Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.
- is a Marine National Facility voyage
Title: Equipment Calibrations and Science Trials 2021
Period: 2021-11-09 23:00 to 2021-11-14 02:00 UTC
Duration: 4.13 days
From: Hobart To: Hobart
Region: Derwent River, Tasmania coast, Southern Ocean
Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]
The primary voyage objective for these voyages, are for the Marine National Facility (MNF) to calibrate and commission new, upgraded and existing critical equipment (with sea trials and personnel training) onboard RV Investigator for upcoming voyages in the 2021 schedule and beyond. Specifically, work will focus on the seagoing testing and trials of MNF’s new Giant Piston Corer with 24m maximum barrel length capability, principally supported by the Geophysical Survey and Mapping team and marine geoscientists from UTAS.
Ancilliary Objectives (Piggybacks)
- A small contingent of scientists will advise on QAQC for collection of piston coring samples. The scientific advisors have supported voyage planning by advising appropriate sites of interest that target reduced risks to equipment and personnel, aid commissioning and gain scientific insight, notable thanks to Alix Post and Scott Nichol from Geoscience Australia. Due to traveling restrictions, Martin Jutzeler and Acacia Clark have agreed to fill in this QAQC role onboard the voyage. If cores are successful and of scientific value, they will be provided to the scientific advisors for analysis post voyage in accordance with CSIRO’s Data and Sample Management Policy.
- A 2nd Sea Surface Temperature Radiometer (ISAR) installed on port bridge wing for comparison to existing 1st ISAR unit. Requires running cable & conduit into bridge in port period (IN2021_P05_01) lead by Nicole Morgan from SIT.
- 2x participants from the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) are seconded to our Geophysical Survey and Mapping team to undertake familiarisation training with RV Investigators’ acoustic calibrations and operations, given their similarity to new equipment onboard RSV Nuyina, arriving Oct 2021.
- Underway aerosol particulate CO2 sensor upgrade & replacement, testing & monitoring underway by Craig Neill from O&A.
Leader: Jason Fazey
Project: Investigator - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc. [details] Primary

Underway data from NRUD - see this voyage
Voyage extents: 43° 35.6' S to 42° 53.1' S 147° 20.7' E to 148° 43.2' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV
Marlin Metadata:-

Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-
Participants - on ship:-
Name | Role | Organisation | Project |
Jason Fazey | Chief Scientist | CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure | Investigator - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc. |
This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.
Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing
IN2021_E01 Voyage Summary
- includes preliminary results, voyage narrative, types of data collected with C77/ROSCOP codes.
IN2021_E01 Voyage Plan
- includes objectives, investigator details, proposed data collection, voyage track and equipment to be used.
- View Survey map
Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.
- Fazey, Jason; Nau, Amy; Navidad, Cisco; Vandenbossche, Phil; Boyd, Matt; Taylor, Charlie; Plunkett, Tom (2022): IN2021_E01 Storm Bay Bathymetry 5m - 210m Multi-resolution AusSeabed products. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection. 10.25919/7v3v-z420
- Tilbrook, Bronte; Neill, Craig; Akl, John (2022). Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) sea surface and atmospheric fCO2 measurements in the Southern Ocean, South Pacific, Indian Ocean onboard R/V Investigator in 2021 (NCEI Accession 0253535). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. 10.25921/thsr-dd03
Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages
Data publishing
This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.
Data Stream | Data Summary | Get data | ||||||||||
Multibeam echosounder |
Get Data from Trawler |
pCO2 |
External link - download datafile at IMOS Data fields and units document (.pdf) |
Sub-bottom profiler |
Get Data from Trawler |
Singlebeam echosounder |
Get Data from Trawler |
XBT Profile |
Get Data from Trawler |
Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.
Search for events from this voyage and others
Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.
When (UTC) | Latitude | Longitude | Instrument | Identifier | Action | Log | Subject / Comments |
2021-11-05 00:18 [view ] | XBT [view] | Failed | XBT Launch This is a test event | ||||
2021-11-08 01:04 [view ] | POSMV [view] | GSM | Applanix POSMV event Start logging POSMV | ||||
2021-11-08 01:04 [view ] | POSMV [view] | Applanix POSMV event Start logging POSMV | |||||
2021-11-08 06:00 [view ] | GSM | Test | GSM events | ||||
2021-11-08 06:00 [view ] | GSM | Demo Voyage | GSM events | ||||
2021-11-09 03:33 [view ] | Gravity Meter [view] | GSM | Micro-g LaCoste AS-2 gravity meter event Alongside reading prior to departure. Grav=10428.8, ST=10428.9, Grav QC=10289.5 | ||||
2021-11-09 03:33 [view ] | Gravity Meter [view] | Micro-g LaCoste AS-2 gravity meter event Alongside reading prior to departure. Grav=10428.8, ST=10428.9, Grav QC=10289.5 | |||||
2021-11-09 03:38 [view ] | Gravity Meter [view] | Micro-g LaCoste AS-2 gravity meter event Alongside reading prior to departure. Grav=10428.8, ST=10428.9, Grav QC=10289.5 | |||||
2021-11-09 11:05 [view ] | RMT Net Tow | Test | Rectangular Mid-Water Trawl Net | ||||
2021-11-09 11:05 [view ] | RMT Net Tow | Field Ops | Rectangular Mid-Water Trawl Net | ||||
2021-11-09 12:10 [view ] | Techsas 2 [view] | Techsas 2 event | |||||
2021-11-09 22:05 [view ] | RMT Net Tow | Rectangular Mid-Water Trawl Net | |||||
2021-11-09 23:03 [view ] | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start pinging and logging - line 0001 | ||||
2021-11-09 23:03 [view ] | EM710 [view] | Started | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start pinging and logging - line 0001 | ||||
2021-11-09 23:10 [view ] | -42.8861 | 147.3461 | Techsas 1 [view] | Techsas 1 event | |||
2021-11-09 23:10 [view ] | -42.8861 | 147.3461 | Techsas 2 [view] | Techsas 2 event | |||
2021-11-09 23:18 [view ] | -42.8862 | 147.3502 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start pinging | ||
2021-11-09 23:18 [view ] | -42.8862 | 147.3502 | SBP120 [view] | Started | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start pinging | ||
2021-11-09 23:22 [view ] | -42.8883 | 147.3530 | EK80 [view] | Started | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Pinging - not logging | ||
2021-11-10 00:00 [view ] | -42.9737 | 147.3794 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Logging | |||
2021-11-10 00:10 [view ] | -42.9734 | 147.3790 | Other [view] | Drop Keel | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-10 00:21 [view ] | -42.9733 | 147.3790 | Bongo [view] | Bongo Nets event | |||
