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Project details

Title: East Australian Current and eddy studies ("Courageous", "Sprightly"), 1978-1984
Id: 12
Acronym: East Australian Current studies late 1970s-80s
Investigator(s): Bruce Hamon
(Former) CSIRO Division of Fisheries/Fisheries and Oceanography - Cronulla [details]

Years: 1978 to 1984


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Survey InvestigatorDescription
SP 03/84

F. Boland (CSIRO) Cruise objectives were to make retrieve moorings and make CTD and XBT sections for ACE (Australian Coastal Experiment), a cooperative venture between CSIRO, Oregon State University, and IOS, Canada. The ACE sections run to 2000 m from Cape Howe, Stanwell park, and Newcastle, NSW. Cruise started in Sydney and terminated in Hobart.
SP 02/84

J. Church (CSIRO) Cruise objectives were to make CTD and XBT sections for ACE (Australian Coastal Experiment), a cooperative venture between CSIRO, Oregon State University, and IOS, Canada. The ACE sections run to 2000 m from Cape Howe, Stanwell park, and Newcastle, NSW. Additional sections were surveyed off Cronulla and Jervis Bay (Beecroft Head). Other objectives were to survey an eddy, and service and deploy Metspar buoys, and take a line of XBT's for RANRL.
SP 01/84

D. Vaudrey (CSIRO) Cruise objectives were to make CTD and XBT sections for ACE (Australian Coastal Experiment), a cooperative venture between CSIRO, Oregon State University, and IOS, Canada. The ACE sections run to 2000 m from Cape Howe, Stanwell park, and Newcastle, NSW. Additional sections were surveyed off Cronulla and Jervis Bay (Beecroft Head). Other objectives were to survey an eddy, and service and deploy Metspar buoys, and take a line of XBT's for RANRL.
SP 16/83

A. Forbes (CSIRO) Cruise objectives were to make CTD and XBT sections for ACE (Australian Coastal Experiment), a cooperative venture between CSIRO, Oregon Stae University, and IOS, Canada. The ACE sections run to 2000 m from Cape Howe, Stanwell park, and Newcastle, NSW. Additional sections were surveyed off Cronulla and Jervis Bay (Beecroft Head). Other objectives were to survey an eddy, service and deploy Metspar buoys, and take a line of XBT's for RANRL.
SP 15/83

R. Edwards (CSIRO) Cruise objectives were to make CTD and XBT sections for ACE (Australian Coastal Experiment), a cooperative venture between CSIRO, Oregon Stae University, and IOS, Canada. The ACE sections run to 2000 m from Cape Howe, Stanwell park, and Newcastle, NSW. Other objectives were to survey an eddy, and deploy a current meter off Stanwell Park.
SP 14/83

A. Forbes (CSIRO) Cruise objectives were to make CTD and XBT sections for ACE (Australian Coastal Experiment), a cooperative venture between CSIRO, Oregon State University, and IOS, Canada. The ACE sections run to 2000 m from Cape Howe, Stanwell park, and Newcastle, NSW. Other objectives were to survey an eddy, deploy tide guage moorings, service current menters and deploy a Metspar Buoy.
SP 13/83

F. Boland (CSIRO) Cruise objectives were to carry out hydrology sections and deploy a mooring array for ACE (Australian Coastal Experiment), a cooperative venture between CSIRO, Oregon Stae University, and IOS, Canada. The ACE sections run to 2000 m from Cape Howe, Stanwell park, and Newcastle, NSW. All moorings and 4 buoys were deployed, and CTD data was obtained from 38 stations.
SP 12/83

T. McDougall (CSIRO) Biological and hydrological sampling across an eddy off the NSW coast, including CTD stations, an XBT survey, and free-fall plankton nets and towed Clarke-Bumpus nets. A drogued buoy was released. Two moorings were deployed in preparation for ACE.
SP 10/83

R. Edwards (CSIRO) Cruise objectives were to carry out an XBT section along 155 deg E, carry out a physical and chemical oceanographic survey of Wreck Reef, and deploy current meter moorings and tide guages for UNSW, between Sydney and Townsville.
SP 08/83

F. Boland (CSIRO) Recovery of ACE test mooring, plus trials of the new CTD computer system.
SP 02/83

A. Forbes (CSIRO) CTD/XBT sections across shelf break and XBT sections across a warm-core eddy E from Port Hacking.
SP 12/82

