Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: National Facility External Users: C. Pattiaratchi (University of WA) 2000-
Id: 1510
Acronym: National Facility user: Pattiaratchi, C.
Investigator(s): Charitha Pattiaratchi
University of Western Australia [details]

Years: 2000

List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.

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Survey InvestigatorDescription

C Pattiaratchi (UWA) Southern Surveyor Research Voyage SS2010_V06. Continental slope and shelf processes along the South West region of Western Australia during winter. Scientific Objectives Define the structure and in particular the volume flux of the Leeuwin Current (LC), including the geostrophic inflow Define the structure and the volume flux of the Leeuwin Undercurrent (LU) Examine the dynamics of Dense Shelf Water Cascades (DSWC) spatial extent, transport volume, nutrient fluxes Determine the interaction of the LC, coastal currents, DSWC and primary production dynamics during winter Obtain water samples to calibrate the bio-optical WET Labs sensors on ocean gliders Taken from the ss2010_v06 Voyage Plan.
SS 04/2006

Prof Charitha Pattiaratchi (UWA) Southern Surveyor voyage SS200604, "Continental shelf processes between Cape Leeuwin and the Great Australian Bight during the summer"

Scientific Objectives

  • To determine the summer circulation pattern along the continental shelf between Cape Leeuwin and the Great Australian Bight, in particular, definition of the Leeuwin Current in the region and the interaction between the eastward flowing Leeuwin Current and a colder westward flowing current inshore of the Leeuwin Current, similar to the Capes and Ningaloo Currents along the west coast.
  • To determine the connectivity between the Flinders Current (FC) and the Leeuwin Under Current (LUC).
  • To determine the interaction of coastal currents, phytoplankton dynamics and trophic transfer in the coastal waters of southern Australia.

    Voyage Objectives
    From Esperance, Southern Surveyor will conduct 17 cross-shelf transects (Figure 1). For each transect, 10-15 CTD stations will be occupied depending on the shelf width. The transects will extend from the coast (~30m isobath) to the 2000m contour. As in previous voyages, stations will be located at 50m depth intervals, especially along the continental slope. In addition to the standard CTD and fluorescence, nutrient data will also be collected. At selected stations Bongo nets will be deployed to obtain zooplankton samples.
    Process studies (using ADCP measurements and high resolution CTD stations) will be undertaken at a submarine canyon (located between transects K, J and I, Figure 1) to examine the fine-scale features of the effect of topography on the currents.
    (Taken from the SS200604 voyage plan)

  • SS 09/2003

    Prof Charitha Pattiaratchi (University of Western Australia) This Voyage will examine the continental shelf processes between Cape Leeuwin and the Abrolhos islands off the West Australian coast during the summer.
    FR 10/2000

    Charitha Pattiaratchi (University of WA) To use RV Franklin together with satellite data and other instrumentation to investigate:
    (a) the summer circulation patterns and biological productivity along the continental shelf between Shark Bay and North-West Cape;
    (b) interaction between the northward coastal current and the southward Leeuwin Current at the coastal promontory at Point Cloates;
    (c) processes controlling the exchange of water between Shark Bay and the continental shelf including the fate of high salinity outflow from Shark Bay.
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