CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 37 353002 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
Dentex spariformis    Ogilby, 1910
CAAB category: 37 - Pisces
Standard Name (AS5300): Yellowback Bream
Distribution map:
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Modelled distribution shown as blue polygon (source: Australian National Fish Expert Distributions) Updated on 2008-11-19.
Occurrence locations [318] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records
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Catch records - 318 records found.
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Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
1968-11-22 00:00 12° 51.1' S    125° 43.1' E PROM196811 15   75 to 75 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1968-12-14 00:00 7° 22.0' S    133° 29.1' E PROM196811 78   80 to 80 2 Trawl 50 minutes
1968-12-14 00:00 7° 29.1' S    133° 23.0' E PROM196811 75   80 to 87 4 Trawl 60 minutes
1968-12-14 00:00 7° 33.0' S    133° 17.0' E PROM196811 74   95 to 102 3 Trawl 60 minutes
1969-01-04 00:00 15° 27.0' S    138° 41.0' E PROM196811 190   46 to 50 5 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-01-07 00:00 15° 16.1' S    137° 14.1' E PROM196811 198   31 to 31 10 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-01-21 00:00 12° 29.1' S    140° 00.1' E PROM196811 229   62 to 65 2 Trawl 65 minutes
1969-03-02 00:00 17° 42.0' S    121° 39.1' E PROM196811 333   51 to 52 12 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-02 00:00 17° 29.0' S    121° 22.1' E PROM196811 331   85 to 90 25 Trawl 40 minutes
1969-03-02 00:00 17° 14.1' S    121° 10.2' E PROM196811 330   92 to 92 2 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-03 00:00 17° 53.0' S    121° 53.1' E PROM196811 334   27 to 33 10 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-04 00:00 18° 02.0' S    120° 45.1' E PROM196811 339   70 to 75 1 Trawl 40 minutes
1969-03-05 00:00 19° 20.0' S    120° 02.0' E PROM196811 347   53 to 55 5 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-05 00:00 18° 38.0' S    120° 11.1' E PROM196811 345   94 to 95 1 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-06 00:00 18° 45.0' S    119° 00.1' E PROM196811 354   120 to 125 18 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-06 00:00 19° 03.0' S    119° 16.0' E PROM196811 352   85 to 90 35 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-08 00:00 19° 15.1' S    118° 21.0' E PROM196811 358   80 to 83 5 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-08 00:00 19° 26.1' S    118° 29.1' E PROM196811 359   60 to 60 5 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-08 00:00 19° 47.1' S    118° 20.1' E PROM196811 361   40 to 40 15 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-10 00:00 19° 25.1' S    117° 30.1' E PROM196811 369   75 to 90 60 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-11 00:00 19° 33.1' S    116° 46.1' E PROM196811 372   78 to 80 20 Trawl 60 minutes
1969-03-13 00:00 20° 01.0' S    116° 23.1' E PROM196811 382   59 to 61 4 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-13 00:00 20° 21.0' S    116° 14.1' E PROM196811 384   45 to 47 5 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-15 00:00 19° 49.0' S    116° 12.1' E PROM196811 393   73 to 73 12 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-15 00:00 19° 58.0' S    116° 14.0' E PROM196811 394   61 to 63 20 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-15 00:00 19° 47.0' S    116° 04.0' E PROM196811 392   76 to 78 3 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-16 00:00 19° 53.0' S    116° 40.1' E PROM196811 404   55 to 56 10 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-16 00:00 19° 54.1' S    116° 31.1' E PROM196811 402   53 to 54 5 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-16 00:00 20° 07.1' S    116° 25.0' E PROM196811 401   53 to 53 15 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-16 00:00 19° 45.2' S    116° 34.2' E PROM196811 403   60 to 60 10 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-17 00:00 20° 02.1' S    116° 42.1' E PROM196811 405   59 to 60 10 Trawl 30 minutes
1969-03-17 00:00 20° 01.0' S    116° 54.0' E PROM196811 406   55 to 56 10 Trawl 30 minutes
1970-03-01 00:00 10° 27.1' S    129° 56.0' E PROM197002 39   70 to 80 15 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-03-25 00:00 15° 35.1' S    138° 42.0' E PROM197002 54   29 to 46 10 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-04-30 00:00 13° 17.0' S    140° 35.1' E PROM197002 123   56 to 60 60 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-05-25 00:00 19° 37.2' S    116° 52.1' E PROM197002 149   73 to 74 4 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-05-25 00:00 19° 45.1' S    116° 29.1' E PROM197002 153   60 to 62 17 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-05-26 00:00 20° 00.0' S    116° 48.0' E PROM197002 156   60 to 60 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-05-26 00:00 19° 52.1' S    116° 44.0' E PROM197002 159   60 to 62 15 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-05-26 00:00 19° 59.1' S    116° 45.1' E PROM197002 157   61 to 68 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-05-28 00:00 19° 56.0' S    117° 07.2' E PROM197002 172   60 to 60 17 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-05-29 00:00 19° 56.0' S    117° 10.1' E PROM197002 174   56 to 59 120 Trawl 60 minutes
