Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

IN2022_V05    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Title: The tsunamigenic submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons of Australia’s Tasman Sea margin: Causes and Consequences

Period: 2022-05-28 00:00 to 2022-07-02 22:00 UTC

Duration: 35.92 days

From: Hobart To: Brisbane

Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]


This voyage will deploy the seismic reflection profiling system together with the multibeam sonar and sub- bottom profiling systems to map specific features of interest present on the continental slope and abyssal plain offshore the SEACM between Green Cape (Victoria – New South Wales Border) and the northern tip of Fraser Island (South-East Queensland). These mapping and profiling results will be used in conjunction with earlier survey results to inform the selection of appropriate core and dredge sites which will be sampled using the Jumbo Coring System, Box Dredges, and/or the Smith-MacIntrye Grab as is appropriate.

The primary objective of this voyage is to locate and sample deeper-water features that were beyond the operational ‘reach’ of the RV Southern Surveyor’s facilities and equipment. The earlier voyages investigating the marine geology of the region were not able to efficiently map or sample the lower slope, deep canyons, and abyssal plain features that represent the sites where upper-slope and mid-slope landslide materials are thought to be deposited. Included in this objective is the ‘maximised acquisition’ of abyssal plain bathymetry between the toe of the continental slope and the line of Tasman Seamounts located to the north of Port Macquarie.

The secondary objective is to identify, map, and sample continental-shelf-edge coastal features suspected to have delivered sediment to the upper-continental slope and canyon heads when sea-levels were lowered during the many Pliocene and Pleistocene glacial maxima. These features are thought to be a critical component of the “source-to-sink” sediment pathway that influences continental slope depositional and erosional processes.

Leader: Dr Hubble (USYD)


  • The tsunamigenic submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons of Australia’s Tasman Sea margin: Causes and Consequences [details] Primary

  • Argo float deployments [details] Piggy-back

Underway data from NRUD - see this voyage
Voyage extents: 43° 16.6' S to 25° 06.9' S    147° 19.9' E to 155° 13.2' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • IMOS Bio-Acoustic Ships of Opportunity (BA SOOP) Sub-Facility [details]

  • RV Investigator Radon Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Sea Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 ADCP Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 EK60/EK80 Echosounder [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 EM710 MKII Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 Gravity Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 Sound Velocity Profile Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 Sub-bottom Profiler Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 Underway (UWY) Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V05 XBT Data [details]

  • Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-

  • View Cruise Summary Report at
  • Participants - on ship:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    David Airey Geotechnical Sampling University of Sydney - Depart. of Geology & Geophysics The tsunamigenic submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons of Australia’s Tasman Sea margin: Causes and Consequences
    Hannah Power Alternate Chief Scientist University of Newcastle - Depart. of Geology The tsunamigenic submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons of Australia’s Tasman Sea margin: Causes and Consequences
    Mike Kinsela Marine Geologist University of Newcastle - Depart. of Geology The tsunamigenic submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons of Australia’s Tasman Sea margin: Causes and Consequences
    Tom Hubble Chief Scientist University of Sydney The tsunamigenic submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons of Australia’s Tasman Sea margin: Causes and Consequences

    Participants - shore based:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Craig Hanstein PI - piggyback CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart Argo float deployments

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Hubble, Tom; Davey, Craig; Kuna, Nelson; Navidad, Cisco (2023): IN2022_V05 Tasman Sea Margin Bathymetry 10m - 210m Multi-resolution AusSeabed products. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection.     10.25919/zkec-f612

    Journal Article

    • Lucieer, Vanessa,Flukes, Emma,Monk, Jacquomo,Walsh, Peter (2024) Geomorphometric maps of Australia’s Marine Park estate and their role in improving the integrated monitoring and management of marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 10 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2023.1302108

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-28 05:32 to 2022-07-01 06:06
    Latitude: -43.28 to -25.12
    Longitude: 147.80 to 155.22
    Ensembles: 12,280
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    Download overview plots of collected OS150nb ADCP data

    Download the 5 minute ADCP Data (NetCDF format)

    Gravity Measurements
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-26 03:33 to 2022-07-02 23:54
    Latitude: -43.28 to -25.13
    Longitude: 147.33 to 155.22
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    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-28 03:45 to 2022-07-02 16:01
    Latitude: -43.28 to -25.13
    Longitude: 147.46 to 155.22
    Datafiles: 1139
    Total size: 106.17 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2022-05-28 01:28 to 2022-07-02 15:54
    Latitude: -43.28 to -25.11
    Longitude: 147.36 to 155.22
    Observations: 29913
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Data fields and units document (.pdf)

    Sub-bottom profiler
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-29 03:51 to 2022-07-03 15:55
    Latitude: -43.28 to 0.00
    Longitude: 147.49 to 155.21
    Datafiles: 0
    Total size: 0.00 Gb
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    Singlebeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-26 03:33 to 2022-07-02 23:54
    Latitude: -43.28 to -25.13
    Longitude: 147.33 to 155.22
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    SOOP Bio-acoustics
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-28 21:19 to 2022-06-18 22:14
    Transects: 1
    External link - datafile at IMOS
    NetCDF Data Format: Manual Download

    Time (UTC): 2022-05-28 00:00 to 2022-07-02 22:00
    Latitude: -43.28 to -25.11
    Longitude: 147.33 to 155.22
    Track length: 9712.204 km
    Locations: 621,911
    Measurements: 43,533,770
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    Download the 1 minute Underway data (CSV format)

    Download the 5 second Underway data (CSV format)

    Download the TSG Calibration Data (CSV format)

    XBT Profile
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-29 04:42 to 2022-06-30 16:02
    Latitude: -39.41 to -25.30
    Longitude: 149.88 to 154.60
    Quantity: 24 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1100.3 db
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    Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

