CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)


Found 184 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
27 254000 Harpacticoida copepods
27 255000 Aegisthidae - undifferentiated harpacticoid copepods
27 255901 Pontostratiotes spp. [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 256000 Ameiridae copepods
27 256901 Abnitocrella spp.
27 256913 Antistygonitocrella spp. [a copepod]
27 256902 Archinitocrella spp.
27 256903 Biameiropsis spp.
27 256904 Gordanitocrella spp.
27 256905 Inermipes spp.
27 256906 Kimberleynitocrella spp.
27 256907 Lucionitocrella spp.
27 256908 Megastygonitocrella spp.
27 256909 Nitocrellopsis spp.
27 256910 Nitokra spp.
27 256911 Paranitocrella spp.
27 256912 Parapseudoleptomesochra spp.
27 256020 Abnitocrella eberhardi [a copepod]
27 256019 Abnitocrella halsei [a copepod]
27 256026 Antistygonitocrella pardalotos [a copepod]
27 256018 Archinitocrella newmanensis [a copepod]
27 256017 Biameiropsis barrowensis [a copepod]
27 256004 Gordanitocrella trajani [a copepod]
27 256006 Inermipes humphreysi [a copepod]
27 256003 Kimberleynitocrella billhumphreysi [a copepod]
27 256005 Lucionitocrella yalleenensis [a copepod]
27 256008 Megastygonitocrella bispinosa [a copepod]
27 256010 Megastygonitocrella dec [a copepod]
27 256011 Megastygonitocrella ecowisei [a copepod]
27 256025 Megastygonitocrella embe [a copepod]
27 256013 Megastygonitocrella kryptos [a copepod]
27 256012 Megastygonitocrella pagusregalis [a copepod]
27 256009 Megastygonitocrella trispinosa [a copepod]
27 256007 Megastygonitocrella unispinosa [a copepod]
27 256021 Nitocrellopsis halsei [a copepod]
27 256023 Nitocrellopsis operculata [a copepod]
27 256022 Nitocrellopsis pinderi [a copepod]
27 256024 Nitokra humphreysi [a copepod]
27 256001 Nitokra lacustris pacifica [a copepod]
27 256002 Paranitocrella bastiani [a copepod]
27 256015 Parapseudoleptomesochra karamani [a copepod]
27 256016 Parapseudoleptomesochra rouchei [a copepod]
27 256014 Parapseudoleptomesochra tureei [a copepod]
27 259000 Canthocamptidae copepods
27 259901 Attheyella spp.
27 259902 Australocamptus spp.
27 259903 Elaphoidella spp.
27 259001 Attheyella hirsuta [a copepod]
27 259004 Australocamptus diversus [a copepod]
27 259002 Australocamptus hamondi [a copepod]
27 259003 Australocamptus similis [a copepod]
27 259005 Elaphoidella bidens [a copepod]
27 259007 Elaphoidella grandidieri [a copepod]
27 259006 Elaphoidella humphreysi [a copepod]
27 267000 Ectinosomatidae harpacticoid copepods
27 267901 Microsetella spp. [a copepod]
27 267902 Pseudectinosoma spp.
27 267001 Microsetella norvegica [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 267002 Microsetella rosea [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 267003 Pseudectinosoma galassiae [a copepod]
27 270000 Laophontidae copepods
27 270901 Quinquelaophonte spp.
27 270002 Quinquelaophonte prolixasetae [a copepod]
27 270001 Quinquelaophonte wellsi [a copepod]
27 275000 Miraciidae harpacticoid copepods
27 275904 Amphiascopsis spp. [a copepod]
27 275905 Amphiascus spp. [a copepod]
27 275901 Macrosetella spp.
27 275903 Sarsamphiascus spp. [a copepod]
27 275902 Schizopera spp. [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 275018 Amphiascopsis cinctus [a copepod]
27 275019 Amphiascopsis southgeorgiensis [a copepod]
27 275021 Amphiascus waihonu [a copepod]
27 275001 Macrosetella gracilis [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 275017 Sarsamphiascus lobatus [a copepod]
27 275012 Schizopera akation [a copepod]
27 275013 Schizopera akolos [a copepod]
27 275010 Schizopera analspinulosa linel [a copepod]
27 275009 Schizopera analspinulosa analspinulosa [a copepod]
27 275008 Schizopera austindownsi [a copepod]
27 275020 Schizopera cooperi [a copepod]
27 275005 Schizopera depotspringsi [a copepod]
27 275014 Schizopera emphysema [a copepod]
27 275004 Schizopera jundeei [a copepod]
27 275011 Schizopera kronosi [a copepod]
27 275015 Schizopera leptafurca [a copepod]
27 275006 Schizopera oldcuei [a copepod]
27 275002 Schizopera roberiverensis [a copepod]
27 275007 Schizopera uramurdahi [a copepod]
27 275016 Schizopera uranusi [a copepod]
27 275003 Schizopera weelumurra [a copepod]
27 279000 Parastenocarididae copepods
27 279901 Kinnecaris spp.
