Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

IN2017_V04    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Title: The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems

Voyage details on MNF site:

Period: 2017-08-31 04:00 to 2017-09-18 00:00 UTC

Duration: 17.83 days

From: Brisbane To: Sydney

Region: New South Wales coast

Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]

Description: Zooplankton include the microscopic animals that link the ocean's single-celled algae and our fisheries, but it is a complex link. Huge changes in fish production may result from subtle changes in zooplankton production. The size distribution of zooplankton is a practical way to investigate this problem. This relatively simple size-based ecosystem will be integrated with the much larger sizes of krill, squid and pelagic fish. For the first time, the links between open ocean production and coastal fisheries of south eastern Australia will be established. This will inform environmental assessments and ecosystem sustainability, including the viability of super-trawlers in Australian waters.

Leader: Iain Suthers (UNSW)

Project: The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems [details] Primary

Voyage extents: 36° 27.5' S to 26° 42.5' S    150° 08.4' E to 156° 31.7' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • RV Investigator Radon Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Sea Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 ADCP Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 CTD Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Cephalopod specimens, Tasman Sea, Australia [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 EK60 Echosounder [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 EM710 MKII Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Gravity Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Hydrology Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Larval fish samples using Bongo nets, Tasman Sea [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 ME70 Multibeam Fisheries Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 MIDOC fish and micronekton samples, Tasman Sea [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Triaxus (undulating CTD) Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Underway UWY Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 XBT Data [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Bongo net samples - RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea (2017)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Cephalopod specimens from RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • MIDOC fish and micronekton samples - RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea (2017)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Measurements of the salp Pyrosoma atlanticum, RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Cetacean and Seabird Observations, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-

  • View Cruise Summary Report at
  • Participants - on ship:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Chris Brownlee Microbiologist University of New South Wales The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Don McKenzie Voyage Manager Marine National Facility Voyage Management on RV Investigator
    Iain Suthers Chief Scientist University of New South Wales The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Natasha Henschke Deputy Chief Scientist University of British Columbia (CA) The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems

    Participants - shore based:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Alistair Hobday Principal Investigator CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Evgeny Pakhomov Principal Investigator University of British Columbia (CA) The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Jason Everett Principal Investigator University of New South Wales The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Julia Blanchard Principal Investigator University of Tasmania The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Mark Brown Principal Investigator University of New South Wales The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Martina Doblin Principal Investigator University of Technology, Sydney The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Moninya Roughan Principal Investigator University of New South Wales The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
    Shane Keating Principal Investigator University of New South Wales The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Bakker, Dorothee C E; Lauvset, Siv K; Wanninkhof, Rik; Castaño-Primo, Rocío; Currie, Kim I; Jones, Steve D; Landa, Camilla S; Metzl, Nicolas; Nakaoka, Shin-Ichiro; Nojiri, Yukihiro; Nonaka, Isao; O'Brien, Kevin M; Olsen, Are; Pfeil, Benjamin; Pierrot, Denis; Schuster, Ute; Smith, Karl; Sullivan, Kevin; Sutton, Adrienne; Tilbrook, Bronte; Alin, Simone; Becker, Meike; Benoit-Cattin, Alice; Bott, Randy; Bozec, Yann; Bozzano, Roberto; Burger, Eugene; Burgers, Tonya; Cai, Wei-Jun; Chen, Liqi; Chierici, Melissa; Corredor, Jorge; Cosca, Catherine E; Cross, Jessica; Dandonneau, Yves; De Carlo, Eric Heinen; Dietrich, Colin; Else, Brent G T; Emerson, Steven R; Farías, Laura; Fransson, Agneta; Garreaud, René D; Gkritzalis, Thanos; Glockzin, Michael; González-Dávila, Melchor; Gregor, Luke; Hartman, Sue E; Hermes, Rudolf; Hoppema, Mario; Howden, Stephan; Hunt, Christopher W; Hydes, David; Ibánhez, J Severino P; Kitidis, Vassilis; Körtzinger, Arne; Kozyr, Alexander; Kuwata, Akira; Lampitt, Richard Stephen; Lefèvre, Nathalie; Lo Monaco, Claire; Maenner, Stacy M; Manke, Ansley; Manzello, Derek P; McGillis, Wade; Mickett, John; Monteiro, Pedro M S; Morell, Julio; Morrison, Ru; Mucci, Alfonso; Munro, David R; Musielewicz, Sylvia; Negri, Ruben M; Newberger, Timothy; Newton, Jan; Noakes, Scott; O'Brien, Chris; Ólafsdóttir, Sólveig Rósa; Ólafsson, Jón; Ono, Tsuneo; Osborne, John; Ouyang, Zhangxian; Padín, Xose Antonio; Papakyriakou, Tim N; Plüddemann, Albert J; Rehder, Gregor; Sabine, Christopher L; Sakurai, Keizo; Salisbury, Joe; Santana-Casiano, Juana Magdalena; Schlitzer, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Send, Uwe; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Steinhoff, Tobias; Sulpis, Olivier; Sutherland, Stewart C; Sweeney, Colm; Tadokoro, Kazuaki; Takahashi, Taro; Telszewski, Maciej; Thomas, Helmuth; Tomlinson, Michael; Trull, Tom W; Valdimarsson, Héðinn; van Heuven, Steven; Vandemark, Doug; Wada, Chisato; Wallace, Douglas WR; Watson, Andrew J; Weller, Robert A; Xu, Suqing (2018): Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V6. PANGAEA     10.1594/PANGAEA.890974

    • Suthers, Iain; Boyd, Matt; Heaney, Bernadette; Navidad, Cisco; Gifford, Davina (2023): IN2017_V04 East Australian Current Bathymetry 10m - 210m Multi-resolution AusSeabed products. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection.     10.25919/4gmz-7n07

    • Tilbrook, Bronte; Neill, Craig; Akl, John (2017). Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) sea surface and atmospheric fCO2 measurements in the Southern Ocean onboard R/V Investigator in 2017 (NCEI Accession 0169488). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.     10.7289/v5rv0kz4

    IPT Resource

    • Bongo net samples - RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea (2017) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • Cephalopod specimens from RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • MIDOC fish and micronekton samples - RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea (2017) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • Measurements of the salp Pyrosoma atlanticum, RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Cetacean and Seabird Observations, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    Journal Article

    • Archer, Matthew,Schaeffer, Amandine,Keating, Shane,Roughan, Moninya,Holmes, Ryan,Siegelman, Lia (2020) Observations of Submesoscale Variability and Frontal Subduction within the Mesoscale Eddy Field of the Tasman Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography 50 pp1509-1529.     10.1175/jpo-d-19-0131.1

    • Firme, Giselle F.,Hughes, David J.,Laiolo, Leonardo,Roughan, Moninya,Suthers, Iain M.,Doblin, Martina A. (2023) Contrasting phytoplankton composition and primary productivity in multiple mesoscale eddies along the East Australian coast. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 193 pp103952-.     10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103952

    • Henschke, Natasha,Pakhomov, Evgeny A.,Kwong, Lian E.,Everett, Jason D.,Laiolo, Leonardo,Coghlan, Amy R.,Suthers, Iain M. (2019) Large Vertical Migrations of Pyrosoma atlanticum Play an Important Role in Active Carbon Transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 pp1056-1070.     10.1029/2018JG004918

    • Hinchliffe, Charles,Matis, Paloma A.,Schilling, Hayden T.,Everett, Jason D.,Miskiewicz, Anthony G.,Pepin, Pierre,Falster, Daniel S.,Suthers, Iain M. (2023) Plankton size spectra as an indicator of larval success in Pacific sardine. Fisheries Oceanography 32 pp196-212.     10.1111/fog.12620

    • Holland, Matthew M.,Everett, Jason D.,Cox, Martin J.,Doblin, Martina A.,Suthers, Iain M. (2021) Pelagic forage fish distribution in a dynamic shelf ecosystem – Thermal demands and zooplankton prey distribution. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 249 pp107074-.     10.1016/j.ecss.2020.107074

    • Kwong, Lian E.,Henschke, Natasha,Pakhomov, Evgeny A.,Everett, Jason D.,Suthers, Iain M. (2020) Mesozooplankton and Micronekton Active Carbon Transport in Contrasting Eddies. Frontiers in Marine Science 6 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2019.00825

    • Malan, Neil,Archer, Matthew,Roughan, Moninya,Cetina-Heredia, Paulina,Hemming, Michael,Rocha, Carlos,Schaeffer, Amandine,Suthers, Iain,Queiroz, Eduardo (2020) Eddy-Driven Cross-Shelf Transport in the East Australian Current Separation Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 pp-.     10.1029/2019JC015613

    • Murphy, Kieran J.,Pecl, Gretta T.,Everett, Jason D.,Heneghan, Ryan F.,Richards, Shane A.,Richardson, Anthony J.,Semmens, Jayson M.,Blanchard, Julia L. (2023) Improving the biological realism of predator–prey size relationships in food web models alters ecosystem dynamics. Biology Letters 19 pp-.     10.1098/rsbl.2023.0142

    • Murphy, Kieran J.,Pecl, Gretta T.,Richards, Shane A.,Semmens, Jayson M.,Revill, Andrew T.,Suthers, Iain M.,Everett, Jason D.,Trebilco, Rowan,Blanchard, Julia L.,O'Gorman, Eoin (2020) Functional traits explain trophic allometries of cephalopods. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 pp2692-2703.     10.1111/1365-2656.13333

    • Soja-Woźniak, Monika,Laiolo, Leonardo,Baird, Mark E.,Matear, Richard,Clementson, Lesley,Schroeder, Thomas,Doblin, Martina A.,Suthers, Iain M. (2020) Effect of phytoplankton community size structure on remote-sensing reflectance and chlorophyll a products. Journal of Marine Systems 211 pp103400-.     10.1016/j.jmarsys.2020.103400


