Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: National Facility External Users: F. Neira (Victorian Fisheries Res. Inst.)
Id: 112
Acronym: National Facility user: Neira, F.
Investigator(s): Francisco Neira
(Former) Victorian Fisheries Research Institute [details]

Years: 1997

List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.

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Survey InvestigatorDescription
FR 09/98

F. Neira (Victorian Fisheries Res. Inst.) Cruise FR 09/98 (cruise 4 of 4) was undertaken for the second winter ichthyoplankton survey including correlation with physical and chemical oceanographic features. Area sampled comprised the Victorian and South Australian coasts between Gabo Island and Port MacDonnell, south to 32 nautical miles offshore. Survey methods included CTDs, EZ and bongo net tows. Water samples for nutrient analysis, sigma-t, temperature, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and ichthyoplankton samples were collected for on board and laboratory analysis. Related cruises are FR 02/97 & FR 07/98.
FR 07/98

F. Neira (Victorian Fisheries Res. Inst.) Cruise FR 07/98 (cruise 3 of 4) was undertaken for the first winter ichthyoplankton survey including correlation with physical and chemical oceanographic features. Area sampled comprised the Victorian coast between Gabo Island and Portland, south to 32 nautical miles offshore. Survey methods included CTDs, EZ and bongo net tows. Water samples for nutrient analysis, sigma-t, temperature, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and ichtyoplankton samples were collected for on board and laboratory analyses. Related cruises are FR 02/97 & FR 09/98.
FR 11/97

F. Neira (Victorian Fisheries Res. Inst.) Cruise FR 11/97 (cruise 2 of 4) was undertaken for the second summer ichthyoplankton survey including correlation with physical and chemical oceanographic features. Data obtained on the composition, concentration and spatial distribution of fish eggs and larvae during summer cruises will be compared to that obtained in winter cruises and the data used to locate spawning areas of commercially important fish species. The area sampled comprised the Victorian coast and part of eastern South Australia from Gabo Island to Port MacDonnell, south to 32 nautical miles offshore. Survey methods included ADCPs, CTDs, EZ/bongo net tows and underway instrumentation. Data, ichthyoplankton, neuston and water samples were collected for on board and laboratory analyses. Related cruises are FR 02/97, FR 07/98, & FR 09/98.
FR 02/97

F. Neira (Victorian Fisheries Res. Inst.) Cruise FR 02/97 (cruise 1 of 4) was undertaken for the first summer ichthyoplankton survey including correlation with physical and chemical oceanographic features. Data obtained on the composition, concentration and spatial distribution of fish eggs and larvae during summer cruises will be compared to that obtained in winter cruises and the data used to locate spawning areas of commercially important fish species. The area sampled comprised the Victorian coast and part of eastern South Australia from Gabo Island to Port MacDonnell, south to 32 nautical miles offshore. Survey methods included CTDs, EZ/bongo net tows and underway instrumentation. Data, ichthyoplankton, neuston and water samples were collected for on board and laboratory analyses. Bird observations were also conducted. Thirty seven bird species of seven families and some marine mammals were recorded. Related cruises are FR 11/97, FR 07/98 & FR 09/98.
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