Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: National Facility External Users: R. Boyd (University of Newcastle)
Id: 134
Acronym: National Facility user: Boyd, R.
Investigator(s): Ron Boyd
University of Newcastle - Depart. of Geology [details]

Years: 1998

List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.

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Survey InvestigatorDescription
SS 12/2008

Associate Professor Ron Boyd (University of Newcastle) Title: "Submarine Landslides and Sedimentation Model for the SE Australian Margin".
This voyage will investigate the potential for Submarine Landslides and inform a Sedimentation Model for the SE Australian Margin between Byron Bay and Noosa Heads. Equipment used will include EM300 multibeam (MBES) and Topas high resolution seismic (HRS), XBTs, CTD, Smith Macintyre Grab, GA rock dredge and the GA Thomas coring system. See the Voyage Plan for details.
SS 01/2005

Associate Professor Ron Boyd (University of Newcastle) Southern Surveyor voyage 1/2005.
The objective of this project is to evaluate the ability of the Eastern Australian longshore sediment dispersal system to supply sand to deep water at the Fraser Island end of the system, to identify the dispersal paths to deeper water, the processes responsible for sediment transport, and the form of sediment accumulation in deep water.
Instruments used include two deployed current meters; EM 300 multibeam swath mapping system to track the submarine gullies discovered funnelling the sand downslope on SS 04/03; subbottom profiler to determine sediment thickness and type (sand versus mud); Smith-McIntyre grab sampling, ROV deployment to take video and still photography and possibly some bottom samples.
SS 03/2003

Prof R. Boyd (Uni of Newcastle) To study A New Mechanism for Supply of Sand to Deep Water:
The Eastern Australian Longshore Transport System.
FR 15/98

R. Boyd (University of Newcastle) Cainozoic marine stratigraphy and sedimentology of the central northern NSW and southern Queensland continental margin.
For more details see the Voyage Plan (see link above).
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