CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 37 465007 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
Scobinichthys granulatus    (Shaw, 1790)
CAAB category: 37 - Pisces
Standard Name (AS5300): Rough Leatherjacket
Distribution map:
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Modelled distribution shown as blue polygon (source: Australian National Fish Expert Distributions) Updated on 2012-07-31.
Occurrence locations [64] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records
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Catch records - 65 records found.
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Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
1966-10-27 00:00 33° 20.1' S    127° 06.1' E RADU196608 156   120 to 150 Trawl 85 minutes
1966-11-20 00:00 39° 42.0' S    145° 00.0' E RADU196608 183   55 to 65 18 Trawl 60 minutes
1966-11-21 00:00 39° 00.1' S    145° 30.1' E RADU196608 191   72 to 72 13 Trawl 70 minutes
1966-11-21 00:00 40° 20.0' S    145° 30.0' E RADU196608 187   50 to 54 Trawl 60 minutes
1966-11-22 00:00 40° 20.0' S    146° 00.0' E RADU196608 196   70 to 72 Trawl 120 minutes
1966-11-22 00:00 40° 06.0' S    146° 00.0' E RADU196608 195   74 to 75 Trawl 85 minutes
1966-11-23 00:00 40° 41.1' S    146° 30.0' E RADU196608 199   70 to 70 Trawl 60 minutes
1966-11-23 00:00 40° 49.0' S    147° 01.0' E RADU196608 204   60 to 60 50 Trawl 60 minutes
1966-11-23 00:00 40° 23.1' S    146° 30.0' E RADU196608 200   74 to 77 Trawl 60 minutes
1966-11-23 00:00 40° 30.0' S    147° 00.0' E RADU196608 203   68 to 68 100 Trawl 70 minutes
1966-11-26 00:00 42° 31.1' S    148° 25.0' E RADU196608 206   100 to 120 Trawl 108 minutes
1967-01-16 00:00 32° 33.1' S    131° 21.0' E RADU196608 367   65 to 75 Trawl 72 minutes
1971-08-04 00:00 32° 00.1' S    129° 00.2' E POSE197107 264   45 to 45 2 Trawl 46 minutes
1971-08-05 00:00 33° 42.0' S    125° 25.2' E POSE197107 266   105 to 105 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-04 00:00 32° 23.1' S    127° 49.0' E LIRA197304 207   37 to 40 10 Trawl 50 minutes
1973-09-04 00:00 32° 33.0' S    127° 33.0' E LIRA197304 211   42 to 42 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-04 00:00 32° 23.1' S    128° 58.1' E LIRA197304 209   45 to 45 10 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-05 00:00 32° 34.1' S    126° 38.1' E LIRA197304 215   50 to 54 10 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-05 00:00 32° 39.0' S    126° 24.0' E LIRA197304 216   50 to 52 4 Trawl 65 minutes
1973-09-06 00:00 32° 43.1' S    125° 43.0' E LIRA197304 217   53 to 54 10 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-06 00:00 32° 40.1' S    125° 51.0' E LIRA197304 218   55 to 55 10 Trawl 65 minutes
1973-09-07 00:00 33° 00.0' S    125° 22.0' E LIRA197304 223   60 to 65 10 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-07 00:00 32° 54.0' S    125° 25.1' E LIRA197304 222   10 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-07 00:00 33° 07.0' S    125° 08.1' E LIRA197304 224   60 to 61 20 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-09 00:00 32° 43.1' S    126° 35.1' E LIRA197304 233   61 to 62 10 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-09 00:00 32° 43.0' S    126° 35.0' E LIRA197304 235   60 to 60 1 Trawl 75 minutes
1977-03-30 00:00 40° 15.1' S    146° 48.1' E TICH197703 212   75 to 75 50 5 Trawl 60 minutes
1977-03-30 00:00 40° 18.0' S    146° 41.0' E TICH197703 215   70 to 75 20 2 Trawl 50 minutes
1977-03-30 00:00 40° 19.0' S    146° 42.1' E TICH197703 220   70 to 72 60 9 Trawl 120 minutes
1977-03-30 00:00 40° 17.0' S    146° 37.1' E TICH197703 218   70 to 75 40 6 Trawl 80 minutes
