Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

IN2022_V03    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Title: SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania

Period: 2022-05-04 00:10 to 2022-05-14 22:00 UTC

Duration: 10.91 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Region: Derwent Estuary; Tasmania coast; Southern Ocean

Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]

Description: The Southern Ocean has a predominant role in the movement of heat and carbon dioxide into the ocean interior, moderating Earth’s average surface climate. The IMOS - SOTS moorings are designed to remotely and automatically measure these oceanographic processes under extreme conditions, where they are most intense and have been least studied. The atmosphere-ocean exchanges occur on many timescales, from daily insolation cycles to ocean basin decadal oscillations and thus high frequency observations sustained over many years are required. The current context of anthropogenic forcing of rapid climate change adds urgency to the work.

Leader: Shadwick (CSIRO O&A)


  • SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania [details] Primary

  • Ecological and carbon sequestration role of mesopelagic organisms in the Southern Ocean [details] Supplementary

  • Argo float deployments [details] Piggy-back

  • Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Radiation Interactions eXperiment (CAPRIX) [details] Piggy-back

  • Quantification of dust deposition to the ocean using thorium isotopes in seawater and aerosol sampling. [details] Piggy-back

Underway data from NRUD - see this voyage
Voyage extents: 47° 04.6' S to 42° 53.2' S    140° 57.0' E to 147° 31.1' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • IMOS Bio-Acoustic Ships of Opportunity (BA SOOP) Sub-Facility [details]

  • RV Investigator Radon Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Sea Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 ADCP Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 CTD Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 EK60/EK80 Echosounder [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 EM710 MKII Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 Gravity Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 Hydrology Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 Sound Velocity Profile Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 Triaxus (undulating CTD) Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 Underway Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2022_V03 XBT Data [details]

  • Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-

  • View Cruise Summary Report at
  • Participants - on ship:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Alain Protat Scientist Bureau of Meteorology Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Radiation Interactions eXperiment (CAPRIX)
    Ben Scoulding Scientist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere Ecological and carbon sequestration role of mesopelagic organisms in the Southern Ocean
    Elizabeth Shadwick Chief Scientist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania
    Eric Schulz Alt. Chief Scientist Bureau of Meteorology Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Radiation Interactions eXperiment (CAPRIX)
    Jay Mace Scientist University of Utah (USA) Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Radiation Interactions eXperiment (CAPRIX)
    Scott Meyerink Scientist University of Tasmania - Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies Quantification of dust deposition to the ocean using thorium isotopes in seawater and aerosol sampling.

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Shadwick, Elizabeth; Scoulding, Ben; Navidad, Cisco; Vandenbossche, Phil; Boyd, Matt; Taylor, Charlie; Plunkett, Tom (2022): IN2022_V03 Southern Ocean Bathymetry 5m - 210m Multi-resolution AusSeabed products. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection.     10.25919/h2z7-m627

    • Tilbrook, Bronte; Neill, Craig; Akl, John (2022). Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) sea surface and atmospheric fCO2 measurements in the Southern Ocean, South Pacific, Indian Ocean onboard R/V Investigator in 2022 (NCEI Accession 0276052). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.     10.25921/q8dm-8763

    Journal Article

    • Boss, Emmanuel,Waite, Anya M.,Karstensen, Johannes,Trull, Tom,Muller-Karger, Frank,Sosik, Heidi M.,Uitz, Julia,Acinas, Silvia G.,Fennel, Katja,Berman-Frank, Ilana,Thomalla, Sandy,Yamazaki, Hidekatsu,Batten, Sonia,Gregori, Gerald,Richardson, Anthony J.,Wanninkhof, Rik (2022) Recommendations for Plankton Measurements on OceanSITES Moorings With Relevance to Other Observing Sites. Frontiers in Marine Science 9 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2022.929436

    • Lucieer, Vanessa,Flukes, Emma,Monk, Jacquomo,Walsh, Peter (2024) Geomorphometric maps of Australia’s Marine Park estate and their role in improving the integrated monitoring and management of marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 10 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2023.1302108

    • Yang, X., Wynn-Edwards, C. A., Strutton, P. G., & Shadwick, E. H. (2024). (2024). Drivers of air-sea CO2 flux in the subantarctic zone revealed by time series observations. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 38: 18     10.1029/2023GB007766

    • Yang, Xiang,Wynn‐Edwards, Cathryn A.,Strutton, Peter G.,Shadwick, Elizabeth H. (2024) Carbon Export in the Subantarctic Zone Revealed by Multi‐Year Observations From Biogeochemical‐Argo Floats and Sediment Traps. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 38 pp-.     10.1029/2024GB008135


    • Cathryn A. Wynn-Edwards, Diana M. Davies, Peter Jansen, Thomas W. Trull, Shadwick, EH (2022) Southern Ocean Time Series. SOTS Annual Reports: 2021/2022. Report 1. Overview. Version 1.0 CSIRO, Australia.     10.26198/3ya3-1r44

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-04 01:48 to 2022-05-14 15:31
    Latitude: -47.08 to -43.11
    Longitude: 140.95 to 147.52
    Ensembles: 5,241
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    Download the 5 minute ADCP os150nb Data (NetCDF format)

    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-04 11:17 to 2022-05-13 08:14
    Latitude: -47.07 to -44.25
    Longitude: 141.35 to 146.73
    Quantity: 8 Casts
    Max Pressure: 4686.6 db
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    Time (UTC): 2022-05-04 11:17 to 2022-05-13 08:14
    Latitude: -47.07 to -44.25
    Longitude: 141.35 to 146.73
    Quantity: 8 Casts
    Max Pressure: 4686.6 db
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    Download the TSG samples (CSV)

    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-04 00:42 to 2022-05-14 18:14
    Latitude: -47.07 to -42.94
    Longitude: 140.95 to 147.51
    Datafiles: 257
    Total size: 16.51 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2022-05-04 01:19 to 2022-05-14 19:51
    Latitude: -47.08 to -43.05
    Longitude: 140.95 to 147.52
    Observations: 8908
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Data fields and units document (.pdf)

    Radon measurements No data in database Get Data from Trawler

    Download RV Investigator Radon dataset (XLSX)

    SOOP Bio-acoustics
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-04 09:38 to 2022-05-14 08:06
    Transects: 2
    External link
    NetCDF Data Format: Manual Download

    Towed CTD
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-04 22:57 to 2022-05-05 13:58
    Latitude: -45.60
    Longitude: 145.04
    Tows: 1
    Duration: 15.01 hours
    Data points: 53,565
    Maximum Depth: 187.00 m
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    Time (UTC): 2022-05-04 00:10 to 2022-05-14 22:00
    Latitude: -47.08 to -42.89
    Longitude: 140.95 to 147.52
    Track length: 2302.682 km
    Locations: 189,215
    Measurements: 13,245,050
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    Download the 5 second Underway data (netCDF format)

    Download the 1 minute Underway data (CSV format)

    Download the 5 second Underway data (CSV format)

    Download the TSG calibration results

    XBT Profile
    Time (UTC): 2022-05-05 15:18 to 2022-05-05 15:18
    Latitude: -46.99
    Longitude: 143.08
    Quantity: 1 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1100.3 db
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    Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

