Survey details and related metadata, reports, events and data.
SS 08/95 (alternative identifier: SS199508)
Period: 1995-08-18 00:00 to 1995-09-09 00:00 UTC
Duration: 22.00 days
From: Broome To: Broome
Region: Australian North West Shelf
Ship: Southern Surveyor [details]
Southern Surveyor cruise SS 08/95 was undertaken to continue the experimental management program (1986-91) in the North West Shelf, encompassing three experimental management zones Barrow Island, Legendre and Port Hedland. Aims of the cruise were to determine the composition of the demersal fish community and the distribution and abundance of habitats (based on epibenthic fauna); to conduct hydrological transects; obtain taxonomic specimens and photos of NW shelf fish and invertebrate species; carry out 'fish down' trawls and to conduct trawls in water (~ 300 m) to collect specimens of Mustelus species for a genetic study, and other species of importance to the Fish Taxonomy group.
Data and samples collected included length frequency for 14 species of fish, specimens for the Handbook of Australian Seafood, specimens and muscle samples for the fillet analysis study, video and camera photography of the trawls, over 195 species of sponges for taxonomic studies by the Queensland Museum. Whale observations were also conducted.
Leader: A.W. Whitelaw (CSIRO)
Project: North West Shelf Demersal Marine Resources Study (1982-1992) [details]

Voyage extents: 20° 36.9' S to 18° 02.1' S 115° 54.2' E to 118° 54.9' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV
Marlin Metadata:-

Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Participants - on ship:-
Name | Leg | Role | Organisation |
Alistair Graham | 1 2 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
C Burton | 1 | Western Australian Museum (Perth) | |
C Stanley | 1 2 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
Clive Liron | 1 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
D Shaw | 2 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
G Dews | 2 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
Gordon Yearsley | 1 2 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
Jeff Cordell | 1 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
Lindsay MacDonald | 2 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
Miroslaw Ryba | 1 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
S Cook | 2 | Queensland Museum | |
T Fisher | 1 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
T Hay | 1 | Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines | |
Ted Wassenberg | 1 2 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
Tim Lamb | 2 | CSIRO Fisheries | |
W Whitelaw | 1 2 | Cruise leader | CSIRO Fisheries |
This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.
Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing
SS199508 Voyage Summary
- includes preliminary results, voyage narrative, types of data collected with C77/ROSCOP codes.
SS199508 Voyage Plan
- includes objectives, investigator details, proposed data collection, voyage track and equipment to be used.
Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.
- Appleyard, Sharon; Ward, Robert; Pogonoski, John; Graham, Alastair; Last, Peter; Deagle, Bruce; & Holmes, Bronwyn (2024): Marine fishes (from Australia) COI barcode reference library. v2. CSIRO. Data Collection. 10.25919/8haz-aa91
IPT Resource
- Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- CSIRO, North West Shelf Demersal Marine Resources Study 1980-1997 (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- Identifications of marine organisms from towed photo cameras, Kimberleys, Western Australia (1983-1997) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages
Data publishing
This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.
Data Stream | Data Summary | Get data | ||||||||||||
Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples |
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Catch Details |
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Deployments by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'Deployment' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data (tab delimited).
