Data Trawler - Project details

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Project details

Title: National Facility External Users: C. Jenkins (University of Sydney)
Id: 107
Acronym: National Facility user: Jenkins, C.
Investigator(s): Chris Jenkins
University of Sydney [details]

Years: 1991

List of surveys that this project was on.

Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.

Survey InvestigatorDescription
FR 05/91

C. Jenkins (University of Sydney), including other PIs Cruise Fr 05/91 was undertaken to investigate submarine slope failure on the NSW continental margin and the biostratigraphy of the continental shelf off Sydney, adjacent to the Mt Woolnough volcanic complex. Testing of shore-based and ship-mounted GPS receivers was also conducted. Survey methods included dredging, piston and gravity coring, seismic profiling, seafloor camera photography, GLORIA and SeaBeam imagery and underway instrumentation. Sediment samples and geophysical data were collected for on board and laboratory analysis.
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