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) 16 CTD stations taken following the 110m depth contour between 34 deg and 24 deg S, along the NSW and Queensland coasts. A satellite-tracked bouy was recovered at Fairfax Islets and another used, together with a passive bouy followed by the ship, off Evans Head. Ocean truth sea temperature data was also collected to compare with satellite imagery data from NOAA.
SP 08/82

F.B. Griffiths (CSIRO) Micronekton, surface plankton, and CTD + XBT sampling in a warm-core eddy, in the Tasman and Coral Seas, and in the East Australian current. On ther second leg, 4 current meter moorings were recovered, and 3 XBT sections were taken on the shelf between Sydney and Gabo Island, and in Bass Strait.
SP 02/82

P. Herbert (part A) and D. Vaudrey (part C) (CSIRO) Oceanographic observations between Kangaroo Island and western Bass Strait, plus NSW coast between Eden and Sydney.
Note: There were three parts to this cruise, part A being the leg from Kangaroo Island to Melbourne and part C being the leg from Eden to Sydney, with part B a transit leg.
SP 01/82

D. Vaudrey (CSIRO) Oceanographic survey of Eddy "Olga" off the NSW coast.
SP 13/81

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) Oceanographic studies between Sydney and Coffs Harbour, and between Sydney and Gascoyne seamount in the Tasman Sea.
SP 12/81

M. Tomczak (CSIRO) Oceanographic studies of Bass Strait plus a section off NSW Coast
SP 10/81

R. Thompson (CSIRO) Oceanographic studies of the Tasman Sea off Sydney including Eddy survey.
SP 09/81

F. Boland (CSIRO) Oceanographic studies between Cairns and Sydney, including Flinders Reef and the western Coral Sea.
SP 06A/81

R. Edwards (CSIRO) Oconagraphic studies of Eddy "Maria" off New South Wales Coast.
SP 04/81

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) Oceanographic studies of NSW coast between Sydney and Eden, including survey of Eddy "Mario".
SP 03/81

F. Boland (CSIRO) Oceanographic studies of Barrier Reef, and Cape Hawke section.
SP 02/81

M. Greig (CSIRO) East Australian current studies, including the Cape Hawke section and the Great Barrier Reef slope.
SP 01/81

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) Oceanographic study of Eddy "Maria" in the Tasman sea off New South Wales coast.
SP 18/80

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) Oceanographic study of Eddy "Maria" and Eddy "Leo" off the coast of New South Wales, Victoria and in Bass Strait.
SP 17/80

T. Golding (CSIRO) East Australian current studies including the Cape Hawke section and the Great Barrier Reef slope and a survey of Fraser Seamount.
SP 16/80

A. Pearce (CSIRO) Biological and Oceanographic studies including the Cape Hawke section and the Great Barrier Reef slope.
Biological studies included phytoplankton and zooplankton collections.
SP 15/80

R. Thompson East Australian Current studies including the Great Barrier Reef slope and the Cape Hawke section.
SP 14/80

M. Tomczak (CSIRO) East Australian current studies including the Cape Hawke section and the Great Barrier Reef Slope.
SP 12/80

G. Leech (CSIRO) Biological and Oceanographic studies of Eddy "J".
SP 08/80

T. Golding (CSIRO) East Australian current studies between 15 deg S and 23 deg S in the vicinity of the Great Barrier Reef.
SP 07/80

D Vaudrey (CSIRO) Biological and Oceanographic study of Eddy "J", including XBT, Hydrology and trawl data.
SP 06/80

J. Church (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies- NSW coast and Great Barrier Reef area. Also, deployment of water level recorders at Myrmidon Reef, Flinders Reefs, and Bougainville Reef; deployment of current meters in the channel between The Great Barrier Reef and Flinders Reef; and release of several satellite-tracked bouys. Equipment was also deployed in the Great Barrier reef Lagoon near mackay for Jason Middleton (University of NSW).
SP 05B/80

R. Edwards (CSIRO) Hydrological sampling off NSW coast
SP 05/80

D. Tranter (CSIRO) East Australian Current/eddy studies, including underway physical and nutrient data, plus Nansen casts and zooplankton sampling across the eddy.
SP 03/80

F.B. Griffiths (CSIRO) East Australian Current/eddy studies, including underway physical and nutrient data, plus Nansen casts, midwater trawls, and squid fishing across the eddy. (NB voyage SP 03/80 and voyage SP 04/80 appear to be alternative numbers for the same voyage)
SP 04/80

