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Project details
Title: | National Facility External Users: M Doblin (UTS) |
Id: | 2375 |
Investigator(s): | Martina Doblin
University of Technology, Sydney [details] |
Description: | |
Years: | 2010 |
IPT Resource
- Marine Microbes from RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS2010_V09, Australia (2010) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- data sourced from following voyages SS2010_V09
- Marine Microbes from RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS2012_T07, Australia (2012) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- data sourced from following voyages SS2012_T07
- Marine Microbes from RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS2013_T03, Australia (2013) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- data sourced from following voyages SS2013_T03
- Marine Microbes from RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS2010_V09, Australia (2010) [IPT: bioplatforms_mm_ss2010_v09] - at OBIS
- Marine Microbes from RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS2012_T07, Australia (2012) [IPT: bioplatforms_mm_ss2012_t07] - at OBIS
- Marine Microbes from RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS2013_T03, Australia (2013) [IPT: bioplatforms_mm_ss2013_t03] - at OBIS
List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.
Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.
Survey | Investigator | Description |
SS2013_T03 [details] |
M. Doblin (UTS) | MNF Southern Surveyor research voyage SS2013_t03. Ship time on this transit voyage was allocated to four programs listed below 1. Microbial oceanography of northern Australia - primary program,lead by UTS 2. Global drifter program - lead by Dr Kiki Dethmers at NAMRA-AIMS, 3. Swath mapping around the GBR, lead by Dr Robin Beaman (JCU) and Dr Gordon Keith(CSIRO) 4. Greenhouse gas measurement, lead by Dagmar Kubistin at UoW With the Scientific Objectives: 1-1. To determine the significance, diversity and seasonality of nitrogen fixation by microorganisms in the nitrogen limited waters of NW and NE Australia (Lauren Messer). 1-2. To examine the expression of light harvesting genes in phototrophic bacteria in different optical climates in the northern coastal and oceanic region of Australia (Jaume Biblioni). 1-3. To understand the biogeochemical role of eukaryotes with respect to N and Si uptake processes. 1-4. To understand the diversity and biogeochemical role of eukaryotes with respect to N uptake processes. 1-5. To reveal the species composition, photophysiology and carbon fixation of phytoplankton in optically complex coastal and ocean waters surrounding Northern Australia. 1-6. To obtain a new understanding of the processes involved in marine snow formation at different depths within the pristine waters of Northern Australia. 2-1. To determine the direction and velocity of subsurface currents across the Timor and Arafura Seas 2-2. To obtain baseline parameters for developing a dispersal prediction model of derelict fishing gear 2-3. To observe (and potentially retrieve) derelict fishing gear, in particular 'ghost nets' 2-4. To record and identify marine wildlife sightings across the Arafura and Timor Seas 3-1 To determine the full spatial distribution of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) shelf edge submerged reefs, i.e. can we identify their northern and southern limits? 3-2 To understand the detailed geomorphology of the submerged reefs and shelf edge features at these northern and southern limits. 3-3 To collect swath data in those parts of the upper-slope that currently have no swath data. 4-1 Make continuous measurements of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide and ozone as the RV Southern Surveyor travels along the chosen transect; 4-2 Assimilate measured data into a variety of atmospheric chemical transport, inverse and statistical models to improve our knowledge and understanding of atmospheric greenhouse gases and their sources and sinks. |
SS2012_T07 [details] |
M. Doblin (UTS) | MNF Southern Surveyor research voyage SS2012_t07. 1) Epibenthic communities of northern Australia (Belinda Alvarez de Glasby(MAGNT)). 2) An examination of the microbial oceanography of north-eastern Australia (Martina Doblin (UTS). Scientific Objectives (1) 1. To use a remotely operated underwater video camera (ROV) to explore two areas along the transit voyage track of RV Southern Surveyor from Darwin to Cairns for discovery of habitat-forming and bioactive epibenthic fauna. 2. To collect epibenthic fauna using a sled thereby ground-truthing the video data. 3. To sort, photograph, document and prepare taxonomic vouchers of the samples captured with the benthic sled. 4. To deposit taxonomic vouchers of all samples at MAGNT for curation, registration and distribution to the appropriate taxonomic experts for taxonomic identification. 5. To prepare and freeze suitable samples for screening of bioactive compounds and accession them at the AIMS Bioresources library for future export to the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) laboratories or for research on marine natural products. 6. To correlate biodiversity measure obtained from the survey with available physical datasets from GA (e.g. geomorphology, sediment grain-size). Scientific Objectives (2) The major biotic players in controlling the function of the global ocean are microorganisms. To fully understand the basic biological and chemical dynamics of ocean ecosystems, the identity and role of the microbial assemblages inhabiting seawater must be accurately defined. The proposed research will provide an important new platform for understanding the ecology and biogeochemistry of this region. The specific objectives of the proposed research are to: 1. Provide a first characterisation of the taxonomy, diversity and biogeography of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms inhabiting Australia's NE ocean waters; 2. Assess the physiological and biogeochemical potential of the microbial communities inhabiting this region; 3. Characterise the light climate to define optical niches for growth of marine primary producers and undertake manipulative experiments to examine optical regulation of carbon fixation; 4. Characterise the eco-physiology and fine-scale community structure of abundant microbial primary producers, including Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and photosynthetic pico-eukaryotes; 5. Establish and test new microbial oceanography experimentation protocols, while also providing valuable training to students and early career researchers in oceanographic research practices. Please note this is a part extract, see Voyage plan for complete details. |
SS2010_V09 [details] |
M. Doblin (UTS) | Impact of the East Australian Current on water chemistry, bio-optical properties and coastal primary productivity in the NSW region. Scientific Objectives The East Australia Current is the single-most important factor affecting regional productivity along the eastern seaboard of Australia, yet we do not have a good measure of its strength, variability or a complete understanding of its biological impact. This voyage seeks to better understand the interaction of the EAC with the continental shelf in the area north and south of the EAC separation zone off NSW, an important region supporting almost 50% of Australians living near the coast. High-resolution data will be collected to characterise the relationship between physical oceanography, water chemistry (e.g. nutrient distribution and light availability) and primary and secondary productivities. Phytoplankton are responsible for >40% of global photosynthesis and are the energetic 'base' of marine foodwebs (Falkowski and Raven 2007). Their productivity is generally determined by the provision of nutrients and light and the degree of herbivorous grazing. It is therefore critical to understand these inter-relationships in order to parameterise this complex and dynamic marine environment for biogeochemical and ecosystem models. This project will use traditional as well as innovative techniques to assess productivity (14-C uptake and bio-optical and fluorescence-based estimates of production) as well as grazing losses. In addition, bio-optical biogeochemical quantities will be measured in-situ and provide much needed data for the wider NSW scientific community to improve remotely-sensed estimates of ocean colour (chlorophyll-a biomass). Shifts in the composition and function of bacterial communities will be assessed using metagenomic approaches and will be related to specific oceanographic features and phytoplankton community characteristics. Finally, nutrient and organic source (fulvic acid) enrichment |