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Deployment | Operation | Station | Cast | Gear | Project | Start and end times | Start Location | End Location | Depth range | Max Depth | Description | |||
Catch [details] | 1 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-19 06:55 | 1995-08-19 07:25 | -18.9733 | 118.8650 | -18.9833 | 118.8667 | 89 | ||||
Catch [details] | 2 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-19 09:10 | 1995-08-19 09:40 | -19.2383 | 118.7517 | -19.2317 | 118.7133 | 75 | ||||
Catch [details] | 3 | Engel midwater | 171 | 1995-08-19 22:50 | 1995-08-19 23:20 | -20.0650 | 117.4950 | -20.0600 | 117.4617 | 43 | ||||
Catch [details] | 4 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-20 01:00 | 1995-08-20 01:30 | -20.2917 | 117.3983 | -20.2800 | 117.3733 | 28 | ||||
Catch [details] | 5 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-20 02:45 | 1995-08-20 03:15 | -20.1550 | 117.2083 | -20.1367 | 117.1883 | 40 | ||||
Catch [details] | 6 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-20 04:10 | 1995-08-20 04:40 | -20.1200 | 117.1050 | -20.1583 | 117.1050 | 43 | ||||
Catch [details] | 7 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-20 05:50 | 1995-08-20 06:20 | -20.2067 | 117.1200 | -20.2300 | 117.0967 | 36 | ||||
Catch [details] | 8 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-20 08:50 | 1995-08-20 09:20 | -20.2883 | 116.9450 | -20.2667 | 116.9250 | 38 | ||||
Catch [details] | 9 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-20 23:05 | 1995-08-20 23:35 | -20.8933 | 114.9833 | -20.8667 | 115.0000 | 90 | ||||
Catch [details] | 10 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-21 01:50 | 1995-08-21 02:20 | -20.6983 | 115.2383 | -20.7200 | 115.2400 | 45 | ||||
Catch [details] | 11 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-21 03:50 | 1995-08-21 04:20 | -20.6017 | 115.0150 | -20.5783 | 115.0150 | 84 | ||||
Catch [details] | 12 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-21 06:20 | 1995-08-21 06:50 | -20.3750 | 115.2667 | -20.3400 | 115.2683 | 46 | ||||
Catch [details] | 13 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-21 08:50 | 1995-08-21 09:20 | -20.4083 | 114.9350 | -20.4200 | 114.9233 | 125 | ||||
Catch Failed [details] | 14 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-21 11:30 | 1995-08-21 12:00 | -20.4650 | 114.7733 | -20.4667 | 114.8333 | 358 | ||||
Catch [details] | 15 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-21 23:05 | 1995-08-21 23:35 | -20.3017 | 115.0150 | -20.2717 | 115.0150 | 123 | ||||
Catch [details] | 16 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-22 00:25 | 1995-08-22 00:55 | -20.2100 | 115.0183 | -20.1800 | 115.0267 | 156 | ||||
Catch [details] | 17 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-22 02:15 | 1995-08-22 02:45 | -20.1767 | 115.2067 | -20.1567 | 115.2117 | 79 | ||||
Catch [details] | 18 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-22 04:50 | 1995-08-22 05:20 | -20.1500 | 115.6217 | -20.1467 | 115.6517 | 65 | ||||
Catch [details] | 19 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-22 06:10 | 1995-08-22 06:40 | -20.1617 | 115.7667 | -20.1583 | 115.7900 | 61 | ||||
Catch [details] | 20 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-22 08:15 | 1995-08-22 08:45 | -20.0183 | 115.6983 | -20.0117 | 115.6683 | 71 | ||||
Catch [details] | 21 | 171 | 1995-08-22 10:45 | -20.2250 | 115.5400 | 50 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 22 | 171 | 1995-08-22 11:30 | -19.6833 | 115.5000 | 100 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 23 | 171 | 1995-08-22 14:10 | -19.6667 | 115.5033 | 150 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 24 | 171 | 1995-08-22 14:39 | -19.6583 | 115.5150 | 200 | ||||||||
Catch Failed [details] | 25 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-22 23:00 | 1995-08-22 23:30 | -19.7267 | 115.5667 | -19.7017 | 115.5817 | 94 | ||||
Catch [details] | 26 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-23 02:30 | 1995-08-23 03:00 | -19.6267 | 115.3333 | -19.6450 | 137 | |||||