1970-05-29 00:00 19° 56.0' S    117° 07.0' E PROM197002 175   56 to 60 21 Trawl 60 minutes
1971-09-10 00:00 19° 30.1' S    116° 52.1' E EQUA197109 2   70 to 75 20 Trawl 120 minutes
1973-06-09 00:00 8° 47.1' S    134° 00.0' E LIRA197304 90   175 to 182 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1977-08-19 01:00 30° 21.0' S    153° 24.0' E KAPALA 530   280 to 290 15 ? 60 Minutes
1977-08-22 03:00 30° 28.0' S    153° 21.0' E KAPALA 533   174 to 174 1 ? 60 Minutes
1977-08-24 09:00 31° 03.0' S    153° 13.0' E KAPALA 536   164 to 164 1 ? 60 Minutes
1978-04-25 20:00 29° 32.0' S    153° 45.0' E KAPALA 629   232 to 232 25 ? 60 Minutes
1978-05-05 22:57 21° 26.0' S    114° 16.0' E COUR197834 1   175 to 185 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-05-28 21:43 18° 52.0' S    118° 37.0' E COUR197835 10   105 to 105 6 5 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-05-31 23:19 19° 03.0' S    120° 02.0' E COUR197835 16   55 to 60 Stern Trawl 67 minutes
1978-06-03 12:00 28° 23.0' S    153° 51.0' E KAPALA 649   160 to 164 1 ? 60 Minutes
1978-06-03 12:00 28° 23.0' S    153° 51.0' E KAPALA 650   164 to 183 1 ? 90 Minutes
1978-06-03 23:34 17° 45.0' S    119° 58.0' E COUR197835 26   190 to 210 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-06-04 06:00 30° 24.0' S    153° 22.0' E KAPALA 652   135 to 139 1 ? 60 Minutes
1978-06-04 08:00 30° 20.0' S    153° 26.0' E KAPALA 653   241 to 241 1 ? 60 Minutes
1978-06-07 02:24 17° 43.0' S    121° 02.0' E COUR197835 37   105 to 105 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-06-24 21:54 17° 10.0' S    121° 00.0' E COUR197836 8   118 to 118 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-06-25 16:22 16° 03.0' S    120° 57.0' E COUR197836 11   98 to 100 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-06-25 18:09 15° 52.0' S    121° 02.0' E COUR197836 12   100 to 100 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1978-06-26 00:09 15° 42.0' S    121° 08.0' E COUR197836 13   102 to 105 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-06-28 01:00 32° 46.0' S    152° 17.0' E KAPALA 668   108 to 122 10 ? 60 Minutes
1978-06-28 03:00 32° 48.0' S    152° 16.0' E KAPALA 669   112 to 120 25 ? 60 Minutes
1978-06-28 04:22 16° 53.0' S    120° 49.0' E COUR197836 22   150 to 150 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-06-28 15:57 16° 20.0' S    120° 51.0' E COUR197836 19   185 to 190 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-07-07 04:27 19° 06.0' S    118° 00.0' E COUR197836 38   90 to 94 4 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-07-07 16:27 19° 06.0' S    118° 00.0' E COUR197836 41   90 to 94 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-07-07 20:27 19° 06.0' S    118° 00.0' E COUR197836 42   94 to 96 1 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-07-08 00:23 19° 06.0' S    118° 00.0' E COUR197836 43   98 to 98 14 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-07-08 08:27 19° 06.0' S    118° 00.0' E COUR197836 39   90 to 94 3 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-07-08 12:27 19° 06.0' S    118° 00.0' E COUR197836 40   98 to 102 3 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-07-13 17:16 20° 24.0' S    115° 46.0' E COUR197836 49   42 to 42 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-07-17 12:00 33° 00.0' S    152° 08.0' E KAPALA 677   133 to 135 1 ? 60 Minutes
1978-10-05 08:00 33° 02.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 733   125 to 127 1 ? 90 Minutes
1978-11-01 09:00 28° 43.0' S    153° 51.0' E KAPALA 757   135 to 145 9 ? 60 Minutes
1978-11-06 10:00 28° 13.0' S    153° 50.0' E KAPALA 763   139 to 143 10 ? 60 Minutes
1979-05-03 19:47 21° 30.0' S    114° 26.0' E COUR197949 2   108 to 110 4 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1979-05-26 23:17 17° 06.0' S    120° 57.0' E COUR197950 2   130 10 11 Stern Trawl 33 minutes
1979-06-03 18:57 13° 47.0' S    124° 30.0' E COUR197950 15   90 to 95 1 1 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1979-06-06 18:27 12° 50.0' S    124° 37.0' E COUR197950 20   85 to 85 1 2 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1979-06-09 01:34 12° 10.0' S    123° 50.0' E COUR197950 28   115 to 118 1 2 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1979-06-10 01:01 11° 55.0' S    124° 12.0' E COUR197950 32   112 to 140 1 4 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1979-06-12 18:52 12° 51.0' S    125° 50.0' E COUR197950 35   85 to 87 1 2 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1980-05-25 17:30 20° 10.0' S    115° 15.0' E SO198004 3   64 to 68 1 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1980-05-26 20:10 20° 12.0' S    115° 19.0' E SO198004 4   61 to 65 2 2 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1980-07-07 21:40 10° 42.0' S    129° 59.0' E SO198005 56   29 to 30 2 Trawling 50 minutes