2021-11-10 00:24 [view ] | -42.9733 | 147.3790 | Other [view] | Change | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-10 00:24 [view ] | -42.9733 | 147.3790 | SBP120 [view] | Restarted | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event line003 | ||
2021-11-10 00:24 [view ] | -42.9733 | 147.3790 | EM710 [view] | Stopped | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Logging | ||
2021-11-10 00:24 [view ] | -42.9733 | 147.3790 | SVP [view] | SVP | Sound velocity probe event | ||
2021-11-10 00:24 [view ] | -42.9733 | 147.3790 | Other [view] | Drop Keel | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-10 00:33 [view ] | -42.9732 | 147.3792 | SBP120 [view] | Stopped | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop pinging on EK80 calibration station | ||
2021-11-10 00:40 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3793 | ADCP [view] | ADCP Event | |||
2021-11-10 00:40 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3793 | ADCP [view] | Started | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-10 01:36 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3791 | ADCP [view] | Stopped | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-10 01:43 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3791 | Other [view] | Stopped | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-10 01:46 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3791 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging passive data | |||
2021-11-10 02:08 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3791 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop logging passive for background noise test | |||
2021-11-10 05:59 [view ] | -42.9727 | 147.3796 | ADCP [view] | Started | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-10 07:17 [view ] | -42.9720 | 147.3774 | ADCP [view] | Stopped | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-10 07:24 [view ] | -42.9729 | 147.3770 | SVP [view] | Drop | Sound velocity probe event | ||
2021-11-10 07:26 [view ] | -42.9727 | 147.3771 | Other [view] | SVP | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-10 08:22 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3786 | Other [view] | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | |||
2021-11-10 08:39 [view ] | -42.9732 | 147.3790 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging data | |||
2021-11-10 09:07 [view ] | -42.9739 | 147.3802 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Restarting OPC- very slow calibration wizard | |||
2021-11-10 09:07 [view ] | -42.9739 | 147.3802 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Restarting PC- very slow calibration wizard | |||
2021-11-10 09:13 [view ] | -42.9741 | 147.3803 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start EK80 logging complex samples | |||
2021-11-10 09:15 [view ] | -42.9741 | 147.3803 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 18 KHz CW GPT 38.1mm | |||
2021-11-10 09:15 [view ] | -42.9741 | 147.3803 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 18 KHz CW WBT 38.1mm | |||
2021-11-10 09:15 [view ] | -42.9741 | 147.3803 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 18 KHz CW GPT 38.1mm (EK60) | |||
2021-11-10 09:55 [view ] | -42.9735 | 147.3794 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event 18 KHz CW GPT 38.1mm | |||
2021-11-10 10:00 [view ] | -42.9735 | 147.3793 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start 38kHz CW WBT calibration | |||
2021-11-10 10:15 [view ] | -42.9735 | 147.3793 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event End of 38kHz CW 38.1mm cal | |||
2021-11-10 10:19 [view ] | -42.9735 | 147.3793 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start EK80 70kHz CW 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 10:27 [view ] | -42.9734 | 147.3793 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event End 70kHz cal | |||
2021-11-10 10:36 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3792 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 120 KHz CW | |||
2021-11-10 10:36 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3792 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event End 120 KHz CW | |||
2021-11-10 10:36 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3792 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event End 120 kHz CW WBT | |||
2021-11-10 10:38 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3792 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start 200kHz CW WBT 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 10:51 [view ] | -42.9727 | 147.3789 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop 200 kHz CW calibration | |||
2021-11-10 10:52 [view ] | -42.9727 | 147.3789 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Start redo of EK60 GPT CW 18kHz calibration | |||
2021-11-10 11:42 [view ] | -42.9727 | 147.3790 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Stop EK60 18kHz GPT calibration | |||
2021-11-10 11:49 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3792 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event EK80 38kHz WBT FM calibration start | |||
2021-11-10 12:02 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3793 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop 38kHz WBT FM cal | |||
2021-11-10 12:06 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3792 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start 120kHz WBT FM cal | |||
2021-11-10 12:21 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3792 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop EK80 120kHz WBT FM 38.1mm | |||
2021-11-10 12:23 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3792 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start EK80 WBT 200kHz WBT FM 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 12:34 [view ] | -42.9729 | 147.3794 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop EK80 WBT 200kHz FM 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 12:34 [view ] | -42.9729 | 147.3794 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop EK80 WBT 200kHz WBT FM 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 12:39 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3795 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start EK80 WBT 333kHz FM 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 12:39 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3795 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start EK80 WBT 333kHz WBT FM 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 12:53 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3795 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop EK80 WBT 333kHz FM 38.1mm calibration. Stopping system to change cables | |||
2021-11-10 12:53 [view ] | -42.9730 | 147.3795 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop EK80 WBT 333kHz WBT FM 38.1mm calibration. Stopping system to change cables | |||
