Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Further development of skills in and methods for the analysis of archival tag data using hidden Markov models
Id: 2198
Acronym: Analysis of tag data using hidden Markov models
Investigator(s): Marinelle Basson
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart [details]

Description: - Deployment and tagging of electronic tags (archival and satellite) is a difficult and costly process. This project aims to develop methods for the analysis of electronic tag data to maximise the scientific investment in the technology. Currently few researchers in the field have considered robust statistical methods to analyse the behavioural information gathered by the tags. We will publish our methods and develop prototype software. - During development, methods will be applied to the data already held by the Pelagic Research Group.
Years: 2004 to 2005

There are no surveys directly linked to this project.

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