1981-02-17 01:00 33° 04.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 989   127 to 129 15 ? 70 Minutes
1981-07-25 11:00 30° 26.0' S    153° 22.0' E KAPALA 1063   154 to 154 3 ? 60 Minutes
1982-03-26 00:45 19° 32.0' S    118° 10.0' E SO198202 2   50 to 52 8 18 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-03-26 23:05 18° 54.0' S    118° 22.0' E SO198202 5   10 9 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-03-27 22:55 18° 24.0' S    118° 31.0' E SO198202 8   1 0.08 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-03-30 02:00 32° 45.0' S    152° 22.0' E KAPALA 1095   108 to 108 1 ? 60 Minutes
1982-04-02 02:50 18° 31.0' S    118° 09.0' E SO198202 14   21 10 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-02 05:45 18° 39.0' S    117° 53.0' E SO198202 15   17 6 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-02 08:05 18° 41.0' S    117° 54.0' E SO198202 16   4 3 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-13 22:00 19° 04.0' S    117° 05.0' E SO198202 47   17 7 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-14 04:05 18° 56.0' S    117° 21.0' E SO198202 48   6 1.6 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-08-17 09:00 19° 25.0' S    117° 11.0' E SO198204 64   Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-10-01 02:55 19° 10.0' S    116° 57.2' E SO198205 36   30 minutes
1982-10-01 09:00 19° 30.2' S    116° 28.3' E SO198205 39   30 minutes
1982-11-22 05:00 34° 05.0' S    151° 18.0' E KAPALA 1135   137 to 139 1 ? 120 Minutes
1983-01-24 22:30 19° 15.1' S    116° 39.0' E SO198301 22   60 4.9 30 minutes
1983-01-25 01:35 19° 08.6' S    116° 58.5' E SO198301 23   124 25.7 30 minutes
1983-02-04 07:30 18° 24.0' S    118° 55.6' E SO198301 67   1 0.06 30 minutes
1983-06-06 00:10 18° 38.5' S    118° 02.6' E SO198303 26   182 to 184 30 minutes
1983-08-11 01:00 19° 12.0' S    116° 43.2' E SO198304 62   17 3 30 minutes
1983-08-11 03:52 19° 13.0' S    116° 28.2' E SO198304 63   9 3.8 30 minutes
1983-08-15 23:50 18° 44.2' S    117° 48.8' E SO198304 88   3 1.4 30 minutes
1983-10-09 22:15 18° 33.6' S    118° 11.3' E SO198305 17   30 minutes
1985-05-27 08:00 34° 10.0' S    151° 14.0' E KAPALA 1354   131 to 139 1 ? 90 Minutes
1986-02-17 22:00 34° 50.0' S    150° 48.0' E KAPALA 1441   31 to 33 5 ? 60 Minutes
1986-03-13 12:45 33° 24.0' S    151° 50.0' E KAPALA 1490   139 to 141 2 ? 45 Minutes
1986-04-21 16:40 33° 23.0' S    151° 50.0' E KAPALA 1504   137 to 141 6 ? 0 Minutes
1986-10-12 03:29 20° 07.4' S    115° 02.0' E SO198606 24   0.47 30 minutes
1986-10-23 22:53 19° 08.9' S    116° 52.6' E SO198606 84   52.5 30 minutes
1986-10-30 22:48 18° 49.2' S    117° 42.0' E SO198606 118   3 30 minutes
1987-10-11 22:22 19° 06.1' S    117° 07.0' E SO198707 129   37 30 minutes
1987-10-12 07:19 18° 59.0' S    117° 27.8' E SO198707 132   4.5 30 minutes
1987-10-13 00:57 18° 53.4' S    117° 31.4' E SO198707 134   1.37 30 minutes
1988-10-03 22:04 19° 00.1' S    117° 25.0' E SO198805 106   155 to 167 0.82 30 minutes
1988-10-05 04:55 19° 07.0' S    117° 06.2' E SO198805 116   177 to 184 33 30 minutes
1988-10-05 06:15 19° 07.1' S    117° 04.4' E SO198805 117   176 to 183 29 30 minutes
1988-10-10 04:09 19° 59.0' S    115° 09.0' E SO198805 170   197 to 213 20 30 minutes
1988-10-10 22:05 19° 39.0' S    115° 39.0' E SO198805 180   167 to 180 0.19 30 minutes
1989-10-02 23:56 19° 10.1' S    116° 47.1' E POE198901 108   166 to 180 5.35 30 minutes
1989-10-03 22:28 18° 52.2' S    117° 36.0' E POE198901 112   193 to 211 0.51 30 minutes
1990-03-26 17:15 32° 56.0' S    151° 57.0' E KAPALA 1902   73 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-04-02 12:30 33° 01.0' S    152° 08.0' E KAPALA 1921   137 to 139 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-04-10 13:00 32° 52.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 1943   75 to 79 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-04-10 16:00 32° 53.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 1946   71 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-01 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 1957   75 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-06 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 1993   73 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-07 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2000   68 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-07 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2002   73 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-07 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 1999   68 to 69 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-08 02:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2008   69 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-09 13:00 30° 29.0' S    153° 21.0' E KAPALA 2009   147 to 158 15 ? 60 Minutes