2021-11-10 13:15 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3794 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start recording EK80 | |||
2021-11-10 13:16 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3794 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start EK80 18kHz WBT CW 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 13:16 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3794 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start EK80 WBT 18kHz WBT CW 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 13:45 [view ] | -42.9729 | 147.3795 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start EK80 18kHz WBT CW 38.1mm calibration | |||
2021-11-10 13:48 [view ] | -42.9729 | 147.3795 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Start EK60 GPT 70kHz CW calibration 38.1mm sphere | |||
2021-11-10 13:58 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3796 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Stop Ek60 GPT 70kHz 38.1mm sphere cal | |||
2021-11-10 13:59 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3796 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Start Ek60 GPT 120kHz CW 38.1mm sphere calibration | |||
2021-11-10 14:13 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3797 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Stop EK60 GPT 120kHz cal | |||
2021-11-10 14:14 [view ] | -42.9731 | 147.3797 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Start EK60 GPT 200kHz 38.1mm sphere calibration | |||
2021-11-10 14:30 [view ] | -42.9729 | 147.3797 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event End EK60 GPT 200kHz 38.1mm sphere calibration | |||
2021-11-10 14:30 [view ] | -42.9729 | 147.3797 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Stop EK60 GPT 200kHz 38.1mm sphere calibration | |||
2021-11-10 14:31 [view ] | -42.9729 | 147.3797 | EK60 [view] | Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder event Stop logging and pinging EK60 - shutting down to change cables | |||
2021-11-10 14:50 [view ] | -42.9728 | 147.3796 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Restarted the EK80 after cable swap. Back to WBTs & 18kHz GPT | |||
2021-11-10 16:00 [view ] | -42.9727 | 147.3795 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Sphere swapped to 22mm | |||
2021-11-10 16:01 [view ] | -42.9727 | 147.3795 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging EK80 - complex samples for calibration | |||
2021-11-10 16:07 [view ] | -42.9727 | 147.3796 | Other [view] | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | |||
2021-11-10 17:56 [view ] | -42.9733 | 147.3801 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop EK80 WBT to change 333 to GPT | |||
2021-11-10 19:59 [view ] | -43.0960 | 147.4479 | EM710 [view] | Started | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event line003 after packing Ek80 cal | ||
2021-11-10 20:06 [view ] | -43.1136 | 147.4676 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event line003 | |||
2021-11-10 20:13 [view ] | -43.1351 | 147.4771 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event End of Cal | |||
2021-11-10 21:01 [view ] | -43.2683 | 147.4748 | ADCP [view] | Started | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-10 21:07 [view ] | -43.2779 | 147.4581 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start Logging and change all sounders to CW after calibration | |||
2021-11-10 21:31 [view ] | -43.3039 | 147.4137 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop Logging Stationary vessel | |||
2021-11-10 21:32 [view ] | -43.3039 | 147.4137 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop Logging stationary vessel | |||
2021-11-10 21:46 [view ] | -43.3036 | 147.4132 | SBP120 [view] | Stopped | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped pinging and logging on station | ||
2021-11-11 01:37 [view ] | -43.3032 | 147.4125 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer PM shift replication of previous tests | |||
2021-11-11 02:00 [view ] | -43.3032 | 147.4132 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer gpc removed from cph | |||
2021-11-11 02:09 [view ] | -43.3033 | 147.4135 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer 7t winch lifting gpc test start | |||
2021-11-11 02:23 [view ] | -43.3032 | 147.4137 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer assembly of pilot corer | |||
2021-11-11 02:52 [view ] | -43.3031 | 147.4136 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer trigger installed /pilot core warp wind on | |||
2021-11-11 03:27 [view ] | -43.3031 | 147.4141 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer all release complete\start cph recovery | |||
2021-11-11 03:30 [view ] | -43.3032 | 147.4138 | TSG [view] | Cleaned | in2021_e01 | Filter cleaned | |
2021-11-11 04:20 [view ] | -43.3047 | 147.4158 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging | |||
2021-11-11 04:21 [view ] | -43.3047 | 147.4158 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging | |||
2021-11-11 04:36 [view ] | -43.2992 | 147.4576 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 70 kHz to passive due to interference with EM710 | |||
2021-11-11 04:56 [view ] | -43.2936 | 147.5425 | ADCP [view] | Restarted | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-11 05:25 [view ] | -43.2852 | 147.6717 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 70 kHz back to active, alternating pinging with EM710 | |||
2021-11-11 05:34 [view ] | -43.2828 | 147.7078 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event SBP Line 004 runs across Storm Bay from W-E. Possible paleo channel(s) | |||
2021-11-11 05:56 [view ] | -43.2762 | 147.8088 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event SBP stopped pinging - soft restart (software) and started pinging and logging | |||
2021-11-11 05:59 [view ] | -43.2755 | 147.8228 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop pinging for backscatter cal line | |||
2021-11-11 05:59 [view ] | -43.2755 | 147.8228 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Beams to 60/60, shallow mode for backsatter cal line | |||
2021-11-11 06:00 [view ] | -43.2756 | 147.8302 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop pinging for backscatter cal line | |||
2021-11-11 06:01 [view ] | -43.2757 | 147.8335 | ADCP [view] | ADCP Event | |||
2021-11-11 06:02 [view ] | -43.2757 | 147.8335 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start backscatter calibration line 4 | |||
2021-11-11 06:02 [view ] | -43.2757 | 147.8335 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start backscatter calibration line 4 | |||
2021-11-11 06:27 [view ] | -43.2768 | 147.9100 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed Receive array Z offset from negative to positive | |||
2021-11-11 06:35 [view ] | -43.2772 | 147.9339 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event End of BS cal line | |||
