Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: "Derwent Hunter" oceanographic surveys 1955-1957
Id: 14
Acronym: Oceanographic surveys, Australian region late 1950s - Derwent Hunter
Investigator(s): David Rochford
(Former) CSIRO Division of Fisheries/Fisheries and Oceanography - Cronulla [details]

Years: 1955 to 1957


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Survey InvestigatorDescription
DH 13/57

Voyage DH 13/57 was intended to compare hydrological results taken with a temperature-chlorinity-depth recorder and conventional bottle sampling. Only one station was worked off Sydney before the cruise was abandoned owing to winch failure.
DH 12/57

J. Robins (CSIRO) Voyage DH 12/57 was undertaken to investigate the distribution of southern bluefin tuna in relation to water masses off New South Wales in the region between Sydney and Eden. Sampling was undertaken for tuna catch, hydrology, zooplankton and phytoplankton.
DH 4/57

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) Voyage DH 4/57 was undertaken to study the distribution and gut contents of barracouta in Bass Strait and adjacent waters in relation to the distribution of krill and associated water masses.
DH 6/56

D.J. Rochford, R. Spencer (CSIRO) Derwent Hunter cruise 6/56 was undertaken to carry out hydrological sampling to investigate the nature and extent of water masses in the Tasman Sea en route to New Zealand, in December 1956-February 1957, and to collect samples for analysis of phytoplankton and zooplankton. The cruise track was from the south-east coast of Tasmania to Wellington (New Zealand), then returning to Sydney via New Plymouth and Norfolk Island.
DH 4/56

W. Dall, T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) Derwent Hunter voyage 4/56 was undertaken to study the relationship between the abundance of barracouta and krill (Nyctiphanes australis) in Bass Strait, together with the distribution of associated water masses. The voyage took place between October and November 1956.
DH 3/56

J.P. Robins (CSIRO) Derwent Hunter voyage 3/56 was undertaken to study the distribution of southern bluefin tuna and other tuna species in relation to the distribution of water masses off the New South Wales coast. The voyage took place between September and October 1956.
DH 2/56

Gear testing cruise only
DH 1/56

Gear testing cruise only.
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