Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: International Indian Ocean Expedition cruises, 1962-1963 ("Diamantina" cruises)
Id: 34
Acronym: International Indian Ocean Expedition early 1960s

Years: 1962 to 1963


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Survey InvestigatorDescription
DM 3/63

B. Newell (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 3/63 (International Indian Ocean Expedition cruise) was undertaken to study zooplankton, primary production, pigments, particulate carbon, and micronekton abundance in the Indian Ocean along the 110 degrees E meridian. Also conducted were bathythermograph casts and sub surface hydrology sampling.
DM 1/63

D. Tranter (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 1/63 (International Indian Ocean Expedition cruise) was undertaken to study zooplankton, primary production, pigments, particulate carbon, and micronekton abundance in the Indian Ocean along the 110 degrees E meridian. Also conducted were bathythermograph casts and hydrology including surface and deep sampling. Samples were analysed on board and back at the laboratory.
G 1/63

B. Newell (CSIRO) Hydrology, bathythermograms, primary production, particulate carbon, pigments, zooplankton, midwater trawling. (International Indian Ocean Expedition cruise)
DM 3/62

D. Tranter (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 3/62 (International Indian Ocean Expedition cruise) was undertaken to study zooplankton species where gradients and boundaries between the subtropical and subantarctic faunas exist and to determine zooplankton biomass, primary production, pigments, and micronekton abundance in the Indian Ocean along the 110 degrees E meridian. Also conducted were bathythermograph casts and hydrology including surface and deep sampling. Samples were analysed on board and back at laboratory.
G 4/62

D. Tranter (CSIRO) Hydrology, bathythermograms, primary production, particulate carbon, pigments, zooplankton, and midwater trawling (International Indian Ocean Expedition cruise)
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