Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: National Facility External Users: T. Hubble (USYD)
Id: 2409
Acronym: National Facility User: Hubble, T
Investigator(s): Tom Hubble
University of Sydney [details]

Years: 2013

List of surveys that this project was on.

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Survey InvestigatorDescription

T. Hubble (USYD) Southern Surveyor SS2013_V01. Submarine landslides offshore northern New South Wales and southern Queensland: their geomechanical characteristics, timing and triggers. Scientific Objectives: An extensive region of the continental slope located offshore Northern NSW and Southern Queensland between Byron Bay and the southern tip of Fraser was demonstrated to have experienced intense submarine erosion dominated by submarine landsliding in 2008 (SS 12/2008, Boyd, Keene, Gardner, Exon, Hubble et al). Major questions about the geographic extent of the area affected by these processes, the geomechanics and dynamics of sliding; the timing and frequency of sliding; and the potential trigger mechanism for slide initiation have arisen from the analysis of the material collected by the scientists who participated in the SS12/2008 voyage. These workers and their colleagues (Hubble, Airey, Clarke, Yu, Keene, Boyd et al) demonstrated that submarine landsliding on Eastern Australia's continental margin is unexpectedly young and frequent at geological timescales. They have also developed geological and geotechnical models which attempt to explain the apparent youth and unexpected frequency of submarine landsliding in this area of the eastern Australian continental margin. This project will extend the findings of the SS 12/2008 work by collecting data that will help to validate or modify the models developed to explain the areas submarine erosion and landsliding. This will be achieved by collecting additional core and dredge samples in the original study area and by extending the coverage of detailed bathymetric to the north of the 2008 study area; and by sampling appropriate features in the area identified in the area where this new bathymetric mapping of the outer shelf and slope will be undertaken.
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