    Search for events from this voyage and others

    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2022-05-02 22:11 [view ] Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample Aerosol Sector Control settings changed
    2022-05-02 23:15 [view ] Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample
    2022-05-03 20:28 [view ] POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Started logging POSMV POSPAC (Ethernet logging)
    2022-05-03 23:49 [view ] Techsas 1 [view] Start Techsas 1 event start of voyage
    2022-05-03 23:49 [view ] Techsas 2 [view] Start Techsas 2 event start of voyage
    2022-05-04 00:09 [view ] -42.8863 147.3389 Other GSM Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events
    2022-05-04 00:17 [view ] -42.8870 147.3442 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event Started OS150 ONLY - OS75 off for em710 mapping til deeper. bottom track on.
    2022-05-04 00:22 [view ] -42.8922 147.3553 Underway Merger Start Underway merger event
    2022-05-04 00:30 [view ] -42.9094 147.3780 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging EK80
    2022-05-04 00:31 [view ] -42.9116 147.3809 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging EM710
    2022-05-04 00:38 [view ] -42.9318 147.3816 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events
    2022-05-04 00:39 [view ] -42.9318 147.3816 UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab Pump on.
    2022-05-04 00:39 [view ] -42.9318 147.3816 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event
    2022-05-04 00:39 [view ] -42.9348 147.3812 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer
    2022-05-04 00:39 [view ] -42.9348 147.3812 Oxygen Optode UWY Seawater Oxygen optode underway
    2022-05-04 00:42 [view ] -42.9408 147.3803 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_001.asvp
    2022-05-04 00:42 [view ] -42.9408 147.3803 EM710 [view] SVP Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_001.asvp
    2022-05-04 00:44 [view ] -42.9469 147.3794 SBE38 SST Start UWY Seawater SBE38 sea surface temperature probe in the drop keel
    2022-05-04 00:51 [view ] -42.9681 147.3762 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging SBP
    2022-05-04 01:17 [view ] -43.0459 147.3878 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_002.asvp
    2022-05-04 01:17 [view ] -43.0459 147.3878 EM710 [view] SVP Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_002.asvp
    2022-05-04 01:23 [view ] -43.0632 147.3916 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample
    2022-05-04 03:23 [view ] -43.3795 147.4731 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop logging and pinging EK80 for BS cal line
    2022-05-04 03:23 [view ] -43.3824 147.4723 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging and pinging SBP for BS cal line. Bridge has turned off theirecho sounder too
    2022-05-04 03:32 [view ] -43.4067 147.4659 ADCP [view] Stop GSM ADCP Event Stopped ADCP. Undertaking Backscatter Cal line
    2022-05-04 03:34 [view ] -43.4112 147.4649 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start BS Cal line #2. All sounders and ADCP off. EM710 set to 60/60, Shallow, Internal trigger, HD Eqi and 70-100kHz. Dual swath mode=fixed
    2022-05-04 03:34 [view ] -43.4112 147.4649 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start BS Cal line #2. All sounders and ADCP off. EM710 set to 60/60, Shallow, Internal trigger, HD Eqidist and 70-100kHz. Dual swath mode=fixed. Vessel speed = 8 knots
    2022-05-04 04:12 [view ] -43.4932 147.4472 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample Aerosol sample deployed
    2022-05-04 04:17 [view ] -43.5039 147.4449 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event End of Backscatter Cal Line (Line 2). Restarting other sounders
    2022-05-04 04:19 [view ] -43.5081 147.4439 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Restarted pinging and logging in EK80
    2022-05-04 04:20 [view ] -43.5102 147.4430 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restarted pinging and logging in SBP120
    2022-05-04 04:22 [view ] -43.5122 147.4418 ADCP [view] Start GSM ADCP Event End of Backscatter Cal line - Restarted ADCP 150 kHz
    2022-05-04 04:46 [view ] -43.5490 147.4082 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stopped logging for station checks DP
    2022-05-04 04:47 [view ] -43.5492 147.4080 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging for testing DP
    2022-05-04 04:56 [view ] -43.5505 147.4071 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample
    2022-05-04 04:57 [view ] -43.5506 147.4069 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample
    2022-05-04 04:59 [view ] -43.5506 147.4067 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample Exposure Blaks and Procedural Blanks Taken
    2022-05-04 05:18 [view ] -43.5504 147.4057 PLAOS [view] PLAOS event
    2022-05-04 05:46 [view ] -43.5515 147.4024 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start logging after playos test
    2022-05-04 05:47 [view ] -43.5515 147.4024 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging after playos test
    2022-05-04 06:14 [view ] -43.5985 147.3627 Drop Keel [view] UWY Seawater Drop Keels event Primary SBE38 comms lost. Suspected cable failure. Switched to the secondary SBE38
    2022-05-04 06:14 [view ] -43.5985 147.3627 Drop Keel [view] Drop Keels event Primary SBE38 comms lost. Suspected cable failure. Switched to the secondary SBE38
    2022-05-04 06:38 [view ] -43.6509 147.3145 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Added pinglogger class file to program from D:temp
    2022-05-04 09:04 [view ] -43.9838 147.0076 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Ranges didn't work with climatology copying from EM122 to EM710
    2022-05-04 09:04 [view ] -43.9838 147.0076 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Ranges didn't work with climatology copying from EM122 to EM710
    2022-05-04 09:08 [view ] -43.9951 146.9971 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Good applied to EM710
    2022-05-04 09:33 [view ] -44.0505 146.9459 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-04 09:45 [view ] -44.0783 146.9201 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed from ricker pulse to linear chirp up at 200-250m
    2022-05-04 09:46 [view ] -44.0830 146.9157 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Changed depth setting from 250m to 1500m
    2022-05-04 09:53 [view ] -44.0974 146.9024 EM122 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging down slope - using sst005
    2022-05-04 09:54 [view ] -44.0997 146.9003 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed file name, as ricker pulse to linear chirp up
    2022-05-04 10:05 [view ] -44.1260 146.8759 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stop logging on shelf edge, and take over with EM122
    2022-05-04 10:38 [view ] -44.1965 146.7903 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-04 10:44 [view ] -44.2112 146.7721 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped because lost the seafloor on nshelf break. Close to CTD so will restart after CTD1
    2022-05-04 11:07 [view ] -44.2480 146.7324 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event On Station for CTD1
    2022-05-04 11:08 [view ] -44.2486 146.7327 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop pinging and logging on station CTD1 - ksync was not active at end...don't know what happened?
    2022-05-04 11:14 [view ] -44.2493 146.7337 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event test ctd 1000m
    2022-05-04 11:14 [view ] -44.2493 146.7337 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event test ctd 1000m, heave comp turned off for transit, on for bottle stops
    2022-05-04 11:14 [view ] -44.2493 146.7337 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event start test ctd 1000m, heave comp turned off for transit, on for bottle stops
    2022-05-04 12:07 [view ] -44.2562 146.7417 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-04 12:12 [view ] -44.2572 146.7425 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging after CTD1
    2022-05-04 12:12 [view ] -44.2574 146.7427 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event restart after ctd1
    2022-05-04 12:15 [view ] -44.2583 146.7429 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event restart after ctd1
    2022-05-04 12:45 [view ] -44.3055 146.6569 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-04 12:56 [view ] -44.3274 146.6284 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-04 13:25 [view ] -44.3940 146.5458 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Tried to apply cnv file for ctd through SSM, but out of scope, then tried cap pro through svpbuilder. ok
    2022-05-04 13:31 [view ] -44.4074 146.5293 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Issue with SBP120, restart
    2022-05-04 13:51 [view ] -44.4410 146.4876 Radiosonde [view] Clouds Radiosonde event
    2022-05-04 14:01 [view ] -44.4637 146.4593 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restarted SBP120 - had troubles with NMEA timing out and ksync
    2022-05-04 14:03 [view ] -44.4706 146.4509 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-04 14:48 [view ] -44.5695 146.3280 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-04 15:44 [view ] -44.6930 146.1742 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-04 16:00 [view ] -44.7311 146.1267 KSYNC [view] GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Changed EK80 from Fixed 1 sec to External Trigger and maximised pinging. This removed second bottom return in 18kHz
    2022-05-04 16:10 [view ] -44.7514 146.1013 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_012.asvp
    2022-05-04 16:54 [view ] -44.8501 145.9782 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_013.asvp
    2022-05-04 17:15 [view ] -44.8994 145.9165 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_014.asvp
    2022-05-04 17:26 [view ] -44.9219 145.8884 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event started OS75 and changed OS150 to non bottom tracking
    2022-05-04 17:43 [view ] -44.9602 145.8404 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event NEw SVP in2022_v03_sst_015.asvp
