Project details
Title: | Investigator - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc. |
Id: | 2457 |
Acronym: | Investigator National Facility - vessel operations |
Investigator(s): |
Marine National Facility [details] |
Description: | |
Years: | 2014 - ongoing |
Scientific Highlight
- IN2016_E01 Scientific Highlights Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2016_E01
- IN2016_E02 Scientific Highlights Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2016_E02
Voyage Summary
- IN2021_E02 Voyage Summary Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2021_E02
- IN2021_E01 Voyage Summary Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2021_E01
- IN2021_E03 Voyage Summary Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2021_E03
- IN2016_E01 Voyage Summary Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2016_E01
- IN2016_E02 Voyage Summary Download file
- data sourced from following voyages IN2016_E02
Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_E03 ME70 Multibeam Fisheries Echosounder Data [link]
- Unknown metadata record
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2021_E01 SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2021_E03 Underway (UWY) Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2021_E04 ADCP Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2014_E04 ME70 Echosounder Data [link]
- RV Investigator Sea Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2014_E03 Plankton Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E01 ME70 Echosounder Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2021_E01 Gravity Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2021_E01 XBT Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2021_E03 SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler Data [link]
- Unknown metadata record
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E02 Biologial Data Collection [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2023_V01 Magnetometer Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2014_E03 ME70 Echosounder Data [link]
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2021_E03 EK60/EK80 Echosounder [link]
List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.
Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.
Survey | Investigator | Description |
IN2025_E01 [details] |
TBA | |
IN2024_E01 [details] |
Claire Grubb | Two legs |
IN2023_E03 [details] |
TBD | General equipment trials and transit to Sydney. Three legs: Leg 1: Hobart-Hobart Wednesday 13th September – Saturday 16th September Leg 2: Hobart-Hobart Saturday 16th September – Monday 25th September Leg 3: Hobart - Sydney Tuesday 26th September – Saturday 30th September |
IN2023_E01 [details] |
David Flynn (Voyage Manager) | RVI equipment and personnel trials and calibrations |
IN2021_E04 [details] |
Equipment testing | |
IN2021_E03 [details] |
The primary voyage objective for these voyages, are for the Marine National Facility (MNF) to calibrate and commission new, upgraded and existing critical equipment (with sea trials and personnel training) onboard RV Investigator for upcoming voyages in the 2021 schedule and beyond. Specifically, work will focus on the seagoing testing and trials of MNF’s new Giant Piston Corer with 24m maximum barrel length capability, principally supported by the Geophysical Survey and Mapping team and marine geoscientists from UTAS. Additionally the voyage will finalise the calibration of the CTD#2 winch with Rapp Macgregor personnel, crew and support staff. Ancilliary Objectives (Piggybacks)
The following anciliary voyage objectives are targeted where they don’t limit or impact above priorities.
IN2021_E02 [details] |
Jason Fazey | The primary voyage objective for this voyage, is for the Marine National Facility (MNF) to calibrate and commission new, upgraded and existing critical equipment (with sea trials and personnel training) onboard RV Investigator for upcoming voyages in the 2021 schedule and beyond. |
IN2021_E01 [details] |
Jason Fazey | The primary voyage objective for these voyages, are for the Marine National Facility (MNF) to calibrate and commission new, upgraded and existing critical equipment (with sea trials and personnel training) onboard RV Investigator for upcoming voyages in the 2021 schedule and beyond. Specifically, work will focus on the seagoing testing and trials of MNF’s new Giant Piston Corer with 24m maximum barrel length capability, principally supported by the Geophysical Survey and Mapping team and marine geoscientists from UTAS. Ancilliary Objectives (Piggybacks)
IN2020_V10 [details] |
