Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: Carbon Sampling
Id: 2596
Investigator(s): Craig Neill
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart [details]

Description: The project will acquire surface sea water samples for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) through the Coral Sea between Brisbane and Cape York. The samples will be used as an inter-comparison with a sampling program for another vessel, the Japanese car carrier Trans Future 5, that is run by O&A.
  • The proposed work is to collect DIC and TA samples from the ship’s underway sea water line every 6 hours from offshore of Brisbane to the continental shelf approaching Cape York.
  • 250 ml glass bottles will be filled from the sampling tap in the underway sea water lab according to instructions provided by the Ocean Carbon Observations team.
  • The samples will be preserved with mercuric chloride, which will be provided by the carbon team together with appropriate training and SWI.
  • Samples will be sent by air freight from Darwin together with BGC Argo samples.
  • Years: 2021
    Hierachy: CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere » Oceans » Ocean Carbon Observations

    List of surveys that this project was on.

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    Survey InvestigatorDescription

    V. Puigcorbe (Edith Cowan University) RV Investigator transit voyage between Brisbane and Darwin: in2021_T01, with the following supplementary and piggyback projects:
  • Microplastics in the food chain: impact on the microbial and planktonic organisms
  • Linking the Biological Carbon Pump flux to microbial colonisation of sinking particles in the Coral Sea
  • Dinoflagellates & broader planktonic assemblage observation
  • BGC-Argo Float Deployment
  • Cosmic Ray Measurements
  • Carbon Sampling
  • Flow cytometric classification of the phytoplankton community across Australia’s top end
    The primary objective of voyage IN2021_T01 is movement of RV Investigator from Brisbane to Darwin in preparation for IN2021_V04. Up to 72 hours of the transit voyage have been allocated to conduct scientific operations which will consist of a minimum of 12hrs devoted to the Supplementary Project: Microplastics in the food chain: impact on the microbial and planktonic organisms. The remaining time can be available for multiple Piggyback Projects. Some opportunistic mapping has been prepared should we be ahead of schedule.
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