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Project details
Title: | RV Investigator Charter - Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program |
Id: | 2436 |
Acronym: | RV Investigator Charter - GAB Deepwater Marine Program |
Investigator(s): | Andrew Ross
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Floreat [details] |
Description: | Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program. RV Investigator Charter - in2015_c01. |
Years: | 2015 to 2017 |
Hierachy: | Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program |
- Sorokin, Shirley J; Ekins, Merrick; Yang, Qi; Cárdenas, Paco (2018): Collection data of Tethya irisae sp. nov. and comparative material. PANGAEA 10.1594/PANGAEA.894720
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C02 IN2015_C01
Journal Article
- Alan Williams, Franziska Althaus, John Pogonoski, Deborah Osterhage, Martin Gomon, Ken Graham, Sharon A. Appleyard, Dan Gledhill, Dianne Bray, Peter McMillan, Mark Green, Stephen Doyle, Alastair Graham, Jason Tanner, Andrew Ross (2018) Composition, diversity and biogeographic affinities of the deep-sea (200–3000 m) fish assemblage in the Great Australian Bight, Australia. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 157-158 pp92-105. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.05.005
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C02 IN2015_C01
- Asrar Talukder, A., Ross, A. S., Trefry, C., Pickard, A., Tam, T. (2021). Understanding large scale seabed processes in a deep cool water carbonate ramp system: A case study of the Great Australian Bight. Marine and Petroleum Geology,Volume 125, 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104793
- data sourced from following voyages IN2017_C01 IN2015_C01
- Baghurst, B., Lukatelich, R., Smith, D., Begg G., Lewis, R., and Smith, R..(2017), CSIRO: Findings from the Great Australian Bight Research Program–an integrated study of environmental, economic and social values. The APPEA Journal 57(2) 388-392. 10.1071/AJ16144
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C02 IN2015_C01
- EKINS, MERRICK,ERPENBECK, DIRK,GOUDIE, LISA,HOOPER, JOHN N.A. (2020) New carnivorous sponges and allied species from the Great Australian Bight. Zootaxa 4878 pp-. 10.11646/zootaxa.4878.2.2
- data sourced from following voyages IN2017_C01
- O'Hara, Timothy D.,Williams, Alan,Althaus, Franziska,Ross, Andrew S.,Bax, Nicholas J.,Pirotta, Enrico (2020) Regional-scale patterns of deep seafloor biodiversity for conservation assessment. Diversity and Distributions 26 pp479-494. 10.1111/ddi.13034
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C02 IN2015_C01 IN2017_V03 IN2017_C01
- Osterhage, Deborah,MacIntosh, Hugh,Althaus, Franziska,Ross, Andrew,Mourier, Johann (2020) Multiple observations of Bigfin Squid (Magnapinna sp.) in the Great Australian Bight reveal distribution patterns, morphological characteristics, and rarely seen behaviour. PLOS ONE 15 ppe0241066-. 10.1371/journal.pone.0241066
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C01 RE2017_C01
- Reynolds, P.,Holford, S.,Schofield, N.,Ross, A. (2017) Three‐Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Ancient Submarine Lava Flows: An Example From the Southern Australian Margin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 pp3840-3853. 10.1002/2017GC007178
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C01 IN2015_C02
- Ross, A., Williams, A., Talukder, A., Parr, J., Trefry, C., Kempton, R., Stalvies, C., Althaus, F., Kulpecz, A., Schaefer, C., and Rarey, P. (2017), Building the regional understanding of the deep-water geology and benthic ecology of the Great Australian Bight. The APPEA Journal 57(2) 798-805 10.1071/AJ16212
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C02 IN2015_C01
- Schinteie, Richard,Ross, Andrew S.,Boreham, Christopher J.,Kempton, Richard H.,Talukder, Asrar,Trefry, Christine (2023) Petroleum source rocks in the Bight Basin, Australia: An updated view. Marine and Petroleum Geology 151 pp106165-. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2023.106165
- data sourced from following voyages IN2017_C01 IN2015_C01
- Smith, David C.,Begg, Gavin A.,Lukatelich, Rod,Anson, Tim,Baghurst, Ben,Ham, Jane,Lapidge, Steven,Lewis, Rob,Ormandy, Phillipa,Smith, Rochelle,Ward, Tim (2018) A whole of systems approach to improved understanding of the environmental, economic and social values of a frontier marine oil and gas field: Establishment, success factors and lessons learnt. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 157-158 pp3-10. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.09.009
