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Project details

Title: Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Network (CAPSTAN)
Id: 2460
Investigator(s): April Abbott
Macquarie University [details]

Jochen Kaempf
Flinders University of South Australia - School of Earth Sciences [details]

Description: CAPSTAN is a post-graduate training program. The Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Alliance Network is a post-graduate at sea training initiative on the RV Investigator. Governed by a network of leading industry and university partners from within marine science and geoscience, CAPSTAN is a first of its kind programme which will transform the way marine science education is delivered. A truly national education initiative, CAPSTAN offers a national approach to teaching and learning in the marine sciences whilst providing a platform for institutional, industrial and generational knowledge transfer and collaboration. Our aims have arisen out of a national desire to: • Develop an effective, efficient form of vessel-based tertiary education by involving stakeholders and post-graduate students, and by pooling national tertiary teaching expertise and personnel resources; • Develop a national curriculum to standardise teaching protocols/methods and learning outcomes in this area in conjunction with the new data collection equipment and facilities of the Marine National Facility RV Investigator, the Integrated Marine Observatory System and external stakeholders, and; • Provide and test a multi-disciplinary research-based teaching module for marine science postgraduates with opportunities for student mobility and national network development.
Years: 2017


Journal Article

Scientific Highlight


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Survey InvestigatorDescription

Leah Moore (U. of Canberra) RV Investigator research voyage in2019_t01, titled “Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Alliance Network (CAPSTAN).” The training objectives of CAPSTAN Voyage 2 are to: - Enable national access to the RV Investigator to postgraduate students enrolled in Australian tertiary institutions. - Provide hands-on training experiences with standard modern sampling equipment used in marine research, encompassing geological, biological, chemical, physical oceanographic and atmospheric equipment. - Establish national network of new generation marine scientists. - Develop post-graduate training programs for refinement over the pilot three-year trial period. - Involve a diverse number of national trainers and students in the program. - Provide trainers with the opportunity to gain experience as Chief Scientist/Co Chief Scientist. We aim to deliver a program that encompasses the following: 1. Plan and participate in a multidisciplinary marine science research survey focusing on the core disciplines of e.g. oceanography, plankton ecology, geosciences, atmospheric and fisheries sciences. 2. Evaluate the physical, chemical and biological factors that influence the abundance and distribution of marine organisms using an IMOS national Reference Station (NRS) as an example. 3. Describe the application of various scientific sampling equipment and instrumentation on-board the RV Investigator. 4. Acquire, process and analyse quantitative and qualitative samples. 5. Perform data analysis, quality control, interpretation and integration. 6. Prepare a final cruise report. 7. Prepare and present an element of the final cruise report to peers and crew. 8. Master the skills required to operate and conduct oneself safely in the marine environment including specific MNF sea–survival skills and laboratory safety. 9. Attain AMSA sea safety and survival skills certification for trainers, and eventually student participants.

April Abbott (Macquarie University), Jochen Kaempf (Flinders University) The training objectives of CAPSTAN's 1st Pilot Voyage are to: * Enable national access to the RV Investigator to postgraduate students enrolled in Australian tertiary institutions. * Provide hands-on training experiences with standard modern sampling equipment used in marine research, encompassing geological, biological, chemical, physical oceanographic and atmospheric equipment. * Establish national network of new generation marine scientists. * Develop post-graduate training programs for refinement over the pilot three-year trial period. * Involve a diverse number of national trainers and students in the program. * Provide trainers with the opportunity to gain experience as Chief Scientist/Co Chief Scientist. The specific transit objectives are to: * Undertake a general scientific assessment of key physical, biogeochemical, geological and ecological features of a specific shelf/slope region. The far western Great Australian Bight was selected as a study region (see details below) for this first CAPSTAN cruise.
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