    2022-05-04 18:29 [view ] -45.0636 145.7108 TRIAXUS [view] TRIAXUS event triaxus deck testing for sensors. T/C/O sensors looking sensible. LOPC coming through. EcoTriplet and SUNA coming through to techsas.
    2022-05-04 21:09 [view ] -45.4019 145.2973 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Slowed to 4 knopts and changed direction for baloon launch
    2022-05-04 21:26 [view ] -45.4321 145.2581 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-04 21:28 [view ] -45.4383 145.2493 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_016.asvp
    2022-05-04 21:49 [view ] -45.4784 145.1898 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_017.asvp
    2022-05-04 21:50 [view ] -45.4824 145.1838 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New file - Line007
    2022-05-04 21:57 [view ] -45.4952 145.1674 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event EK80 changed from external to calculated tigger to remove second bottom return from 18kHz
    2022-05-04 21:57 [view ] -45.4952 145.1674 KSYNC [view] KSYNC synchronisation event EK80 changed from external to calculated tigger to remove second bottom return from 18kHz
    2022-05-04 22:43 [view ] -45.5847 145.0538 TRIAXUS [view] TRIAXUS event Triaxus in water
    2022-05-04 22:44 [view ] -45.5852 145.0531 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Slowed down for Triaxus deployment
    2022-05-04 22:47 [view ] -45.5872 145.0508 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Added SBP120 to primary group to reduce noise in SBP record. Set to external trigger and max pinging
    2022-05-04 23:03 [view ] -45.6070 145.0259 TRIAXUS [view] TRIAXUS event conductivity sensor readings were unrealistic. swapped configuration in seasave and readings went into agreement.
    2022-05-04 23:11 [view ] -45.6158 145.0148 TRIAXUS [view] TRIAXUS event Loss of communications for 10 seconds
    2022-05-04 23:26 [view ] -45.6389 144.9855 TRIAXUS [view] TRIAXUS event SUNA stopped sending data
    2022-05-04 23:26 [view ] -45.6389 144.9855 TRIAXUS [view] TRIAXUS event SUNA stopped sending data
    2022-05-05 00:04 [view ] -45.6957 144.9136 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample
    2022-05-05 00:33 [view ] -45.7325 144.8667 TRIAXUS [view] TRIAXUS event LOPC appears to have stopped acquiring. restarting.
    2022-05-05 00:43 [view ] -45.7478 144.8474 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Changed EK80 triiger from Calculated to External as ping interval had increased to 3sec
    2022-05-05 00:43 [view ] -45.7478 144.8474 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Changed EK80 trigger from Calculated to External as ping interval had increased to 3sec
    2022-05-05 01:13 [view ] -45.7914 144.7920 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Changed EK80 trigger back to External from from Calculated as second bottom return strong. Ping interval is 3.5sec
    2022-05-05 02:47 [view ] -45.9319 144.6132 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_018.asvp
    2022-05-05 02:47 [view ] -45.9319 144.6132 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_017.asvp
    2022-05-05 02:51 [view ] -45.9398 144.6032 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events
    2022-05-05 02:52 [view ] -45.9398 144.6032 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event
    2022-05-05 02:52 [view ] -45.9414 144.6011 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer
    2022-05-05 03:00 [view ] -45.9522 144.5874 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_019.asvp
    2022-05-05 03:31 [view ] -46.0008 144.5254 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed Beam width RX from Focused back to Full Array
    2022-05-05 03:39 [view ] -46.0148 144.5075 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_020.asvp
    2022-05-05 03:51 [view ] -46.0333 144.4839 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_021.asvp
    2022-05-05 04:11 [view ] -46.0632 144.4457 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Noticed that segy trace size was set to Fixed and acq delay to variable. This is opposite to what is recommended for the Nov2018 PingLogger to work correctly. Swapped back to normal setting
    2022-05-05 04:17 [view ] -46.0727 144.4336 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_022.asvp
    2022-05-05 05:24 [view ] -46.1818 144.2942 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-05 06:23 [view ] -46.2761 144.1733 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-05 06:40 [view ] -46.3037 144.1346 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-05 06:43 [view ] -46.3068 144.1302 QINSY GSM Survey planning Changed UTM55 to UTM 54 project, grid and database
    2022-05-05 06:43 [view ] -46.3068 144.1302 QINSY GSM Survey planning
    2022-05-05 07:13 [view ] -46.3519 144.0644 QINSY GSM Survey planning Changed UTM55 to UTM 54 project, grid and database
    2022-05-05 07:23 [view ] -46.3671 144.0422 QINSY GSM Survey planning Changed UTM55 to UTM 54 project, grid and database
    2022-05-05 08:32 [view ] -46.4710 143.8903 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-05 09:03 [view ] -46.5154 143.8252 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-05 09:33 [view ] -46.5581 143.7627 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-05 10:11 [view ] -46.6138 143.6810 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Changed beam spacing from 60 to 65
    2022-05-05 12:00 [view ] -46.7700 143.4515 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-05 12:33 [view ] -46.8180 143.3808 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-05 13:18 [view ] -46.8818 143.2871 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-05 14:39 [view ] -46.9789 143.1449 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging for Triaxus recovery
    2022-05-05 14:41 [view ] -46.9794 143.1442 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging for Triaxus revcovery
    2022-05-05 14:50 [view ] -46.9861 143.1346 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Triaxus recovered, restart logging
    2022-05-05 14:50 [view ] -46.9861 143.1346 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Start logging after CTD003 towards SOFS11
    2022-05-05 14:51 [view ] -46.9867 143.1337 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event
    2022-05-05 15:30 [view ] -46.9908 143.0427 XBT [view] Success GSM XBT Launch XBT_001
    2022-05-05 15:45 [view ] -46.9902 142.9866 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Triaxus recovered
    2022-05-05 17:35 [view ] -46.9859 142.5815 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New line
    2022-05-05 17:49 [view ] -46.9854 142.5310 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed beam width RX from Full array to Focused
    2022-05-05 17:57 [view ] -46.9851 142.5021 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed Beam width RX back to Full array
    2022-05-05 18:00 [view ] -46.9850 142.4959 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Changed tigger from calculated to external for EK80. Looks OK with ~2 sec ping internal resported in EK80
    2022-05-05 18:22 [view ] -46.9843 142.4352 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_030.asvp
    2022-05-05 18:25 [view ] -46.9843 142.4291 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Due to second bottom return, changed back to calculated trigger
    2022-05-05 19:52 [view ] -46.9839 142.4037 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event On station at SOFS-10 - stopped logging EM710
    2022-05-05 19:57 [view ] -46.9839 142.4036 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event On station at SOFS-10 - stopped logging EK80
    2022-05-05 19:59 [view ] -46.9839 142.4036 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event On station at SOFS-10 - stopped logging SBP
    2022-05-05 21:45 [view ] -46.9825 142.3972 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging
    2022-05-05 21:46 [view ] -46.9825 142.3972 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event
    2022-05-05 22:21 [view ] -46.9768 142.3225 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped logging - repositioned closer to SOFS-10
    2022-05-05 22:21 [view ] -46.9768 142.3225 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped logging - repositioned closer to SOFS-10
    2022-05-05 22:21 [view ] -46.9768 142.3226 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stopped logging - repositioned closer to SOFS-10
    2022-05-05 23:42 [view ] -46.9756 142.3164 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Moving into position for CTD
    2022-05-05 23:42 [view ] -46.9750 142.3153 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Moving into position for CTD
    2022-05-05 23:45 [view ] -46.9723 142.3148 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_031.asvp
    2022-05-05 23:46 [view ] -46.9711 142.3160 EM122 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event
    2022-05-05 23:46 [view ] -46.9711 142.3160 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event
    2022-05-05 23:47 [view ] -46.9705 142.3179 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event
    2022-05-05 23:58 [view ] -46.9671 142.3589 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-06 00:28 [view ] -46.9674 142.4062 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event SOTS 600m 10min calibration soak
    2022-05-06 00:28 [view ] -46.9674 142.4062 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event SOTS ctd
    2022-05-06 00:28 [view ] -46.9674 142.4062 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event SOTS 600dbar 10min calibration soak
    2022-05-06 00:28 [view ] -46.9674 142.4062 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event deploying ctd
    2022-05-06 00:54 [view ] -46.9661 142.4106 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-06 00:54 [view ] -46.9661 142.4106 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-06 00:58 [view ] -46.9658 142.4113 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-06 01:00 [view ] -46.9657 142.4116 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-06 02:15 [view ] -46.9599 142.4246 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_ctd_002.asvp
