Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

IN2015_E03    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Title: Acoustics and pelagic ecosystems -testing equipment, developing procedures and sample collection

Period: 2015-04-16 06:56 to 2015-04-23 03:26 UTC

Duration: 6.85 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Region: Derwent Estuary, south east Tasmania, southern Tasmanian waters.

Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]

Description: MNF RV Investigator trial voyage IN2015_E03 Acoustics and pelagic ecosystems -testing equipment, developing procedures and sample collection. Voyage Objectives: This voyage will trial the vessels acoustic and pelagic ecosystem sampling capabilities. In particular the capability to deploy new acoustic and optical sampling technologies safely and to be able to carry out diel 24 hr sampling stations deploying a variety of sampling platforms. This will require the vessels operations to switch from gear types within a 12 hour cycle of CTD, net systems and lowered acoustic and optical technologies. To ensure a realistic simulation of procedures and processing of samples, work flows will be tested assuming collection of quality data sets. To safely work up towards full operational status, trials of equipment and procedures will be carried out in shallow water and once safe procedures and techniques have been established move to deeper water. Sampling to 2500 m will be attempted to trial net, CTD, acoustic, optical equipment capability. This will be targeted to a site of suspected elevated production. The vessels low noise capability will be tested and a reference noise signature obtained close to port to enable regular checks to be done in the future. The pelagic acoustic systems on the vessel will be calibrated and operated to ensure they can contribute to the IMOS bioacoustics facility. New acoustic systems on board will be operated and tested. Science Equipment and Operations: Develop and implement procedures and JHAs for scientific operations for the following: Calibration of Simrad EK60 and ME70 acoustic echosounders Noise ranging of the vessel Trials and deployments of the MIDOC, IKMT, EZ net systems Trials and deployment of DECAF and a profiling Acoustic Optical System Undertake two 24 hr stations to characterise the plankton to micronekton with acoustic, optical and biological sampling - includes CTD, Triaxis LOPC, drop net, side net, AOS, MIDOC, IKMT and EZ net systems. Investigate the deep water sampling capability to 2500 m for elevated production - CTD, EZ net, IKMT and Deep video. Trials of the Simrad ME70 and the multi-frequency classification of pelagic habitat using EK sounders and sub-bottom profiler Collect and process data and samples as for a research voyage to test laboratories, facilities and on board systems: Operation of wetlabs to process catches from plankton to micronekton with freeze and preservation capabilities (formaldehyde and alcohol) Photographic recordings including Kreisel tank. CTD biological sampling to estimate macro nutrients and bacteria and plankton communities

Leader: R. Kloser (CSIRO O&A)

Project: Investigator - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc. [details] Primary

Voyage extents: 43° 17.5' S to 42° 34.5' S    147° 20.3' E to 148° 59.2' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • CSIRO Micronekton Database: 1992 to 2018 [details]

  • RV Investigator ISAR/SST Sea Surface Temperature Data Overview (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Radon Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Underway UWY Data (Unprocessed) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 150um Plankton Net (DRAFT) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 20um Plankton Net (DRAFT) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 335um Plankton Net (DRAFT) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 CTD Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 EM710 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 Hydrology Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 Profiling Acoustic and Optical System (pAOS) (DRAFT) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E03 Underway UWY Data (Unprocessed) [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • CSIRO Marine Invertebrate Image Collection (MIIC)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-

  • View Cruise Summary Report at
  • Participants - on ship:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Aaron Tyndall Seagoing Instrumentation Team Support Marine National Facility Seagoing Instrumentation Team
    Adrian Flynn CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
    Alec Duncan Acoustic Modelling Curtin University
    Andreas Marouchos Engineer CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Arti Verma PhD student Curtin University
    Briony Hutton Acoustics Echoview Software
    Caroline Sutton Biological sampling CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Cassie Schwanger Hydrochemist Marine National Facility Hydrochemistry
    Dave Watts Geophysical Survey and Mapping Support Marine National Facility Geophysical Survey and Mapping
    David Hughes PhD student CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    David Hughes PhD student plankton University of Technology, Sydney
    Don McKenzie Operations Officer Marine National Facility Voyage Management on RV Investigator
    Gordon Keith Software CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Hayden Schilling PhD student University of New South Wales - Centre for Marine Science
    Hugh Barker Data Acquisition and Processing Computing Support Marine National Facility Data Acquisition and Processing
    Jacques Malan Instrumentation CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Jeff Cordell Instrumentation CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Karen Gowlett-Holmes Biological sampling CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Lisa Gershwin CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Mark Doubell Plankton Ecologist South Australian Research and Development Institute
    Mark Lewis Seagoing Instrumentation Team Support Marine National Facility Seagoing Instrumentation Team
    Matt Boyd Geophysical Survey and Mapping Support Marine National Facility Geophysical Survey and Mapping
    Matt Sherlock Instrumentation CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Paul van Ruth Production leader South Australian Research and Development Institute
    Peter Hughes Hydrochemist Marine National Facility Hydrochemistry
    Rob McCauley Curtin University
    Rudy Kloser Equipment Champion CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Ryan Downie Biological sampling CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Stephen Thomas Seagoing Instrumentation Team Support Marine National Facility Seagoing Instrumentation Team
    Steve van Graas Data Acquisition and Processing Computing Support Marine National Facility Data Acquisition and Processing
    Tara Martin Geophysical Survey and Mapping Support Marine National Facility Geophysical Survey and Mapping
    Tegan Sime Voyage Manager Marine National Facility Voyage Management on RV Investigator
    Tim Ryan Shift Leader CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Will Ponsonby Seagoing Instrumentation Team Support Marine National Facility Seagoing Instrumentation Team

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.

    Conference abstract

    • Caroline A. Sutton , Annabelle Erskine , David Webb and Rudy Kloser (2024) CSIRO’s Micronekton database including data from 1992 to 2021. ICES PICES 7th International Zooplankton Production Symposium March 17 22, 2024, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. S04 17387 Oral     External link to reference


    • Kloser, Rudy; Ryan, Tim; Martin, Tara; Boyd, Matt; Watts, Dave; Navidad, Cisco; Taylor, Charlie; Plunkett, Tom (2022): IN2015_E03 South-Eastern Tasmania 10m - 210m Multi-resolution AusSeabed products. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection.     10.25919/8q3m-ns92

    IPT Resource

    Journal Article

    • Haris, Kunnath,Kloser, Rudy J,Ryan, Tim E,Malan, Jacques,Demer, David (2017) Deep-water calibration of echosounders used for biomass surveys and species identification. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 pp1117-1130.     10.1093/icesjms/fsx206


    • Sutton, Caroline; Kloser, Rudy; Gershwin, Lisa. Micronekton in southern Australia and the Southern Ocean: A collation of the biomass, abundance, diversity and distribution data from CSIRO’s historical mesopelagic depth stratified net samples.. Hobart: CSIRO; 2018.    

