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Project details

Title: Regional Oceanography 1997-2000
Id: 1340
Acronym: Regional Oceanography
Investigator(s): George Cresswell
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart [details]

Years: 1997 to 2000
Hierachy: Oceans & Climate Program » Remote Sensing & Climate Impacts » Regional Oceanography

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Survey InvestigatorDescription
FR 10/97

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) Cruise FR 10/97 (cruise 2 in a series of 2) was undertaken to study the coastal, shelf and slope currents off Tasmania and to collect zooplankton (primarily lobster larvae and larval fish species) and to relate the catches to the physical data. Nine transects (St Helens, Schouten Island, Tasman Island, Bruny Island, Southeast Cape, Port Davey, Strahan, Marawah and King Island) were conducted from nearshore to the 2000 m isobath. Survey methods included ADCP, CTDs, XBTs, surface net tows and underway instrumentation. Data, water and biological samples were collected for on board and laboratory analyses. Radiometer data was collected for ground-truthing the ocean colour satellite SeaWIFS and seabird observations/recordings were also conducted. Related cruise FR 03/97.
TROPICS 97 - Sepik River Moorings (1997)

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) These moorings were deployed as part of the TROPICS study (1996 onwards) which involves Australian and US researchers. 2 moorings were deployed for one year in water depths of 222 and 512 m in and near the Sepik canyon. The shallow-water mooring was revisited and redeployed after a week in May 1997. The moorings were deployed during Franklin voyage FR 04/97 and recovered in June 1998.
Further information about TROPICS is available here.
FR 04/97

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) Cruise FR 04/97 (cruise 1 in a series of 4 for TROPICS97 - Tropical River-Ocean Processes in Coastal Settings) was undertaken to study the effects that strongly flowing, tropical rivers with heavy loads of sediments and nutrients have on the coastal waters and seafloor and, further downstream, on the food chains of the ocean basins that they feed in to. The study areas are - the Sepik River plume that feeds out over the deep waters of the continental slope of northern Papua New Guinea and the Fly River plume that feeds onto a broad continental shelf in the Gulf of Papua. Survey methods included ADCPs, CTDs, sediment trap/mooring deployments, drifters, Aquashuttle, grasshopper, Gafanoto (platform includes a CTD, optical backscatterance sensor, pumps and sample bags) and underway instrumentation. Water and sediment samples were collected for on board and laboratory analysis. During daylight hours bird observations were recorded every 10 mins including depth, salinity and temperature in the Coral Sea/Gulf of Papua, and near the coastal plume of the Sepik River. Related cruises are FR 05/97, FR 06/97 and FR 07/97.
FR 03/97

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) Cruise FR 03/97 (cruise 1 in a series of 2) was undertaken to study the coastal, shelf and slope currents off Tasmania and also to collect zooplankton (primarily lobster larvae) and to relate the catches to the physical data. Eight transects (Southeast Cape, Port Davey, Cape Sorrel, Marawah, St Helens, Schouten Island, Cape Pillar and Bruny Island) were conducted from nearshore to the 2000 m isobath. Survey methods included ADCPs, grabs and underway instrumentation. Water, sediment (for the Tasmanian Department of Environment and Land Management) and biological samples were collected for on board and laboratory analyses. Also conducted the installation of two moorings at the 100 and 200 m isobaths southwest from Macquarie Harbour (the moorings lie on a ground track for the Topex/Poseidon satellite) and 'Aquashuttle' tests. Related cruise FR 10/97.
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