John Hooper (MNF) | Project 1: Complete trials and testing of MNF equipment Testing and trials of MNF and some non-MNF equipment (PLAOS) is to be completed during approximately 50% of the voyage. These trials are to optimise design and deployment characteristics and methods to ensure continued and optimal support of scientific objectives during the 20-21 Voyage Schedule. Project 2: RV Investigator Storm Bay Sampling for the FRDC Project ‘Storm Bay Modelling & Information System’ Intended to complete a targeted sampling program to characterise the deep water south of Storm Bay and its nutrient concentration, which is currently uncertain. Water samples and sensor data will assist in resolving whether deep water intrusions into Storm Bay have the potential to modify water quality. To achieve these objectives the project is 2 years into a 3.5 year program of hydrodynamic, sediment, optical and biogeochemical model developments and a targeted observation program including benthic lander and glider deployments; IMOS profiling mooring and local industry data have also assisted the project by facilitating model calibration and water mass characterisation. Project 3: Bathymetric and seafloor survey of the Huon Australian Marine Park, Southern Tasmania Investigator will undertake benthic habitat mapping within the Huon Marine Park during IN2020_V10 on behalf of Parks Australia. Operations will be Multi-beam echo sounder (MBES) backscatter mapping including benchmark remapping, azimuth repeatability and supplementary data acquisition. This process will also include concurrent bathymetry data. |
IN2020_E01 [details] |
Marine National Facility (MNF) post Port Period equipment calibration and commissioning, sea trials and personnel training. 1. Post port period calibration and trialling of underway and deployed equipment. 2. Commission the newly built deep towed camera 3. Underway sensor maintenance, calibration and training activities. | |
IN2019_E01 [details] |
IN2018_P09 [details] |
Test of beam trawl | |
IN2018_E02 [details] |
Jason Fazey (voyage manager, CSIRO MNF) | Voyage objectives: ASP
MNF Field Operations
IN2018_E01 [details] |
Rod Palmer (CSIRO MNF) | RV Investigator research voyage in2018_e01, titled “Triaxus Sea Acceptance Testing & Calibrations Voyage.” Voyage objectives were: 1. MNF SIT - Triaxus Sea Acceptance Testing as per MacArtney Sea Acceptance Test document # S1712880-SAT (see List of additional figures & documents on page 5). 2. MNF GSM - EK 60 calibration in Storm Bay. 3. MNF DAP – Acutec technicians on board for VSAT maintenance. 4. MNF Policy / Communications – Filming “Women On Board” – MNF Operations Officer Tegan Sime |
IN2017_E03 [details] |
Stephen McCullum (voyage manager) | RV Investigator research voyage in2017_e03, titled "Brisbane Port Period Sea Trials." The primary objective was to complete sea trials of onboard equipment as described in the Voyage Plan. |
IN2017_E02 [details] |
Don McKenzie (MNF) | Gear Trials |
IN2017_E01 [details] |
Steve McCullum (MNF voyage manager) | RV Investigator research voyage in2017_e01, titled "MNF Equipment Sea Trials." The Primary objective of IN2017_E01 is to complete the sea trial regime as follows: * Demonstrate the 2 x CTD system function correctly after recent winch modifications & wire respooling; * Verify RAPP software updates to the CTD winches; * Deep towed camera system testing after modifications (SIT); * Verify integrity of seismic air system after modifications (MNF); * Complete weather radar function testing (SIT); * Deploy work boat and compile a lesson's learnt / improvements list. |
IN2016_E02 [details] |
Don McKenzie | RV Investigator research voyage in2016_e02, titled "MNF Equipment Sea Trials." The Primary objective of IN2016_E02 is to complete the sea trial regime as follows: * Demonstrate trawling equipment functions correctly, provide ASP crew training / exposure to trawling and confirm suitable manning levels for future trawling voyages, including emptying of scientific samples from a laden net; * Collect trawling data for analysis; * Deep towed camera system testing; * Demonstrate functionality of other equipment modified / upgraded / installed / maintained during the Sydney dry dock period; * Complete the installation of the UHDAS (ADCP) computer, and use the transit and trawling time for calibration, testing, and assessment and training on the new UHDAS software installation; * Transport the Investigator from Sydney to Hobart; * Deep water calibration of DECAF (Kloser charter). |
IN2016_E01 [details] |
Joanne Whittaker (IMAS) | Scientific Objectives: 1) Dredge volcanic and sedimentary rocks to obtain new, rigorous age and paleo-depth constraints for the Cascade Seamount. Underway bathymetric data will be used to refine dredge targets. 2) Collect sediment cores across a depth transect to enable work investigating paleo-oceanographic conditions using proxies. Preferably at least a multicore proximal to IODP site 1172, and piston cores at the mid- and shallow-depth sites. 3) Collect high resolution swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profile data to see how far recent sediment flows extend from the Cascade Seamount towards IODP site 1172, to test the hypothesis that downslope transport resulted in the observed sediment patterns in core 1172. Existing coverage and resolution of bathymetry across the East Tasman Plateau is insufficient to resolve this question. 4) CTD to complement the sediment core data if possible. Alternative is for clean underway surface supply samples to be taken where CTD not possible. |