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Time (UTC): 2015-04-18 00:00 to 2015-04-22 04:15
    Latitude: -43.04 to -42.49
    Longitude: 148.34 to 148.93
    Depth range: 0 to 1200 m
    Occurrences: 356
    Taxa count: 142
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    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2015-04-17 20:04 to 2015-04-22 01:04
    Latitude: -42.99 to -42.63
    Longitude: 148.40 to 148.90
    Quantity: 7 Casts
    Max Pressure: 2496 db
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    Latitude: -43.01 to -42.63
    Longitude: 148.40 to 148.92
    Quantity: 8 Casts
    Max Pressure: 2500.5 db
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    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2015-04-17 12:04 to 2015-04-19 02:04
    Latitude: -43.29 to -42.58
    Longitude: 147.73 to 148.52
    Datafiles: 41
    Total size: 2.04 Gb
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    Sea Surface Temperature
    Time (UTC): 2015-04-16 09:31 to 2015-04-23 00:15
    Latitude: -43.29 to -42.57
    Longitude: 147.38 to 148.99
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    Download IN2015_E03 compressed dataset (53 Kb)

    Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

    Search for events from this voyage and others

    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2015-04-16 06:56 [view ] -42.9748 147.3808 Voyage Start in2015_e03
    2015-04-16 10:11 [view ] -42.9750 147.3799 tsg [view] Start in2015_e03 TSG Start after Instrument Clean SW pump started
    2015-04-16 10:13 [view ] -42.9751 147.3802 pCO2 [view] Start in2015_e03 pCO2 started after Instrument Clean SW pump start
    2015-04-16 10:14 [view ] -42.9750 147.3805 SST Radiometer [view] Start in2015_e03
    2015-04-16 10:16 [view ] -42.9748 147.3808 drop keel [view] Deployed in2015_e03 PS Drop keel deployed flush with gondola
    2015-04-16 10:16 [view ] -42.9750 147.3805 drop keel [view] Deployed in2015_e03 PS Drop keel deployed flush with gondola
    2015-04-17 03:50 [view ] -43.0993 147.4628 Air Chemistry [view] incident in2015_e03 Aerodyne Aerodyne sample pressure 5Torr out of range, regulator valve adjusted to show appropriate level of 40Torr.
    2015-04-17 04:25 [view ] -43.0914 147.5328 Hydrophone [view] 4 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 04:27 [view ] -43.0911 147.5330 Hydrophone [view] 4 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 04:28 [view ] -43.0909 147.5331 Hydrophone [view] 4 on bottom in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 05:25 [view ] -43.0932 147.5339 Hydrophone [view] 4 At site in2015_e03 Noise test line 1: 11 knot pass Passing hydrophone at 11 knots with Gens 1 & 2 running. Bearing 056.
    2015-04-17 05:28 [view ] -43.0881 147.5449 Hydrophone [view] 4 Stop in2015_e03 EOL 1 : turn
    2015-04-17 05:38 [view ] -43.0885 147.5434 Hydrophone [view] 4 Start in2015_e03 Start line 2: 11 knot pass Bearing 231, speed 11 knots. Distance from hydrophone approx. 200 m.
    2015-04-17 05:41 [view ] -43.0933 147.5339 Hydrophone [view] 4 At site in2015_e03 Noise test line 2: at hydrophone
    2015-04-17 05:45 [view ] -43.0989 147.5227 Hydrophone [view] 4 Stop in2015_e03 End of noise test line 2: new EK60 line
    2015-04-17 05:51 [view ] -43.0951 147.5297 Hydrophone [view] 4 Start in2015_e03 Noise test line 2: start of line Bearing 057, speed 9 knots. Gens 1 & 2.
    2015-04-17 05:53 [view ] -43.0923 147.5360 Hydrophone [view] 4 At site in2015_e03 Noise test line 3: at hydrophone
    2015-04-17 05:55 [view ] -43.0886 147.5440 Hydrophone [view] 4 Stop in2015_e03 End of noise test line 3: new EK60 line
    2015-04-17 06:03 [view ] -43.0885 147.5449 Hydrophone [view] 4 Start in2015_e03 Start pass 4: genset 1, 8.5 knots. Bearing 242.
    2015-04-17 06:07 [view ] -43.0931 147.5343 Hydrophone [view] 4 At site in2015_e03 Pass 4: pasing hydrophone on genset 1 Bearing 239, speed 9 knots.
    2015-04-17 06:09 [view ] -43.0956 147.5287 Hydrophone [view] 4 Stop in2015_e03 End of noise test line 4: new EK60 line
    2015-04-17 06:21 [view ] -43.0887 147.5462 Hydrophone [view] 4 Start in2015_e03 Noise test line 5: start of line Bearing 242, speed 8.5 knots. Genset 2.
    2015-04-17 06:25 [view ] -43.0931 147.5344 Hydrophone [view] 4 At site in2015_e03 Noise test line 5: at hydrophone Bearing 242, speed 8 kn, 200 m from hydrophone, running on genset 2.
    2015-04-17 06:28 [view ] -43.0959 147.5274 Hydrophone [view] 4 Stop in2015_e03 End of noise test line 5: new EK60 line
    2015-04-17 06:33 [view ] -43.0948 147.5310 Hydrophone [view] 4 Start in2015_e03 Noise test line 6: start of line Bearing 059, speed 8 knots. 250 m-ish distance from hydrophone. Running on genset 2.
    2015-04-17 06:34 [view ] -43.0930 147.5350 Hydrophone [view] 4 At site in2015_e03 Noise test line 6: at hydrophone ~220(?) distance from hydrophone. Greater than 200 m. Bearing 059, speed 9 knots, genset 2.
    2015-04-17 06:37 [view ] -43.0899 147.5424 Hydrophone [view] 4 Stop in2015_e03 End of noise test line 6: new EK60 line
    2015-04-17 06:44 [view ] -43.0872 147.5474 Hydrophone [view] 4 Start in2015_e03 Noise test line 7: start of line Bearing 238, speed 8 knots, 200 m from hydrophone point, genset 3.
    2015-04-17 06:50 [view ] -43.0938 147.5327 Hydrophone [view] 4 At site in2015_e03 Noise test line 7: at hydrophone Speed 8.5 knots, bearing 236, genset 3.
    2015-04-17 06:52 [view ] -43.0954 147.5293 Hydrophone [view] 4 Start in2015_e03 Noise test line 8: start of line/EOL7 Bearing 203, variable speed as turning. Genset 3, bridge speed doppler log off. Doppler log has small effect on EK60 120 kHz and 200 kHz, but this is minor and acceptable.
    2015-04-17 07:00 [view ] -43.0954 147.5385 Hydrophone [view] 4 Stop in2015_e03 EOL 8
    2015-04-17 08:59 [view ] -43.1919 147.6080 tsg [view] Stop in2015_e03 Seawater pump stop for strainer basket clean
    2015-04-17 09:00 [view ] -43.1924 147.6083 pCO2 [view] Stop in2015_e03 Seawater pump stop for strainer basket clean
    2015-04-17 09:06 [view ] -43.1970 147.6118 Other [view] restarted in2015_e03 Seawater pumps restarted after short maintenance outage
    2015-04-17 09:17 [view ] -43.2060 147.6239 tsg [view] restarted in2015_e03 Seawater pumps restarted after strainer clean
    2015-04-17 09:19 [view ] -43.2072 147.6255 pCO2 [view] restarted in2015_e03 Seawater pumps restarted after strainer clean
    2015-04-17 10:33 [view ] -43.2758 147.7186 DALEC [view] Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 12:16 [view ] -43.2751 147.7292 DALEC [view] on deck in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 12:16 [view ] -42.6340 148.4016 EK60 [view] 6 Start in2015_e03 Transit to Maria Acoustic transect, Cape Raul to Maria Island. Zip-zag pattern crossing shelf break while transiting to Op 7 CTD site.
    2015-04-17 20:02 [view ] -42.6350 148.4021 EK60 [view] 6 Stop in2015_e03 Completed lines along shelf Operation 6
