Project details
Title: | Argo float deployments |
Id: | 2533 |
Acronym: | ARGO Floats |
Investigator(s): | Ann Thresher
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart [details] Craig Hanstein |
Description: | ARGO floats to be deployed during transit. |
Years: | 2016 |
List of surveys that this project was on. Click on column header to sort.
Use [details] link to view survey details (map, reports, metadata etc) including links to download data.
Survey | Investigator | Description |
IN2022_V08 [details] |
Tim O'Hara | Voyage objectives: 1. Complete the Multibeam mapping of shallow water features prior to biological sampling. 2. Conduct biological sampling on 8 seamount clusters, around the flanks of the Cocos (Keeling) islands and at three sites on the abyssal plain, using 4m beam trawls and a heavy dredge (Sherman). In the event of bad weather some seamounts in the Raitt Ridge and S Cocos clusters will be abandoned. 3. Conduct video transects of up to four selected (20-2000 m) shallow water seafloor features. 4. Compile CTD/ADCP/echosounder data from selected seamount locations 5. Collect water samples for eDNA analyses from the CTD casts. 6. Collect plankton net samples from shallow water environments and zooplankton aggregations. 7. Transit along unmapped tracks to maximise Multibeam coverage of the area. 8. Communicate with the local island communities through live video links with schools and community centres on the islands. 9. Engage with Australian schools from the vessel through facilities set up by the BushBlitz program. 10. Communicate with Australian and International public and media through blogs, media releases and interviews from the vessel. . |
IN2022_V05 [details] |
Dr Hubble (USYD) | This voyage will deploy the seismic reflection profiling system together with the multibeam sonar and sub- bottom profiling systems to map specific features of interest present on the continental slope and abyssal plain offshore the SEACM between Green Cape (Victoria – New South Wales Border) and the northern tip of Fraser Island (South-East Queensland). These mapping and profiling results will be used in conjunction with earlier survey results to inform the selection of appropriate core and dredge sites which will be sampled using the Jumbo Coring System, Box Dredges, and/or the Smith-MacIntrye Grab as is appropriate. The primary objective of this voyage is to locate and sample deeper-water features that were beyond the operational ‘reach’ of the RV Southern Surveyor’s facilities and equipment. The earlier voyages investigating the marine geology of the region were not able to efficiently map or sample the lower slope, deep canyons, and abyssal plain features that represent the sites where upper-slope and mid-slope landslide materials are thought to be deposited. Included in this objective is the ‘maximised acquisition’ of abyssal plain bathymetry between the toe of the continental slope and the line of Tasman Seamounts located to the north of Port Macquarie. The secondary objective is to identify, map, and sample continental-shelf-edge coastal features suspected to have delivered sediment to the upper-continental slope and canyon heads when sea-levels were lowered during the many Pliocene and Pleistocene glacial maxima. These features are thought to be a critical component of the “source-to-sink” sediment pathway that influences continental slope depositional and erosional processes. |
IN2022_V03 [details] |
Shadwick (CSIRO O&A) | The Southern Ocean has a predominant role in the movement of heat and carbon dioxide into the ocean interior, moderating Earth’s average surface climate. The IMOS - SOTS moorings are designed to remotely and automatically measure these oceanographic processes under extreme conditions, where they are most intense and have been least studied. The atmosphere-ocean exchanges occur on many timescales, from daily insolation cycles to ocean basin decadal oscillations and thus high frequency observations sustained over many years are required. The current context of anthropogenic forcing of rapid climate change adds urgency to the work. |
IN2016_E02 [details] |
Don McKenzie | RV Investigator research voyage in2016_e02, titled "MNF Equipment Sea Trials." The Primary objective of IN2016_E02 is to complete the sea trial regime as follows: * Demonstrate trawling equipment functions correctly, provide ASP crew training / exposure to trawling and confirm suitable manning levels for future trawling voyages, including emptying of scientific samples from a laden net; * Collect trawling data for analysis; * Deep towed camera system testing; * Demonstrate functionality of other equipment modified / upgraded / installed / maintained during the Sydney dry dock period; * Complete the installation of the UHDAS (ADCP) computer, and use the transit and trawling time for calibration, testing, and assessment and training on the new UHDAS software installation; * Transport the Investigator from Sydney to Hobart; * Deep water calibration of DECAF (Kloser charter). |
IN2016_T01 [details] |
Simon Williams | RV Investigator research voyage in2016_t01. Titled "Continuity of Australian terranes into Zealandia: towards a geological map of the east Gondwana margin." This is an extract from the Voyage Objectives in the Voyage Plan. We plan 4-6 dredges on the Fairway Ridge and Sandy Island area. The specific locations of potential dredge sites are shown on the voyage plan image and are tied to a confidential seismic reflection profile and/or swath bathymetry data. As we have access to high-resolution swath data from the area from the Geological Survey of New Caledonia, there is no necessity to plan a detailed swath survey for each dredge site. Swath bathymetry and ocean-bottom profiles (continuous collection) We will continuously collect bathymetric data and the North Loyalty Basin will be crossed during the transit voyage, thus requiring no additional time to collect this important swath profile. Gravity (continuous collection) We will continuously collect gravity data. There is no deviation necessary to obtain gravity measurements over the northwestern part of the Fairway Ridge as we will be crossing this area as part of the dredging component of the survey. CTD, hydrocast and bio-optical cast We will take two daily CTD profiles and hydrocast water samples to 500m to characterise the water at time of deployment for pigment, nutrient, dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity concentrations (up to 25 stations over the whole voyage). For this we will require the 36-bottle CTD rosette. Additional sensors to be included on the CTD frame include chlorophyll and CDOM fluorometers, absorption and backscattering meter, beam transmissometer, dissolved oxygen, deep SUNA and SeaFET pH. A Satlantic radiometer will be deployed separately at each station to a depth of 200m. We will be able to provide sensors that are not available through the MNF equipment pool (i.e. Satlantic SeaFET pH, Satlantic radiometer, Wetlabs acs and bb9, Hobilabs Hydroscat-6). Water samples will be filtered or chemically fixed on board according to standard operating procedures. We anticipate each deployment station taking 1.5 hours, with deployments taking place at the same time each morning and afternoon (nominally 0930 and 1400 hours), when not conflicting with dredge operations. Robotic Profiling Floats and bio-optics CSIRO will provide floats equipped with CTD and bio-optical sensors to measure a range of parameters: T, S, dissolved oxygen, chl and CDOM fluorescence, backscattering (4 wavelengths), beam attenuation, upwelling radiance and downwelling irradiance (4 wavelengths). Floats will be deployed at stations within Australian waters along the ship's route of transit (estimate 155E and 160E). Deployment of the floats can be undertaken from the A-frame off the rear deck or by two people using a rope and manhandling the float over the stern. Once deployed, the floats will descend to depth and start their pre-programmed cycle of profiling and data collection, with data transmitted via Iridium satellites. During each deployment we will also take a CTD profile and water samples to 1000m to characterise the water at time of deployment for pigment, nutrient, dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity concentrations. Additional sensors to be included on the CTD include chlorophyll and CDOM fluorometers, backscattering meter and/or beam transmissometer, dissolved oxygen, deep SUNA and possibly SeaFET pH. We will seek to provide sensors that are not available through the MNF equipment pool (e.g. pH). Water samples will be filtered or chemically fixed on board according to standard operating procedures. We anticipate each deployment station taking 2-4 hours. Additional CTD and bio-optical casts will be taken twice per day (morning and afternoon, nominally 9.30am and 2pm) for bio-optical and biogeochemical sampling around the time of satellite overpasses. Full details available in the Voyage Plan. |