    • Garside, Peter, Suthers, Iain, Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW, and Mazumder, Debashish, Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation. The Size Based Ecosystems of Warm and Cold Core Eddies off Eastern Australia (2021). Web.     External link to reference

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2017-08-31 20:08 to 2017-09-17 05:09
    Latitude: -36.37 to -26.77
    Longitude: 150.33 to 156.53
    Ensembles: 9,610
    Depth per cell: 8 m
    Cells per ensemble: 60
    Ensemble period: 300 sec
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    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Time (UTC): 2017-08-31 00:20 to 2017-09-17 22:00
    Latitude: -36.46 to -27.01
    Longitude: 150.15 to 158.03
    Depth range: 0 to 1000 m
    Occurrences: 18,046
    Taxa count: 326
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    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2017-08-31 23:08 to 2017-09-15 23:09
    Latitude: -35.71 to -27.00
    Longitude: 151.59 to 156.07
    Quantity: 37 Casts
    Max Pressure: 2001 db
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    Time (UTC): 2017-08-31 23:08 to 2017-09-15 23:09
    Latitude: -35.71 to -27.00
    Longitude: 151.59 to 156.07
    Quantity: 37 Casts
    Max Pressure: 2001 db
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    Time (UTC): 2017-08-31 07:40 to 2017-09-17 21:31
    Latitude: -36.46 to -26.71
    Longitude: 150.14 to 156.53
    Observations: 13232
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Data fields and units document (.pdf)

    Radon measurements
    Time (UTC): 2017-08-31 04:00 to 2017-09-17 15:00
    Latitude: -36.46 to -26.73
    Longitude: 150.15 to 156.53
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    Download RV Investigator Radon dataset (XLSX)

    Towed CTD
    Time (UTC): 2017-09-04 02:09 to 2017-09-17 15:09
    Latitude: -36.45 to -27.09
    Longitude: 150.16 to 156.08
    Tows: 17
    Duration: 31.40 hours
    Data points: 79,065
    Maximum Depth: 333.00 m
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    Triaxus Cast Averages (matlab format)

    Triaxus Cast Averages (netcdf format)

    Triaxus Deployment Averages (netcdf format)

    Triaxus Leg Averages (csv format)

    Triaxus Leg Averages (matlab format)

    Triaxus Leg Averages (netcdf format)

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    Time (UTC): 2017-08-31 04:08 to 2017-09-17 23:09
    Latitude: -27.38
    Longitude: 153.16
    Track length: 3857.894 km
    Locations: 307,566
    Measurements: 19,684,224
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    Download the 5 second Underway data (NetCDF format): (56.6MB)

    Wildlife Observations
    Time (UTC): 2017-08-31 21:08 to 2017-09-17 22:09
    Latitude: -36.46 to -27.01
    Longitude: 150.15 to 156.03
    Observations: 334
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    XBT Profile
    Time (UTC): 2017-09-06 03:09 to 2017-09-09 21:09
    Latitude: -33.71 to -32.47
    Longitude: 153.25 to 154.21
    Quantity: 2 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1100.3 db
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping data acquisition and processing report

    Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

    Search for events from this voyage and others

    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2017-08-31 01:11 [view ] Drop keel [view] down in2017_v04 port drop keel to flush with hull (both drop keels now flush with hull)
    2017-08-31 04:36 [view ] -27.3711 153.1678 ADCP [view] Start in2017_v04 Started Pinging
    2017-08-31 05:25 [view ] -27.2345 153.2725 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_27_16S_153_15E.asvp start of voyage - leaving brisbane - test ek60 and me70
    2017-08-31 06:48 [view ] -27.0415 153.2584 ADCP [view] Stop in2017_v04 Stopped to lower gondela
    2017-08-31 07:03 [view ] -26.9961 153.2382 Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] Start in2017_v04 instrument clean seawater pump started some trouble getting pumps started, with air and particulate in line
    2017-08-31 07:09 [view ] -26.9741 153.2293 Underway Seawater Data Start in2017_v04 Underway seawater instruments started TSG a little low, 57LPM
    2017-08-31 07:10 [view ] -26.9710 153.2280 Aerosol Lab [view] Start in2017_v04 Aerosol Instruments Running SMPS not on board this voyage
    2017-08-31 07:11 [view ] -26.9678 153.2267 Air Chemistry [view] Start in2017_v04 Air Chemistry Instruments Running Aerodyne not working
    2017-08-31 07:12 [view ] -26.9678 153.2267 Weather Radar [view] Start in2017_v04 Weather radar running No live movie loops coming through
    2017-08-31 07:42 [view ] -26.8802 153.1673 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_002.asvp
    2017-08-31 08:45 [view ] -26.7100 153.1914 Drop keel [view] down in2017_v04 both drop keels to flush with gondola
    2017-08-31 09:02 [view ] -26.7293 153.2333 Radon detector [view] calibration in2017_v04 Manual calibration - injection on Flush was started at 0400. Will turn off injection in 5 hours.
    2017-08-31 09:15 [view ] -26.7300 153.2480 SV Probe [view] Stop in2017_v04 stopped for identifying noise in ek60
    2017-08-31 10:20 [view ] -26.7497 153.3997 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 linear chirp finally looks good - ignore previous files!
    2017-08-31 10:36 [view ] -26.7588 153.4535 EM710 [view] Other GSM_in2017_v04 changed ksync shallow put em710 in a different group than ek60 less interference- but adcp 75 will now be turned on!
    2017-08-31 10:47 [view ] -26.7600 153.4887 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_004.asvp
    2017-08-31 11:06 [view ] -26.7718 153.5499 Danish Trawler [view] DT 0 error in2017_v04 DT 0 error
    2017-08-31 11:30 [view ] -26.7820 153.6332 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_004.asvp too much interference on em710 - so stopped - made a mess of sbp120 data
    2017-08-31 13:25 [view ] -26.8328 154.0198 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_006.asvp
    2017-08-31 14:30 [view ] -26.8753 154.2356 Vertical Plankton Net N70 2 Deployed in2017_v04 N70 2
    2017-08-31 17:22 [view ] -26.9435 154.8269 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Large spikes in TSG when sample taken
    2017-08-31 17:25 [view ] -26.9453 154.8408 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Fairly flat in tsg
    2017-08-31 17:27 [view ] -26.9463 154.8476 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Spikes in tsg plot
    2017-08-31 23:00 [view ] -27.1031 155.9772 CTD [view] 1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-08-31 23:30 [view ] -27.1031 155.9810 Vertical Plankton Net N70 1 test in2017_v04 N70 1 test - no data collected
    2017-08-31 23:35 [view ] -27.1035 155.9814 Drop keel [view] down in2017_v04 Lower to 2m
    2017-08-31 23:35 [view ] -27.1036 155.9813 ADCP [view] Stop in2017_v04 Stop to lower drop keel
    2017-08-31 23:53 [view ] -27.1045 155.9830 ADCP [view] Start in2017_v04 Started at 2m
    2017-08-31 23:55 [view ] -27.1044 155.9832 EK60 [view] Other GSM_in2017_v04 Keels lowered to Intermediate position
    2017-09-01 00:39 [view ] -27.1045 155.9833 CTD [view] 2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-01 04:51 [view ] -27.1072 155.9977 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_007 not logging on trawl site - offset warning changed to 2 difference -
    2017-09-01 05:15 [view ] -27.6565 155.5999 Danish Trawler [view] DT 1 error in2017_v04 DT 1 - winch problems haul aborted
    2017-09-01 06:15 [view ] -27.1288 155.9977 Vertical Plankton Net N70 3 error in2017_v04 N70 3 - error
    2017-09-01 07:10 [view ] -27.1563 156.0176 Danish Trawler [view] DT 2 Deployed in2017_v04 DT 2
    2017-09-01 08:59 [view ] -27.2183 156.0240 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 not getting signal depth 4792? is it too deep for sbp HD8 1 not ok; MSP6XL timeout - nav update fail
    2017-09-01 09:33 [view ] -27.2413 156.0273 Danish Trawler [view] DT 2 Retrieved in2017_v04 DT 2 end
    2017-09-01 10:01 [view ] -27.2458 156.0333 Bongo Net [view] Deployed in2017_v04 first bongo net deployment
    2017-09-01 10:04 [view ] -27.2468 156.0335 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_002.asvp bongo net 1
    2017-09-01 10:16 [view ] -27.2569 156.0340 Bongo Net [view] Deployed in2017_v04 20 m /min for 7.5 mins down and then same speed retrieve
    2017-09-01 10:32 [view ] -27.2715 156.0341 Bongo Net [view] BN1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-01 10:35 [view ] -27.2738 156.0400 Bongo Net [view] BN1-2 Deployed in2017_v04 20 m/m for 7.5 minutes
    2017-09-01 10:53 [view ] -27.2903 156.0335 Bongo Net [view] BN1-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-01 10:55 [view ] -27.2915 156.0167 Bongo Net [view] BN1-3 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-01 11:13 [view ] -27.3075 156.0323 Bongo Net [view] BN 1-3 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-01 11:14 [view ] -27.3093 156.0323 Bongo Net [view] ops finished Stop in2017_v04
    2017-09-01 11:35 [view ] -27.3619 155.9942 Danish Trawler [view] DT 3 Deployed in2017_v04 DT 3 start
    2017-09-01 14:30 [view ] -27.2826 155.9858 Danish Trawler [view] DT 3 Retrieved in2017_v04 DT 3 end
    2017-09-01 14:48 [view ] -27.4628 156.0175 CTD [view] ctd 3 Start in2017_v04 on deck
    2017-09-01 16:15 [view ] -27.4617 156.0036 Vertical Plankton Net N70 4 Deployed in2017_v04 N70 4
    2017-09-01 17:37 [view ] -27.4698 155.9889 Triaxus [view] TRIAXUS1 Deployed in2017_v04 Triaxis tow 1
    2017-09-01 17:38 [view ] -27.4725 155.9884 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-01 19:34 [view ] -27.3619 155.9943 CTD [view] Deployed in2017_v04 CTD 5
    2017-09-01 19:57 [view ] -27.3630 155.9926 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_004.asvp
    2017-09-01 20:55 [view ] -27.3720 155.9902 Vertical Plankton Net N70 5 Deployed in2017_v04 N70 5
    2017-09-01 23:13 [view ] -27.1601 156.0212 pCO2 [view] Reboot in2017_v04 PCO2 machine restart attempt to fix outgoing_files server location, adjust flows
    2017-09-02 00:04 [view ] -27.0993 156.0720 CTD [view] Deployed in2017_v04 CTD 6
    2017-09-02 00:34 [view ] -27.0996 156.0727 Other [view] Deployed in2017_v04 satlantic profiler II deployed (floating)
    2017-09-02 01:15 [view ] -27.1002 156.0743 Vertical Plankton Net N70 6 Deployed in2017_v04 N70 6
    2017-09-02 02:18 [view ] -27.1069 156.0808 Other [view] Deployed in2017_v04 satlantic profiler II deployed (sinking)
    2017-09-02 03:01 [view ] -27.4352 156.0130 Danish Trawler [view] DT 4 hauling in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 05:21 [view ] -27.4578 156.0195 Danish Trawler [view] DT 4 Retrieved in2017_v04 also known as midoc
    2017-09-02 06:38 [view ] -27.2830 -156.0232 Danish Trawler [view] DT 5 Deployed in2017_v04 not sure what trawl no
    2017-09-02 09:27 [view ] -27.3980 155.9852 Danish Trawler [view] DT 5 Retrieved in2017_v04 danish trawl with middoc
    2017-09-02 10:54 [view ] -27.2765 155.9810 Danish Trawler [view] DT 6 Deployed in2017_v04 with midoc
    2017-09-02 11:22 [view ] -27.3053 155.9790 Neuston net [view] NN1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 11:33 [view ] -27.3093 155.9783 Neuston net [view] NN1 Retrieved in2017_v04 not sampled
    2017-09-02 11:37 [view ] -27.3115 155.9782 Neuston net [view] NN2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 11:54 [view ] -27.3213 155.9765 Neuston net [view] NN2 Retrieved in2017_v04 not sampled
    2017-09-02 11:55 [view ] -27.3217 155.9765 Neuston net [view] NN3 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 12:11 [view ] -27.3318 155.9748 Neuston net [view] NN3 Retrieved in2017_v04 not sampled
    2017-09-02 13:29 [view ] -27.3868 155.9642 Danish Trawler [view] DT 6 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 13:50 [view ] -27.3995 155.9595 Bongo Net [view] BN2-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 14:07 [view ] -27.3815 155.9557 Bongo Net [view] BN2-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 14:09 [view ] -27.3793 155.9552 Bongo Net [view] BN2-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 14:28 [view ] -27.3652 155.9523 Bongo Net [view] BN2-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 15:34 [view ] -27.3432 155.9468 CTD [view] CTD7 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-02 16:50 [view ] -27.3239 155.9502 Vertical Plankton Net N70 7 Deployed in2017_v04 N70 7
    2017-09-02 19:02 [view ] -27.1903 155.9705 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_007.asvp
    2017-09-02 19:08 [view ] -27.1910 155.9704 CTD [view] CTD 8 Deployed in2017_v04 CTD 8
    2017-09-02 20:20 [view ] -27.1964 155.9735 Vertical Plankton Net N70 8 Deployment in2017_v04 N70 8
    2017-09-02 20:47 [view ] -27.1073 155.5893 EZNet [view] EZ1 Deployment in2017_v04 EZNet 1
    2017-09-02 23:02 [view ] -27.0731 155.9823 EZNet [view] EZ2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 00:34 [view ] -27.0011 156.0191 CTD [view] CTD 9 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 01:00 [view ] -27.0036 156.0238 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Very flat
    2017-09-03 01:01 [view ] -27.0037 156.0240 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Very flat
    2017-09-03 01:02 [view ] -27.0039 156.0242 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Slight dip in sal tsg plot
    2017-09-03 01:07 [view ] -27.0040 156.0252 Aerosol Lab [view] Repair in2017_v04 Ozone monitor - change to all PFA water trap (time with potential back flow to manifold) ie between 2017-09-03 01:07:00 and 2017-09-03 01:24:00
    2017-09-03 01:51 [view ] -27.0086 156.0289 Vertical Plankton Net N70 9 Deployment in2017_v04 N70 9
    2017-09-03 03:08 [view ] -27.0111 156.0300 Danish Trawler [view] DT 7 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 05:24 [view ] -27.0831 155.9922 CPC [view] maintenance in2017_v04 MFC found off. Reconnected power, now ok
    2017-09-03 05:55 [view ] -27.0998 155.9808 Danish Trawler [view] DT 7 Retrieved in2017_v04 all nets fired, retrieving with midoc
    2017-09-03 06:38 [view ] -27.1275 155.9612 Danish Trawler [view] DT 8 Deployed in2017_v04 deploying
    2017-09-03 07:54 [view ] -27.1783 155.9260 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 restart SBP recording on DT 8