    2022-05-06 02:37 [view ] -46.9593 142.4284 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Started logging on station at request of Ben (PI)
    2022-05-06 02:37 [view ] -46.9593 142.4284 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Started logging on station at request of Ben (PI)
    2022-05-06 03:21 [view ] -46.9577 142.4214 PLAOS [view] PLAOS event
    2022-05-06 03:23 [view ] -46.9577 142.4211 PLAOS [view] PLAOS event
    2022-05-06 03:42 [view ] -46.9571 142.4162 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Set 38kHz to passive for USBL (PLAOS) operations
    2022-05-06 03:47 [view ] -46.9562 142.4149 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Trace Metal Aerosol Sample collected
    2022-05-06 03:47 [view ] -46.9562 142.4149 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Trace Metal Aerosol Sample collected, Flow Volume in L
    2022-05-06 03:47 [view ] -46.9562 142.4149 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Trace Metal Aerosol Sample collected
    2022-05-06 03:47 [view ] -46.9562 142.4149 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample Trace Metal Aerosol Sample collected
    2022-05-06 03:47 [view ] -46.9562 142.4149 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Trace Metal Aerosol Sample collected
    2022-05-06 03:52 [view ] -46.9550 142.4136 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample Blockage in the line resulted in lower volume on mass flow controller
    2022-05-06 03:52 [view ] -46.9550 142.4136 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Blockage in the line resulted in lower volume on mass flow controller
    2022-05-06 03:52 [view ] -46.9550 142.4136 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Blockage in the line resulted in lower volume on mass flow controller
    2022-05-06 03:52 [view ] -46.9550 142.4136 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Blockage in the line resulted in lower volume on mass flow controller, Flow Volume in L
    2022-05-06 03:54 [view ] -46.9542 142.4129 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample
    2022-05-06 03:54 [view ] -46.9542 142.4129 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Flow Volume in L
    2022-05-06 03:54 [view ] -46.9542 142.4129 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample
    2022-05-06 03:54 [view ] -46.9542 142.4129 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Aerosol Sample Flow Volume in L
    2022-05-06 04:07 [view ] -46.9507 142.4097 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Sample Flow volume in L, Trace metal sample collected
    2022-05-06 04:07 [view ] -46.9507 142.4097 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Sample Flow volume in L
    2022-05-06 04:07 [view ] -46.9507 142.4097 Aerosol Sample Stop Aerosol Sample Flow volume in L
    2022-05-06 05:23 [view ] -46.9446 142.4077 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop pinging and logging for PLAOS - interfering
    2022-05-06 05:41 [view ] -46.9464 142.4077 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Made 18, 38, 70 passive mode...recording active 120, 200,333
    2022-05-06 06:00 [view ] -46.9488 142.4071 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Put all freuwncires back on active...PLAOS back onboard
    2022-05-06 06:16 [view ] -46.9485 142.4070 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-06 06:57 [view ] -46.9656 142.3332 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Map a bit as we move to SOFS-10
    2022-05-06 07:18 [view ] -46.9683 142.3150 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Just drifting over SOFS-10 for atmosheric comparisons
    2022-05-06 08:05 [view ] -46.9708 142.3153 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event
    2022-05-06 08:46 [view ] -47.0427 142.2498 SVP [view] Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-06 08:56 [view ] -47.0601 142.2339 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-06 09:04 [view ] -47.0683 142.2262 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event CTD003 station
    2022-05-06 09:10 [view ] -47.0691 142.2268 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event UTAS 4700dbar
    2022-05-06 09:10 [view ] -47.0691 142.2268 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-06 10:51 [view ] -47.0669 142.2390 UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab TSG cleaned, filters cleaned
    2022-05-06 10:51 [view ] -47.0669 142.2390 UWY Seawater Lab UWY Seawater Events for uwy seawater lab Flouro cleaned, filters cleaned
    2022-05-06 11:10 [view ] -47.0659 142.2430 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event Fuse blown out on deckbox, seasave restarted with 003a1, and reset control positions
    2022-05-06 12:19 [view ] -47.0629 142.2529 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-06 12:38 [view ] -47.0617 142.2567 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Finished CTD003, prep for logging
    2022-05-06 12:47 [view ] -47.0612 142.2583 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-06 12:50 [view ] -47.0610 142.2588 Trace Metals Samples from CTD Took 15 Samples, on CTD cast 3, Th\Nd\REE
    2022-05-06 12:57 [view ] -47.0606 142.2594 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Start logging after CTD003 towards SOFS11
    2022-05-06 13:40 [view ] -47.0019 142.1309 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Had issues with line 12, not picking NMEA port 3. Changed UDP to serial and seems ok.
    2022-05-06 13:45 [view ] -46.9930 142.1128 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Tried to implement CTD003 processed ASvp...but SV has changed since site. Issues with processing Cappro for DAP
    2022-05-06 14:14 [view ] -46.9424 142.0074 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-06 15:00 [view ] -46.8569 141.8537 CTD Sampling placeholder
    2022-05-06 15:00 [view ] -46.8569 141.8537 CTD Sampling placeholder
    2022-05-06 16:09 [view ] -46.7084 141.6299 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-06 16:35 [view ] -46.6517 141.5455 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_037.asvp
    2022-05-06 17:31 [view ] -46.6007 141.3454 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging SBP - ship turning onto position for SOFS-11 mooring deployment
    2022-05-06 19:46 [view ] -46.6515 141.3354 Techsas 1 [view] Other Techsas 1 event updated pCO2 driver for fixing string position for CO2 reading
    2022-05-06 19:47 [view ] -46.6518 141.3353 Techsas 2 [view] Start Techsas 2 event restarted pCO2 driver for fixing string position for CO2 reading
    2022-05-06 22:49 [view ] -46.7099 141.3376 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-06 23:25 [view ] -46.7234 141.3382 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Logging approach to SOFS11 dueing deployment of mooring. Vessel speed 1.3kts
    2022-05-07 00:26 [view ] -46.7471 141.3395 Manual Rain catcher [view] Manual Rain catcher event
    2022-05-07 01:11 [view ] -46.7636 141.3394 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped logging - vessel turning
    2022-05-07 01:12 [view ] -46.7636 141.3394 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging - vessel turning
    2022-05-07 02:22 [view ] -46.7523 141.3522 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-07 03:40 [view ] -46.7752 141.3515 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event
    2022-05-07 03:40 [view ] -46.7752 141.3515 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event
    2022-05-07 04:10 [view ] -46.7851 141.3506 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-07 04:12 [view ] -46.7857 141.3507 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-07 04:14 [view ] -46.7863 141.3507 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-07 06:01 [view ] -46.8153 141.3506 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-07 06:19 [view ] -46.8229 141.3499 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-07 09:01 [view ] -46.9193 141.3488 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-07 10:19 [view ] -46.9718 141.3477 EM122 [view] Field Ops Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event SOFS-11 anchor dropped
    2022-05-07 10:58 [view ] -47.0161 141.3696 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Finished infill at SOFS-11, now moving to triangulate and need to turn acoustics off.
    2022-05-07 10:59 [view ] -47.0164 141.3692 QINSY GSM Survey planning Turned logging off after passing infill at SOFS-11 gap.
    2022-05-07 11:00 [view ] -47.0163 141.3690 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging for triangulation after SOFS-11 infill
    2022-05-07 11:07 [view ] -47.0076 141.3618 QINSY GSM Survey planning Turned logging on as we are passing gap for a second time heading north.
    2022-05-07 11:07 [view ] -47.0056 141.3606 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Started logging again as heading north of infill area, second pass
    2022-05-07 11:14 [view ] -46.9924 141.3561 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging and pinging for triangulation
    2022-05-07 11:16 [view ] -46.9881 141.3541 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop logging Ek80 for triangulation of SOFS-11
    2022-05-07 11:17 [view ] -46.9860 141.3531 QINSY GSM Survey planning Stop logging for triangulation of SOFS-11
    2022-05-07 11:18 [view ] -46.9839 141.3521 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event For mooring triangulation
    2022-05-07 11:28 [view ] -46.9723 141.3350 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-07 12:55 [view ] -46.9811 141.3614 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Triangulation finished
    2022-05-07 12:55 [view ] -46.9811 141.3614 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Triangulation finished - ignore T125759 (ksync was off)
    2022-05-07 12:56 [view ] -46.9821 141.3615 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging after triangulation
    2022-05-07 12:56 [view ] -46.9833 141.3615 QINSY GSM Survey planning Start loggging to capture infill - pass 3
    2022-05-07 13:00 [view ] -46.9871 141.3613 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event
    2022-05-07 13:00 [view ] -46.9889 141.3612 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event
