Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Sedimentation at its extreme: how powerful are submarine caldera-forming eruptions (Kermadec arc)?
Id: 2568
Investigator(s): Martin Jutzeler
University of Tasmania [details]

Steffen Kutterolf

Description: The aim of this project is to link the behaviour of deep submarine eruptions with the morphology of their deposits. Modelling calculations of sediment mass fluxes will permit the first-ever hazard mapping scheme for submarine volcanoes globally (tsunami and sediment flows) and provide new ore vectoring strategies for exploration in Australia. This expedition will collect new information on volcanoes responsible for the largest types of volcanic eruptions, focusing on those located along the submarine Kermadec volcanic arc, northeast of New Zealand, as shown in Error! Reference source not found. . The voyage will target three massive caldera volcanoes (Macauley, Havre and Healy), aiming to acquire their internal structure to infer eruption style and depositional processes.
Years: 2020


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Survey InvestigatorDescription

Dr Jutzeler (UTAS) The aim of this project is to link the behaviour of deep submarine eruptions with the morphology of their deposits. Modelling calculations of sediment mass fluxes will permit the first-ever hazard mapping scheme for submarine volcanoes globally (tsunami and sediment flows), and provide new ore vectoring strategies for exploration in Australia. For operational reasons the publication of the voyage plan has been postponed.
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