27 279902 Parastenocaris spp.
27 279006 Kinnecaris barrambie [a copepod]
27 279002 Kinnecaris eberhardi [a copepod]
27 279007 Kinnecaris esbe [a copepod]
27 279005 Kinnecaris lakewayi [a copepod]
27 279010 Kinnecaris lined [a copepod]
27 279008 Kinnecaris linel [a copepod]
27 279011 Kinnecaris linesae [a copepod]
27 279001 Kinnecaris solitaria [a copepod]
27 279009 Kinnecaris uranusi [a copepod]
27 279004 Parastenocaris jane [a copepod]
27 279003 Parastenocaris kimberleyensis [a copepod]
27 280000 Peltidiidae copepods
27 280902 Eupelte spp. [a copepod]
27 280901 Neopeltopsis spp.
27 280002 Eupelte regalis [a copepod]
27 280001 Neopeltopsis althorpensis [a copepod]
27 282000 Porcellidiidae copepods
27 282901 Acutiramus spp. [a copepod]
27 282902 Brevifrons spp. [a copepod]
27 282913 Cereudorsum spp. [a copepod]
27 282912 Clavigofera spp. [a copepod]
27 282915 Clunia spp. [a copepod]
27 282903 Dilatatiocauda spp. [a copepod]
27 282914 Geddesia spp. [a copepod]
27 282910 Kensakia spp. [a copepod]
27 282911 Kushia spp. [a copepod]
27 282905 Murramia spp. [a copepod]
27 282906 Porcellidium spp. [a copepod]
27 282908 Ravania spp. [a copepod]
27 282909 Synurus spp. [a copepod]
27 282907 Tectacingulum spp. [a copepod]
27 282026 Acutiramus bipunctatus [a copepod]
27 282029 Acutiramus cumulus [a copepod]
27 282027 Acutiramus edenensis [a copepod]
27 282028 Acutiramus iwasakii [a copepod]
27 282012 Acutiramus quinquelineatus [a copepod]
27 282011 Acutiramus rufolineatus [a copepod]
27 282017 Acutiramus sesquimaculata [a copepod]
27 282030 Acutiramus tapui [a copepod]
27 282018 Brevifrons faviolatum [a copepod]
27 282032 Cereudorsum verrucosum [a copepod]
27 282031 Clavigofera pacifica [a copepod]
27 282034 Clunia cocosensis [a copepod]
27 282035 Dilatatiocauda dilatata [a copepod]
27 282002 Dilatatiocauda medialis [a copepod]
27 282001 Dilatatiocauda multidenticulata [a copepod]
27 282003 Dilatatiocauda retroseta [a copepod]
27 282033 Geddesia quadrata [a copepod]
27 282024 Kensakia australis [a copepod]
27 282025 Kushia spathoides [a copepod]
27 282016 Murramia bicincta [a copepod]
27 282015 Murramia magna [a copepod]
27 282036 Murramia poorei [a copepod]
27 282007 Porcellidium erythrogastrum [a copepod]
27 282020 Porcellidium erythrum [a copepod]
27 282004 Porcellidium hormosirii [a copepod]
27 282010 Porcellidium londonarum [a copepod]
27 282008 Porcellidium naviculum [a copepod]
27 282005 Porcellidium ocellum [a copepod]
27 282009 Porcellidium phyllosporum [a copepod]
27 282006 Porcellidium pulchrum [a copepod]
27 282019 Porcellidium rastellum [a copepod]
27 282022 Ravania doliocauda [a copepod]
27 282021 Ravania wellsi [a copepod]
27 282023 Synurus ctenocheirus [a copepod]
27 282014 Tectacingulum nigrum [a copepod]
27 282013 Tectacingulum tumidum [a copepod]
27 283000 Clytemnestridae harpacticoid copepods
27 283901 Clytemnestra spp. [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 283002 Clytemnestra farrani [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 283001 Clytemnestra scutellata [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 285000 Tegastidae copepods
27 285901 Syngastes spp.
27 285001 Syngastes dentipes [a copepod]
27 285002 Syngastes foveatus [a copepod]
27 285003 Syngastes parilus [a copepod]
27 285004 Syngastes porcellus [a copepod]
27 286000 Tetragonicipitidae copepods
27 286901 Phyllopodopsyllus spp.
27 286002 Phyllopodopsyllus thiebaudi [a copepod]
27 286001 Phyllopodopsyllus wellsi [a copepod]
27 287000 Euterpinidae harpacticoid copepods
27 287901 Euterpina spp.
27 287001 Euterpina acutifrons [a harpacticoid copepod]
27 288000 Tisbidae copepods
27 288901 Scutellidium spp. [a copepod]
27 288001 Scutellidium spinatum [a copepod]
99 270045 Microsetella spp. juveniles [a copepod]
99 270041 Harpacticoida - females [a copepod]
99 270042 Harpacticoida - males [a copepod]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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