    2015-04-17 20:48 [view ] -42.6340 148.4016 CTD [view] 7 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 20:59 [view ] -42.6340 148.4016 CTD [view] 7 Stop in2015_e03 Stopped 20m from seabed
    2015-04-17 21:09 [view ] -42.6340 148.4016 CTD [view] 7 out of water in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 21:10 [view ] -42.6340 148.4016 CTD [view] 7 on deck in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 21:24 [view ] -42.6340 148.4016 Sample platform 8 Deployed in2015_e03 Vertical tow Science drop net deployed this time to 100m on vert sediment rope then recovered
    2015-04-17 21:35 [view ] -42.6339 148.4016 Sample platform 9 Deployed in2015_e03 Vertical tow Science drop net deployed this time to 100m on vert sediment rope then recovered
    2015-04-17 22:25 [view ] -42.6326 148.4008 Sample platform 10 Deployed in2015_e03 1 m ring. Horizontal surface tow. Depressor vane attached. Tow speed 1kt. Deployed from CTD boom - net not submerged fully and is close to ship's hull sampling disturbed water.
    2015-04-17 22:45 [view ] -42.6259 148.3967 Sample platform 10 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-17 22:53 [view ] -42.6224 148.3937 Sample platform 11 Deployed in2015_e03 1 m ring. Horizontal surface tow. Depressor vane attached. Tow speed 2 kt. Deployed from CTD boom - net not submerged fully and is close to ship's hull sampling disturbed water.
    2015-04-17 23:10 [view ] -42.6137 148.3856 Sample platform 11 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 00:07 [view ] -42.6089 148.3810 Sample platform 12 Deployed in2015_e03 TEST TOW. Deployed from forward crane boom - net flying submerged and more effectively. No codend attached. 1 m ring. Depressor vane attached. Tow speed 1 kt. Increased to 2 kt to test net behaviour.
    2015-04-18 00:40 [view ] -42.5975 148.3703 Sample platform 12 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 00:46 [view ] -42.5967 148.3694 Sample platform 13 Deployed in2015_e03 1 m ring. Horizontal tow. Depressor vane attached. Tow speed = 1 kt. Deployed from forward crane boom.
    2015-04-18 01:09 [view ] -42.5891 148.3623 Sample platform 13 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 01:17 [view ] -42.5859 148.3592 Sample platform 14 Deployed in2015_e03 1 m ring. Horizontal trawl. Depressor vane attached. Tow speed = 1.5 kt
    2015-04-18 01:36 [view ] -42.5800 148.3537 Sample platform 14 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 02:18 [view ] -42.6057 148.4055 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 Change SVP to in2015_e03_ctd001.asvp
    2015-04-18 02:18 [view ] -42.6057 148.4055 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 Change SVP to in2015_e03_ctd001.asvp
    2015-04-18 02:49 [view ] -42.6636 147.4908 Other [view] Other GSM_in2015_e02 ITI on bridge on - should be passive.
    2015-04-18 03:00 [view ] -42.6747 148.5046 Other [view] Other GSM_in2015_e02 STarboard drop keel now flush with gondola
    2015-04-18 03:05 [view ] -42.6743 148.5044 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 Apply SVP Apply SVP in2015_e03_sst001.asvp
    2015-04-18 03:07 [view ] -42.6751 148.5048 Other [view] Other in2015_e03 Starboard drop keel now flush with gondola
    2015-04-18 03:08 [view ] -42.6753 148.5049 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Start logging Commenced logging on the EM710
    2015-04-18 03:10 [view ] -42.6761 148.5056 EM710 [view] File GSM_in2015_e03 Increment line Incremented line on EM710
    2015-04-18 03:14 [view ] -42.6768 148.5076 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 SVP Update New SVP applied in2015_e03_sst002.asvp
    2015-04-18 03:17 [view ] -42.6768 148.5085 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 SVP Update New SVP applied in2015_e03_sst003.asvp
    2015-04-18 03:20 [view ] -42.6769 148.5099 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 SVP Update New SVP applied in2015_e03_sst004.asvp
    2015-04-18 03:23 [view ] -42.6767 148.5115 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 Depth mode to very deep
    2015-04-18 03:26 [view ] -42.6756 148.5103 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 15 Deployed in2015_e03 No MIDOC attached. Single mesh codend. Target = 500m, 30 mins.
    2015-04-18 04:50 [view ] -42.6478 148.5213 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 15 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 04:59 [view ] -42.6473 148.5210 ME70 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e02 Brief outage to update beamform file due to SVP change.
    2015-04-18 05:29 [view ] -42.6474 148.5206 EK60 [view] Rudy Kloser 16 Deployed in2015_e03 Calibration
    2015-04-18 05:54 [view ] -42.6474 148.5206 Other [view] in2015_e03 Vessel in DP
    2015-04-18 08:50 [view ] -42.6491 148.5191 EK60 [view] in2015_e03 EK60 in passive mode
    2015-04-18 08:51 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 EK60 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 EK60 in passive mode - at DECAF site
    2015-04-18 08:52 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 ME70 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 ME70 pinging off - at DECAF site.
    2015-04-18 08:57 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 08:58 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 in2015_e03_sst001.asvp
    2015-04-18 09:00 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 new in2015_e03_sst002.asvp
    2015-04-18 09:00 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 new in2015_e03_sst003.asvp
    2015-04-18 09:01 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 new in2015_e03_sst004.asvp
    2015-04-18 09:02 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 EM122 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 shallow to medium
    2015-04-18 09:02 [view ] -42.6492 148.5191 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 09:06 [view ] -42.6491 148.5190 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 start logging s moving out to deep water
    2015-04-18 09:07 [view ] -42.6491 148.5190 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 change to in2015_e03_ctd001.asvp
    2015-04-18 09:08 [view ] -42.6491 148.5190 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 change salinity value to 35.58
    2015-04-18 09:08 [view ] -42.6491 148.5190 EM122 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to Deep
    2015-04-18 09:09 [view ] -42.6491 148.5190 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 stop loggung sounders off
    2015-04-18 09:26 [view ] -42.6491 148.5190 Other [view] in2015_e03 Scientific sea pumps back on
    2015-04-18 09:34 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 tsg [view] Stop in2015_e03 Seawater pump stop for strainer basket clean
    2015-04-18 09:35 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 pCO2 [view] Stop in2015_e03 Seawater pump stop for strainer basket clean
    2015-04-18 09:36 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 tsg [view] Start in2015_e03 Seawater pumps restarted after strainer clean