    Search for events from this voyage and others

    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2022-05-26 22:32 [view ] POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Start logging in2022_v05_A
    2022-05-27 23:09 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_rapid_sv_001 added
    2022-05-27 23:14 [view ] -42.8443 147.3312 Techsas 1 [view] Start Techsas 1 event Start of voyage
    2022-05-27 23:14 [view ] -42.8443 147.3312 Techsas 2 [view] Start Techsas 2 event
    2022-05-27 23:15 [view ] -42.8443 147.3312 Underway Merger Start Underway merger event
    2022-05-28 00:56 [view ] -42.8906 147.3588 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events Start voyage IN2022_V05
    2022-05-28 00:56 [view ] -42.8906 147.3588 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events Start voyage IN2022_V05
    2022-05-28 01:21 [view ] -42.8908 147.3588 UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab
    2022-05-28 01:21 [view ] -42.8908 147.3588 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events
    2022-05-28 01:21 [view ] -42.8908 147.3588 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event
    2022-05-28 01:21 [view ] -42.8908 147.3588 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer
    2022-05-28 01:21 [view ] -42.8908 147.3588 UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab
    2022-05-28 01:22 [view ] -42.8908 147.3588 SST Radiometer [view] Event for SST radiometer
    2022-05-28 01:22 [view ] -42.8908 147.3588 SBE38 SST Start UWY Seawater SBE38 sea surface temperature probe in the drop keel
    2022-05-28 02:19 [view ] -42.9542 147.3760 Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event
    2022-05-28 03:43 [view ] -43.1060 147.4642 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_001
    2022-05-28 03:45 [view ] -43.1102 147.4714 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Logging
    2022-05-28 03:46 [view ] -43.1122 147.4749 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging EK80
    2022-05-28 03:54 [view ] -43.1288 147.5037 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start Logging
    2022-05-28 04:12 [view ] -43.1672 147.5702 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_002
    2022-05-28 04:25 [view ] -43.1877 147.6056 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event SBP off for backscatter line
    2022-05-28 04:27 [view ] -43.1906 147.6107 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stopped for Backscatter Line
    2022-05-28 04:31 [view ] -43.1964 147.6209 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Backscatter Calibration Line (Line 1
    2022-05-28 05:08 [view ] -43.2511 147.7145 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event 0003 Last file of Backscatter Cal Line 1
    2022-05-28 05:16 [view ] -43.2629 147.7351 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Restart EK80 logging
    2022-05-28 05:17 [view ] -43.2647 147.7381 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restart SBP120
    2022-05-28 05:27 [view ] -43.2722 147.7809 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event OS150 only due to extended shallow water transit
    2022-05-28 06:31 [view ] -43.2754 148.0091 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP sst_004
    2022-05-28 07:33 [view ] -43.1213 148.1809 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New svp sst_005
    2022-05-28 11:29 [view ] -42.3908 148.5012 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event
    2022-05-28 13:05 [view ] -42.0849 148.5738 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP _sst_007
    2022-05-28 15:02 [view ] -41.7168 148.5490 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP _sst_008
    2022-05-28 15:59 [view ] -41.5283 148.5712 ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event Bottom tracking off
    2022-05-28 16:57 [view ] -41.3341 148.5948 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_009
    2022-05-28 18:25 [view ] -41.0510 148.6419 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_010 applied
    2022-05-28 20:01 [view ] -40.7428 148.7327 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_023 applied
    2022-05-28 21:28 [view ] -40.4702 148.7990 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_012 applied
    2022-05-28 22:06 [view ] -40.3760 148.8808 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging and change configuration
    2022-05-28 22:36 [view ] -40.3363 148.9997 ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event Turned on os75
    2022-05-28 22:49 [view ] -40.3203 149.0475 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event Shutdown and restart due to 20kVA UPS power problem
    2022-05-28 22:50 [view ] -40.3190 149.0514 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events Stop and restart due to 20kVA UPS power problem
    2022-05-28 22:50 [view ] -40.3177 149.0553 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer Stop and restart due to 20kVA UPS power problem
    2022-05-28 22:50 [view ] -40.3177 149.0553 UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab Stop and restart of all Lab systems due to 20kVA UPS power problem
    2022-05-29 01:51 [view ] -39.9529 149.5850 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_015 applied
    2022-05-29 02:24 [view ] -39.8462 149.6365 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_016 applied
    2022-05-29 04:52 [view ] -39.3715 149.9022 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch Drop XBT_001
    2022-05-29 04:58 [view ] -39.3557 149.9125 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v05_xbt_001
    2022-05-29 05:22 [view ] -39.2771 149.9639 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event OS75 on
    2022-05-29 11:47 [view ] -38.1272 150.7952 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-29 13:36 [view ] -37.8175 150.8489 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch Drop XBT_002
    2022-05-29 13:48 [view ] -37.7863 150.8529 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-29 15:03 [view ] -37.5854 150.8786 UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab Cleaned TSG and pCO2 filters, cleaned flurometer
    2022-05-29 18:37 [view ] -36.9731 150.9521 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_019 applied
    2022-05-29 23:20 [view ] -36.0989 150.8931 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch
    2022-05-29 23:33 [view ] -36.0569 150.8769 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_xbt_003 applied
    2022-05-29 23:47 [view ] -36.0315 150.8275 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change Line name. Start track line up canyon basement
    2022-05-30 01:51 [view ] -35.6752 150.8322 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_020 applied. Note: Outside SVBuilder climatology
    2022-05-30 02:15 [view ] -35.6010 150.8196 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_021
    2022-05-30 02:29 [view ] -35.5586 150.8065 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_021 applied in prep for shallow depths
    2022-05-30 02:47 [view ] -35.5062 150.7795 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging 500m water depth
    2022-05-30 03:10 [view ] -35.4785 150.8080 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging 550m water
    2022-05-30 05:28 [view ] -35.4589 150.9875 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station for Kasten Core KC001
    2022-05-30 05:34 [view ] -35.4591 150.9869 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging on station for Kasten Core KC001
    2022-05-30 05:59 [view ] -35.4586 150.9873 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Deployed
    2022-05-30 06:02 [view ] -35.4586 150.9875 Gravity Core [view] Gravity Coring System event
    2022-05-30 06:11 [view ] -35.4583 150.9876 Gravity Core [view] Gravity Coring System event
    2022-05-30 06:37 [view ] -35.4581 150.9876 Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom
    2022-05-30 07:10 [view ] -35.4582 150.9873 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Begin recovery
    2022-05-30 07:17 [view ] -35.4582 150.9874 Kasten core [view] Kasten core On deck
    2022-05-30 09:15 [view ] -35.4587 150.9674 Kasten core [view] Kasten core In water
    2022-05-30 09:15 [view ] -35.4587 150.9674 Kasten core [view] Kasten core In water
    2022-05-30 09:32 [view ] -35.4624 150.9642 Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom
    2022-05-30 09:38 [view ] -35.4629 150.9632 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Rapid pull out due to ship's drift
    2022-05-30 10:10 [view ] -35.4670 150.9516 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Recovered
    2022-05-30 11:10 [view ] -35.4729 150.8990 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start Logging after on station/drifting
    2022-05-30 11:11 [view ] -35.4737 150.8978 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start Logging after on station/drifting
    2022-05-30 11:19 [view ] -35.4856 150.8876 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-30 15:51 [view ] -35.1345 151.1097 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_023 applied
    2022-05-30 20:55 [view ] -35.1793 151.0300 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_025 applied
    2022-05-30 21:07 [view ] -35.1620 151.0021 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging to 250m range
    2022-05-30 21:11 [view ] -35.1565 150.9934 ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event Turned off os75
    2022-05-30 21:12 [view ] -35.1565 150.9934 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging 200m Water Depth
    2022-05-30 21:14 [view ] -35.1525 150.9869 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging in 160m
    2022-05-30 21:16 [view ] -35.1497 150.9824 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event start logging with ricker pulse
    2022-05-30 22:45 [view ] -35.3102 150.8659 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Lost connection to EM710 computer
    2022-05-30 23:43 [view ] -35.4218 150.8068 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range to 1500m
