Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: National Facility External Users: T. Lilley (ANU)
Id: 139
Acronym: National Facility user: Lilley, T.
Investigator(s): Ted Lilley
Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences [details]

Years: 1997

List of surveys that this project was on.

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Survey InvestigatorDescription
FR 08/97

T. Lilley (ANU) Cruise FR 08/97 was undertaken to study the East Australian Current including electromagnetic induction by measuring magnetic signals of the seafloor, electric signals on the seafloor, magnetic signals at the sea-surface, and magnetic profiles vertically down through the ocean column. Survey methods included magnetometers, magnetic profiles, seafloor instrumentation, CTDs, XBTs and underway instrumentation. Also radiometer measurements and radiosonde launches were conducted to obtain surface truth and calibration data for later analysis with sea-suface temperatures obtained from the ATSR on ERS-2, and the AVHRR on NOAA-12 and 14.
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