IN2015_E06 [details] |
S. McCullum (MNF, CSIRO) | This is the sixth trial voyage for 2015, trials and commissioning. This is a 3-part trial voyage departing Hobart and returning to Hobart on the following dates: Leg-1: 5-8 October; Leg-2: 9-11 October; Leg-3: 12-16 October. Voyage Objectives Include: Leg 1 * VSAT upgrade testing (2 hours) then drop vendors off by workboat at CSIRO wharf * Test modified CTD door - SAT * CTD winch SAT (with weight) 2 deployments to approx 4,000m. (deep water site). Including pressure stop testing * Trial and test replacement TRIAXUS (SAT) * Rudder stock testing - Warranty claim (opportunistic) * Winch heave compensation (opportunistic) * Communication gear testing - live HD video streaming * Kongsberg computers upgrade testing * Drop Keel position sensor testing * Monitor Commbox updates * Monitor HVAC short term fix in IT equip room * ADCP testing * Monitor TECHSAS 1 & 2 upgrade * Perform deep-water calibration manoeuvres, EK80 testing and gravity calibration Leg 2 * Trawling training and develop procedures for safely using trawling winches for dredging, MIDOC, Beam trawl etc. * Ship handling Scenarios for Bridge officers (24 hours) * Monitor Commbox updates * Monitor HVAC short term fix in IT equip room * ADCP testing * Monitor TECHSAS 1 & 2 upgrade * Configure and test interfaces of multibeam system with ship systems, particularly autopilot Leg 3 * CTD Rosette deployments with 34 bottle rosette. Sampling of niskin bottles. * Pressure/altimeter display testing in the winch control house during a CTD cast * Deep towed camera testing & Operator training * Coring trials - testing of replacement winch and sheaves and piston coring * EK60 Acoustic calibration (12 hours) * ME70 Acoustic calibration (12 hours) * EM 122 Multibeam calibrations (3-4 hrs) * Hydrochemistry team - test lab temperature mitigation strategy * Automated Optical Sampler (AOS) testing * Monitor Commbox updates * Monitor HVAC in IT equip room * ADCP testing * Monitor TECHSAS 1 & 2 upgrade |
IN2015_E05 [details] |
S. Nichol (GA), T. Hubble (USYD) | This is the fifth trial voyage for 2015, Geoscience, testing equipment and developing procedures. Voyage Objectives Include: (1) Introduce key stakeholders and science teams to Investigator, MNF and ASP operations. (2) Undertake as many operations and processes using as much of Investigator's equipment, facilities and capabilities as possible to train and familiarise MNF staff and visiting science teams. (3) Develop and implement procedures and JHAs for scientific operations. (4) Identify any problems, issues and conflicts and include these in a voyage report. (5) Collect and process data and samples as for a research voyage to test laboratories, facilities and on board systems. (6) Undertake opportunistic testing and checks as per outstanding SFR list. Science Objectives: (1) Opportunistically collect physical seabed samples and deploy instruments on the outer shelf and slope to the east of Freycinet Peninsula, with a focus on reefs and submarine canyons. (2) Opportunistically acquire multibeam sonar, sub-bottom profiles, magnetometer and gravity data across the outer shelf and slope, with a focus on reefs and submarine canyons. (3) Deploy and recover two ocean bottom seismometers at lower slope to abyssal depths to the east of Freycinet Peninsula. |
IN2015_E04 [details] |
A. Bowie (UTAS) | MNF RV Investigator IN2015_E04 Trial voyage: Trace Metals and Micronutrients. The overall voyage objectives are: (1) Introduce key stakeholders and science teams to Investigator, MNF and ASP operations. (2) Undertaking as many operations and processes using as much of Investigator's equipment, facilities and capabilities as possible to train and familiarise MNF staff and visiting science teams. (3) Develop and implement procedures and JHAs for scientific operations. (4) Identify any problems, issues and conflicts and include these in a voyage report. (5) Collect and process data and samples as for a research voyage to test Trace element laboratories, facilities and on board systems. (6) Undertake opportunistic testing and checks as per outstanding SFR list. (7) Underwater Glider Retrieval Trial. Samples to be collected, trace elements in dissolved seawater samples and suspended particles from: (1) Trace metal clean underway seawater supply, approximately every 2 hours if system is shown to be non-contaminating. (2) Trace metal rosettes (TMR), 1-2 casts of each rosette (new MNF rosette and ANU rosette) per station. MNF rosette will need to be thoroughly cleaned at sea and shown to be non-contaminating. (3) McLane in situ pumps (ISPs), 1 or more cast of multiple pumps per station, 6 MNF pumps and 2 ACE CRC. (4) Hydrography and nutrient data will be collected by MNF hydrochemistry team. (5) A trace metal clean aerosol filtration system will be tested in the aerosols lab. |