    2022-05-07 13:09 [view ] -47.0013 141.3608 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging after triangulation
    2022-05-07 14:11 [view ] -47.0555 141.3503 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging for CTD004
    2022-05-07 14:14 [view ] -47.0552 141.3508 QINSY GSM Survey planning Stopped QINSY db logging
    2022-05-07 14:14 [view ] -47.0552 141.3508 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event 1250dbar UTAS
    2022-05-07 14:14 [view ] -47.0552 141.3508 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event 1250 UTAS
    2022-05-07 14:15 [view ] -47.0552 141.3508 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging and pinging SBP120
    2022-05-07 14:15 [view ] -47.0552 141.3508 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging SBP120
    2022-05-07 15:45 [view ] -47.0557 141.3633 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event 250dbar
    2022-05-07 15:45 [view ] -47.0557 141.3633 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-07 17:00 [view ] -47.0540 141.3773 CTD Sampling placeholder
    2022-05-07 19:11 [view ] -47.0580 141.3832 SVP [view] Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_ctd_004.asvp
    2022-05-07 19:58 [view ] -47.0577 141.3862 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events Filter cleaned
    2022-05-07 19:59 [view ] -47.0577 141.3863 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event Filter Cleaned
    2022-05-07 19:59 [view ] -47.0577 141.3863 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer
    2022-05-07 20:23 [view ] -47.0578 141.3776 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped pinging - deploying PLAOS
    2022-05-07 20:24 [view ] -47.0579 141.3772 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 18 & 38kHz turned to passive - deploying PLAOS
    2022-05-07 20:28 [view ] -47.0581 141.3760 Manual Rain catcher [view] Manual Rain catcher event
    2022-05-07 20:30 [view ] -47.0582 141.3754 PLAOS [view] PLAOS event
    2022-05-07 20:40 [view ] -47.0586 141.3730 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event stopped the OS75 for hydrophone testing
    2022-05-07 21:00 [view ] -47.0594 141.3704 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-07 22:15 [view ] -47.0600 141.3684 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event Start logging OS75
    2022-05-07 22:16 [view ] -47.0600 141.3684 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event 18 & 38kHz changed from passive to active - PLAOS deployment complete
    2022-05-07 23:02 [view ] -47.0440 141.3799 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Started logging - repositioning for CTD005
    2022-05-07 23:02 [view ] -47.0440 141.3799 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Started logging - on route to SAZ-24
    2022-05-08 00:03 [view ] -47.0569 141.3817 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-08 00:16 [view ] -47.0573 141.3817 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event 4500dbar target
    2022-05-08 00:16 [view ] -47.0573 141.3817 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event 4500 depth target
    2022-05-08 00:16 [view ] -47.0573 141.3817 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event CTD in water
    2022-05-08 01:46 [view ] -47.0609 141.3822 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Changed rage to 2500m (view and logging) for Ben Scolding
    2022-05-08 01:46 [view ] -47.0609 141.3822 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Changed rage to 2500m (view and logging) for Ben Scolding
    2022-05-08 01:46 [view ] -47.0609 141.3822 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Changed rage to 2500m (view and logging) for Ben
    2022-05-08 01:55 [view ] -47.0615 141.3823 EK80 [view] Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Range changed back to 1500m
    2022-05-08 01:55 [view ] -47.0615 141.3823 EK80 [view] Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Range changed back to 1500m
    2022-05-08 01:58 [view ] -47.0616 141.3824 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Changed to external trigger
    2022-05-08 04:13 [view ] -47.0712 141.3837 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-08 04:13 [view ] -47.0712 141.3837 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event UTAS 4500dbar
    2022-05-08 04:13 [view ] -47.0712 141.3837 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-08 04:26 [view ] -47.0721 141.3823 ARGO [view] Argo floats event ARGO #1. Hull #1074. Argo dumper used - "was pretty good" according to DVM
    2022-05-08 04:44 [view ] -47.0718 141.3595 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging after CTD005
    2022-05-08 04:49 [view ] -47.0716 141.3512 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging after CTD005
    2022-05-08 05:36 [view ] -47.0714 141.3475 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging as drifting while spooling is carrying on before PLAOS
    2022-05-08 05:38 [view ] -47.0714 141.3474 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped logging while drifting for spooling in prep for PLAOS
    2022-05-08 06:54 [view ] -47.0706 141.3451 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change three frequencies to passive - 18, 38, 70kHz
    2022-05-08 07:04 [view ] -47.0705 141.3446 PLAOS [view] PLAOS event
    2022-05-08 09:07 [view ] -47.0652 141.3354 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Changed three 18,38,70 back to active
    2022-05-08 09:25 [view ] -47.0515 141.3784 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Move to SAZ-24 for morning operations
    2022-05-08 09:25 [view ] -47.0515 141.3784 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Move to SAZ-24 for morning operations - start logging
    2022-05-08 10:05 [view ] -47.0260 141.5402 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer
    2022-05-08 10:06 [view ] -47.0260 141.5402 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events Filter cleaned
    2022-05-08 10:06 [view ] -47.0254 141.5443 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event Filter cleaned
    2022-05-08 10:32 [view ] -47.0098 141.6434 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample FAS filter 1 and 2 changed.
    2022-05-08 12:04 [view ] -46.9523 142.0083 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-08 12:58 [view ] -46.9229 142.0540 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped logging at station ready for SAZ-24
    2022-05-08 12:59 [view ] -46.9226 142.0539 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging at station SAZ-24
    2022-05-08 15:57 [view ] -46.9272 142.0526 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Changed from external to calculated trigger (to remove second bottom return)
    2022-05-08 15:58 [view ] -46.9274 142.0530 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Kysnc Changed from external to calculated trigger (to remove second bottom return)
    2022-05-08 16:03 [view ] -46.9281 142.0536 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stationary - awaiting start of deployment SAZ-24
    2022-05-08 17:55 [view ] -46.9386 142.0378 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging - vessel relocating
    2022-05-08 18:17 [view ] -46.9780 141.9944 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Started looging - ship relocating for SAZ-24 deployment. Line traverses seamount
    2022-05-08 18:17 [view ] -46.9780 141.9944 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Started looging - ship relocating for SAZ-24 deployment
    2022-05-08 18:19 [view ] -46.9802 141.9891 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_040.asvp
    2022-05-08 18:56 [view ] -46.9888 141.9489 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging - vessel at 1.2 knots
    2022-05-08 19:41 [view ] -46.9791 141.9421 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped as vessel stationary
    2022-05-08 21:56 [view ] -46.9431 141.9159 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Logging during deployment - vessel speed 1.5kts
    2022-05-08 23:07 [view ] -46.9168 141.8962 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-08 23:28 [view ] -46.9095 141.8917 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_041.asvp
    2022-05-09 00:27 [view ] -46.8892 141.8789 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-09 00:28 [view ] -46.8886 141.8786 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-09 00:30 [view ] -46.8879 141.8782 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-09 04:25 [view ] -46.8054 141.8238 Other Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events
    2022-05-09 05:27 [view ] -46.7645 141.7919 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start of trilateration. Turn everything off.
    2022-05-09 05:29 [view ] -46.7619 141.7902 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop pinging and logging. Trilateration
    2022-05-09 05:30 [view ] -46.7619 141.7902 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stop logging and pinging. Start trilateration for SAZ-24
    2022-05-09 05:32 [view ] -46.7605 141.7894 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event
    2022-05-09 06:58 [view ] -46.8325 141.8558 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start pinging and logging after trilateration completed for SAZ-24
    2022-05-09 06:59 [view ] -46.8337 141.8559 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start pinging and logging after trilateration completed for SAZ-24
    2022-05-09 07:00 [view ] -46.8337 141.8559 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event
    2022-05-09 07:12 [view ] -46.8464 141.8507 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start pinging only, after trilateration completed for SAZ-24. Will start logging when profile looks good
    2022-05-09 07:47 [view ] -46.8277 141.8126 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging
    2022-05-09 14:20 [view ] -46.5763 141.3636 QINSY GSM Survey planning Start Logging for option 1 mapping
    2022-05-09 14:52 [view ] -46.5547 141.3249 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-09 20:43 [view ] -46.1691 141.0304 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Changed dual Swath mode from Fixed to Dynamic. Beams at 61/67 for infill
