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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
(scorpionfishes & relatives)
Found 262 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
37 287000 | Apistidae, Neosebastidae, Plectrogeniidae, Pteroidae, Scorpaenidae, Sebastidae, Setarchidae, Synanceiidae & Tetrarogidae | scorpionfishes |
37 287900 | Scorpaenidae | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287919 | Hipposcorpaena spp. | |
37 287926 | Neomerinthe spp. | |
37 287932 | Parascorpaena spp. | |
37 287933 | Phenacoscorpius spp. | |
37 287956 | Pontinus spp. | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287935 | Pteroidichthys spp. | |
37 287937 | Rhinopias spp. | |
37 287904 | Scorpaena spp. | scorpionfishes |
37 287939 | Scorpaenodes spp. | |
37 287940 | Scorpaenopsis spp. | |
37 287941 | Sebastapistes spp. | |
37 287945 | Taenianotus spp. | |
37 287132 | Hipposcorpaena filamentosa | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287032 | Neomerinthe amplisquamiceps | Orange Scorpionfish |
37 287109 | Neomerinthe cf nielseni | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287133 | Neomerinthe erostris | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287115 | Neomerinthe megalepis | Largescale Scorpionfish |
37 287057 | Neomerinthe procurva | Curvedspine Scorpionfish |
37 287061 | Parascorpaena aurita | Golden Scorpionfish |
37 287067 | Parascorpaena grandisquamis | Bigscale Scorpionfish |
37 287069 | Parascorpaena maculipinnis | Spotfin Scorpionfish |
37 287096 | Parascorpaena mcadamsi | Ocellate Scorpionfish |
37 287062 | Parascorpaena mossambica | Mozambique Scorpionfish |
37 287070 | Parascorpaena moultoni | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287828 | Parascorpaena picta (var N) | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287071 | Parascorpaena picta | Painted Scorpionfish |
37 287829 | Parascorpaena sp. A | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287139 | Phenacoscorpius adenensis | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287116 | Phenacoscorpius longicaudalis | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287135 | Phenacoscorpius longirostris | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287147 | Pontinus macrocephalus | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287063 | Pteroidichthys amboinensis | Godfrey's Scorpionfish |
37 287134 | Pteroidichthys noronhai | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287065 | Rhinopias aphanes | Weedy Scorpionfish |
37 287155 | Rhinopias argoliba | |
37 287128 | Rhinopias eschmeyeri | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287129 | Rhinopias frondosa | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287125 | Scorpaena bulacephala | Bullhead Scorpionfish |
37 287830 | Scorpaena cardinalis (var N) | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287098 | Scorpaena cardinalis | Cook's Scorpionfish |
37 287831 | Scorpaena cf izensis | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287044 | Scorpaena cf oglinus | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287131 | Scorpaena gasta | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287068 | Scorpaena izensis | Izu Scorpionfish |
37 287066 | Scorpaena jacksoniensis | Eastern Red Scorpionfish |
37 287142 | Scorpaena neglecta | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287008 | Scorpaena papillosa | Southern Red Scorpionfish |