    2022-05-30 23:45 [view ] -35.4259 150.8094 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event restart file name linear chirp up. downslope to KC03
    2022-05-30 23:49 [view ] -35.4319 150.8133 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging in 350m. EM710 noisy
    2022-05-30 23:49 [view ] -35.4340 150.8147 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging. MB data noise using EM122
    2022-05-30 23:52 [view ] -35.4401 150.8186 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_027 applied
    2022-05-31 00:11 [view ] -35.4755 150.8412 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station for KC003
    2022-05-31 00:14 [view ] -35.4814 150.8445 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging. on station for KC003
    2022-05-31 01:12 [view ] -35.4727 150.8387 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Deployed
    2022-05-31 01:12 [view ] -35.4727 150.8387 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Deployed
    2022-05-31 01:36 [view ] -35.4729 150.8389 Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom
    2022-05-31 02:05 [view ] -35.4727 150.8391 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Recovered
    2022-05-31 02:14 [view ] -35.4725 150.8392 ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event os75 back on
    2022-05-31 02:39 [view ] -35.4750 150.8362 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging line north from Ulladulla to Wollongong
    2022-05-31 02:40 [view ] -35.4731 150.8405 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging data heading north to Wollongong
    2022-05-31 05:58 [view ] -35.2174 151.1359 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-05-31 08:38 [view ] -35.0595 151.2972 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Sediment Wedge 1
    2022-05-31 09:07 [view ] -35.0114 151.3095 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Sediment Wedge
    2022-05-31 09:30 [view ] -34.9716 151.3201 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT004 Drop Sucess
    2022-05-31 09:32 [view ] -34.9680 151.3211 Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom
    2022-05-31 14:14 [view ] -34.7867 151.3313 SST Radiometer [view] Event for SST radiometer Shutter auto close during severe winds causing sea spray on rain sensor
    2022-05-31 14:40 [view ] -34.7896 151.3165 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging EM122 poor quality data hove to
    2022-05-31 18:49 [view ] -34.8199 151.1609 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Sediment Wedge
    2022-05-31 18:50 [view ] -34.8199 151.1599 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range to 250m.
    2022-05-31 18:55 [view ] -34.8202 151.1581 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event update svp to in2022_v05_sst_031. Not logging - Hove to
    2022-05-31 21:54 [view ] -34.8287 151.0721 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Potential_Channel
    2022-05-31 22:15 [view ] -34.8291 151.0602 ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event turned off os75, in shallow water
    2022-05-31 22:54 [view ] -34.8257 151.0328 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event Stopping os150 as well as GSM still getting interference in the shallows
    2022-05-31 22:57 [view ] -34.8255 151.0309 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event started os150 again, turning off didn't make a difference to GSMs interference
    2022-05-31 23:01 [view ] -34.8252 151.0285 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop/Start logging. Tracking down EM710 interference
    2022-05-31 23:46 [view ] -34.8225 150.9981 SBP120 [view] Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event start sbp. ricker pulse 129m
    2022-05-31 23:48 [view ] -34.8224 150.9964 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging Shoalhave 129m shelf survey
    2022-05-31 23:55 [view ] -34.8219 150.9873 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event stopped os150
    2022-06-01 00:20 [view ] -34.8134 150.9120 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_034
    2022-06-01 01:14 [view ] -34.8105 150.8125 SST Radiometer [view] Event for SST radiometer Shutter re-opened
    2022-06-01 01:41 [view ] -34.8105 150.8868 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_036 applied
    2022-06-01 02:15 [view ] -34.8106 150.9822 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_037 applied
    2022-06-01 02:58 [view ] -34.8108 151.1020 GSM GSM events
    2022-06-01 03:00 [view ] -34.8109 151.1070 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event test
    2022-06-01 03:03 [view ] -34.8109 151.1162 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Sediment Wedge
    2022-06-01 03:29 [view ] -34.8116 151.1927 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Strat logging in 460m
    2022-06-01 03:41 [view ] -34.8235 151.2073 SBP120 [view] Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging Shoalhaven 003 SBP line. East to West
    2022-06-01 04:17 [view ] -34.8460 151.1520 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging 260m depth
    2022-06-01 04:49 [view ] -34.8457 151.0685 GSM GSM events
    2022-06-01 06:24 [view ] -34.8446 150.8022 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst
    2022-06-01 06:24 [view ] -34.8446 150.8022 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst
    2022-06-01 07:52 [view ] -34.8733 151.0247 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Toe of sediment wedge
    2022-06-01 07:52 [view ] -34.8733 151.0247 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Top of sediment wedge
    2022-06-01 08:14 [view ] -34.8735 151.1052 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst
    2022-06-01 08:14 [view ] -34.8735 151.1052 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst
    2022-06-01 08:18 [view ] -34.8740 151.1198 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Wedge Toe
    2022-06-01 08:18 [view ] -34.8740 151.1198 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Wedge Toe
    2022-06-01 08:36 [view ] -34.9016 151.1013 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event U-Shape SBP
    2022-06-01 08:44 [view ] -34.9014 151.0741 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst
    2022-06-01 08:52 [view ] -34.9015 151.0516 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Potential Wedge
    2022-06-01 09:54 [view ] -34.9009 150.8385 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Potential_Channel
    2022-06-01 11:41 [view ] -34.9293 151.1023 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Wedge_5?
    2022-06-01 17:09 [view ] -34.8360 151.0905 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_052 applied
    2022-06-01 17:18 [view ] -34.8121 151.0905 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_553 applied
    2022-06-01 17:36 [view ] -34.7708 151.0921 Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started. Reason it required restart not clear
    2022-06-01 17:44 [view ] -34.7801 151.1160 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Wedge_6
    2022-06-01 17:57 [view ] -34.7940 151.1594 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop change depth range to 1500m
    2022-06-01 17:59 [view ] -34.7947 151.1631 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging @ 1500m depth range
    2022-06-01 18:08 [view ] -34.8013 151.1962 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging depth 500m
    2022-06-01 18:11 [view ] -34.8042 151.2112 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging
    2022-06-01 18:23 [view ] -34.8124 151.2528 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging deep water settings linear chirp up
    2022-06-01 21:37 [view ] -34.7195 151.7499 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2020_v05_sst_055 applied
    2022-06-01 21:44 [view ] -34.7354 151.7703 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change line name to for Bulli SBP grid
    2022-06-02 00:39 [view ] -34.5478 151.9798 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event both os75 and os150 back on again, in deeper water
    2022-06-02 01:37 [view ] -34.6599 151.8989 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg012
    2022-06-02 01:42 [view ] -34.6693 151.8920 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg018
    2022-06-02 01:45 [view ] -34.6751 151.8879 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg021
    2022-06-02 02:53 [view ] -34.8038 151.7953 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_056 applied
    2022-06-02 04:32 [view ] -34.6762 151.9442 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT005 Sucessful Drop
    2022-06-02 04:35 [view ] -34.6722 151.9471 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_xbt_005 applied
    2022-06-02 08:12 [view ] -34.7756 151.9439 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst
    2022-06-02 20:07 [view ] -34.8274 152.1527 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event restart logging with new file name. Approach to Seismic Line (SL) 001
    2022-06-03 00:00 [view ] -34.6670 151.9314 Seismic Daily Log Seismic Common log for seismic activities
    2022-06-03 00:00 [view ] -34.6670 151.9314 Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasman Sea, Bulli, NSW
    2022-06-03 00:00 [view ] -34.6670 151.9314 Seismic Daily Log Seismic Common log for seismic activities
    2022-06-03 00:00 [view ] -34.6670 151.9314 Seismic Daily Log Seismic Common log for seismic activities
    2022-06-03 00:00 [view ] -34.6670 151.9314 Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasman Sea, Bulli, NSW
    2022-06-03 00:00 [view ] -34.6670 151.9314 Seismic Daily Log Seismic Common log for seismic activities
    2022-06-03 00:05 [view ] -34.6632 151.9262 Hydrophones [view] Multi-frequency hydrophones event Seismic line 001: Start Lucy recording
    2022-06-03 01:40 [view ] -34.5956 151.8326 Hydrophones [view] Multi-frequency hydrophones event Changed bandwidth for logging to 1600Hz and re-started logging
    2022-06-03 06:12 [view ] -34.3982 151.5599 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst
    2022-06-03 08:34 [view ] -34.3077 151.4401 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start pinging EM710 transit end of seismic to planned SBP Illawarra Line
    2022-06-03 08:39 [view ] -34.3013 151.4318 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging EM710 - OS150 off, _sst_058.asvp SVP
    2022-06-03 08:39 [view ] -34.3013 151.4318 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event Stop OS75 due to shallow water
    2022-06-03 08:46 [view ] -34.2968 151.4104 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop Logging EM122 ~350m
    2022-06-03 08:46 [view ] -34.2968 151.4104 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop Logging EM122 ~350m
    2022-06-03 08:47 [view ] -34.2968 151.4104 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst asvp
    2022-06-03 08:50 [view ] -34.2965 151.3980 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to Ricker pulse start new file logging ~300m
    2022-06-03 09:03 [view ] -34.2963 151.3574 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change EK80 Display & Logging Range to 250m in ~200m depth
    2022-06-03 09:08 [view ] -34.2963 151.3376 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Moved EM710 to group 2 after observing near nadir noise (Probably from SBP120/EK80)
    2022-06-03 10:43 [view ] -34.5191 151.1689 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SST .asvp SVP
    2022-06-03 11:03 [view ] -34.5821 151.1645 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-03 11:13 [view ] -34.5916 151.1959 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Changed range to 1500m
    2022-06-03 11:36 [view ] -34.6004 151.1767 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 250m Range
    2022-06-03 14:16 [view ] -34.4843 151.1867 Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Restarted weather radar after it stopped radiating
    2022-06-03 15:11 [view ] -34.3213 151.2259 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-03 16:27 [view ] -34.4926 151.1968 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Wreck
    2022-06-03 17:55 [view ] -34.4225 151.2388 UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab Cleaned TSG and pCO2 filters, fluorometer
    2022-06-03 18:17 [view ] -34.3605 151.2595 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_065
    2022-06-03 20:32 [view ] -34.3364 151.3418 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range to 1500m
    2022-06-03 20:44 [view ] -34.3468 151.3861 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change from Ricker to Linear Chirp
    2022-06-03 20:46 [view ] -34.3486 151.3935 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging EM122
    2022-06-03 20:52 [view ] -34.3531 151.4120 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging in +500m
    2022-06-03 21:00 [view ] -34.3610 151.4452 ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event os75 back on
    2022-06-03 21:28 [view ] -34.3814 151.5394 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event On Station KC004
    2022-06-03 21:29 [view ] -34.3822 151.5398 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event stop logging/pinging on station KC004
    2022-06-03 21:48 [view ] -34.3827 151.5369 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Stop ethernet logging in2022_v05_B
    2022-06-03 21:50 [view ] -34.3827 151.5368 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Start ethernet logging in2022_v05_C
    2022-06-03 21:50 [view ] -34.3827 151.5368 Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployed
    2022-06-03 22:25 [view ] -34.3826 151.5376 Kasten core [view] Kasten core at bottom
    2022-06-03 23:01 [view ] -34.3829 151.5373 Kasten core [view] Kasten core recovered
    2022-06-04 02:03 [view ] -34.3871 151.5237 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging. Moving off station
    2022-06-04 02:33 [view ] -34.4089 151.5422 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event start logging mapping route
    2022-06-04 04:08 [view ] -34.5508 151.6027 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT006 successful drop
    2022-06-04 07:08 [view ] -34.3644 151.6073 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst SVP
    2022-06-04 12:51 [view ] -34.4909 151.3947 Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Restarted radiating
    2022-06-04 14:44 [view ] -34.2720 151.5019 EM122 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Temporarily suspend survey plan to avoid vessel traffic
    2022-06-04 20:03 [view ] -34.5021 151.7307 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging on station KC005
    2022-06-04 20:05 [view ] -34.5021 151.7325 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station KC005
    2022-06-04 20:38 [view ] -34.5006 151.7336 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Deployed
    2022-06-04 21:35 [view ] -34.5005 151.7336 Kasten core [view] Kasten core
    2022-06-04 21:40 [view ] -34.5004 151.7336 Kasten core [view] Kasten core at bottom
    2022-06-04 22:51 [view ] -34.5003 151.7327 Kasten core [view] Kasten core recovered
    2022-06-04 23:18 [view ] -34.5092 151.7441 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging moving to GC001
    2022-06-05 00:30 [view ] -34.6791 151.9548 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_sst_070 applied
    2022-06-05 00:46 [view ] -34.7180 152.0031 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event SBP not working properly? Stopping for next coring location
    2022-06-05 01:01 [view ] -34.7521 152.0404 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station @ GC01
    2022-06-05 01:31 [view ] -34.7496 152.0421 Gravity Core [view] Gravity Coring System event Deployed
    2022-06-05 03:08 [view ] -34.7494 152.0421 Gravity Core [view] Gravity Coring System event at bottom
    2022-06-05 05:43 [view ] -34.7498 152.0411 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event Start OS75
    2022-06-05 06:56 [view ] -34.7268 152.0662 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start Logging EM122 Transit to Newcastle from Bulli Scar Slide
    2022-06-05 06:56 [view ] -34.7247 152.0685 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP120 Transit Bulli Scar Slide to Newcastle
    2022-06-05 09:21 [view ] -34.3749 152.3502 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT007 Success
    2022-06-05 09:31 [view ] -34.3478 152.3623 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New XBT sst
    2022-06-05 14:11 [view ] -33.6196 152.6010 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-05 15:35 [view ] -33.4716 152.3935 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-05 15:59 [view ] -33.4375 152.3459 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event turn off line traffic
    2022-06-05 17:00 [view ] -33.3950 152.2850 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_sst_073 applied
    2022-06-05 17:01 [view ] -33.3949 152.2792 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change filename. commencing lines perpendicular to shelf
    2022-06-05 17:36 [view ] -33.4584 152.2249 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_074 applied
    2022-06-05 19:42 [view ] -33.2699 152.3426 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_076 applied
    2022-06-05 20:19 [view ] -33.3093 152.3386 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station for KC006
    2022-06-05 20:20 [view ] -33.3092 152.3385 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station for KC006
    2022-06-05 20:27 [view ] -33.3081 152.3377 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event start ;ogging approach to KC006
    2022-06-05 20:36 [view ] -33.3080 152.3377 Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployed
    2022-06-05 21:08 [view ] -33.3079 152.3368 Kasten core [view] Kasten core at bottom
    2022-06-05 21:38 [view ] -33.3085 152.3352 Kasten core [view] Kasten core recovered
    2022-06-05 21:43 [view ] -33.3109 152.3323 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging transit to KC007
    2022-06-05 21:50 [view ] -33.3131 152.3303 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event start logging transit to KC007
    2022-06-05 23:11 [view ] -33.2685 152.3420 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restart SBP faint even on full power. Half array used
    2022-06-06 01:16 [view ] -33.4118 152.1779 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event Stopped to transfer system to UPS power
    2022-06-06 01:18 [view ] -33.4098 152.1794 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer Stopped to transfer power to UPS (sensor interface unit)
    2022-06-06 01:24 [view ] -33.3961 152.1903 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event Re-start after transfer back to UPS power
    2022-06-06 01:24 [view ] -33.3961 152.1903 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event Re-start after transfer back to UPS power
    2022-06-06 01:25 [view ] -33.3961 152.1903 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer Transfer back to UPS power
    2022-06-06 04:54 [view ] -33.4022 152.1619 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event Stop ADCP OS75 to prioritise EM710 MBES data
    2022-06-06 05:19 [view ] -33.4188 152.1319 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging EM710 ~550m
    2022-06-06 07:27 [view ] -33.2171 152.3155 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-06 07:28 [view ] -33.2171 152.3155 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-06 13:40 [view ] -33.3991 152.1075 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event
    2022-06-06 13:46 [view ] -33.3886 152.1158 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to Ricker pulse
    2022-06-06 15:39 [view ] -33.2026 152.2959 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-06 16:20 [view ] -33.2234 152.2515 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-06-06 19:50 [view ] -33.3480 152.1188 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg011
    2022-06-06 19:52 [view ] -33.3443 152.1218 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg017
    2022-06-06 19:55 [view ] -33.3406 152.1248 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg006
