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Deployment Details
Survey: - SO198105 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 41
Operation No.: 41
Gear: Engel high-opening bottom trawl
When: 1981-12-05 23:10 to 1981-12-06 00:00 UTC
Where: 33° 22.0' S 130° 48.0' E
Maximum Depth (m): 176
Description: Trawling
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
Engel high-opening bottom trawl | 1981-12-05 23:10 | 1981-12-06 00:00 | Stern Trawl | 50 minutes |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
23636004 | Nototodarus gouldi | 9 | |
37466000 | Ostraciidae, Aracanidae | 1 | |
37038007 | Urolophus viridis | 1 | 1 |
37255000 | Trachichthyidae | 8 | |
37258004 | Centroberyx gerrardi | 6 | 8 |
37264002 | Cyttus australis | 1 | |
37287006 | Neosebastes thetidis | 2 | |
37288006 | Pterygotrigla polyommata | 20 | |
37296002 | Platycephalus conatus | 1 | |
37311001 | Lepidoperca pulchella | ||
37311004 | Callanthias allporti | 6 | |
37337002 | Trachurus declivis | 315 | 70 |
37337004 | Caranx georgianus | 3 | 7 |
37345002 | Plagiogeneion macrolepis | 64 | |
37361003 | Tilodon sexfasciatus | 1 | 1 |
37367005 | Zanclistius elevatus | 2 | |
37369002 | Oplegnathus woodwardi | 20 | |
37377003 | Nemadactylus macropterus | 12 | |
37377004 | Nemadactylus valenciennesi | 1 | |
37439001 | Thyrsites atun | 8 | 4 |
37441001 | Scomber australasicus | 3 | |
37465006 | Nelusetta ayraud | 32 | |
37465007 | Scobinichthys granulatus | 1 | |
37020006 | Squalus megalops | 22 |
Deployment observations.
Cloud cover: | 3/4 |
Current direction: | 160 |
Sea state: | Slight |
Wind direction: | 160 degrees |
Wind force: | Moderate Breeze |