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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
(gulper sharks, kitefin sharks, dogfishes, lantern sharks & sleeper sharks)
Found 82 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
37 020000 | Centrophoridae, Dalatiidae, Squalidae, Somniosidae & Etmopteridae | gulper sharks, sleeper sharks & dogfishes |
37 020921 | Centrophoridae | |
37 020908 | Centrophorus spp. | [gulper sharks] |
37 020913 | Deania spp. | |
37 020902 | Centrophorus harrissoni, Centrophorus moluccensis & Centrophorus uyato | Endeavour dogfish |
37 020905 | Deania calceus & Deania quadrispinosa | platypus shark |
37 020023 | Centrophorus granulosus | Gulper Shark |
37 020010 | Centrophorus harrissoni | Harrisson's Dogfish |
37 020001 | Centrophorus moluccensis | Endeavour Dogfish |
37 020009 | Centrophorus squamosus | Leafscale Gulper Shark |
37 020011 | Centrophorus uyato | Southern Dogfish |
37 020050 | Centrophorus westraliensis | Western Gulper Shark |
37 020003 | Deania calceus | Brier Shark |
37 020004 | Deania quadrispinosa | Longsnout Dogfish |
37 020922 | Dalatiidae | |
37 020912 | Dalatias spp. | |
37 020914 | Euprotomicrus spp. | |
37 020915 | Isistius spp. | |
37 020919 | Squaliolus spp. | |
37 020002 | Dalatias licha | Black Shark |
37 020034 | Euprotomicrus bispinatus | Pygmy Shark |
37 020014 | Isistius brasiliensis | Smalltooth Cookiecutter Shark |
37 020043 | Isistius plutodus | Largetooth Cookiecutter Shark |
37 020017 | Squaliolus aliae | Smalleye Pygmy Shark |
37 020923 | Squalidae | |
37 020911 | Cirrhigaleus spp. | |
37 020901 | Squalus spp. | greeneye dogfish |
37 020049 | Cirrhigaleus australis | Mandarin Shark |
37 020055 | Squalus cf. megalops | (Southern) Spikey Spurdog |
37 020008 | Squalus acanthias | Whitespotted Dogfish |
37 020038 | Squalus albifrons | Eastern Highfin Spurdog |
37 020018 | Squalus altipinnis | Western Highfin Spurdog |
37 020048 | Squalus chloroculus | Greeneye Spurdog |
37 020039 | Squalus crassispinus | Fatspine Spurdog |
37 020046 | Squalus edmundsi | Edmunds' Spurdog |
37 020041 | Squalus grahami | Eastern Longnose Spurdog |
37 020054 | Squalus griffini | Northern Spiny Dogfish |
37 020006 | Squalus megalops | Spikey Dogfish |
37 020047 | Squalus montalbani | Philippine Spurdog |
37 020040 | Squalus nasutus | Western Longnose Spurdog |
37 020037 | Squalus notocaudatus | Bartail Spurdog |
37 020058 | Squalus raoulensis | [a gulper shark] |
37 020057 | Squalus sp. A | (Southern) Whitetail Spurdog |
37 020056 | Squalus sp. B | (Northern) Whitetail Spurdog |
37 020924 | Somniosidae | |
37 020906 | Centroscymnus spp. | [a dogfish] |
37 020910 | Centroselachus spp. | |
37 020917 | Scymnodalatias spp. | |
37 020916 | Scymnodon spp. | [a sleeper shark] |
37 020918 | Somniosus spp. | |
37 020920 | Zameus spp. | |
37 020025 | Centroscymnus coelolepis | Portuguese Dogfish |
37 020019 | Centroscymnus owstonii | Owston's Dogfish |
37 020012 | Centroselachus crepidater | Golden Dogfish |
37 020035 | Scymnodalatias albicauda | Whitetail Dogfish |
37 020052 | Scymnodalatias sherwoodi | Sherwood's Dogfish |
37 020013 | Scymnodon macracanthus | Plunket's Dogfish |
37 020036 | Somniosus antarcticus | Southern Sleeper Shark |
37 020042 | Zameus squamulosus | Velvet Dogfish |
37 020925 | Etmopteridae | |
37 020909 | Centroscyllium spp. | |
37 020907 | Etmopterus spp. | lantern sharks |
37 020024 | Centroscyllium kamoharai | Bareskin Dogfish |
37 020027 | Etmopterus bigelowi | Smooth Lanternshark |
37 020032 | Etmopterus brachyurus | Short-tail Lanternshark |
37 020029 | Etmopterus dianthus | Pink Lanternshark |
37 020031 | Etmopterus dislineatus | Lined Lanternshark |
37 020030 | Etmopterus evansi | Blackmouth Lanternshark |
37 020028 | Etmopterus fusus | Pygmy Lanternshark |
37 020021 | Etmopterus granulosus | Southern Lanternshark |
37 020059 | Etmopterus litvinovi | [a lanternshark] |
37 020005 | Etmopterus lucifer | Blackbelly Lanternshark |
37 020033 | Etmopterus molleri | Moller's Lanternshark |
37 020015 | Etmopterus pusillus | Slender Lanternshark |
37 020022 | Etmopterus unicolor | Bristled Lanternshark |
37 020904 | Centroscymnus, Centroselachus, Deania & Scymnodon spp. | roughskin dogfish |
99 378031 | Centroscymnus plunketi (unverified) | |
99 378058 | Isistius brasiliensis (unverified) | |
99 379218 | Deania quadrispinosum (unverified) | |
99 379665 | Squalidae sp. (unverified) | |
99 379666 | Squalus blainvillei (unverified) | |
99 379667 | Squalus sp. (unverified) |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.