1990-05-22 02:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2014   100 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-22 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2016   98 to 100 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-22 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2017   97 to 100 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-22 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2018   97 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-05-22 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2015   102 to 106 35 ? 30 Minutes
1990-06-05 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2033   97 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-06-05 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2032   95 to 97 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-06-06 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2041   102 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-06-06 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2043   100 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-06-06 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2042   100 to 102 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-09-03 14:15 28° 27.0' S    153° 51.0' E KAPALA 2106   145 to 164 1 ? 120 Minutes
1990-09-05 12:00 30° 22.0' S    153° 24.0' E KAPALA 2115   145 to 158 1 ? 60 Minutes
1990-09-07 12:00 28° 25.0' S    153° 50.0' E KAPALA 2087   162 to 178 1 ? 60 Minutes
1990-09-19 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2125   102 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-09-24 12:00 32° 55.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 2138   66 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-09-26 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2155   95 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-09-28 06:25 19° 52.8' S    115° 18.1' E SS199002 44   167 to 168 0.508 30 minutes
1990-10-06 08:40 18° 49.7' S    117° 42.1' E SS199002 97   169 to 169 4.4 30 minutes
1990-10-07 07:35 19° 06.4' S    117° 07.2' E SS199002 104   169 to 175 4 30 minutes
1990-10-10 22:15 19° 12.1' S    116° 25.2' E SS199002 136   190 to 203 2.74 30 minutes
1990-10-11 00:10 19° 09.2' S    116° 37.4' E SS199002 137   205 to 230 1.33 30 minutes
1990-10-18 09:50 33° 45.0' S    151° 29.0' E KAPALA 2172   124 to 127 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-10-29 11:20 34° 05.0' S    151° 16.0' E KAPALA 2176   131 to 133 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-07 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2187   75 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-07 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2186   73 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-07 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2184   69 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-07 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2185   69 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-20 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2213   71 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-23 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2228   68 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-23 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2226   73 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-23 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2227   75 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-04 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2241   87 to 93 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-04 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2242   93 to 97 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-04 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2243   98 to 102 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-04 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2244   98 to 102 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-05 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2252   89 to 93 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-05 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2251   98 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-05 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2250   97 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-05 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2249   91 to 95 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-06 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2257   91 to 93 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-01-24 11:00 21° 39.3' S    113° 58.2' E SS199101 7   209 to 215 108 12 Trawl 30 minutes
1991-01-24 14:36 21° 44.7' S    113° 52.3' E SS199101 8   290 to 320 2 0.12 Trawl 16 minutes
1991-01-26 06:30 23° 25.4' S    113° 03.9' E SS199101 16   297 to 311 46 6 Trawl 30 minutes
1991-01-26 08:25 23° 25.4' S    113° 03.9' E SS199101 17   300 to 302 89 10 Trawl 34 minutes