2021-11-11 06:35 [view ] | -43.2772 | 147.9339 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event End of BS cal line. | |||
2021-11-11 06:35 [view ] | -43.2771 | 147.9371 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Started EK80 | |||
2021-11-11 06:37 [view ] | -43.2765 | 147.9449 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event EM710 angles reset to 65°, dual swath and auto mode | |||
2021-11-11 06:38 [view ] | -43.2763 | 147.9491 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed receive array z values both to negative. No difference with both as positive. | |||
2021-11-11 06:40 [view ] | -43.2757 | 147.9578 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed receive array Z values back to original. Tx=positive, Rx=negative. No difference with both Z changes. | |||
2021-11-11 06:43 [view ] | -43.2752 | 147.9667 | ADCP [view] | Started | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-11 06:43 [view ] | -43.2752 | 147.9667 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP | |||
2021-11-11 06:43 [view ] | -43.2752 | 147.9667 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP after BS Cal line. Set to linear chirp up with matched filter. Window 100ms | |||
2021-11-11 07:11 [view ] | -43.2669 | 148.0984 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Beam angles to 75/75 | |||
2021-11-11 07:12 [view ] | -43.2667 | 148.1029 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging Em122 for extinction test. Beam angles 75/75, auto depth mode | |||
2021-11-11 07:16 [view ] | -43.2653 | 148.1254 | ADCP [view] | Stopped | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-11 07:19 [view ] | -43.2647 | 148.1345 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Extinction test line | |||
2021-11-11 07:19 [view ] | -43.2644 | 148.1389 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start EM122 Extinction line | |||
2021-11-11 07:31 [view ] | -43.2612 | 148.1912 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event EK80 to 1500m | |||
2021-11-11 07:34 [view ] | -43.2603 | 148.2040 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP applied in2021_sst003.asvp | |||
2021-11-11 07:34 [view ] | -43.2603 | 148.2040 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP applied in2021_sst003.asvp | |||
2021-11-11 07:34 [view ] | -43.2603 | 148.2040 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Power to -15db, window to 400ms | |||
2021-11-11 07:35 [view ] | -43.2603 | 148.2040 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event New SVP applied in2021_sst003.asvp | |||
2021-11-11 07:44 [view ] | -43.2579 | 148.2427 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event EM710 crash on accidental setting to 40kHz - restart SIS | |||
2021-11-11 08:06 [view ] | -43.2518 | 148.3413 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop- depth limit | |||
2021-11-11 08:09 [view ] | -43.2512 | 148.3499 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event New SVP applied in2021_sst004.asvp | |||
2021-11-11 08:48 [view ] | -43.2407 | 148.5152 | Techsas 1 [view] | Restarted | Techsas 1 event | ||
2021-11-11 08:53 [view ] | -43.2386 | 148.5397 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Power to -10dB | |||
2021-11-11 09:03 [view ] | -43.2355 | 148.5753 | ADCP [view] | Started | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-11 09:05 [view ] | -43.2360 | 148.5822 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of extinction line | |||
2021-11-11 09:08 [view ] | -43.2371 | 148.5827 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging on station | |||
2021-11-11 09:19 [view ] | -43.2373 | 148.5822 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging - on station for SVP devlopment on CTD frame | |||
2021-11-11 09:31 [view ] | -43.2372 | 148.5822 | SVP [view] | Sound velocity probe event SVP cast on CTD frame to 2800m | |||
2021-11-11 09:35 [view ] | -43.2370 | 148.5818 | CTD [view] | 1 | Deployed | in2021_e01 | Valeport CTD cast via CTD boom and frame |
2021-11-11 09:37 [view ] | -43.2371 | 148.5819 | CTD [view] | Deployed | CTD Seabird 911 event | ||
2021-11-11 10:19 [view ] | -43.2371 | 148.5824 | SVP [view] | Sound velocity probe event SVP at 2800m wire out - recovering | |||
2021-11-11 11:09 [view ] | -43.2371 | 148.5831 | SVP [view] | Sound velocity probe event SVP at surface - being recovered to deck | |||
2021-11-11 11:12 [view ] | -43.2371 | 148.5832 | CTD [view] | Retrieved | CTD Seabird 911 event | ||
2021-11-11 11:32 [view ] | -43.2432 | 148.5845 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event New SVP in2021_e01_svx2_002.asvp | |||
2021-11-11 11:49 [view ] | -43.2363 | 148.5727 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging GA1 line | |||
2021-11-11 11:49 [view ] | -43.2365 | 148.5750 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start of GA1 coring recon line. Vessel speed 7kts. SBP settings: Ping interval 1sec, Acq window 400ms, Power -6db, Pulse 30ms. Bottom Screen 50, delay Hyst 25 | |||
2021-11-11 11:49 [view ] | -43.2365 | 148.5750 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start of GA1 coring recon line. Vessel speed 7kts. SBP settings: Ping interval 1sec, Acq window 400ms, power -6db, pulse 30ms | |||
2021-11-11 11:49 [view ] | -43.2365 | 148.5750 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start of GA1 coring recon line. Vessel speed 7kts. SBP settings: Ping interval 1sec, Acq window 400ms, Power -6db, Pulse 30ms. Bottom Screen 50, delay Hyst 25 | ||
2021-11-11 12:11 [view ] | -43.2335 | 148.6329 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Over GA1 core site now. Small depression to the west of ~30m to be avoided | ||
2021-11-11 12:11 [view ] | -43.2335 | 148.6329 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Over GA1 core site now. Small depression to the west of ~30m to be avoided | |||
2021-11-11 12:39 [view ] | -43.2285 | 148.7080 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of GA1 Line 1 | ||
2021-11-11 12:39 [view ] | -43.2285 | 148.7080 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of GA1 Line 1 | |||
2021-11-11 12:39 [view ] | -43.2285 | 148.7080 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of GA recon line. Tunring around | ||
2021-11-11 12:39 [view ] | -43.2285 | 148.7080 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of GA recon line. Turning around | ||
2021-11-11 12:39 [view ] | -43.2285 | 148.7080 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of GA recon line. Tunring around | |||
2021-11-11 12:53 [view ] | -43.2286 | 148.7064 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start reciprocal GA1 line | ||
2021-11-11 12:53 [view ] | -43.2286 | 148.7064 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start reciprocal GA1 line | |||
2021-11-11 12:53 [view ] | -43.2286 | 148.7064 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start of GA1 recon line second pass (E-W). Changed settings. Power -4dB, pulse 20ms, Bottom Screen 40, Delay Hys 20, Acq window 300ms | |||