    2015-04-18 09:37 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 pCO2 [view] Start in2015_e03 Seawater pumps restarted after strainer clean
    2015-04-18 09:49 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to V Deep
    2015-04-18 09:49 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to V Shallow
    2015-04-18 09:50 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to Shallow
    2015-04-18 09:50 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to Medium
    2015-04-18 09:51 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to Deep
    2015-04-18 09:51 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to V Deep
    2015-04-18 09:51 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to Auto
    2015-04-18 09:52 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to V Sallow
    2015-04-18 09:52 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 09:54 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 depth mode V Shallow, logging WCD for Gordon Keith
    2015-04-18 09:55 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 stop logging WCD for Gordon Keith
    2015-04-18 09:55 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 heading into deep water - mode v shallow
    2015-04-18 09:56 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 updated salinity to 35.58
    2015-04-18 09:57 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to Auto for shelf break
    2015-04-18 09:57 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to E Deep
    2015-04-18 09:57 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to V Deep
    2015-04-18 09:58 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 to E Deep
    2015-04-18 09:58 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 stop logging - water now too deep
    2015-04-18 10:09 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 attempt but not sucessful SBP tried to log and froze out other acoustics via K-sync - did not try to continue as Rudy was logging shelf data and did not wont to stop that. The solution was use 'Restart' to get SBP out of what ever funny mode it got itself into.
    2015-04-18 10:10 [view ] -42.6490 148.5189 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2015_e03 pulse form to linear chirp
    2015-04-18 12:47 [view ] -42.6488 148.5188 EK60 [view] 16 on deck in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 13:04 [view ] -42.6487 148.5188 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e02 resart logging - decaf out of water
    2015-04-18 13:04 [view ] -42.6488 148.5187 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e02 resart logging - decaf out of water
    2015-04-18 13:26 [view ] -42.6488 148.5202 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 17 Deployed in2015_e03 No MIDOC attached. Single mesh codend. Target = 500m, 30 mins.
    2015-04-18 13:54 [view ] -42.6713 148.5089 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Stop pinging: Interferance with EK60
    2015-04-18 14:32 [view ] -42.6932 148.5000 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 17 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 15:21 [view ] -42.6680 148.5009 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Tracking bottom on 710 issues with absorption coefficients Lines 20-25 contain not bathymetry due to the problem with absorption coefficients and as such have been removed from the dataset. 17 was also removed due to it being to small a line to contain any bathymetry
    2015-04-18 15:45 [view ] -42.6680 148.5009 CTD [view] 18 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 16:44 [view ] -42.6684 148.5011 Sample platform Paul Van Ruth 19 Deployed in2015_e03 vertical tow Science drop net deployed this time to 100m on vert sediment rope then recovered
    2015-04-18 16:57 [view ] -40.1160 Sample platform Paul Van Ruth 20 Deployed in2015_e03 vertical tow Science drop net deployed this time to 100m on vert sediment rope then recovered
    2015-04-18 17:10 [view ] -42.6686 148.5016 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Srop logging vessel stationary for net deployment
    2015-04-18 17:31 [view ] -42.6738 148.5005 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Start logging vessel transit
    2015-04-18 17:40 [view ] -42.6788 148.5000 LOPC [view] Rudy Kloser 21 Deployed in2015_e03 EZ Plan: NET DEPTH (m) TIME (min) 1 0-400 20 2 400-300 10 3 300-200 10 4 200-100 10 5 100-0 10 LOPC
    2015-04-18 17:44 [view ] -42.6808 148.5004 LOPC [view] Rudy Kloser 21 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 1 OPEN
    2015-04-18 18:05 [view ] -42.6915 148.4991 LOPC [view] Rudy Kloser 21 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 2 OPEN
    2015-04-18 18:11 [view ] -42.6956 148.4981 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 22 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 18:17 [view ] -42.6970 148.4979 LOPC [view] Rudy Kloser 21 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 3 open
    2015-04-18 18:27 [view ] -42.7015 148.4976 LOPC [view] Rudy Kloser 21 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 4 OPEN
    2015-04-18 18:28 [view ] -42.7020 148.4975 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 22 Recovered in2015_e03 Net not sampling well. Speed of 2 knots probably too high and 35 knots of wind not helping
    2015-04-18 18:30 [view ] -42.7034 148.4971 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Stop logging
    2015-04-18 18:38 [view ] -42.7070 148.4960 LOPC [view] Rudy Kloser 21 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 5 OPEN
    2015-04-18 18:48 [view ] -42.7123 148.4944 LOPC [view] Rudy Kloser 21 Net Closed in2015_e03 NET 5 CLOSED
    2015-04-18 18:58 [view ] -42.7158 148.4862 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan/Adrian Flynn 21 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 19:10 [view ] -42.7186 148.4959 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 23 in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 19:37 [view ] -42.7234 148.4976 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 24 in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 20:14 [view ] -42.7250 148.4940 EK60 [view] Tim Ryan 25 Start in2015_e03 Bio-acoustic cross shelf transect Bio-acoustic cross shelf transect. Heading from 1500 m site, up onto the shelf. Then back out to 1500 m site over ~ 2 hr period.
    2015-04-18 20:32 [view ] -42.7290 148.4990 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Bio acoustic cross shelf transect Bio-acoustic cross shelf transect. Heading from 1500 m site, up onto the shelf. Then back out to 1500 m site over ~ 2 hr period.
    2015-04-18 21:56 [view ] -42.7269 148.4552 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 New SVP applied New SVP applied to both sounders from 1000m CTD cast file name in2015_e03_ctd002.asvp
    2015-04-18 22:07 [view ] -42.6696 148.4951 EK60 [view] Tim Ryan 25 Stop in2015_e03 Cross-shelf acoustic survey complete