37 287146 | Scorpaena regina | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287092 | Scorpaena sp. [Last] | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287834 | Scorpaena sp. A | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287835 | Scorpaena sp. B | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287836 | Scorpaena sp. C | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287837 | Scorpaena sp. D | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287838 | Scorpaena sp. E | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287839 | Scorpaena sp. F | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287842 | Scorpaena sp. J | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287843 | Scorpaena sp. K | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287844 | Scorpaena sp. L | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287845 | Scorpaena sp. M (var W) | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287072 | Scorpaena sumptuosa | Western Red Scorpionfish |
37 287148 | Scorpaena vesperalis | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287041 | Scorpaena cf onaria | Western Scorpionfish |
37 287073 | Scorpaenodes albaiensis | Longfinger Scorpionfish |
37 287076 | Scorpaenodes evides | Cheekspot Scorpionfish |
37 287074 | Scorpaenodes guamensis | Guam Scorpionfish |
37 287075 | Scorpaenodes hirsutus | Hairy Scorpionfish |
37 287099 | Scorpaenodes kelloggi | Dwarf Scorpionfish |
37 287105 | Scorpaenodes minor | Minor Scorpionfish |
37 287077 | Scorpaenodes parvipinnis | Coral Scorpionfish |
37 287137 | Scorpaenodes quadrispinosus | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287078 | Scorpaenodes scaber | Pygmy Scorpionfish |
37 287119 | Scorpaenodes smithi | Little Scorpionfish |
37 287079 | Scorpaenodes steenei | Steene's Scorpionfish |
37 287080 | Scorpaenodes varipinnis | Blotchfin Scorpionfish |
37 287106 | Scorpaenopsis cotticeps | Sculpin Scorpionfish |
37 287081 | Scorpaenopsis diabolus | False Stonefish |
37 287127 | Scorpaenopsis eschmeyeri | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287038 | Scorpaenopsis furneauxi | Furneaux Scorpionfish |
37 287121 | Scorpaenopsis insperatus | Sydney Scorpionfish |
37 287083 | Scorpaenopsis macrochir | Humpback Scorpionfish |
37 287030 | Scorpaenopsis neglecta | Yellowfin Scorpionfish |
37 287120 | Scorpaenopsis obtusa | Shortsnout Scorpionfish |
37 287084 | Scorpaenopsis oxycephala | Smallscale Scorpionfish |
37 287107 | Scorpaenopsis papuensis | Papua Scorpionfish |
37 287108 | Scorpaenopsis possi | Poss' Scorpionfish |
37 287086 | Scorpaenopsis venosa | Raggy Scorpionfish |
37 287149 | Scorpaenopsis vittapinna | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287087 | Sebastapistes cyanostigma | Yellowspotted Scorpionfish |
37 287136 | Sebastapistes fowleri | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287117 | Sebastapistes mauritiana | Spineblotch Scorpionfish |
37 287088 | Sebastapistes strongia | Barchin Scorpionfish |
37 287118 | Sebastapistes tinkhami | Darkspotted Scorpionfish |
37 287090 | Taenianotus triacanthus | Leaf Scorpionfish |
37 287946 | Apistidae | |
37 287906 | Apistops spp. | |
37 287907 | Apistus spp. | |
37 287910 | Cheroscorpaena spp. | |
37 287033 | Apistops caloundra | Shortfin Waspfish |
37 287011 | Apistus carinatus | Longfin Waspfish |
37 287050 | Cheroscorpaena tridactyla | Humpback Waspfish |
37 287947 | Neosebastidae | |
37 287923 | Maxillicosta spp. | |
37 287927 | Neosebastes spp. | |
37 287056 | Maxillicosta lopholepis | Bigeye Gurnard Perch |
37 287126 | Maxillicosta meridianus | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287124 | Maxillicosta raoulensis | Red Little Gurnard Perch |
37 287007 | Maxillicosta scabriceps | Little Gurnard Perch |
37 287045 | Maxillicosta whitleyi | Whitley's Gurnard Perch |
37 287004 | Neosebastes bougainvillii | Gulf Gurnard Perch |
37 287019 | Neosebastes incisipinnis | Incised Gurnard Perch |
37 287110 | Neosebastes johnsoni | Johnson's Gurnard Perch |
37 287122 | Neosebastes longirostris | Longsnout Gurnard Perch |
37 287002 | Neosebastes nigropunctatus | Blackspotted Gurnard Perch |
37 287009 | Neosebastes occidentalis | Orangebanded Gurnard Perch |
37 287003 | Neosebastes pandus | Bighead Gurnard Perch |
37 287005 | Neosebastes scorpaenoides | Common Gurnard Perch |
37 287006 | Neosebastes thetidis | Thetis Fish |