2021-11-11 12:53 [view ] | -43.2286 | 148.7064 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start of GA1 recon line second pass (E-W) | |||
2021-11-11 12:53 [view ] | -43.2286 | 148.7064 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start of GA1 recon line second pass (E-W). Changed settings. Power -4dB, pulse 20ms, Bottom Screen 40, Delay Hys 20, Acq window 300ms | ||
2021-11-11 13:04 [view ] | -43.2307 | 148.6760 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed Acq window to 250ms | |||
2021-11-11 13:04 [view ] | -43.2307 | 148.6760 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed Acq window to 250ms | ||
2021-11-11 13:04 [view ] | -43.2307 | 148.6760 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed Acq window to 250ms | |||
2021-11-11 13:38 [view ] | -43.2368 | 148.5814 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of GA1 reciprocal line | ||
2021-11-11 13:38 [view ] | -43.2368 | 148.5814 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of GA1 reciprocal line | |||
2021-11-11 13:39 [view ] | -43.2368 | 148.5814 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of second pass along GA coring recon line (E-W) | |||
2021-11-11 13:39 [view ] | -43.2368 | 148.5814 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of second pass along GA coring recon line (E-W) | |||
2021-11-11 13:39 [view ] | -43.2368 | 148.5814 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of second pass along GA coring recon line (E-W) | ||
2021-11-11 13:42 [view ] | -43.2372 | 148.5730 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP for Patch Tests | |||
2021-11-11 13:42 [view ] | -43.2372 | 148.5730 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP for Patch Tests | ||
2021-11-11 13:55 [view ] | -43.2449 | 148.5266 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Zeroed angular offsets in SIS | ||
2021-11-11 13:55 [view ] | -43.2449 | 148.5266 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Zeroed angular offsets in SIS | |||
2021-11-11 13:56 [view ] | -43.2449 | 148.5266 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Restart pinging with zeroed values | ||
2021-11-11 13:56 [view ] | -43.2449 | 148.5266 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Restart pinging with zeroed values | |||
2021-11-11 14:01 [view ] | -43.2350 | 148.5322 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start pitch line 1 | |||
2021-11-11 14:01 [view ] | -43.2350 | 148.5322 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start pitch line 1 | |||
2021-11-11 14:01 [view ] | -43.2350 | 148.5322 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start pitch line 1 | |||
2021-11-11 14:01 [view ] | -43.2350 | 148.5322 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start pitch line 1 | ||
2021-11-11 14:22 [view ] | -43.1957 | 148.5604 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of pitch line 1 | |||
2021-11-11 14:22 [view ] | -43.1957 | 148.5604 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of pitch line 1 | ||
2021-11-11 14:41 [view ] | -43.1940 | 148.5617 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start Pitch Line 2 | |||
2021-11-11 14:41 [view ] | -43.1940 | 148.5617 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start Pitch Line 2 | ||
2021-11-11 15:02 [view ] | -43.2369 | 148.5309 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop Pitch line 2 | |||
2021-11-11 15:02 [view ] | -43.2369 | 148.5309 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop Pitch line 2 | ||
2021-11-11 15:19 [view ] | -43.2219 | 148.4858 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start Yaw Line 1 | |||
2021-11-11 15:19 [view ] | -43.2219 | 148.4858 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start Yaw Line 1 | ||
2021-11-11 15:42 [view ] | -43.1778 | 148.5177 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Commence line turn on first yaw line | |||
2021-11-11 15:42 [view ] | -43.1778 | 148.5177 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Commence line turn on first yaw line | ||
2021-11-11 15:57 [view ] | -43.1744 | 148.5197 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Yaw line 1 on reciprocal heading | |||
2021-11-11 15:57 [view ] | -43.1744 | 148.5197 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Yaw line 1 on reciprocal heading | ||
2021-11-11 16:51 [view ] | -43.2553 | 148.5736 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Commence Yaw line 2 | |||
2021-11-11 16:51 [view ] | -43.2553 | 148.5736 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Commence Yaw line 2 | ||
2021-11-11 16:51 [view ] | -43.2553 | 148.5736 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Commence Yaw line 2 Line 17 | ||
2021-11-11 17:40 [view ] | -43.2361 | 148.5929 | EM122 [view] | Calibration | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Roll line 1 - line 0020 | ||
2021-11-11 18:02 [view ] | -43.2305 | 148.6458 | EM122 [view] | Calibration | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Roll line002 - 0022 | ||
2021-11-11 18:09 [view ] | -43.2346 | 148.6307 | EM122 [view] | Calibration | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End Roll line 2 - Patch Test | ||
2021-11-11 18:27 [view ] | -43.2344 | 148.6315 | EK80 [view] | Stopped | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event on Station CPH | ||
2021-11-11 18:28 [view ] | -43.2344 | 148.6315 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event On Station CPH | ||
2021-11-11 19:37 [view ] | -43.2339 | 148.6314 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer Whim had test | |||
2021-11-11 19:39 [view ] | -43.2339 | 148.6315 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer Winch test | |||
2021-11-11 19:58 [view ] | -43.2343 | 148.6321 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer | |||
2021-11-11 20:25 [view ] | -43.2348 | 148.6327 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer Winch test corer back on board | |||
2021-11-11 21:26 [view ] | -43.2344 | 148.6322 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer Test CPH x2; test removal of GPC x2; full speed test replication; test 7t | |||
2021-11-11 23:48 [view ] | -43.2340 | 148.6334 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer | |||
2021-11-11 23:49 [view ] | -43.2340 | 148.6334 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer Winch test 2 100m | |||
2021-11-12 01:56 [view ] | -43.2348 | 148.6371 | GPC [view] | Giant Piston Corer Cph in; gpc lifting out | |||
2021-11-12 03:30 [view ] | -43.2350 | 148.6358 | Drop Keels [view] | Reboot | in2021_e01 | SBE38 deck box off for 10 minutes | |
2021-11-12 03:42 [view ] | -43.2349 | 148.6360 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Pilot whales in EK80 data | |||
2021-11-12 06:10 [view ] | -43.2350 | 148.6350 | TSG [view] | Filter Clean | in2021_e01 | Filter Cleaned | |
2021-11-12 07:06 [view ] | -43.2361 | 148.6330 | SVP [view] | Sound velocity probe event SVP deployed on CTD frame at GA1 location | |||