    2015-04-18 22:23 [view ] -42.6770 148.4883 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan 26 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 22:25 [view ] -42.6780 148.4877 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan 26 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 1 OPEN
    2015-04-18 22:51 [view ] -42.6945 148.4770 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan 26 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 2 OPEN
    2015-04-18 23:02 [view ] -42.6686 148.4980 EK60 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Bio acoustic cross shelf transect
    2015-04-18 23:02 [view ] -42.7010 148.4773 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan 26 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 3 OPEN
    2015-04-18 23:05 [view ] -42.7028 148.4708 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Sop logging EM122 interfering with EK60
    2015-04-18 23:18 [view ] -42.7093 148.4658 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan 26 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 4 OPEN
    2015-04-18 23:33 [view ] -42.7166 148.4606 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan 26 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 5 OPEN
    2015-04-18 23:43 [view ] -42.7225 148.4577 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan 26 Net Closed in2015_e03 NET 5 CLOSED
    2015-04-18 23:44 [view ] -42.7231 148.4574 LOPC [view] Tim Ryan 26 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-18 23:58 [view ] -42.7269 148.4552 CTD [view] Paul Van Ruth 27 in2015_e03 1000 m cast depth
    2015-04-19 00:21 [view ] -42.7360 148.4822 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Start logging EM122
    2015-04-19 01:16 [view ] -42.7452 148.4867 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Start logging Attempting to resolve issue with EM710 centrebeam depth not getting to TechSAS
    2015-04-19 01:22 [view ] -42.7466 148.4878 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Stop logging
    2015-04-19 01:34 [view ] -42.7471 148.4894 Sample platform Paul Van Ruth 28 in2015_e03
    2015-04-19 01:42 [view ] -42.7473 148.4893 Sample platform Paul van Ruth 29 in2015_e03
    2015-04-19 02:34 [view ] -42.7528 148.4906 Sample platform 30 in2015_e03
    2015-04-19 03:06 [view ] -42.7680 148.4866 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 31 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-19 03:27 [view ] -42.7838 148.4778 Sample platform 31 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-19 03:42 [view ] -42.7973 148.4722 drop keel [view] in2015_e03 Port drop keel down to 4 metres
    2015-04-19 03:47 [view ] -42.7983 148.4722 Other [view] Other GSM_in2015_e02 Port drop keel to 4 m depth.
    2015-04-19 04:02 [view ] -42.8084 148.4682 Sample platform Tim Ryan 32 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-19 05:04 [view ] -42.8560 148.4651 Sample platform Tim Ryan 32 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 1 OPEN
    2015-04-19 05:30 [view ] -42.8756 148.4618 Sample platform Tim Ryan 32 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 2 OPEN
    2015-04-19 06:00 [view ] -42.8961 148.4553 Sample platform Tim Ryan 32 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 3 OPEN
    2015-04-19 06:12 [view ] -42.9055 148.4512 Sample platform Tim Ryan 32 Other in2015_e03 LOST COMMUNICATION WITH EZNET, NET STUCK OPEN
    2015-04-19 06:22 [view ] -42.9121 148.4489 Sample platform Tim Ryan 32 Net Closed in2015_e03 NET 3 CLOSED AT 310m, COMMUNICATION RETURNED AND DROPPED OUT AGAIN
    2015-04-19 06:27 [view ] -42.9157 148.4477 Sample platform Tim Ryan 32 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 4 OPENED 252m, NO COMMUNICATION
    2015-04-19 06:49 [view ] -42.9313 148.4427 Sample platform Tim Ryan 32 Recovered in2015_e03 EZ NET RECOVERED, NET 4 STILL OPEN
    2015-04-19 08:53 [view ] -42.6997 148.5143 tsg [view] Stop in2015_e03 Seawater pump stop for strainer basket clean
    2015-04-19 08:54 [view ] -42.6980 148.5148 pCO2 [view] Stop in2015_e03 Seawater pump stop for strainer basket clean
    2015-04-19 09:09 [view ] -42.8599 148.4646 tsg [view] Start in2015_e03 Seawater pumps restarted after strainer clean
    2015-04-19 09:10 [view ] -42.8603 148.4645 pCO2 [view] Start in2015_e03 Seawater pumps restarted after strainer clean
    2015-04-19 09:19 [view ] -42.6836 148.5264 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 33 Deployed in2015_e03 Deploy IKMT to 1000 m oblique tow
    2015-04-19 11:25 [view ] -42.7988 148.5000 EK60 [view] outage in2015_e03 ek60 suddenly stopped being logged via ER60. GPT's had power but no flashing green pings. Aftre a few moments, another visit showed the green flashy lights were one. Reason ???
    2015-04-19 14:20 [view ] -42.9337 148.4481 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 33 out of water in2015_e03 Deploy IKMT to 1000 m oblique tow Issue with net spooling had to abort the tow specimens only good for id etc.
    2015-04-19 15:18 [view ] -42.8088 148.4794 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 34 Deployed in2015_e03 repeat of night 1000 m
    2015-04-19 18:33 [view ] -42.8088 148.4791 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 34 in2015_e03
    2015-04-19 18:36 [view ] -42.9441 148.4475 Acoustic Survey Rudy Kloser 35 in2015_e03 Transect along 1500 m contour south of 1500 m station back to the E-W line, then turn left and head back W along to shallow station.
    2015-04-19 18:42 [view ] -42.9338 148.4452 Acoustic Survey Rudy Kloser 35 in2015_e03 adjusted EK settings EK60 had crashed earlier. Changed 333 kHz from 50 to 40 w. Changed 200 kHz from 150 to 105 W.
    2015-04-19 19:04 [view ] -42.8905 148.4604 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Stop logging
    2015-04-20 00:39 [view ] -42.6342 148.4004 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 36 in2015_e03 Trial of PAOS in 113 m of water
    2015-04-20 01:10 [view ] -42.6343 148.4005 Other [view] Rudy Kloser 36 in2015_e03
    2015-04-20 01:16 [view ] -42.6343 148.4012 Other [view] Rudy Kloser 37 in2015_e03 Two extra floats add. System sank too slowly. Hauling back to remove one float
    2015-04-20 01:24 [view ] -42.6343 148.4005 Other [view] Rudy Kloser 38 in2015_e03 initial floats plus one added. Lowered to 60 meters.
    2015-04-20 01:52 [view ] -42.6345 148.4007 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Bio acoustic cross shelf transect Cross shelf transect to 2500m site
    2015-04-20 01:52 [view ] -42.6345 148.4007 Acoustic Survey Rudy Kloser 39 in2015_e03 Cross shelf transect to 2500 m site
    2015-04-20 02:28 [view ] -42.6562 148.4975 EK60 [view] Other in2015_e03 EK60 into deep mode
    2015-04-20 02:30 [view ] -42.6568 148.4906 EK60 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2015_e03 EK60 into deep mode
