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Project details
Title: | Small-scale Ocean Processes 1981-1989 |
Id: | 1525 |
Acronym: | Small-scale Ocean Processes |
Investigator(s): | Trevor McDougall
(Former) CSIRO Division of Oceanography - Hobart [details] |
Description: | |
Years: | 1981 to 1989 |
List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.
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Survey | Investigator | Description |
FR 01/89 [details] |
J. Hunter (Curtin University), including other PIs | Cruise FR 01/89 was undertaken to study the South Australian upwelling zone and to investigate the use of real-time numerical models running on board ship, as an aid to the direction of an oceanographic cruise. Bunyip Microfish trials were also conducted. Survey methods included CTDs, XBTs, Seasoar, ADCP, and underway instrumentation. Successful deployment of two current meter moorings (recovery cruise FR 02/89) and magnetometers (recovery cruise FR 03/89) was also conducted. A comprehensive suite of data pertaining to the upwelling region has been collected and a hydrodynamic model in a real-time interactive mode on RV Franklin was demonstrated. |
FR 10/88 [details] |
L. Pender (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 10/88 was undertaken for bottom photography and sampling in waters off the the south east coast of Tasmania including the jarosite dumping area, and to test the following equipment; Bunyip - in the CTD profiling mode in shallow water, to compare the Franklin XBT unit and a new XBT satellite transmission unit developed by ARGOS (France), and to conduct an experiment to see if it is possible to determine ship's heading to 0.1 deg. using GPS in a differential mode. Survey methods included seabed photographic tows, grabs and underway instrumentation. Bunyip trials were successful, five hours of GPS data were obtained (from the funnel antenna), and ten simultaneous casts using the ARGOS and Franklin units were made in the proximity of the Jarosite dump site. Water, sediment and rubble samples were collected for on board and laboratory analysis. |
FR 01/87 [details] |
T. McDougall (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 01/87 was undertaken to test both underwater vehicles (Seasoar and Microfish) of 'Bunyip' (previous testing conducted on cruise FR 06/86 and FR 08B/86) and to study water movement and characteristics near eastern Tasmania. The testing of Bunyip to a depth of 350 m was completed. Collection of sediment samples (using the CSIRO sediment grab), XBT and Acoustic Doppler profiles for the Marine and Freshwater Research Centre, Victoria completed. |
FR 06A/86 [details] |
T. McDougall (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 06A/86 was undertaken for equipment testing. Cruise objectives included to gain experience with deploying Bunyip and to test the communication link between the ship-board computers and the underwater electronics; and to stream, recover and tension the new CTD wire, to gain experience in deploying and recovering the EZ net and the Programmable Water Sampler (PWS) and learn how to operate the EZ net. |
SP 10/84 [details] |
T. McDougall (CSIRO) | Oceanographic shelf studies off SE Victoria and E Tasmania, using CTD sampling (144 stations). Various CSIRO current meter moorings were also recovered and current meter moorings recovered and deployed for VIMS. 6 weather balloons were also released for CSIRO Atmospheric Physics, and a number of neuston tows conducted. |