2021-11-12 07:06 [view ] | -43.2361 | 148.6330 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event SVP deployed on CTD frame at GA1 location | ||
2021-11-12 07:17 [view ] | -43.2361 | 148.6328 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging to custom ranges | ||
2021-11-12 07:34 [view ] | -43.2363 | 148.6324 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop pinging/logging to update WBT tranceiver software | |||
2021-11-12 07:34 [view ] | -43.2363 | 148.6324 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop pinging/logging to update WBT tranceiver software | ||
2021-11-12 07:35 [view ] | -43.2363 | 148.6324 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Updating WBT transceiver software | ||
2021-11-12 07:55 [view ] | -43.2367 | 148.6320 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Restart pinging and logging after update | ||
2021-11-12 08:57 [view ] | -43.2387 | 148.6291 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop pinging/logging on station | ||
2021-11-12 09:14 [view ] | -43.2395 | 148.6281 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event Recovery of SVP delayed due to error messages on the CTD winch. Wire out at 2200m | ||
2021-11-12 09:28 [view ] | -43.2400 | 148.6272 | Techsas 1 [view] | Restarted | Techsas 1 event | ||
2021-11-12 10:30 [view ] | -43.2400 | 148.6269 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event SVP back at surface. Being recovered to deck | ||
2021-11-12 10:47 [view ] | -43.2399 | 148.6267 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event New SVP in2021_e01_svx2_003.asvp | ||
2021-11-12 11:01 [view ] | -43.2460 | 148.6422 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP. Core Site Recon OptionA (SBP Line 2). Settings: Power -4dB, Window 250ms, Pulse 20, Bottom Screen 50, Delay Hyst 25. Echogram1 Rx beam to 0 (was on 11) | ||
2021-11-12 11:01 [view ] | -43.2460 | 148.6422 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP. Core Site Recon OptionA (SBP Line 2, S-N). Settings: Power -4dB, Window 250ms, Pulse 20, Bottom Screen 50, Delay Hyst 25. Echogram1 Rx beam to 0 (was on 11). Speed 5kts | ||
2021-11-12 11:01 [view ] | -43.2460 | 148.6422 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP. Core Site Recon Option B (SBP Line 2). Settings: Power -4dB, Window 250ms, Pulse 20, Bottom Screen 50, Delay Hyst 25. Echogram1 Rx beam to 0 (was on 11) | ||
2021-11-12 11:01 [view ] | -43.2460 | 148.6422 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP. Core Site Recon Option B (SBP Line 2) | ||
2021-11-12 11:01 [view ] | -43.2460 | 148.6422 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP. Core Site Recon OptionA (SBP Line 2). Settings: Power -4dB, Window 250ms, Pulse 20, Bottom Screen 50, Delay Hyst 25. Echogram1 Rx beam to 0 (was on 11). Speed 5kts | ||
2021-11-12 11:02 [view ] | -43.2460 | 148.6422 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging | ||
2021-11-12 11:03 [view ] | -43.2445 | 148.6432 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging EM122 (for SBP Line2) | ||
2021-11-12 11:03 [view ] | -43.2445 | 148.6432 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging | ||
2021-11-12 11:20 [view ] | -43.2194 | 148.6412 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of SBP line 2 | ||
2021-11-12 11:20 [view ] | -43.2194 | 148.6412 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of SBP Line2 (Core Site Option A) | ||
2021-11-12 11:24 [view ] | -43.2168 | 148.6446 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start SBP short transit line | ||
2021-11-12 11:35 [view ] | -43.2318 | 148.6434 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start of Roll line 4 (E-W) at 5kts | ||
2021-11-12 11:36 [view ] | -43.2324 | 148.6415 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start of Roll Line 4 (same as GA core site Recon line E-W). Acq Window 200ms | ||
2021-11-12 11:57 [view ] | -43.2365 | 148.5927 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of Roll line 2 | ||
2021-11-12 11:57 [view ] | -43.2365 | 148.5927 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End | ||
2021-11-12 11:57 [view ] | -43.2365 | 148.5927 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of Roll Line 4 (same as GA core site Recon line E-W). | ||
2021-11-12 12:04 [view ] | -43.2340 | 148.5949 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start SBP short transit line | ||
2021-11-12 12:14 [view ] | -43.2199 | 148.5911 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging SBP - Turning | ||
2021-11-12 12:18 [view ] | -43.2214 | 148.5980 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start SBP line 3 | ||
2021-11-12 12:20 [view ] | -43.2229 | 148.5983 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP. Core Site Recon OptionB (SBP Line 3, N-S). Settings: Power -4dB, Window 200ms, Pulse 20, Bottom Screen 50, Delay Hyst 25. Echogram1 Rx beam to 0 (was on 11). Speed 5kts | ||
2021-11-12 12:20 [view ] | -43.2229 | 148.5983 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP. Core Site Recon OptionA (SBP Line 3, N-S). Settings: Power -4dB, Window 200ms, Pulse 20, Bottom Screen 50, Delay Hyst 25. Echogram1 Rx beam to 0 (was on 11). Speed 5kts | ||
2021-11-12 12:36 [view ] | -43.2483 | 148.6015 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of SBP line 3 | ||
2021-11-12 12:36 [view ] | -43.2483 | 148.6015 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event End of SBP Line3 (Core Site Option B) | ||
2021-11-12 12:37 [view ] | -43.2512 | 148.6008 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start SBP logging - Transit to Latency Patch Line | ||
2021-11-12 13:13 [view ] | -43.2439 | 148.5028 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start Latency Line 1 8kts | ||
2021-11-12 13:26 [view ] | -43.2699 | 148.4839 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of latency line 1 | ||
2021-11-12 13:42 [view ] | -43.2766 | 148.4795 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start SBP - Latency Line S-N | ||
2021-11-12 13:46 [view ] | -43.2703 | 148.4840 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start latency line 2 @ 4 kts | |||
2021-11-12 13:46 [view ] | -43.2703 | 148.4840 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start latency line 2 @ 4 kts | ||
2021-11-12 14:13 [view ] | -43.2429 | 148.5042 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End latency line 2 (4 kts) | ||
2021-11-12 14:13 [view ] | -43.2429 | 148.5042 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped for Bist Noise test | ||
2021-11-12 14:13 [view ] | -43.2429 | 148.5042 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging/pinging for Bist Noise test | ||
2021-11-12 14:14 [view ] | -43.2429 | 148.5042 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging/pinging for BIST noise tests | ||
2021-11-12 14:15 [view ] | -43.2410 | 148.5053 | ADCP [view] | ADCP Event | |||