IN2015_E03 [details] |
R. Kloser (CSIRO O&A) | MNF RV Investigator trial voyage IN2015_E03 Acoustics and pelagic ecosystems -testing equipment, developing procedures and sample collection. Voyage Objectives: This voyage will trial the vessels acoustic and pelagic ecosystem sampling capabilities. In particular the capability to deploy new acoustic and optical sampling technologies safely and to be able to carry out diel 24 hr sampling stations deploying a variety of sampling platforms. This will require the vessels operations to switch from gear types within a 12 hour cycle of CTD, net systems and lowered acoustic and optical technologies. To ensure a realistic simulation of procedures and processing of samples, work flows will be tested assuming collection of quality data sets. To safely work up towards full operational status, trials of equipment and procedures will be carried out in shallow water and once safe procedures and techniques have been established move to deeper water. Sampling to 2500 m will be attempted to trial net, CTD, acoustic, optical equipment capability. This will be targeted to a site of suspected elevated production. The vessels low noise capability will be tested and a reference noise signature obtained close to port to enable regular checks to be done in the future. The pelagic acoustic systems on the vessel will be calibrated and operated to ensure they can contribute to the IMOS bioacoustics facility. New acoustic systems on board will be operated and tested. Science Equipment and Operations: Develop and implement procedures and JHAs for scientific operations for the following: Calibration of Simrad EK60 and ME70 acoustic echosounders Noise ranging of the vessel Trials and deployments of the MIDOC, IKMT, EZ net systems Trials and deployment of DECAF and a profiling Acoustic Optical System Undertake two 24 hr stations to characterise the plankton to micronekton with acoustic, optical and biological sampling - includes CTD, Triaxis LOPC, drop net, side net, AOS, MIDOC, IKMT and EZ net systems. Investigate the deep water sampling capability to 2500 m for elevated production - CTD, EZ net, IKMT and Deep video. Trials of the Simrad ME70 and the multi-frequency classification of pelagic habitat using EK sounders and sub-bottom profiler Collect and process data and samples as for a research voyage to test laboratories, facilities and on board systems: Operation of wetlabs to process catches from plankton to micronekton with freeze and preservation capabilities (formaldehyde and alcohol) Photographic recordings including Kreisel tank. CTD biological sampling to estimate macro nutrients and bacteria and plankton communities |
IN2015_E02 [details] |
A. Williams (CSIRO O&A), M. Green (CSIRO O&A) | This is a trial voyage aimed at conducting benthic biological sampling. The voyage objectives are therefore a combination of specific aims for particular sampling gears and sample types including the acquisition of high quality data sets and fully processed collections of specimens and samples, to establish processes, procedures and work flows in particular areas of the vessel (e.g. working deck areas and sample processing laboratories). The trials of individual gears will commence with simple deployments in relative shallow and accessible (sediment) benthic habitats but will progressively target deeper and more challenging habitats as gear performance and safe-handling processes are established. We anticipate that each gear will be deployed several times. The voyage objectives include: (1) Refining Marine National Facility processes for safe and effective science operations at sea and introduce key stakeholders and science teams to Investigator MNF and ASP operations. (2) Deep tow camera imagery, acoustic echo sounders, dropline catches, deepBRUVs, multicorer samples, physical collections of benthic epifauna and fishes. |
IN2015_E01 [details] |
Z. Ristovski (QUT) | MNF RV Investigator IN2015_E01, Cold Water Trial voyage (including Atmospherics). This is a trial voyage which took place from Hobart to Hobart from the 29th January to 18th February 2015. The overall objectives include: (1) Introduce key stakeholders and science teams to Investigator, MNF and ASP operations, (2) Safely undertake cold water and atmospheric operations and familiarise MNF staff and visiting science teams, (3) Develop and implement procedures and job hazard assessments(JHAs) for scientific operations, (4) Identify any problems, issues and conflicts and include these in a voyage report, (5) Collect and process data and samples as for a research voyage to test laboratories, facilities and on board systems, (6) Under take specific testing and checks of aerosol sampling mast, aerosol laboratory and air-chemistry laboratory, (7) Test vessel and systems under cold and ice-edge conditions, (8) Geophysical Survey Mapping: Heading calibration of EM710 and EM122, Bathymetry transit out of Storm Bay to and from 140 E-line, monitoring and testing of Gravity meter