CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 37 469005 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
Diodon holocanthus    Linnaeus, 1758
CAAB category: 37 - Pisces
Standard Name (AS5300): Freckled Porcupinefish
Distribution map:
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Modelled distribution shown as blue polygon (source: Australian National Fish Expert Distributions) Updated on 2008-11-19.
Occurrence locations [86] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records
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Catch records - 87 records found.
Click on survey to see survey details. Click on Operation to see full details of the catch. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
1978-06-25 18:09 15° 52.0' S    121° 02.0' E COUR197836 12   100 to 100 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1978-07-08 12:27 19° 06.0' S    118° 00.0' E COUR197836 40   98 to 102 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-11-02 04:00 28° 04.0' S    153° 36.0' E KAPALA 759   54 to 58 1 ? 120 Minutes
1979-07-18 16:36 19° 36.0' S    116° 42.0' E COUR197952 5   55 to 55 2 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-10-06 06:10 19° 45.2' S    117° 58.1' E SO198205 68   30 minutes
1983-01-24 03:05 19° 46.3' S    116° 45.4' E SO198301 18   1 0.4 30 minutes
1983-01-24 05:00 19° 46.0' S    116° 43.0' E SO198301 19   1 0.6 30 minutes
1983-06-10 09:00 19° 43.0' S    116° 49.5' E SO198303 55   58 to 60 30 minutes
1983-08-06 02:30 20° 07.2' S    117° 48.4' E SO198304 27   1 0.4 30 minutes
1985-05-28 06:00 33° 40.0' S    151° 42.0' E KAPALA 1355   151 to 154 5 ? 30 Minutes
1986-10-27 01:12 19° 48.3' S    116° 38.8' E SO198606 100   3.7 30 minutes
1987-08-20 22:15 19° 42.0' S    116° 45.7' E SO198707 80   1.4 30 minutes
1987-09-27 08:48 19° 03.5' S    117° 59.0' E SO198707 48   0.5 30 minutes
1987-09-30 06:42 20° 00.9' S    116° 22.9' E SO198707 68   0.17 30 minutes
1987-10-05 06:05 20° 24.3' S    115° 41.5' E SO198707 99   0.36 30 minutes
1987-10-08 03:08 20° 11.4' S    115° 29.9' E SO198707 107   0.93 30 minutes
1987-10-08 05:45 19° 56.2' S    115° 35.5' E SO198707 108   3.5 30 minutes
1988-10-03 06:06 19° 19.3' S    118° 06.4' E SO198805 101   73 to 76 1.03 30 minutes
1988-10-03 07:33 19° 20.0' S    118° 06.7' E SO198805 102   74 to 78 0.47 30 minutes
1988-10-10 01:15 19° 56.1' S    115° 31.3' E SO198805 169   73 to 75 2.06 30 minutes
1988-10-10 09:06 20° 08.2' S    115° 28.2' E SO198805 173   66 to 68 2 30 minutes
1989-09-27 05:15 19° 36.1' S    116° 45.4' E POE198901 78   47 to 48 0.95 30 minutes
1989-09-28 08:47 20° 45.9' S    115° 16.0' E POE198901 85   43 to 44 0.27 30 minutes
1989-09-29 03:21 20° 09.0' S    115° 18.9' E POE198901 87   64 to 69 0.75 30 minutes
1989-09-30 01:20 19° 57.4' S    115° 32.9' E POE198901 96   68 to 69 2.35 30 minutes
1989-09-30 02:46 20° 01.2' S    115° 31.3' E POE198901 97   70 to 72 2.03 30 minutes
1989-10-07 05:42 19° 03.9' S    118° 39.0' E POE198901 127   86 to 87 0.9 30 minutes
1990-04-03 14:30 33° 01.0' S    152° 13.0' E KAPALA 1931   143 to 145 2 ? 30 Minutes
1990-08-30 02:00 29° 23.0' S    153° 23.0' E KAPALA 2065   25 to 29 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-08-30 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2073   77 to 79 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-08-30 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2071   69 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-08-31 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2082   73 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-08-31 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2080   73 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-08-31 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2081   75 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-09-01 02:00 28° 35.0' S    153° 34.0' E KAPALA 2083   15 to 21 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-09-28 03:50 20° 04.9' S    115° 33.1' E SS199002 43   71 to 71 0.93 30 minutes
1990-10-10 08:30 20° 10.2' S    115° 15.6' E SS199002 135   61 to 68 0.25 30 minutes
1990-10-12 02:10 19° 40.2' S    116° 42.1' E SS199002 150   46 to 46 1 35 minutes
1990-11-21 11:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2220   62 to 66 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-11-23 00:00 29° 23.0' S    153° 23.0' E KAPALA 2224   17 to 25 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-05 11:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2252   89 to 93 1 ? 30 Minutes
