Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199101 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 16

Operation No.: 16

When: 1991-01-26 06:30 to 1991-01-26 07:00 UTC

Where: 23° 25.4' S    113° 03.9' E
to 23° 23.7' S    113° 05.5' E

Maximum Depth (m): 311

Description: Area WA_Slope


Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 1991-01-26 06:30 1991-01-26 07:00 297 311 Trawl 30 minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
37017012 Mustelus stevensi 2 2.11
37464013 Halimochirurgus centriscoides 1 0.015
37020048 Squalus chloroculus 2 1.95
37042003 Hydrolagus lemures 16 10
37118014 Saurida longimanus 32 6.9
37120003 Paraulopus longianalis 74 1.84
37208001 Lophiomus setigerus 5 2.1
37212011 Halieutopsis echinoderma 1 0.005
37262001 Parazen pacificus 13 0.065
37264003 Zenopsis nebulosa 4 0.4
37264009 Cyttopsis cypho 1 0.005
37267006 Antigonia rhomboidea 1 0.025
37287013 Lythrichthys dentatus 1 0.03
37288022 Peristedion cf liorhynchus 1 0.06
37288040 Heminodus philippinus 1 0.21
37288044 Paraheminodus murrayi 1 0.02
37288051 Parapterygotrigla sp. A [of P. Last] 1 0.13
37288806 Lepidotrigla sp. A (bar) 15 0.917
37288807 Lepidotrigla sp. B (spot-tail) 55 3.29
37296026 Bembras longipinnis 2 0.14
37311031 Malakichthys levis 2870 150
37326011 Priacanthus fitchi 1 0.05
37353002 Dentex spariformis 46 6
37390031 Parapercis pogonoskii 1 0.01
37401503 Champsodon cf longipinnis [of Williams et al 1996] 1 0.003
37439006 Rexea prometheoides 3 0.3
37447003 Ariomma luridum 3 0.3
37458003 Citharoides macrolepidotus 9 0.505
37460035 Pseudorhombus megalops 5 0.67
37020039 Squalus crassispinus 27 12.2
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