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Project details
Title: | "Courageous" jack mackerel surveys, 1975-1978 |
Id: | 18 |
Acronym: | Courageous jack mackerel surveys, Australia late 1970s |
Investigator(s): |
Description: | |
Years: | 1975 to 1978 |
- CSIRO - Great Barrier Reef seabed biodiversity study 2003-2006 [IPT: csiro_gbr_sbd] - at OBIS
- CSIRO, Fish Survey, Albatross Bay - Gulf of Capentaria, North Australia, 1986-1988 [IPT: csiro_ab_fish] - at OBIS
- CSIRO, Jack Mackerel (Trachurus declivis) surveys, Tasman Sea, Australia (1978) [IPT: csiro_jack_mackeral_1975_1978] - at OBIS
- Hoplostethus atlanticus (Orange Roughy) length weight data, Australian waters (1987-2012) [IPT: csiro_orange_roughy_length_weight] - at OBIS
- NORFANZ Biological Survey, Tasman Sea, Australia - New Zealand 2003 [IPT: csiro_norfanz_2003] - at OBIS
List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.
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Survey | Investigator | Description |
Cour 044 (1979) [details] |
S. Brandt (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 044 was undertaken to calibrate acoustic data collections systems and to study the distribution of pelagic fish in association with a thermal front on the continental shelf, using a combination of acoustics and midwater trawling, in a region off the New South Wales coast between Port Kembla and Jervis Bay. An acoustic-XBT survey was also carried out from Sydney to Shoalhaven Bight. The voyage took place between Sydney-Shoalhaven Bight-Sydney, from 10-15 January 1979. |
Cour 043 (1979) [details] |
J. Maxwell (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 043 was undertaken to conduct gear trials only. The voyage took place between Sydney-Port Hacking area-Sydney, from 2 to 5 January. |
Cour 041 (1978) [details] |
J. Maxwell (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 041 was undertaken to conduct observations on the demersal ecology of jack mackerel in eastern Bass Strait and in eastern and south-eastern Tasmanian waters, and to collect hydrological data. The voyage took place between Sydney-Hobart-Sydney, from 1 to 15 November 1978. |
Cour 040 (1978) [details] |
J. Maxwell (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 040 was undertaken to make observations on the spawning stocks of jack mackerel, using demersal trawling, in a region off the New South Wales coast between Sydney and Mallacoota. Associated hydrological and plankton samples were also taken. The voyage took place between Sydney-Mallacoota area-Sydney, from 17 to 26 October 1978. |
Cour 038 (1978) [details] |
T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 038 was undertaken to conduct a patterned survey for jack mackerel and other species, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic and demersal trawling, to conduct biological data relating to jack mackerel, and to collect surface hydrological data, in a region off the New South Wales coast between Sydney and Eden. The voyage took place between Sydney-Eden area-Sydney, from 21 to 29 September 1978. |
Cour 030 (1978) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 030 was undertaken to conduct an acoustic survey of jack mackerel in eastern and south-eastern Tasmanian coastal waters and in Bass Strait, with midwater trawling, and to carry out midwater trawling in the vicinity of an eddy off New South Wales. The voyage took place between Sydney-Tasmanian waters-Sydney, from 4 to 24 January 1978. |
Cour 029 (1977) [details] |
K. Sainsbury (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 029 was undertaken to conduct an acoustic survey of jack mackerel in Bass Strait between Port Phillip Bay and Wilsons Promontory, with pelagic and demersal trawling. The voyage took place between Melbourne and Sydney, from 14 to 21 December 1977. |
Cour 028 (1977) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 028 was undertaken to conduct an acoustic survey of jack mackerel in New South Wales coastal waters and in Bass Strait, with pelagic and demersal trawling, and to collect biological samples from this species. The voyage took place between Sydney and Melbourne, from 29 November to 12 December 1977. |
Cour 027 (1977) [details] |
K. Williams (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 027 was undertaken to conduct an acoustic survey of jack mackerel in northern and north eastern Tasmanian waters, with pelagic and demersal trawling, and to collect hydrological samples and release XBT's across an eddy in the Tasman Sea. The voyage took place between Melbourne-Devonport-Sydney, from 10-22 November 1977. |
Cour 026 (1977) [details] |
J. Maxwell (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 026 was undertaken to conduct an acoustic survey of jack mackerel in southern New South Wales and eastern Victorian waters, with pelagic and demersal trawling, to calibrate transducers, and to conduct a search for jack mackerel in northern Bass Strait. The voyage took place between Sydney and Melbourne, from 25 october to 7 November 1977. |
Cour 025 (1977) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 025 was undertaken to conduct an acoustic survey of jack mackerel in north eastern Bass Strait and in southern New South Wales waters, with midwater and demersal trawling, and to collect biological samples from this species. A staellite tracked buoy was released near an ocean eddy centre off NSW, accompanied by XBT and water sampling along two transects. The voyage took place between Hobart and Sydney, from 4 to 14 October 1977. |