Catch [details] | 27 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-23 04:10 | 1995-08-23 04:40 | -19.7700 | 115.8583 | -19.7833 | 115.8217 | 105 | ||||
Catch [details] | 28 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-23 07:40 | 1995-08-23 08:02 | -19.9500 | 115.7767 | -19.9533 | 115.7483 | 74 | ||||
Catch Failed [details] | 29 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-23 23:00 | 1995-08-23 23:30 | -20.7250 | 115.7117 | -20.6983 | 115.7200 | 20 | ||||
Catch [details] | 30 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-24 01:15 | 1995-08-24 01:35 | -20.7500 | 115.8217 | -20.7333 | 115.8233 | 20 | ||||
Catch [details] | 31 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-24 03:15 | 1995-08-24 03:35 | -20.7400 | 115.9717 | -20.6800 | 115.9733 | 23 | ||||
Catch [details] | 32 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-24 05:40 | 1995-08-24 06:05 | -20.4933 | 115.9633 | -20.4650 | 115.9600 | 35 | ||||
Catch [details] | 33 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-24 07:40 | 1995-08-24 08:10 | -20.4267 | 116.1300 | -20.3967 | 116.1433 | 34 | ||||
Catch [details] | 34 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-24 09:05 | 1995-08-24 09:35 | -20.3400 | 116.2083 | -20.3267 | 116.1950 | 42 | ||||
Catch [details] | 35 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-24 23:05 | 1995-08-24 23:35 | -20.3517 | 116.1217 | -20.3417 | 116.1033 | 42 | ||||
Catch [details] | 36 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-25 02:10 | 1995-08-25 02:30 | -20.2333 | 115.9383 | -20.2317 | 115.9550 | 52 | ||||
Catch [details] | 37 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-25 03:35 | 1995-08-25 04:05 | -20.1467 | 116.0650 | -20.1217 | 116.0583 | 58 | ||||
Catch [details] | 38 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-25 06:40 | 1995-08-25 07:10 | -19.9450 | 116.0050 | -19.9383 | 115.9650 | 68 | ||||
Catch [details] | 39 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-25 09:10 | 1995-08-25 09:40 | -20.0217 | 116.0650 | -20.0283 | 116.1000 | 59 | ||||
Catch [details] | 40 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-25 23:05 | 1995-08-25 23:35 | -19.4967 | 116.1833 | -19.4817 | 116.2167 | 120 | ||||
Catch [details] | 41 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-26 01:25 | 1995-08-26 01:55 | -19.7017 | 116.4583 | -19.7217 | 116.4867 | 62 | ||||
Catch [details] | 42 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-26 02:25 | 1995-08-26 02:55 | -19.7167 | 116.5000 | -19.6983 | 116.5333 | 60 | ||||
Catch [details] | 43 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-26 03:30 | 1995-08-26 04:00 | -19.6617 | 116.5583 | -19.6333 | 116.5583 | 60 | ||||
Catch [details] | 44 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-26 05:10 | 1995-08-26 05:40 | -19.5183 | 116.6600 | -19.5250 | 116.6833 | 64 | ||||
Catch [details] | 45 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-26 06:55 | 1995-08-26 07:25 | -19.6767 | 116.6983 | -19.7050 | 116.6950 | 46 | ||||
Catch [details] | 46 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-26 08:55 | 1995-08-26 09:25 | -19.6967 | 116.9367 | -19.6950 | 116.9617 | 66 | ||||
Catch [details] | 47 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-26 23:00 | 1995-08-26 23:30 | -19.7850 | 116.7700 | -19.8100 | 116.7700 | 65 | ||||
Catch [details] | 48 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-27 01:10 | 1995-08-27 01:40 | -20.0617 | 116.7500 | -20.0683 | 116.7217 | 53 | ||||
Catch [details] | 49 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-27 02:50 | 1995-08-27 03:20 | -20.0567 | 116.5467 | -20.0250 | 116.5467 | 57 | ||||
Catch [details] | 50 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-27 04:10 | 1995-08-27 04:40 | -19.9567 | 116.5500 | -19.9833 | 116.5450 | 59 | ||||
Catch [details] | 51 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-27 06:30 | 1995-08-27 07:00 | -20.1517 | 116.3033 | -20.1767 | 116.2967 | 51 | ||||