F.B. Griffiths (CSIRO) East Australian Current/eddy studies, including underway physical and nutrient data, plus Nansen casts, midwater trawls, and squid fishing across the eddy. (NB voyage SP 03/80 and voyage SP 04/80 appear to be alternative numbers for the same voyage)
SP 02/80

R. Parker (CSIRO) East Australian Current/eddy studies, including underway physical and nutrient data, plus thermal structure, nutrients, zooplankton and fluorescence across the eddy.
SP 12/79

B. Scott (CSIRO) To study the oceanography of the North West Coral Sea, in co-operation with AIMS, and in particular the zone close to the Great Barrier Reef between 14 - 19 deg South.
To study the East Australian Current system and eddy J en route to and from the Coral Sea.
SP 11/79

D. Tranter (CSIRO) East Australian Current/eddy studies, including underway physical and nutrient data, plus thermal structure, nutrients, zooplankton and midwater fauna across the eddy.
SP 10/79

S. Brandt (CSIRO) East Australian Current/eddy studies, including underway physical and nutrient data, plus thermal structure, nutrients, zooplankton and midwater fauna across the eddy.
SP 09/79

D. Tranter (CSIRO) East Australian Current/eddy studies, including underway physical and nutrient data, plus thermal structure, nutrients, zooplankton and midwater fauna across the eddy.
SP 08/79

M. Greig (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies and oceanographic studies in the Coral Sea, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts
SP 07/79

M. Tomczak (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; mooring deployment
SP 06/79

F. Boland (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; recovery of moored current meters; and bottom sampling near Evans Head (for Flinders University)
SP 05/79

B. Hamon (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; deployment and tracking of floats in the region of a waste dump site
SP 04/79

A. Pearce (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; surface temperature and salinity; Bathysonde. Three current meter moorings were also deployed.
SP 03/79

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; surface temperature and salinity
SP 02/79

R. Thompson (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; surface temperature and salinity
Cour 042 (1978)

K. Williams (CSIRO) Courageous cruise 042 was undertaken to study the biological aspects of a mesoscale eddy in the Tasman Sea off the southern New South Wales coast. Cruise objectives included measuring the horizontal and vertical distribution of chlorophyll off the coast; study of the micronekton and pelagic fish inside and outside the eddy using a midwater trawl; and measurement of hydrological parameters associated with the eddy. The voyage took place between Sydney-Eden area-Sydney, from 27 November to 14 December 1978.
SP 17/78

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; water samples for salinity
SP 16/78

B. Scott (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; Niskin casts for phytoplankton; zooplankton net tows
SP 15/78

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; surface chemistry
SP 14/78

T. Golding (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; Niskin casts for phytoplankton
SP 13/78

R. Edwards (CSIRO) Oceanographic studies off eastern Australia to the northern boundary of the Antarctic Convergence,including XBT's; Nansen casts; phytoplankton (fluorometer readings)
SP 12/78

J. Church (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including XBT's; Nansen casts; phytoplankton (fluorometer readings); samples for chemical analysis. A satellite-tracked buoy was also released into a warm-core eddy.
SP 11/78

B. Hamon (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; Bathysonde records;
SP 10/78

A. Pearce (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; Bathysonde records; trial of ship-borne Aanderaa current meters
SP 09/78

F. Boland (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; Bathysonde records
SP 08/78

J. Church (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts
SP 07/78

T. Golding (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including current meter recoveries; GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; dynamic height measurements
SP 06/78

T. Golding (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; dynamic height measurements
SP 05/78

A. Pearce (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including deploying Aanderaa current meters; GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; dynamic height measurements.
SP 04/78

F. Boland (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts
SP 03/78

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including GEK surface current measurements; XBT's; Nansen casts; samples for chemical analysis.
SP 02/78

J.S. Godfrey (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies, including data logger trials; GEK surface currents; XBT's; surface temperature and salinity measurements.
SP 01/78

B. Hamon (CSIRO) Equipment trials and East Australian Current studies, including thermosalinograph and GEK surface current measurements
SP 06/77

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) To make XBT sections through a Tasman Sea eddy at 37 deg South, 152 deg East which had been indicated for two months by satellite buoys No 1234, 1352. Surface samples for salinities, nitrates, silicates etc. Sea surface thermograhp operated.
KIM 7/72

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) East Australian Current studies
To test the following items of equipment:
  1. Satellite transponder
  2. Bathysonde
  3. time release
  4. Direct reading current meter
To collect silicate samples.
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