    2022-06-06 20:59 [view ] -33.2715 152.2308 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to Linear Chirp pulse
    2022-06-06 21:03 [view ] -33.2775 152.2392 EM122 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging
    2022-06-06 21:38 [view ] -33.3308 152.3112 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event os75 back on
    2022-06-06 23:17 [view ] -33.2017 152.4699 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event restart logging file to transit
    2022-06-07 00:00 [view ] -33.1238 152.5798 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_086 applied
    2022-06-07 02:14 [view ] -32.8458 152.7639 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_087 applied
    2022-06-07 02:39 [view ] -32.7720 152.7638 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_088
    2022-06-07 02:56 [view ] -32.7232 152.7638 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging coming up shelf
    2022-06-07 03:02 [view ] -32.7059 152.7638 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event change to ricker pulse. restart logging
    2022-06-07 03:04 [view ] -32.7002 152.7637 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event stop logging in shallow water
    2022-06-07 03:09 [view ] -32.6858 152.7637 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event change logging range
    2022-06-07 05:25 [view ] -32.2624 152.7631 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-07 05:54 [view ] -32.1825 152.7683 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Lost Marinestar G4+ only recieving VBS during turn (Nav: Aligned)
    2022-06-07 06:01 [view ] -32.1861 152.7837 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Recieving G4+ again
    2022-06-07 07:10 [view ] -32.2383 152.9625 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-07 09:16 [view ] -31.9731 153.1589 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to Linear Chirp Up Matched Filter
    2022-06-07 09:16 [view ] -31.9724 153.1625 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 1500m logging range
    2022-06-07 09:17 [view ] -31.9717 153.1662 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start EM122
    2022-06-07 09:22 [view ] -31.9688 153.1808 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Reboot EM122
    2022-06-07 09:22 [view ] -31.9681 153.1844 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop EM710 after reboot EM122
    2022-06-07 09:27 [view ] -31.9653 153.1990 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Apply existing sst to EM122
    2022-06-07 12:49 [view ] -31.5047 153.4339 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event OS75 on
    2022-06-07 13:23 [view ] -31.4826 153.4640 Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Cleared faults and restarted radiating
    2022-06-07 17:25 [view ] -32.0077 153.6648 Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started
    2022-06-07 18:54 [view ] -31.7765 153.7509 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_095 applied
    2022-06-07 20:25 [view ] -31.5070 153.7555 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event stopped logging for argo deployment
    2022-06-07 20:28 [view ] -31.5049 153.7554 ARGO [view] Argo floats event Hull 1330
    2022-06-07 20:28 [view ] -31.5043 153.7554 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restart logging
    2022-06-07 23:26 [view ] -30.9420 153.7677 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_096 applied
    2022-06-08 03:28 [view ] -30.2312 154.1237 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_097
    2022-06-08 09:42 [view ] -29.6705 154.3254 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT009 Successful Drop
    2022-06-08 13:24 [view ] -29.6712 154.8963 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-08 19:54 [view ] -29.6696 154.4555 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on location for KC007
    2022-06-08 19:55 [view ] -29.6697 154.4551 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging on Station @ KC007
    2022-06-08 20:00 [view ] -29.6707 154.4543 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restart to clear errors on Card 3
    2022-06-08 20:00 [view ] -29.6708 154.4542 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Stop ethernet logging
    2022-06-08 20:01 [view ] -29.6708 154.4542 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Start ethernet logging in2022_v05_D
    2022-06-08 20:15 [view ] -29.6707 154.4539 Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployed
    2022-06-08 20:15 [view ] -29.6707 154.4539 Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployed
    2022-06-08 20:15 [view ] -29.6707 154.4539 Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployed
    2022-06-08 21:50 [view ] -29.6708 154.4549 Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom - no obvious Tension drop to indicate grounding
    2022-06-08 23:41 [view ] -29.6717 154.4545 Kasten core [view] Kasten core recovered
    2022-06-09 00:26 [view ] -29.6722 154.4542 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Moving to new site
    2022-06-09 00:27 [view ] -29.6722 154.4539 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Logging moving to New site
    2022-06-09 02:07 [view ] -29.6700 154.4144 Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployed
    2022-06-09 03:44 [view ] -29.6701 154.4145 Kasten core [view] Kasten core at bottom
    2022-06-09 05:23 [view ] -29.6727 154.4100 Kasten core [view] Kasten core Recovery - no sediment retrieved
    2022-06-09 05:23 [view ] -29.6727 154.4100 Kasten core [view] Kasten core No sediment recovered
    2022-06-09 07:26 [view ] -29.6733 154.4099 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change Range to 4700m for CTD deployment
    2022-06-09 07:41 [view ] -29.6738 154.4097 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event Full depth for LADCP
    2022-06-09 10:47 [view ] -29.6743 154.4102 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event No bottles fired. Software issues on downcast, 3 files generated.
    2022-06-09 11:04 [view ] -29.6736 154.4592 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start EM122 Transit CTD001 to CTD002
    2022-06-09 11:05 [view ] -29.6736 154.4592 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst svp
    2022-06-09 11:05 [view ] -29.6736 154.4630 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range to 1500m Transit CTD001 to CTD002
    2022-06-09 11:06 [view ] -29.6736 154.4630 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start SBP120 Transit CTD001 to CTD002
    2022-06-09 12:43 [view ] -29.6676 154.8297 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging on station CTD002
    2022-06-09 12:44 [view ] -29.6673 154.8314 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station CTD002
    2022-06-09 12:45 [view ] -29.6673 154.8314 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change loggin range to 4600m on station CTD002
    2022-06-09 13:07 [view ] -29.6711 154.8306 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event No bottles, just for LADCP
    2022-06-09 15:58 [view ] -29.6767 154.8325 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event No issues
    2022-06-09 16:14 [view ] -29.6787 154.8345 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging transit to Seismic Line
    2022-06-09 16:16 [view ] -29.6794 154.8345 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging transit to beginning of seismic line
    2022-06-09 16:24 [view ] -29.6855 154.8335 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change Logging range to 1500m
    2022-06-09 17:10 [view ] -29.7230 154.7213 Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started
    2022-06-09 20:04 [view ] -29.9788 154.3133 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change logging file. Online for seismic line +10 mile approach
    2022-06-09 21:45 [view ] -29.9202 154.2009 EM122 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_101 applied
    2022-06-09 22:04 [view ] -29.9095 154.1806 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event On slope change to half array
    2022-06-09 22:46 [view ] -29.8838 154.1326 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_002
    2022-06-10 00:00 [view ] -29.8413 154.0525 Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Line Log for 002_TSL at Yamba
    2022-06-10 00:00 [view ] -29.8413 154.0525 Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasman Sea, Yamba, NSW
    2022-06-10 00:00 [view ] -29.8413 154.0525 Seismic Daily Log Seismic Common log for seismic activities
    2022-06-10 01:04 [view ] -29.8035 153.9812 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_013 applied
    2022-06-10 01:18 [view ] -29.7950 153.9653 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to full array. 4 knots up slope
    2022-06-10 04:14 [view ] -29.6945 153.7760 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging EM710 ~650m in2022_v05_sst_103.asvp
    2022-06-10 04:30 [view ] -29.6863 153.7606 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event OS75 Off - Stop/Start Logging ~450m Interfering with EM710
    2022-06-10 04:59 [view ] -29.6709 153.7317 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging and pinging EM122 ~320m
    2022-06-10 05:15 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range to 250m
    2022-06-10 06:50 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop Logging EM710 slow + drifting seismic recovery
    2022-06-10 07:22 [view ] Hydrophones [view] Multi-frequency hydrophones event Stop recording after Seismic line
    2022-06-10 07:30 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start Logging EM710 end seismic transit to overnight mapping
    2022-06-10 08:12 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range 1500m
    2022-06-10 10:24 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging resolving propulsion issues
    2022-06-10 10:24 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging resolving propulsion issues
    2022-06-10 10:45 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging making way again