    2015-04-20 04:18 [view ] -42.7252 148.8428 EK60 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Bio acoustic cross shelf transect Bio acoustic cross shelf transect complete arriving at site for CTD
    2015-04-20 05:02 [view ] -42.7377 148.8336 Sample platform Paul van Ruth 40 Deployed in2015_e03 vertical tow net deployed to 100 m depth
    2015-04-20 05:04 [view ] -42.7391 148.8491 Sample platform Paul van Ruth 41 Deployed in2015_e03 vertical tow net deployed to 100 m depth
    2015-04-20 05:24 [view ] -42.7408 148.8491 other Rudy Kloser 42 Deployed in2015_e03 Science surface net tow
    2015-04-20 05:28 [view ] -42.7549 148.8504 other Rudy Kloser 43 in2015_e03 Science surface net tow duplicate
    2015-04-20 05:46 [view ] -42.7665 148.8518 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 43 on deck in2015_e03
    2015-04-20 06:23 [view ] -42.7869 148.8679 CTD [view] Rudy Kloser 44 in2015_e03 CTD to 2500 m
    2015-04-20 08:26 [view ] -42.7891 148.8687 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 45 Deployed in2015_e03 Deploy IKMT to 1000 m oblique tow
    2015-04-20 11:38 [view ] -42.9233 148.9810 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 45 Recovered in2015_e03 Deploy IKMT to 1000 m oblique tow
    2015-04-20 12:47 [view ] -42.8162 148.8936 other Rudy Kloser 46 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-20 13:19 [view ] -42.8208 148.8945 pAOS [view] 46 out of water in2015_e03
    2015-04-20 14:30 [view ] -42.8028 148.8801 other Rudy Kloser 47 Deployed in2015_e03 Ez net 2500m site night Ez net deployment plan Net number Depth Duration Time open Time closed No net 0-1000 40min Net 1 1000-800 20min 15:29 15:50 Net 2 800-600 20min 15:50 16:11 Net 3 600-400 20min 16:11 1638 Net 4 400-200 20min 16.38 17:10 Net 5 200-0 20min 17:10 17:32 Note times did not meet planned 20 minute intervals as winch had to be slowed from 15m/minute to 10 m/minute from 600 m onwards as was getting towards working limit of winch (1.5 tonnes).
    2015-04-20 17:53 [view ] -42.9659 148.8913 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 48 in2015_e03 Start Surface Net
    2015-04-20 18:13 [view ] -42.9803 148.8916 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 48 in2015_e03
    2015-04-20 18:38 [view ] -42.9822 148.8926 Sample platform Paul Van Ruth 49 in2015_e03
    2015-04-20 19:02 [view ] -42.9897 148.9001 Sample platform Paul Van Ruth 50 in2015_e03 Vertical tow 100 m
    2015-04-20 19:15 [view ] -42.9939 148.9042 CTD [view] Paul Van Ruth 51 in2015_e03
    2015-04-20 20:09 [view ] -43.0076 148.9179 Acoustic Survey Rudy Kloser 52 in2015_e03 Transit north back up the line as far as we can before 07:00 am (local) deployment of EZ Net
    2015-04-20 21:09 [view ] -42.8973 148.8822 Sample platform Tim Ryan 53 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-20 21:15 [view ] -42.9017 148.8832 Sample platform Tim Ryan 53 Recovered in2015_e03 EZ RECOVERED DUE TO MIS-FIRED NET
    2015-04-20 21:40 [view ] -42.9218 148.8874 Sample platform Tim Ryan 54 Deployed in2015_e03 2500 m site - DAY
    2015-04-20 21:57 [view ] -42.9922 148.9024 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 New SVP applied SVP file applied in2015_e03_ctd005.asvp from CTD cast
    2015-04-20 21:57 [view ] -42.9922 148.9024 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 New SVP applied SVP file applied in2015_e03_ctd005.asvp from CTD cast
    2015-04-20 22:54 [view ] -42.9771 148.9033 Sample platform Tim Ryan 54 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 1 OPEN EZ Plan: NET DEPTH (m) TIME (min) 1 1000-800 20 2 800-600 20 3 600-400 20 4 400-200 20 5 200-0 20 Haul-in speed = 8m/min for Net 1, increased to 10m/min for Net 2-. Winch load OK. LOPC NOT ATTACHED
    2015-04-20 23:28 [view ] -42.9996 148.9109 Sample platform Tim Ryan 54 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 2 OPEN
    2015-04-21 00:02 [view ] -43.0251 148.9178 Sample platform Tim Ryan 54 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 3 OPEN Haul-in speed increased to 12 m/min to fine tune strata to 20 min per 200 m stratum
    2015-04-21 00:36 [view ] -43.0490 148.9266 Sample platform Tim Ryan 54 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 4 OPEN
    2015-04-21 00:58 [view ] -43.0638 148.9326 Sample platform Tim Ryan 54 Net Open in2015_e03 NET 5 OPEN
    2015-04-21 01:22 [view ] -43.0811 148.9392 Sample platform Tim Ryan 54 Net Closed in2015_e03 NET 5 CLOSED
    2015-04-21 02:32 [view ] -43.0421 148.9325 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 55 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-21 05:17 [view ] -43.0089 148.9820 ME70 [view] Other GSM_in2015_e03 ME70 in passive mode
    2015-04-21 05:18 [view ] -43.0089 148.9654 EK60 [view] Other GSM_in2015_e03 EK60 in passive mode
    2015-04-21 05:18 [view ] -43.0089 148.9655 EK60 [view] Other in2015_e03 ME70 in passive mode EK60 also in passive mode
    2015-04-21 05:20 [view ] -43.0090 148.9656 pAOS [view] 56 in2015_e03 Day profile to 800 m float added to decrease sinking rate
    2015-04-21 06:27 [view ] -43.0210 148.9792 pAOS [view] 56 Recovered in2015_e03 Day profile to 800 m float added to decrease sinking rate Issue on recovery with potential to come under vessel operation would have been improved if Sonardyne display on bridge
    2015-04-21 09:34 [view ] -42.7229 148.5930 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 SBP water column test
    2015-04-21 10:02 [view ] -42.6857 148.5143 Other [view] Rudy Kloser 57 Deployed in2015_e03 1500m Ez net night Ez net plan Depth time start time finish 0 - 1000 10:23 11:14 1000 - 800 11:14 11:34 800 - 600 11:34 12:00 600 - 400 12:00 12:23 400 - 200 12:23 12:42 200 - 0 12:42 13:03
    2015-04-21 13:26 [view ] -42.9760 148.5099 pAOS [view] 58 Deployed in2015_e03 profile to 900 m Night
    2015-04-21 14:56 [view ] -42.9760 148.5099 pAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 58 Deployed in2015_e03 profile to 900 m Night The profiling AOS was deployed after 3 floats had been added but failed to sink. One float was removed and redeployed but did not sink. Another float was removed and the pAOS eventualy sank but did not turn on. After 500 m of line was deployed the system was retrieved.
    2015-04-21 16:37 [view ] -42.6721 148.4981 CTD [view] Tim Ryan 59 Deployed in2015_e03 CTD Deployment to 400m
    2015-04-21 17:11 [view ] -42.3387 148.4981 CTD [view] Tim Ryan 59 Recovered in2015_e03 CTD Recovered from 400m
    2015-04-21 17:49 [view ] -42.6862 148.5045 pAOS [view] Tim Ryan 60 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-21 18:05 [view ] -42.6862 148.5045 pAOS [view] Tim Ryan 60 Other in2015_e03 All transducers set to passive except 18Khz and ME70 inactive
    2015-04-21 18:11 [view ] -42.6893 148.5034 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Water column test stop logging Bio acoustic transect takes precedent and SBP stopped logging and pinging
    2015-04-21 18:11 [view ] -42.6862 148.5045 pAOS [view] Tim Ryan 60 Other in2015_e03 SBP stopped pinging
