Data Trawler - Survey Details

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FR 10/88 (alternative identifier: FR198810)    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Period: 1988-10-31 00:00 to 1988-11-02 00:00 Local

Duration: 2.00 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Region: SE Tasmania (including jarosite dumpsite)

Ship: Franklin [details]

Description: Cruise FR 10/88 was undertaken for bottom photography and sampling in waters off the the south east coast of Tasmania including the jarosite dumping area, and to test the following equipment; Bunyip - in the CTD profiling mode in shallow water, to compare the Franklin XBT unit and a new XBT satellite transmission unit developed by ARGOS (France), and to conduct an experiment to see if it is possible to determine ship's heading to 0.1 deg. using GPS in a differential mode. Survey methods included seabed photographic tows, grabs and underway instrumentation. Bunyip trials were successful, five hours of GPS data were obtained (from the funnel antenna), and ten simultaneous casts using the ARGOS and Franklin units were made in the proximity of the Jarosite dump site. Water, sediment and rubble samples were collected for on board and laboratory analysis.

Leader: L. Pender (CSIRO)

Project: Small-scale Ocean Processes 1981-1989 [details]

Voyage extents: 43° 45.6' S to 42° 53.0' S    147° 20.4' E to 148° 23.3' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Franklin Voyage FR 10/88 Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) Data [details]

  • Franklin Voyage FR 10/88 Underway Data [details]

  • Participants - on ship:-

    Bertrand Merminod NSW Surveying
    Bob Driscoll CSIRO Division of Oceanography
    Dave Edwards CSIRO Division of Oceanography
    Dave Terhell CSIRO Division of Oceanography
    Gary Meyers CSIRO Division of Oceanography
    Ian Helmond CSIRO Division of Oceanography
    Lindsay Pender Chief Scientist CSIRO Division of Oceanography
    Peter Schneider OSI, University of Sydney
    Phil Adams CSIRO Division of Oceanography
    Scott Chidgey M and FRC
    Stuart Swan CSIRO Division of Oceanography
    Thor Carter CSIRO Division of Fisheries

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

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    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    From: 1988-10-31 00:00 to 1988-11-07 23:55 UTC
    Latitude: -42.88 to -43.24
    Longitude: 147.34 to 147.72
    Track length: 392.75 km
    Locations: 501
    Measurements: 294
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    XBT Profile

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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepth rangeMax DepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Simrad EA500 Echosounder 1525 1988-10-31 00:00 1988-11-07 23:55 -42.8842 147.3360 -43.2365 147.7150
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-10-31 16:02 -43.5718 148.2532 760
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-10-31 17:28 -43.5942 148.1982 630
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-10-31 17:45 -43.5995 148.1853 525
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-10-31 18:14 -43.6000 148.1833 620
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-10-31 19:30 -43.6238 148.1295 575
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-10-31 19:49 -43.6263 148.1610 760
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-10-31 20:08 -43.6262 148.1950 760
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-11-01 01:32 -43.5385 148.0935 760
    XBT Cast [details]   1525 1988-11-01 11:37 -43.6230 148.3808 760

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