    2022-06-10 10:46 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging making way again
    2022-06-10 10:53 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging EM122 560m
    2022-06-10 10:56 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging and pinging EM710 565m
    2022-06-10 15:00 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging and pinging resolving propulsion issues 1-2knts
    2022-06-10 15:01 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging and pinging resolving propulsion issues 1-2knts
    2022-06-10 16:05 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging
    2022-06-10 17:17 [view ] Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started again
    2022-06-10 17:26 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to Half Array. Data poor
    2022-06-10 21:14 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Test Full Array
    2022-06-10 23:20 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event stop logging @PC001
    2022-06-10 23:21 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging @PC001
    2022-06-10 23:55 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg010
    2022-06-10 23:59 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg005
    2022-06-11 00:01 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events TSG004
    2022-06-11 01:12 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-11 02:15 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-11 03:05 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-11 06:59 [view ] ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event OS75 on
    2022-06-11 08:38 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station for KC009
    2022-06-11 08:45 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging on station for KC009
    2022-06-11 09:03 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployment
    2022-06-11 09:03 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployment - port trawl winch used
    2022-06-11 09:46 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom
    2022-06-11 09:46 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom - port trawl winch
    2022-06-11 09:46 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom - port trawl winch used
    2022-06-11 10:35 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core kasten retrieved - port trawl winch used
    2022-06-11 10:48 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_114 re-applied?? 115 outside 2 m/s. Dip in SST
    2022-06-11 10:48 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Recommence survey lines Brooms Head area
    2022-06-11 10:49 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging recommence survey lines Brooms Head area following completion KC009
    2022-06-11 10:54 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging for minro deck works on position
    2022-06-11 11:37 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging
    2022-06-11 13:12 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging to reboot EM122 PC
    2022-06-11 14:15 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging EM122 after resolving QINSy crashing issue
    2022-06-11 20:07 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event change line file. commencing SL003
    2022-06-11 20:17 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event commence run in on Seismic Line 003
    2022-06-12 00:00 [view ] Seismic Daily Log Seismic Common log for seismic activities
    2022-06-12 00:00 [view ] Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasman Sea, Yamba, NSW
    2022-06-12 03:28 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event change to half array. on slope
    2022-06-12 06:48 [view ] Hydrophones [view] Multi-frequency hydrophones event Lucy Stop recording
    2022-06-12 09:00 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging for Dredge DR01
    2022-06-12 09:15 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop Logging for DR01
    2022-06-12 09:17 [view ] Rock Dredge Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 09:17 [view ] Rock Dredge Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 09:47 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range to 1850 for rock dredge DR01
    2022-06-12 09:52 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 09:52 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 10:52 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 10:52 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 10:52 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 11:26 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 11:26 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 12:26 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 12:26 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 13:00 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 13:00 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 13:17 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 13:25 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 13:58 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-12 15:38 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range to 2000m for DR03
    2022-06-12 16:48 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging. commence mapping
    2022-06-12 16:49 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging. Mapping
    2022-06-12 17:41 [view ] XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT 011
    2022-06-12 17:51 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_xbt_011 applied
    2022-06-12 18:41 [view ] UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab Filter and fluorometer regular clean
    2022-06-12 18:52 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events
    2022-06-12 18:52 [view ] Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer
    2022-06-12 18:52 [view ] pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event
    2022-06-12 20:26 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployed
    2022-06-12 21:16 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core in bottom
    2022-06-12 22:01 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core retrieved
    2022-06-13 07:26 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging for DR03
    2022-06-13 07:27 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging for DR03
    2022-06-13 07:27 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change depth range to 2000m for DR03
    2022-06-13 08:24 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-13 08:55 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-13 08:55 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-13 09:22 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-13 09:42 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-13 11:05 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-13 14:09 [view ] XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT012 Success
    2022-06-13 14:25 [view ] SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New XBT SVP
    2022-06-13 19:43 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging on station KC011
    2022-06-13 19:44 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging at KC011
    2022-06-13 20:11 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core deployed
    2022-06-13 20:52 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC11 on bottom
    2022-06-13 20:52 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC11 on bottom
    2022-06-13 20:58 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core on bottom
    2022-06-13 21:45 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core retrieved to surface
    2022-06-13 21:45 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core retrieved to surface
    2022-06-13 21:45 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core retrieved
    2022-06-13 21:45 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core retrieved to surface
    2022-06-14 00:53 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-14 06:04 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging EM122 transit to Dredge DR04
    2022-06-14 06:05 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging transit to dredge DR04
    2022-06-14 07:37 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging for DR04
    2022-06-14 07:37 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging for DR04
    2022-06-14 07:42 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-14 08:42 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-14 08:42 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-14 09:27 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-14 09:27 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-14 12:30 [view ] Rock Dredge Field Ops Rock Dredge event
    2022-06-14 13:44 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging overnight mapping transit to PC03
    2022-06-14 13:45 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging overnight mapping transit to PC03
    2022-06-14 15:38 [view ] XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT013 Success
    2022-06-14 16:59 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restart logging Brooms_11. On abyssal plain change to full array
    2022-06-14 17:03 [view ] Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started
    2022-06-14 18:19 [view ] EM122 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_107 applied
    2022-06-14 20:32 [view ] XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT 014 departing marine park
    2022-06-14 20:33 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_xbt_014 applied
    2022-06-14 23:53 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop loggong on station for PC003
    2022-06-14 23:54 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging/pinging on station for PC003
    2022-06-15 00:51 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-15 02:29 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-15 02:53 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-15 04:15 [view ] Met Station Foremast Met station Gill ultrasonic stopped reporting 0415-0547