37 287948 | Pteroidae | |
37 287909 | Brachypterois spp. | |
37 287912 | Dendrochirus spp. | |
37 287913 | Ebosia spp. | |
37 287931 | Parapterois spp. | |
37 287936 | Pterois spp. | |
37 287140 | Brachypterois curvispina | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287101 | Brachypterois serrulifer | Sawcheek Scorpionfish |
37 287095 | Dendrochirus biocellatus | Twinspot Lionfish |
37 287010 | Dendrochirus brachypterus | Dwarf Lionfish |
37 287026 | Dendrochirus zebra | Zebra Lionfish |
37 287113 | Ebosia bleekeri | Cockscomb Lionfish |
37 287138 | Parapterois heterura | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287064 | Pterois antennata | Spotfin Lionfish |
37 287104 | Pterois lunulata | Dragon's Beard Fish |
37 287027 | Pterois paucispinula | African Lionfish |
37 287097 | Pterois radiata | Whitelined Lionfish |
37 287012 | Pterois russelii | Plaintail Lionfish |
37 287040 | Pterois volitans | Common Lionfish |
37 287949 | Sebastidae | |
37 287918 | Helicolenus spp. | |
37 287955 | Sebastes spp. | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287942 | Sebastiscus spp. | |
37 287902 | Trachyscorpia spp. | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287901 | Helicolenus barathri & Helicolenus percoides | ocean perch |
37 287790 | Sebastes marinus, Sebastes mentella & Sebastes viviparus | Atlantic ocean perch |
37 287093 | Helicolenus barathri | Bigeye Ocean Perch |
37 287811 | Helicolenus percoides (var WA) | [an ocean perch] |
37 287001 | Helicolenus percoides | Reef Ocean Perch |
37 287809 | Helicolenus sp. (WA barathri) | [an ocean perch] |
37 287750 | Sebastes alutus | Pacific Ocean Perch |
37 287753 | Sebastes entomelas | Widow Rockfish |
37 287752 | Sebastes flavidus | Yellowtail Rockfish |
37 287751 | Sebastes melanops | Black Rockfish |
37 287112 | Sebastiscus marmoratus | False Kelpfish |
37 287103 | Trachyscorpia carnomagula | deepsea scorpionfish |
37 287046 | Trachyscorpia eschmeyeri | Deepsea Ocean Perch |
37 287950 | Setarchidae | |
37 287914 | Ectreposebastes spp. | |
37 287922 | Lioscorpius spp. | |
37 287958 | Lythrichthys spp. | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287943 | Setarches spp. | |
37 287053 | Ectreposebastes niger | Black Scorpionfish |
37 287043 | Lioscorpius longiceps | Slender Scorpionfish |
37 287123 | Lioscorpius trifasciatus | Tripleband Scorpionfish |
37 287151 | Lythrichthys cypho | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287013 | Lythrichthys dentatus | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287152 | Lythrichthys eulabes | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287153 | Lythrichthys grahami | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287150 | Lythrichthys longimanus | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287047 | Setarches guentheri | Deepwater Scorpionfish |
37 287815 | Setarches longimanus (var A) | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287816 | Setarches longimanus (var B) | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287817 | Setarches longimanus (var C) | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287818 | Setarches longimanus (var D) | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287819 | Setarches longimanus (var E) | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287820 | Setarches longimanus (var J1) | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287821 | Setarches longimanus (var J2) | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287822 | Setarches longimanus (var bigtooth) | [a deepwater scorpionfish] |
37 287951 | Synanceiidae | |
37 287957 | Dampierosa spp. | [a stinger] |
37 287915 | Erosa spp. | |
37 287920 | Inimicus spp. | |
37 287924 | Minous spp. | |
37 287944 | Synanceia spp. | |
37 287052 | Dampierosa daruma | Daruma Stinger |
37 287022 | Erosa erosa | Pacific Monkeyfish |
37 287055 | Inimicus caledonicus | Demon Stingerfish |
