during voyage 04/91, although 2 moorings were not recovered on that occasion and others had lost or faulty instruments. One missing mooring was subsequently recovered in 1997 and found to contain data to July 1991.
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