    2022-06-15 04:30 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-15 07:30 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-15 10:37 [view ] ARGO [view] Argo floats event Hull 1340
    2022-06-15 11:10 [view ] SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst SVP
    2022-06-15 16:43 [view ] Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started
    2022-06-15 16:53 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_109 applied
    2022-06-15 17:59 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging
    2022-06-15 18:01 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to Ricker Pulse
    2022-06-15 18:02 [view ] ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event os75nb off - moved onto shelf
    2022-06-15 18:05 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging shallow
    2022-06-15 18:06 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change range to 250m
    2022-06-15 18:55 [view ] ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event os150nb off for multibeam
    2022-06-15 19:01 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_rapidsv_002
    2022-06-15 21:43 [view ] ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event os150nb back on
    2022-06-15 22:35 [view ] Drop Camera Drop Camera Deployed
    2022-06-16 00:40 [view ] Drop Camera Drop Camera Recovered
    2022-06-16 01:37 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event depart limerick to survey area
    2022-06-16 01:39 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event depart limerick restart logging
    2022-06-16 02:04 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_sst_111 applied
    2022-06-16 02:32 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stopped Logging
    2022-06-16 13:32 [view ] SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst svp
    2022-06-16 16:19 [view ] XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT_015
    2022-06-16 17:16 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_xbt_015
    2022-06-16 20:40 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg009
    2022-06-16 20:40 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg009
    2022-06-16 20:44 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg016
    2022-06-16 20:44 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg016
    2022-06-16 20:46 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events tsg015
    2022-06-16 23:14 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging @ PC004
    2022-06-16 23:15 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging on station @ Pc004
    2022-06-16 23:21 [view ] Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started
    2022-06-16 23:47 [view ] Piston Coring System [view] Field Ops Piston Coring System event
    2022-06-17 00:35 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event stat logging mapping south to Richmond Canyon
    2022-06-17 02:08 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_114 applied
    2022-06-17 03:18 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station KC012
    2022-06-17 03:51 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core Deployed on Port Trawl
    2022-06-17 04:30 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change to 2300m logging range for KC012
    2022-06-17 04:34 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core Kasten on bottom
    2022-06-17 04:39 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core Kasten being hauled in
    2022-06-17 05:24 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC12 retrieved
    2022-06-17 05:24 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC12 retrieved on port trawl winch
    2022-06-17 05:54 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change back to 1500m following KC012 recovery
    2022-06-17 06:08 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging transit KC012 - KC013
    2022-06-17 06:09 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging transit KC012 KC013
    2022-06-17 07:07 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC13 deployed
    2022-06-17 08:03 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC13 at bottom
    2022-06-17 08:03 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core PC13 at bottom
    2022-06-17 08:10 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core Begin hauling in KC13
    2022-06-17 08:10 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC13 being hauled in
    2022-06-17 08:17 [view ] Met Station Foremast Met station Gill Ultrasonic stopped reporting from 08:17 to 08:30
    2022-06-17 09:05 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC13 retreived on deck
    2022-06-17 09:05 [view ] Kasten core [view] Kasten core KC13
    2022-06-17 10:15 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change Depth mode back to 1500m after KC013
    2022-06-17 17:05 [view ] Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started
    2022-06-17 18:26 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_115 applied
    2022-06-17 18:26 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_114 re-applied?? 115 outside 2 m/s
    2022-06-17 20:25 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restart logging. commencing SL004 seismic line
    2022-06-18 00:00 [view ] Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasman Sea, Byron Bay, NSW
    2022-06-18 00:00 [view ] Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasman Sea, Byron Bay, NSW
    2022-06-18 00:00 [view ] Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasman Sea, Byron Bay, NSW
    2022-06-18 00:00 [view ] Seismic Daily Log Seismic Common log for seismic activities
    2022-06-18 00:00 [view ] Seismic Daily Log Seismic Common log for seismic activities
    2022-06-18 00:00 [view ] Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasmn Sea, Byron Bay, NSW
    2022-06-18 00:00 [view ] Seismic Line Log Seismic Logging of lines w/ file Tasman Sea, Byron Bay, NSW
    2022-06-18 04:13 [view ] ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event OS75 off shallow water
    2022-06-18 04:14 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change depth mode 250m
    2022-06-18 04:15 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to Ricker Pulse ~250m
    2022-06-18 04:15 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging EM710 ~250m
    2022-06-18 04:21 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging EM122 ~250m
    2022-06-18 05:38 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change logging range to 1500m ~235m
    2022-06-18 05:52 [view ] SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change to Linear Chirp Up + Matched Filter
    2022-06-18 05:55 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging EM122 ~300m
    2022-06-18 06:03 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging EM710 ~ 630m
    2022-06-18 07:17 [view ] ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event Start os75
    2022-06-18 07:58 [view ] Hydrophones [view] Multi-frequency hydrophones event Stopped logging after Seismic operations
    2022-06-18 09:33 [view ] SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New sst SVP
    2022-06-18 13:54 [view ] Techsas 1 [view] Start Techsas 1 event Restarted TS1 after deploying Dave's fix to discard bad sonic anemoner data from average.
    2022-06-18 13:55 [view ] Techsas 2 [view] Start Techsas 2 event Restarted TS2 following deployment of Dave's fix to discard bad sonic anemonter data from average.
    2022-06-18 16:32 [view ] UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab
    2022-06-18 16:45 [view ] TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events Seawater flow back on
    2022-06-18 16:45 [view ] pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event Filter clean
    2022-06-18 16:46 [view ] Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer Low flow - blocked valve fitting. Rectified
    2022-06-18 17:18 [view ] XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch Drop
    2022-06-18 18:06 [view ] Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Re-started
    2022-06-18 23:10 [view ] EM122 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_sst_117 applied
    2022-06-19 11:39 [view ] SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst svp
    2022-06-19 12:39 [view ] SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event new sst svp
    2022-06-19 16:21 [view ] Weather Radar [view] Start Polarimetric Weather Radar event Restarted radiating
    2022-06-19 17:42 [view ] XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch 017
    2022-06-19 17:48 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event in2022_v05_xbt_017 applied
    2022-06-19 18:28 [view ] ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event Stop logging deep adcp 75kHz
    2022-06-19 18:28 [view ] ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event Stop logging deep adcp 75kHz
    2022-06-19 18:33 [view ] ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event os150 off for multibeam
    2022-06-19 18:36 [view ] EK80 [view] Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 70kHz to Passive
    2022-06-19 18:38 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging Barwon Bank
    2022-06-19 18:41 [view ] EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging shallow depth
    2022-06-19 19:10 [view ] Met Station Foremast Met station Re-booted starboard rain gauge 0194 board after confirming board was reporting very high rainfall rates, inconsistent with other sensors
    2022-06-19 19:10 [view ] Met Station Foremast Met station Re-booted starboard rain gauge 0194 board after confirming board as reporting very high rainfall rates, inconsistent with other sensors
    2022-06-19 19:36 [view ] EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event EK80 off. Stoppimg pinging through KSync. Priority to EM710
    2022-06-19 19:36 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Change to internal trigger, free run.
    2022-06-19 22:55 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event in2022_v05_rapidsv_004 applied

