Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Turbulence scales and horizontal variability in the surface layer of the Ocean
Id: 2518
Investigator(s): Remo Cossu
University of Queensland [details]

Description: Objectives: To gain more insight into turbulence scales in the upper ocean (0 – 200 m depth) across the continental shelf using a TuboMAP turbulence probe and to measure horizontal variability of CTD data in the upper ocean using a Seabird 19+ CTD unit. The TurboMAP can record data with vertical profiling (upcast and downcast). Based on a temperature gradient and mean falling speed of the probe the levels of turbulence dissipation and mixing properties can be derived. The CTD (Seabird 19+) unit will collect data at a fixed depth (ca. 20 m) while the ship is drifting at a speed of 0.5 – 1 m/s.
Years: 2016

List of surveys that this project was on.

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Survey InvestigatorDescription

Bernadette Sloyan, Remo Cossu, Eric Woehler and Nicholas Carlile RV Investigator research voyage in2016_v06, titled "Sustained monitoring of the EAC: mass, heat and freshwater transports." This voyage will recover and re-deploy an array of six full-depth current meter and property (temperature, salinity and pressure) moorings from the continental slope to the abyssal waters off Brisbane (27o S). The observing system is designed to capture the mean and time-varying flow of the EAC. In order to resolve interannual and decadal signals we aim to maintain a multi-year deployment of the array. The following specific objectives will be performed: 1. Recover and deploy moorings at appropriate locations. 2. Complete CTD/rosette stations at each mooring location, with LADCP. 3. Complete a number of Ship ADCP sections along the mooring line. Supplementary projects: 1) Turbulence scales and horizontal variability in the surface layer of the Ocean. Objectives: To gain more insight into turbulence scales in the upper ocean (0 - 200 m depth) across the continental shelf using a TuboMAP turbulence probe and to measure horizontal variability of CTD data in the upper ocean using a Seabird 19+ CTD unit. The TurboMAP can record data with vertical profiling (upcast and downcast). Based on a temperature gradient and mean falling speed of the probe the levels of turbulence dissipation and mixing properties can be derived. The CTD (Seabird 19+) unit will collect data at a fixed depth (ca. 20 m) while the ship is drifting at a speed of 0.5 - 1 m/s. 2) Spatial and temporal variability in the distribution and abundance of seabirds. Objectives: The project seeks to quantify the distribution and abundance of seabirds at sea using standardised seabird survey protocols. One or two dedicated observers will collect real-time data on seabirds observed within 300m transect during daylight hours while the vessel is underway. Incidental observations will be collected while the vessel is stationary (eg CTD stations) or while the vessel is deploying moorings. The data collected will be compatible with previous seabird at sea surveys conducted around Australia and farther south, allowing for analyses and assessments to be extended by the current surveys. The distribution of seabirds at sea is strongly linked with oceanographic features such as convergences that concentrate prey at densities that allow for efficient foraging by seabirds. Our surveys on the voyage will link with oceanographic investigations to identify the types and strengths of oceanographic features at which we observe different species of seabirds that utilise different methods of feeding (surface seizing, diving etc). No dedicated ship time is required for the seabird surveys. Surveys are conducted by observers while the vessel is underway during daylight hours.
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