Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Acoustic Survey Blue Grenadier 2008
Id: 2361
Investigator(s): Tim Ryan
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart [details]

Description: CMR is developing strategies and methods towards ecosystem based methods of fisheries management. This involves development of both modelling and observation tools including development of scientific acoustic observation methods for fisheries that are being transfered to fishing vessels. In 2002 industry funded a pilot study to assess the potential for applying acoustic methods to the blue grenadier fishery. This was followed by a three year FRDC funded project "Blue grenadier acoustic observation system based on industry vessels". This project proposes to apply the methods developed during the FRDC project to collect and analyse the industry based survey data. Our involvement is part of a transition process where the uptake of our methods will enable the blue grenadier industry to take responsibility for the organisation and execution of regular low-cost monitoring of their stocks as part of the ongoing sustainable management of the fishery.
Years: 2008 to 2009

There are no surveys directly linked to this project.

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