Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Adding the Sub-Antarctic to an oceanic latitudinal study of diatom silica production rates
Id: 2625
Investigator(s): Katherina Petrou
University of Technology, Sydney [details]

Description: The primary goal of this project is to obtain species-specific estimates of silica production within mixed natural phytoplankton communities from distinct latitudinal regions of the ocean to better understand rates of silica production as a function of community composition and temperature. By obtaining upper and lower rates for communities and individual species within the community, we can start to gain a clearer and more precise picture of the ecological and biogeochemical role of diatoms in Australian waters. Therefore, there are two specific aims of this project: 1) To determine bulk rates of silicification in phytoplankton communities from latitudinally distinct bioregions (from tropics to sub-polar). 2) To evaluate species-specific silicification to identify the heavy weights in the community. To date, data has been collected from the all four east coast NRS sites (Yongala, North Stradbroke Island, Port Hacking, and Maria Island. By including the SOTS site in our study, we can extend our latitudinal gradient to 47°S and thus temperature range from 6-30°C to include the Sub-Antarctic, which would provide invaluable information to the data set, as diatoms are a key component of cold-water communities and ocean warming will likely start to impact these cooler regions more rapidly. With this information, we can start to build a more complete picture of silicon cycling in regionally distinct oceanographic waters of Australia.
Years: 2023

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Survey InvestigatorDescription

Shadwick (CSIRO O&A) The primary objective is to first deploy a new set of SOTS moorings (SOFS-13 and SAZ-26) and then recover the existing SOTS moorings (SOFS-12, SOFS-11-SWAP and SAZ-25). Each of the SOTS moorings delivers to specific aspects of the atmosphere-ocean exchanges: • the SAZ sediment trap mooring collects samples to quantify the transfer of carbon and other nutrients to the ocean interior by sinking particles and investigate their ecological controls. • the Southern Ocean Flux Station (SOFS) mooring measures meteorological and ocean properties important to air-sea exchanges, ocean stratification, waves, currents and biological productivity and ecosystem structure. Water samples are collected for more detailed nutrient and plankton investigations after recovery. Ancillary work will obtain supporting information on atmospheric and oceanographic conditions using CTD casts, underway measurements, Continuous Plankton Recorder, and autonomous profiling Biogeochemical-Argo floats, and potentially casts of a bio-optical sensor package.

Elizabeth Shadwick (CSIRO O&A) The primary objective is to first deploy a new set of SOTS moorings (SOFS-12 and SAZ-25) and then recover the existing SOTS moorings (SOFS-11 and SAZ-24). Each of the SOTS moorings delivers to specific aspects of the atmosphere-ocean exchanges: • the SAZ sediment trap mooring collects samples to quantify the transfer of carbon and other nutrients to the ocean interior by sinking particles and investigate their ecological controls. • the Southern Ocean Flux Station (SOFS) mooring measures meteorological and ocean properties important to air-sea exchanges, ocean stratification, waves, currents and biological productivity and ecosystem structure. Water samples are collected for more detailed nutrient and plankton investigations after recovery. Ancillary work will obtain supporting information on atmospheric and oceanographic conditions using CTD casts, underway measurements, Continuous Plankton Recorder and autonomous glider, and potentially casts of a bio-optical sensor package. Voyage objectives: 1. Deploy SOFS-12 meteorology/biogeochemistry mooring. 2. Deploy SAZ-25 sediment trap mooring. 3. Recover SOFS-11 meteorology/biogeochemistry mooring. 4. Recover SAZ-24 sediment trap mooring. 5. CTD sampling (2 cast to 4550m, 2 to 600m) at the SOTS site, including collecting samples for nutrients, oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, and particulate matter analyses. 6. Ship meteorological observations at SOFS buoy for comparisons. 7. Deployment of CSIRO glider for satellite calibration validation during the SWOT fast sampling phase, in support of IN2023_V07. 8. Potential recovery of BGC-Argo float, or CSIRO glider, using new recovery device. 9. Tow CPR on transit to SOTS (after the seamount survey). 10. Carry out underway air and water sampling and sensor measurements, including bio-optics and bio-acoustics.
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