Catch [details] | 52 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-27 08:45 | 1995-08-27 09:00 | -20.5150 | 116.3517 | -20.4867 | 116.3717 | 29 | ||||
Catch [details] | 53 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-27 23:00 | 1995-08-27 23:30 | -20.2983 | 116.4133 | 40 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 54 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-28 00:20 | 1995-08-28 00:50 | -20.3050 | 116.4967 | -20.3100 | 116.4733 | 40 | ||||
Catch [details] | 55 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-28 01:35 | 1995-08-28 02:05 | -20.3483 | 116.5233 | 39 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 56 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-28 02:55 | 1995-08-28 03:25 | -20.4133 | 116.5167 | -20.3950 | 116.5383 | 38 | ||||
Catch [details] | 57 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-29 08:55 | 1995-08-29 09:25 | -20.2000 | 116.8533 | -20.1900 | 116.8750 | 41 | ||||
Catch [details] | 58 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-29 23:00 | 1995-08-29 23:30 | -19.2650 | 117.1300 | -19.2417 | 117.1483 | 110 | ||||
Catch [details] | 59 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-30 01:20 | 1995-08-30 01:50 | -18.9700 | 117.2017 | -18.9600 | 117.2433 | 253 | ||||
Catch [details] | 60 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-30 03:35 | 1995-08-30 04:05 | -18.8767 | 117.4900 | -18.8967 | 117.4617 | 208 | ||||
Catch [details] | 61 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-30 05:40 | 1995-08-30 06:10 | -19.0200 | 117.3783 | 170 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 62 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-30 07:40 | 1995-08-30 08:10 | -19.0550 | 117.3600 | -19.0600 | 117.3833 | 154 | ||||
Catch [details] | 63 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-30 08:50 | 1995-08-30 09:20 | -19.0700 | 117.4167 | -19.0783 | 117.4367 | 136 | ||||
Catch [details] | 71 | 171 | 1995-08-30 16:50 | -19.2833 | 116.5183 | 145 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 64 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-30 23:00 | 1995-08-30 23:30 | -19.4633 | 117.3383 | -19.4800 | 117.3200 | 86 | ||||
Catch [details] | 65 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-31 00:25 | 1995-08-31 00:55 | -19.5750 | 117.2483 | -19.6017 | 117.2567 | 74 | ||||
Catch [details] | 66 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-31 02:20 | 1995-08-31 02:50 | -19.7667 | 117.1433 | -19.7700 | 117.1200 | 64 | ||||
Catch [details] | 70 | 171 | 1995-08-31 04:33 | -19.4767 | 116.5000 | 102 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 67 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-31 05:20 | 1995-08-31 05:50 | -19.9150 | 117.2017 | -19.9283 | 117.1750 | 58 | ||||
Catch [details] | 68 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-31 07:00 | 1995-08-31 07:30 | -20.0167 | 117.0567 | -20.0267 | 117.0267 | 52 | ||||
Catch [details] | 69 | 171 | 1995-08-31 11:45 | -20.1333 | 116.5000 | 47 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 72 | 171 | 1995-08-31 17:40 | -19.1917 | 116.5100 | 200 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 73 | 171 | 1995-08-31 18:15 | -19.1517 | 116.5050 | 238 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 74 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-08-31 23:00 | 1995-08-31 23:30 | -19.1650 | 117.4483 | -19.1633 | 117.4700 | 123 | ||||
Catch [details] | 75 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-01 00:25 | 1995-09-01 00:55 | -19.1467 | 117.6033 | -19.1383 | 117.6383 | 123 | ||||
Catch [details] | 76 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-01 01:50 | 1995-09-01 02:20 | -19.1500 | 117.6817 | -19.1433 | 117.7133 | 115 | ||||
Catch [details] | 77 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-01 03:00 | 1995-09-01 03:30 | -19.1483 | 117.7050 | -19.1567 | 117.6800 | 115 | ||||