1991-01-28 21:00 25° 07.5' S    112° 09.3' E SS199101 30   312 to 312 222 11 Trawl 35 minutes
1991-01-30 19:10 26° 42.6' S    112° 41.1' E SS199101 39   194 to 200 55 6 Trawl 30 minutes
1991-01-31 03:12 26° 45.0' S    112° 36.6' E SS199101 41   346 to 367 2 0.164 Trawl 43 minutes
1991-02-03 06:15 27° 23.0' S    112° 51.9' E SS199101 54   279 to 306 11 1.17 Trawl 35 minutes
1991-02-06 09:55 29° 15.8' S    113° 56.8' E SS199101 56   320 to 325 3 1.3 Trawl 35 minutes
1991-02-12 11:00 30° 33.0' S    153° 19.0' E KAPALA 2283   149 to 156 15 ? 60 Minutes
1991-02-13 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2293   73 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-13 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2290   71 to 73 5 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-13 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2291   71 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-13 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2292   69 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-14 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2298   69 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-14 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2301   71 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-14 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2300   73 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-15 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2309   73 to 77 43 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-15 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2308   68 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-16 10:00 28° 27.0' S    153° 50.0' E KAPALA 2314   125 to 145 75 ? 60 Minutes
1991-03-07 12:00 32° 55.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 2353   73 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-03-17 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2387   100 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-09 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2369   91 to 95 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-09 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2370   93 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-09 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2368   95 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-16 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2376   95 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-16 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2379   93 to 97 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-16 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2378   98 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-16 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2377   97 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-17 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2385   95 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-17 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2386   95 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-17 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2384   98 to 100 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-05 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2462   97 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-05 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2461   95 to 97 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-05 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2459   91 to 95 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-05 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2460   91 to 95 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-18 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2470   97 to 100 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-19 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2483   97 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-19 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2480   91 to 97 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-08-27 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2567   93 to 97 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-08-28 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2573   89 to 93 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-09-19 22:30 19° 11.7' S    116° 37.9' E SS199104 52   186 to 191 0.1 30 minutes