Cour 024 (1977) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 024 was undertaken to conduct an acoustic survey of jack mackerel in northern Bass Strait and in eastern and south-eastern Tasmanian waters, with pelagic and demersal trawling, and to collect biological samples from this species. The voyage took place between Sydney and Hobart, from 13 to 28 September 1977. |
Cour 023 (1977) [details] |
J. Maxwell (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 023 was undertaken to test newly fitted Sonar and other electronic equipment, to test the IKMT (Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl system) in deep water off the continental shelf, and to conduct an XBT run through Eddy "B" off the New South Wales coast. The voyage took place between Launceston and Sydney, from 1 September to 5 September 1977. |
Cour 022 (1977) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 022 was undertaken to carry out experiments on the target strength of jack mackerel using fish collected by pelagic and demersal trawling, and to collect biological data on jack mackerel off Eden and St. Helens. A satellite tracked buoy was released in an oceanic eddy off Eden, and oceanographic sampling carried out around the release point. The voyage took place between Sydney-E Tasmanian waters-Launceston, from 13 to 29 July 1977. |
Cour 021 (1977) [details] |
J. Maxwell (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 021 was to continue studies on the distribution of jack mackerel in northern Bass Strait, using midwater and demersal trawls; to make observations on an eddy system off the continental shelf; to carry out an experiment to keep Trachurus declivis alive in holding tanks aboard the vessel; and to deploy an experimental radar trackable buoy. The voyage took place between Sydney-Melbourne-Sydney, from 14 June to 1 July 1977. |
Cour 020 (1977) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 020 was undertaken to acquire data relating to the target-strength of jack mackerel, to carry out biological studies of jack mackerel in Bass Strait and north east Tasmanian waters, to continue studies on the light fish Maurolicus muelleri, and to redeploy a Canadian satellite-tracked buoy. The voyage took place between Sydney-Bass Strait-Tasmanian waters-Sydney, from 10 to 28 May 1977. |
Cour 019 (1977) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 019 was undertaken to carry out intercalibrations of bottom trawling gear between Courageous and commercial vessels, to carry out experimental fishing of the light fish Maurolicus muelleri, and to undertake further opportunistic sampling of jack mackerel. The voyage took place between Sydney-Bass Strait-Sydney, from 12 to 30 April 1977. |
Cour 018 (1977) [details] |
M. Castle & J. Maxwell (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 018 was undertaken to survey a possible cold water upwelling between Gabo Island and Cape Coran, to investigate the distribution and gonad condition of jack mackerel in northern Bass Strait and off eastern Tasmania, using pelagic, midwater and demersal trawls and acoustic surveys, and to conduct experimental fishing of the lantern fish resource. The voyage took place between Sydney-Bass Strait-Tasmanian waters-Sydney, from 3 to 25 March 1977. |
Cour 017 (1977) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 017 was undertaken to continue to investigate the distribution and gonad condition of jack mackerel in south eastern Australian waters and to investigate the distribution of gemfish and New Zealand whiptail at the edge of the continental shelf between Montagu Island and Tasman Island, using pelagic, midwater and demersal trawls and acoustic surveys, and to test the CECS-CEIS (Computerised Echo Counting System and Computerised Echo Integration System) to be used for estimating jack mackerel densities. The voyage took place between Sydney-Bass Strait-Tasmanian waters-Sydney, from 2 to 21 February 1977. |
Cour 016 (1977) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 016 was undertaken to investigate the distribution and gonad condition of jack mackerel off the west coast of Tasmmania and in Bass Strait, using pelagic and demersal trawls and acoustic surveys, and to test the CECS-CEIS (Computerised Echo Counting System and Computerised Echo Integration System) to be used for estimating jack mackerel densities, and to carry out deepwater trawling around Tasmania. The voyage took place between Hobart and Sydney, from 5 to 21 January 1977. |
Cour 015 (1976) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 015 was undertaken to continue to investigate the distribution and gonad condition of jack mackerel in south eastern Australian waters, using pelagic and demersal trawls and acoustic surveys, and to test the CECS-CEIS (Computerised Echo Counting System and Computerised Echo Integration System) to be used for estimating jack mackerel densities. The voyage took place between Sydney-Hobart, from 7 to 20 December 1976. |
Cour 014 (1976) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 014 was undertaken to continue to investigate the distribution and gonad condition of jack mackerel in south eastern Australian waters and to investigate demersal stocks on the continental slope east of the Bass Strait oil rigs, using pelagic and demersal trawls and acoustic surveys, and to test the CECS-CEIS (Computerised Echo Counting System and Computerised Echo Integration System) to be used for estimating jack mackerel densities. The voyage took place between Sydney-Melbourne and Melbourne-Sydney, from 16 November to 2 December 1976. |