    2022-05-09 21:39 [view ] -46.1056 140.9881 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Bottom tracker ON
    2022-05-09 21:56 [view ] -46.0859 140.9750 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_043.asvp
    2022-05-09 21:57 [view ] -46.0849 140.9743 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Changed Dual swath mode from Fixed to Dynamic
    2022-05-09 22:01 [view ] -46.0817 140.9723 Aerosol Sample Start Aerosol Aerosol Sample
    2022-05-09 22:06 [view ] -46.0749 140.9677 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Pulse length from 15 to 10ms
    2022-05-09 22:51 [view ] -46.1104 140.9583 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Ship turned around and headed for SOFS-10
    2022-05-09 22:52 [view ] -46.1160 140.9591 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-09 23:03 [view ] -46.1443 140.9607 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Lost G4+ Nav (Nav Status degraded to CA). Vessel heading 178°
    2022-05-09 23:03 [view ] -46.1443 140.9607 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Lost G4+ Nav (Nav Status CA)
    2022-05-09 23:03 [view ] -46.1443 140.9607 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event Lost G4+ Nav (Nav Status CA). Vessel heading 178°
    2022-05-09 23:46 [view ] -46.2672 140.9667 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event POSMV nav status back to G4 and aligned. Heading 177°
    2022-05-09 23:47 [view ] -46.2701 140.9668 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_044.asvp
    2022-05-09 23:51 [view ] -46.2811 140.9692 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event POSMV na degraded to Marinestar VBS. Heading 145°
    2022-05-10 00:51 [view ] -46.4259 141.0941 POSMV [view] GSM Applanix POSMV event POSMV status G4+ and holding in Full POS mode. Heading 106°
    2022-05-10 04:33 [view ] -46.6993 141.9028 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-10 05:07 [view ] -46.7513 142.0120 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-10 05:17 [view ] -46.7683 142.0436 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-10 05:26 [view ] -46.7839 142.0725 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-10 07:16 [view ] -47.0051 142.3637 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-10 07:17 [view ] -47.0071 142.3615 QINSY GSM Survey planning Stop logging while on station for SOFS-10
    2022-05-10 07:18 [view ] -47.0071 142.3615 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop logging and pinging on station SOFS-10
    2022-05-10 07:19 [view ] -47.0083 142.3592 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station SOFS-10
    2022-05-10 09:01 [view ] -46.9988 142.3441 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-10 09:19 [view ] -47.0023 142.3429 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-10 14:50 [view ] -46.7809 142.1557 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Drifting but might capture some more seafloor. Start logging @ 3-4 knt drift
    2022-05-10 14:51 [view ] -46.7800 142.1549 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-10 17:44 [view ] -46.6154 142.0123 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_051.asvp
    2022-05-10 22:14 [view ] -46.3955 141.7696 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Logging on
    2022-05-10 22:33 [view ] -46.3661 141.7261 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-11 00:13 [view ] -46.2721 141.4902 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New line, changed direction of transit
    2022-05-11 01:18 [view ] -46.4300 141.5689 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events
    2022-05-11 01:18 [view ] -46.4300 141.5689 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event
    2022-05-11 01:18 [view ] -46.4320 141.5715 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer
    2022-05-11 03:02 [view ] -46.6413 141.8450 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_052.asvp
    2022-05-11 04:13 [view ] -46.7852 142.0498 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-11 04:34 [view ] -46.8248 142.1135 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-11 06:01 [view ] -46.9898 142.3502 SVP [view] Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-11 06:03 [view ] -46.9903 142.3493 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event At SOFS-10 station
    2022-05-11 06:03 [view ] -46.9903 142.3493 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event At SOFS-10 station
    2022-05-11 06:05 [view ] -46.9908 142.3471 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging on station SOFS-10
    2022-05-11 09:12 [view ] -46.9657 142.2004 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Moving towards SAZ-23 and position for CTD006
    2022-05-11 09:13 [view ] -46.9652 142.1984 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Moving to SAZ-23 @5knts and into position for CTD006
    2022-05-11 09:57 [view ] -46.9452 142.1169 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging at station CTD006
    2022-05-11 10:14 [view ] -46.9441 142.1177 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event UTAS 2000dbar
    2022-05-11 10:14 [view ] -46.9441 142.1177 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event UTAS 2000m
    2022-05-11 10:14 [view ] -46.9441 142.1177 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-11 12:12 [view ] -46.9464 142.1143 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-11 12:34 [view ] -46.9412 142.0972 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging on transit to SAZ-23
    2022-05-11 12:41 [view ] -46.9372 142.0814 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-11 12:44 [view ] -46.9361 142.0776 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start pinging - trying to find bottom tracker before logging.
    2022-05-11 12:44 [view ] -46.9361 142.0776 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start pinging & logging - trying to find bottom tracker.. changed to fixed rate
    2022-05-11 13:00 [view ] -46.9280 142.0467 CTD Sampling placeholder
    2022-05-11 15:52 [view ] -46.8557 141.6901 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New File
    2022-05-11 16:08 [view ] -46.8463 141.6667 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging SBP - arriving on station at SAZ-23
    2022-05-11 17:22 [view ] -46.8460 141.6663 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-11 17:24 [view ] -46.8459 141.6664 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-11 17:25 [view ] -46.8458 141.6665 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-11 18:46 [view ] -46.8438 141.6670 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped logging. SAZ-23
    2022-05-11 20:06 [view ] -46.8435 141.6620 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event stopped adcps for triangulation
    2022-05-11 20:07 [view ] -46.8436 141.6621 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event EM122 pinging OFF for mooring acoustic release (SAZ-23)
    2022-05-11 20:08 [view ] -46.8436 141.6621 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Ek80 logging & pinging OFF for mooring acoustic release (SAZ-23)
    2022-05-11 20:08 [view ] -46.8436 141.6622 SBP120 [view] Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event SBP120 pinging OFF for mooring acoustic release (SAZ-23)
    2022-05-11 22:00 [view ] -46.8348 141.6662 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-12 00:05 [view ] -46.7908 141.6550 Underway Sample Underway seawater sample
    2022-05-12 00:07 [view ] -46.7900 141.6549 Underway Sample Underway seawater sample
    2022-05-12 00:09 [view ] -46.7897 141.6548 Underway Sample Underway seawater sample
    2022-05-12 02:47 [view ] -46.7311 141.6463 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-12 02:49 [view ] -46.7308 141.6462 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-12 02:51 [view ] -46.7301 141.6462 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-12 03:36 [view ] -46.7134 141.6452 Other Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events
    2022-05-12 03:44 [view ] -46.7102 141.6446 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event restarting ADCPs after mooring retrieval
    2022-05-12 03:48 [view ] -46.7089 141.6444 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Resumed pinging and logging - SAZ-23 recovery completed
    2022-05-12 04:02 [view ] -46.7023 141.6439 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-12 08:43 [view ] -47.0724 142.2583 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped on station CTD007
    2022-05-12 08:46 [view ] -47.0721 142.2562 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped on station CTD007
    2022-05-12 09:30 [view ] -47.0692 142.2601 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-12 10:06 [view ] -47.0709 142.2582 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event hydrochem 4000m
    2022-05-12 11:56 [view ] -47.0752 142.2525 Fluorometer Underway Fluorometer
    2022-05-12 11:56 [view ] -47.0752 142.2525 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer
    2022-05-12 11:57 [view ] -47.0752 142.2525 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events
    2022-05-12 11:57 [view ] -47.0752 142.2525 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event
    2022-05-12 14:02 [view ] -47.0761 142.2514 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-12 18:01 [view ] -47.0099 142.3524 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_ctd_007.asvp
    2022-05-12 18:50 [view ] -47.0067 142.3476 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-12 18:52 [view ] -47.0068 142.3477 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-12 18:54 [view ] -47.0069 142.3481 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-12 20:09 [view ] -47.0056 142.3471 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event stopping adcps for acoustic modem
    2022-05-12 20:11 [view ] -47.0057 142.3474 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stopped pinging for SOFS-10 mooring acoustic release
    2022-05-12 20:13 [view ] -47.0058 142.3475 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stopped logging & pinging for SOFS-10 mooring acoustic release