    2017-09-03 08:09 [view ] -27.1851 155.9227 CPC [view] maintenance in2017_v04 Fixed Butanol restriction The butanol inlet tube was too long, and butanol was not getting in to the chamber. I shortened the tube and it appears to be working
    2017-09-03 09:05 [view ] -27.2160 155.9037 Danish Trawler [view] DT 8 Retrieved in2017_v04 retrieving
    2017-09-03 10:00 [view ] -27.2470 155.8910 EZNet [view] EZ3 Deployed in2017_v04 deploying from deck there will also be neuston nets while EZ in water - NN3-1, NN3-2 etc where 3 corresponds to the EZ operation
    2017-09-03 10:30 [view ] -27.2262 155.9092 Neuston net [view] NN3-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 10:40 [view ] -27.2192 155.9163 Neuston net [view] NN3-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 10:41 [view ] -27.2185 155.9170 Neuston net [view] NN3-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 10:52 [view ] -27.2112 155.9252 Neuston net [view] NN3-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 11:32 [view ] -27.1838 155.9567 EZNet [view] EZ3 Retrieved in2017_v04 onboard
    2017-09-03 11:51 [view ] -27.1717 155.9713 EZNet [view] EZ4 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 11:55 [view ] -27.1688 155.9747 Neuston net [view] NN4-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 12:05 [view ] -27.1630 155.9816 Neuston net [view] NN4-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 12:07 [view ] -27.1620 155.9827 Neuston net [view] NN4-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 12:18 [view ] -27.1565 155.9897 Neuston net [view] NN4-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 12:19 [view ] -27.1558 155.9907 Neuston net [view] NN4-3 Deployed in2017_v04 20 minute tow looking for lobster
    2017-09-03 12:41 [view ] -27.1455 156.0043 Neuston net [view] NN4-3 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 12:42 [view ] -27.1447 156.0055 Neuston net [view] NN4-4 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 12:54 [view ] -27.1387 156.0137 Neuston net [view] NN4-4 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 13:01 [view ] -27.1348 156.0185 EZNet [view] EZ4 Retrieved in2017_v04 retrieving
    2017-09-03 13:22 [view ] -27.1225 156.0328 SBP [view] Line GSM_in2017_v04 at CTD 10 lilne 5 has nice run up to mount boyd
    2017-09-03 14:32 [view ] -27.1228 156.0312 CTD [view] CTD10 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 15:10 [view ] -27.1232 156.0303 Bopak [view] BK1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 15:15 [view ] -27.1232 156.0303 Vertical Plankton Net N70 11 in2017_v04 N70 11
    2017-09-03 15:15 [view ] -27.1228 156.0310 Vertical net N70 10 Deployed in2017_v04 N70 10
    2017-09-03 16:20 [view ] -27.1196 156.0378 Triaxus [view] TRIAXUS2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-03 17:43 [view ] -27.0908 156.2082 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_010.asvp
    2017-09-03 17:44 [view ] -27.0908 156.2082 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 Logging data Deep water with soft bottom getting good penetration
    2017-09-03 23:34 [view ] -27.2464 155.8899 CTD [view] CTD 11 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-04 00:28 [view ] -27.2463 155.8900 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Slight dip during sampling
    2017-09-04 00:30 [view ] -27.2462 155.8900 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Fairly flat
    2017-09-04 00:31 [view ] -27.2463 155.8900 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Very flat
    2017-09-04 01:29 [view ] -27.2467 155.8886 Aerodyne [view] Start in2017_v04
    2017-09-04 03:52 [view ] -27.1677 155.8644 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-04 03:59 [view ] -27.1625 155.8627 Danish Trawler [view] DT9 Deployed in2017_v04 not sure what time it was deployed
    2017-09-04 06:06 [view ] -27.1147 155.8548 Danish Trawler [view] DT9 Retrieved in2017_v04 midoc didn& 39;t work -
    2017-09-04 06:14 [view ] -27.1158 155.8560 Triaxus [view] TR3 Deployed in2017_v04 on deck to site 2
    2017-09-04 06:32 [view ] -27.1053 155.8489 Triaxus [view] TRIAXUS3 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-04 06:41 [view ] -27.0967 155.8402 Other [view] SBP start file 10 in2017_v04 triaxus 3 site 1 to inshore
    2017-09-04 06:47 [view ] -27.0998 155.8283 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 line 10 triaxus line from site 1 to inshore
    2017-09-04 12:04 [view ] -27.3900 155.1588 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_008.asvp
    2017-09-04 14:21 [view ] -27.4550 154.8438 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_009.asvp
    2017-09-04 14:48 [view ] -27.4653 154.7897 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_010.sst
    2017-09-04 19:48 [view ] -27.8965 154.2725 Aerodyne [view] Start in2017_v04 re-attempt to start, with cal run
    2017-09-04 19:49 [view ] -27.8965 154.2725 Aerosol Lab [view] Software Update in2017_v04 modify aerosol lab manifold sensor code to include pump timer and water sensor (app v1.02)
    2017-09-04 20:31 [view ] -28.0120 154.2127 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_012.asvp
    2017-09-04 21:46 [view ] -28.1880 154.0353 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_013.asvp
    2017-09-04 23:06 [view ] -28.3655 153.8420 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-04 23:12 [view ] -28.3807 153.8256 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-05 00:02 [view ] -28.4734 153.8848 Drifter Deployed in2017_v04 Drifter 1 deployed (Old SVP: 145605)
    2017-09-05 00:08 [view ] -28.4828 153.8851 Triaxus [view] TRIAXUS4 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 01:48 [view ] -28.7435 153.8798 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-05 01:48 [view ] -28.7435 153.8798 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-05 01:48 [view ] -28.7435 153.8798 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-05 05:25 [view ] -29.4200 153.7855 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_014.asvp
    2017-09-05 10:54 [view ] -30.3482 153.4032 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_015.sst
    2017-09-05 10:56 [view ] -30.3508 153.4022 CPC [view] restarted in2017_v04 SMPS machine rebooted Had to reboot the machine so that Delta could get the data
    2017-09-05 11:18 [view ] -30.4150 153.3700 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_016.asvp
    2017-09-05 11:55 [view ] -30.5050 153.3383 Bongo Net [view] BN3-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 12:03 [view ] -30.5207 153.3323 Bongo Net [view] BN3-1 Other in2017_v04 8 metres depth from usbl reeling in now
    2017-09-05 12:11 [view ] -30.5322 153.3277 Bongo Net [view] BN3-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 12:21 [view ] -30.5367 153.3258 Bongo Net [view] BN3-2 Deployed in2017_v04 try a heavier weight and slower ship speed
    2017-09-05 12:36 [view ] -30.5617 153.3172 Bongo Net [view] BN3-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 12:39 [view ] -30.5648 153.3162 Bongo Net [view] BN3-3 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 12:56 [view ] -30.5835 153.3097 Bongo Net [view] BN3-3 Retrieved in2017_v04 usbl depth flickering in at 21 m at 174 m wire out
    2017-09-05 17:23 [view ] -31.3827 153.1583 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_017.asvp
    2017-09-05 17:46 [view ] -31.4478 153.1478 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_018.asvp
    2017-09-05 19:12 [view ] -31.6462 153.1047 Bongo Net [view] BN4-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 19:32 [view ] -31.6612 153.1013 Bongo Net [view] BN4-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 19:35 [view ] -31.6636 153.1007 Bongo Net [view] BN4-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 19:54 [view ] -31.6783 153.0975 Bongo Net [view] BN4-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 19:59 [view ] -31.6821 153.0967 Bongo Net [view] bn4-3 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 20:12 [view ] -31.6921 153.0950 Bongo Net [view] bn4-3 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-05 21:26 [view ] -31.8155 153.2330 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-05 21:33 [view ] -31.8308 153.2525 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-05 23:48 [view ] -32.1015 153.6505 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_020.asvp
    2017-09-06 02:40 [view ] -32.4165 154.1245 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_021.asvp
    2017-09-06 03:32 [view ] -32.5093 154.2648 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_xbt_001.asvp
    2017-09-06 05:01 [view ] -32.6655 154.5007 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_022.asvp
    2017-09-06 07:53 [view ] -33.0032 154.7637 Danish Trawler [view] DT10 Deployed in2017_v04 with midoc
    2017-09-06 07:56 [view ] -33.0048 154.7598 SBP [view] Line GSM_in2017_v04 14 start of DT10 stockton deep - trawl sw back over a feature
    2017-09-06 10:24 [view ] -33.0593 154.6252 Danish Trawler [view] DT10 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-06 11:01 [view ] -33.0718 154.5810 Danish Trawler [view] DT11 Deployed in2017_v04 with midoc
    2017-09-06 11:20 [view ] -33.0778 154.5649 Neuston net [view] NN5 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-06 11:27 [view ] -33.0809 154.5588 Nephelometer [view] maintenance in2017_v04 Line interruption Line interrupted for T&RH sensor install. May also affect CPC and SMPS
    2017-09-06 11:36 [view ] -33.0850 154.5510 Neuston net [view] NN6 in2017_v04
    2017-09-06 11:40 [view ] -33.0871 154.5473 Neuston net [view] NN7 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-06 13:59 [view ] -33.1410 154.4595 Danish Trawler [view] DT11 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-06 14:25 [view ] -33.1453 154.4488 CTD [view] CTD12 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-06 15:57 [view ] -33.1478 154.4505 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_012.asvp
    2017-09-06 16:10 [view ] -33.1482 154.4508 Vertical Plankton Net N70 12 Deployment in2017_v04 N70 12
    2017-09-06 16:16 [view ] -33.1482 154.4508 Techsas2 [view] restarted in2017_v04 Reset after GUI freeze
    2017-09-06 16:17 [view ] -33.1482 154.4509 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2017_v04 Preventative restart in case GUI freezes
    2017-09-06 19:10 [view ] -33.0943 154.5929 CTD [view] CTD 13 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-06 19:27 [view ] -33.0952 154.5932 Vertical Plankton Net N70 13 Deployment in2017_v04 N70 13
    2017-09-06 19:27 [view ] -33.0952 154.5932 Vertical Plankton Net Deployment in2017_v04 N70 14
    2017-09-06 20:51 [view ] -33.1055 154.5848 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_013.asvp
    2017-09-06 22:08 [view ] -33.1104 154.5779 EZNet [view] EZ net 5 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 00:07 [view ] -33.1566 154.4858 CTD [view] CTD 14 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 03:16 [view ] -33.1723 154.4382 Fluorometer [view] Change in2017_v04 Flow was ~0.15L/m, changed tap so that ~1.5 L/m
    2017-09-07 05:19 [view ] -33.2077 154.3483 Danish Trawler [view] DT12 Retrieved in2017_v04 retrieving had net drum fault -
    2017-09-07 05:57 [view ] -33.1743 154.4027 Danish Trawler [view] DT 13 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 06:56 [view ] -33.1942 154.3553 TSG [view] maintenance in2017_v04 Filter clean
    2017-09-07 06:57 [view ] -33.1942 154.3553 TSG [view] maintenance in2017_v04 flow reduced to 55 L/min flow reduced to allow greater flow through pCO2 branch
    2017-09-07 08:38 [view ] -33.2150 154.2842 Danish Trawler [view] Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 09:17 [view ] -33.2161 154.2776 CPC [view] maintenance in2017_v04 Drain CPC catchpot
    2017-09-07 09:33 [view ] -33.2195 154.2742 Danish Trawler [view] DT14 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 09:55 [view ] -33.2325 154.2588 Neuston net [view] NN8 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 10:16 [view ] -33.2500 154.2463 Neuston net [view] NN8 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 10:17 [view ] -33.2438 154.2457 Neuston net [view] NN9 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 10:37 [view ] -33.2523 154.2367 Neuston net [view] NN9 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 10:42 [view ] -33.2545 154.2343 Neuston net [view] NN10 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 11:02 [view ] -33.2637 154.2250 Neuston net [view] NN10 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 11:03 [view ] -33.2646 154.2245 Neuston net [view] NN11 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 11:23 [view ] -33.2745 154.2148 Neuston net [view] NN11 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 11:24 [view ] -33.2752 154.2142 Neuston net [view] NN12 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 11:44 [view ] -33.2855 154.2040 Neuston net [view] NN12 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 12:16 [view ] -33.2997 154.1803 Danish Trawler [view] DT14 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 12:29 [view ] -33.3057 154.1687 SBP [view] Line GSM_in2017_v04 turning to north east
    2017-09-07 13:35 [view ] -33.1817 154.2955 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_014.asvp
    2017-09-07 13:37 [view ] -33.1823 154.2933 EZNet [view] EZ6 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 13:49 [view ] -33.1863 154.2802 Neuston net [view] NN13 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 14:09 [view ] -33.1925 154.2603 Neuston net [view] NN13 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 14:10 [view ] -33.1928 154.2590 Neuston net [view] NN14 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 14:30 [view ] -33.1980 154.2408 Neuston net [view] NN14 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 14:31 [view ] -33.1983 154.2393 Neuston net [view] NN15 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 14:51 [view ] -33.2033 154.2222 Neuston net [view] NN15 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 14:58 [view ] -33.2048 154.2183 EZNet [view] EZ6 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 15:37 [view ] -33.2058 154.2148 CTD [view] CTD15 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 17:22 [view ] -33.2137 154.2120 EZNet [view] EZNET 7 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 17:55 [view ] -33.2283 154.1816 Vertical Plankton Net N70 15 in2017_v04 N70 15
    2017-09-07 19:21 [view ] -33.2573 154.1320 CTD [view] CTD16 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-07 20:02 [view ] -33.2573 154.1335 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Plot stable
    2017-09-07 20:03 [view ] -33.2572 154.1335 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Slight variation in plot
    2017-09-07 20:04 [view ] -33.2571 154.1334 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Plot flat
    2017-09-07 20:30 [view ] -33.2577 154.1361 Vertical Plankton Net N70 16 Deployment in2017_v04 N70 16
    2017-09-07 23:49 [view ] -33.2013 154.3165 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_016.asvp
    2017-09-08 00:00 [view ] -33.2016 154.3167 Vertical Plankton Net N70 17 Deployment in2017_v04 N70 17 S
    2017-09-08 00:04 [view ] -33.2015 154.3167 CTD [view] CTD17 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-08 05:52 [view ] -33.2873 -154.1812 Danish Trawler [view] DT15 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-08 05:58 [view ] -33.2873 154.1800 Drop keel [view] Other in2017_v04 drop keel lifted to flush with hull -before transit to Newcastle
    2017-09-08 06:27 [view ] -33.2837 154.1673 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 transit to Newcastle
    2017-09-08 09:09 [view ] -33.3012 153.6258 TSG [view] TSG/CTD Calibration 3 Deployed in2017_v04 TSG/CTD Calibration 3 started @ 2017-09-08 09:09
    2017-09-08 11:33 [view ] -33.3873 153.1227 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_023.asvp
    2017-09-08 14:22 [view ] -33.2143 152.5823 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_004.asvp
    2017-09-08 15:18 [view ] -33.2308 152.4022 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_025.asvp
    2017-09-08 15:29 [view ] -33.2357 152.3670 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_025.asvp nearing shelf newcastle area
    2017-09-08 18:02 [view ] -33.2620 152.1130 Other [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Stop Logging EM710 and EM122
    2017-09-08 19:15 [view ] -33.2639 152.1148 CTD [view] CTD18 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-08 21:02 [view ] -33.2808 152.1185 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_018.asvp
    2017-09-08 21:33 [view ] -33.2843 152.1971 TSG [view] Reboot in2017_v04 TSG rebooted to see if values would align with techsas
    2017-09-08 21:45 [view ] -33.2912 152.2297 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-08 21:45 [view ] -33.2912 152.2297 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-08 23:16 [view ] -33.3237 152.4640 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2017_v04 Restarted UW Seawater driver
    2017-09-09 00:32 [view ] -33.2774 152.3515 CTD [view] CTD19 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 03:13 [view ] -33.2202 152.3558 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_019.asvp
    2017-09-09 03:17 [view ] -33.2063 152.3558 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_019.asvp
    2017-09-09 04:06 [view ] -34.5463 152.3502 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_026.asvp
    2017-09-09 05:15 [view ] -32.8175 152.3442 ADCP [view] Stop in2017_v04 drop keels being lowered
    2017-09-09 05:28 [view ] -32.7905 152.3627 ADCP [view] Start in2017_v04 drop keel dropping delayed
    2017-09-09 06:03 [view ] -32.7930 152.4925 ADCP [view] Soft Start in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 06:09 [view ] -32.8000 152.4938 ADCP [view] Start in2017_v04 drop keels lowered to 2 m
    2017-09-09 06:22 [view ] -32.8105 152.4957 Triaxus [view] triaxus5 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 07:13 [view ] -32.8277 152.6055 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 on triaxus tow east to west
    2017-09-09 07:42 [view ] -32.8220 152.6830 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 logging
    2017-09-09 07:42 [view ] -32.8220 152.6830 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 logging
    2017-09-09 07:42 [view ] -32.8220 152.6830 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 logging
    2017-09-09 07:58 [view ] -32.8187 152.7287 Triaxus [view] no data from CTD - Triaxus5 Stop in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 08:26 [view ] -32.8308 152.7373 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_027.asvp
    2017-09-09 09:40 [view ] -32.8015 152.5093 Bongo Net [view] BN5-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 09:57 [view ] -32.8180 152.5095 Bongo Net [view] BN5-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 10:00 [view ] -32.8203 152.5095 Bongo Net [view] BN5-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 10:20 [view ] -32.8370 152.5102 Bongo Net [view] BN5-3 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 10:37 [view ] -32.8530 152.5115 Bongo Net [view] BN5-3 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 11:48 [view ] -32.8894 152.6930 Vertical Plankton Net N70 19 Deployment in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 12:08 [view ] -32.8905 152.7647 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 change to linear chirp
    2017-09-09 14:12 [view ] -32.9585 152.9540 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_029.asvp
    2017-09-09 15:05 [view ] -32.9932 152.9242 Bongo Net [view] BN6-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 15:07 [view ] -32.9943 152.9238 Bongo Net [view] BN6-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 15:18 [view ] -33.0019 152.9210 Bongo Net [view] BN6-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 15:22 [view ] -33.0025 152.9205 Bongo Net [view] BN6-3 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 15:37 [view ] -33.0143 152.9158 Bongo Net [view] BN6-3 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 15:55 [view ] -33.0160 152.9159 CTD [view] CTD20 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-09 17:00 [view ] -33.0185 152.9216 Vertical Plankton Net N70 20 Deployment in2017_v04 N70 20
    2017-09-09 21:56 [view ] -33.7663 153.2525 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_xbt_002.asvp
    2017-09-09 22:39 [view ] -33.8956 153.2554 Techsas1 [view] Debug in2017_v04 Paused old TSG driver to debug coefficents
    2017-09-09 22:53 [view ] -33.9347 153.2560 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_030.asvp
    2017-09-09 23:26 [view ] -34.0325 153.2584 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2017_v04 Restarted TSG driver with correct coefficents
    2017-09-09 23:30 [view ] -34.0458 153.2585 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_031.asvp
    2017-09-10 01:18 [view ] -34.3650 153.2632 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_032.asvp
    2017-09-10 02:08 [view ] -34.4914 153.2638 CTD [view] CTD21 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 02:31 [view ] -34.4953 153.2726 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 02:33 [view ] -34.4955 153.2729 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Fairly flat, maybe a spike
    2017-09-10 02:34 [view ] -34.4957 153.2732 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Fairly flat
    2017-09-10 02:52 [view ] -34.4987 153.2777 Vertical Plankton Net N70 20 Deployment in2017_v04 N70 20
    2017-09-10 02:52 [view ] -34.4987 153.2777 Vertical Plankton Net N70 21 Deployment in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 04:59 [view ] -34.5223 153.3237 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2016_v04_ctd_021.asvp
    2017-09-10 05:30 [view ] -34.5318 153.3273 Danish Trawler [view] DT16 Deployed in2017_v04 with fine mesh -
    2017-09-10 07:09 [view ] -34.4272 153.3098 Danish Trawler [view] DT16 Retrieved in2017_v04 fine mesh
    2017-09-10 08:41 [view ] -34.6018 153.3068 Danish Trawler [view] DT17 Deployed in2017_v04 fine mesh
    2017-09-10 10:17 [view ] -34.6332 153.2620 Danish Trawler [view] DT17 Retrieved in2017_v04 fine mesh - sampled 100 m depth
    2017-09-10 10:40 [view ] -34.6425 153.2465 Danish Trawler [view] DT18 Deployed in2017_v04 fine mesh
    2017-09-10 11:57 [view ] -34.6683 153.2193 Danish Trawler [view] DT18 Retrieved in2017_v04 fine mesh only down to 100 m
    2017-09-10 12:22 [view ] -34.6802 153.2165 Danish Trawler [view] DT19 Deployed in2017_v04 fine mesh to 100 m
    2017-09-10 13:38 [view ] -34.7082 153.2188 Danish Trawler [view] fine mesh - 100 m DT19 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 14:24 [view ] -34.7158 153.2185 CTD [view] CTD22 Start in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 15:23 [view ] -34.7133 153.2118 CTD [view] CTD22 Stop in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 15:31 [view ] -34.7132 153.2112 Vertical net N70-CTD22 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 15:35 [view ] -34.7132 153.2110 Vertical net NN70-CTD22 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 15:37 [view ] -34.7130 153.2107 Vertical net N70-CTD22-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 15:41 [view ] -34.7130 153.2104 Vertical net N70-CTD22-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 15:52 [view ] -34.7127 153.2095 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_022.asvp
    2017-09-10 15:56 [view ] -34.7133 153.2087 Bongo Net [view] BN7-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 15:56 [view ] -34.7373 153.1902 Bongo Net [view] BN7-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 15:56 [view ] -34.7285 153.1968 Bongo Net [view] BN7-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 17:30 [view ] -34.7604 153.1672 EZNet [view] EZNET 8 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 19:23 [view ] -34.6984 153.2057 CTD [view] CTD23 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-10 21:39 [view ] -34.6899 153.2084 EZNet [view] EZNET 9 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 00:05 [view ] -34.6842 153.2552 CTD [view] CTD24 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 02:42 [view ] -34.6876 153.2506 EZNet [view] EZNET 10 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 04:36 [view ] -34.7581 153.2468 Danish Trawler [view] DT20 Deployed in2017_v04 fine mesh
    2017-09-11 06:00 [view ] -34.7935 153.2388 Danish Trawler [view] DT20 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 06:39 [view ] -34.8030 153.2358 Danish Trawler [view] DT21 Deployed in2017_v04 fine mesh 34 48.18 S
    2017-09-11 06:42 [view ] -34.8042 153.2355 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_024.asvp
    2017-09-11 07:48 [view ] -34.8262 153.2307 Danish Trawler [view] DT21 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 08:20 [view ] -34.8305 153.2288 Danish Trawler [view] DT22 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 09:30 [view ] -34.8545 153.2017 Danish Trawler [view] DT22 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 10:06 [view ] -34.8600 153.2168 Danish Trawler [view] DT23 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 11:18 [view ] -34.8933 153.2075 Danish Trawler [view] DT23 Retrieved in2017_v04 fine mesh to 100 m
    2017-09-11 11:44 [view ] -34.8957 153.2052 Danish Trawler [view] DT24 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 12:50 [view ] -34.9235 153.2073 Danish Trawler [view] DT24 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 14:13 [view ] -34.8248 153.2235 CTD [view] CTD25 Start in2017_v04 down to 1000
    2017-09-11 15:23 [view ] -34.8198 153.2090 CTD [view] CTD25 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 15:28 [view ] -34.8193 153.2077 Vertical net N70-CTD25-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 15:37 [view ] -34.8188 153.2056 Vertical net N70-CTD25-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 15:41 [view ] -34.8183 153.2043 Vertical net N70-CTD25-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 15:47 [view ] -34.8180 153.2032 EM122 [view] GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_025.asvp
    2017-09-11 15:52 [view ] -34.8173 153.2007 Bongo Net [view] BN8-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 17:21 [view ] -34.8015 153.1238 EZNet [view] EZNET 11 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 18:52 [view ] -34.8453 153.0972 CTD [view] CTD26 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 20:57 [view ] -34.8126 153.0830 Triaxus [view] TRIAXUS6 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-11 23:24 [view ] -34.6970 153.2586 CTD [view] CTD27 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 04:14 [view ] -34.6035 153.2423 Danish Trawler [view] with midoc DT25 Deployed in2017_v04 137 wire out - on way in
    2017-09-12 05:09 [view ] -34.5800 153.2357 Danish Trawler [view] DT25 Retrieved in2017_v04 34 34.
    2017-09-12 05:30 [view ] -34.5603 153.2347 Danish Trawler [view] DT26 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 05:36 [view ] -34.5610 153.2348 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging Dolphins
    2017-09-12 05:56 [view ] -34.5488 153.2330 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 05:57 [view ] -34.5483 153.2330 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 08:17 [view ] -34.4900 153.2329 Danish Trawler [view] DT26 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 08:39 [view ] -34.4961 153.2403 Danish Trawler [view] DT27 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 09:08 [view ] -34.5243 153.2517 Neuston net [view] NN16 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 09:24 [view ] -34.5374 153.2558 Neuston net [view] NN16 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 09:24 [view ] -43.5383 153.2560 Neuston net [view] NN17 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 09:40 [view ] -34.5493 153.2590 Neuston net [view] NN17 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 09:41 [view ] -34.5507 153.2593 Neuston net [view] NN18 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 09:56 [view ] -34.5610 153.2620 Neuston net [view] NN18 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 09:57 [view ] -34.5610 153.2620 Neuston net [view] NN19 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 10:12 [view ] -34.5723 153.2650 Neuston net [view] NN19 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 10:12 [view ] -34.5723 153.2650 Neuston net [view] NN20 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 10:27 [view ] -34.5838 153.2678 Neuston net [view] NN20 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 11:14 [view ] -34.6205 153.2757 Danish Trawler [view] DT27 Retrieved in2017_v04 with midoc
    2017-09-12 11:48 [view ] -34.6277 153.2755 CTD [view] CTD28 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 12:47 [view ] -34.6263 153.2792 CTD [view] CTD28 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 12:57 [view ] -34.6262 153.2795 Vertical net N70CTD28-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 13:00 [view ] -34.6263 153.2798 Vertical net N70CTD28-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 13:03 [view ] -34.6268 153.2802 Vertical net N70CTD28-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 13:06 [view ] -34.6275 153.2807 Vertical net N70CTD28-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 13:25 [view ] -34.6332 153.2658 Triaxus [view] TRIAXUS7 Start in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 13:30 [view ] -34.6353 153.2600 Triaxus [view] Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-12 13:31 [view ] -34.6362 153.2580 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 on triaxus tow into shelf
    2017-09-12 15:44 [view ] -34.7925 153.1400 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_028.asvp
    2017-09-12 18:06 [view ] -34.9303 152.7838 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_033.asvp
    2017-09-12 18:52 [view ] -34.9715 152.6763 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_034.asvp
    2017-09-13 00:57 [view ] -35.2294 151.9362 CTD [view] CTD29 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 04:51 [view ] -35.1833 151.8887 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_029.asvp
    2017-09-13 04:52 [view ] -35.1827 151.8880 Danish Trawler [view] DT28 Other in2017_v04 with midoc
    2017-09-13 05:26 [view ] -35.1649 151.8718 CCN [view] maintenance in2017_v04 CCNC MilliQ replaced - yesterday Did this yesteday. No time to log.
    2017-09-13 05:27 [view ] -35.1643 151.8713 CPC [view] maintenance in2017_v04 Butanol drained from catchpot - yesterday Looks like all the butanol ends up in the catchpot, not the drain bottle. Should get a bigger catchpot and/or some way to automatically drain the catchpot
    2017-09-13 06:06 [view ] -35.1425 151.8548 Danish Trawler [view] DT28 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 06:34 [view ] -35.1370 151.8575 Danish Trawler [view] DT29 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 07:29 [view ] -35.1315 151.8113 Techsas1 [view] Reboot in2017_v04 Techsas 1 and 2 stopped and restarted Techsas 1 and Techsas 2 were found to have frozen GUIs. Both machines were rebooted. Techsas1 : turned off @06:36 and on @06:45 Techsas2: turned off @06:50 and on @07:05
    2017-09-13 09:27 [view ] -35.1342 151.7212 Danish Trawler [view] Retrieved in2017_v04 midoc
    2017-09-13 10:05 [view ] -35.1287 151.7420 Danish Trawler [view] DT30 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 10:27 [view ] -35.1290 151.7630 Neuston net [view] NN21 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 10:43 [view ] -35.1285 151.7765 Neuston net [view] NN21 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 10:44 [view ] -35.1178 151.7778 Neuston net [view] NN21 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 10:59 [view ] -35.1270 151.7888 Neuston net [view] NN21 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 11:00 [view ] -35.1268 151.7898 Neuston net [view] NN22 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 11:15 [view ] -35.1247 151.7982 Neuston net [view] NN22 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 11:16 [view ] -35.1243 151.7992 Neuston net [view] NN23 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 11:31 [view ] -35.1220 151.8080 Neuston net [view] NN23 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 11:32 [view ] -35.1218 151.8087 Neuston net [view] NN24 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 11:36 [view ] -35.1213 151.8110 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2017_v04 stopped/restarted to enable ITI NMEA broadcast @ 0946 13/9/2017
    2017-09-13 11:47 [view ] -35.1215 151.8175 Neuston net [view] NN24 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 11:49 [view ] -35.1217 151.8190 Neuston net [view] NN25 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 12:04 [view ] -35.1230 -151.8282 Neuston net [view] NN25 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 12:44 [view ] -35.1297 151.8477 Danish Trawler [view] DT30 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 13:07 [view ] -35.1301 151.8545 Other [view] Met station in2017_v04 Raining13/9/2017@13:05- started 10-15 minutes before The rain guage has been reading zero throughout the voyage which was suspecious. I asked bridge to call in when we are having rain. The raining was confirmed this evening and the current rain guage values displayed on techsas numerical display. Some very large numbers for current rain (i.e. 359.337) were shown on the dpslay mixed with normal rain values . The large values appear to be angles which suggest this could be a techsas numerial display issue as the NMEA rain sentences checked appear to be OK. It appears that there may be a notable gap in time between when the rain started and when the rain guage started sending values to Techsas. Should check the uhndeway data time stamp against a estimated start time of about 12:50
    2017-09-13 14:13 [view ] -35.1300 151.8543 CTD [view] CTD30 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 14:19 [view ] -35.1300 151.8535 Vertical net N70-CTD30-1 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 14:23 [view ] -35.1302 151.8541 Vertical Plankton Net N70CTD30-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 14:26 [view ] -35.1302 151.8537 Vertical net N70CTD30-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 14:31 [view ] -35.1303 151.8532 Vertical net N70CTD30-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 14:45 [view ] -35.1337 151.8440 Bongo Net [view] BN9-1 in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 15:00 [view ] -35.1395 151.8268 Bongo Net [view] BN9-1 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 15:03 [view ] -35.1408 151.8233 Bongo Net [view] BN9-2 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 15:07 [view ] -35.1423 151.8190 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_030.asvp
    2017-09-13 15:18 [view ] -35.1468 151.8068 Bongo Net [view] BN9-2 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 15:20 [view ] -35.1478 151.8042 Bongo Net [view] BN9-3 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 15:39 [view ] -35.1553 151.7840 Bongo Net [view] BN9-3 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 16:19 [view ] -35.1704 151.7746 EZNet [view] EZNET 12 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 18:26 [view ] -35.2353 151.7387 CTD [view] CTD31 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 21:46 [view ] -35.1447 151.7684 EZNet [view] EZNET 13 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-13 23:28 [view ] -35.2245 151.7677 CTD [view] CTD32 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 04:33 [view ] -35.3167 151.7008 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 on sw course - had line25 seg dropped out? -10 db and internal pinging
    2017-09-14 04:45 [view ] -35.3222 151.6948 Danish Trawler [view] DT31 up in2017_v04 15 minutes to go
    2017-09-14 05:19 [view ] -35.3370 151.6837 Danish Trawler [view] DT31 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 05:46 [view ] -35.3533 151.6772 Danish Trawler [view] DT32 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 08:17 [view ] -35.4652 151.6415 Danish Trawler [view] DT32 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 08:53 [view ] -35.4708 151.6465 Danish Trawler [view] DT33 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 09:29 [view ] -35.4975 151.6320 Neuston net [view] NN26 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 09:44 [view ] -35.5093 151.6280 Neuston net [view] NN27 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 09:45 [view ] -35.5107 151.6275 Neuston net [view] NN27 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:00 [view ] -35.5218 151.6245 Neuston net [view] NN27 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:01 [view ] -35.5267 151.6243 Neuston net [view] NN28 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:16 [view ] -35.5318 151.6203 Neuston net [view] NN28 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:17 [view ] -35.5325 151.6200 Neuston net [view] NN29 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:32 [view ] -35.5422 151.6155 Neuston net [view] NN29 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:33 [view ] -35.5433 151.6150 Neuston net [view] NN30 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:48 [view ] -35.5538 151.6105 Neuston net [view] NN30 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:49 [view ] -35.5548 151.6103 Neuston net [view] NN31 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 10:58 [view ] -35.5612 151.6086 Techsas1 [view] Soft Start in2017_v04 Techsas1 GUI was found frozen @15:49 13/9/2017. it was restarted this was the second freez on the 13th sept
    2017-09-14 11:04 [view ] -35.5670 151.6070 Neuston net [view] NN31 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 11:52 [view ] -35.5995 151.5945 Danish Trawler [view] DT33 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 12:28 [view ] -35.6028 151.5928 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 heading north
    2017-09-14 12:29 [view ] -35.6033 151.5920 EM122 [view] Line GSM_in2017_v04 heading north
    2017-09-14 12:32 [view ] -35.6045 151.5907 Danish Trawler [view] DT34 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 14:16 [view ] -35.6647 151.5743 EM122 [view] Outage GSM_in2017_v04 SIS crashed while zooming out on display;
    2017-09-14 15:18 [view ] -35.6933 151.5792 Danish Trawler [view] Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-14 23:44 [view ] -35.2807 151.8422 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 fairly flat
    2017-09-14 23:45 [view ] -35.2809 151.8422 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Small bump
    2017-09-14 23:47 [view ] -35.2812 151.8423 Underway Kendal Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 Slightly fell
    2017-09-15 04:10 [view ] -35.2962 151.7732 Danish Trawler [view] fine mesh with bongo DT35 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 04:29 [view ] -35.2768 151.8115 Danish Trawler [view] fine mesh DT36 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 04:38 [view ] -35.2771 151.7722 Aerosol Lab [view] maintenance in2017_v04 Water trap sensor installed Water trap sensor installed. Manifold port open from 0345 - 0426 UTC
    2017-09-15 06:02 [view ] -35.2680 151.7335 Danish Trawler [view] DT36 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 06:15 [view ] -35.2670 151.7283 Danish Trawler [view] DT37 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 07:34 [view ] -35.2660 151.6805 Danish Trawler [view] DT37 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 08:48 [view ] -35.2308 151.7628 Danish Trawler [view] DT38 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 10:29 [view ] -35.2210 151.7195 Danish Trawler [view] DT38 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 10:58 [view ] -35.2258 151.7102 Danish Trawler [view] DT39 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 12:53 [view ] -35.2262 151.6455 Danish Trawler [view] DT39 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 13:26 [view ] -35.2332 151.6427 CTD [view] CTD36 Start in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 14:26 [view ] -35.2457 151.6447 CTD [view] CTD36 Stop in2017_v04
    2017-09-15 14:49 [view ] -35.2308 151.6407 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_036.asvp
    2017-09-15 14:49 [view ] -35.2308 151.6407 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 line north
    2017-09-15 15:12 [view ] -35.1642 151.6307 Other [view] Other GSM_in2017_v04 MSS Logging GPS tide restarted had to reboot CARIS 1 as it had frozen - took a while to find restarting notes!
    2017-09-16 04:09 [view ] -35.2537 151.9875 Danish Trawler [view] DT40 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-16 06:01 [view ] -35.4035 151.8067 Danish Trawler [view] DT41 Deployed in2017_v04
    2017-09-16 07:39 [view ] -35.4527 151.7948 Danish Trawler [view] DT41 Retrieved in2017_v04
    2017-09-16 09:39 [view ] -35.5647 151.5783 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 restart EM122-2 as processing manager not restarting no depth data to sbp
    2017-09-16 13:26 [view ] -35.8184 151.0884 Metstation maintenance in2017_v04 Restarted Port 0194 board
    2017-09-16 14:08 [view ] -35.8768 150.9954 TSG Cal [view] Deployed in2017_v04 CTD/TSG cal 16/9/2017 between 0958->1400
    2017-09-16 14:38 [view ] -35.9290 150.9200 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_036.asvp
    2017-09-16 19:19 [view ] -36.3543 150.3492 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-16 19:19 [view ] -36.3543 150.3492 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-16 19:33 [view ] -36.3761 150.3267 ADCP [view] Shutdown in2017_v04 Stopped logging for montique island transect
    2017-09-16 19:45 [view ] -36.3967 150.3033 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_037.asvp
    2017-09-16 22:23 [view ] -36.3028 150.2385 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_040.asvp
    2017-09-17 00:49 [view ] -36.4100 150.2617 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_042.asvp
    2017-09-17 01:16 [view ] -36.3345 150.2778 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging Whales in area
    2017-09-17 01:36 [view ] -36.2760 150.2902 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_ctd_043.asvp
    2017-09-17 04:20 [view ] -36.1163 150.2458 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_044.asvp whale watching near montagu island
    2017-09-17 06:06 [view ] -36.1162 150.3142 Drop keel [view] on way to sydney and don't spare the horses drop keels flush with the hull up in2017_v04
    2017-09-17 06:56 [view ] -35.9617 150.3853 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2017_v04 heading north to sydney
    2017-09-17 11:18 [view ] -35.1942 150.8710 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_046.asvp
    2017-09-17 12:05 [view ] -35.0655 150.9690 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_047.asvp
    2017-09-17 12:27 [view ] -35.0080 151.0127 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_048.asvp
    2017-09-17 17:24 [view ] -34.1870 151.3038 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_v04 in2017_v04_sst_049.asvp
    2017-09-17 19:24 [view ] -34.0120 151.3663 Other [view] warning GSM_in2017_v04 Bridge Sounder turned on for entry to Sydney All data on 200kHz and 120kHz EK60 and ME70 frequencies near 120kHz affected by noise generated by ship sounder
    2017-09-17 20:12 [view ] -33.9627 151.3704 ADCP [view] Stop in2017_v04 Ended cruise Got good bottom track leaving Brisbane. Iain requested ek60 logging into Sydney so may as well end now.
    2017-09-17 21:31 [view ] -33.8767 151.3644 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2017_v04 Restarted GUI after freeze
    2017-09-17 21:52 [view ] -33.8330 151.3538 EK60 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-17 21:52 [view ] -33.8330 151.3538 ME70 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 Logging
    2017-09-17 22:03 [view ] -33.8330 151.3144 TSG [view] Stop in2017_v04
    2017-09-17 22:06 [view ] -33.8312 151.3075 Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] Stop in2017_v04 requested, raw, circulating and instrument clean pumps off.
    2017-09-17 23:13 [view ] -33.8670 151.2225 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_v04 sydney

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    >cfset depth_range = '5'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 54'> >cfset depth_range = '30'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 125'> >cfset depth_range = '35'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 99'> >cfset depth_range = '13'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 106'> >cfset depth_range = '14'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 104'> >cfset depth_range = '18'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 121'> >cfset depth_range = '23'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 101'> >cfset depth_range = '13'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 115'> >cfset depth_range = '10'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 61'> >cfset depth_range = '12'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 102'> >cfset depth_range = '21'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 21'> >cfset depth_range = '18'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 17'> >cfset depth_range = '15'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 33'> >cfset depth_range = '19'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 36'> >cfset depth_range = '32'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 29'> >cfset depth_range = '29'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 33'> >cfset depth_range = '31'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 17'>
    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepth rangeMax DepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Altimeter-163,Autosal Salinometer,Burket Flow meter,Burket Flow meter,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO air sampling inlet,CSIRO air sampling inlet,Chelsea Tech Fluorometer,Gyrocompass,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,ISAR SST,Kobold MIK-C Flow meter,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Port drop keel sensor,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-SN 82705,RM Young Rain Gauge,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,Remote Temperature (T) - SN 671,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder,Starboard drop keel sensor,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777,Vaisala Ship's Barometer PTB330 2458 2017-08-31 04:14 2017-09-17 23:25 -27.3826 153.1620 -33.8683 151.2220
    ADCP Data [details]   Teledyne RDI ADCP 75 kHz 2458 2017-08-31 20:56 2017-09-17 05:29 -26.7663 153.5176 -36.3690 150.3338 846
    Catch [details] 0   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-08-31 21:06 2017-08-31 21:41 -26.7718 155.5500 -26.7866 153.6689
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 1 CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-08-31 23:07 2017-08-31 23:51 -27.1026 155.9780 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 2 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 23 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-01 00:43 2017-09-01 02:10 -27.1045 155.9835 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 4 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-01 15:01 2017-09-01 15:58 -27.4630 156.0159 0
    Catch [details] 1   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-01 15:20 2017-09-01 16:17 -27.6565 155.5998 -27.1313 155.9984 54
    Catch [details] 2   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-01 18:50 2017-09-01 19:10 -27.2165 156.0240 -27.2413 156.0273 163
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 5 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-01 19:41 2017-09-01 20:32 -27.3618 155.9941 0
    Catch [details] 3   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-01 23:35 2017-09-01 23:55 -27.3719 155.9888 -27.2826 155.9858 113
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 6 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-02 00:15 2017-09-02 01:08 -27.0995 156.0724 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 7 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-02 15:39 2017-09-02 16:36 -27.3268 155.9486 0
    Catch [details] 5   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-02 18:53 2017-09-02 19:13 -27.3772 156.0036 -27.3906 155.9933 491
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 8 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-02 19:13 2017-09-02 20:05 -27.1909 155.9703 0
    Catch [details] 6   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-02 22:53 2017-09-02 23:13 -27.3647 156.0164 -27.3764 155.9719 120
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 9 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-03 00:40 2017-09-03 01:31 -27.0014 156.0204 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 10 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-03 13:38 2017-09-03 14:33 -27.1226 156.0324 0
    Catch [details] 4   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-03 15:01 2017-09-03 15:21 -27.2117 156.2469 -27.2203 156.0458 106
    Catch [details] 7   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-03 15:28 2017-09-03 15:48 -27.0869 155.9956 -27.0853 156.0031 500
    Catch [details] 8   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-03 18:44 2017-09-03 19:04 -27.2069 155.9192 -27.2256 155.9069 110
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 11 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-03 23:40 2017-09-04 00:31 -27.2462 155.8900 0
    Towed CTD [details] 2   Triaxus 2017-09-04 02:51 2017-09-04 06:03 -27.0912 156.0770 -27.0818 156.5259 243.6 Leg
    Catch [details] 9   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-04 15:15 2017-09-04 14:35 -27.1500 155.8500 -27.1372 155.8511 115
    Towed CTD [details] 3   Triaxus 2017-09-04 16:34 2017-09-04 20:13 -27.1049 155.8487 -27.3461 155.4285 196 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 3   Triaxus 2017-09-04 20:14 2017-09-05 02:06 -27.3474 155.4289 -27.4906 154.6463 197 Leg
    XBT Cast [details]   Sippican Deep Blue 2548 2017-09-06 13:13 1100.3
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 12 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-06 14:26 2017-09-06 15:33 -33.1457 154.4490 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 13 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-06 19:15 2017-09-06 20:12 -33.0945 154.5938 0
    Catch [details] 10   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-06 19:58 2017-09-06 20:08 -33.0522 154.8081 -33.0617 154.8525 112
    Catch [details] 11   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-06 23:20 2017-09-06 23:40 -33.1364 154.4692 -33.1350 154.4736 506
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 14 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-07 00:14 2017-09-07 01:07 -33.1567 154.4859 0
    Catch [details] 12   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-07 14:36 2017-09-07 14:56 -33.2033 154.3686 -33.2019 154.5719 107.5
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 15 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-07 15:38 2017-09-07 16:41 -33.2068 154.2154 0
    Catch [details] 13   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-07 17:58 2017-09-07 18:18 -33.2128 154.3233 -33.2200 154.3106 185
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 16 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-07 19:27 2017-09-07 20:17 -33.2573 154.1325 0
    Catch [details] 14   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-07 21:30 2017-09-07 21:50 -33.2867 154.2192 -33.2919 154.2011 101
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 17 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-08 00:06 2017-09-08 01:02 -33.2014 154.3166 0
    Catch [details] 15   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-08 15:02 2017-09-08 15:22 -33.2678 154.3247 -33.2753 154.4192 490
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 18 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-08 19:16 2017-09-08 19:40 -33.2639 152.1148 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 19 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-09 00:35 2017-09-09 01:35 -33.2774 152.3516 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 20 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-09 15:57 2017-09-09 16:47 -33.0161 152.9160 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 21 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-10 02:15 2017-09-10 03:04 -34.4926 153.2661 0
    XBT Cast [details]   Sippican Deep Blue 2548 2017-09-10 07:37 1100.3
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 22 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-10 14:28 2017-09-10 15:20 -34.7157 153.2183 0
    Catch [details] 16   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-10 15:37 2017-09-10 16:43 -34.5381 153.5025 -34.5847 153.5186 125
    Catch [details] 17   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-10 18:41 2017-09-10 20:09 -34.6044 153.3997 -34.6397 153.5186 99
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 23 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-10 19:28 2017-09-10 20:21 -34.6983 153.2055 0
    Catch [details] 18   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-10 20:39 2017-09-10 21:52 -34.6533 153.2464 -34.6714 153.2525 106
    Catch [details] 19   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-10 22:23 2017-09-10 23:40 -34.6906 153.2275 -34.7144 153.2719 104.2
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 24 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-11 00:10 2017-09-11 01:02 -34.6841 153.2550 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 25 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-11 14:23 2017-09-11 15:19 -34.8240 153.2237 0
    Catch [details] 20   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-11 14:40 2017-09-11 16:00 -34.7669 153.2536 -34.7850 153.3275 121
    Catch [details] 21   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-11 16:42 2017-09-11 18:00 -34.8078 153.2692 -34.8339 155.4411 101
    Catch [details] 22   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-11 18:22 2017-09-11 19:41 -34.8439 153.4025 -34.8600 153.2414 115
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 26 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-11 18:59 2017-09-11 19:51 -34.8437 153.0978 0
    Catch [details] 23   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-11 20:08 2017-09-11 21:27 -34.8703 153.2189 -34.9017 153.3108 61
    Catch [details] 24   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-11 21:48 2017-09-11 22:58 -34.8858 153.2942 -34.9181 153.3192 102
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 27 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-11 23:28 2017-09-12 00:19 -34.6969 153.2588 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 28 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-12 11:52 2017-09-12 12:43 -34.6277 153.2757 0
    Catch [details] 25   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-12 14:17 2017-09-12 14:37 -34.6033 153.2347 -34.5978 153.3053 102
    Catch [details] 26   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-12 17:25 2017-09-12 17:45 -34.5103 153.2192 -34.4933 153.4608 116
    Catch [details] 27   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-12 20:34 2017-09-12 20:54 -34.5947 153.3086 -34.6092 153.3581 97.3
    Towed CTD [details] 7   Triaxus 2017-09-12 23:50 2017-09-13 00:28 -34.6499 153.2393 -34.7171 153.3029 196 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 7   Triaxus 2017-09-13 00:38 2017-09-13 10:38 -34.7419 153.3170 -35.2432 151.9423 333 Leg
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 29 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-13 01:02 2017-09-13 01:53 -35.2295 151.9355 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 30 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-13 13:16 2017-09-13 14:08 -35.1299 151.8548 0
    Catch [details] 28   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-13 15:34 2017-09-13 15:54 -35.1678 151.8914 -35.1589 151.9858 110.9
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 31 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-13 18:30 2017-09-13 19:21 -35.2357 151.7386 0
    Catch [details] 29   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-13 18:54 2017-09-13 19:14 -35.1431 151.8858 -35.1339 151.9164 507.5
    Catch [details] 30   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-13 22:09 2017-09-13 22:29 -35.1281 152.0581 -35.1339 151.8469 101.6
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 32 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-13 23:32 2017-09-14 00:23 -35.2247 151.7687 0
    Catch [details] 34   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-14 00:32 2017-09-14 00:52 -35.6761 151.6872 -35.6928 151.6886 102.8
    Catch [details] 31   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-14 14:39 2017-09-14 14:59 -35.3172 151.7058 -35.3356 151.7608 475
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 33 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-14 15:49 2017-09-14 16:46 -35.7111 151.5919 0
    Catch [details] 32   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-14 17:51 2017-09-14 18:11 -35.4519 151.8692 -35.4517 151.7914 119.6
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 34 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-14 19:37 2017-09-14 20:31 -35.6395 151.6980 0
    Catch [details] 33   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-14 21:11 2017-09-14 21:31 -35.5767 151.6967 -35.5928 151.6636 493.3
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 35 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-14 23:36 2017-09-15 00:28 -35.2807 151.8422 0
    Catch [details] 35   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-15 12:44 2017-09-15 13:45 -35.2864 151.8300 -35.3014 151.7833 21.3
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 36 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-15 13:28 2017-09-15 14:20 -35.2331 151.6427 0
    Catch [details] 36   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-15 14:37 2017-09-15 15:49 -35.2842 151.8400 -35.2733 151.7356 17.9
    Catch [details] 37   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-15 16:24 2017-09-15 17:35 -35.2772 151.7822 -35.2525 151.9206 32.7
    Catch [details] 38   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-15 19:02 2017-09-15 20:02 -35.2372 151.7997 -35.2211 151.7386 35.7
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 37 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-15 19:11 2017-09-15 20:01 -35.4439 152.0816 0
    Catch [details] 39   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-15 21:10 2017-09-15 22:30 -35.2328 151.7494 -35.2258 151.7414 31.5
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 38 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer 2458 2017-09-15 22:50 2017-09-15 23:43 -35.2877 152.0484 0
    Catch [details] 41   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 2017-09-16 16:11 2017-09-16 17:11 -35.4211 151.8997 -35.5186 152.0169 33.1
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 06:20 2017-09-17 07:12 -36.4227 150.2813 -36.4517 150.1987 22 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 07:12 2017-09-17 08:14 -36.4511 150.1980 -36.3169 150.2478 2 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 08:23 2017-09-17 08:32 -36.3032 150.2434 -36.3040 150.2266 1.6 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 08:41 2017-09-17 09:49 -36.3104 150.2128 -36.4033 150.1436 2 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 10:07 2017-09-17 10:40 -36.4282 150.1564 1.1 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 10:49 2017-09-17 11:42 -36.4147 150.2617 -36.2619 150.2926 0.8 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 11:51 2017-09-17 12:39 -36.2403 150.2873 -36.2140 150.1875 1 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 12:48 2017-09-17 13:41 -36.2017 150.1726 -36.1006 150.1780 38 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 13:48 2017-09-17 14:06 -36.0904 150.1869 -36.0918 150.2305 52.7 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 14:13 2017-09-17 14:58 -36.0973 150.2455 -36.1892 150.2452 77 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 15:08 2017-09-17 15:16 -36.2092 150.2563 -36.2105 150.2810 79 Leg
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2017-09-17 15:24 2017-09-17 15:56 -36.2021 150.3006 -36.1269 150.3124 79 Leg
    Catch [details] 40   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2569 -35.1958 152.2219 -35.2542 152.0608 31.4

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