CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Images

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Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC) Fishmap images

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Found 4065 images. Click on image for full details.

Cephaloscyllium variegatum
Northern Draughtboard Shark
CAAB: 37 015031

Dipturus gudgeri
Bight Skate
CAAB: 37 031010

Notoraja azurea
Blue Skate
CAAB: 37 031018

Notoraja ochroderma
Pale Skate
CAAB: 37 031019

Halieutaea fumosa
Smoky Seabat
CAAB: 37 212009

Melanocetus johnsonii
Humpback Blackdevil
CAAB: 37 213001

Melanocetus murrayi
Deepsea Blackdevil
CAAB: 37 213002

Dolopichthys pullatus
Lobed Dreamer
CAAB: 37 216002

Etmopterus granulosus
Southern Lanternshark
CAAB: 37 020021

Centroscyllium kamoharai
Bareskin Dogfish
CAAB: 37 020024

Centroscymnus coelolepis
Portuguese Dogfish
CAAB: 37 020025

Schismorhynchus labialis
Groovejaw Worm Eel
CAAB: 37 068035

Dentiraja polyommata
Argus Skate
CAAB: 37 031042

Oneirodes sabex
Rough Dreamer
CAAB: 37 216004

Eptatretus longipinnis
Longfin Hagfish
CAAB: 37 004001

Stegostoma tigrinum
Zebra Shark
CAAB: 37 013006

Melanostomias paucilaternatus
Spothead Dragonfish
CAAB: 37 109024

Melanostomias tentaculatus
Tentacle Dragonfish
CAAB: 37 109026

Photonectes caerulescens
Bulbless Dragonfish
CAAB: 37 109032

Photonectes parvimanus
Fleshyfin Dragonfish
CAAB: 37 109035

Thysanactis dentex
Broomfin Dragonfish
CAAB: 37 109036

Saurida grandisquamis
Grey Saury
CAAB: 37 118016

Protomyctophum normani
Norman's Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122067

Bolinichthys indicus
Smoothcheek Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122074

Electrona paucirastra
Belted Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122075

Retropinna tasmanica
Tasmanian Smelt
CAAB: 37 101002

Gymnothorax cephalospilus
Headspot Moray
CAAB: 37 060009

Saurenchelys stylura
Pillar Wire Eel
CAAB: 37 065006

Nemichthys curvirostris
Boxer Snipe Eel
CAAB: 37 076001

Benthosema pterotum
Opaline Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122079

Bolinichthys pyrsobolus
Fiery Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122080

Diaphus jenseni
Jensen's Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122085

Diaphus lucidus
Spotlight Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122086

Diaphus malayanus
Malayan Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122087

Diaphus regani
Regan's Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122090

Urolophus orarius
Coastal Stingaree
CAAB: 37 038022

Plesiobatis daviesi
Giant Stingaree
CAAB: 37 038023

Myliobatis hamlyni
Purple Eagle Ray
CAAB: 37 039004

Gymnothorax gracilicauda
Slendertail Moray
CAAB: 37 060038

Xenodermichthys copei
Bluntsnout Slickhead
CAAB: 37 114002

Herwigia kreffti
Toothless Slickhead
CAAB: 37 114006

Rouleina attrita
Softskin Slickhead
CAAB: 37 114008

Electrona subaspera
Rough Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122014

Metelectrona ventralis
Flaccid Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122016

Notoscopelus resplendens
Patchwork Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122022

Diaphus brachycephalus
Shorthead Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122032

Diaphus metopoclampus
Bluntnose Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122037

Diaphus thiollierei
Thiolliere's Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122091

Lampadena urophaos
Tail-light Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122095

Lampanyctus achirus
Cripplefin Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122096

Orectolobus reticulatus
Network Wobbegong
CAAB: 37 013023

Rhinoptera neglecta
Australian Cownose Ray
CAAB: 37 040001

Mobula eregoodoo
Pygmy Devilray
CAAB: 37 041001

Mobula mobular
Japanese Devilray
CAAB: 37 041002

Neonesthes capensis
Cape Snaggletooth
CAAB: 37 108013

Latropiscis purpurissatus
Sergeant Baker
CAAB: 37 117001

Saurida argentea
Shortfin Saury
CAAB: 37 118005

Diaphus mollis
Soft Lanternfish
CAAB: 37 122038

Gymnothorax pictus
Painted Moray
CAAB: 37 060015

Anarchias cantonensis
Canton Moray
CAAB: 37 060018

Echidna unicolor
Pale Moray
CAAB: 37 060025

Gymnomuraena zebra
Zebra Moray
CAAB: 37 060029

Yirrkala chaselingi
CAAB: 37 068036

Muraenichthys thompsoni
Thompson's Snake Eel
CAAB: 37 068039

Synaphobranchus brevidorsalis
Shortfin Cut-throat Eel
CAAB: 37 070004

Synaphobranchus kaupii
Kaup's Cut-throat Eel
CAAB: 37 070008

Nessorhamphus danae
Dana Duckbill Eel
CAAB: 37 073001

Nessorhamphus ingolfianus
Ingolf Duckbill Eel
CAAB: 37 073002

Antennarius striatus
Striate Anglerfish
CAAB: 37 210009

Tetrabrachium ocellatum
Humpback Anglerfish
CAAB: 37 210010

Polyipnus latirastrus
Combside Hatchetfish
CAAB: 37 107020

Rhincodon typus
Whale Shark
CAAB: 37 014001

Carcharhinus brevipinna
Spinner Shark
CAAB: 37 018023

Carcharhinus macloti
Hardnose Shark
CAAB: 37 018025

Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides
Graceful Shark
CAAB: 37 018033

Pristis clavata
Dwarf Sawfish
CAAB: 37 025004

Hyperlophus vittatus
Sandy Sprat
CAAB: 37 085005

Sardinella gibbosa
Goldstripe Sardinella
CAAB: 37 085013

Polyipnus soelae
Soela Hatchetfish
CAAB: 37 107022

Astronesthes lucifer
Pacific Snaggletooth
CAAB: 37 108005
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