Catch [details] | 78 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-01 04:25 | 1995-09-01 04:55 | -19.2450 | 117.6100 | -19.2667 | 117.5983 | 98 | ||||
Catch [details] | 79 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-01 05:35 | 1995-09-01 06:05 | -19.3017 | 117.6167 | -19.3267 | 117.6050 | 88 | ||||
Catch [details] | 80 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-01 07:20 | 1995-09-01 07:50 | -19.4700 | 117.5717 | -19.4850 | 117.5900 | 80 | ||||
Catch [details] | 81 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-01 08:50 | 1995-09-01 09:20 | -19.5633 | 117.6683 | -19.5617 | 117.7000 | 65 | ||||
Catch [details] | 82 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-01 22:55 | 1995-09-01 23:25 | -19.7633 | 117.9617 | -19.7783 | 117.9750 | 48 | ||||
Catch [details] | 83 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-02 01:15 | 1995-09-02 01:45 | -19.7100 | 118.0933 | -19.7317 | 118.0733 | 50 | ||||
Catch [details] | 84 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-02 02:35 | 1995-09-02 03:05 | -19.6950 | 118.1083 | -19.6833 | 118.0917 | 52 | ||||
Catch [details] | 85 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-02 03:45 | 1995-09-02 04:15 | -19.6683 | 118.1317 | -19.6833 | 118.1583 | 51 | ||||
Catch [details] | 86 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-02 05:25 | 1995-09-02 05:55 | -19.6267 | 118.1700 | -19.6400 | 118.1967 | 56 | ||||
Catch [details] | 87 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-02 07:05 | 1995-09-02 07:35 | -19.7417 | 118.2200 | -19.7667 | 118.2467 | 35 | ||||
Catch [details] | 88 | 171 | 1995-09-03 05:40 | -19.7583 | 117.8350 | 49 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 89 | 171 | 1995-09-03 09:15 | -19.0533 | 117.9733 | 101 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 90 | 171 | 1995-09-03 11:15 | -18.7400 | 118.9833 | 148 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 91 | 171 | 1995-09-03 12:33 | -18.6067 | 118.0000 | 200 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 92 | 171 | 1995-09-03 13:33 | -18.5100 | 117.9833 | 250 | ||||||||
Catch [details] | 93 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-03 23:15 | 1995-09-03 23:45 | -19.9550 | 118.0533 | 37 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 94 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-04 01:25 | 1995-09-04 01:55 | -20.1633 | 117.9367 | -20.1667 | 117.9117 | 28 | ||||
Catch [details] | 95 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-04 03:15 | 1995-09-04 03:45 | -20.2317 | 117.8083 | -20.2183 | 117.8400 | 25 | ||||
Catch [details] | 96 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-04 04:30 | 1995-09-04 05:00 | -20.1983 | 117.8350 | -20.2067 | 117.8617 | 28 | ||||
Catch [details] | 97 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-04 07:23 | 1995-09-04 07:53 | -20.0850 | 118.1833 | -20.0550 | 118.2183 | 24 | ||||
Catch [details] | 98 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-04 08:55 | 1995-09-04 09:25 | -20.0117 | 118.2133 | -19.9667 | 118.2300 | 28 | ||||
Catch [details] | 99 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-04 23:20 | 1995-09-04 23:50 | -19.7667 | 118.2167 | -19.7517 | 118.2417 | 37 | ||||
Catch [details] | 100 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-05 00:48 | 1995-09-05 01:18 | -19.7667 | 118.2167 | -19.7500 | 118.2417 | 37 | ||||
Catch [details] | 101 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-05 02:15 | 1995-09-05 02:45 | -19.7650 | 118.2183 | -19.7533 | 118.2417 | 37 | ||||
Catch [details] | 102 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-05 03:35 | 1995-09-05 04:05 | -19.7667 | 118.2183 | -19.7517 | 118.2417 | 37 | ||||
Catch Failed [details] | 103 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-05 05:10 | 1995-09-05 05:40 | -19.7667 | 118.2183 | -19.7500 | 118.2433 | 37 | ||||
Catch [details] | 104 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-05 06:35 | 1995-09-05 07:05 | -19.7667 | 118.2167 | -19.7500 | 118.2400 | 37 | ||||