    2022-05-12 20:13 [view ] -47.0058 142.3475 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped pinging for SOFS-10 mooring acoustic release
    2022-05-12 21:36 [view ] -47.0101 142.3492 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-13 02:14 [view ] -46.9264 142.2720 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-13 02:16 [view ] -46.9260 142.2723 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-13 02:17 [view ] -46.9255 142.2726 TSG Cal Sample [view] Log when a bottle samples taken for TSG
    2022-05-13 06:15 [view ] -46.8279 142.3012 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Start logging again after SOFS-10 recovery
    2022-05-13 06:16 [view ] -46.8277 142.3012 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start pinging again after SOFS-10 recovery
    2022-05-13 06:16 [view ] -46.8275 142.3012 KSYNC [view] Start GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Start logging again after SOFS-10 recovery
    2022-05-13 06:17 [view ] -46.8273 142.3012 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event
    2022-05-13 07:28 [view ] -46.8254 142.2958 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event SOTS 22dbar calibration soak
    2022-05-13 08:15 [view ] -46.8228 142.2949 CTD CTD Seabird 911 event
    2022-05-13 08:23 [view ] -46.8208 142.2937 EM122 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Start logging after CTD008, transit to Hobart
    2022-05-13 08:43 [view ] -46.7787 142.3420 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event Cappro avg didn't work. Did through ssm. Then it was already out
    2022-05-13 08:44 [view ] -46.7787 142.3420 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 08:54 [view ] -46.7591 142.3735 SBP120 [view] Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Start logging again after CTD008
    2022-05-13 09:17 [view ] -46.7127 142.4480 QINSY GSM Survey planning Start logging - transit to Hobart @10knts
    2022-05-13 09:37 [view ] -46.6718 142.5135 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 09:53 [view ] -46.6392 142.5658 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 10:14 [view ] -46.5944 142.6374 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 10:16 [view ] -46.5924 142.6407 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 11:30 [view ] -46.4415 142.8819 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 12:36 [view ] -46.3069 143.0963 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 12:44 [view ] -46.2911 143.1215 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 13:58 [view ] -46.1449 143.3535 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 14:05 [view ] -46.1285 143.3784 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 14:17 [view ] -46.1034 143.4139 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 15:19 [view ] -45.9742 143.5940 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-13 16:01 [view ] -45.8894 143.7251 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Changed from fixed to external trigger with Ksync
    2022-05-13 17:51 [view ] -45.6664 144.0685 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Qinsy and other applications frozen, EM122 PC requires reboot. Loss of EM122 data for short period
    2022-05-13 18:01 [view ] -45.6440 144.1029 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event EM122 PC restarted. Qinsy and SIS back on line and logging.
    2022-05-13 18:02 [view ] -45.6440 144.1029 QINSY GSM Survey planning EM122 PC rebooted and Qinsy restarted (with UTM55 database) after Qinsy froze up.
    2022-05-13 18:04 [view ] -45.6400 144.1092 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New SBP file after reboot of EM122
    2022-05-13 19:14 [view ] -45.4990 144.3256 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_070.asvp (used climatology cars09 as woa98 wouldn't work)
    2022-05-13 20:54 [view ] -45.2996 144.6305 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_071.asvp
    2022-05-13 21:34 [view ] -45.2229 144.7476 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-13 22:17 [view ] -45.1349 144.8817 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_072.asvp
    2022-05-13 23:03 [view ] -45.0421 145.0228 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New line, Botom tracker OFF
    2022-05-13 23:06 [view ] -45.0381 145.0289 KSYNC [view] Start GSM KSYNC synchronisation event EK80 set to external trigger
    2022-05-13 23:06 [view ] -45.0381 145.0289 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event EK80 set to external trigger
    2022-05-14 00:44 [view ] -44.8456 145.3211 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_073.asvp
    2022-05-14 02:27 [view ] -44.6479 145.6201 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_074.asvp
    2022-05-14 02:36 [view ] -44.6303 145.6466 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event New SVP in2022_v03_sst_075.asvp
    2022-05-14 03:03 [view ] -44.5772 145.7268 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-14 03:37 [view ] -44.5105 145.8273 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event New file
    2022-05-14 03:44 [view ] -44.4968 145.8480 KSYNC [view] Other GSM KSYNC synchronisation event Strong 'seconf bottom return'. Changed to fixed trigger of 2000ms as calculated too slow at 4000ms
    2022-05-14 05:26 [view ] -44.2890 146.1604 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-14 06:22 [view ] -44.1786 146.3259 Radiosonde [view] Radiosonde event
    2022-05-14 06:23 [view ] -44.1767 146.3286 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-14 06:52 [view ] -44.1182 146.4162 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Start pinging and logging up shelf towards Hobart
    2022-05-14 06:56 [view ] -44.1100 146.4283 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-14 06:57 [view ] -44.1059 146.4345 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-14 06:58 [view ] -44.1039 146.4375 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change NMEA from EM122 to EM710
    2022-05-14 07:01 [view ] -44.0978 146.4467 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Stop logging and pinging @ 500m - change to EM710
    2022-05-14 07:02 [view ] -44.0957 146.4498 ADCP [view] Other ADCP Event 75 off, bottom tracking for 150 on
    2022-05-14 07:27 [view ] -44.0468 146.5230 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change Linear Up to Ricker Pulse @ ~350m
    2022-05-14 07:27 [view ] -44.0468 146.5230 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Change Linear Up to Ricker Pulse @ ~400m
    2022-05-14 07:30 [view ] -44.0387 146.5350 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Change to depth 250m mode from 1500m
    2022-05-14 07:34 [view ] -44.0327 146.5439 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event
    2022-05-14 13:14 [view ] -43.5719 147.3866 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event BS Cal line 3
    2022-05-14 13:15 [view ] -43.5705 147.3882 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stop temporarily for BS Cal line3
    2022-05-14 13:18 [view ] -43.5660 147.3931 EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Prepare for BS Cal line 3 - depth mode shallow
    2022-05-14 13:20 [view ] -43.5630 147.3964 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event
    2022-05-14 14:23 [view ] -43.4940 147.4955 SVP [view] GSM Sound velocity probe event BS Cal line 3
    2022-05-14 14:24 [view ] -43.4929 147.4955 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event BS Cal line 3
    2022-05-14 15:25 [view ] -43.3967 147.4943 EM122 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM122 12kHz multibeam echo sounder event Set to Fixed Dual swath, Cal Line completed
    2022-05-14 15:26 [view ] -43.3967 147.4943 ADCP [view] Start ADCP Event
    2022-05-14 15:26 [view ] -43.3967 147.4943 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Restarted EK80, Cal line completed
    2022-05-14 15:27 [view ] -43.3942 147.4945 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Restarted SBP, Cal line completed
    2022-05-14 16:00 [view ] -43.3558 147.4977 ADCP [view] Stop ADCP Event stopping acquisition coming into the derwent
    2022-05-14 18:14 [view ] -43.1926 147.5042 EM710 [view] Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stopped logging in northern Storm Bay. Backing up data
    2022-05-14 18:15 [view ] -43.1914 147.5036 EK80 [view] GSM Simrad EK80 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder (EK80) event Stopped logging in northern Storm Bay. Backing up data
    2022-05-14 18:16 [view ] -43.1914 147.5036 SBP120 [view] GSM Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler event Stopped logging in northern Storm Bay. Backing up data
    2022-05-14 19:54 [view ] -43.0833 147.4390 pCO2 [view] UWY Seawater pCO2 event Software "Stop" started. Freshwater turned on.
    2022-05-14 19:55 [view ] -43.0826 147.4372 TSG [view] Thermosalinograph events Freshwater Rinse started.
    2022-05-14 19:56 [view ] -43.0826 147.4372 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer Freshwater rinse started.
    2022-05-14 19:56 [view ] -43.0818 147.4355 Oxygen Optode UWY Seawater Oxygen optode underway Freshwater rinse started.
    2022-05-14 19:58 [view ] -43.0803 147.4319 TSG [view] UWY Seawater Thermosalinograph events Power off.
    2022-05-14 19:59 [view ] -43.0803 147.4319 Fluorometer UWY Seawater Underway Fluorometer Power off.
    2022-05-14 19:59 [view ] -43.0803 147.4319 Oxygen Optode Oxygen optode underway Power off.
    2022-05-14 20:19 [view ] -43.0657 147.3969 SBE38 SST Stop UWY Seawater SBE38 sea surface temperature probe in the drop keel Power off.
    2022-05-14 21:17 [view ] -42.9840 147.3764 Weather Radar [view] Polarimetric Weather Radar event
    2022-05-14 21:17 [view ] -42.9840 147.3764 Weather Radar [view] Stop Polarimetric Weather Radar event Key Turned Off
    2022-05-14 22:54 [view ] Techsas 1 [view] Stop Techsas 1 event end of voyage
    2022-05-14 22:54 [view ] Techsas 2 [view] Stop Techsas 2 event end of voyage
    2022-05-14 22:57 [view ] Other GSM Issues and extra information that doesn't fit in any other events
    2022-05-31 17:35 [view ] EM710 [view] GSM Kongsberg/Simrad EM710 multibeam echo sounder (70kHz - 100kHz) event Stopped logging for short period to change settings

