Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Global Carbon Cycle 1989-1993
Id: 1540
Acronym: Global Carbon Cycle
Investigator(s): Denis Mackey
(Former) CSIRO Division of Oceanography - Hobart [details]

Years: 1989 to 1993

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Survey InvestigatorDescription
FR 08/93

D. Mackey (CSIRO) FR 08/93 forms part of the JGOFS study - Inorganic and Organic Carbon Cycles in Equatorial Waters. The cruise track was along longitude 155 E, between 10 degrees S and 10 degrees N and back, in the Solomon sea and the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. Cruise objectives included profiles of pH, carbon dioxide and fluorescence, measurements of primary and secondary productivity, studies of vertical carbon fluxes, investigation of processes of biomass production, and pigment analyses of phytoplankton community structure. Samples collected for further laboratory study included pigments, bacteria, flow cytometry, preserved phytoplankton, NH4, DIC, and suspended matter samples for DOC, DON/DOP, pigments, SEM and 15N/13C. Other samples were taken to measure naturally occurring radionuclides and trace metals. Related Franklin cruises are FR 08/90 and FR 05/92.
FR 05/92

D. Mackey, J. Parslow (CSIRO) FR 05/92 forms part of the JGOFS study - Inorganic and Organic Carbon Cycles in Equatorial Waters. The cruise track was west and north of Papua New Guinea, in the Solomon Sea and the western equatorial Pacific Ocean to 10 degrees N. Cruise objectives included profiles of pH, carbon dioxide and fluorescence, measurements of primary and secondary productivity, studies of vertical carbon fluxes, investigation of processes of biomass production, and pigment analyses of phytoplankton community structure. Samples collected for further laboratory study included those for zooplankton, lipids, pigments, bacteria, cyanobacteria, trace metals, copper complexing capacity, DIC and alkalinity. Related Franklin cruises are FR 08/90 and FR 08/93.
FR 08/90

D. Mackey (CSIRO) FR 08/90 forms part of the JGOFS study - Inorganic and Organic Carbon Cycles in Equatorial Waters. The cruise track was along longitudes 147 and 155 degrees E, between 5 degrees S and 10 degrees N and back, in the Solomon Sea and the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. Additional samples were taken at one station in the Coral Sea. Cruise objectives included profiles of pH, carbon dioxide and fluorescence, measurements of primary and secondary productivity, investigation of processes of biomass production, and lipid and pigment analyses of phytoplankton community structure. Samples collected for further laboratory study included those for NH4, iodine, pigments, lipids, bacteria, cyanobacteria, copper complexing capacity, and trace metals. Related Franklin cruises are FR 05/92 and FR 08/93.
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