Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: SOLACE - Southern Ocean Large Areal Carbon Export: quantifying carbon sequestration in subpolar and polar waters
Id: 2569
Investigator(s): Philip Boyd
University of Tasmania [details]

Years: 2020



Journal Article


Scientific Highlight

Voyage Summary


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List of surveys that this project was on.

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Survey InvestigatorDescription

Prof. Philip Boyd (UTAS) Voyage objectives: 1) A modular 3.5 day cycle of diverse water column activities from deployment and recovery of surface tethered free floating moorings (RESPIRE, particle sediment traps), to deployment from the ship of CTD, profiling cameras, net tows, ISP’s, and water sampling to run lab based experiments. This cycle will be repeated 3 times at the subantarctic site (lower productivity and particle export) and 4 times at the polar site (bloom/bust and higher productivity and particle export). The mooring deployment / recovery is the most weather dependent event. Weather days will be factored in and may result in a modification of the number of cycles or their duration. In order to fully meet the multiple aims of the voyage we will carry out additional sampling (to add to our time series) on ‘weather days’ that we do not use for bad weather. 2) Land-based satellite oceanography will be linked to shipboard bio-optical and optical sampling for validation (within the 3.5 day cycle of 1) above). It will be further underpinned by the deployment of gliders (from collaborators at CALTEC, USA) – one at each site (recovered post voyage downstream off New Zealand by another vessel). Weather should be of little influence for these deployment activities across the 45 day voyage. 3) Deployment of two state-of-the-art BGC-ARGO profiling floats with miniaturised UVP (Underwater Vision Profiler) on a 5 year mission. The floats telemeter datasets and their output will be modelled by collaborators in Spain. If weather conditions permit we may attempt to retrieve each BGC-ARGO for a data download (using ‘Trull’ device – see equipment manifest for details). 4) SOLACE sits under the JETZON umbrella - . The site is currently being developed and we are already (in anticipation of our voyage) contributing to metadata development and modelling initiatives. 5) Conduct aerosol and rain sampling: a. ASP to provide advance notice of incineration events and a final record of incineration events for the voyage to both the aerosols and atmospheric teams. b. Require access to aerosol sampling lab. 6) Cosmic ray measurements from underway instrument (Dr Grahame Rosolen, CSIRO). 7) Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Radiation Interactions eXperiment (CAPRIX) (Dr Alain Protat, BOM). 8) Completion of noise signature testing (MNF). a. This will be completed in Storm Bay immediately following departure and will be structured so as not to impact science equipment testing in Storm Bay and the voyage schedule. 9) To complement the CTD casts and regular BGC Argo floats, underway instrumentation will be running and will require some estimate of the mixed layer depth to support these observations. To give subsurface temperature structure while the ship is in transit, deployment of 12 x XBTs to observe subsurface properties while the ship is in transit between the 2 sites will be undertaken. These deployments are not permitted occur within Australian Marine Parks (AMPs).
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