    2015-04-21 18:15 [view ] -42.6862 148.5045 pAOS [view] Tim Ryan 60 Other in2015_e03 18Khz active and 200Khz passive It was noticed that the labels dont match up on the EK60 dropdown boxes. As such the 18Khz was set to active in the dropdown boxes on the software but was actuall passive. The 200Khz was set to passive but was actually active. This issue was noticed and rectified in a different part of the software.
    2015-04-21 19:15 [view ] -42.7134 148.5003 pAOS [view] Tim Ryan 60 Recovered in2015_e03 AOS recovered to deck
    2015-04-21 19:15 [view ] -42.7134 148.5003 Other [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 EK60 and ME70 bio acoustic transect Cross shelf transects to test and demonstrate ME70 performance in conjunction with EK60
    2015-04-21 19:15 [view ] -42.7134 148.5003 other Tim Ryan 61 in2015_e03 ME70 acoutic survey Cross shelf transects to test and demonstrate ME70 performance
    2015-04-21 22:51 [view ] -42.6941 148.5185 ME70 [view] Start in2015_e03 Reboot ME70 - restart in passive
    2015-04-21 22:54 [view ] -42.6942 148.5213 ME70 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Reboot ME70 - restart in passive
    2015-04-21 22:55 [view ] -42.6943 148.5235 EK60 [view] Rudy Kloser 62 in2015_e03 2015-04-21 22:55:13 New log file. started. EK60 on passive. Vessel at halt. All in passive 200 kHz 1024 us, 105 W 38 kHz 2048 us, 2000 W 18 kHz 2048 us, 2000 W 70 kHz 1024 us, 740 W 333 kHz 1024 us, 40 W 120 kHz 1024 us, 250 W ------------------------------------------------------------ 23:00:00 - all fans and AC (chillers) unit 23:07 - Fans back on and AC still off. Air start compressors off, service air compressors, dry air. 23:11 - AC compressors back on. 23:14 Blast freezers stopped. 23:19 set all ranges to 500 m to increase ping rate. Set screen displays to high gain. 23:20. Steering gear off 23:25. Steering gear on. 23:29 Winches all HPU off - variable speed drives 23:33 Winches back on 23:35 Evac on 23:44 Evac off. Pre lube on 23: 48 Pre lube back on, Navigation off 23:56 Novec off. Navigation on 23:59. Lab extraction off. 00:02. Changing pulse length on 120 and 70 kHz Conclusion. Some small jumps in background noise, but unrelated to 57 rpm noise. Non of the tests indicated any cause and effect.
    2015-04-21 23:41 [view ] -42.6946 148.5249 ME70 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Noise tests - ME70 recording in passive
    2015-04-22 00:19 [view ] -42.7045 148.5140 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 Start pinging to check depth for CTD
    2015-04-22 00:19 [view ] -42.7044 148.5140 CTD [view] Paul Van Ruth 63 in2015_e03
    2015-04-22 00:20 [view ] -42.7045 148.5080 EK60 [view] Start in2015_e03 EK60 logging after noise trials
    2015-04-22 00:21 [view ] -42.7079 148.5141 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2015_e03 EK60 logging after noise trials
    2015-04-22 00:22 [view ] -42.7045 148.5141 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2015_e03 Stop pinging
    2015-04-22 01:10 [view ] -42.7108 148.5083 CTD [view] Tim Ryan 63 Recovered in2015_e03 CTD recovered drop to 500m
    2015-04-22 01:31 [view ] -42.7150 148.5096 Sample platform Paul Van Ruth 64 in2015_e03 vertical tow, net deployed to 100m
    2015-04-22 01:36 [view ] -42.7159 148.5112 Sample platform Paul Van Ruth 65 in2015_e03 vertical tow, net deployed to 100m
    2015-04-22 01:38 [view ] -42.7161 148.5115 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 66 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-22 01:53 [view ] -42.7196 148.5174 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 66 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-22 01:58 [view ] -42.7207 148.5196 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 67 Deployed in2015_e03 Net out. Note, was held in longer due to winch issues. 02:28 UTC
    2015-04-22 02:29 [view ] -42.7276 148.5314 Sample platform Rudy Kloser 67 Recovered in2015_e03
    2015-04-22 02:47 [view ] -42.7286 148.5315 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 New SVP applied New SVP file in2015_e03_ctd008.asvp
    2015-04-22 02:48 [view ] -42.7291 148.5311 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2015_e03 New SVP applied New SVP file in2015_e03_ctd008.asvp
    2015-04-22 03:29 [view ] -42.7325 148.5307 EK60 [view] Rudy Kloser 68 Deployed in2015_e03
    2015-04-22 07:30 [view ] -42.7624 148.5234 Other [view] Stop in2015_e03 Scientific seawater pumps out for filter clean
    2015-04-22 11:48 [view ] -42.8134 148.5127 EK60 [view] Rudy Kloser 68 Recovered in2015_e03 deep calibration to 900 m Deep calibration to 900 m with beam patterns at 100 - 800 m down and 800 and 500 up hauled in at 100 m due to a problem with the y axis not moving only 38 narrow completed
    2015-04-22 11:55 [view ] -42.8128 148.4921 EK60 [view] Rudy Kloser 69 in2015_e03 survey Cross shelf transect from 2000 m to 150 m
    2015-04-22 11:55 [view ] -42.7980 148.3364 EK60 [view] Rudy Kloser 69 in2015_e03 survey end Cross shelf transect from 2000 m to 150 m
    2015-04-22 12:50 [view ] -42.7992 148.3415 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 70 Deployed in2015_e03 Deep Towed Camera deployed on shelf, to be towed through scattering layer just off shelf ~250m deep
    2015-04-22 12:53 [view ] -42.7996 148.3437 towedCamera Rudy Kloser 70 Start in2015_e03
    2015-04-22 13:46 [view ] -42.8074 148.3678 towedCamera Rudy Kloser 70 Stop in2015_e03
    2015-04-22 14:15 [view ] -42.7981 148.3368 Temp-Depth Logger Rudy Kloser 71 Deployed in2015_e03 Transect going off the shelf
    2015-04-22 17:02 [view ] -42.7236 148.4125 Acoustic Survey Rudy Kloser 72 in2015_e03 Zig Zag transects from Maria Island back to Hobart
    2015-04-22 22:34 [view ] -43.2748 147.7093 drop keel [view] in2015_e03 Both drop keels flush with hull
    2015-04-22 22:49 [view ] -43.2503 147.6730 other Stop in2015_e03 Instrument Clean Seawater pump off when drop keels retracted (mistaken shutoff)
    2015-04-22 22:51 [view ] -43.2468 147.6678 other Stop in2015_e03 Instrument Clean Seawater pump off when drop keels retracted (mistaken shutoff)
    2015-04-22 22:51 [view ] -43.2451 147.6653 other Start in2015_e03 Instrument Clean Seawater pump restart
    2015-04-22 22:52 [view ] -43.2451 147.6653 pCO2 [view] Start in2015_e03 Instrument Clean Seawater pump restart
    2015-04-23 00:48 [view ] -43.0433 147.3858 other Stop in2015_e03
    2015-04-23 01:10 [view ] -43.0093 147.3730 Other [view] in2015_e03 Seawater pumps off Seawater pumps turned off for remainder of voyage
    2015-04-23 01:11 [view ] -43.0093 147.3730 tsg [view] Stop in2015_e03 All science seawater pumps off prior to arrival
    2015-04-23 01:11 [view ] -43.0093 147.3730 tsg [view] Stop in2015_e03 All science seawater pumps off prior to arrival
    2015-04-23 01:12 [view ] -43.0074 147.3723 pCO2 [view] Stop in2015_e03 All science seawater pumps off prior to arrival
    2015-04-23 03:25 [view ] other Stop in2015_e03
    2015-04-23 03:26 [view ] Techsas2 [view] Stop in2015_e03