1991-11-09 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2616   73 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-11-19 01:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2654   71 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-11-19 01:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2655   71 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-11-19 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2661   73 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-11-19 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2662   77 to 79 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-11-19 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2663   77 to 79 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-11-28 11:00 32° 55.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 2684   77 to 79 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-12-10 01:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2706   98 to 102 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-12-10 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2704   93 to 97 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-12-11 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2713   98 to 100 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-12-11 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2714   102 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-19 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2717   69 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-19 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2718   71 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-19 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2719   69 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-26 02:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2749   68 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-26 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2750   71 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-26 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2751   69 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-26 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2752   68 to 69 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-04-01 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2760   71 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-04-01 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2763   71 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-04-01 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2762   68 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-04-01 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2761   69 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-05-05 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2800   93 to 95 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-05-06 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2811   100 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-05-06 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2808   100 to 104 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-05-07 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2816   98 to 100 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-07-30 00:00 33° 03.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 2831   122 to 129 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-03-01 20:00 33° 03.0' S    151° 57.0' E KAPALA 2891   122 to 125 4 ? 60 Minutes
1993-03-01 22:00 33° 03.0' S    151° 57.0' E KAPALA 2892   124 to 127 14 ? 60 Minutes
1993-03-23 19:00 33° 01.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 2922   124 to 127 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-03-23 21:00 33° 02.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 2923   127 to 129 4 ? 60 Minutes
1993-03-23 23:00 33° 06.0' S    151° 55.0' E KAPALA 2924   120 to 122 14 ? 60 Minutes
1993-03-24 21:00 32° 59.0' S    152° 14.0' E KAPALA 2927   143 to 149 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-03-31 21:00 32° 57.0' S    152° 17.0' E KAPALA 2935   143 to 147 2 ? 60 Minutes
1993-03-31 23:00 33° 00.0' S    152° 14.0' E KAPALA 2936   141 to 147 7 ? 60 Minutes
1993-05-04 17:00 33° 03.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 2949   125 to 127 2 ? 60 Minutes
1993-05-04 21:00 33° 05.0' S    151° 56.0' E KAPALA 2951   120 to 125 14 ? 60 Minutes
1993-05-04 23:00 33° 01.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 2952   122 to 127 20 ? 60 Minutes
1993-05-05 23:00 32° 59.0' S    152° 15.0' E KAPALA 2956   141 to 147 3 ? 60 Minutes
1993-05-19 17:00 33° 04.0' S    151° 58.0' E KAPALA 2969   122 to 125 4 ? 60 Minutes
1993-05-19 19:00 33° 01.0' S    152° 01.0' E KAPALA 2970   124 to 127 3 ? 60 Minutes
1993-05-19 21:00 33° 03.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 2971   124 to 127 43 ? 60 Minutes
1993-05-19 23:00 33° 05.0' S    151° 56.0' E KAPALA 2972   118 to 124 40 ? 60 Minutes
1993-06-07 17:00 32° 59.0' S    152° 14.0' E KAPALA 2985   141 to 145 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-07-20 17:00 33° 02.0' S    151° 58.0' E KAPALA 3017   124 to 127 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-07-20 22:00 33° 05.0' S    151° 57.0' E KAPALA 3019   122 to 124 163 ? 60 Minutes
1993-07-21 00:00 33° 02.0' S    152° 01.0' E KAPALA 3020   124 to 127 42 ? 60 Minutes
1993-08-17 17:00 33° 02.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 3053   127 to 129 2 ? 60 Minutes
1993-08-17 19:00 33° 05.0' S    151° 57.0' E KAPALA 3054   124 to 129 5 ? 60 Minutes
1993-08-17 21:00 33° 04.0' S    151° 56.0' E KAPALA 3055   122 to 129 2 ? 60 Minutes
