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Project details
Title: | Regional Oceanographic Studies (+ successors) 1981-1997 |
Id: | 1523 |
Acronym: | Regional Oceanographic Studies |
Investigator(s): | George Cresswell
(Former) CSIRO Division of Oceanography - Hobart [details] |
Description: | |
Years: | 1981 to 1997 |
List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.
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Survey | Investigator | Description |
FR 05/95 [details] |
G. Cresswell, D. Griffin & A. Pearce (CSIRO) including other Pis | Cruise FR 05/95 was undertaken to investigate the mass mortality of pilchards (Sardinops neopilchardus) off the Western Australian west coast. The fish kill had commenced off the Eyre Peninsula (near Adelaide) in March 1995 and spread in both directions along the coastline, reaching Perth and Sydney in May. A National Task Force comprising scientists from five state fishery authorities, three CSIRO Divisions and several Universites were assembled. Franklin was in Fremantle as the 'kill front' passed and was available for two and a half days to coordinate physical and biological oceanographic data acquisition from the vicinity of the fish kills. No obvious explanation of the fish kill was forthcoming on this cruise. Data and samples were collected for on board and laboratory analyses. |
FR 11/94 [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 11/94 was undertaken to examine the intrusions of cold sub-Antartic water that reach north and west from 37 to 38 degrees S towards the southern WA shelf edge and interact with the summer Leeuwin Current. In addition, to measure currents and water properties in the Great Australian Bight; to gather information on unusual associations of seabirds away from their breeding colonies with respect to the effect of the Leeuwin current and to collect blue crab larvae and pilchard larve for further studies. Survey methods included ADCP, CTDs, XBTs, zooplankton hauls and underway instrumentation. Two satellite tracked-drifters were also released during the cruise. Data, biological and water samples were collected for on board and laboratory analysis. |
Halmahera Sea Mooring (1993) [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | The Halmahera Sea mooring forms part of the ASEAN-Australia Regional Ocean Dynamics Expedition (1993) study, a project involving six nations led by Dr George Cresswell. One mooring was installed in a water depth of 950 metres. It was deployed from the Indonesian research vessel Baruna Jaya 1 in June 1993 and recovered in July 1994. |
Maluku Strait Mooring (1993) [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | The Maluku Strait mooring forms part of the ASEAN-Australia Regional Ocean Dynamics Expedition (1993) study, a project involving six nations led by Dr George Cresswell. One mooring was installed in a water depth of 2500 metres. It was deployed from the Indonesian research vessel Baruna Jaya 1 in June 1993 and recovered in July 1994. |
Makassar Strait Moorings (1993) [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | The Makassar Strait moorings form part of the ASEAN-Australia Regional Ocean Dynamics Expedition (1993) study, a project involving six nations led by Dr George Cresswell. Three moorings were installed in water depths between 1500 and 2500 metres. They were deployed from the Indonesian research vessel Baruna Jaya 1 in June 1993 and recovered in July 1994. |
FR 13/89 [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 13/89 was undertaken for East Australian Current studies in the Tasman and Coral Sea. In addition, there were several piggyback projects conducted: eddy survey with Bunyip; stability and noise tests of a towed acoustic sampling system (TASS); running a real time numerical model of currents on the ship's computer and the Sydney ocean outfalls study. Survey methods included CTDs, Bunyip and Seasoar tows, ADCP, XBTs, sediment traps, grabs, plankton net tows, satellite-traced drifter releases, and underway instrumentation. Numerous water, biological (in particular microbial), sediment samples and data were collected for on board and laboratory analysis. |
Evans Head Upwelling Moorings (1989) [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | As part of a study of ocean transport in the Tasman Sea, a transect of 8 (?) moorings was deployed at approximately 29 deg S to approximately 100 km offshore from Evans Head, between August 1989 and March 1990. The moorings were deployed during Franklin voyage FR 10/89-11/89 and recovered during voyage 03/90. |
Timor Sea Moorings (1988) [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | Three moorings were deployed in the Sahul Shelf region of the Timor Sea, between Cape Bougainville and Timor, as part of a study of the throughflow from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean in Australian waters northwest of Ashmore Reef. The moorings were deployed in water depths of less than 200 m, in March 1988 and recovered in December 1988. The moorings were deployed during Franklin voyage FR 03/88. |
FR 03/88 [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 03/88 was undertaken to examine the throughflow from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean in Australian waters northwest of Ashmore Reef and to further test and develop 'Prowas' (water sampler). Survey methods included CTD casts, ADCP, Pegasus current profiling, mooring deployments, Prowas test casts, underway surface water properties, underway current profiles, accurate soundings with GPS fixes, meteorological observations and one satellite drifter was released. Samples analysed and all hydrology, chemical and station data were completed and entered. |