1977-03-31 00:00 40° 13.0' S    146° 34.1' E TICH197703 229   70 to 75 200 8 Trawl 105 minutes
1977-03-31 00:00 40° 26.1' S    146° 36.0' E TICH197703 221   70 to 70 600 25 Trawl 90 minutes
1977-03-31 00:00 40° 36.0' S    146° 48.1' E TICH197703 222   70 to 70 120 5 Trawl 90 minutes
1977-03-31 00:00 40° 33.1' S    146° 46.1' E TICH197703 223   70 to 70 40 4 Trawl 90 minutes
1977-03-31 00:00 40° 22.1' S    146° 50.0' E TICH197703 226   75 to 75 200 8 Trawl 60 minutes
1977-03-31 00:00 40° 17.0' S    146° 40.0' E TICH197703 227   75 to 78 3080 300 Trawl 70 minutes
1977-03-31 00:00 40° 13.1' S    146° 36.0' E TICH197703 230   70 to 72 50 4 Trawl 100 minutes
1977-04-09 00:00 40° 20.0' S    146° 32.1' E TICH197703 236   75 to 75 125 15 Trawl 88 minutes
1977-04-09 00:00 40° 13.1' S    145° 22.1' E TICH197703 233   75 to 75 150 20 Trawl 90 minutes
1977-04-09 00:00 40° 16.1' S    146° 26.1' E TICH197703 234   75 to 75 130 15 Trawl 90 minutes
1977-04-09 00:00 40° 14.1' S    146° 22.0' E TICH197703 235   75 to 76 150 20 Trawl 90 minutes
1978-02-15 04:16 32° 54.0' S    125° 00.0' E COUR197831 6   40 to 50 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-02-15 16:41 33° 12.0' S    125° 30.0' E COUR197831 7   50 to 52 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-02-15 20:51 32° 43.0' S    125° 30.0' E COUR197831 8   40 to 42 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-02-16 14:42 32° 24.0' S    128° 00.0' E COUR197831 10   40 to 45 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-02-16 19:58 32° 01.0' S    128° 30.0' E COUR197831 11   36 to 38 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-02-17 20:16 32° 24.0' S    129° 00.0' E COUR197831 14   42 to 46 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-02-18 01:13 32° 24.0' S    128° 30.0' E COUR197831 15   43 to 43 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-03-02 16:04 32° 24.0' S    127° 30.0' E COUR197832 7   30 to 30 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-03-31 20:48 32° 31.0' S    128° 27.0' E COUR197833 5   40 to 50 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1978-04-09 18:02 34° 13.0' S    124° 38.0' E COUR197833 29   150 to 160 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1979-03-23 16:06 32° 07.0' S    129° 00.0' E COUR197947 2   48 to 48 2 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1979-03-23 17:24 32° 08.0' S    128° 57.0' E COUR197947 3   48 to 48 2 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1980-09-20 02:25 33° 10.0' S    128° 18.0' E SO198006 51   120 to 120 1 Stern Trawl 100 minutes
1981-07-29 09:55 33° 15.0' S    125° 24.0' E SO198103 13   60 to 61 1 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1981-08-02 21:30 32° 11.0' S    129° 30.0' E SO198103 28   48 to 49 1 50 minutes
1981-08-07 09:00 32° 16.0' S    131° 25.0' E SO198103 47   66 to 70 3 50 minutes
1981-12-05 23:10 33° 22.0' S    130° 48.0' E SO198105 41   172 to 176 1 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1981-12-06 07:30 33° 21.0' S    130° 53.0' E SO198105 45   176 to 180 1 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-03-24 03:00 35° 06.0' S    150° 44.0' E KAPALA 1093   19 to 23 1 ? 60 Minutes
1986-10-28 23:00 35° 05.0' S    150° 44.0' E KAPALA 1618   10 to 23 1 ? 120 Minutes
1993-08-09 17:00 35° 13.0' S    150° 38.0' E KAPALA 3037   37 to 41 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-08-10 17:00 36° 41.0' S    150° 02.0' E KAPALA 3041   41 to 46 1 ? 60 Minutes
1993-09-06 23:00 35° 13.0' S    150° 42.0' E KAPALA 3080   54 to 60 1 ? 60 Minutes
1996-04-19 02:30 38° 58.8' S    146° 36.5' E SS199602 21   Trawl

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