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Deployment Details
Survey: - GM200401 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 36
Operation No.: 36
When: 2004-04-21 19:07 UTC
Where: 23° 21.3' S 152° 03.3' E
Maximum Depth (m): 64.1
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
8 fthm Hi'Flyer | 2004-04-21 19:07 | 2004-04-21 19:07 | 64 | 64 | Prawn Trawl |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
10004004 | Cinachyrella australiensis | 1 | |
37469005 | Diodon holocanthus | 1 | |
10113054 | Candidaspongia flabellata | 1 | |
10127003 | Ianthella basta | 1 | |
11185003 | Junceella juncea | 2 | |
11185005 | Dichotella gemmacea | 1 | |
11199001 | Subergorgia suberosa | 3 | |
20472002 | Euthyrisella obtecta | 1 | |
23226036 | Anadara auriculata | 1 | |
23236014 | Pteria lata | 1 | |
23236019 | Pteria avicular | 1 | |
23250020 | Lima vulgaris | 1 | |
23257012 | Lopha cristagalli | 2 | |
23270001 | Ylistrum balloti | 1 | |
23270052 | Annachlamys kuhnholtzi | 2 | |
23275003 | Monia deliciosa | 1 | |
23607007 | Sepia papuensis | 1 | |
23607012 | Sepia plangon | 3 | |
24045057 | Bolma aureola | 1 | |
24125005 | Doxander campbelli | 1 | |
24125009 | Lambis crocata | 1 | |
24432003 | Ceratosoma tenue | 1 | |
25125012 | Fromia monilis | 2 | |
25125045 | Tamaria fusca | 1 | |
25139001 | Euretaster insignis | 2 | |
25143013 | Metrodira subulata | 1 | |
25170004 | Euryale aspera | 1 | |
25211003 | Astropyga radiata | 1 | |
25416040 | Holothuria dofleinii | 1 | |
25417007 | Stichopus horrens | 1 | |
28840004 | Allogalathea elegans | 1 | |
28880040 | Picrocerus armatus | 1 | |
37038006 | Trygonoptera testacea | 1 | |
37261001 | Sargocentron rubrum | 2 | |
37261004 | Myripristis botche | 1 | |
37261011 | Myripristis kuntee | 1 | |
37287055 | Inimicus caledonicus | 1 | |
37327125 | Ostorhinchus capricornis | 1 | |
37346004 | Lutjanus sebae | 1 | |
37346033 | Lutjanus adetii | 2 | |
37346050 | Pterocaesio digramma | 1 | |
37347006 | Scolopsis regina | 1 | |
37347012 | Pentapodus nagasakiensis | 1 | |
37351018 | Gymnocranius audleyi | 1 | |
37355004 | Parupeneus heptacanthus | 1 | |
37365018 | Coradion altivelis | 1 | |
37365039 | Chaetodon guentheri | 2 | |
37365065 | Chaetodontoplus meredithi | 2 | |
37372009 | Dascyllus melanurus | 1 | |
37372049 | Chromis nitida | 1 | |
37384042 | Choerodon venustus | 1 | |
37390019 | Parapercis stricticeps | 1 | |
37438004 | Siganus canaliculatus | 1 | |
37462047 | Soleichthys oculofasciatus | 1 | |
37467018 | Canthigaster rivulata | 1 | |
10066100 | Clathria vulpina | 2 |