Catch [details] | 105 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-05 08:10 | 1995-09-05 08:38 | -19.7667 | 118.2183 | -19.7517 | 118.2433 | 37 | ||||
Catch [details] | 106 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-05 23:00 | 1995-09-05 23:30 | -19.9067 | 118.5767 | -19.8800 | 118.5800 | 23 | ||||
Catch [details] | 107 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-06 00:35 | 1995-09-06 01:05 | -19.8750 | 118.6167 | -19.8433 | 118.6133 | 24 | ||||
Catch [details] | 108 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-06 02:50 | 1995-09-06 03:20 | -19.7217 | 118.4667 | -19.6833 | 118.4617 | 34 | ||||
Catch [details] | 109 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-06 04:10 | 1995-09-06 04:40 | -19.5983 | 118.4383 | -19.5750 | 118.4167 | 36 | ||||
Catch [details] | 110 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-06 07:05 | 1995-09-06 07:35 | -19.4150 | 118.0533 | -19.4083 | 118.0267 | 69 | ||||
Catch [details] | 111 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-06 08:30 | 1995-09-06 09:00 | -19.4033 | 118.0017 | -19.4100 | 118.0500 | 69 | ||||
Catch [details] | 112 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-06 23:15 | 1995-09-06 23:45 | -19.4500 | 118.6150 | -19.4267 | 118.6067 | 55 | ||||
Catch [details] | 113 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-07 00:45 | 1995-09-07 01:15 | -19.3883 | 118.5250 | -19.3600 | 118.5483 | 68 | ||||
Catch [details] | 114 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-07 02:20 | 1995-09-07 02:50 | -19.2867 | 118.6067 | -19.2533 | 118.6250 | 75 | ||||
Catch [details] | 115 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-07 03:40 | 1995-09-07 04:10 | -19.2067 | 118.6517 | -19.1900 | 118.6233 | 80 | ||||
Catch [details] | 116 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-07 07:45 | 1995-09-07 08:20 | -19.2267 | 118.0200 | -19.2250 | 117.9833 | 85 | ||||
Catch [details] | 117 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-07 23:00 | 1995-09-07 23:30 | -19.0167 | 118.1633 | 104 | ||||||
Catch [details] | 118 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-08 00:15 | 1995-09-08 00:45 | -19.0150 | 118.1700 | -18.9833 | 118.2017 | 105 | ||||
Catch [details] | 119 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-08 01:30 | 1995-09-08 02:00 | -18.9667 | 118.1667 | -18.9600 | 118.1383 | 122 | ||||
Catch [details] | 120 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-08 04:10 | 1995-09-08 04:40 | -18.9033 | 117.8250 | -18.9017 | 117.8567 | 133 | ||||
Catch [details] | 121 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-08 05:50 | 1995-09-08 06:25 | -18.8483 | 117.9533 | -18.8517 | 117.9767 | 135 | ||||
Catch [details] | 122 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-08 08:10 | 1995-09-08 08:40 | -18.6450 | 118.1167 | -18.6550 | 118.1433 | 150 | ||||
Catch [details] | 123 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-08 12:00 | 1995-09-08 13:15 | -18.2433 | 118.1867 | -18.2000 | 118.2483 | 269 | ||||
Catch [details] | 124 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-08 15:10 | 1995-09-08 16:25 | -18.1000 | 118.1817 | -18.0400 | 118.2467 | 392 | ||||
Catch [details] | 125 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-08 23:05 | 1995-09-08 23:35 | -18.5117 | 118.5050 | -18.5200 | 118.5483 | 130 | ||||
Catch [details] | 126 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-09 00:50 | 1995-09-09 01:20 | -18.5100 | 118.7250 | -18.5300 | 118.7550 | 145 | ||||
Catch [details] | 127 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-09 02:10 | 1995-09-09 02:40 | -18.5550 | 118.8083 | -18.5867 | 118.8017 | 136 | ||||
Catch [details] | 128 | Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 171 | 1995-09-09 03:50 | 1995-09-09 04:20 | -18.6583 | 118.7317 | -18.6450 | 118.7650 | 135 | ||||
Underway System [details] | Doppler speed log,Licor-UWQ 3708,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,Simrad EK500 echosounder,Sperry gyrocompass,Temperature sensor-41342,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777 |