2021-11-12 14:24 [view ] | -43.2374 | 148.5058 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start BIST noise test- 0 kts. All acoustics off except doppler log (required by bridge) | ||
2021-11-12 14:24 [view ] | -43.2373 | 148.5056 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start BIST noise test- 0 kts. All acoustics off except doppler log (required by bridge) | ||
2021-11-12 14:26 [view ] | -43.2372 | 148.5055 | Other [view] | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | |||
2021-11-12 14:26 [view ] | -43.2372 | 148.5055 | Other [view] | GSM | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-12 14:37 [view ] | -43.2346 | 148.5085 | Other [view] | GSM | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-12 14:43 [view ] | -43.2299 | 148.5101 | Other [view] | GSM | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-12 15:14 [view ] | -43.1658 | 148.5100 | Other [view] | GSM | Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events | ||
2021-11-12 15:19 [view ] | -43.1501 | 148.5100 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event EM122 TX error during noise tests- restarted SIS, now restarting TRU | ||
2021-11-12 15:20 [view ] | -43.1469 | 148.5100 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event BIST noise tests complete | ||
2021-11-12 15:27 [view ] | -43.1281 | 148.5101 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event EM122 restarted- BISTs successful | |||
2021-11-12 15:27 [view ] | -43.1281 | 148.5101 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event EM122 restarted- BISTs successful | ||
2021-11-12 15:27 [view ] | -43.1248 | 148.5101 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event End of noise BIST test 12 kts | ||
2021-11-12 15:29 [view ] | -43.1184 | 148.5101 | ADCP [view] | ADCP Event | |||
2021-11-12 15:36 [view ] | -43.1148 | 148.4931 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event Em122 sst005 applied | ||
2021-11-12 15:36 [view ] | -43.1157 | 148.4893 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Logging EM122 | ||
2021-11-12 16:46 [view ] | -43.1661 | 148.2059 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event | |||
2021-11-12 17:12 [view ] | -43.1632 | 148.1815 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event EM710 reference Surface Line 4 | |||
2021-11-12 17:13 [view ] | -43.1635 | 148.1831 | EM122 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event | |||
2021-11-12 18:15 [view ] | -43.2591 | 148.0792 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event EM710 sst005 applied | ||
2021-11-12 18:18 [view ] | -43.2632 | 148.0666 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event line 021 applied sst006 | ||
2021-11-12 19:17 [view ] | -43.2757 | 147.8367 | SVP [view] | SVP | Sound velocity probe event EM710 SVP rctd001 applied | ||
2021-11-12 19:34 [view ] | -43.2600 | 147.7634 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop logging and pinging for backscatter monitoring line | ||
2021-11-12 19:45 [view ] | -43.2496 | 147.7157 | ADCP [view] | ADCP Event | |||
2021-11-12 19:46 [view ] | -43.2496 | 147.7157 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event EM710 increment to line 0023 for backscatter cal line sv file will be rctd2 | ||
2021-11-12 20:24 [view ] | -43.1996 | 147.6235 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Backscatter line complete | ||
2021-11-12 20:25 [view ] | -43.2001 | 147.6233 | ADCP [view] | ADCP Event | |||
2021-11-12 20:27 [view ] | -43.2011 | 147.6227 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop end of line for backscatter, now box coring | ||
2021-11-12 20:59 [view ] | -43.2014 | 147.6219 | 2500 Box Corer | MK Large Box Corer prestart complete; deckwork to preparer begins | |||
2021-11-12 21:49 [view ] | -43.2014 | 147.6221 | 2500 Box Corer | MK Large Box Corer Kc box core test 1 | |||
2021-11-12 22:05 [view ] | -43.2013 | 147.6216 | 2500 Box Corer | MK Large Box Corer unloAD ON SEAFLOOR | |||
2021-11-12 22:28 [view ] | -43.2013 | 147.6199 | 2500 Box Corer | MK Large Box Corer Product secured to deck | |||
2021-11-12 22:37 [view ] | -43.2013 | 147.6197 | TSG [view] | Cleaned | in2021_e01 | Filter Cleaned etc | |
2021-11-13 05:36 [view ] | -43.2030 | 147.6231 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging- getting underway | ||
2021-11-13 05:37 [view ] | -43.2050 | 147.6232 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging | ||
2021-11-13 05:37 [view ] | -43.2050 | 147.6232 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP - Zigzag linne out of Storm Bay | ||
2021-11-13 05:37 [view ] | -43.2073 | 147.6229 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Beams to 65/65 | ||
2021-11-13 05:39 [view ] | -43.2097 | 147.6219 | EK80 [view] | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 70kHz to passive due to interference with EM710 | |||
2021-11-13 05:56 [view ] | -43.2435 | 147.5721 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New file - changed delay to 15 and bottom screen to 30. Power -15db, Ping interval 500ms. Acq window 100ms | ||
2021-11-13 05:56 [view ] | -43.2435 | 147.5721 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New file - changed delay to 15 and bottom screen to 30 | ||
2021-11-13 06:42 [view ] | -43.3176 | 147.4561 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Possible wreck | ||
2021-11-13 06:42 [view ] | -43.3176 | 147.4561 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Feature - Possible wreck or rock | ||
2021-11-13 06:49 [view ] | -43.3316 | 147.4366 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event slow turn - new file | ||
2021-11-13 06:51 [view ] | -43.3340 | 147.4353 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Course change, new line (end of E-W segment across Storm Bay) | ||
2021-11-13 07:09 [view ] | -43.3790 | 147.4424 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Changing course, line break | ||
2021-11-13 07:10 [view ] | -43.3826 | 147.4473 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Course change, new line. Changed Acq window from 100 to 150ms | ||
2021-11-13 07:10 [view ] | -43.3826 | 147.4473 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Course change, new line. Changed Acq window from 100 to 150ms. Transiting W-E across Storm Bay | ||
2021-11-13 08:38 [view ] | -43.4040 | 147.7526 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP in2021_e01_sst_007 | ||
2021-11-13 09:19 [view ] | -43.4127 | 147.8942 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP applied in2021_e03_sst008.asvp | ||
2021-11-13 09:38 [view ] | -43.4169 | 147.9582 | EM122 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Split line on turn | ||
2021-11-13 09:38 [view ] | -43.4177 | 147.9617 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change of course from W-E to south, New Line | |||
2021-11-13 10:02 [view ] | -43.4703 | 147.9949 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Logging range to 1500 (individual) | ||