1990-12-06 01:00 32° 08.0' S    152° 31.0' E KAPALA 2256   10 to 14 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-02-18 11:00 28° 24.0' S    153° 40.0' E KAPALA 2334   56 to 58 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-03-12 02:00 32° 08.0' S    152° 31.0' E KAPALA 2359   21 to 23 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-04-17 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2385   95 to 98 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-20 02:00 32° 08.0' S    152° 31.0' E KAPALA 2487   14 to 19 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-06-25 12:00 32° 51.0' S    151° 53.0' E KAPALA 2497   15 to 19 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-08-11 12:00 28° 24.0' S    153° 40.0' E KAPALA 2528   50 to 54 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-09-04 02:00 32° 51.0' S    151° 53.0' E KAPALA 2600   14 to 15 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-09-05 02:00 32° 51.0' S    151° 53.0' E KAPALA 2611   14 to 17 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-09-15 22:20 20° 13.9' S    115° 30.1' E SS199104 19   51 to 53 0.88 25 minutes
1991-09-15 23:20 20° 14.5' S    115° 32.6' E SS199104 20   52 to 58 0.84 30 minutes
1991-09-17 22:25 20° 03.7' S    116° 21.6' E SS199104 37   52 to 53 0.49 30 minutes
1991-09-19 05:10 19° 57.4' S    116° 36.1' E SS199104 48   56 to 58 1.17 30 minutes
1991-09-19 06:15 19° 52.5' S    116° 34.3' E SS199104 49   57 to 58 1.06 30 minutes
1991-09-21 01:30 19° 37.2' S    116° 48.5' E SS199104 61   46 to 47 13.3 30 minutes
1991-09-26 00:00 19° 09.5' S    118° 07.2' E SS199104 105   82 to 84 1.3 30 minutes
1991-12-04 01:00 32° 08.0' S    152° 31.0' E KAPALA 2700   14 to 17 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-12-10 01:00 32° 08.0' S    152° 31.0' E KAPALA 2707   14 to 17 1 ? 30 Minutes
1991-12-10 01:00 32° 08.0' S    152° 31.0' E KAPALA 2708   14 to 15 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-19 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2718   71 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-03-26 12:00 29° 25.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 2751   69 to 71 1 ? 30 Minutes
1992-05-06 12:00 31° 55.0' S    152° 51.0' E KAPALA 2810   100 to 106 1 ? 30 Minutes
1993-07-19 21:00 32° 59.0' S    151° 47.0' E KAPALA 3015   33 to 37 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-11-17 19:00 32° 59.0' S    151° 46.0' E KAPALA 3127   29 to 31 1 ? 60 Minutes
1995-05-18 11:00 29° 23.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 3544   71 to 75 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-05-18 12:30 29° 23.0' S    153° 35.0' E KAPALA 3545   75 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-05-28 08:30 29° 24.0' S    153° 34.0' E KAPALA 3524   71 to 77 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-06-08 09:00 29° 18.0' S    153° 28.0' E KAPALA 3561   48 to 50 1 ? 30 Minutes
1995-08-22 08:15 20° 01.1' S    115° 41.9' E SS199508 20   70 to 71 0.96 30 minutes
1995-08-26 06:55 19° 40.6' S    116° 41.9' E SS199508 45   46 to 46 6.3 30 minutes
1995-09-06 02:50 19° 43.3' S    118° 28.0' E SS199508 108   33 to 34 0.11 30 minutes
1995-09-06 07:05 19° 24.9' S    118° 03.2' E SS199508 110   68 to 69 1.3 30 minutes
1995-11-24 10:00 29° 48.0' S    153° 26.0' E KAPALA 3801   71 to 73 1 ? 30 Minutes
1997-08-14 01:45 19° 51.3' S    115° 39.0' E SS199707 40   73 to 76 1.34 30 minutes
1997-08-15 01:00 20° 09.4' S    115° 18.3' E SS199707 50   56 to 63 2.6 22 minutes
1997-08-15 03:45 20° 09.2' S    115° 23.3' E SS199707 51   60 to 65 2.7 30 minutes
1997-08-29 05:35 19° 00.8' S    118° 27.8' E SS199707 116   88 to 91 0.58 30 minutes
2003-05-23 04:25 31° 48.6' S    159° 20.7' E TAN0308 69   66 to 76 1 0.5 Trawl
2004-04-12 15:36 23° 46.5' S    152° 00.3' E GM200401 4   41 to 41 1 Prawn Trawl
2004-04-13 15:37 24° 21.3' S    152° 40.5' E GM200401 10   27 to 27 1 Prawn Trawl
2004-04-15 08:30 23° 58.5' S    152° 38.1' E GM200401 17   59 to 59 1 Prawn Trawl
2004-04-15 12:28 23° 57.9' S    152° 25.5' E GM200401 20   51 to 51 1 Prawn Trawl
2004-04-21 13:38 23° 17.7' S    151° 35.7' E GM200401 34   38 to 38 1 Prawn Trawl
2004-04-21 19:07 23° 21.3' S    152° 03.3' E GM200401 36   64 to 64 1 Prawn Trawl
2005-11-20 12:15 23° 05.1' S    151° 28.5' E GM200501 29   40 to 40 1 Prawn Trawl
2005-12-12 14:33 17° 43.5' S    146° 44.1' E GM200501 111   66 to 66 1 Prawn Trawl

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