- Thiel, Ralf,Christodoulou, Magdalini,Pogonoski, John J.,Appleyard, Sharon A.,Weddehage, Thilo,Vink, Annemiek,Uhlenkott, Katja,Martinez Arbizu, Pedro (2022) An application of morphological analysis and DNA barcoding to identify Ipnops from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) as I. meadi Nielsen, 1966 with notes on other species of the genus (Aulopiformes: Ipnopidae). Marine Biodiversity 52 pp-. 10.1007/s12526-022-01320-1
- data sourced from following voyages IN2017_C01 IN2015_C02 IN2015_C01
- van de Kamp, J., Hook, S E., Williams, A., Tanner, J E., Bodrossy, L. (2019) Baseline characterization of aerobic hydrocarbon degrading microbial communities in deep-sea sediments of the Great Australian Bight, Australia. Environmental Microbiology, 21: 1782-1797. 10.1111/1462-2920.14559
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C02 SS2013_C02
- Heat Flow Measurements Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program (2015) FIELAX Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C01
- Kempton, R., Ross, A., Trefry, C., Talukder, A., Pickard, A., Gong, S., Schinteie, R., and Stalvies, C. (Eds). (2018) Characterisation of outcropping rocks in the Great Australian Bight and interpretation of their source rock potential. Findings from the Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program. Project 2. Source Rocks of the GAB. Report to Chevron Australia, Commercial-in Confidence. 8th of June, 2018. Pp 410.
- data sourced from following voyages IN2017_C01 IN2015_C01
- Ross, A., Kempton, R., Trefry, C., Parr, J., Pickard, A., Reynolds, P., Holford, S. and Williams, A. (2018) The distribution, formation and evolution of volcanics in the Great Australian Bight, Findings from the Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine program, Project 5: Understanding GAB volcanic distribution and character. Commercial-in-confidence report to Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd. 389pp. CSIRO report.
- data sourced from following voyages IN2017_C01 IN2015_C01
- Ross, A., Trefry, C., Talukder, A., Stalvies, C. and Williams, A. (2018) Data collection and sample analysis methods utilised during the GABDMP seasons 1 and 2 voyages. Contributing report to milestone tasks 2.3.2, 3.4.2, 5.6. Commercial-in-confidence report to Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd. CSIRO, Australia.
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C01 IN2017_C01
- Stalvies, C., Ross, A., Kempton, R., Trefry, C., Talukder, A., Pickard, A., Gong, S., Woltering, M. (2018) Characterisation of potential seepage in Great Australian Bight. Findings from the Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program. Project 3. Seeps of the GAB. Commercial-in-confidence report to Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd. 654pp.
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C01 IN2015_C02
Scientific Highlight
- IN2015_C01 Scientific Highlights Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C01
- IN2017_C01 Scientific Highlights Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2017_C01
Voyage Summary
- IN2015_C01 Voyage Summary Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2015_C01
- IN2017_C01 Voyage Summary Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2017_C01
- Great Australian Bight Research Program, Australia (2015-2017) [IPT: csiro_gabrp] - at OBIS
Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_C01 Magnetometer Data [link]
- GAB Deepwater Marine Program: Project 4 – Benthic biota of volcanic seamounts, seeps and canyons of the GAB - Sediment data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_C01 Marine Geothermal Heat Flow Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_C01 Operation and Sampling Detail Logs and Locations [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_C01 Operation and Sampling Detail Logs and Locations [link]
- Unknown metadata record
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_C01 Sample Analysis Results [link]
- Unknown metadata record
- GAB Deepwater Marine Program: Project 4 – Benthic biota of volcanic seamounts, seeps and canyons of the GAB - Biota [link]
List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.
Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.
Survey | Investigator | Description |
IN2017_C01 [details] |
Dr Asrar Talukder (CSIRO) | The voyage objectives are built around three main scientific objectives: * The benthic characterisation and sampling outcropping sedimentary rocks to aid understanding of modern seabed erosional mechanisms, sedimentary processes and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. * Benthic characterisation and sampling in areas of potential seepage to determine if fluid escape is occurring and the nature of the fluids and their relationship to the benthic fauna in these areas. * Sampling of benthic fauna over a large geographic area to establish deep water community structure and function and augment understandings gained from recent IN2015_C01 and IN2015_C02 voyages. Benthic characterisation of outcrop rocks and sampling of benthic fauna carry higher weight than that of the seep characterisation. The voyage plan includes more planned operations in each target area than can be achieved within the time allocations for the survey. Each of these target areas are ranked based on their importance in delivering on the scientific objectives. The survey will use a hierarchical design comprising seafloor mapping prior to seafloor sampling and limited water column characterisation. Seafloor mapping and water column characterisation 1. Hull mounted acoustic characterisation of the water column and seafloor over the target areas of interest. This activity will comprise the use of MBES, water column acoustic backscatter, single beam echo sounder, sub-bottom profiler and ADCP to determine processes occurring in the water column and map the seafloor and shallow subsurface geology. 2. Seafloor characterisation from the surface will be complemented with a limited number of tow camera to obtain video transects across the target area seafloor and overlying near bottom waters. Seafloor and water column sampling A number of sampling operations will be undertaken to describe the seafloor geology and benthic biota. Each sampling operation will differ dependant on sampling target, primarily based on substrate composition. For the soft substrate targets there will be a focus on grab samples whilst for the harder substrate types the focus will be on dredging. Sampling will be by: 1. Deployment of grab sampler to sample the surface sediment infauna, microbiology, hydrocarbon chemistry and physical properties. 2. Use of a beam trawl or Sherman sled to collect samples of benthic macro fauna over target areas. 3. Use of rock dredges to collects lithified sediments for description and detailed chemical analysis. 4. Limited collections of water column profile data including CTD, chemical sensor readings and associated water samples |
RE2017_C01 [details] |
The RE2017-C01 survey also used two remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to sample sites visited in IN2017_C01 for fine-scale habitat visualisation and collecting. Survey dates are approximate as operations have locations but no deployment times. | |
IN2015_C01 [details] |
A. Ross (CSIRO, Energy) | RV Investigator Research Charter Voyage in2015_c01. GAB deep water geological and benthic ecology program. Scientific objectives: The Great Australian Bight (GAB) represents one of Australia's most prospective frontier hydrocarbon exploration regions. However, the primary Ceduna sedimentary sub-basin - the focus of our work - is characterised by a paucity of data on its deep water geology and almost no knowledge of its benthic biological communities. The Ceduna sub-basin is the product of rifting followed by the subsequent Southern Ocean seafloor spreading between Australia and Antarctica. The rifting created a narrow seaway between Australia and Antarctica, which was initially filled by two large deltaic super sequences (represented by the Tiger and Hammerhead super sequences respectively). Decreased sediment supply followed this period, during which commencement of fast seafloor spreading led to the initiation of widespread igneous activity and the development of a large number of volcanoes across the basin. Subsequent low sedimentation rates combined with continued subsidence have created the current modern deep water Ceduna sub-basin geomorphology. Key knowledge gaps in the understanding of the fundamental geology of the Ceduna sub-basin include: 1. Sedimentary facies and source rocks. 2. Hydrocarbon seeps. 3. Mid-Eocene Volcanic activity. 4. Basin and benthic biodiversity and distribution. The voyage objectives are built around three main survey targets: * Outcrops of sedimentary rocks - to collect samples for sedimentary facies and source rock analysis * Potential areas of seepage - to determine if hydrocarbon seepage can be identified * Deepwater seamounts - to identify, sample and investigate the nature of the mid-Eocene volcanics. Extracts from in2015_c01 voyage plan. |