and acoustic systems in cold water, XBT deployments. (9) Data Acquisition and ship's network: Integration and test of underway instruments, underway data acquisition and display systems (TECHSAS, SDIV, VISAGE), Integration and test of drop keel instrumentation with acquisition and display systems (depth sounders, TSG/seawater systems, USBL, ADCPs), assist with integration of voyage specific atmospheric instruments with ships network (10) Communications testing: VSAT, FBB, Iridium, (11) Seagoing Instrumentation: Gravity, SST, UWY water analysis, electronic balances, lab and workspace temperatures. (12) Hazmat, Radioisotope, clean containers and deck incubator final testing to be undertaken as per contract, test cold water clothing arrangements, trial new medical arrangements for remote voyages, including integration of medical practitioner and equipment on the voyage, during first 48 hours, representatives from Kongsberg and L-3 onboard to diagnose and make electrical adjustments, ship to conduct manoeuvring trials en route to test track keeping, ship performance at various headings, stabilising system performance as well as Dynamic Positioning (DP) performance. (13) Opportunistic Voyage Objectives - Science party: To observe and model the aerosol composition, growth and activation to cloud nuclei over the southern ocean and to determine the oxidative capacity of the surface atmosphere over the southern ocean. Please see voyage plan for full details. |
IN2014_E04.5 [details] |
M. McGuire (MNF, CSIRO) | RV Investigator trial voyage IN2014_E04.5. Equipment testing and procedure development. This is a trial voyage which took place from Hobart to Hobart from the 29th November to 30th November 2014. The overall voyage objectives are to: (1) Best use of available operational time to allow ongoing crew training to further develop the ship's safety management system (SMS). (2) Develop and implement procedures and JHAs for future scientific operations (3) Identify any problems, issues and conflicts and include these in a voyage report (4) Undertake opportunistic testing and checks as per outstanding SFR list. |
IN2014_E04 [details] |
T. Trull (CSIRO O&A, ACE CRC, IMOS) | RV Investigator trial voyage IN2014_E04. Moorings equipment - testing and procedure development. This is a trial voyage which took place from Hobart to Hobart from the 26th November to 28th November 2014. The overall objectives are to safely develop optimal procedures for servicing of deep ocean moorings from RV Investigator. The voyage will include in both calm waters and rough waters: 1. Practice deploying and recovering of mock-SOTS float over the side with the crane and over the stern with the A-frame. 2. Practice deploying and retrieving of the mock-SAZ sediment trap over the stern in 3 ways, as per the deployment procedure. 3. Practice deploying and retrieving the Pulse and mock-RAS floats, as per the deployment procedure. 4. Lower an acoustic release and practice communication.(using different ship headings.) |
IN2014_E03.5 [details] |
S. McCullum (MNF, CSIRO) | RV Investigator trial voyage IN2014_E03.5. Equipment testing and procedure development. This is a trial voyage which took place from Hobart to Hobart from the 21st November to 24th November 2014. Voyage Objectives: (1) Utilise available operational time to allow ongoing crew training to further develop the ship's safety management system(SMS). (2) Develop and implement procedures and job hazard assessments(JHAs) for future scientific operations. (3) Identify any problems, issues and conflicts and include these in a voyage report (4) Undertake opportunistic testing and checks as per outstanding Specification of Functional Requirements(SFR) list. |
IN2014_E03 [details] |
I. Suthers (SIMS-UNSW) | RV Investigator trial voyage IN2014_E03. Physical and biological oceanography of the shelf break off Maria Island; And exploration for frontal eddies. This is a trial voyage which took place from Hobart to Hobart from the 11th to 17th November, 2014. Voyage Objectives. Introduce key stakeholders and science teams to Investigator, MNF and ASP operations. Safely undertake as many operations and processes using as much of Investigator's equipment, facilities and capabilities as is possible to train and familiarise MNF staff and visiting science teams Develop and implement procedures and job hazard assessments(JHAs) for scientific operations - CPR deployments; Triaxus deployments; CTD followed by N70 vertical haul; EZ net; Neuston net, and then simultaneously with EZ net bongo net to 200 m; Rectangular mid water trawl - as a backup for EZ net, and as a large neuston net. Identify any problems, issues and conflicts and include these in a voyage report. Collect and process data and samples as for a research voyage to test laboratories, facilities and on board systems. Regular downloads from OceanCurrent for dynamical oceanography (frontal eddies). Procedures for fixation with formaldehyde and preservation in alcohol; Chlorophyll extraction