Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Sounding Depth
Id: 2556
Investigator(s): Allison Bell

Description: Purpose: To conduct research and recordings for the development of a voice-led music composition based on sounds of the ocean, and to collect, catalogue, and analyse the sounds of human and marine correspondence. Description of proposed work: This will involve making field recordings, both above- and below-deck; all the mechanical and human noise, the sounds of on-board living, and of scientific research being conducted, especially acoustics; but more so, the natural sounds of both the air and ocean surface, as well as – where possible – the underwater worlds: the wind, weather, and waves, the seabirds and marine life, the ocean floor, and beyond. Allison will catalogue recordings of all possible experienced sound, and then develop her own vocal interpretation of each of these sounds; a human voice’s subjective response to, and replication of, all these varied sounds. Some of these vocal responses will also be recorded on-board, together with a detailed written log of the whole process, gathering additional impressions and context. Whilst on-board Allison will maintain basic email correspondence with composer Prof Cat Hope, Head of Music at Monash University, about this sound world, and her vocal responses to it. This can, in turn, mean all sound Allison experiences then becomes something subjective again, within Cat’s imagination, through a correspondence akin to old fashioned “letter-writing”. Post-voyage, Allison will work with Cat to develop a voice-led music composition, based upon these acoustic experiences. Cat has a background in writing experimental compositions for low-frequency sounds, and both Allison and Cat have a particular interest in how sound travels faster through water than air, and the possibilities this holds for composition and performance. The resultant piece will be performed at The Old Mercury Building, Hobart, supported by Detached Cultural Organisation. This unique, post-industrial, art space contains four storeys analogous to the multi-levels of sound Allison will experience whilst on the voyage – from the ocean and air above-deck, to the human and mechanical below, and the ocean depths that surround. Different levels of the building will be used to perform simultaneous scores which respond to the multiple layers of sound experienced during the voyage.
Years: 2020

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