Project details
Title: | EXpendable Bathythermographs (XBTs) |
Id: | 2594 |
Acronym: | XBT |
Investigator(s): | Rebecca Cowley
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart [details] |
Description: | xbt data collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator. |
Years: | 2021 |
Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2021_V03 XBT Data [link]
List of surveys that this project was on.
Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.
Survey | Investigator | Description |
IN2021_V03 [details] |
Dr Sloyan | This voyage will recover and re-deploy an array of six full-depth current meter and property (temperature, salinity and pressure) moorings from the continental slope to the abyssal waters off Brisbane (27oS). The observing system is designed to capture the mean and time-varying flow of the EAC. In order to resolve interannual and decadal signals we aim to maintain multi-year deployments of the array. The data from the EAC mooring array and other oceanographic sampling are essential for understanding, at the regional to global scale, the role of boundary current in the climate system, and, at the local scale, simulating cross-shelf flows, upwelling, and frontal eddy formation. These local-scale processes have a fundamental impact on nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations and therefore far-reaching effects on annual fisheries productivity and coastal shark interactions along the eastern seaboard. We will undertake CTD casts, sampling salinity and 02, and numerous Triaxus and ship ADCP sections across the EAC mooring line and at several locations during the transit from Hobart to the mooring sites. Additionally, we aim to complete two oceanographic surveys: one in the Fraser Island area between 28oS and 26oS; and the other on and over the continental shelf in the vicinity of the North Stradbroke Island National Reference Station. These surveys will include bongo net tows and Triaxus/SADCP sections and will occur in between the mooring operations and at the completion of the mooring operations, as well as opportunistic sampling of jellyfish and salps over the side of the vessel when it is stationary using the extendable “pool scoop”. We aim to sample small scale, ephemeral frontal eddies flowing down from Fraser Island and shelf – continental slope boundary exchanges. These observations will enable us to characterise the spatial and temporal variability of shelf water and plankton around the Stradbroke Island National Reference Station (NRS) mooring, and their connection to the offshore regions. We will also deploy numerous eXpendable Bathymetric Thermographs (XBTs) during the transit from Hobart north. We will also aim to perform Triaxus and bongo net tows during the northward transit at various locations, with top priority given to a location off the coast of Newcastle NSW (near 32.5oS) to supplement the IMOS mooring and HF radar installation at that location. We will also deploy a number of floats (core Argo and BCG-Argo) during the voyage. We will collect salinity and oxygen samples for calibration of the CTD salinity and oxygen sensors. Limited dissolved inorganic carbon samples may be collected if we deploy BGC Argo floats). The following specific objectives will be completed: