Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.
- is a Marine National Facility voyage
Title: The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems
Voyage details on MNF site:
Period: 2017-08-31 04:00 to 2017-09-18 00:00 UTC
Duration: 17.83 days
From: Brisbane To: Sydney
Region: New South Wales coast
Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]
Description: Zooplankton include the microscopic animals that link the ocean's single-celled algae and our fisheries, but it is a complex link. Huge changes in fish production may result from subtle changes in zooplankton production. The size distribution of zooplankton is a practical way to investigate this problem. This relatively simple size-based ecosystem will be integrated with the much larger sizes of krill, squid and pelagic fish. For the first time, the links between open ocean production and coastal fisheries of south eastern Australia will be established. This will inform environmental assessments and ecosystem sustainability, including the viability of super-trawlers in Australian waters.
Leader: Iain Suthers (UNSW)
Project: The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems [details] Primary

Voyage extents: 36° 27.5' S to 26° 42.5' S 150° 08.4' E to 156° 31.7' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV
Marlin Metadata:-

Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-
Participants - on ship:-
Name | Role | Organisation | Project |
Chris Brownlee | Microbiologist | University of New South Wales | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Don McKenzie | Voyage Manager | Marine National Facility | Voyage Management on RV Investigator |
Iain Suthers | Chief Scientist | University of New South Wales | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Natasha Henschke | Deputy Chief Scientist | University of British Columbia (CA) | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Participants - shore based:-
Name | Role | Organisation | Project |
Alistair Hobday | Principal Investigator | CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Evgeny Pakhomov | Principal Investigator | University of British Columbia (CA) | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Jason Everett | Principal Investigator | University of New South Wales | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Julia Blanchard | Principal Investigator | University of Tasmania | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Mark Brown | Principal Investigator | University of New South Wales | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Martina Doblin | Principal Investigator | University of Technology, Sydney | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Moninya Roughan | Principal Investigator | University of New South Wales | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
Shane Keating | Principal Investigator | University of New South Wales | The whole enchilada: from production to predation in Tasman Sea ecosystems |
This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.
Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing
IN2017_V04 Voyage Plan
- includes objectives, investigator details, proposed data collection, voyage track and equipment to be used.
IN2017_V04 Scientific Highlights
- report of the key outputs
IN2017_V04 Voyage Summary
- includes preliminary results, voyage narrative, types of data collected with C77/ROSCOP codes.
IN2017_V04 Underway data Processing Report
- details of data processing steps, calibration information, instruments used and any issues with the data.
IN2017_V04 CTD data Processing Report
- details of data processing steps, calibration information, instruments used and any issues with the data.
IN2017_V04 Hydrology data Processing Report
- details of data processing steps, calibration information, instruments used and any issues with the data.
IN2017_V04 Triaxus ProcessingReport
- details of data processing steps, calibration information, instruments used and any issues with the data.
IN2017_V04 ADCP Processing Report
- details of data processing steps, calibration information, instruments used and any issues with the data.
- View Survey map
Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.
- Bakker, Dorothee C E; Lauvset, Siv K; Wanninkhof, Rik; Castaño-Primo, Rocío; Currie, Kim I; Jones, Steve D; Landa, Camilla S; Metzl, Nicolas; Nakaoka, Shin-Ichiro; Nojiri, Yukihiro; Nonaka, Isao; O'Brien, Kevin M; Olsen, Are; Pfeil, Benjamin; Pierrot, Denis; Schuster, Ute; Smith, Karl; Sullivan, Kevin; Sutton, Adrienne; Tilbrook, Bronte; Alin, Simone; Becker, Meike; Benoit-Cattin, Alice; Bott, Randy; Bozec, Yann; Bozzano, Roberto; Burger, Eugene; Burgers, Tonya; Cai, Wei-Jun; Chen, Liqi; Chierici, Melissa; Corredor, Jorge; Cosca, Catherine E; Cross, Jessica; Dandonneau, Yves; De Carlo, Eric Heinen; Dietrich, Colin; Else, Brent G T; Emerson, Steven R; Farías, Laura; Fransson, Agneta; Garreaud, René D; Gkritzalis, Thanos; Glockzin, Michael; González-Dávila, Melchor; Gregor, Luke; Hartman, Sue E; Hermes, Rudolf; Hoppema, Mario; Howden, Stephan; Hunt, Christopher W; Hydes, David; Ibánhez, J Severino P; Kitidis, Vassilis; Körtzinger, Arne; Kozyr, Alexander; Kuwata, Akira; Lampitt, Richard Stephen; Lefèvre, Nathalie; Lo Monaco, Claire; Maenner, Stacy M; Manke, Ansley; Manzello, Derek P; McGillis, Wade; Mickett, John; Monteiro, Pedro M S; Morell, Julio; Morrison, Ru; Mucci, Alfonso; Munro, David R; Musielewicz, Sylvia; Negri, Ruben M; Newberger, Timothy; Newton, Jan; Noakes, Scott; O'Brien, Chris; Ólafsdóttir, Sólveig Rósa; Ólafsson, Jón; Ono, Tsuneo; Osborne, John; Ouyang, Zhangxian; Padín, Xose Antonio; Papakyriakou, Tim N; Plüddemann, Albert J; Rehder, Gregor; Sabine, Christopher L; Sakurai, Keizo; Salisbury, Joe; Santana-Casiano, Juana Magdalena; Schlitzer, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Send, Uwe; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Steinhoff, Tobias; Sulpis, Olivier; Sutherland, Stewart C; Sweeney, Colm; Tadokoro, Kazuaki; Takahashi, Taro; Telszewski, Maciej; Thomas, Helmuth; Tomlinson, Michael; Trull, Tom W; Valdimarsson, Héðinn; van Heuven, Steven; Vandemark, Doug; Wada, Chisato; Wallace, Douglas WR; Watson, Andrew J; Weller, Robert A; Xu, Suqing (2018): Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V6. PANGAEA 10.1594/PANGAEA.890974
- Suthers, Iain; Boyd, Matt; Heaney, Bernadette; Navidad, Cisco; Gifford, Davina (2023): IN2017_V04 East Australian Current Bathymetry 10m - 210m Multi-resolution AusSeabed products. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection. 10.25919/4gmz-7n07
- Tilbrook, Bronte; Neill, Craig; Akl, John (2017). Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) sea surface and atmospheric fCO2 measurements in the Southern Ocean onboard R/V Investigator in 2017 (NCEI Accession 0169488). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. 10.7289/v5rv0kz4
IPT Resource
- Bongo net samples - RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea (2017) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- Cephalopod specimens from RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- MIDOC fish and micronekton samples - RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea (2017) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- Measurements of the salp Pyrosoma atlanticum, RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V04, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V04 Cetacean and Seabird Observations, Tasman Sea, Australia (2017) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
Journal Article
- Archer, Matthew,Schaeffer, Amandine,Keating, Shane,Roughan, Moninya,Holmes, Ryan,Siegelman, Lia (2020) Observations of Submesoscale Variability and Frontal Subduction within the Mesoscale Eddy Field of the Tasman Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography 50 pp1509-1529. 10.1175/jpo-d-19-0131.1
- Firme, Giselle F.,Hughes, David J.,Laiolo, Leonardo,Roughan, Moninya,Suthers, Iain M.,Doblin, Martina A. (2023) Contrasting phytoplankton composition and primary productivity in multiple mesoscale eddies along the East Australian coast. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 193 pp103952-. 10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103952
- Henschke, Natasha,Pakhomov, Evgeny A.,Kwong, Lian E.,Everett, Jason D.,Laiolo, Leonardo,Coghlan, Amy R.,Suthers, Iain M. (2019) Large Vertical Migrations of Pyrosoma atlanticum Play an Important Role in Active Carbon Transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 pp1056-1070. 10.1029/2018JG004918
- Hinchliffe, Charles,Matis, Paloma A.,Schilling, Hayden T.,Everett, Jason D.,Miskiewicz, Anthony G.,Pepin, Pierre,Falster, Daniel S.,Suthers, Iain M. (2023) Plankton size spectra as an indicator of larval success in Pacific sardine. Fisheries Oceanography 32 pp196-212. 10.1111/fog.12620
- Holland, Matthew M.,Everett, Jason D.,Cox, Martin J.,Doblin, Martina A.,Suthers, Iain M. (2021) Pelagic forage fish distribution in a dynamic shelf ecosystem – Thermal demands and zooplankton prey distribution. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 249 pp107074-. 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.107074
- Kwong, Lian E.,Henschke, Natasha,Pakhomov, Evgeny A.,Everett, Jason D.,Suthers, Iain M. (2020) Mesozooplankton and Micronekton Active Carbon Transport in Contrasting Eddies. Frontiers in Marine Science 6 pp-. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00825
- Malan, Neil,Archer, Matthew,Roughan, Moninya,Cetina-Heredia, Paulina,Hemming, Michael,Rocha, Carlos,Schaeffer, Amandine,Suthers, Iain,Queiroz, Eduardo (2020) Eddy-Driven Cross-Shelf Transport in the East Australian Current Separation Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 pp-. 10.1029/2019JC015613
- Murphy, Kieran J.,Pecl, Gretta T.,Everett, Jason D.,Heneghan, Ryan F.,Richards, Shane A.,Richardson, Anthony J.,Semmens, Jayson M.,Blanchard, Julia L. (2023) Improving the biological realism of predator–prey size relationships in food web models alters ecosystem dynamics. Biology Letters 19 pp-. 10.1098/rsbl.2023.0142
- Murphy, Kieran J.,Pecl, Gretta T.,Richards, Shane A.,Semmens, Jayson M.,Revill, Andrew T.,Suthers, Iain M.,Everett, Jason D.,Trebilco, Rowan,Blanchard, Julia L.,O'Gorman, Eoin (2020) Functional traits explain trophic allometries of cephalopods. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 pp2692-2703. 10.1111/1365-2656.13333
- Soja-Woźniak, Monika,Laiolo, Leonardo,Baird, Mark E.,Matear, Richard,Clementson, Lesley,Schroeder, Thomas,Doblin, Martina A.,Suthers, Iain M. (2020) Effect of phytoplankton community size structure on remote-sensing reflectance and chlorophyll a products. Journal of Marine Systems 211 pp103400-. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2020.103400
- Garside, Peter, Suthers, Iain, Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW, and Mazumder, Debashish, Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation. The Size Based Ecosystems of Warm and Cold Core Eddies off Eastern Australia (2021). Web. External link to reference
Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages
Data publishing
This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.
Data Stream | Data Summary | Get data | ||||||||||||||
ADCP Data |
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Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples |
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CTD profile |
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Hydrology |
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pCO2 |
External link - download datafile at IMOS Data fields and units document (.pdf) |
Radon measurements |
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Towed CTD |
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Underway |
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Wildlife Observations |
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XBT Profile |
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Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.
Search for events from this voyage and others
Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.
When (UTC) | Latitude | Longitude | Instrument | Identifier | Action | Log | Subject / Comments |
2017-08-31 01:11 [view ] | Drop keel [view] | down | in2017_v04 | port drop keel to flush with hull (both drop keels now flush with hull) | |||
2017-08-31 04:36 [view ] | -27.3711 | 153.1678 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | Started Pinging | |
2017-08-31 05:25 [view ] | -27.2345 | 153.2725 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_27_16S_153_15E.asvp start of voyage - leaving brisbane - test ek60 and me70 | |
2017-08-31 06:48 [view ] | -27.0415 | 153.2584 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2017_v04 | Stopped to lower gondela | |
2017-08-31 07:03 [view ] | -26.9961 | 153.2382 | Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | instrument clean seawater pump started some trouble getting pumps started, with air and particulate in line | |
2017-08-31 07:09 [view ] | -26.9741 | 153.2293 | Underway Seawater Data | Start | in2017_v04 | Underway seawater instruments started TSG a little low, 57LPM | |
2017-08-31 07:10 [view ] | -26.9710 | 153.2280 | Aerosol Lab [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | Aerosol Instruments Running SMPS not on board this voyage | |
2017-08-31 07:11 [view ] | -26.9678 | 153.2267 | Air Chemistry [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | Air Chemistry Instruments Running Aerodyne not working | |
2017-08-31 07:12 [view ] | -26.9678 | 153.2267 | Weather Radar [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | Weather radar running No live movie loops coming through | |
2017-08-31 07:42 [view ] | -26.8802 | 153.1673 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_002.asvp | |
2017-08-31 08:45 [view ] | -26.7100 | 153.1914 | Drop keel [view] | down | in2017_v04 | both drop keels to flush with gondola | |
2017-08-31 09:02 [view ] | -26.7293 | 153.2333 | Radon detector [view] | calibration | in2017_v04 | Manual calibration - injection on Flush was started at 0400. Will turn off injection in 5 hours. | |
2017-08-31 09:15 [view ] | -26.7300 | 153.2480 | SV Probe [view] | Stop | in2017_v04 | stopped for identifying noise in ek60 | |
2017-08-31 10:20 [view ] | -26.7497 | 153.3997 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | linear chirp finally looks good - ignore previous files! | |
2017-08-31 10:36 [view ] | -26.7588 | 153.4535 | EM710 [view] | Other | GSM_in2017_v04 | changed ksync shallow put em710 in a different group than ek60 less interference- but adcp 75 will now be turned on! | |
2017-08-31 10:47 [view ] | -26.7600 | 153.4887 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_004.asvp | |
2017-08-31 11:06 [view ] | -26.7718 | 153.5499 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 0 | error | in2017_v04 | DT 0 error |
2017-08-31 11:30 [view ] | -26.7820 | 153.6332 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_004.asvp too much interference on em710 - so stopped - made a mess of sbp120 data | |
2017-08-31 13:25 [view ] | -26.8328 | 154.0198 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_006.asvp | |
2017-08-31 14:30 [view ] | -26.8753 | 154.2356 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | N70 2 |
2017-08-31 17:22 [view ] | -26.9435 | 154.8269 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Large spikes in TSG when sample taken |
2017-08-31 17:25 [view ] | -26.9453 | 154.8408 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Fairly flat in tsg |
2017-08-31 17:27 [view ] | -26.9463 | 154.8476 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Spikes in tsg plot |
2017-08-31 23:00 [view ] | -27.1031 | 155.9772 | CTD [view] | 1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-08-31 23:30 [view ] | -27.1031 | 155.9810 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 1 | test | in2017_v04 | N70 1 test - no data collected |
2017-08-31 23:35 [view ] | -27.1035 | 155.9814 | Drop keel [view] | down | in2017_v04 | Lower to 2m | |
2017-08-31 23:35 [view ] | -27.1036 | 155.9813 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2017_v04 | Stop to lower drop keel | |
2017-08-31 23:53 [view ] | -27.1045 | 155.9830 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | Started at 2m | |
2017-08-31 23:55 [view ] | -27.1044 | 155.9832 | EK60 [view] | Other | GSM_in2017_v04 | Keels lowered to Intermediate position | |
2017-09-01 00:39 [view ] | -27.1045 | 155.9833 | CTD [view] | 2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-01 04:51 [view ] | -27.1072 | 155.9977 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_007 not logging on trawl site - offset warning changed to 2 difference - | |
2017-09-01 05:15 [view ] | -27.6565 | 155.5999 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 1 | error | in2017_v04 | DT 1 - winch problems haul aborted |
2017-09-01 06:15 [view ] | -27.1288 | 155.9977 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 3 | error | in2017_v04 | N70 3 - error |
2017-09-01 07:10 [view ] | -27.1563 | 156.0176 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | DT 2 |
2017-09-01 08:59 [view ] | -27.2183 | 156.0240 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | not getting signal depth 4792? is it too deep for sbp HD8 1 not ok; MSP6XL timeout - nav update fail | |
2017-09-01 09:33 [view ] | -27.2413 | 156.0273 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | DT 2 end |
2017-09-01 10:01 [view ] | -27.2458 | 156.0333 | Bongo Net [view] | Deployed | in2017_v04 | first bongo net deployment | |
2017-09-01 10:04 [view ] | -27.2468 | 156.0335 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_002.asvp bongo net 1 | |
2017-09-01 10:16 [view ] | -27.2569 | 156.0340 | Bongo Net [view] | Deployed | in2017_v04 | 20 m /min for 7.5 mins down and then same speed retrieve | |
2017-09-01 10:32 [view ] | -27.2715 | 156.0341 | Bongo Net [view] | BN1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-01 10:35 [view ] | -27.2738 | 156.0400 | Bongo Net [view] | BN1-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | 20 m/m for 7.5 minutes |
2017-09-01 10:53 [view ] | -27.2903 | 156.0335 | Bongo Net [view] | BN1-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-01 10:55 [view ] | -27.2915 | 156.0167 | Bongo Net [view] | BN1-3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-01 11:13 [view ] | -27.3075 | 156.0323 | Bongo Net [view] | BN 1-3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-01 11:14 [view ] | -27.3093 | 156.0323 | Bongo Net [view] | ops finished | Stop | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-01 11:35 [view ] | -27.3619 | 155.9942 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | DT 3 start |
2017-09-01 14:30 [view ] | -27.2826 | 155.9858 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | DT 3 end |
2017-09-01 14:48 [view ] | -27.4628 | 156.0175 | CTD [view] | ctd 3 | Start | in2017_v04 | on deck |
2017-09-01 16:15 [view ] | -27.4617 | 156.0036 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 4 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | N70 4 |
2017-09-01 17:37 [view ] | -27.4698 | 155.9889 | Triaxus [view] | TRIAXUS1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | Triaxis tow 1 |
2017-09-01 17:38 [view ] | -27.4725 | 155.9884 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-01 19:34 [view ] | -27.3619 | 155.9943 | CTD [view] | Deployed | in2017_v04 | CTD 5 | |
2017-09-01 19:57 [view ] | -27.3630 | 155.9926 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_004.asvp | |
2017-09-01 20:55 [view ] | -27.3720 | 155.9902 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 5 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | N70 5 |
2017-09-01 23:13 [view ] | -27.1601 | 156.0212 | pCO2 [view] | Reboot | in2017_v04 | PCO2 machine restart attempt to fix outgoing_files server location, adjust flows | |
2017-09-02 00:04 [view ] | -27.0993 | 156.0720 | CTD [view] | Deployed | in2017_v04 | CTD 6 | |
2017-09-02 00:34 [view ] | -27.0996 | 156.0727 | Other [view] | Deployed | in2017_v04 | satlantic profiler II deployed (floating) | |
2017-09-02 01:15 [view ] | -27.1002 | 156.0743 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 6 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | N70 6 |
2017-09-02 02:18 [view ] | -27.1069 | 156.0808 | Other [view] | Deployed | in2017_v04 | satlantic profiler II deployed (sinking) | |
2017-09-02 03:01 [view ] | -27.4352 | 156.0130 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 4 | hauling | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 05:21 [view ] | -27.4578 | 156.0195 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 4 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | also known as midoc |
2017-09-02 06:38 [view ] | -27.2830 | -156.0232 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 5 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | not sure what trawl no |
2017-09-02 09:27 [view ] | -27.3980 | 155.9852 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 5 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | danish trawl with middoc |
2017-09-02 10:54 [view ] | -27.2765 | 155.9810 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 6 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | with midoc |
2017-09-02 11:22 [view ] | -27.3053 | 155.9790 | Neuston net [view] | NN1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 11:33 [view ] | -27.3093 | 155.9783 | Neuston net [view] | NN1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | not sampled |
2017-09-02 11:37 [view ] | -27.3115 | 155.9782 | Neuston net [view] | NN2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 11:54 [view ] | -27.3213 | 155.9765 | Neuston net [view] | NN2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | not sampled |
2017-09-02 11:55 [view ] | -27.3217 | 155.9765 | Neuston net [view] | NN3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 12:11 [view ] | -27.3318 | 155.9748 | Neuston net [view] | NN3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | not sampled |
2017-09-02 13:29 [view ] | -27.3868 | 155.9642 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 6 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 13:50 [view ] | -27.3995 | 155.9595 | Bongo Net [view] | BN2-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 14:07 [view ] | -27.3815 | 155.9557 | Bongo Net [view] | BN2-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 14:09 [view ] | -27.3793 | 155.9552 | Bongo Net [view] | BN2-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 14:28 [view ] | -27.3652 | 155.9523 | Bongo Net [view] | BN2-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 15:34 [view ] | -27.3432 | 155.9468 | CTD [view] | CTD7 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-02 16:50 [view ] | -27.3239 | 155.9502 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 7 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | N70 7 |
2017-09-02 19:02 [view ] | -27.1903 | 155.9705 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_007.asvp | |
2017-09-02 19:08 [view ] | -27.1910 | 155.9704 | CTD [view] | CTD 8 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | CTD 8 |
2017-09-02 20:20 [view ] | -27.1964 | 155.9735 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 8 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 8 |
2017-09-02 20:47 [view ] | -27.1073 | 155.5893 | EZNet [view] | EZ1 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | EZNet 1 |
2017-09-02 23:02 [view ] | -27.0731 | 155.9823 | EZNet [view] | EZ2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 00:34 [view ] | -27.0011 | 156.0191 | CTD [view] | CTD 9 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 01:00 [view ] | -27.0036 | 156.0238 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Very flat |
2017-09-03 01:01 [view ] | -27.0037 | 156.0240 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Very flat |
2017-09-03 01:02 [view ] | -27.0039 | 156.0242 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Slight dip in sal tsg plot |
2017-09-03 01:07 [view ] | -27.0040 | 156.0252 | Aerosol Lab [view] | Repair | in2017_v04 | Ozone monitor - change to all PFA water trap (time with potential back flow to manifold) ie between 2017-09-03 01:07:00 and 2017-09-03 01:24:00 | |
2017-09-03 01:51 [view ] | -27.0086 | 156.0289 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 9 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 9 |
2017-09-03 03:08 [view ] | -27.0111 | 156.0300 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 7 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 05:24 [view ] | -27.0831 | 155.9922 | CPC [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | MFC found off. Reconnected power, now ok | |
2017-09-03 05:55 [view ] | -27.0998 | 155.9808 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 7 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | all nets fired, retrieving with midoc |
2017-09-03 06:38 [view ] | -27.1275 | 155.9612 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 8 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | deploying |
2017-09-03 07:54 [view ] | -27.1783 | 155.9260 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | restart SBP recording on DT 8 | |
2017-09-03 08:09 [view ] | -27.1851 | 155.9227 | CPC [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | Fixed Butanol restriction The butanol inlet tube was too long, and butanol was not getting in to the chamber. I shortened the tube and it appears to be working | |
2017-09-03 09:05 [view ] | -27.2160 | 155.9037 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 8 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | retrieving |
2017-09-03 10:00 [view ] | -27.2470 | 155.8910 | EZNet [view] | EZ3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | deploying from deck there will also be neuston nets while EZ in water - NN3-1, NN3-2 etc where 3 corresponds to the EZ operation |
2017-09-03 10:30 [view ] | -27.2262 | 155.9092 | Neuston net [view] | NN3-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 10:40 [view ] | -27.2192 | 155.9163 | Neuston net [view] | NN3-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 10:41 [view ] | -27.2185 | 155.9170 | Neuston net [view] | NN3-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 10:52 [view ] | -27.2112 | 155.9252 | Neuston net [view] | NN3-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 11:32 [view ] | -27.1838 | 155.9567 | EZNet [view] | EZ3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | onboard |
2017-09-03 11:51 [view ] | -27.1717 | 155.9713 | EZNet [view] | EZ4 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 11:55 [view ] | -27.1688 | 155.9747 | Neuston net [view] | NN4-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 12:05 [view ] | -27.1630 | 155.9816 | Neuston net [view] | NN4-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 12:07 [view ] | -27.1620 | 155.9827 | Neuston net [view] | NN4-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 12:18 [view ] | -27.1565 | 155.9897 | Neuston net [view] | NN4-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 12:19 [view ] | -27.1558 | 155.9907 | Neuston net [view] | NN4-3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | 20 minute tow looking for lobster |
2017-09-03 12:41 [view ] | -27.1455 | 156.0043 | Neuston net [view] | NN4-3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 12:42 [view ] | -27.1447 | 156.0055 | Neuston net [view] | NN4-4 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 12:54 [view ] | -27.1387 | 156.0137 | Neuston net [view] | NN4-4 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 13:01 [view ] | -27.1348 | 156.0185 | EZNet [view] | EZ4 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | retrieving |
2017-09-03 13:22 [view ] | -27.1225 | 156.0328 | SBP [view] | Line | GSM_in2017_v04 | at CTD 10 lilne 5 has nice run up to mount boyd | |
2017-09-03 14:32 [view ] | -27.1228 | 156.0312 | CTD [view] | CTD10 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 15:10 [view ] | -27.1232 | 156.0303 | Bopak [view] | BK1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 15:15 [view ] | -27.1232 | 156.0303 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 11 | in2017_v04 | N70 11 | |
2017-09-03 15:15 [view ] | -27.1228 | 156.0310 | Vertical net | N70 10 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | N70 10 |
2017-09-03 16:20 [view ] | -27.1196 | 156.0378 | Triaxus [view] | TRIAXUS2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-03 17:43 [view ] | -27.0908 | 156.2082 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_010.asvp | |
2017-09-03 17:44 [view ] | -27.0908 | 156.2082 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging data Deep water with soft bottom getting good penetration | |
2017-09-03 23:34 [view ] | -27.2464 | 155.8899 | CTD [view] | CTD 11 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-04 00:28 [view ] | -27.2463 | 155.8900 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Slight dip during sampling |
2017-09-04 00:30 [view ] | -27.2462 | 155.8900 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Fairly flat |
2017-09-04 00:31 [view ] | -27.2463 | 155.8900 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Very flat |
2017-09-04 01:29 [view ] | -27.2467 | 155.8886 | Aerodyne [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-04 03:52 [view ] | -27.1677 | 155.8644 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-04 03:59 [view ] | -27.1625 | 155.8627 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT9 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | not sure what time it was deployed |
2017-09-04 06:06 [view ] | -27.1147 | 155.8548 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT9 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | midoc didn& 39;t work - |
2017-09-04 06:14 [view ] | -27.1158 | 155.8560 | Triaxus [view] | TR3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | on deck to site 2 |
2017-09-04 06:32 [view ] | -27.1053 | 155.8489 | Triaxus [view] | TRIAXUS3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-04 06:41 [view ] | -27.0967 | 155.8402 | Other [view] | SBP start file 10 | in2017_v04 | triaxus 3 site 1 to inshore | |
2017-09-04 06:47 [view ] | -27.0998 | 155.8283 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | line 10 triaxus line from site 1 to inshore | |
2017-09-04 12:04 [view ] | -27.3900 | 155.1588 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_008.asvp | |
2017-09-04 14:21 [view ] | -27.4550 | 154.8438 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_009.asvp | |
2017-09-04 14:48 [view ] | -27.4653 | 154.7897 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_010.sst | |
2017-09-04 19:48 [view ] | -27.8965 | 154.2725 | Aerodyne [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | re-attempt to start, with cal run | |
2017-09-04 19:49 [view ] | -27.8965 | 154.2725 | Aerosol Lab [view] | Software Update | in2017_v04 | modify aerosol lab manifold sensor code to include pump timer and water sensor (app v1.02) | |
2017-09-04 20:31 [view ] | -28.0120 | 154.2127 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_012.asvp | |
2017-09-04 21:46 [view ] | -28.1880 | 154.0353 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_013.asvp | |
2017-09-04 23:06 [view ] | -28.3655 | 153.8420 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-04 23:12 [view ] | -28.3807 | 153.8256 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-05 00:02 [view ] | -28.4734 | 153.8848 | Drifter | Deployed | in2017_v04 | Drifter 1 deployed (Old SVP: 145605) | |
2017-09-05 00:08 [view ] | -28.4828 | 153.8851 | Triaxus [view] | TRIAXUS4 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 01:48 [view ] | -28.7435 | 153.8798 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-05 01:48 [view ] | -28.7435 | 153.8798 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-05 01:48 [view ] | -28.7435 | 153.8798 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-05 05:25 [view ] | -29.4200 | 153.7855 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_014.asvp | |
2017-09-05 10:54 [view ] | -30.3482 | 153.4032 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_015.sst | |
2017-09-05 10:56 [view ] | -30.3508 | 153.4022 | CPC [view] | restarted | in2017_v04 | SMPS machine rebooted Had to reboot the machine so that Delta could get the data | |
2017-09-05 11:18 [view ] | -30.4150 | 153.3700 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_016.asvp | |
2017-09-05 11:55 [view ] | -30.5050 | 153.3383 | Bongo Net [view] | BN3-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 12:03 [view ] | -30.5207 | 153.3323 | Bongo Net [view] | BN3-1 | Other | in2017_v04 | 8 metres depth from usbl reeling in now |
2017-09-05 12:11 [view ] | -30.5322 | 153.3277 | Bongo Net [view] | BN3-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 12:21 [view ] | -30.5367 | 153.3258 | Bongo Net [view] | BN3-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | try a heavier weight and slower ship speed |
2017-09-05 12:36 [view ] | -30.5617 | 153.3172 | Bongo Net [view] | BN3-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 12:39 [view ] | -30.5648 | 153.3162 | Bongo Net [view] | BN3-3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 12:56 [view ] | -30.5835 | 153.3097 | Bongo Net [view] | BN3-3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | usbl depth flickering in at 21 m at 174 m wire out |
2017-09-05 17:23 [view ] | -31.3827 | 153.1583 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_017.asvp | |
2017-09-05 17:46 [view ] | -31.4478 | 153.1478 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_018.asvp | |
2017-09-05 19:12 [view ] | -31.6462 | 153.1047 | Bongo Net [view] | BN4-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 19:32 [view ] | -31.6612 | 153.1013 | Bongo Net [view] | BN4-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 19:35 [view ] | -31.6636 | 153.1007 | Bongo Net [view] | BN4-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 19:54 [view ] | -31.6783 | 153.0975 | Bongo Net [view] | BN4-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 19:59 [view ] | -31.6821 | 153.0967 | Bongo Net [view] | bn4-3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 20:12 [view ] | -31.6921 | 153.0950 | Bongo Net [view] | bn4-3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-05 21:26 [view ] | -31.8155 | 153.2330 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-05 21:33 [view ] | -31.8308 | 153.2525 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-05 23:48 [view ] | -32.1015 | 153.6505 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_020.asvp | |
2017-09-06 02:40 [view ] | -32.4165 | 154.1245 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_021.asvp | |
2017-09-06 03:32 [view ] | -32.5093 | 154.2648 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_xbt_001.asvp | |
2017-09-06 05:01 [view ] | -32.6655 | 154.5007 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_022.asvp | |
2017-09-06 07:53 [view ] | -33.0032 | 154.7637 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT10 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | with midoc |
2017-09-06 07:56 [view ] | -33.0048 | 154.7598 | SBP [view] | Line | GSM_in2017_v04 | 14 start of DT10 stockton deep - trawl sw back over a feature | |
2017-09-06 10:24 [view ] | -33.0593 | 154.6252 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT10 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-06 11:01 [view ] | -33.0718 | 154.5810 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT11 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | with midoc |
2017-09-06 11:20 [view ] | -33.0778 | 154.5649 | Neuston net [view] | NN5 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-06 11:27 [view ] | -33.0809 | 154.5588 | Nephelometer [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | Line interruption Line interrupted for T&RH sensor install. May also affect CPC and SMPS | |
2017-09-06 11:36 [view ] | -33.0850 | 154.5510 | Neuston net [view] | NN6 | in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-06 11:40 [view ] | -33.0871 | 154.5473 | Neuston net [view] | NN7 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-06 13:59 [view ] | -33.1410 | 154.4595 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT11 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-06 14:25 [view ] | -33.1453 | 154.4488 | CTD [view] | CTD12 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-06 15:57 [view ] | -33.1478 | 154.4505 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_012.asvp | |
2017-09-06 16:10 [view ] | -33.1482 | 154.4508 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 12 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 12 |
2017-09-06 16:16 [view ] | -33.1482 | 154.4508 | Techsas2 [view] | restarted | in2017_v04 | Reset after GUI freeze | |
2017-09-06 16:17 [view ] | -33.1482 | 154.4509 | Techsas1 [view] | restarted | in2017_v04 | Preventative restart in case GUI freezes | |
2017-09-06 19:10 [view ] | -33.0943 | 154.5929 | CTD [view] | CTD 13 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-06 19:27 [view ] | -33.0952 | 154.5932 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 13 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 13 |
2017-09-06 19:27 [view ] | -33.0952 | 154.5932 | Vertical Plankton Net | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 14 | |
2017-09-06 20:51 [view ] | -33.1055 | 154.5848 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_013.asvp | |
2017-09-06 22:08 [view ] | -33.1104 | 154.5779 | EZNet [view] | EZ net 5 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 00:07 [view ] | -33.1566 | 154.4858 | CTD [view] | CTD 14 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 03:16 [view ] | -33.1723 | 154.4382 | Fluorometer [view] | Change | in2017_v04 | Flow was ~0.15L/m, changed tap so that ~1.5 L/m | |
2017-09-07 05:19 [view ] | -33.2077 | 154.3483 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT12 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | retrieving had net drum fault - |
2017-09-07 05:57 [view ] | -33.1743 | 154.4027 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT 13 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 06:56 [view ] | -33.1942 | 154.3553 | TSG [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | Filter clean | |
2017-09-07 06:57 [view ] | -33.1942 | 154.3553 | TSG [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | flow reduced to 55 L/min flow reduced to allow greater flow through pCO2 branch | |
2017-09-07 08:38 [view ] | -33.2150 | 154.2842 | Danish Trawler [view] | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-07 09:17 [view ] | -33.2161 | 154.2776 | CPC [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | Drain CPC catchpot | |
2017-09-07 09:33 [view ] | -33.2195 | 154.2742 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT14 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 09:55 [view ] | -33.2325 | 154.2588 | Neuston net [view] | NN8 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 10:16 [view ] | -33.2500 | 154.2463 | Neuston net [view] | NN8 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 10:17 [view ] | -33.2438 | 154.2457 | Neuston net [view] | NN9 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 10:37 [view ] | -33.2523 | 154.2367 | Neuston net [view] | NN9 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 10:42 [view ] | -33.2545 | 154.2343 | Neuston net [view] | NN10 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 11:02 [view ] | -33.2637 | 154.2250 | Neuston net [view] | NN10 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 11:03 [view ] | -33.2646 | 154.2245 | Neuston net [view] | NN11 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 11:23 [view ] | -33.2745 | 154.2148 | Neuston net [view] | NN11 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 11:24 [view ] | -33.2752 | 154.2142 | Neuston net [view] | NN12 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 11:44 [view ] | -33.2855 | 154.2040 | Neuston net [view] | NN12 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 12:16 [view ] | -33.2997 | 154.1803 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT14 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 12:29 [view ] | -33.3057 | 154.1687 | SBP [view] | Line | GSM_in2017_v04 | turning to north east | |
2017-09-07 13:35 [view ] | -33.1817 | 154.2955 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_014.asvp | |
2017-09-07 13:37 [view ] | -33.1823 | 154.2933 | EZNet [view] | EZ6 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 13:49 [view ] | -33.1863 | 154.2802 | Neuston net [view] | NN13 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 14:09 [view ] | -33.1925 | 154.2603 | Neuston net [view] | NN13 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 14:10 [view ] | -33.1928 | 154.2590 | Neuston net [view] | NN14 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 14:30 [view ] | -33.1980 | 154.2408 | Neuston net [view] | NN14 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 14:31 [view ] | -33.1983 | 154.2393 | Neuston net [view] | NN15 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 14:51 [view ] | -33.2033 | 154.2222 | Neuston net [view] | NN15 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 14:58 [view ] | -33.2048 | 154.2183 | EZNet [view] | EZ6 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 15:37 [view ] | -33.2058 | 154.2148 | CTD [view] | CTD15 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 17:22 [view ] | -33.2137 | 154.2120 | EZNet [view] | EZNET 7 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 17:55 [view ] | -33.2283 | 154.1816 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 15 | in2017_v04 | N70 15 | |
2017-09-07 19:21 [view ] | -33.2573 | 154.1320 | CTD [view] | CTD16 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-07 20:02 [view ] | -33.2573 | 154.1335 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Plot stable |
2017-09-07 20:03 [view ] | -33.2572 | 154.1335 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Slight variation in plot |
2017-09-07 20:04 [view ] | -33.2571 | 154.1334 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Plot flat |
2017-09-07 20:30 [view ] | -33.2577 | 154.1361 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 16 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 16 |
2017-09-07 23:49 [view ] | -33.2013 | 154.3165 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_016.asvp | |
2017-09-08 00:00 [view ] | -33.2016 | 154.3167 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 17 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 17 S |
2017-09-08 00:04 [view ] | -33.2015 | 154.3167 | CTD [view] | CTD17 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-08 05:52 [view ] | -33.2873 | -154.1812 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT15 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-08 05:58 [view ] | -33.2873 | 154.1800 | Drop keel [view] | Other | in2017_v04 | drop keel lifted to flush with hull -before transit to Newcastle | |
2017-09-08 06:27 [view ] | -33.2837 | 154.1673 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | transit to Newcastle | |
2017-09-08 09:09 [view ] | -33.3012 | 153.6258 | TSG [view] | TSG/CTD Calibration 3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | TSG/CTD Calibration 3 started @ 2017-09-08 09:09 |
2017-09-08 11:33 [view ] | -33.3873 | 153.1227 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_023.asvp | |
2017-09-08 14:22 [view ] | -33.2143 | 152.5823 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_004.asvp | |
2017-09-08 15:18 [view ] | -33.2308 | 152.4022 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_025.asvp | |
2017-09-08 15:29 [view ] | -33.2357 | 152.3670 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_025.asvp nearing shelf newcastle area | |
2017-09-08 18:02 [view ] | -33.2620 | 152.1130 | Other [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Stop Logging EM710 and EM122 | |
2017-09-08 19:15 [view ] | -33.2639 | 152.1148 | CTD [view] | CTD18 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-08 21:02 [view ] | -33.2808 | 152.1185 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_018.asvp | |
2017-09-08 21:33 [view ] | -33.2843 | 152.1971 | TSG [view] | Reboot | in2017_v04 | TSG rebooted to see if values would align with techsas | |
2017-09-08 21:45 [view ] | -33.2912 | 152.2297 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-08 21:45 [view ] | -33.2912 | 152.2297 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-08 23:16 [view ] | -33.3237 | 152.4640 | Techsas1 [view] | restarted | in2017_v04 | Restarted UW Seawater driver | |
2017-09-09 00:32 [view ] | -33.2774 | 152.3515 | CTD [view] | CTD19 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 03:13 [view ] | -33.2202 | 152.3558 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_019.asvp | |
2017-09-09 03:17 [view ] | -33.2063 | 152.3558 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_019.asvp | |
2017-09-09 04:06 [view ] | -34.5463 | 152.3502 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_026.asvp | |
2017-09-09 05:15 [view ] | -32.8175 | 152.3442 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2017_v04 | drop keels being lowered | |
2017-09-09 05:28 [view ] | -32.7905 | 152.3627 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | drop keel dropping delayed | |
2017-09-09 06:03 [view ] | -32.7930 | 152.4925 | ADCP [view] | Soft Start | in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-09 06:09 [view ] | -32.8000 | 152.4938 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2017_v04 | drop keels lowered to 2 m | |
2017-09-09 06:22 [view ] | -32.8105 | 152.4957 | Triaxus [view] | triaxus5 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 07:13 [view ] | -32.8277 | 152.6055 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | on triaxus tow east to west | |
2017-09-09 07:42 [view ] | -32.8220 | 152.6830 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | logging | |
2017-09-09 07:42 [view ] | -32.8220 | 152.6830 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | logging | |
2017-09-09 07:42 [view ] | -32.8220 | 152.6830 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | logging | |
2017-09-09 07:58 [view ] | -32.8187 | 152.7287 | Triaxus [view] | no data from CTD - Triaxus5 | Stop | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 08:26 [view ] | -32.8308 | 152.7373 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_027.asvp | |
2017-09-09 09:40 [view ] | -32.8015 | 152.5093 | Bongo Net [view] | BN5-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 09:57 [view ] | -32.8180 | 152.5095 | Bongo Net [view] | BN5-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 10:00 [view ] | -32.8203 | 152.5095 | Bongo Net [view] | BN5-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 10:20 [view ] | -32.8370 | 152.5102 | Bongo Net [view] | BN5-3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 10:37 [view ] | -32.8530 | 152.5115 | Bongo Net [view] | BN5-3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 11:48 [view ] | -32.8894 | 152.6930 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 19 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 12:08 [view ] | -32.8905 | 152.7647 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | change to linear chirp | |
2017-09-09 14:12 [view ] | -32.9585 | 152.9540 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_029.asvp | |
2017-09-09 15:05 [view ] | -32.9932 | 152.9242 | Bongo Net [view] | BN6-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 15:07 [view ] | -32.9943 | 152.9238 | Bongo Net [view] | BN6-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 15:18 [view ] | -33.0019 | 152.9210 | Bongo Net [view] | BN6-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 15:22 [view ] | -33.0025 | 152.9205 | Bongo Net [view] | BN6-3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 15:37 [view ] | -33.0143 | 152.9158 | Bongo Net [view] | BN6-3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 15:55 [view ] | -33.0160 | 152.9159 | CTD [view] | CTD20 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-09 17:00 [view ] | -33.0185 | 152.9216 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 20 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 20 |
2017-09-09 21:56 [view ] | -33.7663 | 153.2525 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_xbt_002.asvp | |
2017-09-09 22:39 [view ] | -33.8956 | 153.2554 | Techsas1 [view] | Debug | in2017_v04 | Paused old TSG driver to debug coefficents | |
2017-09-09 22:53 [view ] | -33.9347 | 153.2560 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_030.asvp | |
2017-09-09 23:26 [view ] | -34.0325 | 153.2584 | Techsas1 [view] | restarted | in2017_v04 | Restarted TSG driver with correct coefficents | |
2017-09-09 23:30 [view ] | -34.0458 | 153.2585 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_031.asvp | |
2017-09-10 01:18 [view ] | -34.3650 | 153.2632 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_032.asvp | |
2017-09-10 02:08 [view ] | -34.4914 | 153.2638 | CTD [view] | CTD21 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 02:31 [view ] | -34.4953 | 153.2726 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 02:33 [view ] | -34.4955 | 153.2729 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Fairly flat, maybe a spike |
2017-09-10 02:34 [view ] | -34.4957 | 153.2732 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Fairly flat |
2017-09-10 02:52 [view ] | -34.4987 | 153.2777 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 20 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | N70 20 |
2017-09-10 02:52 [view ] | -34.4987 | 153.2777 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70 21 | Deployment | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 04:59 [view ] | -34.5223 | 153.3237 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2016_v04_ctd_021.asvp | |
2017-09-10 05:30 [view ] | -34.5318 | 153.3273 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT16 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | with fine mesh - |
2017-09-10 07:09 [view ] | -34.4272 | 153.3098 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT16 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | fine mesh |
2017-09-10 08:41 [view ] | -34.6018 | 153.3068 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT17 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | fine mesh |
2017-09-10 10:17 [view ] | -34.6332 | 153.2620 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT17 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | fine mesh - sampled 100 m depth |
2017-09-10 10:40 [view ] | -34.6425 | 153.2465 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT18 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | fine mesh |
2017-09-10 11:57 [view ] | -34.6683 | 153.2193 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT18 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | fine mesh only down to 100 m |
2017-09-10 12:22 [view ] | -34.6802 | 153.2165 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT19 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | fine mesh to 100 m |
2017-09-10 13:38 [view ] | -34.7082 | 153.2188 | Danish Trawler [view] | fine mesh - 100 m DT19 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 14:24 [view ] | -34.7158 | 153.2185 | CTD [view] | CTD22 | Start | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 15:23 [view ] | -34.7133 | 153.2118 | CTD [view] | CTD22 | Stop | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 15:31 [view ] | -34.7132 | 153.2112 | Vertical net | N70-CTD22 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 15:35 [view ] | -34.7132 | 153.2110 | Vertical net | NN70-CTD22 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 15:37 [view ] | -34.7130 | 153.2107 | Vertical net | N70-CTD22-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 15:41 [view ] | -34.7130 | 153.2104 | Vertical net | N70-CTD22-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 15:52 [view ] | -34.7127 | 153.2095 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_022.asvp | |
2017-09-10 15:56 [view ] | -34.7133 | 153.2087 | Bongo Net [view] | BN7-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 15:56 [view ] | -34.7373 | 153.1902 | Bongo Net [view] | BN7-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 15:56 [view ] | -34.7285 | 153.1968 | Bongo Net [view] | BN7-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 17:30 [view ] | -34.7604 | 153.1672 | EZNet [view] | EZNET 8 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 19:23 [view ] | -34.6984 | 153.2057 | CTD [view] | CTD23 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-10 21:39 [view ] | -34.6899 | 153.2084 | EZNet [view] | EZNET 9 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 00:05 [view ] | -34.6842 | 153.2552 | CTD [view] | CTD24 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 02:42 [view ] | -34.6876 | 153.2506 | EZNet [view] | EZNET 10 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 04:36 [view ] | -34.7581 | 153.2468 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT20 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | fine mesh |
2017-09-11 06:00 [view ] | -34.7935 | 153.2388 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT20 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 06:39 [view ] | -34.8030 | 153.2358 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT21 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | fine mesh 34 48.18 S |
2017-09-11 06:42 [view ] | -34.8042 | 153.2355 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_024.asvp | |
2017-09-11 07:48 [view ] | -34.8262 | 153.2307 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT21 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 08:20 [view ] | -34.8305 | 153.2288 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT22 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 09:30 [view ] | -34.8545 | 153.2017 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT22 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 10:06 [view ] | -34.8600 | 153.2168 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT23 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 11:18 [view ] | -34.8933 | 153.2075 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT23 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | fine mesh to 100 m |
2017-09-11 11:44 [view ] | -34.8957 | 153.2052 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT24 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 12:50 [view ] | -34.9235 | 153.2073 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT24 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 14:13 [view ] | -34.8248 | 153.2235 | CTD [view] | CTD25 | Start | in2017_v04 | down to 1000 |
2017-09-11 15:23 [view ] | -34.8198 | 153.2090 | CTD [view] | CTD25 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 15:28 [view ] | -34.8193 | 153.2077 | Vertical net | N70-CTD25-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 15:37 [view ] | -34.8188 | 153.2056 | Vertical net | N70-CTD25-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 15:41 [view ] | -34.8183 | 153.2043 | Vertical net | N70-CTD25-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 15:47 [view ] | -34.8180 | 153.2032 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_025.asvp | ||
2017-09-11 15:52 [view ] | -34.8173 | 153.2007 | Bongo Net [view] | BN8-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 17:21 [view ] | -34.8015 | 153.1238 | EZNet [view] | EZNET 11 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 18:52 [view ] | -34.8453 | 153.0972 | CTD [view] | CTD26 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 20:57 [view ] | -34.8126 | 153.0830 | Triaxus [view] | TRIAXUS6 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-11 23:24 [view ] | -34.6970 | 153.2586 | CTD [view] | CTD27 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 04:14 [view ] | -34.6035 | 153.2423 | Danish Trawler [view] | with midoc DT25 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | 137 wire out - on way in |
2017-09-12 05:09 [view ] | -34.5800 | 153.2357 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT25 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | 34 34. |
2017-09-12 05:30 [view ] | -34.5603 | 153.2347 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT26 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 05:36 [view ] | -34.5610 | 153.2348 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging Dolphins | |
2017-09-12 05:56 [view ] | -34.5488 | 153.2330 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-12 05:57 [view ] | -34.5483 | 153.2330 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-12 08:17 [view ] | -34.4900 | 153.2329 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT26 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 08:39 [view ] | -34.4961 | 153.2403 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT27 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 09:08 [view ] | -34.5243 | 153.2517 | Neuston net [view] | NN16 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 09:24 [view ] | -34.5374 | 153.2558 | Neuston net [view] | NN16 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 09:24 [view ] | -43.5383 | 153.2560 | Neuston net [view] | NN17 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 09:40 [view ] | -34.5493 | 153.2590 | Neuston net [view] | NN17 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 09:41 [view ] | -34.5507 | 153.2593 | Neuston net [view] | NN18 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 09:56 [view ] | -34.5610 | 153.2620 | Neuston net [view] | NN18 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 09:57 [view ] | -34.5610 | 153.2620 | Neuston net [view] | NN19 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 10:12 [view ] | -34.5723 | 153.2650 | Neuston net [view] | NN19 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 10:12 [view ] | -34.5723 | 153.2650 | Neuston net [view] | NN20 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 10:27 [view ] | -34.5838 | 153.2678 | Neuston net [view] | NN20 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 11:14 [view ] | -34.6205 | 153.2757 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT27 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | with midoc |
2017-09-12 11:48 [view ] | -34.6277 | 153.2755 | CTD [view] | CTD28 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 12:47 [view ] | -34.6263 | 153.2792 | CTD [view] | CTD28 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 12:57 [view ] | -34.6262 | 153.2795 | Vertical net | N70CTD28-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 13:00 [view ] | -34.6263 | 153.2798 | Vertical net | N70CTD28-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 13:03 [view ] | -34.6268 | 153.2802 | Vertical net | N70CTD28-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 13:06 [view ] | -34.6275 | 153.2807 | Vertical net | N70CTD28-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 13:25 [view ] | -34.6332 | 153.2658 | Triaxus [view] | TRIAXUS7 | Start | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-12 13:30 [view ] | -34.6353 | 153.2600 | Triaxus [view] | Deployed | in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-12 13:31 [view ] | -34.6362 | 153.2580 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | on triaxus tow into shelf | |
2017-09-12 15:44 [view ] | -34.7925 | 153.1400 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_028.asvp | |
2017-09-12 18:06 [view ] | -34.9303 | 152.7838 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_033.asvp | |
2017-09-12 18:52 [view ] | -34.9715 | 152.6763 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_034.asvp | |
2017-09-13 00:57 [view ] | -35.2294 | 151.9362 | CTD [view] | CTD29 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 04:51 [view ] | -35.1833 | 151.8887 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_029.asvp | |
2017-09-13 04:52 [view ] | -35.1827 | 151.8880 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT28 | Other | in2017_v04 | with midoc |
2017-09-13 05:26 [view ] | -35.1649 | 151.8718 | CCN [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | CCNC MilliQ replaced - yesterday Did this yesteday. No time to log. | |
2017-09-13 05:27 [view ] | -35.1643 | 151.8713 | CPC [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | Butanol drained from catchpot - yesterday Looks like all the butanol ends up in the catchpot, not the drain bottle. Should get a bigger catchpot and/or some way to automatically drain the catchpot | |
2017-09-13 06:06 [view ] | -35.1425 | 151.8548 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT28 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 06:34 [view ] | -35.1370 | 151.8575 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT29 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 07:29 [view ] | -35.1315 | 151.8113 | Techsas1 [view] | Reboot | in2017_v04 | Techsas 1 and 2 stopped and restarted Techsas 1 and Techsas 2 were found to have frozen GUIs. Both machines were rebooted. Techsas1 : turned off @06:36 and on @06:45 Techsas2: turned off @06:50 and on @07:05 | |
2017-09-13 09:27 [view ] | -35.1342 | 151.7212 | Danish Trawler [view] | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | midoc | |
2017-09-13 10:05 [view ] | -35.1287 | 151.7420 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT30 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 10:27 [view ] | -35.1290 | 151.7630 | Neuston net [view] | NN21 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 10:43 [view ] | -35.1285 | 151.7765 | Neuston net [view] | NN21 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 10:44 [view ] | -35.1178 | 151.7778 | Neuston net [view] | NN21 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 10:59 [view ] | -35.1270 | 151.7888 | Neuston net [view] | NN21 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 11:00 [view ] | -35.1268 | 151.7898 | Neuston net [view] | NN22 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 11:15 [view ] | -35.1247 | 151.7982 | Neuston net [view] | NN22 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 11:16 [view ] | -35.1243 | 151.7992 | Neuston net [view] | NN23 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 11:31 [view ] | -35.1220 | 151.8080 | Neuston net [view] | NN23 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 11:32 [view ] | -35.1218 | 151.8087 | Neuston net [view] | NN24 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 11:36 [view ] | -35.1213 | 151.8110 | Techsas1 [view] | restarted | in2017_v04 | stopped/restarted to enable ITI NMEA broadcast @ 0946 13/9/2017 | |
2017-09-13 11:47 [view ] | -35.1215 | 151.8175 | Neuston net [view] | NN24 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 11:49 [view ] | -35.1217 | 151.8190 | Neuston net [view] | NN25 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 12:04 [view ] | -35.1230 | -151.8282 | Neuston net [view] | NN25 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 12:44 [view ] | -35.1297 | 151.8477 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT30 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 13:07 [view ] | -35.1301 | 151.8545 | Other [view] | Met station | in2017_v04 | Raining13/9/2017@13:05- started 10-15 minutes before The rain guage has been reading zero throughout the voyage which was suspecious. I asked bridge to call in when we are having rain. The raining was confirmed this evening and the current rain guage values displayed on techsas numerical display. Some very large numbers for current rain (i.e. 359.337) were shown on the dpslay mixed with normal rain values . The large values appear to be angles which suggest this could be a techsas numerial display issue as the NMEA rain sentences checked appear to be OK. It appears that there may be a notable gap in time between when the rain started and when the rain guage started sending values to Techsas. Should check the uhndeway data time stamp against a estimated start time of about 12:50 | |
2017-09-13 14:13 [view ] | -35.1300 | 151.8543 | CTD [view] | CTD30 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 14:19 [view ] | -35.1300 | 151.8535 | Vertical net | N70-CTD30-1 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 14:23 [view ] | -35.1302 | 151.8541 | Vertical Plankton Net | N70CTD30-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 14:26 [view ] | -35.1302 | 151.8537 | Vertical net | N70CTD30-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 14:31 [view ] | -35.1303 | 151.8532 | Vertical net | N70CTD30-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 14:45 [view ] | -35.1337 | 151.8440 | Bongo Net [view] | BN9-1 | in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-13 15:00 [view ] | -35.1395 | 151.8268 | Bongo Net [view] | BN9-1 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 15:03 [view ] | -35.1408 | 151.8233 | Bongo Net [view] | BN9-2 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 15:07 [view ] | -35.1423 | 151.8190 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_030.asvp | |
2017-09-13 15:18 [view ] | -35.1468 | 151.8068 | Bongo Net [view] | BN9-2 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 15:20 [view ] | -35.1478 | 151.8042 | Bongo Net [view] | BN9-3 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 15:39 [view ] | -35.1553 | 151.7840 | Bongo Net [view] | BN9-3 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 16:19 [view ] | -35.1704 | 151.7746 | EZNet [view] | EZNET 12 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 18:26 [view ] | -35.2353 | 151.7387 | CTD [view] | CTD31 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 21:46 [view ] | -35.1447 | 151.7684 | EZNet [view] | EZNET 13 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-13 23:28 [view ] | -35.2245 | 151.7677 | CTD [view] | CTD32 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 04:33 [view ] | -35.3167 | 151.7008 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | on sw course - had line25 seg dropped out? -10 db and internal pinging | |
2017-09-14 04:45 [view ] | -35.3222 | 151.6948 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT31 | up | in2017_v04 | 15 minutes to go |
2017-09-14 05:19 [view ] | -35.3370 | 151.6837 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT31 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 05:46 [view ] | -35.3533 | 151.6772 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT32 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 08:17 [view ] | -35.4652 | 151.6415 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT32 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 08:53 [view ] | -35.4708 | 151.6465 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT33 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 09:29 [view ] | -35.4975 | 151.6320 | Neuston net [view] | NN26 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 09:44 [view ] | -35.5093 | 151.6280 | Neuston net [view] | NN27 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 09:45 [view ] | -35.5107 | 151.6275 | Neuston net [view] | NN27 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:00 [view ] | -35.5218 | 151.6245 | Neuston net [view] | NN27 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:01 [view ] | -35.5267 | 151.6243 | Neuston net [view] | NN28 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:16 [view ] | -35.5318 | 151.6203 | Neuston net [view] | NN28 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:17 [view ] | -35.5325 | 151.6200 | Neuston net [view] | NN29 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:32 [view ] | -35.5422 | 151.6155 | Neuston net [view] | NN29 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:33 [view ] | -35.5433 | 151.6150 | Neuston net [view] | NN30 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:48 [view ] | -35.5538 | 151.6105 | Neuston net [view] | NN30 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:49 [view ] | -35.5548 | 151.6103 | Neuston net [view] | NN31 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 10:58 [view ] | -35.5612 | 151.6086 | Techsas1 [view] | Soft Start | in2017_v04 | Techsas1 GUI was found frozen @15:49 13/9/2017. it was restarted this was the second freez on the 13th sept | |
2017-09-14 11:04 [view ] | -35.5670 | 151.6070 | Neuston net [view] | NN31 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 11:52 [view ] | -35.5995 | 151.5945 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT33 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 12:28 [view ] | -35.6028 | 151.5928 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | heading north | |
2017-09-14 12:29 [view ] | -35.6033 | 151.5920 | EM122 [view] | Line | GSM_in2017_v04 | heading north | |
2017-09-14 12:32 [view ] | -35.6045 | 151.5907 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT34 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-14 14:16 [view ] | -35.6647 | 151.5743 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2017_v04 | SIS crashed while zooming out on display; | |
2017-09-14 15:18 [view ] | -35.6933 | 151.5792 | Danish Trawler [view] | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-14 23:44 [view ] | -35.2807 | 151.8422 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | fairly flat |
2017-09-14 23:45 [view ] | -35.2809 | 151.8422 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Small bump |
2017-09-14 23:47 [view ] | -35.2812 | 151.8423 | Underway | Kendal Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2017_v04 | Slightly fell |
2017-09-15 04:10 [view ] | -35.2962 | 151.7732 | Danish Trawler [view] | fine mesh with bongo DT35 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 04:29 [view ] | -35.2768 | 151.8115 | Danish Trawler [view] | fine mesh DT36 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 04:38 [view ] | -35.2771 | 151.7722 | Aerosol Lab [view] | maintenance | in2017_v04 | Water trap sensor installed Water trap sensor installed. Manifold port open from 0345 - 0426 UTC | |
2017-09-15 06:02 [view ] | -35.2680 | 151.7335 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT36 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 06:15 [view ] | -35.2670 | 151.7283 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT37 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 07:34 [view ] | -35.2660 | 151.6805 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT37 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 08:48 [view ] | -35.2308 | 151.7628 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT38 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 10:29 [view ] | -35.2210 | 151.7195 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT38 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 10:58 [view ] | -35.2258 | 151.7102 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT39 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 12:53 [view ] | -35.2262 | 151.6455 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT39 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 13:26 [view ] | -35.2332 | 151.6427 | CTD [view] | CTD36 | Start | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 14:26 [view ] | -35.2457 | 151.6447 | CTD [view] | CTD36 | Stop | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-15 14:49 [view ] | -35.2308 | 151.6407 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_036.asvp | |
2017-09-15 14:49 [view ] | -35.2308 | 151.6407 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | line north | |
2017-09-15 15:12 [view ] | -35.1642 | 151.6307 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2017_v04 | MSS Logging GPS tide restarted had to reboot CARIS 1 as it had frozen - took a while to find restarting notes! | |
2017-09-16 04:09 [view ] | -35.2537 | 151.9875 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT40 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-16 06:01 [view ] | -35.4035 | 151.8067 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT41 | Deployed | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-16 07:39 [view ] | -35.4527 | 151.7948 | Danish Trawler [view] | DT41 | Retrieved | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-16 09:39 [view ] | -35.5647 | 151.5783 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | restart EM122-2 as processing manager not restarting no depth data to sbp | |
2017-09-16 13:26 [view ] | -35.8184 | 151.0884 | Metstation | maintenance | in2017_v04 | Restarted Port 0194 board | |
2017-09-16 14:08 [view ] | -35.8768 | 150.9954 | TSG Cal [view] | Deployed | in2017_v04 | CTD/TSG cal 16/9/2017 between 0958->1400 | |
2017-09-16 14:38 [view ] | -35.9290 | 150.9200 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_036.asvp | |
2017-09-16 19:19 [view ] | -36.3543 | 150.3492 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-16 19:19 [view ] | -36.3543 | 150.3492 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-16 19:33 [view ] | -36.3761 | 150.3267 | ADCP [view] | Shutdown | in2017_v04 | Stopped logging for montique island transect | |
2017-09-16 19:45 [view ] | -36.3967 | 150.3033 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_037.asvp | |
2017-09-16 22:23 [view ] | -36.3028 | 150.2385 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_040.asvp | |
2017-09-17 00:49 [view ] | -36.4100 | 150.2617 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_042.asvp | |
2017-09-17 01:16 [view ] | -36.3345 | 150.2778 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging Whales in area | |
2017-09-17 01:36 [view ] | -36.2760 | 150.2902 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_ctd_043.asvp | |
2017-09-17 04:20 [view ] | -36.1163 | 150.2458 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_044.asvp whale watching near montagu island | |
2017-09-17 06:06 [view ] | -36.1162 | 150.3142 | Drop keel [view] | on way to sydney and don't spare the horses drop keels flush with the hull | up | in2017_v04 | |
2017-09-17 06:56 [view ] | -35.9617 | 150.3853 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2017_v04 | heading north to sydney | |
2017-09-17 11:18 [view ] | -35.1942 | 150.8710 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_046.asvp | |
2017-09-17 12:05 [view ] | -35.0655 | 150.9690 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_047.asvp | |
2017-09-17 12:27 [view ] | -35.0080 | 151.0127 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_048.asvp | |
2017-09-17 17:24 [view ] | -34.1870 | 151.3038 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2017_v04 | in2017_v04_sst_049.asvp | |
2017-09-17 19:24 [view ] | -34.0120 | 151.3663 | Other [view] | warning | GSM_in2017_v04 | Bridge Sounder turned on for entry to Sydney All data on 200kHz and 120kHz EK60 and ME70 frequencies near 120kHz affected by noise generated by ship sounder | |
2017-09-17 20:12 [view ] | -33.9627 | 151.3704 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2017_v04 | Ended cruise Got good bottom track leaving Brisbane. Iain requested ek60 logging into Sydney so may as well end now. | |
2017-09-17 21:31 [view ] | -33.8767 | 151.3644 | Techsas1 [view] | restarted | in2017_v04 | Restarted GUI after freeze | |
2017-09-17 21:52 [view ] | -33.8330 | 151.3538 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-17 21:52 [view ] | -33.8330 | 151.3538 | ME70 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | Logging | |
2017-09-17 22:03 [view ] | -33.8330 | 151.3144 | TSG [view] | Stop | in2017_v04 | ||
2017-09-17 22:06 [view ] | -33.8312 | 151.3075 | Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] | Stop | in2017_v04 | requested, raw, circulating and instrument clean pumps off. | |
2017-09-17 23:13 [view ] | -33.8670 | 151.2225 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2017_v04 | sydney |
Deployments by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'Deployment' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data (tab delimited).
Search for deployments from this voyage and others
Deployment | Operation | Station | Cast | Gear | Project | Start and end times | Start Location | End Location | Depth range | Max Depth | Description | |||
Underway System [details] | Altimeter-163,Autosal Salinometer,Burket Flow meter,Burket Flow meter,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO air sampling inlet,CSIRO air sampling inlet,Chelsea Tech Fluorometer,Gyrocompass,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,ISAR SST,Kobold MIK-C Flow meter,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Port drop keel sensor,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-SN 82705,RM Young Rain Gauge,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,Remote Temperature (T) - SN 671,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder,Starboard drop keel sensor,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777,Vaisala Ship's Barometer PTB330 | 2458 | 2017-08-31 04:14 | 2017-09-17 23:25 | -27.3826 | 153.1620 | -33.8683 | 151.2220 | ||||||
ADCP Data [details] | Teledyne RDI ADCP 75 kHz | 2458 | 2017-08-31 20:56 | 2017-09-17 05:29 | -26.7663 | 153.5176 | -36.3690 | 150.3338 | 846 | |||||
Catch [details] | 0 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-08-31 21:06 | 2017-08-31 21:41 | -26.7718 | 155.5500 | -26.7866 | 153.6689 | |||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 1 | CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-08-31 23:07 | 2017-08-31 23:51 | -27.1026 | 155.9780 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 2 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 23 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-01 00:43 | 2017-09-01 02:10 | -27.1045 | 155.9835 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 4 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-01 15:01 | 2017-09-01 15:58 | -27.4630 | 156.0159 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 1 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-01 15:20 | 2017-09-01 16:17 | -27.6565 | 155.5998 | -27.1313 | 155.9984 | 54 | ||||
Catch [details] | 2 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-01 18:50 | 2017-09-01 19:10 | -27.2165 | 156.0240 | -27.2413 | 156.0273 | 163 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 5 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-01 19:41 | 2017-09-01 20:32 | -27.3618 | 155.9941 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 3 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-01 23:35 | 2017-09-01 23:55 | -27.3719 | 155.9888 | -27.2826 | 155.9858 | 113 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 6 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-02 00:15 | 2017-09-02 01:08 | -27.0995 | 156.0724 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 7 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-02 15:39 | 2017-09-02 16:36 | -27.3268 | 155.9486 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 5 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-02 18:53 | 2017-09-02 19:13 | -27.3772 | 156.0036 | -27.3906 | 155.9933 | 491 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 8 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-02 19:13 | 2017-09-02 20:05 | -27.1909 | 155.9703 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 6 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-02 22:53 | 2017-09-02 23:13 | -27.3647 | 156.0164 | -27.3764 | 155.9719 | 120 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 9 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-03 00:40 | 2017-09-03 01:31 | -27.0014 | 156.0204 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 10 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-03 13:38 | 2017-09-03 14:33 | -27.1226 | 156.0324 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 4 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-03 15:01 | 2017-09-03 15:21 | -27.2117 | 156.2469 | -27.2203 | 156.0458 | 106 | ||||
Catch [details] | 7 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-03 15:28 | 2017-09-03 15:48 | -27.0869 | 155.9956 | -27.0853 | 156.0031 | 500 | ||||
Catch [details] | 8 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-03 18:44 | 2017-09-03 19:04 | -27.2069 | 155.9192 | -27.2256 | 155.9069 | 110 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 11 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-03 23:40 | 2017-09-04 00:31 | -27.2462 | 155.8900 | 0 | ||||||
Towed CTD [details] | 2 | Triaxus | 2017-09-04 02:51 | 2017-09-04 06:03 | -27.0912 | 156.0770 | -27.0818 | 156.5259 | 243.6 | Leg | ||||
Catch [details] | 9 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-04 15:15 | 2017-09-04 14:35 | -27.1500 | 155.8500 | -27.1372 | 155.8511 | 115 | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 3 | Triaxus | 2017-09-04 16:34 | 2017-09-04 20:13 | -27.1049 | 155.8487 | -27.3461 | 155.4285 | 196 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 3 | Triaxus | 2017-09-04 20:14 | 2017-09-05 02:06 | -27.3474 | 155.4289 | -27.4906 | 154.6463 | 197 | Leg | ||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2548 | 2017-09-06 13:13 | 1100.3 | ||||||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 12 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-06 14:26 | 2017-09-06 15:33 | -33.1457 | 154.4490 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 13 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-06 19:15 | 2017-09-06 20:12 | -33.0945 | 154.5938 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 10 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-06 19:58 | 2017-09-06 20:08 | -33.0522 | 154.8081 | -33.0617 | 154.8525 | 112 | ||||
Catch [details] | 11 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-06 23:20 | 2017-09-06 23:40 | -33.1364 | 154.4692 | -33.1350 | 154.4736 | 506 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 14 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-07 00:14 | 2017-09-07 01:07 | -33.1567 | 154.4859 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 12 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-07 14:36 | 2017-09-07 14:56 | -33.2033 | 154.3686 | -33.2019 | 154.5719 | 107.5 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 15 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-07 15:38 | 2017-09-07 16:41 | -33.2068 | 154.2154 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 13 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-07 17:58 | 2017-09-07 18:18 | -33.2128 | 154.3233 | -33.2200 | 154.3106 | 185 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 16 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-07 19:27 | 2017-09-07 20:17 | -33.2573 | 154.1325 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 14 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-07 21:30 | 2017-09-07 21:50 | -33.2867 | 154.2192 | -33.2919 | 154.2011 | 101 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 17 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-08 00:06 | 2017-09-08 01:02 | -33.2014 | 154.3166 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 15 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-08 15:02 | 2017-09-08 15:22 | -33.2678 | 154.3247 | -33.2753 | 154.4192 | 490 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 18 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-08 19:16 | 2017-09-08 19:40 | -33.2639 | 152.1148 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 19 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-09 00:35 | 2017-09-09 01:35 | -33.2774 | 152.3516 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 20 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-09 15:57 | 2017-09-09 16:47 | -33.0161 | 152.9160 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 21 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-10 02:15 | 2017-09-10 03:04 | -34.4926 | 153.2661 | 0 | ||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2548 | 2017-09-10 07:37 | 1100.3 | ||||||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 22 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-10 14:28 | 2017-09-10 15:20 | -34.7157 | 153.2183 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 16 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-10 15:37 | 2017-09-10 16:43 | -34.5381 | 153.5025 | -34.5847 | 153.5186 | 125 | ||||
Catch [details] | 17 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-10 18:41 | 2017-09-10 20:09 | -34.6044 | 153.3997 | -34.6397 | 153.5186 | 99 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 23 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-10 19:28 | 2017-09-10 20:21 | -34.6983 | 153.2055 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 18 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-10 20:39 | 2017-09-10 21:52 | -34.6533 | 153.2464 | -34.6714 | 153.2525 | 106 | ||||
Catch [details] | 19 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-10 22:23 | 2017-09-10 23:40 | -34.6906 | 153.2275 | -34.7144 | 153.2719 | 104.2 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 24 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-11 00:10 | 2017-09-11 01:02 | -34.6841 | 153.2550 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 25 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-11 14:23 | 2017-09-11 15:19 | -34.8240 | 153.2237 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 20 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-11 14:40 | 2017-09-11 16:00 | -34.7669 | 153.2536 | -34.7850 | 153.3275 | 121 | ||||
Catch [details] | 21 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-11 16:42 | 2017-09-11 18:00 | -34.8078 | 153.2692 | -34.8339 | 155.4411 | 101 | ||||
Catch [details] | 22 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-11 18:22 | 2017-09-11 19:41 | -34.8439 | 153.4025 | -34.8600 | 153.2414 | 115 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 26 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-11 18:59 | 2017-09-11 19:51 | -34.8437 | 153.0978 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 23 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-11 20:08 | 2017-09-11 21:27 | -34.8703 | 153.2189 | -34.9017 | 153.3108 | 61 | ||||
Catch [details] | 24 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-11 21:48 | 2017-09-11 22:58 | -34.8858 | 153.2942 | -34.9181 | 153.3192 | 102 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 27 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-11 23:28 | 2017-09-12 00:19 | -34.6969 | 153.2588 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 28 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-12 11:52 | 2017-09-12 12:43 | -34.6277 | 153.2757 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 25 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-12 14:17 | 2017-09-12 14:37 | -34.6033 | 153.2347 | -34.5978 | 153.3053 | 102 | ||||
Catch [details] | 26 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-12 17:25 | 2017-09-12 17:45 | -34.5103 | 153.2192 | -34.4933 | 153.4608 | 116 | ||||
Catch [details] | 27 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-12 20:34 | 2017-09-12 20:54 | -34.5947 | 153.3086 | -34.6092 | 153.3581 | 97.3 | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 7 | Triaxus | 2017-09-12 23:50 | 2017-09-13 00:28 | -34.6499 | 153.2393 | -34.7171 | 153.3029 | 196 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 7 | Triaxus | 2017-09-13 00:38 | 2017-09-13 10:38 | -34.7419 | 153.3170 | -35.2432 | 151.9423 | 333 | Leg | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 29 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-13 01:02 | 2017-09-13 01:53 | -35.2295 | 151.9355 | 0 | ||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 30 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-13 13:16 | 2017-09-13 14:08 | -35.1299 | 151.8548 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 28 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-13 15:34 | 2017-09-13 15:54 | -35.1678 | 151.8914 | -35.1589 | 151.9858 | 110.9 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 31 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-13 18:30 | 2017-09-13 19:21 | -35.2357 | 151.7386 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 29 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-13 18:54 | 2017-09-13 19:14 | -35.1431 | 151.8858 | -35.1339 | 151.9164 | 507.5 | ||||
Catch [details] | 30 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-13 22:09 | 2017-09-13 22:29 | -35.1281 | 152.0581 | -35.1339 | 151.8469 | 101.6 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 32 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-13 23:32 | 2017-09-14 00:23 | -35.2247 | 151.7687 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 34 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-14 00:32 | 2017-09-14 00:52 | -35.6761 | 151.6872 | -35.6928 | 151.6886 | 102.8 | ||||
Catch [details] | 31 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-14 14:39 | 2017-09-14 14:59 | -35.3172 | 151.7058 | -35.3356 | 151.7608 | 475 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 33 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-14 15:49 | 2017-09-14 16:46 | -35.7111 | 151.5919 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 32 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-14 17:51 | 2017-09-14 18:11 | -35.4519 | 151.8692 | -35.4517 | 151.7914 | 119.6 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 34 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-14 19:37 | 2017-09-14 20:31 | -35.6395 | 151.6980 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 33 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-14 21:11 | 2017-09-14 21:31 | -35.5767 | 151.6967 | -35.5928 | 151.6636 | 493.3 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 35 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-14 23:36 | 2017-09-15 00:28 | -35.2807 | 151.8422 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 35 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-15 12:44 | 2017-09-15 13:45 | -35.2864 | 151.8300 | -35.3014 | 151.7833 | 21.3 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 36 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-15 13:28 | 2017-09-15 14:20 | -35.2331 | 151.6427 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 36 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-15 14:37 | 2017-09-15 15:49 | -35.2842 | 151.8400 | -35.2733 | 151.7356 | 17.9 | ||||
Catch [details] | 37 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-15 16:24 | 2017-09-15 17:35 | -35.2772 | 151.7822 | -35.2525 | 151.9206 | 32.7 | ||||
Catch [details] | 38 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-15 19:02 | 2017-09-15 20:02 | -35.2372 | 151.7997 | -35.2211 | 151.7386 | 35.7 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 37 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-15 19:11 | 2017-09-15 20:01 | -35.4439 | 152.0816 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 39 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-15 21:10 | 2017-09-15 22:30 | -35.2328 | 151.7494 | -35.2258 | 151.7414 | 31.5 | ||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 38 | Autosal Salinometer,CTD 20 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Fluorometer-CTD20-Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 20 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Temperature CTD 20 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 6180,Transmissometer | 2458 | 2017-09-15 22:50 | 2017-09-15 23:43 | -35.2877 | 152.0484 | 0 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 41 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | 2017-09-16 16:11 | 2017-09-16 17:11 | -35.4211 | 151.8997 | -35.5186 | 152.0169 | 33.1 | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 06:20 | 2017-09-17 07:12 | -36.4227 | 150.2813 | -36.4517 | 150.1987 | 22 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 07:12 | 2017-09-17 08:14 | -36.4511 | 150.1980 | -36.3169 | 150.2478 | 2 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 08:23 | 2017-09-17 08:32 | -36.3032 | 150.2434 | -36.3040 | 150.2266 | 1.6 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 08:41 | 2017-09-17 09:49 | -36.3104 | 150.2128 | -36.4033 | 150.1436 | 2 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 10:07 | 2017-09-17 10:40 | -36.4282 | 150.1564 | 1.1 | Leg | ||||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 10:49 | 2017-09-17 11:42 | -36.4147 | 150.2617 | -36.2619 | 150.2926 | 0.8 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 11:51 | 2017-09-17 12:39 | -36.2403 | 150.2873 | -36.2140 | 150.1875 | 1 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 12:48 | 2017-09-17 13:41 | -36.2017 | 150.1726 | -36.1006 | 150.1780 | 38 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 13:48 | 2017-09-17 14:06 | -36.0904 | 150.1869 | -36.0918 | 150.2305 | 52.7 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 14:13 | 2017-09-17 14:58 | -36.0973 | 150.2455 | -36.1892 | 150.2452 | 77 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 15:08 | 2017-09-17 15:16 | -36.2092 | 150.2563 | -36.2105 | 150.2810 | 79 | Leg | ||||
Towed CTD [details] | 8 | Triaxus | 2017-09-17 15:24 | 2017-09-17 15:56 | -36.2021 | 150.3006 | -36.1269 | 150.3124 | 79 | Leg | ||||
Catch [details] | 40 | Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. | 2569 | -35.1958 | 152.2219 | -35.2542 | 152.0608 | 31.4 |