Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: WAMSI Node 1 Project 1: Southwest Australian Coastal Biogeochemistry
Id: 2289
Acronym: WAMSI Project 1.1
Investigator(s): John Keesing
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Floreat [details]

Description: To characterise the South West Australian marine coastal and shelf ecosystem.
Description (full): To better characterise the south west Australian marine coastal and shelf ecosystem structure and function, and enhance our shared capacity to understand, predict and assess ecosystem response to anthropogenic and natural pressures by producing: 1. Downscaled hydrodynamic models to explore influences on benthic habitat, and the cross-shore and longshore exchange of water, nutrients and particles between the lagoon and shelf regions. 2. Coupled hydrodynamic and biogeochemical models and a quantitative nutrient budget for coastal waters at shelf and lagoon scales. 3. Improved descriptions and conceptual biogeochemical models for shelf and lagoon waters incorporating seasonal and interannual variability and improved representation of benthic primary production and bentho-pelagic coupling 4. Simple models for assessing and predicting impacts of physical forcing factors, primarily nutrients, on key benthic functional groups/habitats informed by experiments and observations conducted across a range of naturally varying and anthropogenically altered gradients related to nutrient enrichment
Years: 2006 to 2011
Hierachy: CSIRO/CMAR Floreat

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