Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

IN2017_E01    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Title: MNF Equipment Sea Trials

Voyage details on MNF site:

Period: 2017-01-06 07:00 to 2017-01-08 20:00 UTC

Duration: 2.54 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Region: Tasmania southeast

Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]

Description: RV Investigator research voyage in2017_e01, titled "MNF Equipment Sea Trials." The Primary objective of IN2017_E01 is to complete the sea trial regime as follows: * Demonstrate the 2 x CTD system function correctly after recent winch modifications & wire respooling; * Verify RAPP software updates to the CTD winches; * Deep towed camera system testing after modifications (SIT); * Verify integrity of seismic air system after modifications (MNF); * Complete weather radar function testing (SIT); * Deploy work boat and compile a lesson's learnt / improvements list.

Leader: Steve McCullum (MNF voyage manager)

Project: Investigator - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc. [details] Primary

Voyage extents: 43° 16.2' S to 42° 31.8' S    147° 20.3' E to 149° 43.5' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • RV Investigator Underway UWY Data (Unprocessed) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_E01 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive [details]

  • Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-

  • View Cruise Summary Report at
  • Participants - on ship:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Mark Scanlon Operations Support Marine National Facility Investigator - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc.

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing - No datasets have been published

    Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

    Search for events from this voyage and others

    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2017-01-06 06:54 [view ] Techsas1 [view] Start in2017_e01
    2017-01-06 06:54 [view ] Techsas2 [view] Start in2017_e01
    2017-01-06 09:09 [view ] ADCP [view] Start in2017_e01
    2017-01-06 20:33 [view ] -42.5313 149.7014 ADCP [view] Stop in2017_e01 On station at CTD test site
    2017-01-06 21:24 [view ] -42.5394 149.7009 VSAT down in2017_e01
    2017-01-08 12:07 [view ] -43.2704 147.9536 ADCP [view] Stop in2017_e01 Stopped pinging in preparation for keel raising sometime overnight
    2017-01-08 12:08 [view ] -43.2704 147.9536 EK60 [view] Stop in2017_e01 Stopped pinging in preparation for keel raising sometime overnight

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    Deployments - None have been recorded in the Data Trawler.

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