to calibrate fluorometers. Undertake opportunistic testing and checks as per outstanding Specification of Functional Requirements (SFR) list. Opportunistically collect physical and biological oceanography off the shelf break and explore frontal eddies by gaining meaningful data around Maria Island NRS, and across the 200 m isobath and "nose" of the East Australian Current MNF Equipment: CTD, 24 bottle rosette and bottles with ecotriplet, transmissometer, PAR, fluorometers. Triaxus and Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC) Bongo net EZ net User Supplied Equipment: Continuous Plankton Recorder - CPR (Frank Coman, Clair Davies, IMOS) N70 vertical haul net (Suthers) 75 cm square neuston net (Suthers) Rectangular Midwater Trawl - RMT (Suthers) Piccaro 13C underway sensor - (Peter Davies, NSW-OEH) Details from IN2014_E03 Voyage plan Version 4, 10 Nov 2014 |
IN2014_E02 [details] |
D. McKenzie (MNF, CSIRO) | RV Investigator sea trial voyage IN2014_E02. Scientific Sea Trials and Acceptance tests (Group 6 Phase 5) This was a sea trial voyage with two legs, both from Hobart to Hobart with Leg 1 between 28th of October to the 1st November and Leg 2 from the 1st November to the 6th November. Voyage objectives include: Undertaking contractual SAT and commissioning issues with vendors in attendance. Finalising procedures and JHAs for scientific operations and undertaking opportunistic testing and checks as per outstanding SFR list. Full details in IN2014_E02 Voyage plan. |
IN2014_E01 [details] |
D. McKenzie (MNF, CSIRO) | RV Investigator delivery voyage IN2014_E01. Delivery voyage of RV Investigator from Singapore to Hobart. The voyage took place between the 24th August and the 9th of September, 2014 from Singapore to Hobart. It is not intended that the ship be scheduled or conduct any research activities during the delivery voyage as the crew will not have been trained to operate the scientific winches and as such there will be no procedures established under the safety management system as these activities are planned to be established in slow time after arrival in Hobart. Also the number of personnel on board will need to be kept to a minimum during the voyage. The Voyage Objectives are: 1. To deliver a safe platform to Hobart. 2. Crew familiarisation with the ship and equipment with the ship underway. 3. Furthering of the implementation of ISM noting that the ship will have an interim Safety Management Certificate. This will include such things: 4. Furthering the production and testing of the Ship Security Plan for which an interim certificate only will have been issued priority to departure. 5. Identifying other equipment considered necessary for the safe operation of the ship and which will be required to conduct research. 6. Establishing shipboard routines 7. Conducting steady steaming trials to establish fuel and oil consumption data. 8. Deviation to course to allow aerial footage during daylight hours - within 50nm of Fremantle. 9. Operations team delivery voyage tasks are all focussed around preparation for arrival in Hobart and the beginning of Group 6 phases 4, 5 & 6: 10. The Ops team will participate in musters and drills and provide input and advice where appropriate related to support staff and science personnel. 11. Assist with the development of ship inductions for visitors and voyage participants so that these are ready for arrival in Hobart. 12. Familiarisation with the layout of the vessel. The key to planning safe and efficient operations and voyages is knowing the ship and how it works. The ops team will be responsible for training tour guides for WTP and for introducing MNF support staff to the vessel from arrival in Hobart. There are also areas in the Voyage Manuals and Documents that have been unable to be completed as the team is not familiar with the layout of the accommodation and recreation areas and the laboratories and science areas. 13. Laboratories and science areas. The ops team have already begun planning and preparation for the sea trials and trial voyages out of Hobart. Familiarisation and testing to be able to advise potential trial voyage participants on equipment setup, location or facilities without ever having seen the ship. 14. Fairing the towed body cable. The end few hundred metres of the towed body cable requires fairing to be fitted before the sea trials. The workshop has sent the required equipment to the ship and the Ops team members have agreed to spend a few hours each day taking turns at the task. 15. Confirm container loading plan. 16. Assess the options for makeup air and exhaust management for the radioisotope container. 17. MNF Support staff groups (Electronics, Data Processing, GSM) will all be undertaking setup, testing and familiarisation of systems and equipment during the delivery voyage. Also identifying any modifications/rectifications which may need addressing during Phase 4 work in Hobart. 18. Opportunistic swath mapping if appropriate. Please see Voyage Plan for full details. |