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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Air Sampling Inlet Mode,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Burket Flow meter,Burket Flow meter,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO air sampling inlet,CSIRO air sampling inlet,Depth: TECHSAS-DERIVED. For more information contact the Data Acquisition and Processing group.,Fluorometer Concentration,Fluorometer WSCHL-1441,Gyrocompass,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 35122F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 35093F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,ISAR SST,Kobold MIK-C Flow meter,Kobold MIK-C Fluorometer Flow Meter,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,MAAP Status,Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Optode Dissolved Oxygen Concentration,Optode Dissolved Oxygen Saturation,Optode Water Temperature,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Port Rain Gauge,Port drop keel sensor,RM Young 05106 wind monitor,RM Young 05106 wind monitor,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,Remote Temperature (T) - SN 1061,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Starboard Rain Gauge,Starboard drop keel sensor,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 3439,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 3439,Vaisala Ship's Barometer PTB330 2022-05-04 00:05 2022-05-14 22:53 -42.8864 147.3388
    ADCP Data [details]   Teledyne RDI ADCP 150 kHz 2549 2022-05-04 01:48 2022-05-14 15:31 -43.1113 147.4645 -43.3903 147.4949 702
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 1 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4664,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70562,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 4188,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2022-05-04 11:17 2022-05-04 12:06 -44.2498 146.7342
    Towed CTD [details] 1   Triaxus 2022-05-04 22:57 2022-05-05 13:58 -45.5994 145.0356 -46.9181 143.2340 187
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2022-05-05 15:18 1100.3
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 2 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4664,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70562,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 4188,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2022-05-06 00:38 2022-05-06 01:39 -46.9671 142.4078
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 3 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4664,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70562,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 4188,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2022-05-06 09:14 2022-05-06 12:40 -47.0690 142.2275
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 4 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4664,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70562,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 4188,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2022-05-07 14:23 2022-05-07 15:44 -47.0550 141.3520
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 5 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4664,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70562,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 4188,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2022-05-08 00:20 2022-05-08 04:11 -47.0576 141.3817
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 6 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4664,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70562,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 4188,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2022-05-11 10:19 2022-05-11 12:10 -46.9440 142.1179
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 7 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4664,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70562,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 4188,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2022-05-12 10:11 2022-05-12 14:00 -47.0710 142.2580
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 8 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4664,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70562,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 4188,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2022-05-13 07:33 2022-05-13 08:14 -46.8250 142.2953

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