Cour 013 (1976) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 013 was undertaken to test the CECS-CEIS (Computerised Echo Counting System and Computerised Echo Integration System) to be used for estimating jack mackerel densities. The voyage took place between Sydney and an area off Kiama, New South Wales coast, from 2 to 12 November 1976. |
Cour 012 (1976) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 012 was undertaken to investigate the distribution and gonad condition of jack mackerel, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic and demersal trawling, and to investigate the fishing efficiency for gemfish (hake) in NSW coastal and south east Australian waters. The voyage took place between Sydney-Melbourne and Melbourne-Sydney, from 13 September to 1 October 1976. |
Cour 011 (1976) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 011 was undertaken to investigate the distribution of jack mackerel in eastern Bass Strait and southern New South Wales waters, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic and demersal trawling, and to compare gemfish catch rates by Courageous with commercial trawler catch rates out of Ulladulla. The voyage took place between Launceston and Sydney, from 24 August to 3 September 1976. |
Cour 010 (1976) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 010 was undertaken to investigate the distribution of gemfish and other fish in south east Australian waters (leg 1), and to investigate the distribution of jack mackerel and demersal fish in southern Bass Strait in winter (leg 2), using acoustic survey methods and pelagic, midwater and demersal trawling. The voyage took place between Adelaide and Launceston, from 8 to 28 July 1976. |
Cour 009 (1976) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 009 was undertaken to trial the newly installed EK 50 echosounder and towed body, to investigate the distribution of jack mackerel in NSW coastal and south east Australian waters (leg 1), and to investigate the distribution of jack mackerel and gemfish (hake) in eastern Victorian and South Australian waters (leg 2), using acoustic survey methods and pelagic and demersal trawling. The voyage took place between Sydney and Adelaide, from 3 to 30 June 1976. |
Cour 008 (1976) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 008 was undertaken to investigate the distribution of jack mackerel and other fish species in south east Australian waters, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic and demersal trawling, and to take samples for jack mackerel gonad maturity. The voyage took place off the New South Wales and Victoria coasts, in Bass Strait, and off the east coast of Tasmania, from 29 April to 19 May 1976. |
Cour 007 (1976) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 007 was undertaken to investigate fish stocks in south-eastern Australian waters, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic and midwater trawling, and to collect samples of jack mackerel for gonad maturity studies. The voyage took place off the New South Wales coast, in Bass Strait, and around Tasmania, from 29 March to 16 April 1976. |
Cour 006 (1976) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 006 was undertaken to investigate fish stocks in eastern and western Bass Strait, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic and demersal trawling. The voyage took place off the New South Wales and Victoria coasts and in Bass Strait, from 1 to 24 February 1976. |
Cour 005 (1976) [details] |
M. Castle (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 005 was undertaken to continue a patterned survey for jack mackerel and other species, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic and demersal trawling. The voyage took place off the east coast of Tasmania, in Bass Strait and Victorian waters between Hobart and Gabo Island, from 3 to 23 January 1976. |
Cour 004 (1975) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 004 was undertaken to continue a patterned survey for jack mackerel and other pelagic species, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic trawling plus some demersal trawls. The voyage took place off the NSW coast, Bass Strait and off the east and west coasts of Tasmania, from 26 November to 21 December 1975. |
Cour 003 (1975) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 003 was undertaken to continue a patterned survey for jack mackerel and other pelagic species, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic trawling. The voyage took place off the New South Wales, Victoria and east Tasmania coast between Sydney and Hobart, with sampling from Tathra southwards, from 23 October to 13 November 1975. |
Cour 002 (1975) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 002 was undertaken to complete trials of pelagic and demersal fishing gear and to initiate a patterned survey for jack mackerel and other pelagic species, using acoustic survey methods and pelagic trawling. The voyage took place off the New South Wales coast between Sydney and Tathra, from 11-16 October 1975. |
Cour 001 (1975) [details] |
J. Hynd (CSIRO) | Courageous cruise 001 was undertaken for gear trials. |