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    Search for deployments from this voyage and others

    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Air Sampling Inlet Mode,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Burket Flow meter,Burket Flow meter,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO air sampling inlet,CSIRO air sampling inlet,Depth: TECHSAS-DERIVED. For more information contact the Data Acquisition and Processing group.,Fluorometer Concentration,Fluorometer WSCHL-1441,Gyrocompass,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 35123F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 35111F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 35122F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 35093F3,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,ISAR SST,Kobold MIK-C Flow meter,Kobold MIK-C Fluorometer Flow Meter,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,MAAP Status,Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Optode Dissolved Oxygen Concentration,Optode Dissolved Oxygen Saturation,Optode Water Temperature,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Port Rain Gauge,Port drop keel sensor,RM Young 05106 wind monitor,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,Remote Temperature (T) - SN 671,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Starboard Rain Gauge,Starboard drop keel sensor,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 3465,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 3465,Vaisala Ship's Barometer PTB330 2022-05-27 23:13 2022-07-02 22:59 -42.8445 147.3310 -27.4285 153.1206
    ADCP Data [details]   Teledyne RDI ADCP 150 kHz 2549 2022-05-28 05:32 2022-07-02 15:59 -43.2733 147.7992 -26.6646 153.2354 670
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-05-29 04:42 1041
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-05-29 13:31 1017.1
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-05-29 23:24 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-05-31 09:23 967.5
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-02 04:26 987.8
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-04 04:02 1025.5
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-05 09:16 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-07 00:24 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-08 09:37 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-11 15:07 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-12 17:41 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-13 13:59 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-14 15:30 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-14 20:24 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-16 16:11 997.4
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-18 17:11 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-19 17:41 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-21 07:02 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-21 18:28 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-22 18:17 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-26 16:02 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-27 18:05 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-29 08:18 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-06-30 16:02 1100.3

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