37 287028 | Inimicus didactylus | Longsnout Stingerfish |
37 287020 | Inimicus sinensis | Spotted Stingerfish |
37 287029 | Minous pictus | Yellowfin Stingfish |
37 287143 | Minous quincarinatus | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287024 | Minous roseus | Striped Stingfish |
37 287145 | Minous trachycephalus | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287021 | Minous versicolor | Plumbstriped Stingfish |
37 287049 | Synanceia horrida | Estuarine Stonefish |
37 287089 | Synanceia verrucosa | Reef Stonefish |
37 287952 | Tetrarogidae | |
37 287905 | Ablabys spp. | |
37 287903 | Centropogon spp. | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287911 | Cottapistus spp. | |
37 287916 | Glyptauchen spp. | |
37 287917 | Gymnapistes spp. | |
37 287921 | Liocranium spp. | |
37 287925 | Neocentropogon spp. | |
37 287928 | Notesthes spp. | |
37 287929 | Ocosia spp. | |
37 287930 | Paracentropogon spp. | |
37 287938 | Richardsonichthys spp. | |
37 287954 | Snyderina spp. | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287144 | Ablabys pauciporus | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287031 | Ablabys taenianotus | Cockatoo Waspfish |
37 287048 | Centropogon australis | Eastern Fortescue |
37 287094 | Centropogon latifrons | Western Fortescue |
37 287102 | Centropogon marmoratus | Marbled Fortescue |
37 287014 | Cottapistus cottoides | Yellow Waspfish |
37 287023 | Glyptauchen panduratus | Goblinfish |
37 287018 | Gymnapistes marmoratus | Soldier |
37 287015 | Liocranium pleurostigma | Blackspot Waspfish |
37 287130 | Liocranium praepositum | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287034 | Neocentropogon aeglefinus | Onespot Waspfish |
37 287035 | Neocentropogon trimaculatus | Threespot Waspfish |
37 287058 | Notesthes robusta | Bullrout |
37 287154 | Ocosia dorsomaculata | [a waspfish] |
37 287059 | Ocosia zaspilota | [a fortesque] |
37 287016 | Paracentropogon longispinis | Whiteface Roguefish |
37 287060 | Paracentropogon vespa | Wasp Roguefish |
37 287036 | Richardsonichthys leucogaster | Whitebelly Roguefish |
37 287825 | Richardsonichthys cf leucogaster (var Qld A) | [a fortesque] |
37 287826 | Richardsonichthys cf leucogaster (var Qld B) | [a fortesque] |
37 287141 | Snyderina yamanokami | [a scorpionfish] |
37 287953 | Plectrogeniidae | [a stinger flathead] |
37 287908 | Bembradium spp. | |
37 287934 | Plectrogenium spp. | [a stinger flathead] |
37 287805 | Bembradium sp. 1 [of P. Last] | [an ocean perch] |
37 287806 | Bembradium sp. 2 [cf furici] | [an ocean perch] |
37 287111 | Plectrogenium nanum | Bigeye Scorpionfish |
99 370028 | Scorpaena dark, retained for ID | |
99 378052 | Gymnapistes marmoratus (unverified) | |
99 378097 | Scorpaena papillosa (unverified) | |
99 379628 | Scorpaena spp (unverified) | |
99 379819 | Neosebastes bougainvillii & Neosebastes scorpaenoides | |
99 379820 | Neosebastes nigropunctatus & Neosebastes scorpaenoides | |
99 379821 | Neosebastes pandus & Scorpaena cardinalis | |
99 379837 | Scorpaena papillosa & Scorpaena sp. | |
99 379847 | Synanceia horrida & Glyptauchen panduratus | |
99 379035 | Apistus carinatus (unverified) | |
99 379190 | Cottapistus praepositus (unverified) | |
99 379191 | Cottapistus scorpio (unverified) | |
99 379258 | Erosa erosa (unverified) | |
99 379312 | Helicolenus gallipavo (unverified) | |
99 379338 | Inimicus barbatus (unverified) | |
99 379401 | Minous sp. (unverified) | |
99 379481 | Paracentropogon vespa (unverified) | |
99 379575 | Pterois lunulata (unverified) | |
99 379576 | Pterois miles (unverified) | |
99 379577 | Pterois sp. (unverified) | |
99 379626 | Scorpaena cardinalis (unverified) | |
99 379627 | Scorpaena cruena (unverified) | |
99 379679 | Synanceia sp. (unverified) | |
99 379680 | Synanceia verrucosa (unverified) | |
99 379629 | Scorpaenidae sp. | |
99 379773 | Scorpaenidae gen. sp. unknown |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.