Arafura Sea/Gulf of Carpentaria Moorings (1987) [details] |
A. Forbes (CSIRO) | Three moorings were installed in the Arafura Sea (between Arnhem Land and Papua New Guinea) and the centre of the Gulf of Carpentaria for 3 months between November 1987 and February 1988. The moorings were deployed during Franklin voyage FR 10/87 and recovered during voyage FR 02/88. |
FR 09/87 [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 09/87 was undertaken to examine the currents and water properties in the triangle formed by NW Australia and the Indonesian Archipelago with emphasis on the Pacific Indian Ocean throughflow, the South Equatorial Current, various subsurface features, mixing in the thermocline and currents on the NW Shelf. Examination of the relationship between seabird distribution, ecology and water masses and dredging of bottom samples to understand the origins of Christmas Island and the Sherbakov Seamounts were also conducted. Survey methods included CTD casts, XBT's, Pegasus current profiler, dredges, underway surface water properties, underway current profiles, one new satellite drifter released, five older drifters monitored, accurate soundings with GPS fixes, meteorological and bird observations. Laboratory studies will be conducted on sediment and rock samples collected. |
FR 06/87 [details] |
T. McDougall & G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 06/87 forms part of the Leeuwin Current Interdisciplinary Experiment (LUCIE). Cruise was undertaken to study the microscale turbulence and the momentum, heat budgets, velocities and water properties in the Leeuwin Current: on the shelf, above the slope, in its offshoots and eddies in the Indian Ocean between Dongara and Albany, Western Australia. Survey methods included Bunyip tows including the SeaSoar vehicle, CTD casts, XBT's, ADCP, and underway instrumentation. A meteorological buoy was also retrieved during the cruise. Data and samples were collected for on board and laboratory analysis. |
FR 02/87 [details] |
G. Cresswell (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 02/87 was undertaken for an oceanographic survey of the summer upwelling off the Victoria/South Australia border. Cruise objectives included to map in 3 dimensions the currents and water properties of the upwelling plume, to conduct plankton and seabird observations. The main objective was not achieved because unfavourable winds had caused the collapse of the upwelling. The sampling scheme was conducted and plankton and bird observations were taken to fit into the framework established by the oceanographic sampling. Survey methods included CTDs and underway instrumentation measurements. |
FR 08A/86 [details] |
C. Nilsson, G. Cresswell, J.S. Godfrey (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 08A/86 was undertaken to study the Tasman Front, East Australian Current, fronts, eddy genesis, coastal upwelling and chlorophyll enrichment in conjunction with NOAA/AVHRR satellite imagery tests in the Tasman Sea. Sampling completed included: 31 CTD stations, 70 XBT's, Geomagnetic-Elektro-Kinetograph (was deployed and retrieved many times), 42 neuston and plankton trawls as well as biological sampling and physical oceanography associated with these samples. Absolute current profiles were measured using GPS and the ADCP across fronts and eddies. Chlorophyll data were obtained on board, but unfortunately the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner could not be switched on to cover this cruise with matching satellite data. High resolution satellite images (14) were transmitted to the R. V. Franklin and used operationally for the first time. |
FR 01/86 [details] |
E. Lindstrom (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 01/86 forms part of the WEPOCS (Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean Circulation Study) cruise 2. Work completed and data acquired included CTD sections along the cruise track; recovered the three current meter moorings for direct measurements of velocities over a six month period in the Vitiaz Strait, St. George's Channel and the Equatorial Undercurrent at 150 degrees E; Pegasus velocity profiles from seven sites; ADCP sections to determine relative and absolute flow patterns in the upper 400 m; XBT sections and underway data. Water samples and data were collected for on board and laboratory analysis. Related cruise FR 04/85. |
FR 04/85 [details] |
E. Lindstrom (CSIRO) | Cruise FR 04/85 forms part of the WEPOCS (Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean Circulation Study) cruise 1. Work completed and data acquired included CTD sections along the cruise track; deployment of three current meter moorings for direct measurements of velocities over a six month period in the Vitiaz Strait, St. George's Channel and the Equatorial Undercurrent at 150 degrees E; Pegasus velocity profiles from six sites; ADCP sections to determine relative and absolute flow patterns in the upper 300 m; productivity measurements were made at six stations using 14 C; XBT sections and underway data. Water samples and data were collected for on board and laboratory analysis. Related cruise FR 01/86. |