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    Search for deployments from this voyage and others

    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 1 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 0552,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 4722 2423 2015-04-17 21:08 -42.6340 148.4016 90.7
    CTD Cast [details] 2   Cast 18 Altitude CTD 20-52306,CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 3168,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen-CTD 20-SBE 43-SN1239,Pressure CTD 20,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2423 2015-04-18 15:47 2015-04-18 16:34 -42.6680 148.5009 -42.6683 148.5009 998
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 2 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 0552,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 4722 2423 2015-04-18 18:16 -42.6683 148.5009 1001.2
    CTD Cast [details] 3   Cast 27 Altitude CTD 20-52306,CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 3168,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen-CTD 20-SBE 43-SN1239,Pressure CTD 20,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2423 2015-04-19 00:37 2015-04-19 01:26 -42.7417 148.4830 -42.7470 148.4879 997
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 3 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 0552,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 4722 2423 2015-04-19 01:18 -42.7471 148.4884 1000.9
    CTD Cast [details] 4   Cast 44 Altitude CTD 20-52306,CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 3168,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen-CTD 20-SBE 43-SN1239,Pressure CTD 20,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2423 2015-04-20 06:10 2015-04-20 07:55 -42.7680 148.8521 -42.7772 148.8638 2496
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 4 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 0552,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 4722 2423 2015-04-20 07:47 -42.7773 148.8639 2500.5
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 5 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 0552,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 4722 2423 2015-04-20 19:08 -43.0067 148.9169 1001.1
    CTD Cast [details] 5   Cast 51 Altitude CTD 20-52306,CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 3168,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen-CTD 20-SBE 43-SN1239,Pressure CTD 20,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2423 2015-04-20 19:10 2015-04-20 20:02 -42.9922 148.9024 -43.0056 148.9159 999
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 6 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 0552,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 4722 2423 2015-04-21 16:08 -42.6765 148.4992 401.7
    CTD Cast [details] 6   Cast 59 Altitude CTD 20-52306,CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 3168,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen-CTD 20-SBE 43-SN1239,Pressure CTD 20,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2423 2015-04-21 16:32 2015-04-21 17:09 -42.6713 148.4985 -42.6811 148.5015 400
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 7 CTD 20 - SN 0552,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 4722 2423 2015-04-21 17:08 -42.6819 148.5019 206.6
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 8 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 0552,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 4722 2423 2015-04-22 00:59 -42.7104 148.5092 400.9
    Multibeam echosounder [details]   2423 2015-04-19 02:14 -42.7514 148.4924 2123.5

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