1993-08-17 23:00 33° 01.0' S    152° 01.0' E KAPALA 3056   124 to 129 12 ? 60 Minutes
1993-10-13 21:00 33° 00.0' S    152° 14.0' E KAPALA 3092   141 to 145 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-10-27 15:00 33° 06.0' S    151° 56.0' E KAPALA 3101   122 to 124 3 ? 60 Minutes
1993-10-27 20:00 33° 02.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 3103   124 to 127 42 ? 60 Minutes
1993-10-27 22:00 33° 05.0' S    151° 55.0' E KAPALA 3104   122 to 124 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-11-15 21:00 32° 59.0' S    152° 13.0' E KAPALA 3120   137 to 141 2 ? 60 Minutes
1993-11-16 19:00 33° 06.0' S    151° 56.0' E KAPALA 3123   120 to 124 72 ? 60 Minutes
1993-11-16 21:00 33° 03.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 3124   125 to 129 44 ? 60 Minutes
1994-02-21 20:00 33° 04.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 3167   125 to 127 2 ? 60 Minutes
1994-02-21 22:00 33° 07.0' S    151° 56.0' E KAPALA 3168   124 to 127 70 ? 60 Minutes
1994-02-22 20:00 32° 56.0' S    152° 17.0' E KAPALA 3171   141 to 143 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-03-15 18:00 33° 04.0' S    152° 01.0' E KAPALA 3198   129 to 131 11 ? 60 Minutes
1994-03-29 18:00 32° 55.0' S    152° 16.0' E KAPALA 3218   141 to 143 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-03-29 21:00 32° 56.0' S    152° 17.0' E KAPALA 3219   145 to 147 6 ? 60 Minutes
1994-04-26 18:00 33° 04.0' S    151° 58.0' E KAPALA 3230   124 to 127 4 ? 60 Minutes
1994-04-26 21:00 33° 03.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 3231   127 to 129 21 ? 60 Minutes
1994-04-26 23:00 33° 08.0' S    151° 55.0' E KAPALA 3232   125 to 127 15 ? 60 Minutes
1994-04-27 16:00 32° 59.0' S    152° 13.0' E KAPALA 3233   141 to 145 2 ? 60 Minutes
1994-04-27 23:00 33° 01.0' S    152° 13.0' E KAPALA 3236   141 to 145 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-05-30 18:00 32° 56.0' S    152° 17.0' E KAPALA 3262   141 to 147 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-06-21 21:00 33° 06.0' S    151° 57.0' E KAPALA 3295   124 to 127 5 ? 60 Minutes
1994-06-21 23:00 33° 02.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 3296   127 to 129 166 ? 60 Minutes
1994-07-20 18:00 33° 02.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 3310   127 to 129 4 ? 60 Minutes
1994-07-20 21:00 33° 02.0' S    151° 59.0' E KAPALA 3311   125 to 129 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-07-20 23:00 33° 06.0' S    151° 56.0' E KAPALA 3312   125 to 127 8 ? 60 Minutes
1994-09-08 21:00 33° 02.0' S    152° 00.0' E KAPALA 3343   125 to 127 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-09-08 23:00 33° 06.0' S    151° 56.0' E KAPALA 3344   125 to 127 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-10-12 21:00 32° 56.0' S    152° 16.0' E KAPALA 3371   143 to 147 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-11-08 20:00 33° 06.0' S    151° 57.0' E KAPALA 3399   124 to 127 1 ? 60 Minutes
1994-11-08 22:00 33° 02.0' S    152° 01.0' E KAPALA 3400   127 to 129 68 ? 60 Minutes
1994-11-09 22:00 32° 58.0' S    152° 15.0' E KAPALA 3404   143 to 145 1 ? 60 Minutes
1995-05-01 13:30 33° 04.0' S    151° 46.0' E KAPALA 3480   66 to 69 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-07-18 09:00 33° 01.0' S    151° 48.0' E KAPALA 3594   62 to 77 3 ? 30 Minutes
1995-08-29 11:00 29° 28.0' S    153° 34.0' E KAPALA 3668   75 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-09-03 11:30 29° 27.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 3690   73 to 79 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-02 10:00 32° 52.0' S    152° 01.0' E KAPALA 3767   71 to 79 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-16 10:00 29° 26.0' S    153° 34.0' E KAPALA 3797   71 to 75 2 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-16 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 3798   71 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-16 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 34.0' E KAPALA 3799   69 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-24 11:00 29° 48.0' S    153° 27.0' E KAPALA 3802   73 to 75 2 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-26 12:00 29° 15.0' S    153° 37.0' E KAPALA 3813   68 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-27 09:00 29° 26.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 3819   69 to 75 7 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-27 10:00 29° 24.0' S    153° 36.0' E KAPALA 3820   75 to 79 30 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-27 11:00 29° 24.0' S    153° 36.0' E KAPALA 3821   73 to 77 15 ? 30 Minutes
1995-11-27 12:00 29° 26.0' S    153° 34.0' E KAPALA 3822   71 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1997-08-08 23:13 19° 06.8' S    117° 00.1' E SS199707 7   187 to 196 41.6 30 minutes
1997-08-10 23:45 19° 10.9' S    116° 37.4' E SS199707 23   196 to 200 2.6 30 minutes
1997-08-11 02:15 19° 22.2' S    116° 21.1' E SS199707 24   28 to 28 0.29 30 minutes

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