2021-11-13 10:02 [view ] | -43.4727 | 147.9960 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Going off shelf | ||
2021-11-13 10:06 [view ] | -43.4820 | 148.0004 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed power to -10db | |||
2021-11-13 10:19 [view ] | -43.5131 | 148.0130 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Recon Line mid depth patch site | |||
2021-11-13 10:54 [view ] | -43.5655 | 147.9622 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Slowed to 2 kts for rapidcast | ||
2021-11-13 11:15 [view ] | -43.5801 | 147.9587 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event RapidCTD cast 3 | ||
2021-11-13 11:39 [view ] | -43.5873 | 147.9736 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop pinging for EM710 patch test | ||
2021-11-13 11:44 [view ] | -43.5786 | 147.9756 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP applied in2021_e01_rctd_003.asvp | ||
2021-11-13 11:47 [view ] | -43.5717 | 147.9790 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Angluar offsets zeroed in SIS | ||
2021-11-13 11:48 [view ] | -43.5700 | 147.9801 | ADCP [view] | ADCP Event | |||
2021-11-13 11:58 [view ] | -43.5537 | 147.9907 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Pitch line 1 HDG 033 | ||
2021-11-13 12:17 [view ] | -43.5284 | 148.0195 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event 0040 | ||
2021-11-13 12:29 [view ] | -43.5296 | 148.0184 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Pitch Line 2 HDG215 | ||
2021-11-13 12:46 [view ] | -43.5550 | 147.9881 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event End of Pitch line 2 | ||
2021-11-13 12:51 [view ] | -43.5604 | 147.9838 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event stopped for turn | ||
2021-11-13 12:58 [view ] | -43.5501 | 147.9867 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Yaw line 1 HDG042 | ||
2021-11-13 13:14 [view ] | -43.5281 | 148.0138 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event End of Yaw line 1 | ||
2021-11-13 13:25 [view ] | -43.5270 | 148.0149 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Yaw line 1 reciprocal HDG220 | ||
2021-11-13 13:26 [view ] | -43.5270 | 148.0149 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start SBP. EM710 Yaw line1 reciprocal (NE-SW) | ||
2021-11-13 13:42 [view ] | -43.5524 | 147.9845 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event End of Yaw 1 reciprocal | ||
2021-11-13 13:44 [view ] | -43.5560 | 147.9817 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging for turn | ||
2021-11-13 13:50 [view ] | -43.5569 | 147.9919 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Yaw line 2 HDG 040 | ||
2021-11-13 13:50 [view ] | -43.5569 | 147.9919 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Yaw line 2 HDG 040/ Latency 8 kts at end of line | ||
2021-11-13 13:50 [view ] | -43.5554 | 147.9937 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event SBP along EM710 Yaw2 (SW-NE). Sediment thickness ~50ms | ||
2021-11-13 14:05 [view ] | -43.5316 | 148.0227 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event End of Yaw line 1, latency line 1 | ||
2021-11-13 14:16 [view ] | -43.5316 | 148.0227 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start latency line 2 4 kts | ||
2021-11-13 14:33 [view ] | -43.5471 | 148.0040 | EM710 [view] | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Enf of latency line 2 | |||
2021-11-13 15:34 [view ] | -43.5619 | 147.8671 | ADCP [view] | ADCP Event | |||
2021-11-13 15:46 [view ] | -43.5574 | 147.8290 | EK80 [view] | GSM | Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event EK80 start logging | ||
2021-11-13 17:14 [view ] | -43.5245 | 147.5501 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event EM710 line 057 sst009 applied | ||
2021-11-13 19:09 [view ] | -43.3815 | 147.4405 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New SBP Line change heading | ||
2021-11-13 22:28 [view ] | -43.1347 | 147.4592 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Line 31 - changed ac window on NESW line to 100 | ||
2021-11-13 22:41 [view ] | -43.1090 | 147.4837 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event EM710 Line 0066 applied sst 010 | ||
2021-11-13 22:44 [view ] | -43.1029 | 147.4809 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change direction | ||
2021-11-13 22:50 [view ] | -43.0987 | 147.4598 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event EM710 apply line069 sst011 | ||
2021-11-13 23:41 [view ] | -43.0250 | 147.3792 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event Line0071 apply sst 012 EM710 | ||
2021-11-13 23:43 [view ] | -43.0199 | 147.3776 | SBP120 [view] | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Shallow, tweaked TVG | |||
2021-11-13 23:48 [view ] | -43.0059 | 147.3735 | SVP [view] | GSM | Sound velocity probe event Line77 EM710 sst 014 - localised fresh water influence SVP needs review | ||
2021-11-13 23:50 [view ] | -43.0002 | 147.3717 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event change acq window to 50m & TVG adjusted | ||
2021-11-14 00:15 [view ] | -42.9385 | 147.3789 | SBP120 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging and pinging SBP. End of voyage | ||
2021-11-14 00:20 [view ] | -42.9350 | 147.3799 | EM710 [view] | GSM | Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stopped logging & pinging EM710. End of voyage | ||
2021-11-14 00:30 [view ] | -42.9307 | 147.3823 | ADCP [view] | Stopped | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-14 00:30 [view ] | -42.9307 | 147.3823 | ADCP [view] | Stopped | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-14 00:30 [view ] | -42.9307 | 147.3823 | ADCP [view] | Stopped | ADCP Event | ||
2021-11-14 00:33 [view ] | -42.9265 | 147.3827 | UW Seawater lab | Stop | in2021_e01 | UWS lab instruments shut down | |
2021-11-14 00:34 [view ] | -42.9248 | 147.3828 | Other [view] | Stop | in2021_e01 | Picarrio shut down | |
2021-11-14 01:00 [view ] | -42.8847 | 147.3463 | Other [view] | in2021_e01 | Picarrio back online | ||
2021-11-14 01:46 [view ] | Techsas 1 [view] | Stopped | Techsas 1 event | ||||
2021-11-14 01:46 [view ] | Techsas 2 [view] | Stopped | Techsas 2 event | ||||
2021-11-14 02:02 [view ] | Gravity Meter [view] | GSM | Micro-g LaCoste AS-2 gravity meter event Gravity meter off | ||||
2021-11-14 02:03 [view ] | POSMV [view] | GSM | Applanix POSMV event Stop logging POSMV |
Deployments by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'Deployment' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data (tab delimited).
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Deployment | Operation | Station | Cast | Gear | Project | Start and end times | Start Location | End Location | Depth range | Max Depth | Description | |||
ADCP Data [details] | Teledyne RDI ADCP 150 kHz | 2549 | 2021-11-10 00:45 | 2021-11-13 22:43 | -42.9730 | 147.3794 | -43.1031 | 147.4813 | 718 | |||||
XBT Cast [details] | 2391 | 2021-11-12 17:23 | 247.1 |